#obey me side characters
obeymematches · 2 days
💔Breaking up💔
here we go ig- i have so many lighthearted requests but i don't feel like that rn so-
It is a mutual decision: Satan, Barbatos, Diavolo
He breaks up with you: Solomon, Simeon, Belphegor
Would only break up if you forced him to: Lucifer, Asmo, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Mammon
Cries for a second chance (genuine): Leviathan, Mammon, Belphegor (make up your mind bitch-)
Can and will stay your friend (though keeps a distance): Diavolo, Beelzebub, Asmo, Solomon, Simeon
Would rather die than stay your friend: Satan, Barbatos, Lucifer
Gets over you in ~3 hours: Solomon, Barbatos, Satan
Takes him about a week or two to not think about you: Diavolo, Simeon, Belphegor, Beelzebub,
Lucifer is somewhere between a week and eternity, I think it would depend on what happened exactly.
Would never really get over: Leviathan, Mammon, Asmo
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rainiishowers · 1 month
Lucifer: *Wears a slightly lighter shade of black*
Asmodeus: I see you're bursting out the spring colors.
Mammon, rolling down the car window: what seems to be the problem, officer?
Cop: get the FUCK out of my car
Luke: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it
Luke: And I started thinking
Luke: Like it was just trying to get food
Luke: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck
Luke: How would I feel
Simeon: Are you okay???
Mammon: You should always say "please" and "thank you".
Baby! Satan, deadpanned: Please shut the fuck up, thank you.
Mammon: Not what I meant, but still progress!
Mammon: *flirts with MC*
MC: *flirts back*
Mammon, internally: i did not plan up to this point. what the fuck do i do now…?
Belphegor: *washing the dishes* Who the fuck used this pan??
Belphegor: Wait. I the fuck used this pan...
MC: It was you the fuck
Satan: Who cooks rice in a pan?
Beelzebub: He the fuck
MC: If I blended Red Bull, five hour energy, monster, coffee, and hot Cheetos into an Energy Smoothie would it kill me?
Solomon: *shrugs* Only if you die young
MC, getting out the blender: You're so smart
Mammon, running into the room: MC STOP-
Satan: I'm gonna open a cat cafe, but I need investors. Here's the plan. The first floor will have normal cats, but as you go up, each floor will have more and more dangerous cats, and at the top floor is me with a gun.
Beelzebub: *is carrying all the groceries*
M: *holds out hand to help*
Beelzebub: *aggressively moves all the groceries to one hand to hold MC’s hand*
Asmo: And once again, Asmo and Solomon save the day.
Barbatos: You didn't do anything. It was all Solomon.
Asmodeus: We're a package deal. Everyone knows that.
Diavolo: Would you kiss me for 1k grimm?
Lucifer: Why?
Diavolo: Just curious
Lucifer, playing along: ..I suppose
Diavolo: [Slams 1k onto the table] would you look at that-
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villianbell · 20 days
Family exercise
The teacher:*hands mc a baby with a dark complexion*
Solomon : you have some explaining to do.
Mc: oh I’m so sorry you had to find out this way! Me and my lawyer Simeon have been having an affair!
Simeon : *holding his and asmo doll* what?!
The teacher: please have your family drama out of my classroom….
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amluuz · 8 months
He's so bbgirl
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I didn't even play the game anymore, but his design it was so WOH😳 that I had to draw it
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voonroo · 7 months
Things They Do As Just "Friends"
Lucifer: Re-reads texts more than he would ever admit.
Mammon: Immediately looking at you after he says something funny to see your reaction.
Leviathan: Finding similar fictional characters who have the same MBTI types as you guys.
Satan: Has unspoken inside jokes with you that nobody else understands. (90% of them are insults for others.)
Asmodeus: Making sure that your appearance is always at its best whenever you're around him.
Beelzebub: Associating random things with you. (Colors, foods, etc.)
Belphgor: Stays up late to talk with you on the phone.
Diavolo: "My home is yours, you're always welcome and safe here."
Barbatos: Knowing your favorite everything and going out of his way to get things for you.
Simeon: Argues with a wall that platonic relationships are a thing. (He doesn't realize that getting you flowers on special occasions is something that mainly couples do.)
Solomon: Being your home away from home.
Word Count: 151
This was mainly set in Nightbringer but could be interpreted for either game.
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so-nightmary-ul · 1 year
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Obey me Nightbringer in nutshell
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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When MC is Quiet in Bed Headcanons | THE DEMON BROTHERS + THE DATEABLES/SIDE CHARACTERS 1.7k words | NSFW | gn!Reader | Smut & Fluff Content warnings: They're all so in love, its cavity-inducing. Suggestive and sexual content, some pet names, teasing/dirty talk, cursing, body worship.
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Lucifer appreciates you exactly for who you are, but he’s the Avatar of Pride for a reason. When he tries to draw more noises from your kiss-swollen lips, he wants to prove to you (and he wants anyone else who might be listening to know) that no one else can ever satisfy you the way he can. By the time he’s finished, all you’ll be able to whisper or moan or feel is him. He can’t be with you every night, but whenever he fucks his fist thinking of you, he comes to the memory of the night you finally cried out his name. 
Asmodeus won’t stop until he knows your body as intimately as his own. When he gives you a massage after a long day, he knows where and how to touch you to draw relieved sighs from you. He knows what temperature to run your bath so you hum with contentment. In the bedroom, your pleasure is his pleasure, and there’s nothing more gratifying than seeing your head thrown back in ecstasy when he finally pulls a sweet moan or whimper from you. Hearing you sing for him, your body and voice together in perfect harmony, makes him even more desperately in love with you.
Belphegor sees your quietness as a challenge. He wants your noises to fill the attic to hide his own desperate, needy sounds. If he notices that you’re trying to be quiet, it only makes him even more determined to see how loud you can be. He wants to hear you beg for him, just to prove that he always gets what he wants - and you’re happy to do that for him, aren’t you? He might tease you about it just to see how you respond—
You’re so desperate for my cock, do you even hear yourself? Fuck, let’s see if you can moan like that again—
But that’s because he wants you to feel as vulnerable as he does.
Diavolo wants to know how well he satisfies you. He wants to erase all your previous lovers and replace them with memories of him and him alone. He wants you to guide him and support him, and love him and accept him for who he is. In return, he’ll be a leader you can be proud of, and a demon you can love wholeheartedly, and the only lover you’ll want beside you or on top of you or inside you. He’s the future demon king that kneels at your feet and worships you with his hands and mouth and cock. The only thing he’ll ever ask is that you never hide how he makes you feel. 
Solomon wants to know you better than anyone else ever will. That means his touches are gentle and exploratory at first, and once he finds something that causes you to moan or whine for more, his smile turns sharp. He does it over and over and over again, so he can see how loud you can be, and how desperate your sounds are, and the types of words you use when you beg him so prettily to let you come. He rewards you for your patience and for being so good for him, and when he fucks you after, you’ll have your chance to learn the desperate noises you drag from him too.
Mephistopheles resisted you for so long, but as much as your human nature irritated him at first, now he’s enamored by it. There’s nothing he wants more than to prove to you that you won’t ever regret choosing him over any of those other demons who pursued you (especially that arrogant bastard Lucifer). Nothing makes him happier (or harder, or hornier) than hearing you whimper his name when you’re caged beneath his arms on his dark, silk sheets. He’ll do anything to hear you say his name like that again (and again and again).
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If Satan is in one of his calm, happy moods, his lovemaking is sweet and quiet and unhurried. He takes his time exploring your body, mapping the smooth expanse of your skin with his hands and mouth. The soft shuffle of sheets and the creak of his bedframe, and perhaps the quietest of sighs, is more than enough to set his nerves alight.
If Satan is channeling his rage into a more pleasurable outlet, then he’s going to be noisier. You might be too, or you might not be - it doesn’t matter. He can tell by the way your thighs shake around his waist, or the way your fingernails scrape his scalp when you pull him down into a frenzied kiss, that he’s giving you something that no one else ever will.
Beelzebub doesn’t care how loud or quiet you are as long as he can have you as much as he wants. There’s an endless hunger for you that churns deep within him. When he covers your body with his and fucks you with slow but powerful movements, his own quiet noises in your ear are barely noticeable over the sound of the headboard banging against the wall or the mattress springs squeaking beneath you. He growls your name into the crook of your neck when he comes, and he’s more focused on the sound of your heartbeat close to his than anything else.
Barbatos is used to being a silent shadow for his young master, and your quiet manners in bed don't disappoint him or surprise him; he can be very much the same. He sighs at your first hesitant touch, and he murmurs loving praise into your ear when he coaxes both of you towards the precipice of pleasure. He appreciates the other ways you respond to his loving caresses. He places more value in your hot breath against his skin when you pant into his shoulder, or your hands scrambling for purchase along his back or in his hair. (Your soft noises also make it easier to get away with scandalous midday dalliances when he feels especially daring.)
Raphael is not loud or boisterous at the best of times, and when he’s making love to you, it’s no different. He drags his mouth along your skin while he moves inside you, and the quiet grunts or moans that slip past his otherwise occupied lips are muffled against you. He likes to feel the vibrations of your shaky breaths and erratic sighs when his body is pressed flush against your own. When he reaches between your bodies and touches you so you both come together, you can sometimes hear the softest whispers as he chants your name under his breath.
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Mammon is greedy for you - all of you. Every breathy moan or broken cry, every whimper or groan you make. The way your body shakes or trembles or moves with him, or for him, he wants it all. It doesn’t matter how loud or quiet you are, because he knows everything you do in his bed (or in the shower, or in his car, or on any other flat surface) is all for him. It also doesn’t matter how loud or quiet you are because he is sinfully loud. The endless stream of sweet praise that he babbles into your skin or the honeyed filth he growls against your ear is enough to drown you out anyway. You quickly learn that all the noises you make are his, just as all the noises he makes are yours.
Leviathan sometimes wishes you were louder in bed because he gets embarrassed by his own needy, desperate noises. It bothers him at first, and his face is flushed red and he’s sweating and trembling beneath your hands, but eventually he's too overcome with desire to care anymore. When you’re in your room, or in his tub, or laid flat on his desk, he babbles about how good you feel and begs you to tell him how much you want him and he’s desperate for you to tell him you’re his and only his. When he’s close, or when he knows you’re close, his breath hitches and he whimpers and whines because you feel so good, it’s too good, please don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop—
Simeon isn’t necessarily loud, but he’s noisy. He whispers your name with such reverence that it takes your breath away, and he praises you so unabashedly that you’d be embarrassed if you weren’t too cock drunk to care. His sweet words are punctuated by the sounds he makes when you feel too good and he can’t form coherent thoughts anymore. He groans his pleasure into your skin and moans into your kisses, and his breath hitches when your hand or mouth or greedy walls clench around him just right. The noises your bodies make are a constant distraction too - the way his hands brush over your skin, the wet glide of his tongue and mouth against yours, and the soft slapping sounds as his hips move faster and with more desperation against your body. When you’re close, the bed creaks louder when your body moves in sync with his, and it spurs him on even more. He thinks all the noises of your lovemaking are just as lovely as the quiet words or gentle moans you do - or don't - make for him. 
Thirteen isn’t quiet. When she’s not cooing about how cute you are trying to fuck yourself on her fingers, or when she’s not murmuring how good you taste on her tongue, she’s constantly in awe of you. She explores your body so eagerly, and she’s always finding new things to love about it. When she does, she tells you with so much giddy excitement how she found another little secret of yours. She finds all your little birthmarks and moles and scars and everything else that makes you unique. She maps them with her hands and her tongue so she never forgets them, and so that you never forget how much she adores them. She finds the oddest ways to compliment you, usually when you’re half-delirious from pleasure. She grins down at you, or smirks up at you, and she says the sweetest things when she knows you’re too tongue-tied to argue with her about it. 
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venusimi · 1 year
MC: God give me patience.
Simeon: I think you mean "God give me strength".
MC, looking at the demon brothers: If God gave me strength everyone would be dead.
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koolades-world · 1 year
Exclusive Mc Privileges: Side Character Edition
I don't know Raphael well enough to include him yet, so I'm sorry about that. To any Raphael fans out there, let me know how I can pay you back. I'm on lesson 41 right now lol
Sitting in his lap during important meetings and playing with his hair
Drawing on his arm and him displaying it proudly no matter what it is
Playing dress up in finery
Shopping sprees!
Becoming his royal hand holder <3
Cheering him on while he's doing paperwork and bringing him treats
Sneaking out together so he can show you his favorite spots in the Devildom
Having sleepovers weekly so he can learn more about "human culture"
Interrupting his castle duties with no consequences
Leaving you love notes for you to find throughout the day
Helping with your homework
Exchanging recipes
Brushing his hair!
Helping cook and getting as many tastes as you want
Freeing all the rats you find in the castle outside for him
Spending all his free time with you
Helping him learn more about computers even if he's asked this question ten times already
Getting best massages in the three realms
Helping him bake
Writing his scripts for him when his hands hurt
Getting to look at old concepts and manuscripts
Being his muse <3
Feeding him snacks
Reorganizing his potions ingredients because it's always a mess
Dancing among the stars together
Attempting to teach him to cook (and failing)
Teaching him how to be hip and cool
Letting you admire his various pact marks and hearing the stories behind each one
Lets you style his hair differently just to see what he would look like
Forgiving you each and every time you set him on fire during lessons
Ruffling his hair
Tucking him into bed at night
Always being the first person to sample his desserts
Sharing concept ideas with you about new dessert ideas
Helping him deal with the brothers and their teasing
Ironing his clothes
Giving him piggy back rides and boosts to higher areas
Doing homework together that he's to afraid to ask a demon for help with
Braiding and styling her hair
Doing her makeup!
Throwing snacks and candy into each other's mouths
Getting sneak peaks into her latest pranks
Taking turns drawing on various sleeping people's faces to see who can do the most without waking them up
Having mini fashion shows that are mostly just her admiring you
Taking lots of pictures on your phone when you're not looking
Kidnapping and having free reign of his cane
Hitting him with the cane (lovingly)
Teasing him about Diavolo and Lucifer
Showing his affection for you in front of the brothers
Adding cute bows to his hair
Looking over drafts for the school paper
Learning how to horseback ride
Squishing his man titties
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museum-of-dreams · 2 months
Remember when Barbatos was mad that Solomon put him 8th on the list?
Well I am reading "The Lesser Key Of Solomon" its about Solomon and more specifically the 72 Demons he commanded, and, fucker is 8th on the list.
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Let me nerd about how cool this book is. It's an anonymously authored "grimoire on sorcery" written in the 17th century using knowledge that was collected for many centuries before. It's all about Solomon and his demons! (It's technically a combo of 5 different books all within the same "series.")
In all honesty, this book is really cool. It shows and talks about the 72 demons, has drawn pictures of each of their seals, and even has their invocations.
This really fuels my Demonology hyperfixation.
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the-panda-queen · 3 months
Dateables and Side Characters Favorite Sleeping Position w/ You
this is part 2, part 1 is the brothers
cw: can be read platonically or romantic (except Luke- strictly platonic), gn reader
Luke: Loves to fall asleep in your lap while you both watch a movie. The second you wrap your arms around him like you're cradling a baby, he will fall asleep. Will adamantly deny it in all days ending in "Y".
Getting up to eat or go to the bathroom isn't much of an issue. He'll weakly wrap his arms around your neck to try and stop you. Again his grip isn't that strong. Carry him to his bed once you're done.
Barbatos: Does he even sleep? /j Not big on cuddling, finds it difficult to slip away in the early morning to do his duties as a loyal butler. Whenever you do sleep over he does enjoy falling asleep holding your hand while facing one another. He'll close his eyes and listen to your relaxed and steady breathing as he drifts off into sleep.
Will defiantly wake up if you leave the bed. Has a tray prepared with all your favorite snacks and will offer to make you a pot of tea. When going to the bathroom he'll give you your space and lay in bed awaiting your return.
Simeon: Loves to fall asleep with his face nestled in your hair and being the big spoon. Will wrap you in his arms and legs to ensure no one can take you from him.
He'll pretend to be asleep if you leave the bed. Once you return he'll still look peaceful and undisturbed. Wrap yourself in his arms again and he'll murmur a sweet "welcome back/ I missed you".
Diavolo: Make this demon prince the little spoon I beg you. Loves to be cuddled. Many don't approach him so casually because of his title so when you wrap him in your arms he melts faster than ice cream in death valley. He'll snuggle deeper into your arms with a smile on his face as he drifts off.
Before laying down he will come into the room with a tray of all your favorite snacks and drinks. He needs you to know that he prepared everything himself. Leave to go to the bathroom and he's wide- eyed and waiting. Feels 10x colder without your presence.
Raphael: Likes when you fall asleep with you head in his lap, he'll stroke your hair/ face while humming a soothing tune. Will sleep sitting up as he feels like he needs to be alert at a moments notice because some demons will try and take kidnap you.
Will feel you stir and get up, if you're going to get a snack he'll accompany you to the kitchen and, "Hey there's some of Solomon's cooking still in the fridge! You can have the first bite." He'll give you your space if you're going to the bathroom.
Thirteen: She loves when you nuzzle into her chest. The feeling of your warm steady breath calms her and lulls her into a blissful sleep. She'll wrap her arms around you, not wanting to let you go.
Good luck leaving her arms, let alone the room. Has tons of traps laid out, some you made together. If you manage to get out, congrats! Beel probably beat you to the kitchen and I'd imagine you're about to explode if you need the bathroom.
Mephisto: Honestly such a soft demon, practically purrs into your arms once alone. Will nuzzle himself into your chest. To keep up his façade of how a noble demon should act he'll make it sound like he's doing you a favor, as you're a precious part in Diavolo's dreams, so obviously this is why he has to cuddle with you to go to sleep. A happy human is good for everyone.
No reason to leave the room for a snack, just ring the little bell on his night stand and a butler or maid demon will be happy to get you anything you need. Has a bathroom connected to his room, hurry back. Would feel like a bad host if he doesn't check on you after a while, will knock on the door if you take too long.
Solomon: Likes when you rest you head on his chest. The fact that you want to be this close to him at all makes his head swirl. He'll wrap one or both his arms around you trying to feel in your heartbeats are in sync with his own.
He doesn't wake up if you need to leave the room, yet subconsciously he'll feel restless and move around on the bed as if searching you you. Once you return he sighs contently and wraps you in his arms once more.
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First meeting
This was meant for Luke bday but I couldn’t finish it in time lol
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devildom-moss · 3 months
Words to melt their hearts
"You’re doing a good job. It’s okay to relax; I’ll be right here the whole time."
"I know I can trust you - just like you can trust me. No matter what, we’ve got each other."
"I like you, and I’ll continue to like you, so you might as well get more comfortable being yourself around me."
"I admire you; you’re always impressing me with your ability to learn and grow. I already knew you were great, though."
"I love being around you. The world feels more beautiful now that you’re in my life - and it’s not just because you’re pretty."
"I can always rely on you when I need you; I want you to rely on me, too."
"You’re not fooling me; you tried really hard this time, didn’t you? I’m so proud of you."
"You made the best decisions with the knowledge you had. You don’t have to carry the burden on your own anymore."
"I feel more at peace when you’re around. You make me trust that everything will work out."
"You don’t have to try so hard to be a part of my life. I’ll fight to keep you around; it won’t just be your effort keeping us together."
"Good luck getting rid of me. We’re stuck with each other, and I’m really happy about that. I want to stay in your life for as long as possible."
"I like talking to you - maybe it’s selfish, but I always feel seen by you. I hope I’m someone whose heart and soul will always look good in your eyes."
"I don’t have any expectations of you - not in a mean way, though. It’s just that you can be whoever you are. I won’t turn away from you."
"I’m glad to know that demons can be so kind-hearted and admirable. You’re proof of that."
Angst version: (Words to break their hearts)
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villianbell · 19 days
Solomon & barbatos in the middle of a conversation*
Solomon: Well, I beg to differ
Barbatos: Then beg
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starry-miki · 6 months
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So I was trying to practice rendering cause I barely have any experience and so here is my attempt of rendering I honestly don’t remember the last time I actually attempted to render, so uhhh I got tired half way a d so some parts may look like crap 🤡
(Nov. 9th)
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onirique-amaranth · 1 year
⎮Feeling you through these walls⎮
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⏤ Characters: Diavolo⎮Barbatos⎮reader (separated)
⏤ Including: nsfw (-17)
⏤ Warnings: bottom/sub characters, top/dom male amab reader, use of fleshlight, dub-con in Diavolo's part
⏤ Summary: After being 'offered' a fleshlight, you did not expect to enjoy that overly pleasurable and realistic toy to this extent.
⏤ 2.600 words
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Part 2: Diavolo & Barbatos
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✧ From what most people saw, Diavolo is a serious and busy man, rarely being seen outside the Demon Lord's Castle. As someone being close to him, you knew he never had the time to take care of himself or have some time alone.
✧ Sometimes, you would pretend an important matter just to have a meeting with him, and relax together. At first, you were just sitting in silence and not doing anything, but after a while, you both got more comfortable. Diavolo would doze off on your lap, letting you touch his hair or wings, it became one of his only moments of rest.
✧ You were someone he trusts, but also someone he grew interested in. Diavolo would excitedly wait for any new meeting with you, becoming annoyed or tensed when it started to take too many days. And now, it has been two weeks since you last contacted him, and the Future King was growing fidgety.
✧ On your side, you were not avoiding him because you wanted to, but you were getting too attached to Diavolo and did not want to cross the line. Unholy thoughts and urges were taking over your rational mind, and being near him would only make you go insane.
✧ Out of desperation, you went to buy something in a sex shop to get over this problem. Except that you may have forgotten to read everything written on the box, and earned yourself a good surprise.
✧ As you used the fleshlight innocently, oblivious to the effect it could have on someone else, you don't question the strange feeling overpowering your mind. The pleasure crushes anything else inside you, any rational thoughts reduced to ashes as your delusions became your only reason to still be conscious.
✧ Your pace was powerful and unforgiving, almost violent, trying to extract every last drop of your sin. Everything was blurry around you, colours mixing in a chaotic mess, light burning your eyes as you closed them and got lost. Such pleasure was out of this world.
✧ And on his side, Diavolo was certainly not expecting the surge of pleasure, piercing through his body. The sudden feeling of something entering him from behind was absolutely insane… Who in their right mind would do this to the Future King of the Devildom?
✧ For an instant, he thought he may have imagined it as he checked if he did not sit on something strange. But unfortunately, it was not the case, as someone was really fucking him right now, while he was in the middle of working.
✧ It felt nice, he could not deny it, but he didn't want to feel that way. For a long while, he has been aware of his attraction towards you, so someone else touching him was not as interesting or entertaining. Closing his eyes, he imagined you and no one else, uncaring if the person on the other side was into him.
✧ Barely able to focus on what he was doing, Diavolo suddenly felt a wave of heat coming from the magical object that the other person was using. Diavolo was able to guess what it was about since he overheard a few lower demons talk about this toy once, praising its effectiveness.
✧ One particularity of this magical object was that it was not a one-sided link, even if the attraction was one-sided, the other could still feel it. Another amusing thing was that if the other person was always attracted to them, the pleasure could be multiplied by two.
✧ At the same moment, he understood what it meant when the pleasure spiked up, the link was created and the pleasure followed accordingly.
✧ Diavolo was attracted to only one, which could only mean one thing… It was you.
✧ After the truth hit him, he started to enjoy himself even more. While keeping his composure, he sat down more relaxedly, spreading his legs and bashing in the attention. He knew Barbatos would come to check on him soon, so he kept the noises in, remaining serious and fake focused.
✧ After his loyal butler left, his mind stopped functioning, as he whined under his breath, pushing his fingers into his mouth to muffle them. His legs shook violently as he felt his core tighten, his stomach burning, his hole clenching around nothing while inhaling sharply.
✧ Diavolo came embarrassingly fast, biting onto his hand to silence himself, definitely not wanting Barbatos to hear him. His eyes rolled back, a single tear rolling down his cheek as he painted the inside of his pants white.
✧ Calming down, he only thought about one thing… you. Diavolo needed to see you, soon.
✧ The next day, he was on his way to the House of Lamentation, desperate to have a word with you. Yet, it was not noticeable on his face, he couldn't let himself show how much he was missing you. Lucifer opened the door for him, and he tried to cut the polite small talk short, not wishing to waste more time.
✧ As he went to the first floor, he caught you discussing with Asmodeus, which seemed entertained and could not stop giggling. Diavolo listened amused as you externalized your amazement for the recent toy you bought in a dubious sex shop.
✧ Both of you froze when you heard someone clearing their throat, turning to see a serious Diavolo. Asmodeus flew away as fast as he could, sensing the tension between you two. And even though he was curious, he wasn't ready to die yet or piss off Diavolo, which seemed rather possessive around you.
✧ Embarrassed by his strong gaze, you tried to leave quickly, apologizing for being in his way but Diavolo stopped you. Ordering you to stay here as he had to talk with you, urgently.
✧ You thought you were in huge trouble until he murmured in your ear that you should check what you buy exactly, and the details about it. In a low and deep voice, he told you that the item you bought was enchanted, and was created to perceive the user's feelings, creating a link between the person they fantasize about and the object.
✧ The message was explicit, and you got it immediately, not knowing if you were going to be scolded or if he was just telling you. Your question was answered just after, as he smirked at you and told you that he had nothing urgent to do for the next few hours. Seeing your doubt, he said he dismissed Barabtos for the afternoon and the poor butler needed a break anyway.
✧ Without wasting a second, his arm was wrapped around your waist, and he led you away. When Lucifer asked what was happening, he mentioned that he had unfinished business with you and had to bring you back to the Demon Lord's Castle for the rest of the day, explaining that you will stay there the same night.
✧ To say you were exhausted and almost did not sleep was an understatement, your body was aching, and your energy has been drained out of you. Diavolo acted as if nothing happened, but his legs were shaking as he walked, he almost gasped when he saw down on a chair, and his back was screaming for help.
✧ You ended up spending the next few nights there, ignoring the brothers' complaints.
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✧ You and Barbatos were not in a relationship, but you were close enough to share some intimate touches and thoughts. As a well-known sorcerer in the Devildom, it was not rare for you to visit Diavolo, and you ended up getting closer to Barbatos at the same time.
✧ After a good evening spent with Diavolo, drinking and partying, you had no idea how it happened, but you woke up next to Barbatos. Since then, your relationship has been more intimate, but both of you never bothered to find a label.
✧ One thing was sure, Barbatos' duties towards Diavolo would always come first despite your closeness. But it may happen sometimes that he would push his duties to the side to have some fun, at least if it did not impact his work or responsibilities.
✧ Barbatos tend to not take care of his needs, but after that night with you, he couldn't help but be more needy and frustrated than usual. That led to him trying to finish his work faster to see you, but it was almost impossible, so he found another option.
✧ On a calm afternoon, sitting in the garden of the Demon Lord's Castle and enjoying the perfect tea that Barbatos would prepare, the butler surprised you before you left. He did not say much, only gave you a bag and asked you to use the item inside the same evening after 9pm.
✧ You didn't expect to find a champagne-pink fleshlight, covered in magical seals and marks you could not recognize. On a small piece of paper, was written who could use this item and who could feel it, with a seal covering the back. Barbatos' name was already scribbled onto it, so you added yours, and the paper burned, reduced to ashes within seconds.
✧ A small noise was heard, and you watched with wide eyes as the inside of the fleshlight changed, the whole colour of the item changing to a light tone. You had no idea how advanced was this thing, but you were extremely curious to learn how reactive and useful it was.
✧ Glancing at the clock, it was already 9:30, so you guessed that you could test it now. You wondered if it was really working, but you'll get your answer the next day since you needed to review some details about the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
✧ Without wasting a second, you grabbed a lube and almost delicately squirted it inside the toy, humming in amusement as the inside closed, swallowing the fluid. Knowing the demons of the Devildom, and especially demons of lust, you knew preparation with this kind of item was not needed, as you put it to great use immediately.
✧ Meanwhile, Barbatos was serving dinner for Diavolo when he felt it, the fluid sliding inside his hole, cold and thick. A shiver went up his spine, but he had to hide it from Diavolo, he could not let him see his reactions to such an act.
✧ He knew he gave you a certain time, but he didn't expect you to be so enthusiastic, and jump to it immediately. Within the future that he saw, it was the less probable one, and yet, here he would be fucked soon and just in front of the man he was serving.
✧ His grip tightened on the plates, making sure to not drop any as he felt something thick inside of him, slowly loosening him and pushing past the resistance. A moan almost sneaked through his lips when he felt your tip graze that spot, rubbing against it teasingly.
✧ For a second, he prayed that Diavolo would let him go fairly rapidly, so he could take care of that aching need growing inside his pants. How many times did you make him do impossible things for a demon… it was starting to get annoying. You made him pray, also hope Diavolo would give him a break, space out while working, just like he was doing just now.
✧ Feeling Diavolo's gaze on him, he acted as if nothing happened, hoping the way his cheeks were heating up was not too visible. Barbatos didn't miss the amused smirk Diavolo sent him before dismissing him, telling him that he could take his evening, while oh-so-close to laughing as he did.
✧ He left slowly, trying to not make him more humiliated than he already was, shuddering as he felt you move. As you went slowly, he was so thankful that you gave him time to adjust to the sensation, and possibly isolate himself before picking up the pace.
✧ In the middle of a corridor, only a few steps away from his room, he felt you slam back into him with so much force he had to lean against the wall. Panting, each step Barbatos took was more difficult than the other, he was suffocating in the intense pleasure and how quick his orgasm was coming.
✧ Now rushing to his room, he slammed the door and sat on the ground, forgetting every manner. He didn't even undress the slightest before starting to jerk off, throwing his head back with a loud bang. Swearing and cursing himself for not buying this item before, his grip tightened around his dick, moans turning into whines as he felt precum coat his fingers.
✧ His heart was beating wildly in his chest, so strongly he thought it wanted to jump out and escape. Minutes flew by, and he lost track of time, not knowing for how long he has been here or how many times he came. His hand was drenched, the front of his pants was ruined, his usual clean and serious demeanour was ravaged.
✧ Barbatos was a mess.
✧ Completely lost in the pleasure, he did not feel the power surging through his veins, hands glowing as a portal appeared in front of him.
✧ As your thrusts got messier, lube and precum getting fucked out of the fleshlight, your mind became blank. In the dark of your room, you suddenly saw a bright light, and you disappeared within it.
✧ That's how you found yourself on a bed, Barbatos' bed, naked and still using the toy he gave you. You froze on the spot, staring at a blushing and oh-so-close Barbatos, who certainly did not expect to have made you come here.
✧ There was a moment of silence, none of you moved, both from embarrassment while your lower stomach was still burning in desire. It took you by surprise, and you had no idea what you were supposed to do, so you take off the fleshlight. Barbatos whined loudly and glared at you, waves of frustration radiating out of him.
→ “Fucking stay inside.”
✧ The way Barbatos gasped when you slid back in was especially sinful, and how the fake walls tightened around you was vicious and outrageous. You stared at each other with wide eyes, and slowly, you drew back before plunging back in, watching as Barbatos' back arched with a loud moan.
✧ Before you could comprehend his movement, he was in front of you and holding your face, kissing you messily. He ordered you to move, holding the fleshlight for you while you thrusted up, driving Barbatos insane. While being fucked open, he had to focus on holding the item right, so you could hit the most perfect spot, sometimes changing the angle just to test how it would feel.
✧ You don't know how long it lasted, nor how many times both of you came, your brain stopped functioning after the second orgasm. The only thing that you remembered was the pleasure paralysing your members, the glint of lust and craziness in Barbatos' eyes as he kissed you.
✧ With a smirk, he murmured into your ear that he will join you in a few minutes. And before you could understand, a light blinded you, and you were back in your room in the Cocytus Hall.
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⏤ Thank you for reading! I wish you a great day.
⏤ here is my masterlist & ko-fi ⏤
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