human-encounters-diary · 10 months
Day 15
We are set to arrive on Fendaar in two cycles. As we are currently stuck on the SIIR Noxos, I have concluded that the passages of time that I am free of duties would be best spent continuing to observe the human. The human, on the other hand, seemed to have different plans in that matter, as it took me an unusually long amount of time to locate her.
As I eventually found her, she seemed to be working on one of the control panels in the main control room, so I may excuse her absence with duties she had to attend to. As she saw me, although, she seemed rather…excited (this is obviously mere speculation, as the study of the Terran so far has provided far too little evidence to prove such theories)?
As she rolled out from under the control board and sighted me, her face once again split into a wide opening revealing her horrifying amount of teeth.
"Hey! Dude!", she said, raising to her full height and stepping towards me, still baring her teeth, although I did not recoil, as I did not want to seem impolite. She raised her arms, each pointing into a different direction, away from their connection to the human's body.
"Human Quinn. How are you?"
"Me? I‘m fine, the whole 'wandering around in space' thing just made me throw up, I honestly don‘t know why they insisted on keeping me there for two whole days."
The ends of her fingers, studded with claw-like (rather short and rounded instead of sharp, perhaps they were not meant to function as claws at all, or perhaps the beings on Terra were far different from what I knew, and therefore a shape like this was far more useful to hunt) protuberances, scraped over the back of the connection between her head and her upper body. If I interpreted her facial expression correctly, she seemed to be thinking.
"Maybe I got a light concussion too, I’m not entirely sure. But it's improbable, because I’m fine now."
I decided to focus on one piece of information at a time. "Well, this "throwing up" can certainly not be a healthy nor normal process, otherwise, it would not seem so violently painful and involuntary, would it?"
"Well it‘s not…unnatural, it‘s just something that can happen. And about health, it‘s not unhealthy, it usually helps us to get rid of stuff that is bad for our bodies!", she eludicated, moving one of her arms in a rather random manner.
"The scientists have concluded that this fluid is highly acidic. If this 'stuff' is so harmful to you, wouldn‘t it just dissolve in this fluid before being able to cause any further harm?"
Quinn seemed to think about that. 
"Well, just because it gets dissolved, doesn‘t mean it‘s gone, you know? It's still in our bodies, and we have to get rid of it somehow. And if it needs to be fast, we throw up. Honestly, I‘d definitely explain this further to you, but Biology‘s never really been my strongest subject, ya know what I mean?"
I did not, in fact, know what she meant, but I decided against questioning her further.
After a pause the Terran spoke up again: "So, this planet we're landing on..." "Fendaar.", I clarified. "Right. So, this planet that we‘re going to, it‘s a desert, right?" "That is correct." "So, is it a sand, an ice or, I guess you could also count rock desert? 'Cuz on my planet, we‘ve got all of those types."
"Fendaar‘s ecosystem is mostly made up out of sandlike landscapes with rather scarce vegetation and biodiversity. Most of the planets in system 36-54 have rather extreme temperature ranges, and Fendaar is no exception.", I eludicated.
"Alright, cool.", she spoke, rolling back under the underside of the control panel she had been working on previously. She seemed to be sitting, or rather lying, on a piece of metal with four small wheels attached to it, allowing her to move it around.
"Your planet.", I initiated. 
"Yeah?", she responded, while continuing her work on the wiring.
"Am I assuming correctly that your planet has a far bigger biodiversity?"
"Oh, yeah.", there was a small spring in her voice, as if she had let out air in the middle of speaking. "Big biodiversity. We‘ve got deserts and rainforests, coral reefs and permafrost - although perhaps not for that long anymore - mountain ranges and all that stuff."
"Interesting.", I supplied, for lack of a better response. If Terra had such differences in temperature and landscapes, it was a logical conclusion that the humans had evolved to survive under such circumstances.
It was unusually quiet for some time. That was, until Quinn rolled out from the underside of the control panels.
"Alright, I‘m done." She took a deep breath before opening her mouth once again. Then, all of a sudden, the muscles of her face started contracting as if she was plagued by an invisible pain. Her eyes squeezed shut and she let out horrifying noise, holding an arm angled in front of her nose and mouth. The noise itself was not particularly loud or long, but I recoiled either way, as a measure of safety. I could not be certain if this gesture was meant to harm me, after all.
Quinn‘s arm sank down again as her other hand rubbed at her nose. She huffed, a sound far less threatening than the one she had produced a moment ago. One of the hair patches above her visual organs raised itself, prompting the question to arise if human hair was controlled by muscles or if it had a mind of its own, although this was a question that could be further investigated later. One of the corners of her mouth raised, revealing the seemingly sharpest teeth in her mouth.
"I guess dust is an inter-galactic thing, huh?"
I did not respond. Her face muscles contracted, causing the skin above her visual organs to crease.
"Hey, you okay? You‘re looking a little spooked over there."
"Human, I do not wish to cause you discomfort, but, if I may ask, what was the purpose of the noise you just uttered?"
She did not respond for a moment, blinking with both of her eyes as she stared at me. It was quite unsettling, considering her previous explanation, that most humans preferred not being stared at. 
"I…sneezed?" The creases in the skin above her eyes deepened.
My front pliers uttered another rattling sound. "What is this 'sneezing'? What purpose does it serve?" I admit, I was quite curious. Terrans seemed much more complex than I had previously assumed.
She paused, seemingly to think of an answer. "Well, it‘s like…if something is bothering us at or in out nose, like dust, for example, it‘s kind of the natural response to that. To keep things out of our bodies that don‘t belong there."
"Human bodies seem to require a lot of defense mechanisms.", I commented.
She raised and lowered the connection of her arms to her upper body, baring her teeth once again while raising herself to her full height, using one of her arms as support.
"Y’know, it’s surprisingly hard to explain something you’re so used to to someone who’s never heard of it. I guess I still have to work on the whole 'awareness that I‘m around aliens' thing. S‘ kind of surreal."
She patted off her clothing, as if to remove non-existent filth once again. I had noticed the past few cycles that most of her clothing seemed to consist of several, usually differently-coloured, pieces of fabric. 
Her clothes usually covered her body from the connection between her arms and torso to the connection between her legs and, presumably, her feet. Her feet were usually also covered, although I could not determine the purpose it was supposed to serve in the environment we are currently in, although the theory that the conditions on Earth are vastly different compared to the ones on the SIIR Noxos is gaining more probability, based on the Terran's narrations.
The human seemed to evaluate a question she wanted to ask (this is, of course, a mere speculation based on previous observations: her face muscles were contracted to form a crease over her visual organs, which could so far most likely be interpreted as confusion, thoughtfulness or discomfort; her head was both slightly raised and tilted to one side at the same time, a gesture that was most likely supposed to convey an ongoing thought process).
Although, before she could utter a noise, V-7 informed us of a request from the Vitrichl to gather for a matter of importance.
The purpose of his summoning was to divide the crew into several smaller groups that were to be assigned with different tasks to fulfill once we sucessfully landed on Fendaar.
I was grouped with the Terran, which was unsurprising, as well as Tkzt, a member of the species that is widely known across the galaxies as Ctzas (it is to note that the Ctzas have not evolved any form of written language and communicate exclusively through clicking and chittering sounds. The written forms of, for example, names of this species, are written by other species to produce approximately the same sound as the Ctzas make when recited verbally).
Tkzt, as a member of the unit controlling supply chains and keeping a list of the stock of the SIIR Noxos, would make a helpful addition in our task of seeking out the nearest settlement in order to stock up on supplies.
After all matters of importance were settled, the crew dissipated, continuing their respective tasks. The Terran was ordered to stay and to assist the Vitrichl in another matter, which is the reason I did not cross paths with the human again for the rest of this cycle.
Despite this, I am positive that accompanying the human on an foreign planet will give me a further insight into the species' mannerisms and interaction manners with foreign species, which will prove to be helpful further on in studying the human.
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philosophybits · 6 days
A man, considered in isolation, only has duties, amongst which are certain duties towards himself. [...] A man left alone in the universe would have no rights whatever, but he would have obligations.
Simone Weil, The Need for Roots
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stoicmike · 6 months
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Waking up is like passing through a doorway between the world of infinite possibilities and the world of infinite duties. -- Michael Lipsey
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stanford-photography · 4 months
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The End of the Day By Jeff Stanford, 2024 Buy prints at: https://jeff-stanford.pixels.com/
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duplicitywrites · 4 months
I wanna know all about Harryverse 💞
harryverse can be my nightmare (having to write a dozen characters with the same fucking name) or your daydream (harrycest orgy).
i only have vague snippet drafts of this at the moment, so we'll see where it goes...
it will be a harry pov, with another harry showing him around the giant harry-filled manor 😎⚡ i'll include this bit that has a tom because we all love him too!
There are two Harrys, one older and one younger. There is also an even smaller boy you don’t recognize. He and the younger Harry are sitting on opposite ends of a giant marble bathtub while the older Harry scrubs shampoo into the little boy’s scalp.
“This is the newest one,” your Harry says, gesturing at you.
“Hello,” says the younger Harry, waving.
“Say hello, Tom,” says the older Harry, squeezing down on Tom’s shoulder.
The boy—Tom—fixes you with a dull, dead-eyed stare that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
“Fine, be that way.” The older Harry taps Tom on the nose. “Rinse.”
Tom closes his eyes and obediently sinks down to have the bubbles washed out of his hair. You briefly catch the smug look on his face as he disappears into the water.
“He’s spoiled,” your Harry says with a snort. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room now.”
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doshi-sukiru · 1 year
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"I DID NOT CHOOSE THIS LIFE!" Macaque screamed at Wukong. 
 "We are not the same, and WE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME EVER!"
So someone got bored- 
Is this lore? 
Maybe, maybe not...~
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happywebdesign · 2 months
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feltcaverns · 2 months
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feminineenergylife · 2 months
Funny how men will want you to go 50/50 on their responsibilities, but don't offer to do 50% of the housework, chores, cooking & childcare.
And the worst part is women fall for it 🤦
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
International Taxes
Ko-Fi prompt from Ethan:
All I know about tariffs is that they're special taxes for international trade but people talk about them all the time. Please help explain
So we are going to talk about three things here:
I'll be using the US for most of my examples, because that's what I know best... and also because it's a very convenient example for the way VAT works on an international level.
You are correct that tariffs are special taxes for international trade. These are essentially fees that are applied to products being shipped in and out of a country in order to promote domestic product or impact a foreign one.
A common example is US steel. The United States has a fairly robust steel industry, and the government promotes that industry domestically by applying tariffs to imports. Back in 2018, Trump imposed a 25% tariff on steel imports and 10% on aluminum (something that the WTO said was illegal, but that's not relevant right now). The steel tariff had previously been a range of 8-30%, implemented by Bush in 2002. Prior to that, the steel tariff had generally been under 1%.
In applying that tariff, the federal government prioritized domestic purchasing. If domestic product is nominally $90 for one unit, and foreign product is $80, then it is cheaper and more appealing to buy from a foreign producer. With a 25% tariff, the foreign product is now functionally $100 per unit, making it more appealing to buy domestically. While the actual cost of the tax is born by the producing country, in the case of import tariffs, the result is the raising of costs when selling internationally.
Tariffs are also applied to specific countries. Once again using a Trump example, a $50 billion tariff was applied against China in 2018. This had negative impacts on the economy, as it led to worries of a trade war; China did retaliate by applying tariffs directly to specific products from the US, including wine and pork.
High tariffs theoretically lead to an increase in domestic trade, but they also lead to higher rates of smuggling. They are also a form protectionist policy, which was at its height in the 19th century for the US.
VAT - Value Added Tax
If you look up VAT, you get a lot of explanations that talk about how it is a tax that is levied against the consumer on the basis of the cumulative value of the product, and generally things are confusingly worded, so I'll save you some time:
It's sales tax.
If you are American like me, that's all it is. It's a different name for sales tax.
You get something for $8 at the store, but the final cost is $8.42? Those 42 cents are the VAT.
What does that have to do with international trade? Isn't that a domestic thing?
Well, yes and no. We'll start by comparing the US to most European countries.
See, the US has a different application of VAT than a lot of other places. In the US, sales tax is added at the very end of a purchase for the vast majority of places. This is because there is no federal sales tax. Instead, taxes are set by the state, county, and city governments. Take a look at this map of New York, and you'll see how much sales tax varies by just a few miles.
Given how much a pricing can vary from one town to the next, large corporations generate a greater profit by listing prices in their pre-tax form, and then adding that tax at the end. The consumer knows that there will be a higher price at the counter than is listed, because the standard in the US is to not include that tax. So your Arizona Iced Tea will be a $1 in Portland and $1 in Queens County, matching that promise on the can... but you'll still be paying $1 in Portland and $1.09 in Queens, because only one of those areas has sales tax, despite both being in the same country.
This works out for the retailer, because the consumer does not blame them for raising prices across county lines, if there is a sales tax hike. The thought of "it's cheaper ten miles down the road, I'll get to it later," followed by never getting to it and thus never making a purchase, is rarer, because the listed price is still the same. It also means having to print or design fewer price tags; imagine having to manually change every price in a supermarket magazine! Every coupon needs to have its price changed by a few cents, to account for tax!
...or you can just print the same magazine with the same prices and write "plus tax" after the listed cost.
All this to say, Americans are used to adding sales tax at the end, and knowing that the price they see is not the price they'll pay.
Other countries Do Not Do This.
I mean, some do. But we're talking about the ones that don't, which includes the entirety of the EU, India, some of Japan, and the country I actually have extensive experience with: Serbia.
I am currently in Serbia, which means I'm in a country with a sales tax/VAT that is higher than I'm used to (20% on most goods, 8% on essentials). In every store I've been to, the tax is included in the listed price. If it says 87 rsd on a carton of milk, I will be paying 87 rsd at checkout. The baseline price is 80 rsd, and then there's the 8% tax, and the final price is 86.4, which gets rounded up to the 87 that is listed on the tag.
If you aren't accustomed to thinking about VAT like in the US, online shopping can be... a trial.
If I purchase something from, say, Canada, and have it mailed to the US, I am given the sales tax as part of the purchasing process. It will format the receipt as the product plus sales tax. This is familiar to me.
To someone from the EU who does not purchase internationally (specifically from the US, Canada, or other countries that don't include sales tax in the sticker price), this tax can often come as a surprise.
And, finally, in some cases... the will be paid at the very end, at the point of pickup, along with customs. I recently purchased something from an English creator that was manufactured in Germany and then shipped to Serbia. I anticipated that I had paid the VAT for Serbia when purchasing the product. It was instead added at the point of purchase, as Serbia is neither in the EU nor in a trade agreement with the relevant countries that would allow for me to pay the VAT online, I had to pay the 20% in addition to customs when picking up the package from the postal office.
Despite not being a tariff or customs/duty payment, VAT can have a direct impact on international purchasing.
Customs and duties are taxes applied to products based on those product characteristics.
There is overlap with tariffs. As a consumer, you are... not going to be very affected by the difference between customs and tariffs.
Customs are like VAT, in that they are paid by the consumer rather than by the manufacturer.
You can think of tariffs as a fee that a manufacturer pays to sell something internationally (though that cost is often passed on to the consumer), and customs as a fee paid by a consumer to receive that good.
Hope this helps!
(And if anyone here is more familiar with the subject than I am, please feel free to add on or correct me! I'm generally pretty good about international policy, but I'm not an expert, and this subject can be a complicated one.)
(Prompt me on ko-fi!)
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I think you'd like this story: "Birches " by ika_1111 on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/365477365?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=ika_1111
A short story...hope you like it! :))
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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government is broadening its pushback against the latest U.S. decision to keep imposing duties on Canadian softwood lumber.
Trade Minister Mary Ng says Canada is launching challenges under the North American free-trade deal as well as before the U.S. Court of International Trade.
Nine days ago, Ottawa sought a judicial review of last month's Treasury Department assessment of the levies, which provided modest relief but maintained the combined duty rate at 7.99 per cent.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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poligraf · 9 days
All the beings that surround us have only one law and follow it in peace. Man alone has two laws, and both of them attracting him at the same time in contrary senses, he experiences an inexplicable tearing. He has a moral end towards which he feels himself obliged to proceed, he has a feeling of his duties and the consciousness of virtue; but an enemy force entices him and, blushing, he follows it.
— Joseph de Maistre
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aikoiya · 11 months
LoZ: Wild - The Bandit King's Bride
Warnings: Rape/noncon, then dubcon, Stockholm syndrome, & tragic ending.
Also, something important I think should be put forth here. Link & Lara are Monozygotic twins. See, there'd been a copying glitch in the formation of a male zygote making it XXY. So, when the zygotic split took place, it resulted in a male twin with XY & a female twin with XX.
This makes them one of very, very few examples of identical twins of the opposite sex at birth. Evidently, it's a one in 1,000 chance, but then again, what were the odds of them being the legendary hero reborn?
We start off in a pre-Calamity BotW setting, only there is no Calamity.
It’s Ganondorf & he has an army of monsters, the Yiga, & the Gerudo all following him. He was raised by the twinrova in a wasteland beyond the Gerudo Desert. It’s a lot like the Pride Lands during Scar’s reign.
As per the theory of Centennial Kings & TotK, this Ganondorf is the 4th Ganondorf since Demise's… demise.
Link is born with a twin sister named Lara (it’s Linkle, I just don’t like the name used in Hyrule Warriors), meanwhile Sidon & Mipha hatched at the same time too. Riju hasn't been born yet, but will be Urbosa’s daughter & Yunobo is Daruk’s son. Revali & Teba are not related, but they are friends & rivals who agreed to face each other on the battlefield to settle who is the best Rito Warrior. Tulin is also way to young to be in the tournament.
Like in OoT, Ganon is attempting to take over all Hyrule by military means.
Lara & Link are basically evenly matched, but in different sets. Link is more skilled with a sword & like most men, is physically stronger & faster with longer limbs, more muscle, & more stamina, while Lara is better with bows & magic & is more agile, flexible, dexterous, & has a far quicker reaction time with a much higher pain tolerance. This doesn’t mean that she isn’t skilled with a sword too though.
Her magic is also more based on old-school, mystical magic rather than the magic through a scientific lense sort of magic that the Sheikah seem to have taken to recently.
Anyway, there is no war at the beginning or Calamity & Ganon starts off as the King of the Gerudo as always. It’s only later that they divide. Hyrule is giving Ganon the benefit of the doubt as he is literally only the 4th Evil King Ganon, thus no one realizes that there's a pattern yet & the fact of the matter is that each Ganondorf was 2-10,000 years apart. So little memory was left of those times.
Obviously, they shouldn’t trust him, but what can you do?
The Gerudo were cursed millions of years ago to only ever have a single male every 100 years, the Centennial Kings of the Desert. You see, the Gerudo of the time had invaded Hyrule & put the kingdoms under siege. The Hylians of the time prayed to the trifurcated goddesses to save them. In response, the goddesses placed a curse on the Gerudo, killing off every male, including the king, thereby cutting their armies in half & cutting the head off the serpent per se, thus giving Hyrule the edge they needed to regroup & win.
However, there was a prophecy given to the Gerudo by their Goddess of the Sand, saying that if a Centennial King were to take a Hylian or Sheikah Heroine blessed by the 3 Goddesses as his bride, that she could bare him Voe, thus breaking the curse on the Gerudo forever. The prophecy calls her the Bride of Kings & compares her to a Gerudo Vai in Hyrulean skin; a true warrior & a worthy queen. The strongest woman in either Hyrule or the Gerudo Desert.
As such, there is a lot of pressure on Ganon to find that bride & make her his queen. However, despite having a real & important goal for the legitimate sake of his people, he’s also still the Evil King & wishes to rule Hyrule. (Though we have no effing idea why beyond spite, greed, & the combined influences of his adopted mothers & Demise's hatred.)
Anyway, there is a tournament going on to determine the greatest warrior in all of Hyrule. Anyone can join, Hylian, human, Sheikah, Zora, Goron, Gerudo, Rito, Yeti, male or female. (The Yeti are considered Hyruleans here too, not having gone extinct, & have their own society up in Hebra with the Rito & Hebra humans. There are also still humans living in Hyrule. Most of which residing in farming or ranching towns.) Ganon sends in his greatest warrior, Urbosa, as does every other race, thinking that this would be the perfect way to flush out his fabled bride (if she even existed). This includes all of the original champions of the game from before the Calamity & some of the new ones that you meet through the gameplay. Sidon & Mipha both participate. So does Daruk, Revali, & Teba. However, Yunobo doesn't do so. He chose not to because he was too timid. Though he is up in the stands cheering his dad on & so is Teba's family.
Impa opted out, choosing to instead protect the King & Princess just in case.
In the end, it all comes down to Link & Lara. It doesn’t matter who wins, because it’d end the same either way.
Ganon had indeed been looking for the Bride of Kings, but hadn’t expected to find the little Hylian girl quite so charming & is surprised when she takes down Urbosa in single combat.
Then, in the final, Link & Lara's mark of the Triforce shine upon their hands, revealing themselves to be the reincarnation of the Hero, his soul, evidently, split between them.
Ganon is initially shocked, then maliciously thrilled by this discovery & decides to make her his, knowing her to be the Bride. He'd never thought that his Bride would end up being the actual Hero of Hyrule, or one of them at least, but it had a delightful irony to it.
After making his decision, Ganon spends the week after the tournament studying his target. Gathering information on her before sending his Yiga minions after her.
This arc takes up about 2-7 years’ time.
Ganon has a special collar & shackles, 2 sets, made that can tell when Lara tries to escape & makes her stop moving when she does. The collar renders her incapable of speech so she can’t cast spells, so she has to use sign language to communicate. She knows how to because her brother is selectively mute & only talks to her, their mom, dad, grandpa, & little sister.
With a one word command, a glowing, purple chain of magic will appear between Lara's shackled hands, forcing them to remain only a few inches apart. A longer version of the command will cause the ones shackling her feet to mirror this reaction at the same time. With another command, a glowing, purple chain will appear, attached to her collar with the other end in Ganon's big, meaty hand.
Ganon rapes her. He then taunted her as he used her body for his own pleasure, relishing in her silent screams, saying that even if she managed to escape or she or her pathetic brother beat him, at least he'd die knowing that no pathetic little Hylian, human, or Sheikah would be able to satisfy her or even compare to him. He laughed when her reaction was to bite down viciously on his arm as hard as she could. The feisty little hellcat even drew blood, but to her own dismay, the rough play only stoked the large man’s libido. (Him raping her is very evil. Keep in mind that this is NOT something to fetishize. I'm going through this to show how traumatizing it is for Lara. Keep that in mind.)
Ganon was determined to mold her to his girth & forever leave an impact on her. He rutted her hard, fast, & uncaringly, his manhood slick with her blood, making the passage easier, but no less tight.
Despite this, he was initially reluctant to actually marry her as the Gerudo are extremely monogamous people & despise infidelity bitterly. Plus, by Gerudo customs, marriage would make them equals & mark him as belonging to her as much as she belonged to him now. This would obviously require him giving up a measure of power & he didn't like that.
At this point, he’s made his move on the rest of Hyrule & half of the Gerudo under his command rebel with Urbosa as their leader.
The first year Lara was at Ganon’s Keep, she was forced to walk around wearing Gerudo-style harem Va'màziah (concubine) clothes. It was all tiny & sheer & easy to push aside so that Ganon could take her at any time. Though no one else was allowed to touch her in such a way, Ganon reveled in having the subjects in his keep watch them, because he knew it humiliated the little Hylian Vai. How the burning hatred in her eyes stoked his fire. However, by halfway through that year, he had decided that the benefits of marrying her outweighed the downsides.
Personality-wise, Lara is feisty & independent. She is thought to have one half of the soul of the hero &, with it, one half of the Triforce of Courage. Her brother has the other half. Though, physically weaker than her brother, she still bore the innate strength typical of Hyrule’s Legendary Hero as evident from the many bruises & deep, red scratches she left on the Bandit King’s body whenever she got the chance. So, it wasn’t that she wasn’t strong, but more that Ganon was simply stronger & that her greatest strength lay in the use of weapons & magic.
Ganondorf actually quite liked that she could leave a mark on him with her bare hands. It was more than any of his other conquests could claim. Even other Gerudo had trouble accomplishing this.
As things progress, he finds that he enjoys her body’s comforts more than that of his harem & more frequently begins choosing her to warm his bed over them.
It becomes very obvious, very quickly that Ganon’s harem takes a great disliking to Lara & makes such clear. Many had wanted to become his queen themselves, having not quite believed that he'd actually find the Bride, & chose to show their discomfort by bullying her, planning assassinations, or sometimes even outright attacking her.
Luckily, Lara was a skilled alchemist (Robbie, Purah, & Zelda all being friends of hers) & was familiar with many different types of toxins, having long invented a type of nail polish that changed color when it made contact with poison, so whenever they had something slipped into her food or drink, she almost always immediately recognized it by either scent, taste, or the color of her nails & was quickly able to make an antidote.
Whenever one of Ganon’s harem attacked his prized concubine, he’d have Lara & the perpetrator fight in single combat. Much to his own pleasure & satisfaction, his caged bird always won. However, she had an aversion for taking life when she didn’t think it was necessary. So, he often had the loser beheaded for her troubles.
This obviously traumatized the little Hylian, but it didn’t matter. He wasn’t about to let people think they could disrespect him by disrespecting her.
Later, once they became married, his wedding gift to her was to round up all members of his harem & discontinue their services to him. Meaning that they were no longer his concubines. Doing such was Gerudo custom due to their partner exclusivity. However, as to how he does so is up to the writer.
He can just fire them, knowing that his new wife wasn't fond of unnecessary bloodshed. He can have them killed silently by Yiga. Or he can offer up their lives to his new wife as a wedding present to do with whatever she wishes. Possibly make them her new handmaids. Hell, maybe he literally gifts her their severed heads if you wanna go super dark.
I'm actually thinking of making one of them Lara's friend though.
Anyway, the entire time that Lara is at the keep, Link is trying to find & save his sister. It’s an all-out war with the Hyruleans choosing the strongest champions from the games as the commanders for their armies. Link can’t get to Lara for a good long time because due to the reveal of him being the Hero, he has been made into the Princess' personal bodyguard (though, this fact has been kept secret) & has to free the other races from the chokeholds that Ganon has them in through subterfuge much like the previous Ganons had a tendency to.
Rhoam is currently leading the Hylian army & sent Zelda, Link, & Impa to retrieve the Master Sword & try to find a way to unlock Zelda's sealing powers much like in BotW. She had already been trying to beforehand, but in a much more lax manner as the Calamity didn't exist here, with the Tournament being sort of a break for her, but now the stress has really amped up.
At this time, Zelda is traveling with Link in disguise (I'm thinking the reintroduction of Sheik) to the other areas, including the 3 Sacred Springs, because if Ganon doesn’t know where she is, he can’t kill her.
Ganon’s goal is to take over Hyrule Castle, kill the king, Zelda, & Link, & have Lara bare his heirs. He’s done trying to steal the Triforce, because something inside him is telling him it'd be pointless, that it’s too much trouble & not worth the effort. He was determined to use cunning & military might to vanquish his foes instead.
During this time, Ganon has Lara keep up her training because if there was anything he learned from being raised in a race of all women, it was that he hated weak, useless women & greatly respected strong ones.
She’s also tried to escape several times with worsening punishments.
Over time, Stockholm Syndrome starts to set in (the literal definition of it, not the media’s idea of it) despite how he keeps taking her into his bed, but she fights it every step of the way.
At the same time, Lima Syndrome also begins to take effect. He finds that he enjoys watching her fight his minions, train, & work on her potions & inventions. As time passes, he begins to develop a slight, yandere-esk obsession with her. As it develops, Ganon realizes that he doesn’t like other people seeing her in a sexual manner & slowly has her begin to wear clothes more fitting of one in her position & stops taking her in front of others.
As he gets more possessive, he begins joining her more often, having her sit next to him or even in his lap during meetings, & playing strategy games with her.
It took him a while to learn her sign language, but once he did, he found that he quite enjoyed her personality. She was witty & sarcastic with a quick mind & a biting temper.
When Lara confronts him about it, asking why he cared, he cups her cheek with his massive hand, stares into her eyes with an unreadable look & tells her that she was his & only his. That he would no longer subject her to such humiliation so long as she submits to him as her king. He then bent down & kissed her full on the mouth.
It was in that moment that be decided that he didn't just want to own her body. He wanted her heart as well. The next day, he declared that they would wed & that she would be his queen.
In his own way, Ganon does begin to care about Lara & shows moments of tenderness & very real affection for her. Less & less does he refer to her as his Làbanï (my toy) or Surmúta (slut) & begins calling her Yàvài'làra (little heroine) & after marrying her, Vaynï (my wife) or Vai'àttanï (my queen).
By the third year, he even begins to ask for her advice in regards to ruling his kingdom & by the fifth, he chooses to delegate some of his responsibilities to her, having learned that she has a mind for such things.
Ganondorf has since removed the shackles on her wrists & ankles, but not the collar.
He finds her very intelligent & interesting & her feisty personality is very cute to him. He learns early on that she is a skilled archer, bowyer, infuser, alchemist, & combat mage that was able to craft & bespell a bow using the wood of a magical tree & runemantic sigils that would imbue regular arrows with elemental properties with one word commands that would let her channel her magic into them. This allowed her to reduce the amount of different types of arrows she needed to pack in her quiver, which also reduced how much money she'd have to spend.
It was like something described in the old legends. Such magicks had been lost for thousands of years. (Of course, arrows made specifically with certain elements in mind were noticeably more powerful, but the versatility of the bow itself & fewer resources used, more than made up for it.)
Had even learned to revive an old recipe for bombs that would work underwater & had proceeded to create arrows with both them & regular bombs. It was actually quite brilliant. She, however, had yet to figure out a spell that simulated the effect of bombs so later she could do the same thing because tying live bombs to arrows tended to weigh the arrow down & she was forced to take aim quickly or bear the brunt of the explosion herself. She'd already infused her bow to be less affected by water resistance & thus useful even underwater.
It was revolutionary in the art of war & he wondered if that old fool Rhoam had recognized her great talent & had equipped his forces with such an invention! If he hadn't, then woe be he & his military ineptitude, because Ganondorf would be sure to have one of his thieves sneak into her workshop & copy the recipes for his little heroine's spellcaster bows, water bombs, & water bomb arrows. He suspected that they'd be especially effective against the Zora.
Lara was making for a wonderful queen & he made sure to inform her of such whenever pertinent. Though, it only seemed to incense the little Hylian further.
Ganon & Lara’s instructors very quickly noticed that she was more of a long-distance fighter, so they decided to train her more in close-ranged combat in case one of Ganon’s many enemies tried to assassinate her. They soon realized that she was quicker & more agile than her brother & had a particular talent for dual-wielding daggers or scimitars much like Riju in TotK. Teaching her the Gerudo style of swordfighting, she quickly became a dervish of dancing blades on the battlefield. She seemed to have a particular affinity for Moonlight Scimitars.
Ganondorf greatly enjoyed watching her take so quickly to the Gerudo style.
He was also very enamored & possessive of her in a way that wasn't healthy. His feelings, despite their genuineness, didn't stop Ganon from taking her over & over again at his leisure. As such, Lara was very bitter.
While Lara is locked away, she utilizes the alchemical lab that Ganon lets her use (under strict supervision) to try & invent a potion that can keep someone heavily hydrated even in the desert.
A regular old, basic Chilly Elixir may keep you cool, but it doesn't necessarily prolong hydration. However, it could be effective as the base for a more advanced & complex potion than the basic ones her brother usually makes just using a camping pot. (Those are all Link really knows how to do. He was always more of a chef than an alchemist, the glutton. Meanwhile, Lara is a damn good cook & a true foodie, but she had nothing on her brother's raw appetite. (That boy ate rocks!!) While they were both exceptional cooks, she just seemed to have a natural inclination towards it that her brother didn't. Not that he ever complained. To Link, it just meant that he got to eat his sister's cooking.)
If she started with a base of White Chu Jelly for the stock (chu jelly is good for making potion bases because they generally have a low melting point that reduces them to a liquid consistency so there's no need to use water & dilute the effect) in a bowl with a teardrop-cut Opal. Put in the bones of a Chillfin Trout, then heat & stir the jelly clockwise until the jelly loses cohesion & is reduced to a liquid, then turn down the heat to a simmer. She could then slowly add the fat from an Octorock, heated so it just begins to loosen. Then infuse with Hydromelon juice & heat to a boil. Cut a Lizalfos Tail into chunks then add & stir counter clockwise. Crush Summerwing Butterfly wings & Sand Cicada legs into a paste, dump into Cauldron & then stir clockwise. Continue stirring until the brew emits an icy, mist-like steam. Next remove the bones & drain into bottles. Yields 3.
It takes a LOT of skill & study to be able to make potions with more than one effect, but this one should allow someone to survive both the scorching heat of the desert days & the frigid chill of the desert nights while staying hydrated & making it just that little bit easier to travel on sand.
If it worked, she could find some way to get the Desert Travel Potion recipe to Link, who might be able to get it to the Zora so they can march through the desert. The Rito could manage with just Chilly Potions as they are built for frigid cold & could survive desert nights, but the Zora needed this.
They'd need all the help they could get.
While by this point, Lara hadn't begun to love him, but his change in attitude was doing weird things to her head. So, she'd begun to enjoy it more despite herself. (Because trauma does really weird things to one's head.)
At some point, Ganon meets Sidon in battle & learns through observation that the prince has a thing for Lara. Ganon then proceeds to taunt him with the woman’s skills in bed & how often he took her, enraging not only the Zora prince, but also Link when the giant shark-man informed him of what’d been said.
Like in the game, the 2 sets of twins have known each other for a long time. Mipha & Sidon watched the hero twins grow up & a few years after the hero twins reached maturity, Link & Mipha started up a relationship, but it later ended amiably. During that time, Sidon had developed a crush on Lara, but said nothing to try & salvage their friendship. It wasn’t until after Link & Mipha broke up & kept being friends that Sidon realized that even if things went badly, he & Lara would be able to remain friends. He just hadn’t made his move before she was taken. (None of them seemed to realize that by getting together, Link had essentially been groomed by Mipha even though that was never her intention.)
Sidon hates that he won’t be able to go with Link & storm Ganon's Keep because in order to get there, you have to cross the desert & it would be impossible to cross with his life.
Then, Lara's new recipe was secreted to the Zora's Domain & he couldn't help but admire her even more. She & her brother were both truly amazing!
As a result, later, when Hyrule & her allies marched toward the wastes, the Zora were with them, fueled by Lara’s Desert Travel Potion.
On the way there, they met one half of the Gerudo army, lead by Urbosa, who joined them in their champaign against Ganondorf.
Backtracking a bit, it isn't long before Lara becomes pregnant & Ganon seemed to become slightly enamored with touching her stomach upon learning of her state. He became noticeably gentler with the woman, always careful not to hurt her too badly. Upon his first child’s birth, a dōro (son) to everyone’s great delight, it became evident that he would genuinely love his children. The newborn voe was named Asïm by Lara, classifying him as a protector. Ganondorf became more tender, often watching contentedly as his vay & dōro interacted with each other.
Not long after his son was born, the first non-royal male Gerudo was also born in Gerudo Town & there was great celebration, for the curse was broken. And it lasted a full week.
When his next children were born, twins both boys, Ganon was estatic.
I'm thinking that, at some point, upon realizing that the Hero was on his way, Ganon decides to do something drastic as he had become dangerously possessive of his wife & refused to let her go.
Thus, he had his mothers help him to place a curse upon his & his wife's souls using the black magic they were known for. One that would draw Lara to him & him to her whenever they were reborn or even simply alive at the same time & of age to wed.
The spell would bind their souls together for eternity as far as he knew.
His sweet bride would surely despise him forever if she knew what had powered this spell... (I shall leave it on that fairly ominous note...)
Anyway, Link & Sidon defeat Ganon & seal him away.
By the time Link gets there & saves his sister, however, she’d already had 3 children, 2 of which being twins, & was heavily pregnant with a fourth. This final one being the first female.
This would be the end of this chapter of the story.
We cut back in to Lara dropping off her children with Link & Zelda. It's been at least 5 years since the war with Ganondorf & she was still recovering mentally.
She & Sidon had been getting serious & he'd accepted her kids as readily as he'd accepted Link & herself.
She knew that the prince was getting scrutiny from the elders of his people to end his relationship with the Hylian Heroine & marry a Zora woman to continue the royal line.
Here, Sidon is the eldest twin, thus making him crown prince of the Zora &, as such, he had a lot of expectations placed on him.
This lead to Lara trying to research a solution. Any solution. Which came to bear in the form of an ancient legend of another country where certain masks could transform one's body.
So, she left her precious babies with Link & his girlfriend, the Princess Zelda, before setting out.
She eventually manages to find Termina, at which point, the events of Majora's Mask takes place with her at the center, where she discovers a talent for music magic & playing instruments in-general. See, I'm going off this being the Adult Timeline, meaning Time Link was sent back in time, vanishing from this timeline, thus this Termina wasn't saved.
Moving on, this is the basic premise of the second chapter. And, let me tell you, when she obtains the Zora Mask, she is very conflicted. On the one hand, she has the solution to her & Sidon's problem. On the other hand, this poor Zora literally died, leaving Mikau to deal with the pressures of taking care of his & Lulu's eggs without the aid of his real sister, Rana! (Rana plays a violin made of fishbone.)
Here, Mikau comes with you to aide you in saving the ocean.
(Being a Goron was weird though because there were no female Gorons because they didn't reproduce via sex, thus making them all asexual & without genitals.)
If nothing else, if it worked like she hoped, she & Sidon would be able to have children which would satisfy his duties & allow King Dorephan some peace of mind.
Anyway, at the end of which, she takes the transformation masks with her back home.
The 3rd chapter opens up with Lara returning to Hyrule only to find that the Upheaval has taken place, both Link & Zelda are missing, the palace is in the fucking sky, & the other races of Hyrule are being beset once more.
Panicking, she immediately makes a b-line for the nearest settlement, skipping all other things, to try & learn what happened to her family only to learn that they too were missing.
Somewhere along the way, she meets up with her brother, who she demands tell her where her kids are.
Just to learn that they'd simply disappeared from the Royal Safehouse, which was where they'd been left when Link & Zelda went to investigate the Gloom, & that, apparently, there was another big bad, though he doesn't know his name yet.
Her world narrowed to a point.
Anyways, the twins set out to save Hyrule, Zelda, & Lara's babies. Lara making frequent use of the masks she'd obtained over her previous adventure.
(Interesting thing, the Depths are inhabited by Mogma, who have been besieged by the Gloom, which they call Miasma, for 10,000 years & had slowly gotten worse over time, with it getting even worse much more quickly recently.)
Then, the mounting horror that filled both heroes as they learned of this new Ganondorf. The denial that rose from them, insisting that the name was likely just a cultural thing. Traditional. Only for Lara to see his face & realize that they bore the same face & the same wicked eyes.
The panick.
When they got to Zora's Domain & met Yona, who introduced herself as Sidon's fiancée, both twins went quiet with shock. (Mipha is helping Yona with the infirmary. The simpathy in her eyes had been evident.)
Lara was initially angry until she remembered that Sidon was a prince & that this marriage had likely been in the works for longer than she'd been alive.
All that work trying to find a solution to their relationship, for nothing.
Lara had always been the rational sort despite her temper &, as a knight, she had been trained to know her place &, despite what the Gerudo legends said, it wasn't beside a king. (Link got a pass to be with Zelda because he actually did shit last time, which made him a real hero.)
For the record, immediately upon seeing Lara, Sidon embraces her & breaks it to her gently. Promising that this arrangement had come up out of the blue while she was gone. It'd been planned since they were children, but he'd only just learned about it himself. That he'd fought against it, but had been unable to change his father's mind. As the crown prince, he had a duty to his people.
And because Lara knew Sidon to be the sort to take responsibility for his wrongs, she believed him, though she brushed aside her sadness & didn't mention the Zora Mask she'd gotten.
The former pair's interactions afterwards were… awkward…
Lara would watch Yona's interactions with Sidon, it was obvious that there was very real affection for each other present. Not only that, but the Zora woman was very regal & proper & the worst part was, Yona was nothing but sweet & cordial to her despite most likely knowing by this point the relationship that Lara had with her fiancé, so she didn't even have an excuse to be angry with her.
These things only further cemented Lara's decision to just… get out of their way.
Yona would make a better queen anyway. Lara was damaged goods & technically still married as Ganon wasn't truly dead, so why would Sidon ever choose her? The fact that their relationship had been so widely accepted for as long as it was, was already a miracle.
She was just a little peasant girl from nowhere Hateno Village in West Necluda who somehow managed to become a knight. And despite having the Soul of the Hero, she didn't even have her own sealing weapon because, evidently, not even the goddess had forseen her existence. What did she have to offer?
Lara never said so, but the Hylian Heroine's sense of self-worth had been damaged greatly by her encounter with Ganondorf.
Though, upside, she had new ingredients to experiment with in her alchemy…
Splash Fruit would absolutely improve her Desert Travel Potion…
Not to mention all the stuff she could learn from her brother's new hand!
Though, the only one she could figure out how to replicate was the Fuse Weapon one. Which, just that was amazing! (Though, she soon learned that arrows just coated with an elemental ingredient wasn't as effective as when she specifically infused an arrow with elemental magic using her spellcaster bow. Though, it turned out that mixing the 2 methods made for an even more potent arrow that was just as potent as using a specifically designed elemental arrow.)
When they go talk to Dorephan, he looks at her with sorrow & apologizes for the decision he'd been forced to make. She's just silent...
Anyway, once they finish with the 4 phenomenon & go to Hyrule Castle, this new Ganon taunts Link & Lara, saying that he knew that Lara was the Bride & that she was his by right. It was like the Ganondorf who first kidnapped & raped her was back with none of the (admittedly minute) character growth he went through in the end.
The Demon King then said that he looked forward to getting to know the little Vai that her children told him about. At which point, Lara's blood turns to ice in her veins. It was like her entire world had just decided "fuck Lara in particular," because it was just one awful thing after another lately.
Then, the 4 Sages appear & fight off the asshole.
At the end of it, Sidon comes up to her, having noticed her distress & panic, to which she breaks down, weeping that this new Ganondorf had taken her babies & she had no idea where they were.
That this wasn't the same Ganondorf who'd kidnapped her the first time. At least he, she knew, loved those children, but this new person, she had no idea what he'd do to them!
The dread in Sidon's heart at the danger that the children were in. The very ones he'd always hoped in his heart that he'd one day be able to call his own. It was crippling. At the heartache of the woman before him, the woman he loved, but couldn't have.
He wished with everything in his soul that he could take her & her children back to the Domain & protect them from everything that could do them harm…
But he couldn't… The best he could do was be there for her now… As a very dear friend & nothing more…
He embraced her, hiding her from everyone else's view.
Never in his entire life had Sidon hated someone so much as this new Ganondorf… Not even the other one. At least he'd cared for Lara & their offspring in his own twisted, villainous way...
This new Ganondorf would pay…
I'm not sure where things would go from here, but at the end of the TotK arc, Link is down an arm altogether instead of having his old one restored & Zelda, instead of returning to full Hylian, ends up something like a draconid (half-dragon) with Light Dragon features. And that's just how she looks now.
And… Sidara will not happen. I'm sorry, but sometimes tragedy just happens.
Lara settles down in Lurelin Village & becomes something of a doctor there.
I'm thinking of having Lara later have an affair with Sidon (at which point, Lara reveals the mask she'd gotten for them), which results in bastard fries (Zora babies). 7 at once to be exact. (Lulu had a lot of them suckers!)
The unique mixing of Termina's old saltwater Zora with Hyrule's new freshwater Zora results in euryhaline Zora able to survive in both the ocean & rivers. Their appearance ends up resembling that of the Twilight Princess Zora, though with more color variation. Their main color remains that sort of silvery blue shade of the old Zora, but with accent colors much like the new Zora. However, they do seem to retain the new Zoran sizes.
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A bit like this in style. Not my art. Though, with more variety of colors for the accents.
These Zora later make a settlement on Eventide Island & create a new Domain called Koholint, which will be the smallest island of the Koholina Archipelago.
Later, Lurelinites & a small faction of Rito move there & adapt to the climate, becoming more water birds. They come to be known as Coastal Rito.
Anyway, Lara dies of old age while her & Sidon's fries are still young. (Zora lifespans, dude.)
And those children are brought by Lara's eldest Gerudo son, Asïm, now grown & the Gerudo King, not to mention married to Riju with children of their own, to Sidon who is blindsided by the fact that Lara was dead, but before that had given him hatchlings. They hadn't seen each other since… that night… Not only had it been too painful... but he'd also learned that by knowing her as a child & then being with her later, he'd essentially groomed her. The shame... he couldn't see her again now knowing what he did.
He'd since passed a law that prevented Hylians & Sheikah below the age of 18 from being allowed into the Domain. Sidon never wanted such a thing to happen again.
Anyway, while these hatchlings were spawned out of wedlock, he refused to let himself be pressured into sending them away or not acknowledging them as his! Hadn't he given up enough for the sake of his duties!? What about his duties as a father?!
Of course, he cared for Yona & had even grown to love her, but he'd also never be able to forget Lara either. She had been his beloved despite the moral bankruptcy of that fact, but he couldn't change that.
To think that the Hylian Heroine had never found someone else to love as he'd hoped & prayed would happen. That she'd died alone without someone to cherish her as she'd wanted & deserved to be… It was the greatest injustice he'd ever known & it absolutely broke his heart!
For years Sidon mourned her & made sure to tell his & Lara's fries everything he could about their mother & uncle. The heroes that they'd been.
Lara eventually became a figure in Zora & Gerudo legend known for being the central figure in an epic tragic love story known as the Weeping Queen.
Sidon did eventually spawn with Yona legitimate fries & let it be said that Yona raised Lara's hatchlings as if they were her own. However, due to being illegitimate, they were not eligible for the Zora throne.
This is why they eventually made a new Domain on & around Eventide Island. While their architecture resembles Zora's Domain, with the commercial district being on the island itself & the residences being underwater, the designs resembles more the inside of the Face Dungeon from the new Link's Awakening remake. With some definite influence from Lurelin.
I might make a new prompt going over Ganondorf coming back & searching for Lara, whether his wife or the newest incarnation of her.
I definitely want a scene where he finds Lara's grave & mourns her in his own way.
LoZ My Fanfic Masterlist
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😭😭 joeykinz please
stop this madness
it doesn’t have to be like this
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toast-tarot · 5 months
COVEN OF KINDOU duties! (Most of these are just about taking care of yourself lol)
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KINDOU all about helping people and caring about your mental health, along with practicing witchcraft. We don’t practice any “left hand” magic, and we are accepting of all religions, beliefs, and identities! If you want to join a coven (or just want to practice witchcraft with others) but don’t know where to start, I recommend it! See my pinned post for a link to join if you’re interested, or if you just want to talk and discuss witchcraft in an open and friendly community!
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