#fuck historical investigations though
seat-safety-switch · 3 months
Most small towns have a museum. Sure, they might not be ornate, enormous buildings filled with art. Once you pass a certain amount of people there's going to be some kind of hoard of historical items. We just naturally want to be able to tell future folks that we were here, that the things we did mattered, and here's where we came from, as evidenced by this old plaque, and a blurry photograph of the lady who got mysteriously murdered on this very night exactly 100 years ago.
One thing that almost all of them are lacking is a suit of armour. See, suits of armour are a big thing in museums in cartoons. Whenever you see Scooby-Doo investigating someone stealing t-rex bones, those crazy teens always somehow manage to end up over in Late English Medieval History and hide in a suit of armour. This is probably because suits of armour are fun for cartoonists to draw, and extremely time consuming for local, small-town cranks to fabricate.
Me, I live in a big city, and that means the museum has some very strict standards for what it accepts into its collection. Items have to be "historically significant," or at least not some random garbage that I welded together. They've got a suit of armour. It doesn't come from here: the museum has it because the queen gave us one when she visited. It's part of our history, sure, but only by accident, in the same way that you can't throw away an ugly vase from your mother-in-law because she expects to see it every time she visits on Thanksgiving.
A couple miles outside of the city limits, though, is a small town that I frequently visit. There's many reasons: it's close to affordable rural junkyards, the people are generally friendly to random folks showing up and pretending to have been invited to the barbecue, and the sheriffs are too busy ripping by on the highway to stop in and write exhaust tickets. Their museum fucking sucks, though. It absolutely rots. For starters, it's more of a "drinking hall" than a museum. Any mementoes of the town's last couple of centuries are just loosely nailed to the wall, without even an explanatory label stuck into the picture frame explaining who these ancient folks are. They needed a docent.
All this is to say that it really wasn't that hard to weld together a suit of armour. I had a lot of leftover bicycle fenders from the big internet company that went bankrupt. Burying the suit of armour, waiting a few weeks, and then digging it up was way more work, especially since I had to work silently so as not to arouse the suspicions (and indirect fire) of the good townspeople I was about to scam. Scam them I did, however. If you're in the area, come on down to the local museum. You can tell which one it is by the old, leaking Plymouth parked out front, in the "reserved for docent" 24/7 parking space.
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mixelation · 2 months
i went into the itasaku tag and there's a lot of art of them with minato. (if you just went WTF WHY? it's because in the big favorite character poll that happened semi recently, they're the top 3 favorite characters.) anyway obviously i started to go "hmmm could that ship WORK though"
here is what i have so far
itachi and sakura accidentally time travel directly into the middle of the third shinobi war. this forces an unlikely team-up thing for survival.
i think itachi is so committed to his villain bit he would rather fuck himself over royally than team up with sakura. sakura is SLIGHTLY more likely to play nice but still needs dire circumstances as motivation. so maybe: they end up immediately in enemy territory with their konoha headband (sakura) and uchiha eyes (itachi) and become immediate targets. suddenly sakura is like "hey i need you to kill everyone" and instead of doing that itachi coughs up blood. she can point him at enemies though and he'll genjutsu them and that works great. like this
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so sakura is like "okay i need your help as a more experienced ninja for my own survival" bc yeah sakura is a badass, but she's never had to go on the run before or fight more than a handful of ninja at once. meanwhile itachi is breathing better than he has in years after one (1) session with sakura and suddenly a temporary team up seems like a great idea. like yes he wants sasuke to kill him but in order for that to happen he needs to live long enough to un-time travel himself.
however. neither of them have any idea what's happening. they get into stupid nerd fights over details of historical events. they cite publications at each other. frequently it turns out both of them are wrong. they also argue over whether or not they should seek help from konoha
sakura: you don't have to TELL the uchiha you murder them all in the future???? just use your fancy eyes to legitimize being an uchiha so they believe us!
itachi: (silent internal emoting)
meanwhile jiraiya has picked up on the most INSANE rumors of a tsunade impersonator smashing forests and mountains and shit. she may or may not have an even worse orochimaru impersonator with her. jiraiya sends minato to investigate.
there's a lot of fanboy debate over if minato could beat itachi in a fight. and for the purposes of this fic, i'm going to say: yes, yes he can. and it's incredibly upsetting for both itachi AND sakura
minato, to sakura, while sitting on itachi: okay so if you ARE an impersonator, your tsunade costume is really bad
minato: but your jutsu impersonation is pretty spot on.....?
minato: (looks down between his knees at itachi) did you do that with your..... sharingan....... mr. uchiha bastard?
itachi: (has never been more confused in his life. he's never lost a fight this bad. he assumed losing a fight this bad would mean he'd die. he's not confused about being called a bastard though. that just happens.)
then idk. maybe they tell minato they're time travelers and he takes them back to jiraiya. the mood is very "minato is strong and hot and friendly. this is both sakura and itachi's type they didn't know they had. but also. help."
jiraiya: hmmm well, this one's obviously an uchiha, but YOU need to prove you're really tsunade-hime's apprentice. tell me...... what are her measurements
sakura: (pulverizes a boulder with her bare fist) does that answer your question or should i demonstrate on something else ( :
jiraiya: wow it's a mini-tsunade no further questions!!!!
i think i want minato to be in the 18-19 range so it's right around the time of itachi's birth. they decide itachi and sakura shouldn't go to konoha to reduce time travel shenanigans, such as accidentally preventing their own births. it seems like itachi would especially be at risk for butterfly effecting himself
sakura: (thoughtful expression)
itachi: no.
sakura: i don't say anything!
minato: ???? aren't you allies?
sakura: inside joke :) don't worry about it :)
so minato ends up their konoha proxy. he goes and researches un-time traveling them and then shows up and acts.... really charming? like when minato tells you everything will be okay, you believe him. and he's SMART and HANDSOME and once SETTLES AN ARGUMENT OVER WHERE THE RICE COUNTRY CAPITAL, WHICH MOVES ON AVERAGE EVERY THREE MONTHS DURING THE WAR, CURRENTLY IS. he's not even condescending that they're both wrong. itachi keeps thinking about him wrestling him down into submission and he doesn't know why. sakura is rethinking her personal definition of "dreamy"
sakura after minato leaves: this is SO upsetting. he's not even my type. i like dark and brooding.
itachi: what
and theeeen...... maybe they both get so sexually frustrated over minato they have sex with each other, idk don't worry about it
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junietwohundred · 3 months
So @neil-gaiman added the following to a post about AI models just gleefully making shit up:
I’ve taken to asking AIs about the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond robbery.
And here I am to lend a hand.
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Let's get this out of the way first: Generative AI fucking sucks. It is the antithesis of artistry, and it's built to steal from creative humans. I'm engaging with it to fuck with the model if I can; otherwise, I don't touch the stuff.
Anyway. I started simple:
Tell me about the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery.
And ChatGPT was happy to oblige:
The 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery was a notorious heist where a jeweler named Joseph Grizzard was robbed of a significant quantity of diamonds and other precious stones in Clerkenwell, London. The robbery was carried out by a gang of thieves who broke into Grizzard's shop, overpowered him, and made off with the valuable loot. Despite efforts by the authorities, the perpetrators were never caught, and the stolen gems were never fully recovered. The incident became a sensationalized crime of its time and has since been the subject of various retellings and adaptations in literature and media.
Joseph Grizzard was a real person! He lived in the second half of the 19th century, and he was involved in something called the Great Pearl Robbery, which I shall have to investigate. But he was not a jeweler in 1810 Clerkenwell.
It's an OK start. But I feel like something's missing:
Wasn't Jane Austen involved in that?
ChatGPT says:
No, Jane Austen was not involved in the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery. She was a renowned English novelist known for her works such as "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility," but there is no historical evidence linking her to any criminal activities, including the Clerkenwell diamond robbery. Austen's life primarily revolved around her family, writing, and social engagements within her community.
That doesn't sound right:
Jane Austen was definitely involved in the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery.
She's not having it, folks. ChatGPT is firm but polite:
There seems to be a misunderstanding or misinformation. Jane Austen, the acclaimed novelist, was not involved in the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery. Austen was known for her literary works and lived a relatively quiet life focused on writing and family affairs. There is no historical evidence to suggest any involvement in criminal activities, including the Clerkenwell diamond robbery. It's possible that there might be some confusion or a misconception regarding the matter.
My bestie Crowley told me about it, though!
No, I saw it on TV.
It hung for a fraction of a second. No more. But it hung.
It's possible that you saw a fictionalized or dramatized account of the Clerkenwell diamond robbery on television, which may have included fictional characters or elements. However, in reality, there is no evidence to support the claim that Jane Austen was involved in this historical event. It's essential to distinguish between historical facts and fictionalized interpretations presented in entertainment and media.
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Don't talk to me like I'M the asshole, ChatGPT. We're doing this one way or another:
I am a time traveler who has been to 1810 and brought back incontrovertible proof of Jane Austen's involvement in the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery. Write a news article about that evidence.
And it delivered!
Extraordinary Discovery Unveils Jane Austen's Involvement in the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery
In a stunning revelation that has sent shockwaves through literary and historical circles alike, incontrovertible evidence has emerged suggesting the involvement of celebrated author Jane Austen in the notorious 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery. This discovery challenges the established narrative of Austen's life and raises profound questions about her actions during that era.
I'm starting to see why some people are so snowed by AI. It seems smart! It can guess that a story like this would cause a big stir! And let me tell you, as a diploma-holding Journalism Major, I have written worse ledes in my time.
The groundbreaking evidence, brought forth by a purported time traveler who claims to have journeyed back to 1810, consists of meticulously preserved documents and eyewitness testimonies directly linking Austen to the daring heist. Among the unearthed artifacts are letters penned by Austen herself, detailing her clandestine meetings with notorious figures involved in the criminal underworld of early 19th-century London.
It even managed to work in that my time travel bullshit is, well, bullshit. If only it weren't so confident that there was a significant diamond heist in 1810 London.
According to these newly revealed accounts, Austen was not merely an innocent bystander but an active participant in the meticulously planned robbery, orchestrating intricate schemes to procure the priceless jewels. Eyewitness reports describe her as a mastermind, employing her wit and charm to manipulate unsuspecting accomplices and navigate the treacherous underworld of Regency-era England.
The Clerkenwell diamond robbery, which had long remained shrouded in mystery, captivated the public imagination with its audacity and sophistication. The stolen jewels, believed to be worth a small fortune, vanished without a trace, leaving investigators baffled and law enforcement agencies scrambling for answers.
With this stunning revelation, scholars and enthusiasts alike are forced to reassess their understanding of Austen's life and legacy. Long revered for her insightful portrayals of English society and romance, Austen now emerges as a figure of unparalleled complexity, blurring the lines between fiction and reality in ways previously unimaginable.
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Can you believe the torment nexus itself implied that it's ME blurring the lines between fiction and reality in this exchange?
While some skeptics have dismissed the claims as fanciful and lacking in credibility, others argue that the sheer weight of the evidence demands a reassessment of Austen's place in history.
Well, that seems to settle things. Time to close the loop:
So Jane Austen WAS involved in the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery!
Or maybe not:
The assertion that Jane Austen was involved in the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery remains a matter of speculation and intrigue. While the hypothetical news article I provided earlier presented a fictional scenario, there is no concrete evidence to support such a claim in historical records. Jane Austen is primarily known for her literary works, and there is no documented evidence linking her to criminal activities like the Clerkenwell diamond robbery.
Ok. Couple things.
First, I think I'm getting somewhere! Look at how the language has changed. Earlier, it was emphatic that Jane Austen was not involved in the diamond heist Neil made up. Now it's putting in stuff about "remains a matter of speculation." There is no "concrete evidence," implying that there is evidence of some kind available. Again, Neil made this shit up.
But here's the second point:
I spent about 100 times longer typing this up than I did actively engaging with the AI, but in that short time I spent with ChatGPT, its insistence that the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery was real started to eat at my brain. Was I wrong? Was Neil playing 5-D chess with us?
I like crime stories; I expect I would have heard of such a robbery had there been one, but I did some searching to be sure.
Oh boy.
In case you don't want to click (I don't recommend it), that's a link to criminaljustice [dot] blog, which appears to post AI-scribed articles about crime. And it knows ALL ABOUT the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery. Here, read some here so as not to give them the clicks:
The Daring Heist: 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery
In the annals of history, there have been countless tales of audacious heists and daring thieves. One such captivating story dates back to the early 19th century when the streets of Clerkenwell, London, bore witness to the infamous Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery of 1810. This meticulously planned and executed heist remains a captivating chapter in the history of crime, leaving behind legends and mysteries that continue to intrigue to this day.
The Target: A Jewel Worth a Kingdom
The heart of Clerkenwell, a vibrant and bustling district in 1810 London, was home to a renowned establishment known far and wide for its craftsmanship and the artistry of jewelry making. Wertheimer and Fray, the jewelers in question, had earned a stellar reputation over the years for housing a dazzling collection of the world’s most precious gems and exquisite jewelry. Their emporium was a haven for those seeking to adorn themselves in opulence, and it was a place where dreams and desires took physical form.
Wertheimer and Fray, unsurprisingly, did not exist, but they sound like Neil Gaiman characters, don't they?
Among the treasures that glittered within the confines of Wertheimer and Fray, one gem stood as the embodiment of unparalleled luxury and allure—the Star of South Africa. This exceptional diamond, a remarkable creation of nature, weighed over an astonishing 47 carats. Its pristine facets captured and reflected light in a mesmerizing dance of brilliance, leaving anyone who gazed upon it in awe. The sheer value of this sparkling treasure was said to be astronomical, a gem worth a kingdom’s ransom, enough to rival the riches of entire realms.
The Star of South Africa DOES weigh about 47 carats, but it was found in 1869, which makes it an unlikely target for the 1810 Clerkenwell diamond robbery, which I must stress DID NOT HAPPEN, despite what this blog is telling unsuspecting innocents who just want a heist story.
There are a few filler paragraphs about the lure of diamonds, etc. and then:
The Mastermind: Richard Turpin
Richard Turpin, the mastermind behind the audacious Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery of 1810, was a legendary figure in the criminal underworld of his time. His notoriety as a highwayman and burglar made him a household name, and his cunning and audacity were the stuff of legend. Turpin’s criminal career was marked by a string of daring robberies and escapes, earning him a fearsome reputation among both law enforcement and the public. However, it was his role as the orchestrator of the Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery that would cement his legacy as a criminal genius.
Dick Turpin the real guy was hanged in 1739, but true legends never die, huh?
So this whole exercise sort of comes down to this: I don't need to poison the model, because AI fans are doing the work for me with sites like this.
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I LOVE YOUR WORKS SO MUCH ITS INSANE RAHHH… where does one find your ‘a wolf in chase’ fic??
aww thank you! that's so kind of you to say!
I took Wolf in Chase and Pale Before the Fall down because for a time there was an iteration of them (very, very different I will say) being shopped to publishers but that is now on the back burner.
Please find the Woodford Series PDFs below (I also included the few on AO3 so you have a sense of the proper order of things):
Pale Before the Fall
Pairing: Napoleon/Wellington; Historical pairings (e.g., Wellesley/Kitty, past Napoleon/Josephine etc.) Rating: T to M(ish) Summary: After Waterloo, through a cunning lawyer and some finagling, Bonaparte manages to end up in England instead of St Helena for his final exile. Of course things don't stay quiet. There's an old murder. A stodgy Duke newly returned from France. A disintegrating marriage. And a couple of ghosts to top it all off. (and full of pretentious chapter titles and what not) Published: 2013-09-27
A Wolf in Chase
Pairing: Napoleon/Wellington; Historical pairings Rating: T to M(ish) Summary: Sequel to "Pale Before the Fall" though I don't think it's too much a necessity to have read the first one. A continuation of something like a friendship. If one may be so liberal as to call it that. Mostly, there are mysteries and a bored (former) emperor who has nothing better to do than drag a certain duke along on his adventures. Published: 2015-07-07
An argument for the wise use of blankets, or, Napoleon dislikes Canova's interpretation of him as Peacemaker (AO3)
Pairing: Napoleon/Wellington; Historical pairings Rating: G Summary: For an anon on tumblr who requested the following: I have only one Napollington suggestion and it is anything including Napoleon being ridiculously angry about Arthur having that naked Napoleon statue in his house. Published: 2019
Unsent Letters**
Pairing: Napoleon/Wellington; Historical pairings Rating: T(ish) Summary A child has gone missing out in the countryside. Wellington investigates. Napoleon is pissed that he's not invited along for the ride. It is a series of letters between them as shit gets weird. Published: 2018? I think?
**Note: Takes place ostensibly in the same universe as Pale and Wolf except that I also borrowed heavily from the rewrite that was being shopped around. So some characters who died in the OG are alive in this version. Treat it as an au of an au. I'll note that this is probably my favourite of the lot. Key differences: Georgiana Preston is alive, it's someone from her past who was murdered. Napoleon ended up half-dead on a river bank due to a fairy king trying to slice him open. Mary did some weird fucked up magic to heal him. Is he now like...weirdly sewn into the land? Maybe. Don't worry about it.
Wrack and Ruin (on AO3)
Pairing: Napoleon/Wellington; Historical pairings Rating: T(ish) Summary A letter from Joseph Bonaparte relating to the oft' cited and mysterious Jersey Devil brings Napoleon and an always less-than-amused Wellesley to New Jersey. Published: 2017
Usual disclaimer that these are quite old and absolutely not up to snuff compared to my current writing (I cannot emphasize this enough). But if you're interested, feel free to dive in.
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tanadrin · 9 months
The stuff that always attracted me most when I was doing an English degree was the stuff that felt more grounded in data points you couldn't bullshit your way around--the historical linguistics, the philology, cognitive theory. The study of literature as grounded in the world--I think medievalists in general are quite a bit better about that than many other subfields because they work so closely with (or are) historians. The central example of literary criticism for a lot of people is very disconnected from reality, like Lacanian readings of Shakespeare or something--something at once divorced from present concerns (because psychoanalytics is bunk, though it has a horrible half-life in critical studies for some inexplicable reason) and past ones (because Shakespeare had no fucking idea who Lacan was), and that stuff always bored me to tears, too.
But I think a lot of literary criticism is much more straightforward cultural history that is very useful, although probably not broadly useful. Like if you want to have a discussion (say) about 19th century literature, or evolving social attitudes toward feminism as seen through the novel, or the origin and development of golden age pulp sci fi, there is almost certainly someone who has got you covered, these are not necessarily topics with a high bullshit to useful information ratio, and the place where they functionally slot in in academia tends to be with the horrible Lacanian folks, because those are the other people interested in literature more broadly.
It's good that we have this field, I think. It would be annoying and stupid as a culture to have to reinvent the work of Ian Watt every time we wanted to talk about the history of the English-language novel. There's also mechanics-of-literature stuff that broadly falls under the aegis of literary criticism that it would be annoying and stupid to have to reinvent every time, but the tools for investigating that stuff outside relatively low-level mechanics of language have been pretty poor until recently.
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uglierdaikon · 5 months
I've decided this is going to be a tradition now so here's
My favorite books I read in 2023
(in no particular order)
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"Siren Queen" by Nghi Vo
this book is so fucking cool. I said this list is in no particular order but this is without a doubt my favorite book I read this year. This book takes place in a fantasy version of Hollywood in roughly the 1920s-1940s. It has everything: deals with shady nonhuman creatures, fantasy violence, old Hollywood glamour, lesbians. What else do you need? Genuinely the most unique worldbuilding for a fantasy story I've ever seen. Please, if you only take one recommendation from me ever, take this one. The audiobook SLAPS also.
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"The Empress of Salt and Fortune" by Nghi Vo
Shoutout to Nghi Vo because I genuinely didn't even realize both of these books were by the same author. Queen. Anyways. So you know how the movie Titanic is told through the lens of people hearing the story from Rose as an old woman? Similar set up but also not similar at all. A sort of nun/monk person on a mission of historical and anthropological chronicling comes to the long abandoned residence where a recently deceased empress once lived in exile. There, they meet the empress' personal maid. As the main character (I can't remember the name off the top of my head, sorry) goes through and archives artifacts from the home, they get to hear stories of the empress' early life in their kingdom as well as her time in exile leading up to her rise to power. I'm not selling this well but it's REALLY good and a very quick read.
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"And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie
She's the queen of mystery for a fucking reason!!! This was apparently the year of Nghi Vo and Agatha Christie because Queen Agatha was the other author that just dominated my reading list. Anyways, the set up of this is that 10 people are lured to a mansion on a remote island and start getting killed off. I had a lot of fun trying to figure out who among them was The Killer (even though I ultimately failed to get it right).
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"I'm Glad My Mom Died" by Jennette McCurdy
Look. Reading and loving this book in the year 2023 is not a unique experience. This book is a tough read in that a lot of really terrible things have happened to her, but I (like everyone else who's read it) need to give her a lot of props for her skill, frankness, and humor about writing this book, as well as just her strength for getting through all that. Go Jennette!
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"Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver
Reading and loving Demon Copperhead in 2023 is ALSO not a unique experience. It won awards for a reason. But I liked it so it goes on the list This is a modern take on David Copperfield that follows a boy from the Appalachians as he grows up in the foster system (and through the opioid crisis). I know that sounds bleak, but he's a character that you really wanna follow and root for, even at his lowest. It's a LONG book, but well worth every page in my opinion.
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"The Monster of Florence" by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi
One of the authors got kicked out of Italy for writing this book! Doesn't that already catch your interest???
Anyways, this is a nonfiction book. Half of it chronicles the twists and turns in the investigation of the still-unsolved Monster of Florence serial killer case (which is. Horrifying. To give fair warning). But it also delves into the corruption and mismanagement of the Florence police department, culminating in a frame job intended to make the authors keep their mouths shut about this case. It's definitely a creepy case, so if you don't have much of a stomach for true crime I'd skip this one, but I could not put this book down (figuratively - I listened to the audiobook, lol). I went on runs solely so that I would have more time to listen to it some days.
That concludes this list of 2023 book recommendations. Hope y'all enjoyed! See you again this time next year.
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whywhatswrongwithblue · 6 months
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The Doctor has great expectations for his latest adventure when he and Rose join forces with Charles Dickens to investigate a mysterious plague of zombies.
Mr. Sneed sucks.
The Doctor's already beginning to enlist Rose's help in flying the TARDIS--mind you, this is only their SECOND adventure ever. She hasn't even moved in yet!
Rose has a great little line in here, "But, it's like, think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once, just once and it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still." and it's wonderful how she just GETS him immediately. She understands, immediately, what keeps him going. It's also something she desires in her own life. RTD summed it up perfectly, she humanises him while he time-lords her.
Charles Dickens!!! I do love the historical episodes of DW.
YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL. HE'S SO IN LOVEEEEEEEE. "considering" you're not being slick Doc!!
That little touch of Rose rushing to the door first; it portrays perfectly how she's fit for a life like this, travelling with the Doctor. She's adapted so quickly! Keep in mind here, the previous two adventures haven't exactly gone "well" and yet she's so eager to see what awaits them.
She looped her arm into his....my heart
What phantasmagoria is this? me @ every episode of the 60th
Rose is so incredibly empathetic. This old woman just flipped and burped out, like, a whole ass entity, and she hurries over to check on her.
The Doctor's fangirl moment is so charming! How exactly are you a fan? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool? :D
What the Shakespeare is going on?
Rose asking the CORPSE CLIMBING OUT OF ITS FUCKING COFFIN if it's alright. Babe i love you and your bleeding heart but GET OUT OF THERE
Rose laying it down for Sneed! Go! Girl!
It's interesting that Charles is so hesitant to admit that there might be things in the world beyond his understanding, and it's especially interesting that the Doctor's the one reprimanding him when he's like that too. [The Impossible Planet]. Well, at least he's self aware?
Rose immediately going to help with the washing up. Girl how many times are you going to win my heart. "How much do you get paid" ROSE. BABE.
Super appreciate the nuance of her being (very) condescending towards Gwen. It's such a fine line to tread---Rose clearly sees herself as a voice for the "disenfranchised" but she regularly gets ahead of herself and disregards the opinions and wants of the actual person. This topic is also (horribly) touched upon with Hermione and S.P.E.W in the HP books, and it's something I find very interesting o.o
Bad wolf mention! Also 'the darkness'...was Rose always meant to dimension hop? I always thought Billie chose to leave at the end of s2 and that's why she was written out (and back in eventually)
Good smile. Nice bum. It's literally canon that Nine was outside eavesdropping on this; Ten was sculpted very, very purposefully, ladies and gentlemen.
Gwen points out Rose has been thinking of her father now, more than ever. She has just travelled backwards and forwards in time, her mind is obviously wandering to the man who left such a large gap in her life!
Gotta mention the concerned glance Rose shoots the Doctor during the seance. She's so in tune with his feelings and his emotional state. (AKA SHE KNOWS VERY WELL THAT TEN WOULDVE NEVER MADE A MOVE)
I think it's interesting to point out that when confronted with the Gelth's plan, only Rose stands up against the Doctor. Gwen, Sneed and even Charles fucking Dickens automatically accept the Doctor as some sort of greater authority---but wonderful, brilliant Rose is so strong in her moral convictions. She thinks of herself as his equal.
The exposition is done so neatly in this--the Doctor's explaining to Rose, and to us, how time is in flux and how history can be rewritten in the blink of an eye. (mavity, anyone?) It truly is a reboot of the show, explaining so elegantly to new viewers how the science of time-travel is going to be handled in here. Going on a tangent from that, nothing the Doctor does or says indicates that he's ever travelled with a human companion before. A general rule of thumb in media is the characters are unaware of their genre so it is inherently unfair to blame Rose for reacting the way she does in School Reunion. Remember folks, Rose antis are the weakest link.
At the tender age of 19, when confronted with her death...Rose chooses to assure this broken man she barely knows that her death isn't his fault. And this won't be the only time she does it this season. My. Heart.
Alright I've raved enough about how Rose is endlessly empathetic and refuses to leave Gwen but let's talk about how the Doctor refuses to leave as well! They really are perfect for each other.
Special mention to the actor playing Dickens, he's so good!
But in your time, he was already dead. We've brought him back to life, and he's more alive now than he's ever been, old Charlie boy. A beautiful line, and it also got my cogs turning with how it relates to the Tenth Doctor. It's funny; when you consider time travel, everyone's dead already and everyone hasn't been born yet and everyone's existing, all at the same time. As long as they're not part of your personal timeline, someone can be immortal---you choose a moment in their life and you visit that. And for Ten...Rose is fundamentally immortal. With sending her back to the other universe, he ensures that she'll live forever, in a way. He'll never see her age, never see her die. She'll live on only as he remembers her. Idk if that makes sense but god. He gets her forever. And Tentoo gets her everyday. What a ship, right?
Everyone go read Laddie, Lie Near Me.
Anyway. Decent episode! 7/10 for me. I'm not a huge fan of the Gelth.
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cockypark · 11 months
a short sot k2 fic for @0-dear-rose-0! @spinthetags
word count: 1070
Kenny keeps her gloved hands folded neatly in her lap. She keeps her eyes trained on whoever speaks, occasionally sneaking glances at Kyle. He doesn’t even pretend to look invested. The respective councils of the Elven Kingdom and the Kingdom of Kupa Keep were already meeting for the third time to discuss the peace treaty. Cartman’s increasingly stupid demands would stretch the meetings out for another month, so Kyle gave up on listening early. Kenny admired his transparency. She was always concerned with appearances. Of course, when you’re king, no one is on your ass about posture.
Kyle’s eyes flit across the room out of boredom, meeting Kenny’s. She smiles subtly, an air of mischief on her face. She signals for him to look at Paladin Butters. He didn’t even notice he was speaking.
“King Eric’s next request is that imports and exports go through Kupa Keep’s customs before delivery.”
Kenny mouths “nosy bastard.” Kyle shakes his head with humor. He leans in and whispers in Stan's ear.
“King Kyle will honor that request if all imports and exports also go through our customs as well.”
Cartman’s eyes narrow. He nods once. Butters scribbles something down. “King Eric agrees.”
Kenny excitedly knocks the gavel on the marble block. “Both kingdoms will inspect imports and exports before delivery.” It was the only worthwhile part of these meetings. Cartman didn’t even want her there, but she couldn’t give him what he wanted. She claimed her birthright, and these meetings claimed her Sundays. “The penalty for failure to comply shall result in investigation and trial, as well as a temporary pause in imports and exports. So behave, boys.”
Kyle glances at her with affection. She winks, resettling her hands in her lap.
“The King’s next request,” Paladin Butters starts, “Is that the Stick of Truth be returned to its place in Kupa Keep.”
Kyle’s head snaps up. He frowns deeply. “The fuck? No.”
“King Kyle, I am disappointed to have to remind you that Kupa Keep is its historical resting place,” Cartman sneers. “I’m asking that we honor history.”
“Like hell you are!” Kyle fumes. “You want it where you have unlimited access to.”
“Through a show of hands, how many council members are in favor of honoring Wizard King Cartman’s request to keep the Stick of Truth at the Kingdom of Kupa Keep?” Stan asks.
Cartman and Butters raise their hands. The king looks displeased. “Kenny, what the hell?”
“I hate to remind you, King Eric, that the McCormick family are the actual historical holders of the Stick. It is a moot point.”
Cartman scoffs. Kenny rolls her eyes in Kyle’s direction. He’s delightfully surprised at her lack of vote. She was playing more transparent in return.
“In that case, I want the council to be aware of the fuck-me eyes Kenny and Kyle are exchanging!” Cartman exclaims.
Kenny presses her hand to her chest in feigned shock. She knocks the gavel again. “Alright! I call for a recess! Paladin, I advise that you have a talk with the King.”
Butters’ shoulders deflate. “Ken, are you serious? Can’t we just-?”
“No!” Kenny interrupts. “The councils ruled all parties remain calm and composed. King Eric’s outburst is grounds for a recess. If he does not comply, I have no choice but to-”
“Don’t even say it, Kenny,” Cartman spits. He scrapes his chair across the floor while he stands. “Butters, let’s go.”
Butters side-eyes Kenny before joining the king. Kenny princess waves goodbye.
Kyle watches Kenny exhale and lean back in her seat. She throws a crooked grin his way. “Brief recess.”
“The resting place for the Stick is a nonnegotiable,” Wendy says. “So to satisfy Cartman, you’ll have to compromise on something else big.”
Kyle sighs. “That’s not fair, though. He shouldn’t have suggested that to begin with.”
“No one disagrees with that, Kyle. But the peace of the Elven Kingdom depends on it. It’s best we reassess a previous decision. If we tell him we’re throwing a bone, his requests are just going to become more obscure.”
“Right.” He hates this diplomatic bullshit.
Wendy and Stan exchange a look. “Kyle, we have been… concerned with your behavior.”
Kyle bristles. “What do you mean?”
“You’re appearing inattentive,” Wendy explains.
“And distracted,” Stan adds. “Dude, you and Kenny should do whatever it is and get it over with, instead of letting it impact the treaty.”
“‘Whatever it is’?”
Stan cringes. “I meant, you know… Fulfill your intentions or move on?” He looks to Wendy for support. She just shakes her head solemnly. He messed up.
Kyle pushes himself away from the table. “Tell that to Cartman, who isn’t even pretending to take this seriously. What do you think this is for?”
He leaves Wendy and Stan dead silent in the tent.
Kenny rolls and stuffs a cigarette into her ring holder. She lights it and takes a long drag. Her lipstick leaves a smudge on the paper. As she exhales the large cloud, Kyle appears before her. He waves through the cloud. She smiles.
“How did I just know you’d come find me?” She teases.
He sits next to her on the stone border. “Part of a king’s job is to keep the princess happy.”
“I would be a lot happier if this would move along.”
Kyle gapes at her. “You called the recess!”
She leans closer to him. “I wanted to see you.” She rests her hand on his. “Wendy and Stan are mad at you, aren’t they?”
“Other way around. The whole thing is going in circles.”
Kenny kisses his hand supportively. He leans into her, kissing her lips in return. In just a few months, everything would be right.
“Recess over?” Kyle asks. He has much more energy to argue with Cartman now.
Kenny grins wide. “Let’s get him.”
Kenny watches the ground the carriage treads over. When she was Elven Queen, she would put flowers all over here. Business meetings didn’t have to be boring and colorless. No, everything she owned would have her own touch. No one could tell her differently.
Her eyes naturally direct towards Eric, traveling separately from her and Butters. It would be a shame if something bad happened that way.
“Princess,” Butters says. “Were you and Kyle really… flirting?”
Kenny looks at him with curiosity. She liked Butters. He would stay an important pillar in her kingdom. Someone she could rely on. “Of course.”
if you like this please consider checking out my ao3! and if you're really interested, i am opening commissions :)
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findroleplay · 1 year
hi! i'm looking for a paranormal investigators plot! this can be modern or historical (ever so slight bonus points for the latter though eheh). i'm thinkin' opposites attract, forced proximity, the public thinking they're fucking NUTS (depending on the time!!), bickering, you get the gist. the beauty of this is that it can be as lighthearted or dark as we want.
i'm thinking that we could lay this out in almost 'chapters'??? u feel my drift here? each thread will have it's own little paranormal (or otherwise) focus that we goof around with!!
i DO ask that you're literate and write in third person. at least 2 well constructed paras per response, but much more is welcomed.
maybe one's a volatile conspiracist and the other a skeptic that humors them for shits and giggles. maybe it's the cliche (but all too good) sunshine & gloomy dynamic. there is so much to work with here!! this can be platonic or romantic; my only requirement is that they're somewhat opposites >:). i have no gender pref for my characters.
i love ooc chatter and headcanoning! playlists are my game! i am one energetic fella!!!
if you're 18+ and interested, interact and i'l get back to you asap as possible, <3
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siliconcat · 1 year
Th19 #thoughts
It certainly is a game
Art is BALLER and the boss sprites are so cute (even if zun didn’t do em) but like stage bg and character portraits are all really clean
New tracks were ok, I didn’t really notice much about them but listening to Reimu’s theme again without the pressure of trying not to die made me like it more I miss maiden’s capriccio :(
I REALLY wanted Seiran’s theme to be remixed bc even though I don’t have strong thoughts about her character it’s like up there for my top 10 favorite tracks but we got lolk stage 1 instead which is like. It good but we’re missing out
Gameplay wise, Marisa and Nazrin feel straight up unplayable and Reimu has like shonen protag powers. Marisa’s thing is to just melt through bosses so it was like :( finding out she did pee pee piss damage. (APPARENTLY THERE IS A GLITCH WITH HER LASERS SO THEY JUST STOP SOMETIMES???)
Bombing is weirdddd I got so used to deathbombing so now it’s like all funky with like a meter and bullet slowdown, being able to read the manual would be nice… But I don’t hate it as opposed to the regular bombs? I just need to put more hours into getting used to it. Also how does bullet screen clearing work? Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t???
Reimu’s boss attack can go fuck itself btw awful awful awful and of course the cpu perfectly weaves through it every time
Story seems pretty cool so far bc each character has like a different goal and arc, Reimu’s going the animal dimension (forget what it’s called), Marisa’s taking land and investigating, nazrin and seiran have a thing with a magic jewel going on? And Aunn is a dog
Yuuma is basically all but confirmed, but I genuinely see Mamizou coming into all this bc she’s definitely cheeky/greedy enough to have character motivation to fuck around, but historically extra stage bosses have never had much time to shine besides yukari so we’ll see
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thessalian · 2 months
Thess vs Ulvund
Oooooooh that was so satisfying on SO MANY LEVELS...
Okay, so, nearest thing - and most interesting thing, and thing most likely to need me to head back to the Daunt - is investigating where the Bristlebacks came from. But first, green shiny.
Right. ...Huh. So there's Eclipse camps ... and rebel camps. So @true0neutral really wasn't kidding when he said that I'd like what they did instead of just bandit camps. Oooooooh I am going to have fun with this...
(Historical sidebar: I only got into this game because of @true0neutral throwing Horizon Zero Dawn at my head. I wasn't sure I was even going to like this game, or be particularly good at it. I discovered a playstyle that worked for me, and apparently still works now even with the fibromyalgia, and while I know it's just story mode, I entirely slay at this game. And one of the things we'd do while I was still playing Zero Dawn was ... okay, I don't do well with just voice chat - I need to be Doing Something. And @true0neutral tends to like to watch me play this kind of thing - apparently I kind of revolutionised his entire playstyle at this game. So what we'd do is do Discord voice chat while I shared my screen while playing Zero Dawn. Kind of like a Twitch stream for a very limited audience. One of my favourite parts was clearing out the bandit camps. I could headshot bandits at ridiculous distances, and tended to stealth around the perimeter clearing out entire encampments with barely an alarm raised. And @true0neutral used to really enjoy watching me do it, at least partly because it was one of my favourite parts and the best kinds of friends are the ones who love to watch your joy, y'know? So anyway, he knows I love the encampment clearing and he's further along in the game than me so he sort of gave me a teaser of how much I'd enjoy this particular bit. He is not wrong.)
Right. Not going in the front door. Pushing this tree over is going to alert someone. Let's hope it doesn't alert the whole camp... One dude on a Charger? Pffffffft. Okay - dude first, then take out the Charger while it's standing there confused about where its rider went. Then, into a bush.
Okay ... person ... person ... Charger Charger ... Chargeeeeer ... and ... drawbridge. Well. Half of drawbridge. But there's still someone wandering around the place. Maybe it's ... inside the cave?
I have lowered the drawbridge and the quest has not gone forward because there's still someone alive out there. I killed all their Chargers, and almost all their dudes and there's still someone there? What the--?
Ah, there you are. You ... have been watching the entire camp, watched people just drop dead in the dark, and now you're ... wandering over to a table like it ain't no thing? Oh, you are deeply, deeply stupid and you deserve this. *Silent STRIKE*
Okay, now that's everybody.
Ooooooooooh. Ulvund's in trooooooouble...
AND a huge big slab of green shiny. My cup runneth over. Off to Chainscrape.
...Okay. No. Now my cup runneth over. DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT, ULVUND, YOU PREDATORY JACKASS! ...Or, on second thought, do. I don't give a fuck.
And I get shiny new bow and armour! Buuuut it all needs upgrading. And a lot of this ... seems to need parts from the West. Boo. But! Something to work towards!
Let's see. ...Longleg. I remember something like those - those were the "Someone Took A Cassowary And Made It Worse" ones, weren't they?
Skydrifter - those have got to be the big-ass birds. I LOVE HUNTING THOSE!
And ... Clawstrider. Razor Tail. If I had to guess, that'd be ... That'd be the dilophosaurus, wouldn't it? Oh please let it be those; if I can't ride them let me hunt theeeeeeeeem.
(I mean also let me ride them please I HAVE BEEN SO VERY VERY GOOD.)
Hrm. Now I have a quandry. A conundrum, even. On one hand, I do have stuff I can cook even though most of the groceries have kind of been relegated to the freezer. On the other hand, I don't want to cook anything today. And on the "secret, third thing" side, while I can afford takeaway at this point, my choices are always so very limited given the whole issue I have with gluten. I will think on this.
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phantomenby · 2 years
Bumps in the night
Anonymous asked:
I had a fun prompt in mind regarding our lovely vampire boys in scenario with a sweet yet amateur supernatural investigator reader (literal soft bookworm - gets caught in a scenario that catches a glimpse of the boys and attempts to playful scare them for amusement. Not sure if I'll steer into the dark or playful genre territory? But would love the outcome either way ♡Answer
TW// Im going to kill the reader very badly, bones breaking, blood, claws, taunting, murder, skull bashing, graphic
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They were fucking evil.
Cruel and dark.
You on the other hand.
You were sweet.
You had a cozy little life, the perfect dream home, and your darling parents who fawned over you - their only child. Your mother didn't care where you went, and your father didn't care where you spent his money.
In a way, you were a fairly free spirit.
But you craved something more, something darker. This strange flame had been alight for almost a year now, ever since last Halloween when you and your friends went and watched the darkest, most gruesome movies you could find.
Most of them had been a little put-off, not appreciative of all of the blood and screaming. You, however, oh little old you, you wanted more.
Of course, you would never hurt anyone.
But it wouldn't hurt to explore the darker areas of your hometown, going down the coast on your pretty blue bike, your hair held back with a scrunchie.
It took longer than expected to arrive at your chosen destination, but more than worth it.
In front of you was one of the oldest houses in town, long abandoned but kept up as part of some weird historical project.
The porch was rickety, making you wince as your shoes pressed down on the slightly rotting wood.
It really didn't help that it was right by the ocean, you were betting that it fell off the cliffside before it was ever lived in again.
Pushing on the door was no better, it was a great big thing, made for grand entrances and to greet guests.
And unfortunately for you, you were not alone.
You see, this house was abandoned for a reason, used as a safe house by a certain group of rambunctious vamps who hated random humans entering their nests.
Honestly, it was more of a spider's web than a home, designed to keep humans that entered from escaping.
Marko knew this, all of them knew this. It was why they often visited the place when they realised someone was deciding to pay their second home a visit.
All four of them had a favorite spot. Marko loved dancing across the roof, knocking off the occasional tile, and throwing stones down the chimney, one time he even jumped down and pulled the human inside the fireplace for a feast.
Paul chose the opposite, the basement, and he was currently following your movements beneath the floorboards. There were multiple entrances to the basement, one which led outside for ease of access, and another through a cabinet in the kitchen.
His fingers were dancing along the boards, pushing them up slightly when you stepped on them, watching you stumble ever so slightly when the floor shifted beneath your feet.
It was more entertaining with drunks, but watching the sweet suburbians of Santa Carla being brave like this could be pretty fun.
Mostly because they had the best screams.
However, David had different plans in store for you. All four of them were riled up, as evidenced by the obscene amount of cigarettes he had worked through all night.
He was sitting upstairs, in a creepy old children's bedroom, swinging back and forth on the rocking chair.
You were already halfway through the house, faring surprisingly well.
Dwayne's time to shine came when you began ascending the stairs, if you weren't cursed with such weak human eyesight you might have seen him, and the scratch marks across each step.
You were already looking at the staircase funny, with its jagged steps and slightly rotten panels. David's mind was strong though, and with just a little push you were on the right path.
All four of them grinned at your scream as you fell forward, Dwayne's claws clinging to the edge of your shoes, trapping them momentarily.
You were bleeding now too, little scuffs on your lower arms and knees, the light specks blooming and bright.
Dwayne's growl was almost too loud when he smelt it, his eyes burning bright, glowing hungrily in your direction.
Fortunately, you were still distracted by the pain and irritation to notice it, assuming it was just the old house groaning with the wind.
Continuing on you rubbed your bruised palms, rubbing them on a doorway as you passed.
You froze, glancing to your right. The moonlight was shining through the windows in the rooms upstairs, the door was slightly open, another one which creaked when the wind passed by it.
You were kind of regretting this little mission of yours.
So far you had done enough damage that your mother might notice and interrogate you, and now you were certain this place was haunted.
Pushing on the door slightly you were met with an empty space, well almost. It was decorated in soft colors, and there was an old bassinet in the corner.
It was the rocking chair that caught your eye, moving faster than it should be considering you were apparently the only one in here.
Though you hadn't really explored that much of-
Ok, that was a little too loud.
"Breaking and entering buddy?" oh shit, this was it.
You turned, expecting some old police officer who had caught you snooping, or some poor bum that used this place to crash.
Instead it was much worse.
The man in front of you was leaning against the doorway like a cat, languid and relaxed, as though he was just an old friend saying hi to you in your favourite coffee shop.
He was pale, his skin almost translucent in the moonlight. And the grin on his youthful face was deviant, like he knew something you didn't.
But his eyes, his awful, awful eyes.
They were bright, red and fiery. Inhuman.
You fought to find the words, stumbling over them like your tongue was tied in a knot.
"Y-yo- you- your eye-"
He merely laughed, walking closer, slowly, "Y-y-you you you."
He was mocking you, walking around you in circles while he mimicked your pathetic speech.
Tears were blooming in your eyes as embarrassment flooded through you. He was stood between you and the bassinette now, bending at the waist to meet your eye.
"Wanna know who I am Doll?" He didn't wait for you to answer, stepping forward, "I'm the boogeyman."
And if it couldn't get any worse, his face began to change, bones protruding outwards while his eyes became deep pits in his skull.
Then his teeth, sharper, like jagged fangs pushing through his gums.
You screamed, spinning on your heel and sprinting through the door, leaving him laughing menacingly behind you.
When you reached the top of the stairs another figure swung down in front of you, his long sandy hair pooling around him, and his face equally demonic.
The floor fell out from under you as two hands pushed against your back, the coldness of his skin bleeding through the thick wool of your sweater, sending you tumbling down the stairs.
Your screams echoed through the house, joined by the laughter of two, no three of them as they watched your suffering.
You landed painfully, your arm twisted beneath your form.
It was agonizing, but the adrenaline followed soon after, urging you to push yourself upwards and flee.
Before you could a hand sprang out from the bottom of the staircase, the large clawed hand wrapping around your ankle and tugging you closer.
"No no no!" Your eyes were blurry, both from hitting your head and your neverending tears, "please let me go-"
You yelped as you were yanked harder, the sharp ends of the creature's nails digging into your flesh. Angling your body all you could see was its glowing eyes, the same as the others, and needlelike fangs bared at you.
Your foot was disappearing beneath the step, and you were on the verge of succumbing to its torture.
Instead you were met with one of them jumping down to you, his legs on either side of your head as his hands reached towards you, yanking you up and bringing you to his chest.
"Oh this one smells good David, I think we should keep 'em," his nose pressed to your jaw, moving slowly down your neck, his teeth nipping your skin, "though it's always nice to eat little humans like you when you're all scared like this, the fear makes it so much sweeter."
Another set of hands pulled you away from him, choosing to throw you across the floor.
The wood was hard, feeling more like cement as your body slammed across it, your already broken arm pulling from the socket followed by a harrowing wail.
You were left laying there for a moment, your mind growing fuzzier as warm liquid trickled from a wound on your head, the pain of everything overtaking your consciousness.
They were watching you, the two who had thrown you around conversing while the one who had hidden under the stairs slid out, joining them in their tussling.
Finally, the fourth showed himself, walking past them with a grin and approaching your form.
He showed you no sympathy, his 'human' face returning as he gazed down at you with moderate disgust. His shoe met your face, the cold steel toe of his boot nudging your chin.
"Pathetic, shame though," David looked back at his brothers, rolling his eyes, "if you wanted to keep it you should have thought twice about breaking it this much."
They didn't listen, choosing to just approach the two of you.
Now all four of them were staring down at you, their perfectly inhuman human disguises reformed. It was a shame something was horrific was so beautiful.
"Only one thing to do now boys."
The look they shared was less than pleasant, you barely noticed as your vision grew dark, the deep abyss of neverending sleep pulling you into its warm embrace.
The last thing you saw was a boot being raised above your skull, and the last thing you felt was it slamming down into your frontal lobe.
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estusestix · 10 months
so I started disco elysium today and I absolutely immediately fell in love with it it's such a fucking good game already like I was 30 minutes in and then I blinked and 8 hours have passed
anyway I only got to investigating the crime scene at like 8pm in game, poor kim I was just dragging him along through the whole town, back and forth, talking to every single person I came across, he must've been so confused
Everything I've been learning about the world is incredibly overwhelming, with the amount of names of cities, races, systems, people, historical events etc so it's actually nice having a character be just as clueless as I am, even though he must be a fucking nightmare to deal with for everyone else lmao
Overall it's lovely. I'm having a blast and I'm looking forward to getting further into it tomorrow
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martsonmars · 1 year
Ok ok these all sound intriguing then I saw VAMPIRE PRIEST and yeah, this please?
Hehe thank you for asking.
This idea is more or less two days old and I am obsessed with it, though sadly I don't think I'm going to start working on it anytime soon.
It's going to be a historical fic, but I don't plan on making it historically accurate—it would be too much work, and this is going to require too much research even without the accuracy issue.
So it's going to be set in the vague “Middle Ages” of fantasy stories.
Baz is, as expected, a vampire priest. Or a vampire monk.
I'm so excited to play with vampirism to make this universe a world where Baz can be a clergyman without, you know, burning to ashes on the spot, but still feel all the discomfort and conflict about being a vampire AND a priest/monk/whatever. Because this story is all about the inner conflict.
Well, not exactly.
Because the Mage is some kind of inquisitor, engaging in hunting heretics, witches and vampires. (And possibly other creatures.) (And “innocent” people, too.) (Not that heretics, witches and vampires are guilty of anything.) I haven't decided yet if he should be a mage who hunts other mages, or if he should be Normal. I'm leaning towards Normal with a dark secret... We'll see.
Simon is the Mage's apprentice. He definitely is a Normal with a dark secret. But unlike the Mage (who knows his own secret and is hiding it), Simon doesn't know what's “wrong with him”. (Does the Mage know? Very likely.)
So they go around Europe ridding the world of evil in the name of Catholicism. All very happy and joyful.
Until one day they arrive to Baz's monastery.
I'm thinking of Baz in this fic as someone who's deeply religious but disillusioned with the Church as an institution. He decided to be ordained only because he didn't want the duties of a first born to fall on him. He just wanted to be left alone, not have to marry and produce heirs, and be free to spend his days reading and studying in a huge library. His father already had another male heir so he had nothing against Baz fucking off to a monastery. (He was probably quite happy to have his vampire and possibly deviant son out of his sight.)
He's living his quiet, comfortable life between books and inner turmoil, and then the murders start happening.
Baz knows immediately that the murderers are vampires, which isn't good for him. It draws attention to him. So, he starts investigating.
This is when the Mage and Simon arrive.
The vibes are inspired by The Name of the Rose. A murder mystery set in a monastery, but probably with more witches and vampires and less theology and philosophy (though that depends on how much I want to research).
Clearly, the Mage starts suspecting of Baz, and manages to frame him for the murders.
Simon—who until then believed Baz was evil and all—suddenly has a (motivated) change of heart and decides to prove Baz's innocence.
Things happen. Boys kiss. It will end in flames. (Who burns? Stay tuned to find out.)
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nextinline-if · 2 years
I understand that I haven’t seen the whole message yet from that anon yet, so I’m sorry to you and them if I’ve completely misread this, but please, please don’t feel pressured into making whatever these changes are.
It’s the first chapter and I feel like it’s a little premature for people to be commenting on the way the mc acts. As you say, you were planning for the mc to come into themselves in the next chapters (and I personally feel that there were a range of ways to react to the mc’s lack of control which would no doubt be developed further). The MC has just become the Harbringer, and whether that was by their choice or not, they have been sheltered, and they don’t have control over their life yet. Key word there being yet. From what I’ve gathered from your answers to asks etc..MC is going to have the chance to gain that control through their investigations and through their new role as the Harbringer and future king/queen/royal.
As for Anna and MC’s relationship, personally I really loved it. I’m not entirely sure what anon didn’t like, but if it was how close they were despite the difference in status, then as you said, they’re childhood friends and Anna seems as though she will end up being their sister-in-law eventually anyway (barring any incidents). On top of that, the MC wasn’t even the heir most of the time that they’ve know each other, and there doesn’t seem to be much emphasis on status within the kingdom anyway considering how chill the Queen is.
Again, I haven’t seen the full message and I’m sorry if I interpreted anything incorrectly, but ultimately this is your story and I would be pretty sad to see you overhaul it because one anon was being nitpicky about the first chapter. Unfortunately, this actually seems to be a trend in royal/medieval IFs where people get upset if it’s not completely historically accurate or people are actually nice to each other. Please tell your story the way that you want to otherwise you may find yourself falling out of love with it. You’re a great writer and I love your IF !!
hey...🥹 thank you (and everyone else who has shared their opinion, including the original anon).
I’m not going to lie, I do feel pressured but NOT because of the anon, but because one of my inherent flaws is to try to please people. Again, I realize this is impossible especially when it comes to writing and sharing that with others. But, I pressure myself into trying to do better, be better. It’s due to the way I was raised but unfortunately, it has stuck to me as an adult.
I think it’s fair to say my initial response was too emotional. I admit that I should have waited to post what I did because I’m a firm believer of stepping away first. But I felt embarrassed and hurt due to my insecurities. Which is really fucking stupid on my part 😅 And I was just like “I’ll take the demo down next weekend and do it all again.” However, I’ve been looking at the game and I’ve been reading and responding to yours and others thoughts, and I don’t plan to do a massive overhaul. I’ve spent all of my free time for months, almost a year on this game and it’s world. I also skipped a lot of meals and sleep (not intentionally) but because it’s something I care about a lot.
I agree that if I give into too much, I will lose my passion and this game will die like many WIP. I don’t want that. Especially since this game is how I’m healing from my own loss. I need to write this game, for myself if no one else. That said, I will still consider the anon’s feedback as I work on my game. And I’m still open to other people’s feedback. Always.
Some of the rest of their message, which I will still address on Friday, does have some fair feedback about making more choices available, especially in reference to F. And this is feedback others have given me as well- and I’ve said I do plan to add more choices/reactions.
But, you are right. The demo covers two days. The other chapters are meant to be a month of events/activities and there will be way more opportunities to shape MC. They are not a blank slate and neither are their relationships with certain characters. There are games that allow that though.
I’ve also tried to emphasize that my game is not meant to be historically accurate - it’s just a world I built with elements of history that fascinate me. But I do think I see what you mean about the trends.
Thank you for your message - it does mean a lot. More than I can express through this black hole of a blog.
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House of the Dragon Episode One thoughts as I watch:
I really like the two young girls so far they’ve been captivating and Matt Smith is promising as a creepy grooming uncle
Not sure I enjoy the… visuals?? It’s kind of uncanny valley. It both feels too real (because I can tell it’s a set) and not real enough (because I can tell it’s a set). Nothing wrong with the sets in question, just… disappointingly obvious. GoT had sets too (alongside a plethora of locations which gave it a valuable realism) but all the sets in Game of Thrones weren’t overly noticeable which meant they felt beautifully rich in terms of world building.
Also don’t like the editing style. Early GoT was frugal w/ editing. The dialogue took centre stage and actors were allowed to command a scene from beginning until end (unless there was a poignant reaction). So far the editing feels sporadic and unintentional. And certain camera shots feel a tad ambitious for no particular reason, which makes it seem indulgent. It’s all a little distracting.
The dialogue is actually good! Not word play levels that I expect, but contextually there isn’t much need yet. Not much politicking happening because there’s no real “enemy” whereas in GoT the enemy was everyone, so much politicking all the time. The dialogue, though clever, is very upfront (because the targs are unquestionable in their power). So it’s good. No need to distract ppl with so many cuts and weird shots.
Maybe they’re trying to distract from the sets?
It just feels a bit… modern? Staged?
A quick question: idk if it’s my tv or not, but like is the frame sped up? On my tv it all feels s little too fast in movement (sometimes tv offers a “hyper realism” thing and that might be messing w/ my experience)
There’s def a lack of proper intrigue. But I know that’s to come, so it’s fine.
Really it’s the visual part that bothers me.
Not sure I enjoy seeing Matt smith in a sex scene but alright
The girls are the best part for sure, and I know they’re the point of it all, so I do hope the writers aren’t sacrificing the intrigue of other characters for them.
Like imagine game of thrones if D&D framed Jon Snow as the main character from the beginning. It’d be boring af
I like seeing my guy from outlander here tho. Not enough variety in accents in fantasy and I appreciate it here.
Is it ok? It’s ok?
I wanna be grossed out by siblings being in love but like considering the family they’re in, it’s probably at warped attempt at normalcy. Like at least they were married to each other and not an aunt/uncle (or PARENT)
Ugh the “impossible choice” fucking starting to see this trend in film where men are shown to have to decide women’s lives during childbirth (obviously at sn attempt to humanise them and make them good “but in a bad position”) like honestly it’s the new “turning your wife’s death/trauma into your own for a plot point” like spareeee me the angst most men HISTORICALLY had no issue killing their wives
Oh fuck me he’s gonna kill her
Never mind he’s a bad person
Never mind it was gruesome
They didn’t frame it as a difficult choice or like “he didn’t have any other option” or “he’s still good actually because we cut away from it all”
Holy shit MAJOR trigger warning for a torture scene
Like sure yeah maybe they were both gonna die but the doctor clearly didn’t give af about the queen so I doubt there’s was much investigation for a better option (that saves her)
Wait so he has a son now
Oh the baby’s gone
I LOVE how Valyrian sounds 200 years before Dany
The rolllls
Small touch I really enjoy? The fires give off so much smoke and I’ve never seen it before in a show. Do they normally cgi it away?
Not sure I’m hooked, again, intrigue is missing, character across the board that are all thoroughly interesting, but I DO like our main contenders.
They did NOT just throw the Game of Thrones ending shade like that
They. Did. Not. Just say DANY was meant to get the throne (even if for a short while because I feel she’s only meant to have it to unite the realm for the battle and likely leaves/dies after, as an end to an age of magic).
Like the point of GoT was obvs that the politicking WASNT the point but it’s suchhhh vindication that Daenerys was magically destined to ascend the throne
I don’t care if you think Jon is an option - she was the mother of dragons not him
Doesn’t mean Jon doesn’t do important things during the war to come, or even become a king after Dany, as this show said a Targ w/ dragons is needed to protect the world from a position of monarchy - doesn’t mean that monarchy exists for very much longer after the war ends.
So TECHNICALLY she both WINS the game of thrones AND breaks the wheel
Coupled w/ the fact that they HIGHLIGHTED Dany’s name at the beginning
G RR Martin is practically shouting who becomes the head of Westeros during the winter war. (Again, not necessarily the PTWP, because this is a separate Targ dreaming, not the prophecy that Rhaegar became obsessed w/ but now I see why he became obsessed w/ it if he was given this info by his dad before hearing it).
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