This blog is moving! In one week this blog will be gone forever. If you stuck it out with me for this long, come find me at @heart-0f-a-rebel16. I’ll still post Zelda stuff on occasion, but it’ll mostly be Star Wars. Please reblog this post to get it around as much as possible.
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🌹 a flower for everyone not feeling their best today
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List of Books to Read Before You Die
1. Any book you want
2. Don’t read books you don’t want to read
3. That’s it
4. Congratulations you did it
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Happy Hot Kallus day!
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Star Wars Doodle Dump #8
Droid➕Rebel Duo Appreciation Post
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Kallus teaches Kazuda Xiono about the harsh realities of being a rebel spy
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"Fuck Western Double Standards. No one is free until Palestine is free"
Seen in Zürich, Switzerland
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In Yemen the death count stagnated at 15,000 until the war ended and the people were able to count their dead. Today, it's commonly accepted that over 300,000 Yemenis have been killed by war and famine. We will see a similar situation in Gaza after a ceasefire.
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I saw clips and I feel sick
Everything about it is terrifying
Israel's newest massacre in Rafah is dubbed مجزرة مخيم النازحين
"The massacre of displacement camps"
35 displaced Palestinians killed in makeshift tents. This is where we're at. This is Israel.
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I’ve added a new design to my Redbubble, all proceeds will be donated to UNRWA (or other Palestinian charities/causes, would appreciate any suggestions).
Find it on my Redbubble - https://www.redbubble.com/people/BetbieM/shop?asc=u
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Currently emotional about just how many things Kallus needed to adjust to in the Rebellion. But I'm not talking about the things like work and stuff, but simple things.
How long did it take him to let himself relax a bit, stand and sit comfortably and not rigidly? How long before he started eating what he wanted (and real food instead of ration bars and such) and when he wanted, how long did it take him to discover what foods he likes? How long did he have to sit and convince himself to let his hair grow out longer than the regulations allowed it, that it was okay to take longer and warmer showers than he ever could in the Empire, that the weight he gained was alright and not something to feel ashamed about and get rid off immediately. That he could wear whatever comfy clothes he wanted to, that he could actually own things and decorate his room with them, instead of having bare walls and only a bed there, that he could talk to his fellow coworkers and about things other than work and war, laugh louder and be openly friendly and affectionate with people, have inside jokes with them and put a hand on their shoulders, hug them.
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Crying a little bit at the idea that at some point during the war, enough time passes that the perception of Kallus changes.
The older rebels know him as the Imperial defector that went a long way to prove himself worthy of trust.
ISB Commander, Agent Kallus, later known as Fulcrum.
The new, starry eyed recruits know him as the stern, driven and dedicated backbone of Massassi Group and family to the Spectres.
The legendary Captain Alexsandr Kallus, a true rebel and fighter for the cause.
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Just realised that in all this mess of learning to live with OCD all by myself and managing it, researching, learning and finally seeking help from a therapist and a psychiatrist I completely forgot to realise that I'm going to have to still live with it.
For the rest of my life.
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you will never be a bad person for not reblogging a post on tumblr, please remember that
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Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
please, please and please.
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