term-repost · 1 month
Hello! Just wanted to let you know that there seems to be something broken with your blog; it doesn't show up when I search for it on Tumblr's search (although it'll show up as a recommended blog) and any posts I reblog aren't showing up on my dash (never encountered this issue before wtf)
strange. this is a side blog so you shouldn't be blocked and I dont think main blogs affect side blog blocking.. and it doesnt seem to marked as explicit or anything or i assume its a tumblr issue and nothing i can do sadly
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term-repost · 1 month
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Dissomei / Dissodic
[pt: dissomei / dissodic]
A term that is specific for people with BIID, psychosis, being an alter that differs from the body, atypical dysphoria, a general disconnect, etc . that causes them to have a disconnect in how they view their identity. This can also be for if your delusions or IRL attachments even that cause you to feel as if you are them exactly and have their same race/mental health issues/disabilities/etc.
This term is supportive of transitioning when it doesn't hurt others, yourself, appropriate, glorify, fetishize, or romanticize anything and is against it if it does (such as with race, ethnicity, culture, age, etc.)
Possible emoji combo: 🧠🚫🫀 The brain with the cross out and heart is to show how there is a disconnect between the two! A disconnect between internal and external.
tags: @dissodic-archive @radiomogai @obscurian
original coining post | simplified flag by kiruliom
originally coined by acetrappolaswife as arrisomei/arrisodic, new name was decided by the community via a poll (link).
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term-repost · 3 months
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Bringing back these posts with flags for one-sided romance, because I figured out a different name for this format of relationships. It would be Himeric relationships, named after Himeros, Ancient Greek god of unrequited love - as opposed to "normal", Anteric relationships, named after Anteros, Ancient Greek god of requited love.
Post One | Post Two | Post Three | Post Four | Post Five
original posted by pappy on NNIA
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term-repost · 3 months
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One-sided moirallegiance (pale romance)/friendship flags and symbol by Pappy.
original posted by pappy on NNIA
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term-repost · 3 months
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One-sided moirallegiance (pale romance) flags and symbol by Pappy.
original posted by pappy on NNIA
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term-repost · 3 months
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One-sided romance and romance/friendship symbols by Pappy.
original posted by pappy on NNIA
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term-repost · 3 months
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One-sided romance/friendship flags by Pappy.
original posted by pappy on NNIA
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term-repost · 3 months
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One-sided romance flags by Pappy.
original posted by pappy on NNIA
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term-repost · 4 months
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Queer : an umbrella term for people who do not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms.
pt: queer
from pride-flags on DA | flag history
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term-repost · 4 months
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Neutrois : is a gender identity that is associated with having a neutral or null gender. It is an umbrella term, with each individual experiencing neutrois differently. [source]
pt: neutrois
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term-repost · 4 months
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Sapphic : an unbrella term for queer attraction to women (as well as nonbinary and genderqueer people who want to be included).
pt: sapphic
flag from pride-flags on DA
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term-repost · 4 months
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Pan / Pansexual : attraction to someone all genders.
pt: pan / pansexual
flag from pride-flags on da
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term-repost · 4 months
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Bi / Bisexual : attraction to two or more genders.
pt: bi / bisexual
from pride-flags on da
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term-repost · 4 months
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[ID: A set of three symbols, with the one on the top being the main one. It displays a grey ring with five chevrons in the middle of it. The chevrons are green, light blue, white, yellow, and red, and represent the disability flag. The symbol on the top has a black outline, the one on the bottom left has a dark grey ring and lighter grey middle, and the bottom right has a lighter grey ring and no middle color. The bottom symbols do not have a black outline. End ID]
Dyspunktional symbol
So a while back, I made a flag for the term dyspunktional, a punk term meant for disabled people. After that point, I'd always wanted to make an accompanying symbol, and after months of remaking and tweaking the symbol while having the post sit in my drafts, here it is! I made multiple versions so you can use whichever suits your fancy.
The one on the top with the thick outline was mostly supposed to resemble some kind of pin, while the bottom two are probably friendlier for the internet, though I think both look great either way. It's meant to represent the flag, by having the circles with the chevrons coming through it. I had a pretty high number of vague homages when making this, namely the disability sun, the anarchy "A" symbol, etc.
originally posted by user Kenochoric / Kenochoric-moved / Trans-Haunting
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term-repost · 4 months
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originally posted by user Kenochoric / Kenochoric-moved / Trans-Haunting
Dyspunktional / Dyspunk Flag!
This is largely based off of the original flag, but I decided to do my own interpretation. I did not make dyspunktional, this is just my proposal for a flag.
The circled-A symbol represents punk, as it is the symbol of anarchism and has strong ties with the punk movement. The colors of each stripe are from the disability flag, the stripes of which are for different types of needs and disabilities (mental illness, intellectual and developmental disability, invisible and undiagnosed disabilities, physical disability, and sensory disabilities).
The shape of the flag is a chevron, and I chose this for a few reasons. Firstly, solidarity with other minorities, such as queer people. Many people have seen a similar chevron on a queer flag (however, I did make it far different so they wouldn't be confused for one another). In essence, it's meant to represent minorities within the minority, as well as solidarity with other minorities. Secondly, it simply looks cool, without being too jarring in its colors to the point of being eyestrain-y.
And that's about it! Dyspunktional was made with all disabled people in mind, so anyone fitting that descriptor is welcome to use this, just like they can be dyspunktional in general. You're free to use my flag for whatever, and edit it to your liking. I even included a transparent set of the chevrons in case you wanna change the background.
Under the cut, I'm going to put the definition of dyspunktional, as well as some alternate flags.
Definition of dyspunktional:
(From here, + archive)
"Dyspunktional is about radical inclusivity – there is no person who considers themselves disabled that isn’t included under the term, should they want to use it.
It’s a portmanteau of “dysfunctional” and “punk”: Dysfunctional because it can apply to any and all disabilities because the definition of a disability is that it inhibits daily function. Punk because it represents our rebellion against the harmful categorization of the medical industrial complex and against the society that refuses to give us (disabled people) what they need to fully participate in that society.
Because it’s based on the idea of radical inclusivity, Dyspunktional has no space for gatekeeping, no space for denying the experiences of others and should be focused on creating community and solidarity with all disabled people. The idea is that all of us are dysfunctional and therefore, all of us are gatekept from society in various ways and while our experiences are different, they do not differ in worth. No disabled person’s voice is unnecessary in the fight against ableism, no disabled person’s experience should go unheard.
No disabled person’s experience is more or less important than another’s. We all have something to offer to each other, we all have something to offer to the cause and no one should be afraid of speaking up or have their experiences doubted and questioned by other disabled people – we are already dealing with that coming from the medical establishment and abled society.
So, uh… IDK, join me in claiming our dysfunction and disability as something to be proud of and in rebelling against the system that wants us dead and wants to hold us down!
Be dyspunktional!"
Alternate flags:
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archive of post
originally posted by user Kenochoric / Kenochoric-moved / Trans-Haunting
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term-repost · 4 months
Can you post Dyspunk/Dyspunktional?
queued it + the symbol shaun/kenochroic made!
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term-repost · 4 months
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Trans Man / Transmasculine
from pride-flags on deviantart
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