I laughed so fucking hard at this
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number one at medical malpractice
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You know, relative to its size, the barnacle has the largest penis of any animal.
HOUSE MD | 2.17 'ALL IN'
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The Outrun (2024)
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i need you to tell me that you love me
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Some chickens I painted last night 🐓
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Debra Spence — Lucky Spoons  (pastel pencils on pastlemat, 2022)
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I love old man yaoi
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Val Kilmer as Ray Levoi and Graham Greene as Walter Crow Horse
Thunderheart (1992)
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If you knew everything I did for him… all I sacrificed to give this kid a life. BARRY (2018 - )
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fire hazard
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i mean, there’s typecasting
and then there’s playing a version of cinderella’s stepsister four times
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s5 methadone arc annoys me so much because there was so much potential for it yet it only lasted a single episode. it would have been well worth exploring- house walking the line of being pain free but also risking his life with a dangerous drug. everyone else worried sick for him while he's literally thriving and in a fantastic mood. then eventually, he'd begin to struggle; he couldn't drink alcohol on methadone, and we know how much he depends on booze. I don't think that dependency would go away even if he wasn't in pain. and being kept on such a short leash, having cuddy monitor him, it would eventually get to him. it's house, he doesn't do well with taking orders. and only after all that, maybe he'd make a mistake with a patient, or something else would drive him back to alcohol and vicodin.
it was bullshit that he gave it up bc he thought his good mood made him a worse doctor, because he had no such worries when he was pain free after the ketamine. not for a second did he feel like he was worse at his job because he wasn't miserable. him giving up so easily and so quickly simply makes no sense, even if I do believe that eventually, house would have gone back to his old ways, like he always does. I'm just mad he did it for a stupid excuse and we missed out on an interesting exploration of House's relationship with substance abuse.
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Now I finally know why they were made for each other, because they're both idiots
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i included this scene because it’s an amazing instance of the core idea of the show, words versus actions, “everybody lies” versus “truth begins in lies”, the lines of the theme song itself, “love, love is a verb, love is a doing word”. house repeats the idea that everybody lies and that words are meaningless, because they are to him! what he says isn’t reflective of any truth, only his fears and deflections, whereas his actions are constantly contradicting what he says.
it's insane to really think about the way house believes wilson and cuddy view him, the way he talks about the way THEY talk about him. he says something along the lines of "the house problem", thinking that’s all they view him as. he believes that they believe he's incapable of functioning in a stable and healthy way; house essentially believes that he burdens wilson and cuddy. and how dehumanizing must that be?
i feel like we can tie this back to that one scene in season three, wilson’s "i was afraid your wings would melt" and house’s "god doesn't limp". house's self-perception is so… interesting to me. but that scene right there, that confirms to me that house is wrong! his beliefs are just fears! wilson is comparing house to icarus, which is so humanizing in a way. the fact that, in this instance wilson is implying that house is destined for a fate in which his pride overcomes him, in which house believes he may reach divinity, yet house objects this idea by implying that he himself never believed he could reach this divinity in the first place. he believes that, at the end of the day, he is too impure, too flawed, too broken to be anything amazing, let alone human; oftentimes, house implies that he views himself as subhuman. but there’s more to the comparison than wilson and house’s conflicting views of house himself. if house is icarus, to wilson, then who is daedalus, other than wilson himself? who is the one that watches this fallout, who is the one that helped craft the very thing that caused this death, other than wilson himself?
sure, i believe that we can all agree that cuddy enables house to a certain degree. but she does it without having a dependency on house, unlike wilson. while cuddy can draw the line, she can leave it all behind to do what she believes is best for herself and her family, wilson is stuck where he is. wilson enables house because their relationship is dependent on this back and forth between house and wilson, the idea that they themselves discuss, where wilson feeds upon neediness and house is a beacon of neediness himself.
wilson is the one that is always there for house, he is the one that dealt with house after his leg surgery and his breakup with stacy, he was the one that was there for house before and after mayfield, and house ends up reversing this and being the only one for wilson when he's dying of cancer in the end.
and to bring back the theme song, as i mentioned earlier, "love, love is a verb, love is a doing word" as well as house' s infamous quote, "everybody lies". these two go hand in hand in my opinion. wilson tells house that he's leaving him, leaving the hospital itself, after amber’s death, yet he returns just a few episodes later, being there for house when house’s father dies, even though house wasn’t really there for wilson the way wilson wanted him to be after amber died. house can't tell wilson he loves him when wilson asks house to say it, he blatantly refuses to say it, but he fakes his death to make sure wilson gets to fully live his last five months, a proclamation of love more meaningful and powerful than the words themselves.
people's words are deceiving, and only in their actions may one find wholehearted truth (“truth begins in lies”, a quote heard in the very first episode not long after “everybody lies”). that is what this show is about; that is what house himself represents.
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house in season 8 truly uses every single opportunity to float the idea of him and wilson having sex. he’s just constantly in “haha jk…unless?” mode
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