#wolfstargaer microfic
wolfstargazer ยท 2 months
The little moments - a wolfstargazer microfic - word count: 76
Remus leans over and, unable to stop himself, pushes back the dark hair that's fallen in front of Sirius' eyes.
Sirius looks up from the papers, the reports strewn across the desk he knows he should have read days ago, grey eyes capturing hazel.
Remus smiles curiously.
"Sorry," Remus says with a shrug, the smile still playing on his lips. "When we were younger I would see that happen and desperately want to reach out and do that."
Sirius feels his stomach flip a little, a strange sensation that still takes him by surprise. He feels the intensity of Remus' eyes upon him, dancing with amusement, and the intimacy of the moment makes him feel every bit the teenager again as Sirius says, his voice gruff and thick with feeling, "You should have done it, Moony."
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