your-gay-grandma · 2 months
i want to see something based on conversations with friends recently…….
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
it is my hope and dream that everyone on tumblr can go outside and visit a gay bar or go to a queer event and see that our community is very beautiful and very diverse and that half the internet discourse isn’t real
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
incentive to live to old age - one day you can be an elder queer and inspire those younger than you and offer them the guidance you mightn’t have had. you can be living proof to them that they can grow old and be happy
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
incentive to live to old age - one day you can be an elder queer and inspire those younger than you and offer them the guidance you mightn’t have had. you can be living proof to them that they can grow old and be happy
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
Sorry I have to rant for a minute because it’s past midnight and I’m stupid and crying and idk what’s wrong with me. I feel like such a failure. Like idk who I am anymore. I feel like I used to be this person who did big and scary things even when I was scared and nervous and now I just feel like I’m shutting down and second guessing myself so much more now and like how can I ever move or get a better job or do basically anything if I can’t even go on a stupid trip by myself? You know? And I know it’s dumb and normally I try not to listen to intrusive thoughts past 9 but like it’s been bothering me for so long. Like idk who I am anymore. Like why can’t I do things on my own anymore? I was terrified about law school but I did it anyway. I was terrified about taking the lsats and I picked myself back up when I didn’t do great the first time and did what I had to do and now? Now idk what’s going on with me. Now everything I do I end up second guessing and I don’t want to or can’t take risks because I’m scared of everything and it’s so stupid and I’m sorry I feel like I can’t talk about this with anyone else and Ik know it’s not like a big deal in the grand scheme of life but like why can’t I do these things anymore? Like what’s wrong with me? Every time I try and do something I’m scared and wondering about how it’s going to work out and if it’s a mistake and ugh I hate this shit
oh my love, sending you the biggest of virtual hugs.
i know my response is delayed and for that i apologise! but to you or anyone who it may help, let me try to offer some reassurance.
fear is so normal and healthy. it is telling you that you are human and alive and all your instincts are in top working order!
your fear is your body telling you that something might present danger or risk. it’s so important to be in tune with your body so i’m proud of you for hearing its signals.
the trouble is, we can’t always trust them.
i struggle with anxiety. what i tend to do when i am fearing something - particularly a big change or adjustment - is to ask myself why i am afraid. is the potential risk something that will matter in 5 minutes, days, weeks or years? is the outcome you fear realistic? talk it through with someone you trust and someone who won’t judge you for your fear. or otherwise write it down or say it out loud, think on it and then decide.
fear is normal and you should listen to your body and be kind to it and its instincts. it only has your best interests at heart but sometimes, it pays to test those limits a little!
sending you so much love
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
Happy New Year's!! I'm currently turning in for the night because the family has turned to politics (I am most definitely NOT in the mood for debating my existence tonight tyvm), but I just wanted to check in with you! I hope your winter has been good, and that 2024 is "not sucky" as my cousin put it 💞💞💞
very wise decision my dear and i hope 2024 is treating you well! and happy lunar new year to all who celebrate! 💛💛💛
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
Your four last lines in your about section made me cry, I hope you have a good day.
Yours sincerely
A keenladyartisan.
so much love to you my beautiful friend
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
Hello Grandma. How was your day today?
Busy but wonderful! Taking things one day at a time! A lot on the go - creative projects and political organising to be done and new romances to be pursued and friends to adore and naps to be taken! And yours my dear?
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
queer people outside will have genders that are so unreal and don’t fit in boxes and will call themselves words that online discourse deems unacceptable and will be so resistant to being boxed in and will be so free, it is so so beautiful and human
it is my hope and dream that everyone on tumblr can go outside and visit a gay bar or go to a queer event and see that our community is very beautiful and very diverse and that half the internet discourse isn’t real
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your-gay-grandma · 4 months
it is my hope and dream that everyone on tumblr can go outside and visit a gay bar or go to a queer event and see that our community is very beautiful and very diverse and that half the internet discourse isn’t real
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your-gay-grandma · 6 months
Now that the truce has ended, don’t call for a 'permanent ceasefire', call for the end of the occupation. As long as Palestine is occupied, Palestinians will never know peace. Even if the Israeli army left Gaza in this very moment, Palestinians will still face brutal suppression at the hands of the Israeli state. Apartheid laws will still remain. Palestinian children will continue to get kidnapped and tortured in prisons. Armed Israeli settlers will continue to act as shook troops in the Occupied Territories.
The state of Israel must be dismantled and occupation must end for such a permanent ceasefire to happen. Support the end of the occupation.
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your-gay-grandma · 6 months
good morning, lgbtq is officially banned in russia. today russian supreme court announced that “LGBT movement” is “extremist”. it means extreme risks and criminal persecution.
please find a moment to sign this petition to german bundestag to allow trans people from russia to seek asylum in germany faster and easier. you can sign from anywhere, regardless of citizenship.
(sorry for the preview, i ban cookies aggressively)
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your-gay-grandma · 7 months
i want to be abundantly clear that this blog stands with palestine. i will do my best to share resources and information. offline, i have been attending rallies and educating myself. i really suggest you do the same if you have the capacity and ability.
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your-gay-grandma · 7 months
reach out to your friends when you think of them. send them songs or book recommendations that remind you of them. text or call to make sure they got home safely and tell them you enjoyed their company. listen carefully to your friends’ stories and worries. look after your community, it is all we have!
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your-gay-grandma · 7 months
i love love love being a lesbian. i love surrounding myself with other sapphics. i love immersing myself in our art and history and culture. i love our community and our love
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your-gay-grandma · 7 months
reach out to your friends when you think of them. send them songs or book recommendations that remind you of them. text or call to make sure they got home safely and tell them you enjoyed their company. listen carefully to your friends’ stories and worries. look after your community, it is all we have!
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your-gay-grandma · 7 months
i want to be abundantly clear that this blog stands with palestine. i will do my best to share resources and information. offline, i have been attending rallies and educating myself. i really suggest you do the same if you have the capacity and ability.
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