Moon Signs summary
Aries Moon: Fiery inner world 
Taurus Moon: I’m Zen 
Gemini Moon: The Dicey Mind
Cancer Moon: I am Me. I am Home 
Leo Moon: The Golden Child 
Virgo Moon: Tidy house. Tidy mind.
Libra Moon: I am justice.
Scorpio Moon: Inner strength 
Sagittarius Moon: Inner Truth 
Capricorn Moon: Elastic Heart
Aquarius Moon: Together we’re winners
Pieces Moon: Beautiful darkness
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Kinks in Synastry Aspects (NSFW)
These synastry aspects between you and your partner may indicate kinks and/or fetishes. Having these aspects alone doesn’t mean you have these kinks if you are not already interested in kinks to begin with. 
Now let’s begin
1. Pregnancy kink: Mars conjunct Moon (especially if mars is the man and moon is the moon)
2. Age Play:  Saturn conjunct or opposed Moon/Venus
3. Dominance/master/slave play: Pluto and/or Saturn falling on partner’s 6th house
4. S and M: Pluto conjunct/square/opposite Venus
5. Sapiosexuality: Sun and or Venus in partner’s 3rd and/or 9th house
6. Gags/mind control/hypnosis: Saturn conjunct/square/opposite mercury
7. Teacher/student play: Jupiter in partner’s 6th, 1st, 2nd, or 7th
8. Brat kink: Mars conjunct/square/opposite Pluto
9. Orgasm control: Mars conjunct/square/opposed Saturn
10. Roleplay (in general): Mars conjunct Neptune (best if there is also mars Neptune aspects in the the natal chart 
Do you want part 2? 😏
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Sun signs according to ASTROLOGY FOR ALL by Allan Leo
Sun in Aries
"Their aim in life always appears to be to live in the mind: this makes them very independent characters, with clear and decided ideas, and a spirit that is dauntless, fearless and aspiring."   - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Taurus
"...they possess more vitality than any other of the twelve types, in fact, they appear to suffer from an over-abundance of life rather than a deficit of it. The words "to him that bath shall be given" seem to be applicable to these persons, as their leading characteristic is acquisitiveness, and it is quite natural for them to be conservative, reserved, and secretive." - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Gemini
"...if we think of Aries as father and Taurus as mother, Gemini may be regarded as the child of these twain. Indeed, it would seem as if they were ever trying to blend the ideal [Aries] with the practical [Taurus], the life [Aries] with the form [Taurus]...they are, as it were, placed between two poles, and are ever being called upon to decide twards which side they shall lean..."  - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Cancer
"...they are seeking to become perfectly individulaised, and for this purpose tenacity is one of their chief characteristics. They are very reserved and sensitive, sympathetic, persistent and impatient, impressionable and emotional. It is at times necessary for them to become what the world calls selfish...the inner nature or destiny of this sign is POWER." - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Virgo
"Persons born in this sign can readily adapt themselves to almost any environment, but they have their best success in life in the business world... but their greatest success is to be found rather in the business than the professional world. The inner nature or destiny of this sign is DISCRIMINATION." - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Leo
"We may sum up the Leo persons as firm and self-controlling individuals, ever aiming at high and noble things. They are all born with a nobility of character which can only be counteracted by contradictory planetary influences...its inner nature or destiny is HARMONY."- Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Libra
"They seem to be ever striving to manifestthat which must be attained by all humanity-compassion... the balance of their individuality brings them into real touch with the highest form of mind that we have any conception of, which can only beexpressed as a refined mental condition which is not dependent upon the brain for its physical manifestation. The inner nature or destiny of this sign is BALANCE.” - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Scorpio
"...the wisdom of the serpent lies concealed in this sign, and they may become so discreet, wise and prudent as to display extraordinary genius. The Scorpio man's desires are potent, and charged with the power to attain, and when the desires are subservient to the Will, there are none more powerful or determined. The inner nature or destiny of this sign is REGENERATION."   - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Sagittarius
"Being lovers of liberty, those born in this sign can recognise the law of order and harmony, and they make splendid characters when allowed perfect freedom, but when bound or placed under any restraint they become fretful, irritable and rebellious...They like always to do one thing at a time. Persons born in this sign are capable of reaching to great heights of prophecy...The inner nature or destiny of this sign is LAW."       - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Capricorn
"In studying Capricorn we may learn much from the race which is said to be chiefly under its influence-the Hindus. Among these people we find great learning, great wealth, great power, and great rank; but we have also great servility and, amongst the lower castes, a cringing humility which is truly distressing to those who can realise from what lofty heights they have fallen. The inner nature or destiny of this sign is SERVICE."     - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Aquarius 
"They are noted for the integrity and sincerity they possess, having the intense and fixed love nature of the fixed signs combined with the refined mental quality of the airy signs; so that they are faithful in their love until the end, the love generally living in the higher mind. The inner nature and destiny of this sign is expressed in the one word HUMANITY."     - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Pieces 
"It is essential that they live pure and clean lives, for they are very magnetic and more liable to absorb evil influences than those born in any of the other signs ; the dualistic nature of Pisces makes it very difficult to extract the good from that which appears bad. The inner nature and final destiny of this sign is SPIRITUALITY."   - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
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Moon signs according to ASTROLOGY FOR ALL by Alan Leo
Moon in Aries
“He will achieve popularity or notoriety in some form, and may be placed in some position in which he exercises authority over a . number of people. He will be at the head of some undertaking."  -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Taurus 
“This person is quiet and unimpulsive; persistent, determined, and not to be thwarted in his aims. Somewhat hopeful, ambitious, and desirous of excelling. Follows established customs and is conservative by nature..."  -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Gemini
"He is active in mind and body...This lunar position strengthens the intellect, and makes the native a lover of study, of books, and of scientific and literary pursuits; it inclines him to some occupation of a mental nature." - Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Cancer
“This indicates a personality fond of ease and comfort, homely in his habits, and attached to his family, especially to his mother, whom he will much resemble...imaginative, emotional and changeable." - Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Leo
"This lunar position tends to uplift the native, to put him in positions of responsibility or prominence, and to give him authority over others, as head, manager, or director...This position favours intuition and genius" - Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Virgo
"The native has excellent mental powers and is capable of following some intellectual pursuit; he has a good memory, learns easily...There is likelihood of many short journeys and work as secretary, messenger, clerk, traveller, schoolmaster, etc." -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Libra
"This position favours general popularity. It gives fondness for music, poetry, and the fine arts generally, with some ability in this direction. This person is affectionate and good-natured, kind in manner and gains friends easily." -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Scorpio
"This lunar position makes those born under it very firm and determined, self-reliant and assured, well able to stand alone and fight their own battles. They are sometimes irritable, angry and revengeful." -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Sagittarius 
"There is some inclination for mysticism, psychism, and the occult; he is a natural teacher or preacher, and has something of the prophet in his nature. The intuition is active, and there may be some psychic gift, such as clairvoyance." -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Capricorn
"The native is somewhat fond of show, rather selfish, careful with money matters, cautious and calculating; knows how to influence others, but is often cold by nature and thinks too little of the feelings of others." -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Aquarius
"He may become a freemason, or join some secret or mystical society, association or brotherhood. He is broad and humanitarian in his sympathies; fraternizes readily with those who are congenial to him, is easily drawn into the company of such, and will be found in some club, society, association, or group of those similarly minded." -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
Moon in Pieces 
"The native is quiet, retiring, and easy-going, restless and fond of variety, changes his mind easily, is irresolute, and not always to be depended upon, is rather easily discouraged, and meets with obstacles, misfortune and opposition in life." -Alan Leo, Astrology for All
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This is the story of Lilith in each sign depicted in a single photo.
A photo is worth a thousand words...
Lilith in signs
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This is the story of Lilith in each sign depicted in a single photo.
A photo is worth a thousand words...
Lilith in signs 
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This is the story of the north node in each sign depicted in a single photo.
A photo is worth a thousand words...
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The North Node
North node in Aries
Those born with the north node in Aries should know that they are fully equipped to become pioneers. Intuition and natural inclinations should not be ignored.  
North node in Taurus
People born with the north node in Taurus have spent many lifetimes understanding what other people think is worthy. In this lifetime, they need to be in tune with their core values and self-worth. Jealousy should not be entertained.
North node in Gemini
North node in Gemini people have knowledge of the subjective truth (look at the house it is in for more information). In this lifetime, they learn by relating to other people, asking questions, acknowledging the existence of another other than self.
North node in Cancer
North node in cancer has deep desires to nurture something or someone into fruition. When they are lost in their external ambitions to be achieved, they need to come back to themselves and feel the "I" within.  
North node in Leo
It is okay for the north node in Leo to indulge their egoic mind. Normally, it is frowned upon, but in this case, they need it to grow and become whole. They have the potential to be exceptional leaders more than any other sign.
North node in Virgo
All of their problems are magically solved once they start living in the present. Their imagination will be their downfall if they ignore the Virgo side of life. If they find themselves in the rabbit hole, they can get out by doing simple chores like washing dishes or cleaning.  
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Lilith in Signs
Lilith in Aries
Lilith in Aries is shamed and abandoned for being assertive. Their pain and bitterness lie in the inherent responsibility of being strong, even vicious, always and without an exception. The woman with Lilith in Aries will go above and beyond to show the world she is more than a woman.  
Lilith in Taurus 
Sensuality is at its peak when Lilith is in Taurus. Lilith feels natural when she sees the world through the lens of Taurus. An intense desire for material wealth and hedonistic pleasures is their weakness and downfall. Their security and self-worth will be violated at some point.
Lilith in Gemini
This is a sign where Lilith will oscillate between her shadow side and light side (Eve). When young, they are shamed for their need to talk about anything and everything. Her curiosity is rejected. She attacks by playing the devil's advocate.
Lilith in Cancer
The mother of a Lilith in Cancer person was rejected, or the Lilith in cancer person may be rejected once they become a mother.  No boundary between protection and consumption. A different angle of Lilith in Cancer is liberation from the "female role" in the society.
Lilith in Leo
Lilith in Leo is either the ultimate burlesque dancer or the evil queen. They are shamed and abandoned because their hearts are more vigorous than almost every person they encounter. Circus by Briteny spears explores the themes of Lilith in Leo perfectly.
Lilith in Virgo
In the world of chaos, Lilith in Virgo has the hardest time being accepted. Engagement of intellectual work is a must to avoid mania. Women with Lilith in Virgo are most alluring in the workplace.
Lilith in Libra
In extreme cases, Lilith in Libra could become a false social justice warrior. To a lesser extent, their inherent and often hidden need for harmony may be disguised with narcissism; tipping the scale, upsetting the balance of the universe for only in absolute opposite polarity will they turn injustice into justice.
Lilith in Scorpio
The sign of Scorpio reveals the soul of Lilith, her core being. They may lack self-worth, they may try to gain self-worth using other people's re belongings and resources. Everything that was achieved desired to be achieved in the previous sign of  Libra is destroyed and buried under the ground.  
Lilith in Sagittarius 
Lilith in Sagittarius is feared for her prophetic insights. The woman with Lilith in Sagittarius is wiser than the men she knows. This may anger insecure men and misogynistic women.
Lilith in Capricorn
Lilith in Capricorn wants money, power, and glory. In esoteric astrology, Capricorn is the sign of the disciple. Through inner power and strength, they can realize spiritual callings to physical reality.
Lilith in Aquarius 
Lilith in Aquarius is condemned for being progressive and revolutionary especially if they live in an environment that values tradition and structure. They have their own ideas for how the world should be.
Lilith in Pieces
In extreme cases when Lilith is in Pieces, one or more of the five senses may be impaired; figuratively or literally. The negative characteristics might be luring people, things, or situations into their lives using deception and fantasy.
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