vodrae · 20 hours
Don't kiss your brother's ex, kiss his homie
Starfire presses her lips against Red Hood's to share vital informations with him as quickly as possible. Calmly Jason says
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vodrae · 2 days
Rich pregnant socialite: So we went to this clinic and let them manipulate our genes so we're 100% sure our child won't have any disease, he will have my hair and his father eyes and so much things we did for him! And you Bruce ?
Brucie: Found em in the trash. Except Tim, he found me in the trash.
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vodrae · 3 days
Clark rushed from the other side of the world as he heard Bruce's heart going frenetic then nealy flat out. As he wrecked the Wayne's Plaza Imperial suite wall he saw Talia Al-Ghul knoting her kimono, her face wore an honest grin. Bruce was butt naked in their bed, post Damian creation.
"You are really a great friend. I'm glad you will always be by my beloved's side"
Too stunned to speak, the kryptionan could only think about the lack of batmask on Bruce's face. He knew she was the one for his brother from another mother.
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vodrae · 3 days
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vodrae · 3 days
Bruce going from struggling to use the microwave to Michelin Chef when he's cooking for Talia
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vodrae · 3 days
Instagram: if you like anything other than my latest 3 posts I'm gonna assume you're a stalker or a spammer and block you >:(
Twitter: someone private quote retweeted my post, I guess I have a hater now
Tumblr: I have 24 hours to mass spam the notifications of anyone who crosses my sight, and with god as my witness, I will do just that and they will like it
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vodrae · 5 days
Even if everything's falling apart I know my dishwasher got me
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vodrae · 5 days
Because I'm french, so i put subtiles
Why do people need subtitles to watch a show in English? I don't get it. What is wrong with the ears of young people?
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vodrae · 5 days
TW Jumpscare
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vodrae · 5 days
For a seconde I was "I don't know this actor🤔" even after reading the whole post
"Oh who should be the next Batman? Who should be the next Batman? Who would be best as the next Batman? Jason or Dick? Who should be the next-"
Jace Fox next question.
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vodrae · 5 days
Gotham cop: “Sorry Mr. Wayne, we have to put you under arrest for potentially being the Batman…such a silly accusation, right? Just cooperate and I’m sure they’ll clear up this whole misunderstanding down at the station.”
Gotham cop after grabbing Bruce Wayne’s wrists and realizing just how buff he is under all the suits and layers:
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vodrae · 6 days
You really poured your heart in it, THAT'S A REBLOG BRCAUSE THIS IS A MASTERPIECE
To me Babs being Oracle is so important to both the DC universe(s) and to her character, like she was a good character before but Oracle always felt more alive than Batgirl, it’s Oracle who works as an information broker, not Batgirl, Batgirl fights crime on the streets like Batman, Batwoman and Robin(s), and, while that’s obvious, being Oracle creates so much more depth for the interpersonal relationships she has because she is in such constant contact with those people, whether they know it’s Babs or not.
She also allows crucial information in the stories to be explained while not just being, ‘ Batman is the worlds greatest detective therefore he has all the answers,’ because while there is nothing wrong with that it becomes overused quickly. Babs being Oracle means that the people and teams she helps can focus on the jobs that they are supposed to be doing while still having a general sense of security and a sense that someone is looking out for them. That, in turn, means that the readers can being to grasp the story as the characters do, find things out while they are learnt.
Also having the literal daughter of a police commissioner be a vigilante-turned-information-broker is just downright badass.
Like this girl knows how things work in this city and how people keep it in check and by god is that an advantage and she uses it, as she should.
I also want to point out that Batgirl seems to be a right of passage thing rather than a permanent (sort of) identity, more akin to the way Robin is rather than the Batman it shares part of its name with.
Also Babs choosing to call herself after the Greek deliverers of prophecy rather than the female version of Batman (Batwoman was taken when she became Batgirl) shows her ability to exist as her own character rather than just an extension of Batman.
If you can’t tell I really like Oracle, I could write about her for hours but it’s late so this is all I can coherently put together off the top of my head.
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vodrae · 6 days
Reasons Why Bruce Wayne Refuses to Take a Break:
1. Why should he?
2. Because fuck you, that's why.
3. He's scared that if he ever actually stops to take a break, completely relax, and fully drop his guard, something horrible will happen to Gotham and/or the people he cares about and he won't be able to stop it because he wasn't prepared OR the years and years of burn out and physical/emotional pain will finally catch up to him (because he stopped running from it) and it'll hit him so hard that he'll finally have to face the trauma he endured as a child when he saw his parents die (which he is not physically capable of coping with, because the event fractured his identity into Batman, a man with childish morals and an inability to make exceptions [such as not killing a petty crook OR a mass murderer and thinking they should be dealt with the same way] and a childish sense of justice that cannot exist without him blocking out his trauma [so if he had to face that trauma his very identity would cease to exist]) therefore his mental health would be destroyed to such an extent that he'd be unable to even pretend he was alright, which in turn will make the people he cares about worry about him, and because he hates when people worry about him it'll cause him to lash out which will further isolate him from the world and from any form of human connection, leaving him sitting broken at an empty table in an empty mansion on an empty island just like he did when he was a mere, insignificant, hurt, orphaned eight year old who hadn't yet made his mark on the world-
4. He doesn't wanna >:[
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vodrae · 6 days
You guys need to drink to annoy everyone with lore ?
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vodrae · 6 days
i know vitamin c basically neutralizes adhd meds but lemonade good
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vodrae · 6 days
With a vocoder in addition because he's dramatic
red hood seems like a guy to have tik tok led lights in his room and set to red
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vodrae · 8 days
Just realized after everybody that Eddie Munson, your local drug dealer, played in memory of Chrissy, who tried to buy LSD or ecstasy, Master Of Puppets, here remixed to fit the scenery of the underwold but first a huge anti drugs anthem
(Last I had something 1000 or more hours of litsening to Metallica, I think I didn't focus lmao)
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