sternenteile · 5 years
NO GENO. ahem. imagine how many people have stepped on the sidewalk throughout its existence, and then imagine where those people were *prior* to that. they could’ve just exited a public restroom, they could’ve stepped in a dog’s feces, anything is possible. do you want to be eating something that cooked in the sun on **that sidewalk**
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❝ ... well. i mean— ❞  owlishly, he blinks and offers his defense. ❝ i’d just mop it first. ❞ that would work, right? it would definitely work. it’ll be clean then. duh.
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firebrandhero · 5 years
whew that's quite the revival, we're in this boat together
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☆ - “I’d say! Hoho, luckily, rising back up at this point-a should be a specialty!” Mario merrily adds in on the matter. He’s unsure whether he should be proud from the never ending list of pulverizing he managed to claw himself above again and once more. None the less the fighting spirit bolstered through the years decides to keep that good feeling as a fond smile is offered to Rosalina. The idea of them having their hands full was unconsciously causing him to crack his knuckles in preparation, a set gaze focused on the scenery beyond as he stands by her side.
“So! I say we should get-a things back in motion the way we do best! Let’sa go!”
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picorihero · 5 years
@ubiquitous-observer cont. △
     ‘What awful timing’, the princess mused upon hearing the commotion. It just had to be in the kitchen, huh? All she set out to do was fetch a little something for Luma to snack on, but alas the simplest matters often have to be made complicated around this place. 
     Was it a tiny storm that just swept through the kitchen? Probably not, but a much more likely scenario was that some of the more fervent fighters duked it out over scraps of food, right then and there (as pathetic as that would be to witness). Some unfortunate soul, Rosalina in this case, would have to restore order or go down trying.
     The moment she entered the kitchen, however, she was delighted to find that there wasn’t any fight to break up… although her relief obviously didn’t last. Shards of glass and pottery strewed the floor and countertops in their hundreds, along with many unopened cans; despite the chaotic scene, what ultimately caught Rosalina’s attention was the boy in green lying on the ground, where he had fallen during the calamity: this was quite a sight to behold, and an appalling one at that! 
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     ❝…Link,❞ she began with a concerned tone and offered her left hand to help him up. ❝Just what were you trying to accomplish that led up to this?❞ She’ll lecture him eventually and clean the entire area herself, but first things first: she has to make sure that he wasn’t the least bit hurt.
      He sat up accepting Rosalina’s hand, dusting himself off with the other. Little bits of glass were the only thing that truly threatened him, but he’s clearly had worse adversaries in his past. Meaning a shameful gaze was downcast at the floor and mess he’d caused and avoiding cosmic princess’s ever-watchful eyes.
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      ‘Hungry,’ he signed by dragging his right hand down from his neck to his chest. Clear, simple answer to the motive behind his destruction. Eyes finally flicking up to meet the princess’s, he frantically added with both hands, ‘I’ll clean this up! I promise!’
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
I like you! Do I need to give you a hug? *stern look*
(I'm a hug slut, seriously, any time any place)
(I like you too)
(I also really like parentheses)
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sternenteile · 5 years
gotta think about things this way: maybe those people come from an alternate universe where the earth actually is flat, hahaaa
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this was just setting fire  to the remains of his destroyed brain. he didn’t know what was worse: the fact that some people thought earth was flat or that an alternate universe of this caliber could logically exist.
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picorihero · 5 years
🍇- “Extremely hungry” !
Send a symbol for your muse to find mine…🍇- Extremely hungry 
For whatever reason, the kitchen wasn’t very accessible to smaller competitors. But that wasn’t about to stop the young toon from attempting a very dangerous ploy of climbing over counters and cabinets to rummage in search of something edible. 
All he could find were cans, and more cans. Food, yes, though admittedly Link had no idea to access it. No one had taught him to use a can opener in this place, and the last time he used his sword created a mess. One nearly as large as the mess of discarded cans and other inedible substances the little hero discarded on the floor. That cabinet was cleaned out, and he moved onto the next.
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His pointed ears picked up footsteps approaching and he glanced behind him a little weary, knowing he’d be expected to clean this up. He would. Once he had something to eat. Carelessly, he opened the next cabinet and was assaulted by an avalanche of dishes. The sheer surprise knocked him on the floor with the rest of the debris. Crashing glass and metal around him. 
When he opened his eyes he found Princess Rosalina standing over him. He frowned knowing he was probably in trouble but he stared back at her with big toon eyes and a puppy-dog look asking her to take pity on a starving child.
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
ubiquitousobserver replied to your post: ubiquitousobserver replied to your post: YAY I...
I get your feel about Moffat. And… it’s kind of been a while since I’ve watched any of Tennant’s stuff? Also I avoid Children of Earth like the plague (I deny Ianto’s death SO MUCH)
I'm just getting so pumped rn for dark!doctor and clara/doctor bromance (clara's not my fave, but whatever) and just yay in general skdjfgkjhjj
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
ubiquitousobserver replied to your post: YAY
I don’t actually know who he is but wow he seems like a pretty cool dude (now all i need is for moffat to leave)
He's been on dw before, and Torchwood, and he was in Neverwhere too :D so this is gonna be goooooood (I try not to think about moffat okay he just makes me feel bad)
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
Fibonacci sequence?
(You do know you’re Satan, right? I haven’t even thought about numbers for a month >_> )
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
I..don’t know if I remember the last person who said that? that’spathetic Uh, I think it was Jess, so yeah, she probably did.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
Earlier this afternoon, when I was taking care of four little kids at the beach, and they all kept ganging up on me and dragging me underwater. It was fun because they were having fun, but I was sort of drowning.
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
Nope. With that sort of thing, I tend not to care if someone’s mad about something I’m doing. 
8. How often do you listen to music?
All the time. I have my ipod playing constantly during the day.
13. What about ‘R’? (In reference to kissing someone whose name starts with that letter)
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
I bruised my breastbone last week, and breathing is still painful, which is annoying because I wanted to go for a run.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
Probably grade 6. I did some…very stupid things to myself? And the people I was around made me very miserable.
55. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
If I feel like I need to, then yes, but for the most part, I don’t bother.
89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
ubiquitousobserver replied to your post: also i am pillaging your fic recs as i type mmm yes good (does this mean you're gonna post fic soon????)
gurlll, you don’t even know how far down the “OH GOD NO" pole I can go before I even get remotely close to freaked out
heh then you're a little trooper, proud of you, voyage on, young one
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
also i am pillaging your fic recs as i type mmm yes good (does this mean you're gonna post fic soon????)
aw jeez man you're gonna find some odd things in there prepare yourself (mmmmmmmaybe, I have some finished stuff that I'm sort of debating the shittyness of)
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
holy shit gurl tHEME CHANGE also, I am sorry to hear that your day sucked :(. May you have fun watching Star Trek (which one are you watching, btw?)
Aw thanks man, hopefully tomorrow will suck a bit less. (I'm watch TOS right now, about halfway through the first season.)
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
40. Do blue eyes turn you on?
Sure! I mean, not blue eyes exclusively, depends on the person they're attached to, but yes 030
41. What meat do you prefer in a sandwich?
Rare steak, or spiced pork.
42. Would you ever wear a sweater to school?
I do a lot of the time, actually.
43. What is the name of your current ringtone?
I actually don't even have a phone, mostly because I like being inconvenient.
44. Glasses or contacts?
Glasses. Because they can be prettier, even if they are a little bit less convenient.
45. What shoes do you normally wear to school?
A pair of navy and gold Jimi Hendrix Converse.
46. Where is your nearest television?
In the basement of my house, two floors down.
47. What is your favourite vegetable?
Cauliflower, baked with balsamic vinegar.
48. When was the last time you drank milk?
Yesterday morning.
49. What was your lowest grade in school?
A 60, in math, two years ago. I'm so shit at math, it's terrifying.
50. Are you using Google chrome?
One window open in Chrome, one window open in Safari.
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
too many marvel feels nORAH HELP
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stumblingmarch · 11 years
I think this is the point where I tell you to log off of tumblr and get back to writing your paper. tsk tsk.
(I really should though, shouldn’t I I have 1, 700 words to go oh fuck man thank for the motivation)
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