aquariet · 1 day
So bound smp rune and vast enjoyers.
How we doing?
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ksjanes · 4 months
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Vast and Immersive
Great Sand Dunes National Park 
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mrs-trophy-wife · 8 months
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mintshiiarts · 5 months
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When you’ve decided something is now a pet. 😂
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inkyami · 4 months
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Podmoskovye, 20 min
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birdifulhuman · 6 months
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Am I supposed to be writing my fic for Tim is an Archivist Au...yes, but like- LOOK AT THEM.
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artemis2330 · 15 days
I went through a weird door in the tunnels… I think I’m…. I think I’m in disneyland now??? This must be the work of the spiral, I’m unsure of the greater plot at work here, but I’ll make sure to be cautious.
I think I’m being followed by a mouse shaped mascot… it may be working for the stranger, I do NOT like the way it is looking at me. I have armed myself with a toy lightsaber despite the weird looks I’m getting, but anyone could be after me at the moment. Updates to come. I can not find the exit.
I ended up in a line for one of the “rides”. I did not like it. The vast may also be an opponent here, I expect many of those on the ride could be potential avatars for the vast. However, I did quite enjoy the part before we dropped, where I could see the whole park. I think I know where the exit is know. The mascot stopped following me… for now…. Updates to come.
God Martin would love this place… maybe we will go one day. I’m still unsure how to get back to the archive, but I found a door that is a different color than the rest, but it may be just what they want me to do. The spiral is definitely at work here, but I don’t want to run the risk of getting stuck forever in some type of door universe. I’ve lost track of the mascot, but I’m keeping my eye out for it.
The park is closing soon. I keep finding the discolored door no matter where I go, I think the spiral is trying to lure me in. I’m definitely being followed by the mouse mascot. I seem to find him wherever I go. I may have to go through the door in order to get home. I may grab an ice cream though before… updates to come.
I went through the door, and I’m back in the archive. I have been asked why I look sunburnt and why I am wearing mouse ears, but I told them it is unimportant. Martin came to check in to see if I was okay, since I wasn’t in today. I ended up giving him the toy lightsaber, which he seemed to appreciate. I had no further use of it. I’m still unsure of who was behind the attack today, but I will NOT be visiting Disneyland in the future.
End supplemental.
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willbee-1 · 4 months
Skybound go brrrr
Here I've got thoughts written about the obelisk and Vast
So what we know (from what Vast told us)
-from old world
-keeps world alive (trying)
-they leaking/failing to keep the world alive
-Vast messed up with the last one
-had everything ready but got sloppy
-if fail, like completely fails, island falls, falls into anomaly below
-need to recharge them
-other avians don't know about them but their being drawn to them
-obelisk = powerful
Vast was born basically into being taught that his job in this world is to fix them to make sure the world doesn't die/get lost (aka the avakain, people born/made from the people who made the obelisk, they're made to keep them safe
Vast works alone- there are other people who fix the obelisk
He almost got the last one fixed, then got sloppy
And he doesn't have the compactor crystal, which is in his end chest but he ended up losing it and got the scar on his right eye (if your looking at him)
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michaelmylove · 2 months
That extra long color of the sky post as your pinned is evil (complimentary)
aww, thank you!! 💕💕💖❤️
get eaten by the sky.
Join the vast
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d1sc0-1nfern0 · 4 months
It's been like 3 days and I'm already shipping Vast and Rune I think I have a problem.
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violetcookie2007 · 2 months
Marcel and Vast standing side-by-side is a little funny to me. I think it is because I picture Vast standing with arms crossed (only exception is with Rune) and just overall looking intimidating, because that is what she was taught. Meanwhile I picture Marcel walking like this.
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nucifraga · 5 months
do you think michael crew went back to uni after becoming a vast avatar? like i know he 100% dropped out after merging with the sky and all but i think it would have been really REALLY funny if he just pretended nothing happened and went back to uni cryptid mike rights!!
like can you imagine-
this one kid in your meteorology course who barely shows up for lectures you know he exists from tutorials with small groups where he kinda has to go to but nobody sees him otherwise (and sometimes not even then) and like, you'd know he was there because mike's pretty distinctive with his height and the scar and all
and then one time he just starts showing up regularly (because heck, he probably has nothing better to do now that he's found his final leitner & bound the lichtenberg figure) except that for some reason the lecture theatres now smell like burning electrical applicances; the stairs seem to double in height and you feel almost- unsteady as you make your way down to your seat; when you look even in his general direction, it only makes it worse as your head spins-
a few people almost trip down the stairs. one lecturer does trip, and the lecture is cancelled and never delivered after the poor man ends up in the hospital. and more than once, the electricians are called in to invesigate the odd smell, but nothing's ever found (because there is nothing to find).
all this, and mike crew still doesn't say a single meaningful word to anybody beyond the usual english niceties. like he'll be friendly, but not too friendly. bc you know, he might now be an avatar of Fear Itself, but he'll be damned if he drops the good ol' politeness that his parents drilled into his head.
then the summer afterwards, or maybe it's in two years, he's gone. he doesn't finish the degree, leaving just as the pressure ramps up. and the ozone and the warping of reality and the vertigo and everything else go with him - and you hadn't even realised it was him that was causing them until they're no longer there.
you don't hear from him again.
(bonus: Simon Fairchild starts showing up and accosting Mike at random to get him to join their cult family.)
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hillbroski · 1 year
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dougielombax · 11 months
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When your disappointment is
V a s t
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johndoeappollogist · 16 days
he Simon's on my Fairchild till I AHH AHHGG OH FUCK WHERES RHE GROUND
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wildbeautifuldamned · 22 days
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Beautiful Antique New York Dav Art Bronze Garniture w Figural Handles (c 1910s) ebay VOAOHIN Thrift
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