wolfstargazer · 14 days
19th May - 24 hours to live - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 289
Remus wonders how things might have been different if they had known...
Sometimes, he looks back on those hours just before, trying to ascribe some significance, desperately looking for meaning that hadn't been there...
If there had been signs then maybe he might have stopped it... might have found a way to prevent what was to happen next...
But there was nothing.  Just the domestic. The mundane. It had been quiet in Grimmauld Place without Kreacher. They'd sat at the kitchen table and ate a simple supper. He had taken his drink to finish it in the upstairs living room, opening the book he was in the process of reading and balancing it on his knee. The evening had passed in companionable silence until Sirius had caught him yawning once again and said, "Let's go to bed."
If they had known would they have made love, Remus wonders, hot and sticky and passionate, clinging violently to one another, knowing it was the last time?
It hadn't mattered. The future was opaque. Death was a stranger refusing to make itself known. Waiting to be revealed in that final terrible moment when the flash of the curse had hit Sirius squarely in the chest and he'd slipped, the half-smile of surprise still playing on his lips, through the veil and to where Remus could not follow.
And so they laid together, like so many nights before, beside one another, sleepy but content. Remus had felt Sirius thread his fingers between his, a ghost of a kiss on the back of his hand, unremarkable yet astounding in the way only love every day can be. He had smiled, and Sirius, perhaps sensing the smile in the darkness, had whispered just one word.
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wolfstargazer · 20 days
13th May - Almost kiss - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 834
cw - drinking
The bass of the music made it difficult but Remus just about managed to make himself heard as he pulled Lily close and yelled, "I'm going."
Lily said something which sounded like a plea for him to stay. After all this had been her idea. It had been so long since she had had a night out, long before Harry had been born, and she had pressured them all into coming, insisting that it would do them all good.
But this sort of place wasn't really Remus' scene. A quiet pub with a roaring fire with seats well placed so he could huddle close to his friends whilst they spoke was more his taste. Not here; a Muggle establishment with a floor sticky with spilt drinks and filled with cigarette smoke.
But he had never really been able to deny Lily anything. And she hadn't been wrong... that he'd needed to relax. The problem was that in order to do so Remus had drunk far more than was sensible to steel himself for seeing him again. But it hadn't worked, and even though it had been weeks since they had spoken, and months since things had been right between them, Remus felt a treacherous swell of emotions when Sirius had arrived.
Remus smiled one last time to Lily, gave her hand a squeeze, and made his way through the crowd towards the cloak room. The corridor was narrow, and there was quite the queue. Remus peered down at the ticket stub he'd pulled from his pockets and sighed. With just the one person behind the counter, he could be here sometime...
A figure, leather-jacketed and clearly intoxicated, careered into Remus, causing the ticket to slip from his hand. He saw it flutter out of his fingers to the floor, watched as the figure swooped down to retrieve it, and realised with a jolt that it was Sirius.
Sirius gave a crooked smile, and swayed drunkenly towards Remus, handing out the ticket for him to take.
"Erm...thanks," Remus said, taking the ticket, and doing everything he could to avoid Sirius' eyes.
But it was hard. Sirius swayed closer. He placed one hand against the wall to steady himself, bringing him closer still. His voice was thick with drink, and Remus could smell it on his breath when Sirius asked, "You're not leaving?"
"But we've hardly seen each other."
Not true, a treacherous voice inside Remus' head drunkenly whispered. My eyes have followed you around the entire place even though I've been avoiding you.
Remus didn't say any of this. Instead, he gave a shrug and gave into the temptation of looking Sirius in the eye.
That was a mistake. Stripped away of inhibitions by the drink, the distance and the coldness that had built between them evaporated instantly. In his eyes, Remus could read a vulnerability and a longing he couldn't quite believe.
Remus swallowed and tried to focus on anything than the instant flush of desire that surged through his body and made his head swim.
"Merlin I've missed you," Sirius said in a throaty whisper.
Remus felt the edges of his reality blur as Sirius pressed closer. He felt Sirius' chest bump against his and couldn't suppress the shiver of pleasure it inspired.
"I've missed you too," Remus found himself replying.
The confession took them both by surprise. Remus registered the look in Sirius' face and saw the moment he seemed to decide as he leant closer, fixed Remus with a look that left him no where to hide, and said, "I'm going to kiss you now, Remus."
The use of his name told Remus that Sirius meant it. Sirius reached out and placed his palm against Remus' cheek. The ghost of a smirk tugged at his lips as he lowered his head and pleaded, hotly, "Please don't stop me."
With a voice that Remus didn't recognise as his own, he replied with just two words.
"I won't."
"There you both are!" A voice came from behind them.
Remus started, Sirius dropped his hand and moved unsteadily away.
James, oblivious as to the interuption, appeared from behind Sirius and threw his arm about his shoulders.
Remus took his chance and moved. The queue had shrunk, and soon he'd be at the counter. He stole a look at Sirius who seemed to have forgotten everything, ruffling James' hair roughly before allowing him to lead him back in the direction of the bar.
"Ticket?" a nasal voice asked, drawing Remus' attention away from the back of Sirius' head.
The Muggle man behind the counter held his hand out, waiting for Remus to comply.
"Oh... right....sorry..." Remus said, handing over the ticket he clutched in his sweaty palm. His stomach lurched as the man handed over his jacket. Two girls giggled in the doorway as he passed them and tried to catch his eye. But Remus didn't see them as he pushed open the heavy door and walked out alone into the night.
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wolfstargazer · 21 days
12th May - Mutual Pining - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 421
It was hot. It was airless. The scent of parchment, and dusty tapestries, and sunbaked flagstones clung to everything.
Sirius lay, one hand resting on his stomach, shirt unbutton past his collar bone, listening to the sound of the water of the Great Lake lapping langourously at the shore. His eyes were closed, orange pin-pricked with stars beneath his eyelids, listening as Lily tried, and failed to patiently explain it to James one last time.
"I'm never going to get this."
"You will," Lily insisted.
James hmphed and in his mind's eyes Sirius pictured him push his glasses up his nose before he said, "I'm worried that all this cramming is just pushing all the stuff I do know out of my head."
"But maybe if I just explain it one more time..."
"Give it up, Evans. Please do us all a favour and just enjoy the sun."
There was what Sirius interpreted as a furious silence. Sure enough, Sirius opened one eye and saw Lily scowling in his direction.
That was before James reached out, pulled Lily into his arms, and planted an impromptu kiss on her cheek.
Lily's scowl melted despite herself before she laughed and pushed him away.
"Where's Remus anyway?" Lily asked, smoothing down her hair and casting her eyes back up the path towards the castle. "We could do with someone to restore some sense to this so-called study session."
"That's him coming now," James said, nodding.
Sirius felt the tell-tale flutter in his stomach which he suppressed, shielding his eyes from the sun and looking over to where Remus was walking towards them.
He recognised the gait, wide and slightly lilting. He saw Remus' eyes narrow into a smile, wrinkled at the edges, as he spotted his friends at the lakeside and gave a wave. His sleeves were rolled over his elbows. It was so warm that even Remus, who keenly felt the cold, made this concession to the heat. Sirius saw as he drew closure the muscles of his forearms, his skin slightly tanned from the weeks of good weather.
Remus greeted them and sat down beside them. Siririus watched the slight bead of sweat roll from Remus' brow to his cheek and disappear round the curve of his neck. 
Remus turned, sensing Sirius watching, and Sirius passed his hand over his forehead, rubbing his eyes wearily before saying with an affected yawn, "Good of you to join us, Mr Moony. Now test Lily on her Arithmancy before she makes poor Prongs' brain capsize."
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wolfstargazer · 23 days
10th May - Only one bed/room - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 711
Remus was out of breath as he burst into the room. Sirius followed closely behind, having barely broken a sweat but eyes darting wildly, trying to figure out if they'd been followed before closing the door and locking it with a muttered incantation.
Remus cursed his body, weakened as it was so close to the full moon. It had betrayed him, failing him when he needed it the most. It had put them both at risk in their task to wait and watch and see if the information they'd received about the Dolohov and MacNair proved to be correct.
But they had been spotted, it had been all his fault, and Remus felt shame again as he remembered the way he'd slumped against Sirius, relying on his power and his pure physicality to Apparate them out of danger and to bring them here.
It was a Muggle hotel, perhaps somewhere unfashionable in a large urban area? Perhaps London somewhere? The man behind reception had waved them through with barely a glance as Sirius had slid the notes across the counter. The man had flicked the ash from his lit cigarette into a coffee cup with nicotine stained fingers before passing the set of keys. Remus wondered how it was that Sirius knew this place...wondered when and why he'd been here before...
Perhaps once he would have asked. Or perhaps not, Remus conceeded, his curiosity always stifled by a shy awkwardness and something too much like jealously for comfort that held him back from prying.
Remus still struggled to catch his breath, leaning back, taking in the wallpaper peeling from the walls and the bed with scratchy blankets, the silence broken only by his unsteady breathing.
"I'm sorry," Remus offered, weakly, desperate for something to say.
Sirius turned from where he had been peering through the peep hole in the door, dark hair falling in front of his eyes.
"It's fine," he said, simple and short.
A moment of silence from the hallway beyond told them both that they hadn't been followed.
"Lie down," Sirius said coolly, his eyes taking in Remus levelly who was trying and failing to conceal his pain.
"I...I just need a moment."
Sirius eyebrows drew together. He was unconvinced.
"Don't try to hide it. You need to recover. This close to the full moon is always difficult..."
Sirius trailed off, and Remus felt a tightening in his stomach. Remus caught the discomfort flicker in Sirius' face, a ghost of familiarity he quickly chased away with sarcasm when he said, "You'll be no good to the Order if you keel over."
Reluctantly, Remus made his way over to the bed, kicking off his shoes before laying down. The mattress sagged badly beneath him, but he couldn't deny the relief it afforded his weary body.
A strange tension settled between them. Sirius sat down on a chair that he put by the door, throwing his jacket over the back of it, settling in to keep watch. Although uneasy, Remus felt comforted by the presence of Sirius in a way that pained him to realise. And soon enough, he had closed his eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.
It was some hours later when he woke, confused as to where he was. Darkness had stolen into the unfamiliar room, and Remus' eyes struggled to adjust to take in his surroundings, strange shadows cast by furniture he couldn't place.
Remus shifted and felt the weight of a body close beside him. It made him start, his heart lept into his throat, before a familiar voice said lowly, softly, "Dont worry. It's me. I just needed to...lie down."
Suddenly, Remus' senses seemed to return. The sight of the dark silhouette of Sirius in the bed beside him. The sound of his breathing. The scent of woodsmoke and spice. The warm pressure of his body, so close and yet kept so carefully apart. It was heaven to feel him beside him, and hell to be reminded of how distant they remained.
Remus could do nothing. Mere inches existed between them. He could not reply. He waited a moment, held his breath, willing for Sirius to say something further...
And in the silence that followed, Remus turned away.
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wolfstargazer · 26 days
May 7th - Secret Relationship - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 174
It wasn't a secret per se. It's just that Remus couldn't find the words to say it.
I've met someone.
It's all very new.
I'm not sure if you really know them, although you might have seen them around.
Pointless. Hopeless. He had always turned in on himself when he felt things becoming complicated. He read enough books to give him all the words he'd ever need to put the sentence together. But when it came down to it, and there were moments when he could maybe finally say, he clammed up, shut down, twisting the sleeve of his jumper between his fingers, feeling the eyes of his friend upon him, searching out what was wrong.
I think I could really like them if I let myself.
But I'm scared that maybe I can't.
That voice snaps him from his reverie. The knot in his stomach melts away. He looks into those grey, questioning eyes and knows, with a sudden and simple clarity, why words seem to fail him.
Because they aren't you.
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wolfstargazer · 1 month
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Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. It has started to feel like Spring may be finally here in the UK which is very welcomed! I have a very busy May ahead of me, with two assignments due as well as my ethics proposal to get through but I'm looking forward to indulging in the respite my little Wolfstar universe affords me.
Top microfic of April:
The danger of hope - a little Sirius in Azkaban angst.
My fic Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered was revealed as part of @remuslupinfest. You can read on a03.
Here's what you can expect in May:
I will write some more microfics in response to @wolfstarmicrofic prompts. Some of them are already inspiring me so I'm looking forward to writing them.
I will continue to share my headcanons and ramblings about all things Wolfstar as and when they occur.
Edits for my long fic Without You, I'm Nothing continue with posting starting this month! I can't wait to share it with you.
I hope you continue to find a little respite from the world in what I create 💜
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wolfstargazer · 1 month
Remus is the first thaw of spring, hot breath on cold air, sitting beside the fire, book close at hand, rain lashing the window outside.
Sirius is the lazy afternoon of a hot day in August, mist rising from the lake in early autumn, the bark of a fox deep in the night, flames licking from a bonfire alight on the beach.
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
Dappled light - a wolfstargazer microfic - word count: 199
They were rare...moments like this...
Remus closed his eyes but could still sense the dappled sunlight that filtered through the leaves, caressing his face as the branches overhead tossed in the breeze.
Out of London...away from Grimmauld Place... brought a different type freedom that Remus caught in Sirius' eyes. Something canine that was always there beneath the surface.
It was a glimpse of the way that life could be. After all this was over. The blanket beneath them. The sky overhead. A book forgotten drowsily by their side.
Remus felt as Sirius shifted closer, leaning over him, hair spilling into his face. Stubble scratching at his throat, nimble fingers toying with the buttons of his collar, still smelling of the peaches they had greedily eaten, the juice spilling through their fingers.
Sirius had licked their fingers clean.
Remus gave a gruff, low laugh as Sirius worked the button loose.
"Here? Now? Like this?" Remus asked without opening his eyes.
The familiar bark of laughter, reverberating through Sirius' chest, sent a thrum of pleasure through Remus as Sirius pressed still closer.
The warmth of Sirius' mouth against his ear gave him an answer before Sirius even whispered it.
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
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Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered by Clare Mansfield.
A Wolfstar one-shot written for @remuslupinfest 2024.
Prompt: Remus Lupin's gramophone.
Chapters: 1/1 Word count: 2,584 Fandom: Harry Potter Rating: Teen Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Additional Tags: Pining, Light Angst, Slow Romance, Slow Burn, Slow Dancing, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Not Actually Unrequited Love, Coming of Age, Tenderness, Yearning, Sirius shows Remus how to dance (+ more tags on ao3). It is the Marauders final year at Hogwarts and the Graduation Ball is fast approaching. But Remus doesn't know how to dance. Luckily, he has just the friend to show him.
Sirius gave a slight nod and said nothing, looking away from Remus’ face and considering something deeply. Instinctively Sirius drew closer, his arms around Remus’ shoulders closing the very little gap that still remained between them. Remus’ chest was against Sirius’ chest. Sirius had moved, and as though it was the most natural thing in the world, rested his head very softly against Remus’ shoulder. Remus didn’t know what to do, how to react. Was this all part of the lesson, too? If it was then it was unexpected and perhaps a little awkward. It felt a little different. Remus wasn’t sure what to make of it. Still, it didn’t seem to stop him from snaking his hands gently around Sirius’ back and holding him cautiously against him.
So thrilled to be able to finally reveal this fic as mine. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
Reveals are finally here!
Remus Lupin Fest 2024 Master List Reveals
Gen Monster - by SebbiGrey
James/Remus Where This Might Lead Us - by puuvillaa
Kingsley/Remus Soothing Comfort - by piximera
Regulus/Remus Hiding in Plain Sight - by MidnightStargazer
Severus/Remus DoorDash - by nocturn Food for Thought - by SafePlaceSnupin The Great Divide - by Elvira_Kamgut Safe - by Malinverno Sleepless in Scotland - by multilingualism
Sirius/Remus Ad Astra - by Swoops all the hot singles in your area are dead - by atropos_aeneas A New Chapter - by brandileigh2003 The beast in us - by Imjustherefortheshipping Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered - by Clare_Mansfield Catch Me When I Fall - by sliebman10 Chiaroscuro - by krabapple For Love or Monet - by deathcabformoony Half Moon Chocolate - by BrujaBanter High Tide Came and Brought You to Me - by Lucigoo89 Let Me Touch You or The Five TImes Sirius Black Kissed Remus Lupin and the One Time Remus Kissed Him Back - by Sniper_Jade The Many Phases of a Full Moon - by RebelWriter99 Sweets and Books - by Writer_INFJ_2w1 tell me that you're here forever, that you'll never leave - by ethereal_xo the world will follow after - by emlovessid used my best colors for your portrait - by littleoldrachel
Tonks/Remus Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board - by roni_mac The War - by Maplehelicopter
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
The danger of hope - a wolfstargazer microfic - word count: 232
He sits, back against the wall, knees under his chin, trying to stop the memories from surfacing again.
But it's getting harder. He'd thought with time he'd finally find the discipline that had always eluded him on the outside.
Instead, the half-forgotten fragments and impressions of what used to be crowd his waking thoughts.
He can not let them intrude.
That's how the Dementors win.
But it's hard, and as much as he tries not to think they swell up, stealing his breath, taking him off guard, the years melting away and it's like he is there...in the library...or the Common Room...and he is there too. Bowed over a book, a fresh scar still healing, tea close at hand as he tries, and fails, to stop himself from smiling as he's distracted so easily by the boy by his side.
They were both boys.
Both stupid.
And then it was too late.
A Dementor glides through the corridor outside, attracted by the fragile memory of a time and a place where anything had been possible.
Sirius shuts off his mind, his body instinctively shifting to take the shape of the large, shaggy dog that is so much better at hiding these sorts of things.
The dog curls itself up on the dank floor. The Dementor momentarily hesitates outside of the cell before drifting off in the direction of the screams that echo from below.
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
A fierce and a tender thing - a wolfstargazer microfiction - word count: 538
cw - very light/implied discussions of sex
Remus sat beside Lily on the sofa, their knees touching, watching as she picked nervously at the sleeve of her paisley print shirt.
He allowed the silence to stretch out, knowing she would speak when ready.
Sure enough, she seemed to find the words, although she spoke them down to the floor.
"I do want to, I think. I feel ready. And I know James will be... kind..."
Lily trailed off. Remus watched as she looked up, her green eyes searching his face as she asked, "Don't you think?"
Remus did think and gave a small nod. As inexperienced as he was in such things, he felt absolutely certain that James' love and care for Lily was both a fierce and a tender thing. There was no doubt in Remus' mind that James would consider Lily first in everything. It was just the way he loved her.
"I don't doubt that you and James love each other. And if you both want to, then this seems the natural next step..." Remus trailed off, hearing suddenly how he might sound - earnest but clueless. He cleared his throat, a little awkwardly, feeling himself flushing as he said, "But you know...I might not be the best person to ask for advice."
Remus saw the way Lily smiled. He knew that she felt the same as he did about how much their friendship meant. They trusted one another.
"But you're not...without experience..."
Remus heard how delicately she chose her words. Images, unbidden and from the recent past, flitted through his mind. But he pushed them away, worried that how he had felt about it all before...and during...then after would be visible for Lily to see...
He had wanted to.
He thought he had.
He had trusted her.
They had cared for one another.
It was what everyone else would do.
Remus swallowed and tried to find the words to explain.
"Yes. But it wasn't...what I thought..." He sighed, defeated, unable to maintain the tension as he relaxed back against the cushions of the sofa and said to the air, "It didn't feel right."
A moment of silence. Remus heard Lily shuffle a little beside him, picking up one of the cushions and holding it tight.
"But what if it had been...different?" Remus looked at Lily, noticed the way she watched him closely as she suggested, softly, "What if it had been... someone else?"
Someone else....with those words Remus saw him in his mind. He tried to hide it, tried to look away, and thought desperately of how he could conceal it.
But it was too late. Lily had seen everything he was trying to fight and was now reaching out to take his hand.
Remus, surprised, found that he let her... found a comfort and a stillness in the gesture that he did not expect.
Lily squeezed his hand and smiled, her voice warm as she said, simply, "Thank you. For listening." She paused, thoughtfully, before adding, "I'll listen too...someday...when you're ready."
Remus hoped he would be...one day...but found it hard to imagine a time when he would dare.
When he did, if he did, however, he knew that Lily would be true to her word.
Remus smiled, squeezed her hand, and let go.
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
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Hello everyone. Thank you to all of those who have been enjoying and interacting with my work over the past month. I appreciate and notice every like and reblog. I also have a special place in my heart for those of you who discover my work and binge it. I see you. Thank you. You are great.
Top microfics of March:
Wolfsbane Potion - a slice of older Wolfstar, with bonus sniping between Snape and Sirius.
Dreamless Sleep - sleep doesn't come easily to Sirius post Azkaban. But Remus is there to stay with him until he drifts off.
Here's what you can expect in April:
I will continue to create Wolfstar microfics. This month's theme for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompts are for AU, which is not for me. I will continue to write fics, however, based on what inspires me.
I have completed posting Patient Potions Master on a03.
All the fics have now been posted for @remuslupinfest 2024. The master list is still anonymous, but I will post an update when the authors are revealed and I can tell you which fic is mine.
I will continue editing my Wolfstar long fic Without You, I'm Nothing. I expect posting to begin for this in May so keep your eyes peeled.
I look forward to sharing all things Wolfstar, full of love and tenderness, with you. The world can be a cold, dark place sometimes. But please know if you are reading this and - like me - you feel saddened, angered or troubled by Rowling's most recent outbursts that I see you. You matter. This is a safe space for you. And if you take a little comfort in anything I create then that brings me joy and happiness that nothing can touch or take away 💜
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
The little moments - a wolfstargazer microfic - word count: 76
Remus leans over and, unable to stop himself, pushes back the dark hair that's fallen in front of Sirius' eyes.
Sirius looks up from the papers, the reports strewn across the desk he knows he should have read days ago, grey eyes capturing hazel.
Remus smiles curiously.
"Sorry," Remus says with a shrug, the smile still playing on his lips. "When we were younger I would see that happen and desperately want to reach out and do that."
Sirius feels his stomach flip a little, a strange sensation that still takes him by surprise. He feels the intensity of Remus' eyes upon him, dancing with amusement, and the intimacy of the moment makes him feel every bit the teenager again as Sirius says, his voice gruff and thick with feeling, "You should have done it, Moony."
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
Remus Lupin Fest 2024 Master List Anonymous
Gen Monster
James/Remus Where This Might Lead Us
Kingsley/Remus Soothing Comfort
Regulus/Remus Hiding in Plain Sight
Severus/Remus DoorDash Food for Thought The Great Divide Safe Sleepless in Scotland
Sirius/Remus Ad Astra all the hot singles in your area are dead A New Chapter The beast in us Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered Catch Me When I Fall Chiaroscuro For Love or Monet Half Moon Chocolate High Tide Came and Brought You to Me Let Me Touch You or The Five TImes Sirius Black Kissed Remus Lupin and the One Time Remus Kissed Him Back The Many Phases of a Full Moon Sweets and Books tell me that you're here forever, that you'll never leave the world will follow after used my best colors for your portrait
Tonks/Remus Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board The War
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
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Patient Potions Master by Clare Mansfield.
An uneasy sense of stillness settles back between Snape and Harry, broken only by a small gesture; a fragment from the past.
Story now complete. Read on a03.
Chapters: 15/15
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Harry Potter & Severus Snape (other relationships, romantic and platonic, depicted. See tags on ao3)
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Dealing with grief, Post-OotP, Wolfstar implied, Sirius Black is dead, Written Pre-Deathly Hallows, Bonus Remus Lupin (+ more tags on ao3)
It is the beginning of another week during Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, and tempers are once again tested during Double Potions. How will Harry cope with a week's worth of detentions? And will what is revealed during these detentions help him to accept Sirius' death?
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wolfstargazer · 2 months
Weekly Roundup 2!
MONDAY The Many Phases of a Full Moon Half Moon Chocolate
TUESDAY Where This Might Lead Us Monster
WEDNESDAY tell me that you're here forever, that you'll never leave For Love or Monet
THURSDAY DoorDash Safe
FRIDAY all the hot singles in your area are dead Ad Astra
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