yandereunsolved · 23 hours
Hi, do you write au? For example, modern au for yandere hotd?
Yes, I write for au's. I prefer time period or fantasy au's. Although, I have no problem writing modern au's. It just may take me a little longer.
The only ones I don't write for are—
જ⁀➴ high-school/college au
જ⁀➴ student/teacher au
જ⁀➴ musical au (celebrity singer au is allowed)
જ⁀➴ sports au
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yandereunsolved · 1 day
Im curious, who is you favorite character (boy and girl) from hotd
And whos your fav dragon?
That's a very hard question to answer. I'm going to have to go with Halaena and Aegon.
Aegon is my type in men (physically, not his personality). He's just a complex character, and they totally butched him in the show. I don't completely hate this version of him, but I don't like it either. Jacaerys is a close second. He's incredibly clever and a mama's boy, and I knew a dude just like him. 
Halaena, because she is such a crucial part of winning The Dance of the Dragons. She is a dreamer, and her character has always been so fascinating to me. I can sympathize and empathize with some of the things she has been subjected to. So I see some of myself in her. We'd also vibe really well because I'd love to sit down and listen to her ramble about bugs and other things. It'd be so fun to braid her hair and have a bond with her. 
I am in love with all of the dragons. They are all so unique. One of HOTD's many flaws is having the dragons so far removed. I suspect it was probably because of the budget; rendering those dragons look so realistic costs a lot of money. They could have angled shots to keep the rider on the screen and the 'dragon' out of it if they really needed to. 
With that, said Balerion the Black Dread. He's a big dragon, which is so cool!? He was the largest of them since Aegon's conquest. He was ridden by Aegon I Targaryen and Maegor I Targaryen!? He seems like such a badass who would be very overprotective and loyal to his rider. He can totally be summed up with the 'we're bloopin' meme. 
bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop.
"Iris, that is a predator—"
"He's not a predator."
"What are you???"
"We're bloopin." continues to ramble to Balerion and pet his snout.
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yandereunsolved · 1 day
Deity reader after seeing one of their lovesick Targaryens die in The Dance of the Dragons again—
Deity reader: "I have never understood you mortals insistent need to lose your lives over trivial things such as succession."
Yandere Daemon & Aemond: "He started it."
Deity reader: "I am omnipotent. I have seen the entire battle and the conclusion of the war beyond it. I have never indulged in your kind so much before. Consider your revivals gift for the reverence you pay to me."
They immediately get revived so Deity reader doesn't have to deal with them anymore.
Yandere Jacaerys pops up in their heavenly domain for the fifth time this week. (The time tells that it is only that of the third day within the seven.)
Deity reader: "Why do you keep sacrificing yourself to earn my approval? You already have my favor and my protection."
Yandere Jacaerys: "I only wish to please you and admire your divinity. I would stake myself a thousand times over if only to get a glimpse of you."
Yandere Aegon deciding to pray to Deity reader at that exact moment.
Yandere Aegon: "Mommy, Daddy, whatever you prefer, please keep my stupid brother, that worthless bastard, and my idiotic uncle dead. I will worship you between your thighs and with the body you have blessed me with for the rest of eternity if you do this. I'll do it anyway. I mean it. Please let me—"
Deity reader: "Oh, for my sake. I should never let that man into my heavenly domain."
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yandereunsolved · 2 days
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𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Pamela Isley Mood board 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
— 𓍊𓋼𓍊 Which Poison Ivy are you? 1-9 𓍊𓋼𓍊
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yandereunsolved · 2 days
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ღ Yandere BOTW Zelda ღ
"Darling, darling, don't you just love my present?"
"My fiancé is dead. Did you expect me to be happy?"
"Oh, are you not pleased? We can finally be lovers now. You may not be royal, but we can marry in secret! You can help me with my studies, as you always have."
"H-How did you...?"
"My knight helped me. See? We are lovers now. Nobody will ever hurt you. Nobody will ever touch you. Nobody will ever get near you. Only I allowed to do that.
"No. I-I'm your research partner, nothing more."
"You love me. Don't worry about it. I know you're just nervous about the commitment. My father won't find out. If he does, then I'll have him killed. I do it all for you!"
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yandereunsolved · 4 days
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🐉 Yandere Aemond Targaryen w/ platonic yandere Alicent Hightower (part 2—requested) 🐉
↝ (part 1) ᝰ.ᐟ
You had left to do your daily duties after he pulled you aside and confessed his true intentions. You seemed so frightened of him in that moment. You simply asked to be excused and continue your work. Aemond would say it broke his heart, but it did not. It only strengthened his will and resolve to make you his. 
He would have to face his mother and ensure your hand in marriage to him. Aemond once said that he would have gladly married Halaena; only now does he see the foolishness in those words. Hopefully, his mother will see the foolishness as well. His heart yearns for no other, and he will slay as many as needed if denied you.
His hand nearly slipped from the knob of her chambers. His heart had nearly halted to a stop. He cannot say he has ever felt a fear quite like this, not even when he was disfigured. His hand absent-mindedly touched his eye patch. A lovelorn grimace appeared on his pale face. He opened the door with another new sense of vigor. 
His single step within his mother's chambers commanded great respect, like that of the dragons the Targaryens pridefully ride. The maids looked up in panic at his intrusion. They were fixing the queen's auburn strands and her emerald gown. Even at the cost of a possible scolding or death at the hands of the queen, they quickly left her chambers without so much of an indication of Queen Alicent allowing them.
"Mother," the words hung on his tongue loosely, his expression blank but betraying a hint of anxiety. "I have an urgent matter I wish to speak to you about."
"Yes." Alicent answered quickly, with a wistful warmth evident in her tone.
"The maid," jealously and vitriolic animosity clear in her curt wording.
The queen stood up and glared at her son. Her steps were quick, and her single action fierce. It took him a moment to register the stinging ache on the edge of his face. His mother had just struck him, as she often did to Aegon. 
"Idiot boy. You want to marry that maid, correct? You have gone about it all the wrong way." 
His ability to speak left him, and with it was a pit of shame that only grew with the impact of the hit.
"Aemond, speak. Use your words if you want them so badly."
"I—how did you know?" He manages to croak out. He tries to maintain his crumbling visage of indifference.
"They are special. They may have been born among the common, but they are destined for nobility." Alicent hissed. She had to refrain from slapping him again because of such an asinine inquiry.
"That does not answer—"
She cut him off. "Hush, son. I am the queen. I am entitled to know everything that goes on within these walls. I know you have fancied the maid for a long time. You have gone about it all wrong. Still, I will give you their hand under one circumstance. You must woo them and treat them with the care they deserve. If I see you raise your voice or your hand to them, even in a moment of rage, I will make sure they are taken from you."
Aemond's head spins with her agreement, his thoughts scattered around his mind like the bones of Vhagar's victims. He had to clutch onto the side of the wall. His one violet eye narrowed at his mother. He somewhat feared the silly little woman, but he had to regain his ground. Through dawn and dusk, he is a man that has come of age. Asking for your hand through his mother was nothing more than a formality.
"They are mine, regardless. I do not intend them any harm; abuse would be the antithesis of my love for them."
Alicent seemed to stare into his soul and see the truth. Her shoulders relaxed, and she returned to her proper, queenly persona.
"Good boy. Listen to my words, and they shall be yours. I will not hesitate to order your brother to strike you down if you disobey."
"You have made that abundantly clear." He has to restrain himself from rolling his eye. His sapphire one nearly rolled in his socket.
"I will keep an eye on them, which means they will end up visiting my chambers once a week. I am sure I can get them more smitten with you." Alicent chuckles, but it is more like a court member's snarky laugh than that of a proud mother. "That confession of yours, just when the sun rose, was absolutely disastrous." 
"Mhm." His lips tightly pursed.
"Is that all you have to say?"
"We are on the same side. There is no need to fruitlessly argue. I am far more clever when it comes to my words anyway."
The queen was already tired from her earlier meetings. Her son had already agreed to her wishes. There was no more need to chastise his prideful words. Such is the way of men.
"You two will make a perfect coupling." She brings her hands up and cradles his face. Her left hand nurses the red mark that she left. The traces of her previous rancor are gone. "I love you, my son."
"As do I."
Aemond nursed his mental and physical wounds that night. He caressed his body and imagined it was your own hands that replaced his. Tears, both delighted and sorrowful, escaped him as the hour of the ghosts approached. His impatience and sexual frustration were at their peak. He needed you to belong to him. He needs you now. He can no longer appease his internal beast with mere glances at your tantalizing skin and fleeting touches.
Queen Alicent convinced you to marry Aemond that night. She invited you to a private dinner and spoke to you with saccharine-coated phrases. You fancied him; you were simply skittish due to the fact he revealed his obsessive tendencies. She assured you that his proclamations were hyperbolic; he was simply ecstatic and impulsive, losing the true meaning of his pure and healthy love.
She's much smarter than Aemond in that aspect. You will never know how deep her motherly love runs for you. You are like the child she always wished she had bore. You did not drink your nights away or fuck whores; you were not the runt of the litter fighting tooth and nail to be considered strong. You were grounded; you may lose yourself in your mind sometimes, but you still had a grasp on reality. 
You are perfection, quintessential to the both of them.
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yandereunsolved · 4 days
I love your last work on yandere aemond, can you do another or maybe a part 2 where Yandere Aemond try to convince his mother to let him marry the maid but he is unaware that alicent is also a platonic yandere for her.
I was debating making a part two. I guess I just have to now. I am jumping up and down. I am giggling while making more yandere Aemond content.
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yandereunsolved · 5 days
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ღ Sally McKenna (Hypodermic Sally) Mood board ღ
╰┈➤ ✎... 𓆙 Which Sally are you? 1-9 ... 𓆙
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yandereunsolved · 5 days
Yandere Bruce Wayne: "Mine." holds darling close to his chest.
Clark Kent: "A human being is not an—" looks at darling.
Yandere Clark Kent: "Mine, not yours."
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yandereunsolved · 6 days
Yandere Team Green w/ traumatized reader—
Yandere Alicent: "It's okay, sweetheart; you're safe. You don't need to dissociate. No one is going to yell or put their hands on you ever again—as long as you listen. Listening is very important."
Yandere Aemond and Aegon in the next room over.
Yandere Aemond: "You are an imbecile. They refused to talk to anyone except for Helaena until today! You took that as a chance to grope them, you perverted fuck!"
Yandere Aegon: "You're just mad they like me better. They have never let you grope them."
Yandere Aemond: "They didn't let—You know what? When darling chooses me over you, you'll know why. At least I know my limits."
Yandere Aegon: "I have had that same expression on my face many nights. Whores and wine always soothed it. They'll come to appreciate my ways of helping them."
Yandere Criston Cole waiting outside the door, listening to Aegon and Aemond's conversation so he can report it back to Queen Alicent.
Yandere Criston Cole: "If you weren't the king and the son of the queen, I swear to the gods, your head would be at their feet right now."
Yandere Helaena standing in the corner, knowing that darling likes her the best because she shows them her bugs and respects their boundaries.
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yandereunsolved · 6 days
Legend of Zelda text posts | Part 1
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yandereunsolved · 7 days
I loved the cannibal wild one! but I have a different idea for it
instead of the reader being unwilling, they are instead fine with it, but I’d have it so that they can heal from Anything if they are well taken care of and their heart is still beating (which is something thing wild would defiantly do), and in the heat of passion they’d be happy for their lover to just tare into them, knowing that afterwards wild will take good care of them.
but just to make wild weirder I’d have him make jewellery/accessorise out of the parts of animals and people he can’t eat, and he’s found that the reader actually likes teeth/bone jewellery.
(and when the chain comes along they find reader with a crown of lynel teeth and wild lying in their lap and their just like-)
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The Chain was understandably freaked out when they found an alternate version of themself with a seemingly deified spouse covered head to toe in jewelry from monsters and the other races in Hyrule. 
Most notably—
A crown of Lynel teeth
A coat made from Lynel fur
Bracelets made from Hylian teeth
Small weapons carved out of Hylian, Gerudo, and Zora bones
A choker made of Zora teeth
Anklets made from Gerudo bones, decorated with Gerudo teeth
A set of Zora armor Wild made you as a courting gift (made up of dead Zora scales and the finest precious metals)
Multiple drinking horns made from Bokoblin, Moblin, Lizalfo, Lynel, and shards of dragon horns
Goron earrings (made from their rock shells)
Goron shells (made up of their rock shells and some dried-out flesh and feathers from birds for cushioning)
Reader is irritated by The Chain calling them a 'victim'. So what if your relationship with Wild is unconventional? You love him! He is yours, and you are his. 
Wild is in the corner, sharpening his sword to kill every Link in The Chain with. All of his weapons keep breaking. He has no qualms about murdering them all with the rusted ends of swords, spears, and other pointed armaments.
You both are restrained by The Chain. They have to figure out what to do with Wild and you. They can't just leave you both here! There are clearly some underlying issues that Wild needs to work out. You need to accept that you are a victim of his psychological breakdown from what he has gone through as a hero!
If they take the gifts that Wild gave you? My boy has already stabbed Hyrule and put Legend in a headlock. He bit Wind. DID WIND JUST CONTRACT RABBIES!?
They definitely need to get you both checked out for diseases. You have none because of your healing factor, but the same cannot be said for Wild.
They learn that to keep Wild tame enough to keep you both within their vicinity, you have to wear at least one of the things he has made and be within his eyeline. 
They'll figure out what to do with you both. Wild can be fixed, hopefully.
🤍 Credit to ( @moonyhasmanyanimals ) for creating the original concept. I just expanded upon it. Go check out their blog! She's great. 🤍
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yandereunsolved · 7 days
hiya! just wanted to ask if you've seen another version of totk link called Tears, i think he's written by Wayfayrr/Moss I just think he's a sweet blorbo and wanted to recommend him :D
I have seen a couple of their posts before. I can't say I have read any of their Tears content, except for like maybe one piece a while back.
I'll be sure to check out their page and Tears as well. <3
Thanks for the recommendation anon!
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yandereunsolved · 7 days
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✐ᝰ Yandere Clark Kent 'Superman' ᝰ.ᐟ
Alien, farmer, reporter, superhero, and Justice League member are all titles Clark has collected over the years. They stretch from the most mundane to the ones that are given the highest respect. All of these titles pale in comparison to the one he yearns for the most: to be your husband. Every one of his positive traits seemed to disintegrate when it came to you, his accomplishments and status along with them. He was simply Clark to you, not Superman or Kal-El.
He was nothing but a love-sick maniac at your feet. His obsession threatens to break the moral code he is so devoted to. He understands that his attraction to you is something unhealthy and taboo. He is a beacon of light in the darkness of the world. Yet he'd be willing to blind the entire world with light just to be acknowledged by you. He'd cut out his own heart and present it in a gift box with a red bow if it'd please you.
You—just a human reporter who works at the Daily Planet. You who lives in a small studio apartment. You who has aspirations of doing something greater than just writing opinion pieces. You who has captured the noble hero's heart. 
You, you, you, you, you, you, you.
He can't get enough.
He doesn't get enough of you. You seem to actively avoid him. You interact with Lois so cordially; you two are close friends. He works with Lois. Why are you giving him the cold shoulder?
He knows everything about you. He knows your favorite restaurant, where you go to de-stress, your schedule, your hobbies, and your fantasies. He's spent so much time learning about you. You've learned nothing about him except for the fact that he's your dorky, sweet co-worker.
"Are you staring at them again? How long have you been staring at them? Why do you keep staring at them? Do you have a crush on them!?" Lois interrogates him with that same curiosity kindling in the back of her violet eyes.
He could demolish buildings in an instant, but he couldn't control his pale complexion from being invaded by a red hue. He had to think for a moment. His words had become lost in his mind, like they had been dispersed among the cosmos. He stuttered at first. It felt so out of character for him. He always, well, almost always, knew what to say. 
He had to be careful around her. He's lucky that he has been clever enough to keep his obsessive tendencies under wraps until Lois leaves his side.
"I just want to know why they refuse to talk to me." His words were laced with truth. Still, he was dodging her questions, as always.
Lois huffs in irritation, like he just said the most asinine thing one could ever utter.
"They obviously like you. They just think you're way out of their league."
"What?" He deadpans.
"I never give you the inside scoop about your darling little crush, but this one time I may." She teases him. "Clark, they like you. The googly eyes you two make at each other are such an obvious indication that you both are totally whipped for each other."
"You're serious?" His pupils dilate to such an extensive degree that you would have thought he was getting them checked by an optometrist. A lump forms in this throat, twice the size of his Adam's apple. "They like me?"
"They more than like you. They are interested in you, and you should totally ask them out on a date. I have to help a friend out, y'know? You two would make such a cute couple." Lois's pitch in her voice had become so much higher; even with her evident giddiness, there was an undertone of sulleness.
"Hey!" Lois calls you over. She waves her arm around and points towards Clark.
You scurry over in your flattering work outfit. It wouldn't be appropriate for him to eye you like a forbidden sweet. Still, he could feel his clothes grow tighter and his palms become sweaty. You couldn't even look him in the eyes. He wanted to gently tilt your chin up so your eyes would meet his. He'd eat a lump of kryptonite just for you to glance at him with that love-lorn expression. If only you knew, he could show; no, he has to show—
"You and him are going to go undercover in a local cafe a few blocks from here." He's snapped from his never-ending supply of thoughts about you. "It's supposedly a cover for a notorious drug cartel. Your cover story will be that you're a young couple going out on a date."  
You glance at Lois and eagerly nod. His words don't register your reply, but from Lois's grin, you obviously said something along the lines of yes. You walk off once again, your eyes sweeping across the aged carpet covering the office floor. Once out of hearing distance, Lois turns back to him.
"You're welcome. You owe me one." Lois nudges him in the side.
He could die a happy man now.
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yandereunsolved · 8 days
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yandereunsolved · 8 days
Yandere Aegon with barkeep reader who he treats as his own personal therapist—
"No one... no one really loves me. I'm the king, and yet I get treated like shit by my family. My own wife doesn't have all her marbles. We have this war, and the Greens are kinda fucked. I'm not fucked. I wanna be fucked, but the brothels are so far away. Every whore just wants me for my money and my cock. I want them to need me. I want to have them all coated in wax and burned slowly on a stake so I can listen to their pained cries because they refuse to fully submit to me and my will. I just don't have that someone, you know?"
Barkeep reader who has had to listen to his drunken rambling for the past two hours.
"Yeah, yeah, I totally know."
"Do you—love me?"
"That... escalated quickly."
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yandereunsolved · 8 days
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𖹭 𐙚 Lucy MacLean Mood board 𐙚 𖹭
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ Which Lucy are you? 1-9 ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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