trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Interview target group
For our concept test we held interviews with 4 different people. During the interviews we tried to stick to our topic list to get as much out of it as possible. Click here to see the topic list.
These are the correspondents: 1. Woman (22) – Fashion student 2. Woman (21) – Tourism student 3. Man (27) – PR employee at GLDJ’s and MIC-student 4. Man (25) – Entrepreneur and retail management student
General info All the correspondents had visit one or more festivals last summer. From just one-day till two-day events or longer. They all said that they liked the longer events the most. The ones who didn’t went to a multi-day festival would really like to go there. They said:
“A more day festival has more atmosphere and you feel more connected with the other visitors because you were the lucky ones who did get the ticket right on time.”
Other positive aspects of the festivals were the feeling you could do whatever you want, you don’t have any obligations except for having a good time. Positive was also good music, enough places to eat and/or drink something.
The most irritating negative aspect was filthy toilets. Especially for girls. The guys could do their needs somewhere else but for girls this is more difficult of course. Another thing that was mentioned very often was drunken people who become annoying. Hanging around you and make unnecessary noise in the middle of the night when the most were sleeping. They also missed a washing machine at multi-day festivals and the high costs for food & drinks were mentioned a lot as negative.
“There was this Wrangler washing concept at Lowlands last summer but the queue was too long for me so I didn’t used it.”
They would liked it if there was a self-service laundry. Other essentials are of course clean toilets and showers and for one-day festivals enough possibilities to launch instead of sitting on the ground. The picnic tables you see a lot at festivals are most of the time all occupied and it’s not really comfy. There has to be more things where you can really lounge.
The concept The all didn’t knew anything about Random Acts of Kindness. Though, three of the correspondents were immediately enthusiastic about the concept except for correspondent number four, the 25 year old entrepreneur and student. He thinks it’s too much work to share & swap your goods.
“I rather pay for my food than ride to the festival with my car full of long-lasting food. I prefer paying a bit more money for more comfort.”
The others saw the whole picture in front of them and compared it to a ‘Woodstock-ish’ event, were you could do whatever you want and you could be who you want to be. One and all freedom and happiness.
“I expect a lot of friendly people, because troublemakers probably wouldn’t be attracted to this festival.”
They would like to see some food and drinking spots because if people bring not enough the visitors would all starve which is of course not an option. Correspondent one would like to see a stand were you could also swap your clothes.
“You could bring the clothes that you don’t wear anymore but are still in a good condition to the festival to swap them with others at a special stand.”
They couldn’t think of other important services at the festival except for food and drinks stand, music and a first-aid stand. 
Except for correspondent number 4, they would all bring things to swap. Not only food but also clothes (correspondent 1) or a parasol and rain coats (correspondent 2).
The length of the festival would have to be a multi-day festival because they think that one day is not enough to get in the swapping and sharing vibe. Though it doesn’t have to be a whole week or longer than three days because than you would have to bring too much stuff. They like to see the festival in the nature to get the real hippie feeling, somewhere in a forest. The average entrance they would pay for the R.A.K. Festival is exact €25,-.   
Flyer They al like the colors of the flyer and the kind of hippie feeling in it.
Though they wouldn’t be immediately attracted by this flyer because they want to know more about the festival. Correspondent 1 suggest us to make little balloons on the flyer with pieces of information to make it more clear. Correspondent number 3 said that you could also make a flyer where you can pull of a little card with the name of the website on it. Than you can find more information about it because the flyer is still a bit vague to him.
Go or no go? Three out of four would definitely go if the entrance is not too high and the third would only go is you’re not required to bring something to swap. So that’s a GO!
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
From trend to concept
For assignment 3 we also have to look at a company that actively implement trends into products. We could have take the easy way and going for an agency like FutureConsult which creates concepts that are based on trends for other companies but what you may didn't knew is that a lot of companies use trends to build on future concepts for themselves. They have to because the competition is also thinking forwards. As a company you have to be innovating constantly to keep up with the rest and to keep your spot save in the market. We had a personal conversation with the director of camping 'De Bongerd' and he told us proud about all his innovations.
Campingpark De Bongerd is an interntational, well-known, five-star family camping. This camping is on top of the market for years and won several prestigious prices on national and international level. To achieve these recognitions, you have to be constantly 'moving'. The director of this camping does this by making trips abroad to see what happens overthere. He does this together with his wife, they don't have trend watchers employed. They trust at their own instinct and of course they always keep their eyes and ears open because trends are everywhere.
Which started as a small regular camping is now a complete area full of adventure for the whole family. The core business of this company is of course offering family vacations for families with young children. The guests at the camping are at the same time their clients but because there's so much to do, the camping also attracts a lot of people from the surroundings. Parents or grandparents can take the children a day out to they 'Holle Bolle Boom', an inside playground. There's also the opportunity to only come to the camping for having dinner. These kind of things makes the clientele bigger. But of course these are not the things that are based on huge mega trends.
Which is, is 'The New Camping' project. The director tells us that this part is still under construction but he can explain everything about it. 'The New Camping' has to give a more natural reflection of camping in real nature. You don't have a grass area with equal divided spaces but it's more with little hills and trees and waters that looks really natural and the camping spots are bigger so the guests have more privacy. At this area the sanitation buildings and play eqiupment for the children is als build from natural materials or painted in natural colors. It's all back to basic and that comes of course from the sustainability trend. Be more one with the nature.
The sustainability trend is also extended in the rest of the camping which runs on energie from solar panels and they have water saving showers and toilets. Of course this is also to decrease the water costs but the director says that they also want to treat the nature with respect and don't waste anything of it. Because that is what camping is all about, living in and with the nature at a respectful way. 
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Topic list for our R.A.K. Festival concept test
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  1.      General
·         Intro
·         General information of the interviewed
  - Individual
·         Festival(s) the person has visit
·         Positive and negative aspects at these festivals
·         What does he/she expects of a festival
·         Essential services and activities on a festival
  - Company
·         Tasks within the company
·         Current PR/advertisements/campaigns
·         Current image of the company
·         Desired image of the company
2.      The concept
·         Is the person in question familiar with R.A.K.?
·         Explain our inspiration of the Burning Man event and introduce the idea of  our R.A.K. Festival
·         First thoughts of the interviewed 
  - Individual
·         What does he/she expects
·         Important services and activities at the area
·         Would they swap themselves? And what?
·         Location of the festival (nature/ urban/ place)
·         Length of the festival
·         Entrance
  - Company
·         Opinion about R.A.K.
·         What can R.A.K. do for a/his/her company?
·         Would it affiliate the company?
·         Would it benefit the company?
·         Would they will be  involved?
·         Investment (goods, service and/or amount)
  3.      Flyer:
·         First impression 
·         Does it appeal
·         Improvements
·         Visit/ co-operate at this festival, in the sequel to the flyer?
  4.      Closure
·         Overall impression
·         Go or no go?
·         Thanks for the cooperation
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
5 Beneficial Side Effects of Kindness
The Huffington post has done research on the positive side-effects of being kind to others. For example, did you know being nice to other actually slows the aging proces of a person's heart and body? Being nice also influences the people surrounding you and encouraging them to do the same thing. Last but not least, kind people are happier than those solely care about themselves.
The research shows us some surprising results. It's not a big surprise that being kind to people influences your own state of mind. But the fact that our mental decisions have effect on our physical state can be called a real eye-opener. Be kind, live longer!
Source: Huffinton Post. (2011). 5 Beneficial Side Effects of Kindness. Consulted on June 23 2011, from: http://trendwatching.com/
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Vitals: The latest research on happiness
The article above states that practicing small random acts of kindness makes us happier. It reassures us of the fact that we are 'one of the good guys', which is important in our often considered 'selfish society'. The results were obtained by letting people perform little 'random acts of kindness', 15 minutes a day total.
This is a remarkable research, because random acts of kindness are mostly important to the ones receiving the kindness. Results like these remind us of the importance of being nice to each other to create a friendly and sincerence society.
Source: Vancouver SunVitals: The latest research on happiness. (2011). Consulted on June 23 2011, from: http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Vitals+latest+research+happiness/4843667/story.html
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Britain in top five 'kindest' countries
A study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation revealed that Great britain is among the five kindest countries in the world. People living in GB are more generous and eager helping helping other people. Other 'kind' countries in the top five are America, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. The Netherlands are not in the list, so there is a lot to improve in our country!
Source: Telegraph. (13 April 2011). Britain in top five 'kindest' countries, OECD report finds. Consulted on June 23 2011, from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/8447185/Britain-in-top-five-kindest-countries-OECD-report-finds.html
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
The future is yours
1.    What did we like or not like about the researched trend websites?
We really liked to watch other website because you can learn a lot from other bloggers. The write, create and think in a different way which is inspiring for us. Looking to other websites helps you to came up with new innovative and creative things. What we didn't like was to search for more information about the bloggers. It was hard to find those information especially on the cool collectors website.  
2.    What did we learn?
During our minor we learned a lot about trends and especially to find them by ourselves. We didn't learn much about the deepness of trends. by analyzing these websites we learned to look in a different way on trends, describe them and how we can translate this into products . 
3.    What would we do differently?
We would make a clear website with basic colors. We will keep the background clear so that we can post fascinated and attractive visuals. Besides that about the functionality we will use a more clear menu with a view topics which divided in sub-topics. This makes the blog easy and simple to read. About the content we would not do that much different, we only will add our own style. 
4.    What tips can we give the researched websites?
We would like the researched websites to have a more 'cleaner' design. The websites are often 'crowded' with bits of information which makes it hard to actually find the articles worth reading. A new, more logical design would help more websites to stand out in their category.
5.    Who are the potential clients (readers) of our own trend webblog and who could that potentially be of our former blog of methodology 1?
 We are aiming for all kind of readers at our blog. For example, people who are interested in the different goals that can be reached with random acts of kindness. You should think of individuals, but -as you can read in our blogs- RAK is also a big opportunity for big companies like airlines and artists
6.    What kind of trend information would we like to work upon or communicate about and how would we attract readers and clients?
We really want to find some deeper information about how companies decide to create a random acts of kindness or how they can create a good random act of kindness. It would be wonderful if we had the knowledge to explain to other companies how they can create a r.a.k and they asked us for advice. 
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Trends implementation
Watching Trendsactive.com
TrendsActive is a trend interpretation agency, which means we bridge the gap between theory (trend research) and practice (daily business).
TrendsActive was founded in 2007 by Kees Elands en René Maas and is located in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
How they do it?
They filter, analyse and summarize socio-cultural trend research in understandable language. Also, They make trends and insights 100% practical for organizations - on strategy, communication and product development. (trendsactive.com, 2011)
Trendsactive has 3 steps for creating opportunities for companies.
1. Insights
2. Interpretation
3. Imagination
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Some clients of Trendsactive
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Interview with the director of Campingpark ‘De Bongerd’
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Camping ‘De Bongerd’, translated as ‘The Orchard’, is a Dutch five-star camping in a small village in the North of the land. The camping is well-known in Europe and won several prestigious prices. This year ‘De Bongerd’ is already nominated for the best family camping of 2011, by the Dutch ANWB. The interview was held by the hand of our topic list, which you can find here.
The company “As the director of De Bongerd I make sure that everything runs smoothly. I send my managers and have a lot of business meetings. Once in a while I also make a trip abroad to look at other campsites. What they do and if there are important trend going on.”
“We don’t have big advertisement campaigns but we do promote ourselves on the web at travel related websites. We want to set ourselves on the market as a luxurious family camping were the kids will be entertained the whole day and that’s also how the current image is. In the future we will also be known as a sustainable five-star family camping. That is the goal for the next years.”
The concept “Actually I didn’t heard of Random Acts of Kindness before but I like the idea of it. I like the idea of the festival as well but there is still a lot to think about.“
“R.A.K. can really do something for your company of you cause that it will be noticed by a lot of people. For example you can film your R.A.K. and spread it over the internet or even use is as some sort of commercial. In that way it could do some good for your company. It’s just how much effort you put in it yourself and how it’s being picked up. That depends also on how well-thought your R.A.K. is.”
“I don’t see how it will be good for my own company. De Bongerd is doing good at this time and we’re still busy with improvements every year. It would affiliate my company in a way that it stands for happiness and having a good time with others at one park but I don’t feel like it. It wouldn’t reach enough of my target group which are parents with young children. I don’t think that a lot of them would go to a festival like this.“
The flyer “I like the idea of the flower and that you explained the Random Acts of Kindness because I didn’t heard of it before. I would have made it in one big page so everything is more clear right away. A flyer has to appeal immediately and this flyer will take more time to understand it all.”
Conclusion "The whole idea is great in my opinion and I think you will find the right partners to work this out. But you also need to take care of sanitation and enough water and food supplies. It is also useful to make a list with ten basic rules like no drugs, no weapons and clean up you dirt. Good luck with it!"
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Introduction watching trendwatchers
1. What is, or could be the use of trend expertise for organizations and entrepreneurs?
 The use of trend expertise help organizations and entrepreneurs to observe what is 'hot' in their industry. By observing the developments of this trends gives them the opportunity to invest and produce new innovate products and/or services. This way they create the possibility to make a blue ocean strategy that hopefully earn them a lot of revenue and income. 
2. Name one or more organizations that use trend expertise for innovation
For example, Philips, Apple, Nike and Adidas
3. What difficulties could trend experts come across whilst getting trend insights practically implicated by organizations they advise on?
That organizations trying to turn insights of a particular trend into their benefit and isn't based on facts because a company tries to create a own trend. Therefore trend watchers should be impartial and try not to get influenced by the company.
4. How could these possible difficulties be overcome according to you? 
Trend experts should always be neutral and only accept trends insights that is based and facts and arguments. 
5. What is the future of the profession of trend expertise (say in ten years)?
It will get more important because everyone is looking for that trend which is changing our world and for a company their revenue.
6. What is trend implication?
Trend implication takes place once a company uses trend practical. For example to produce a new product.
7. What extras does trend research and trend translation bring you?
Now that we learned how trend develop and how to recognize them it really helps us in our future work. We will now always be aware of the possibilities trend research could offer companies and we really want to profit of it in the future. 
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Watching Cool Collectors
An Analysis of the trend watchers website “the Cool Collector”.
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This blog is about trends in contemporary culture and lifestyle. Before this assignment I never heard of this site. The website has a diversity of topics about trends, gadgets, media, art, lifestyle, network and shopping which matched perfect together. Those topics have in a certain way a connection with each other. The creator and initiator of this blog is Irene Westerbeek. 
Irene Westerbeek describes her blog as: ” My blog is the place where I report about my everlasting search on how to stay cool in the global spectacle
In the following sentence we will explain our opinions about this blog about the content, style & functionality and the inspirational part. 
Style and functionality 
- My first opinion about this blog is that is very chaotic with all those pictures on the background and the different sizes of the fount. 
- The dates on the left side make in the first place no sense, however, when you look further you can find post who are posted on that date. It is nice that you can search or read old post but people would not click on things that are not attractive or clear.
- It is easy to share their post
- The pages are very long so you have to scroll for a long time to see all the pictures and there is no bottom up tool, what is a little bit annoying. 
- The pictures on the website are very fascinated and attractive for visitors. It took me a view minutes to look at all those amazing pictures, which is a very strong point. A website has to be fascinated and inspiring to the visitors. 
- There is some general information about here vision about trends although if you want to have more information you have to contact her by email. 
- Gives the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter, which is informative and an extra value for the visitors. 
- The topics all matched together and the blogs are very inspiring. They creative way of thinking and looking at trends is something we really liked. The visuals and illustration is also a strong point of the website and we would use this for our own blog. 
- If I had the give feedback on this blog I would recommend them to create a cleaner design like trendwatching.com. Trendwatching.com has a very clear blog, it is easy to read and to find your information.
Source: Coolcollectors.com 
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Watching trendwatching.com
The website trendwatching.com is a well known trend website that gives insight in current trends in society. They offer monthly briefings on different trends and also give presentations and have exclusive membership where they offer more content. 
The monthly briefings are a free service, which always has an specific subject and give insights and developments of a trend. This briefings are valuable for companies as they can see what happens in society.
Trendwatching.com is founded by Reinier Evers and is established in 2002. The website has currently 120 trend spotters working for trendwatching.com. All these trend spotters collect a lot of information that they save at their private database. Companies with a premium account can acces this database and see what happens in society.
The trend reports gives companies the opportunity to see what developments are going on in their industry so they can innovate and be special.
We believe trendwatching.com gives clear, valuable information.
Source: Trendwatching.com. (2011). Trend briefings. Consulted on June 23 2011, from: http://trendwatching.com/
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Kindness pays off, study finds.
There is karma in kindness.
It seems that the Biblical adage of doing unto others, as you’d have them do unto you, pays off in happiness.
A York University study found that people who performed small acts of kindness — every day for five to 15 minutes for a week — increased their happiness and self-esteem.
After six months, many were still actively helping others and were reporting that their happiness and self-esteem levels were still up, according to the study, which will be published in the spring edition of the Journal of Happiness Studies, an international scientific quarterly available online through Springer science and business media. Myriam Mongrain, associate professor of psychology in York’s Faculty of Health and lead author for the study, says 700 people from across Canada were recruited online at the end of 2007 through a Facebook ad and then directed to the survey site, ProjectHopeCanada.com. The age group of respondents ranged from 18 to 73 with 80 per cent women and 20 per cent men.
The data collected on the original respondents — before they had started the compassion exercise — showed that the majority were “depressed,’’ says Mongrain.
Of the original 700 recruits, 458 people completed the first week’s exercise which required them to help or interact with another person every day — it could be someone they knew or a stranger — “in a supportive and considerate’’ way. The positive effects on their happiness and self-esteem were “very strong,’’ says Mongrain.
After three months 260 responded, with the majority saying that they were still performing acts of kindness — one to three days a week — and feeling the same positive effects. After six months, which was the end of the study, there were 179 responses with most still doing a good deed one to three days a week and feeling happier for it.
Despite the high dropout rate, the results indicate that the exercise of performing acts of kindness “sustained increases in happiness and self-esteem,’’ says Mongrain, who had help analyzing the data from co-authors of the study, Jacqueline Chin and Leah Shapira.
Mongrain says respondents were promised confidentiality and she could not reveal anyone’s identity or actual acts of kindness performed. But examples given to participants at the start of the survey included “talking to a homeless person’’ or “being more loving to those around you.’’
Mongrain says she suspects “that the people who joined the study wanted relief’’ from the depression they were feeling and “doing noble, charitable acts makes us feel better about ourselves. We reaffirm that we are ‘good,’ which is a highly-valued trait in our society. It is also possible that being kind to others may help us be kind to ourselves,” Mongrain says.
Reading about acts of kindness has long struck a chord with Toronto Star readers. For about six years, the Starpublished more than 2,000 online readers’ stories of how they were helped by strangers in times of need. Some of the best were published in the 2010 book Acts of Kindness: Inspirational Stories for Everyday Life, compiled by editor Adam Mayers. 
By Valerie Hauch Made on May 18 2011, Healthzone. Consulted on 23-07-2011
This articles shows that acting good gives some win-win situation. When you are doing some nice things for others it makes you feel better as well. I totally agree on this, because during the making of this blog I often thought about random act of kindness and tried to do something kind for other people. It made me happy to do some nice things for other! Besides that I read a lot of inspiring stories from others and watched a lot of promotion video's about random acts of kindness what made me very happy.   
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Random acts and companies
Random Acts of spruiking kindness
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A HUNGRY office worker tweets about her peckishness and, within minutes, a hamper of Coles-brand baked goods shows up. In another town across the globe, a juice company brought sunshine - in the shape of a giant illuminated helium balloon - to the people of Inuvik, Canada, which endures 31 straight days of darkness in winter.
Companies are using such ''random acts of kindness'' to boost sales, but some argue it is cheapening the idea of spontaneous, selfless giving. Consumer experts rate these random acts as effective for reaching new customers, especially those who expect businesses they interact with to be socially, ethically and environmentally responsible.
But ethicist and Sun-Herald columnist Leslie Cannold said random acts of kindness by companies and celebrities - Oprah Winfrey's show is known for giving audience members everything from free cars to overseas trips - challenges the whole principle.
''What an individual hopes to get out of offering a random act of kindness is just that good feeling you get when you do something nice for someone for no reason,'' Dr Cannold said. ''Companies exist for one reason and that is to make profits. What makes a moral act is the intention behind it. Giving away something for nothing is a very old commercial ploy that works.''
Australian companies are gradually joining the movement. One Adelaide florist is following Interflora's lead by sending free flowers to people ''in need''.
American ice-cream group Ben & Jerry's, which launched in Australia last year, is also responding to tweets as part of its marketing. When workers at the Sydney fashion label We Are Handsome tweeted about being addicted to the brand, Ben & Jerry's promptly sent over some tubs. Volley Australia received a tweet from a follower asking for new shoes to wear to his wedding and sent over a pair of the desired runners.
Melina Schamroth, founder of m.a.d.woman, organises random acts of m.a.d. (making a difference), ranging from buying a stranger a coffee to arranging a surprise trip. ''More often than not they're looking for a hidden camera because they can't believe it.''
It is believed that the writer and peace activist Ann Herbert coined the phrase ''random acts of kindness'' when she pencilled ''practise random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty'' in 1982 on a napkin in a San Francisco restaurant.
Carl Holden, of the Australian Kindness Movement, which was established in 1994, supports companies using such random acts. ''In the worse case scenario, if someone is feeling suicidal, imagine what a bunch of flowers could actually do to brighten [their] day and cause [them] to become a happier person.''
University of Melbourne marketing lecturer Brent Coker said consumers were jaded by traditional advertising and may feel ''this company cares about me so I'm going to tell my friends''. But some may slip into ''sinister attribution'' mode. ''They are becoming more suspicious about a company's motives, which could affect this idea of free giving.''
By Mark Russell, made on 15 May, 2011. The Sourage, The Age. Consulted on 23-07-2011
This articles goes about companies and Random Acts of Kindness. In my opinion it is hard to came up with a good and unique act as a company, because there will always be a sales part. People will presubably have their doubts about the sincerity of R.A.K performed by big companies. 
On the other hand random acts of kindness is about doing something kind and in this case for their customers. The customers don't have to buy something before they can take benefit of the act. By doing these acts they hope to bond with their customers and in my opinion this is a perfect way. For example if Interflora sent me a bouqet if I'd had a bad day, then the next time if I have to buy flowers I would think about them and buy their flowers and possibly pay extra. They created some emotional bond. In that case it is a perfect way for a company to bond with customers and raise their sales.
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Unexpected luggage
At the night of December 24th there we 190 people flying from Barcelona to Las Palmas. Of course everyone else was celebrating Christmas Eve and that's why airline Spanair wanted to do something special for these people. When they were waiting for their luggage to come, there suddenly appeared something totally unexpected.
Source: YouTube. (December 2010). Unexpected Luggage. Consulted on June 22 2011, from: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=fW5Xo4QrSBw&feature=player_embedded 
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
Tropicana brings the sun
Again another movie. Week by week we find out about new Random Acts of Kindness from all sorts of brands and there just isn't a better way to explain the beautiful actions and reactions than by showing it to you. This R.A.K. is held by Tropicana and has everything to do with their new marketing campaign which was launced at March 1st this year.
"Brighter Mornings for Brighter Days" that's their new slogan. Tropicana will no longer be a brand which just provides orange juice. They will become Canada's National Provider of Brighter Mornings. The campaign is an evolution of the brand’s heritage as the juice leader in Canada, highlighting the important role it plays in the morning ritual of millions of Canadians. To kick-off their national campaign, Tropicana literally brought a brighter morning to the 3500 habitants of Inuvik, an Arctic Town in the Northwest Territories. The people here have to live for weeks without sunlight during the winters. They didn't only get a sun, every family also get a package of Tropicana drinks to take home.
Source: YouTube. (2010). Tropicana Advert Commercial: Actic Sun - Brighter Mornings for Brighter Days. Consulted on June 22 2011, from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Krky4i6Xk8&feature=player_embedded
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trendmonkeys-blog · 13 years
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Source: Occidentalism, blog Space Moose. Made on 07-02-2006. Consulted on 23-07-2011. 
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