#wellness and health
days-may · 3 days
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poleriri · 2 months
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vihisabelly · 16 days
how to do a mental diet
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write down your negative thoughts throughout the day, aiming for the date and time and replacing them with good affs
visualize! make a visionboard
have time to develop creativity and fun to keep the mood up
keep your brain active, study something you like, expand your knowledge
follow people who inspire you
watch positive content
by Nancy Loaiza in youtube :)
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coquettecoregirl · 4 months
Remember girls, this is your year. 2024 is yours to conquer and yours alone. Be the main character of your life because fuck me if we still aren't taking actions to achieve our dream self. Stop sleeping on yourself! You literally deserve better than half assed efforts and excuses—you are a queen, so why wouldn't you act like one? Priorities your goals and then take actions. This is the year of us girlies who wanna improve ourselves, I can just feel it.
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thefitculture · 5 months
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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how to properly wash your face
this post is a bit of a spinoff from my last post, 'how you can reduce acne'. read it here.
now, properly washing your face has many benefits, such as:
removing buildup washing your face clears away dirt, oil and other unwanted debris, preventing clogged pores and acne breakouts.
boosting hydration regular cleansing can help to maintain proper hydration levels, which keeps the skin smooth.
maintaining clear skin it helps to manage the production of sebum and supports proper pore size, contributing to clearer skin.
enhancing the effectiveness of products clean skin allows for better absorption of skincare products like moisturizers and treatments.
promoting healthy skin by removing impurities and maintaining hydration, face washing contributes to overall skin health.
here's some steps, how to properly wash your face:
start by removing any makeup with a gentle makeup remover or micellar water. it's important to remove makeup because clean skin absorbs skincare products better, making them more effective. never, and i repeat NEVER wear makeup to bed. this will lead to breakouts and acne. your skin needs time to breathe.
2. wet your face with warm water. using hot water can strip your skin of natural oils and cold water isn't as effective at cleaning.
3. use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser suitable for your skin type and apply it to your face in a circular motion. make sure to be gentle. avoid scrubbing your skin harshly as this can cause irritation.
4. rinse off the cleanser completely with warm water.
5. pat your face dry with a clean towel. i use a face washer (which is like a tiny, thin towel) and change it every 2-3 uses. do not rub when you are drying your face, as this can irritate the skin.
6. apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type to keep your skin hydrated. personally, i only use moisturizer in the mornings, mixing it with my sunscreen. at nighttime, i prefer to just wash my face and if i have pimples, i will apply a spot treatment.
(images are from pinterest)
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kirameal · 20 days
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healthy-liiviing · 2 days
How to become more healthy ?
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Here are some tips to become healthier:
Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and saturated/trans fats.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Exercise regularly - aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. Include cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
Get enough quality sleep, aiming for 7-9 hours per night for most adults. Lack of sleep impacts health.
Manage stress through relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing or pursuing hobbies you enjoy.
Avoid unhealthy habits like excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Schedule regular check-ups with your doctor and follow recommendations for preventive screenings based on your age and risk factors.
Practice good hygiene like washing hands frequently, brushing/flossing teeth regularly, and getting recommended vaccinations.
Build a support system of friends/family who can encourage you in your healthy lifestyle goals.
Be patient and make changes gradually. Developing healthy habits takes time but pays off tremendously.
if you need be healthy living read the e-book
The key is finding a sustainable balance by making healthy choices most of the time. Small consistent changes can lead to significant improvements.
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biophilianutrition · 6 months
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Active Lifestyle Blog
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catchymemes · 5 months
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days-may · 2 days
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I want it
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poleriri · 17 days
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coquettecoregirl · 9 months
What do if you overeat/binge
Note: I am not a professional, these are just some things that have helped me when I overeat. I do not have an ed, but if you do, then please please visit a professional dietitian/therapist/etc. If you can’t afford one, then check out more healthy eating content on social media uploaded by actual professionals.
What NOT to do:
Don’t starve yourself. This is dangerous! Do not say “I’m not gonna have anything for an entire day because I overate in lunch” etc. Starvation is not the way, it only makes you feel deprived and all you’re gonna do is, overeat again. I do not care if you binged on a whole ass cake or 5 plates of mac n cheese. Do not starve yourself.
Don’t punish yourself through exercise. All you are going to do is throw up and develop an unhealthy relationship with workout because you’re only using it to ‘punish’ yourself. There is no point in going for an hour workout or 2 hour run, literally no point. You’re not helping your body, you’re hurting it.
Don’t Panic or shame yourself. Words and thoughts have an impact - don’t do it. A deep breath in and out. 
What to actually do:
Take a deep breath in and let go. Once you’ve binged or overeaten, there’s no going back. What’s done is done. The future is more important. Doesn’t matter if you had an episode two minutes ago or an hour ago, it’s in the past. We do not panic over our past actions, we learn from it.
Find our your why/ What triggered u? 
Are you overeating because you’re not getting enough nutrients like fiber and protein?
Or are you eating while being distracted by your phone?
Are you eating out of hunger or boredom?
Are you stress/emotional eating?
Eating because of undealt trauma?
Are you eating because it’s a childhood habit to?
Drink cold water. Seriously. This helps so so much, especially if you overeat on sweets or greasy foods. Just the feeling of cold water not only make you more aware but also help with the grease in your mouth.
Brush Teeth/Mouth Wash. This obv gets rid of the food residue in your mouth and makes you feel fresh again. You probably won’t feel like eating again because you’ve just brushed your teeth.
Take a shower. This is so so helpful especially if you’re someone who tends to either panic or depress over the amount you’ve eaten. A cold shower is especially beneficial since it makes you feel fresh, gets your mind off and removes any ‘sticky’ feeling you may have after eating too much.
Wait at least 4-5 hours to have your next meal. You can still eat, just make sure that this time around your food is more nutritious and is a healthy serving. If you’re having a pasta, add vegies to it. Or eat a salad, but make it filling by using plenty of veggies and protein. Make a air fried or oven fried fries. Literally anything but make sure it’s an appropriate serving - not too small but not too large either.
Go for a 10 min walk rather than a 2 hour workout. Put on some music, Rihanna or whatever makes you feel like a bad bitch. This time use exercise as a way to de-stress and help digestion, not to punish yourself. Do not tell yourself that you need to do it. Tell yourself that you’re doing it because it’s fun, because you’re going to have fun. 
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thefitculture · 4 months
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nenelonomh · 25 days
raspberry inspo
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healthy-liiviing · 2 days
What Are 20 Good Food Habits?
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Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Choose whole grains.
Limit added sugars.
Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
Control portion sizes.
Eat a variety of foods.
Reduce salt intake.
Avoid trans fats.
Choose lean proteins.
Snack on nuts and seeds.
Include probiotics in your diet.
Limit red and processed meats.
Cook more at home.
Read food labels.
Avoid late-night eating.
Don't skip breakfast.
Eat slowly and mindfully.
Avoid ultra-processed foods.
Plan your meals.
Enjoy treats in moderation.
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