#tw sickness
halcyone-of-the-sea · 7 months
Hiiiii, Congratulations on your 5K !!! Idk if ur reqs r still open, but I'll try (pls feel free to delete this if it's closed alrdy)
I was supposed to ask for a Cap. Price but since u've said that there are low reqs for Soap, I'm (humbly and kindly) asking for a Soap oneshot. U can do whatever u want (I just want fluff pls, I'm so inlove with him, he's such a cutie)
—Alive and Breathing
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [You're sick. Very sick. John takes drastic action.] ❞
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Your head pounds violently, groaning softly under your breath as the room pulses with heat and fever. Sweat stains your forehead—dripping off the side of your nose as the bed is heavy with it. The window was shut tight, the sheets layered high on you in a heap akin to a garbage pile with shaking feet twitching from out the end. Your muscles jerk, lungs heaving for air that gets harder to come by. 
No matter how hot you tried to become, nothing was making you any more comfortable. You felt like you were freezing; standing out on an ice sheet and plunging into arctic waters. Everything was a sheen of blurry delirium, and you hoped that John would get home soon so you could have him help out around the house. 
You’d taken some cold medicine after you called him, but nothing was working. 
Not moving beyond the ragged coughs that make you gag on your saliva, you stay there even when the front door opens—a call of your name on the air a dull buzz in your drums. Like a fly. 
And then, suddenly, there’s a serious face in front of yours, and a hand is shoving back your blankets until you’re partially visible. 
“Up you get, now,” John grunts, eyes narrowed and his scar pulling tight at the sight of your state. Your mouth twists into a tight frown, panting at the chill of the air; you shiver violently. “I’m takin’ you in, aye?”
“M’cold, John,” you mutter through a hoarse exhilation. Shapes shift and shadows move. A heavy hand is pressed to your forehead, flinching momentarily at the heat that makes John hiss lowly. He looks your body up and down, taking in the scent of sweat and sickness. 
This was worse than the light fever you’d described over the phone. 
“Holy hell…” He breathes, glancing at the rapid pulse point in your neck. “Cold? You’re fuckin’ burnin’ up down there, Dearie. Did you take anything while I was away? Christ.”
A mind is made up quickly, concern striking John in the heart. 
He digs you out of the last remaining covers, gripping your slick body as your eyes flutter—you don’t answer him, muttering under your breath. 
“Fuck,” John growls. Once he knows you’re not going to slip out of his arms, he grips you tighter and rushes into the bathroom, nerves in his gut not leaving as your limp arm sways. “Hey!” He shouts at you, jostling your shoulder blades.
You whine, your head stuck at his pec. Everything pulses. 
Glaring, John’s blue eyes are laced with worry as he sets you down into the tub—scarred hand snapping to turn on the water on the coldest setting. 
Hands grapple your cheeks. 
“Hey, now,” the man utters, accent thick and deep as emotions take over. “Hey, focus on me. C’mon.” Water spreads over your legs—soaking into your clothes as your shivering continues even now. Your lashes flutter, teeth chattering. “C’mon, Sweetheart, right here.”
The water sloshes over the lip of the tub by the time John turns it off, the liquid cold enough to make the man shiver himself, but he doesn’t even notice—eyes trapped on your body. 
After a few long, tense, minutes, your rapid heartbeat slows to the visible eye. Your lungs ease back to a nearly-normal rise and fall; small hitches still in the muscle. 
“That’s a girl,” John runs his thumbs up and down your flesh. “That’s right.”
You huff, face still full of drying sweat until the man ahead of you takes a palm full of water and drenches your head with it. Sputtering, you weakly push at his other wrist near your cheek, gasping down air. 
“W-what the hell,” you stutter, water dripping off your nose and over your eyes.
“I’m getting you medicine,” John grumbles. “The correct kind. Cold bath won’t help in the long run, but I was out of options.”
You blink at him, still sluggish. 
“I’ll be fine, John.” A firm brow raises in challenge and you sigh shaking your head.
“It’s that or I bring you to hospital. Your choice.” 
Silence falls, only broken by the shift of the water and your small sickly sniffles. Blue eyes move and soften before John brings a hand up to his face and rubs it. He holds the limb there for a moment, taking a shallow breath. 
A kiss is pressed to your still steamy forehead, the lips staying there as you sag forward into John as his arms circle you, bringing you to him. 
“Scared me,” he utters lowly. 
You hum, tired. 
“I had the strangest dream while you were gone,” your mouth whispers. John grunts into your skin. “You were fighting a bear.”
“A bear?” He smirks, eyebrow quirking and pulling his scar tight. “Bit big for me to do alone, Dearie…I win?”
“Of course,” you try a hoarse chuckle, arms limp in the water. 
“Oh, aye, an accurate dream.” He chuckles with you. “How’d I do it, then? Was I barehanded? Knife?”
“...I’m just stroking your ego, John.”
“Can’t stroke something you can’t reach, can you?”
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gascansposts · 3 months
Danny as seen in the wonderfully heart wrenching post by @hypewinter
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These designs (and notes) are mostly my own headcanons and preferences, so they aren’t set in stone or anything, but long hair Danny is definitely my fav thing ever! If someone else has also drawn test dummy Danny is love to be tagged to see everyone’s interpretations!
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regular-gnome · 2 months
Hey so does the collector get sick? As I see him always energetic and I wonder if he can
I don't think they could, not the way mortal beings can at least. The only scenario that I could see them getting sick is with something messing with their magic, getting weak with titans nullifying, or something corrupting it. But hey, their mental health is a different story, everyone who has felt anxiety nausea knows it feels just as bad as the one you get from other things
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That being said in december I was sick and made some sketches inflicting some characters with it too, not gonna suffer the flu alone
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
slkdfjskdljf Jimmy's POV on Episode 8:
Jimmy, in Grian's ear: Ask Etho what he had for breakfast.
Grian: Etho, what did you have for breakfast today?
Etho: Um... A whole batch of sickness.
Grian: Oh, yikes.
Cleo, laughing: 'I had vomit for breakfast!'
[Jimmy, covering his face and giggling to himself]
Grian: Just making sure you're getting enough vitamins and stuff.
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gglitch1dd · 5 months
A Wishful Time- Pt 6
Omega Katsuki x Alpha Eijiro x Omega Reader
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Context: In the peaceful village of Yuuie, you and your best friend, Katsuki, hope to catch the eye of the Alpha of your dreams. Kirishima Eijiro.
Note: This story is OMEGAVERSE. This story takes place in a historical non modern setting so please take note of that when it comes to the jobs in society that the characters take and how they act. Bakugou Katsuki is an OMEGA. Reader and him are AFAB but there IS NOT smut this chapter.
WARNING: Warning: Death, sickness, plague, fainting, coughing, mention of BLOOD, pregnancy
You walked forward, your mating tie wrapped around your neck as you did so. You were careful as you stayed on the dirt path that led up to the white farmhouse. The fields not too far away had Alphas working in the sun as to tend to the large fields of vegetables. Although it was windy and slowly becoming more and more cold as winter was coming in, the sun was still warm during the day.
Standing under the shade looking over to the nearby forest was a large green haired Alpha. His freckled skin was tanned from all the long hours he spent from working in his family fields. His hands were calloused and hard and yet he was one of the sweetest Alphas that you had ever met.
You lifted up a hand and waved over to him. “Afternoon Izuku!” You called out.
That took his attention as his eyes moved to you. A gorgeous smile moved to his face, dimples to his cheeks as he turned to look at you as you moved to stand under the shade with him. “Y/N, afternoon.” He tipped his hat off in respect to you.
You handed him a basket of milk cannisters that you had brought over. “Here you go! Your mother told me that neither of you would be able to get milk today.”
At the reason for your visit, you watched his green gaze soften. “Well aren’t you just a sweet little thing. Thank you.” He said sincerely making you smile as he took the basket from you.
You looked up at him before glancing at where he was looking before. “What’s going on?” You asked.
Midoriya let out a heavy sigh as he furrowed his eyebrow. “There’s been reports of a sickness moving around the village.” He spoke lowly, something clearly bothering him. You nodded your head with hum, having heard about it through Takeo who seemed just as concerned about it too. People were falling sick out of the blue and it seemed worse than the common cold and more contagious too. You had heard Inko and Yua talk about it and how they were trying to make more tonics and elixirs to try and ease what might become something big around the pack. “I fear it might have been due to the rabbits.”
You looked to him shocked. “The rabbits?”
He nodded his head. “Yah. They were all dying for some unknown reason and at the time, Shoto and I had come to the conclusion that no one should eat the rabbits till we weed out those who seemed to be sick.” He let out a sigh as he put down the milk cannisters. “It seems like someone didn’t listen. I fear it came from a rabid wolf that was in the area not too long ago. It bit one of the bunnies before we killed it but it must have infected the poor thing with something.”
You listened to the tall Alpha speak. He was the one who bred most of the bunnies in town. At first it was an unintentional thing, the rabbits always having found their way to the Midoriya farm due to all the vegetables growing there, but sooner than later, the bunny population seemed to grow. You also knew that Izuku cared for the rabbits deeply and it was also a bonus that the rabbits high numbers helped in the winter when prey was sparse but rabbits were many and able to feed the village through the winter.
Izuku looked to you. “But don’t you worry about it. Thank you for the milk.” He gave you an appreciative look. “Now you get straight home. I think it’s best we all isolate for a while, till the sickness leaves.”
You nodded your head. “I think that might be for the best.”
“Yall got that little vegetable patch back home, right?” He asked as you started to walk back from once you came.
He smiled as he waved over to you. “Don’t be shy if you need anything. We’re neighbours now!”
You smiled at that and waved back. “Alright! You keep well, okay!”
You did exactly what he said and made your way back home. You were going back home regardless, considering that you still had some chores to do and you couldn’t leave Katsuki to do it all by himself (despite what he thought).
It had been a three months since you, Katsuki and Eijiro got married and you honestly couldn’t be happy. The three of you were like three peas in a pod. You loved your two partners and they loved you as well. Eijiro was busy often with being head of the Kirishima farm now and keeping up with all the cows too, however having him come home to the both of you was all you could ever hope for, especially since you were practically always together on the farm regardless.
You walked up the dirt road, waving to Yua who was taking the washing to go hang on the lines. You made quick strides to head to the house on the left which belonged to you and your two husbands. You entered the house, placing down your basket before exiting out again. You moved to the side of the house where you knew Katsuki would be sitting doing the washing. You saw the blond Omega standing up from the stool he was sitting on, hands to his back as he stretched.
You smiled as you neared him but that’s when you saw that he seemed rather tired. “Katsuki.” You let out as you neared him.
His crimson eyes flicked over to you, his eyes half lidded. He gave you a gentle half smile. “Your back from the nerd’s farm?” He asked.
Despite his attempt at trying to make you smile, you quickly moved to cup his face in your hands. “Katsuki, you look tired.” You let out worriedly. He stood in some long overalls and a shirt pushed up to his elbows, showing that he had no intention of leaving home today. You put a hand to his forehead, but you didn’t feel a fever coming on.
He pushed your hands away with a soft hiss that was nonthreatening to you. “I’m fine. Really.” He told you. “Just feeling a bit more tired than usual.” He put a hand behind his neck as he rubbed there.
“You should go back inside, I can finish this.” You ushered him towards the direction of the front door. “I don’t need you fainting of exhaustion, Kattie. You go rest up, I’ll see you inside.”
Katsuki let out a grumble. “Says you, who was feeling nauseous this morning.” He moved to kiss your cheek but he left, listening to you.
You were grateful that he didn’t put up a fight. You had been nauseous this morning but you just brought it up to the amount of work you had been doing lately. You reached down to grab clean washed clothes out of the tub as you were going to wring them out and put them on the line. It would take a while by yourself but if it meant that Katsuki got to rest for a bit, it was worth it to you.
You were so busy putting the clothes on the line you didn’t notice the large hulking Alpha that came up behind you. Large hands went to your waist as a kiss was put to your neck. You let out a surprised chirp as an amused rumble came out of Eijiro.
You chuckled as you leaned back against his large body, that made you seem dwarfed. You put a hand to the side of his face, noticing a soft prickly signs of a stubble coming in. “Hello there Eijiro.” His rumble grew louder as he pulled off the tie around your neck, allowing for your scent to be free. He kissed you over your mark before lapping his warm tongue over it, making you shiver. “How are you? How’s Merigold?” You asked about Takeo’s favourite cow.
Eijiro let out a low chuckle. “She gave birth this morning. A little girl.” He told you. You looked back at him with an awe expression making him laugh. He looked up, looking around for a moment. “Where’s Katsuki?”
“I sent him back inside.” You told him honestly. “I think he’s a bit drained, so I wanted him to get some rest.” Eijiro’s eyebrows furrowed in worry but he nodded his head in agreement to your decision. “But you…” You moved to touch his face again. “We need to trim this prickly face of yours.” He let out a grumble. “Uh uh, no complaining.” You gave him a pointed look which only made him frown with a grunt. You shook your head at the giant baby that was your Alpha. You moved to hang up the last towel before taking him by the hand and taking him inside. It was around about lunch time and so he was probably hungry.
Once you entered inside you noticed that Katsuki had made sandwiches but was nowhere to be found. You moved to sit down Eijiro on one of the chairs. You glanced to the door that led into the bedroom. In the nest hugging a pillow was Katsuki who seemed fast asleep. He had deep breaths as he seemed so deep in sleep. You furrowed your eyebrows. Katsuki never normally took naps, not by choice. You wondered if he was sick with whatever Izuku was talking about earlier.
You moved to grab a bowl and a cloth, moving to put it on the table next to Eijiro. The large Alpha already had half a sandwich in his mouth as he ate happily. You weren’t surprised. Eijiro and food often went hand in hand. You moved to go grab the blade and fill the bowl with water as you headed back over to him. You took out the soap. Eijiro was stuffing his mouth with the last of the sandwich.
You slapped his hand away from the plate of sandwiches, making him whine. You moved your hand to direct his face to look up at you. You carefully moved to the water and soap and made easy work of soaping up the bottom half of his face. As you took care of shaving off any small black hairs, you admired the Alpha that was sitting before you. His round ruby eyes that only had space for you and Katsuki, his strong jaw and powerful look. Even his long black hair that was tied into a pony. You loved your Alpha. You loved him so much it was almost unbelievable to think that you only got married three months ago.
You put the blade in the soapy water again, looking over his chin. You felt over his cheeks, noticing he was now nice and smooth. You smiled. “Much better.” He let out a low rumble as he reached up to place a kiss to your lips. You giggled but purred back down at him. You grabbed a cloth and wiped his face. Eijiro grabbed a sandwich and stuck half of it in his mouth, glad to have something to eat again. You chuckled at your hungry bear of a man.
A knock went to the door, making you turn to look at the door. You got up from a top your Alpha’s lap and walked over to the door. You opened it to see Inko. The older Omega looked out of breath as she looked to you worried. “Y/N…”
“Inko.” You quickly moved to hold her, as you helped her inside. Eijiro turned to look at the both of you, his eyebrows raising in surprise. You sat her down carefully and quickly moved to grab water and pour it into a cup for her. “What seems to be the matter?” You asked her confused.
Inko looked up at you with her green eyes filled of concern. “… We… we have a problem…”
Katsuki moved to soak the cloth in lukewarm water. Blood soaked in the water out of the cloth. You were busy carrying around elixirs that would take pain away. The room was filled with the sick that had developed symptoms of the new plague that seemed to be spreading around. You handed it to an exhausted Inko who was sitting beside an Alpha that seemed too pale to be alive.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you moved to crouch beside her. She stood up and took the bottle that you had just handed her. She shook her head, silently telling you that he didn’t make it. “You and Katsuki can go back home and tend to Nameer.” She told you, her voice muffled by the cloth she had over her mouth and nose. “I’ll send for the both of you once it is your shift again.”
You nodded your head to her, and turned around to go fetch Katsuki. He was now at the bedside of another victim. A small little pup who was sweating, her eyebrows furrowed as she gave a cough too great for her own body. You could tell from his furrowed blond eyebrows that he was worried for her. You moved to put a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look back at you. You motioned for the both of you to head out.
He looked back down at her, his hands tight around her little hand as she struggled to sleep. He let go of her and stood up, following you out. The both of you washed your hands at the door, making sure to scrub until your skin was raw. You walked out towards the house next door that served as a place to change out of the clothes you wore when nursing. You and Katsuki were silent, not having anything more to say and also not wanting to open your mouths where not necessary. 
Once changed, you both walked side by side heading home, holding hands. It was silent in the village of Yuuie. People locked inside their homes, some with sick and others just afraid to catch whatever it was. The air was stagnant and inactive with nothing but the soft sound of coughs and quiet cries. Already too many people had passed in your small little village, especially weak little pups that didn’t stand the chance.
The both of you went straight home to find that Eijiro wasn’t there. It made sense, considering he was probably with Akari. You both put down your bags and headed straight to Akari’s home which was across the street. You moved inside of the home, noticing the two young boys that sat in a nest quietly, watching as their sire watched from outside the door to her bedroom to where her Omega lay sickly.
Eijiro turned to look back at the two of you. He slowly shook his head, indicating that it wasn’t looking good.
“How is he?” You asked as you and Katsuki walked closer to the two of them.
Akari didn’t even look at the both of you as she focused on her Omega who had laboured breaths. Eijiro sighed as he shook his head. “It’s not going well. He’s very weak. Ma went to go get honey for him to try and eat since he hasn’t eaten anything.”
“Still?” You asked trying to hide your worry. He nodded his head. You knew what it meant. Nameer had stopped eating which meant that he’d only continue to decline. You frowned as you moved to head towards the open door but your arm was tugged. You turned to look back at Katsuki. Katsuki was frozen to the spot for a second his head down. “Katsuki?” You asked softly as you neared him.
Katsuki didn’t answer you immediately. He slowly lifted up his head to look up at you. There was a small bit of panic on his face before you saw his face fall for a moment. Crimson eyes started to roll to the back of his head as Katsuki started falling. Your eyes widened in shock before racing to catch him just in time.
“Katsuki!” You let out urgently as you held him in your arms, struggling to hold his dead weight. You didn’t have to struggle for more than a second longer as Eijiro quickly came to sweep the blond into his arms.
Eijiro had his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry. You quickly moved to put a hand to Katsuki’s forehead. He wasn’t hot and he didn’t have a fever which was a good thing but the fact that he was unconscious scared you. Katsuki had never fainted before in all his life. You tugged on the cloth by his mouth allowing him to breath freely. You were worried for him. “What’s wrong with him?” Eijiro asked eagerly.  
You shook your head. “I don’t know.” You let out worriedly as you checked his pulse. “Take him back to the nest.” You looked up at Eijiro. “I’ll come check on him soon. Send your mother his way or Tamami.” Eijiro looked down at him worriedly, his blond Omega looking and feeling so lifeless in his arms.
“Eijiro.” His oldest sister looked to him seriously. Akari motioned for him to leave her black eyebrows cross with him. “Go. Make sure he’s alright.” Eijiro nodded as he moved out of the home. You looked up at Akari who watched him leave before turning to where his own Omega was. You followed her inside. She walked slowly inside, nothing but a few candles lighting up the room. Akari sat down next to him, taking his hands in hers. “Nameer.” She let out lowly. “My rock and earth.”
You carefully walked over to him, adjusting the cloth by your mouth. You moved to get a fresh cloth and wipe the small bits of blood from Nameer’s lips. The weak Omega opened his eyes as he looked to you. His brown eyes moving from you to his Alpha.
A weak smile moved to his lips as he looked to Akari. “Alpha…” He whispered. “Y-you’re her-” A cough interrupted his speech.
You moved to grab the cup of water nearby and moved to help sit him up just slightly. He winced with a soft cry. Akari looked helpless as she looked between you and Nameer, wide ruby eyes unable to blink in fear that she would miss something. Supporting your fellow Omega you helped him drink water. “Don’t talk.” You told him lowly. “Save your strength.”
He shook his head as he looked up at you. “I… I don’t have much left…” He whispered. He turned to look back at Akari, trying to squeeze his smaller hand with hers. Akari took off her hat as she moved closer to him. “My love…” He gave her somewhat of a smile. “T-take care o-of the pups, okay?”
At the tone of her Omega Akari shook her head, a frown on her face. “No. no, you can’t do this to me Nameer.” She said adamantly. She tightened her hold on his hands as she moved closer. “Nameer, I need you. You’re my everything. You’re the air which I breathe-”
“What about the pups! What about me? You can’t do this to me and the boys!”
“NAMEER! DON’T LEAVE ME!” The large Alpha had her head down as tears streamed from her eyes, her head was buried down in the blankets that made up her Omega’s nest. She seemed inconsolable cries brimming out of her giant figure as she refused to look up at the looming future.
A soft purr came from Nameer’s chest as she kept a hand on his Alpha. He smiled down at her as he barely managed to pull his hand away and put it on Akari’s head. “What a silly p-prospect.” He let out with a smile, borderline a small laugh but you knew that he stopped that due to the pain it would have caused. “After death… I’ll be waiting…” He managed to say but his breathing became heavy and it seemed hard to continue.
Nameer looked to you. You nodded as you moved to leave the two of them be. This would be one moment that they wouldn’t be able to get back. You could only pray that it would be a peaceful one and one that wouldn’t plague Akari for the rest of her life. You left the room, closing the door.
You moved to leave when you noticed the room next door. It’s where their boys were. You pushed open the door to see the two small sleeping pups. The eldest boy, a boy with curly black hair like Nameer but looked so much like a Kirishima like all Kirishima pups do, had his arms wrapped around his younger brother who was but a pup a few months old. You walked into the dark room, pulling a blanket over them to make sure they wouldn’t catch a chill and fed more wood into the fire place before leaving them be.
You left out of the home going to go check on Katsuki. You looked up to the moon in the sky with a heavy breath, hoping that another person wouldn’t be taken out of your arms again. You entered the home to see Tamami heading towards where you were coming from your bedroom.
Her eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh! Y/N!”
“Hey Tammy.” You gave her somewhat of a smile. “Where are you off to?”
“Mama said I should get this to Nameer.” She motioned down to the honey in a vile. “I think it might just-” You hated to burst the faith she had but you put a hand to her, stopping her from speaking. She looked up at you confused.
You shook your head with a gentle smile. “Give him and Akari some space. He’s… he’s near heaven’s embrace.” You tell her softly. Her face fell at the statement. You saw her bottom lip wobble as she tried to fight off any sign of sadness. You gave her a soft loving purr as you pulled her into your arms. You brushed down her head as you comforted her.
“Sorry.” She whispered.
You shook your head. “It’s okay.” You tell her softly. “You’re allowed to be upset.” You told her honestly, pulling back to look her in her face. You brushed a thumb over her soft cheek that was round with still a bit of pup fat. “How about you go to bed. It’s late.” You tell her gently.
She nodded her head. “Okay.” She put her forehead against yours before leaving, walking back to the main house.
You let out a stuttered breath before walking to your bedroom that you shared with Katsuki and Eijiro.
“I’m fine.”
“You fainted, Katsuki!”
You entered to find Yua stood up from her chair that was beside your bed. Katsuki was awake and seemingly arguing with Eijiro who seemed very worried. He looked down at Katsuki as if begging him to understand his point of view.
Katsuki looked to you before motioning to the big Alpha. “Y/N! Please tell this big oaf that I’m f-” You hugging him interrupted his sentence as you held him tightly in your arms. Your grip was tough as you cradled his head trying to fight off tears. Katsuki eased as he looked at you, realising how scared you must have been. he wrapped his arms around you. “I’m okay. Just tired.” He told you softly.
He heard a sniff come from you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered.
Katsuki paused before letting out a heavy sigh. His hand moved up and down your back as he tried comforting you. “I thought I could manage it.” He informed you.
You let out an upset hiss that only made him chuckle. You let go of him as you moved to stand next to Eijiro. He put his hands on your shoulders, an attempt to calm himself down more than you. However to all of your surprise, Yua just giggled at the three of you.
She found such young love amusing, it reminded her so much of her and her own Alpha. “Don’t worry, Katsuki will be just fine, he just isn’t allowed to help out anymore with the sick. He should stay in here till all this has passed.”
“What!” Katsuki sat up as he looked over at the redheaded Omega. Both you and Eijiro pushed him back down with one hand making him chirp in surprise.
You stepped closer to Yua with a worried look. “How come?”
She giggled again. “It’s nothing bad really.” She told you as she moved to close the little satchel she brought with her. “He’s just pregnant.”
At the news, all three of you stiffened. You all turned back to look at Katsuki.The blond Omega was frozen for a moment before turning to look at you. He didn’t give any indication of how he was feeling before looking up at Eijiro.
The large Alpha ran to him, wrapping his arms around the blond Omega. He let out a loud laugh as he held Katsuki in his arms. “Katsuki!” He shouted as he laughed, tears in his ruby eyes as he found the whole situation funny and yet blessed. “Oh thank heavens.”
Katsuki had his arms slowly relax against the giant Alpha. He then looked up at you. Tears in his eyes. Katsuki never thought that he would have the honour of bearing a child so quickly, especially since the Bakugous were known not to have many pups. You saw the overwhelmed feeling within him and brim up too much for him to handle on his own. You chuckled as you walked to his other side and sat beside him. At your presence, Eijiro had pulled you into the hug making you laugh.
You placed a gentle kiss to Katsuki’s face. “Look at you, Kattie.” You teased softly. You cupped his face as you looked down at his face. “Bringing something so special.” Your voice was so tender it made tears slip from Katsuki’s eyes as he sunk into you and Eijiro’s arms.
But then he realised something. “Hold on!” He pushed back against you and Eijiro. He moved to wipe his eyes with the back of his arm before looking to Yua. “B-but what about Y/N?”
“No.” He turned to look at you adamantly. He frowned up at you with that frown that you found absolutely adorable (much to Katsuki’s anger). He took your hands in his. “We had a plan. We were supposed to do everything together.”
“And we still are.” You tell him as you raised his hands to your chest. “Your pups are mine and mine are yours no matter when we have them. It’s okay, Katsuki.” You tried assuring him.
Katsuki frowned with a pout on his face before turning to Eijiro. “Alpha do something.”
Eijiro looked down at Katsuki with wide eyes. His ruby eyes turned to look down at you and then back to his mother. He raised a hand to the back of his head with a confused grumble, not entirely sure what he was supposed to do. He motioned to his mother vaguely and then motioned to you and Katsuki. With that he nodded his head in satisfaction.
Katsuki squinted as he glared at the Alpha who just so happened to be the sire to his pups. He wondered how dense he could possibly be. You giggled knowing that everything, at least for your little family, would be just fine.
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linkhappyface · 8 months
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ehheheh sky.
he was suppose to be calling out for zelda in the snow and mistaking wars for zelda but i got LAZY
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thesewingmachine · 3 months
did you know that people can vomit hard/frequently enough that it can burst the blood vessels in their face and result in bruising?
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serickswrites · 6 months
Winter Winds
Warnings: captivity, fever, hypothermia, hidden injury, blood, infection, sickness
Caretaker huddled close to Whumpee. It was so cold in the dungeon that they could barely feel their fingers. They huddled around what warmth they had and tried to share it with Whumpee.
Whumpee had been pretty quiet since Whumper threw them into Caretaker's cell. Caretaker was relieved that Whumpee appeared unharmed, though Whumpee's eyes were exceptionally bright and hollow. Whumpee barely spoke, no doubt overwhelmed from everything that Whumper had done to them.
"We'll be out of here, soon, Whumpee," Caretaker whispered as they both shivered, "and then we can go somewhere warm on vacation."
"A long vacation," Whumpee replied through their chattering teeth.
Caretaker smiled. "Yes, a very long vacation. Scoot closer, Whumpee, your shivering is getting worse." Caretaker wrapped their arm around Whumpee. Despite the frigid room, Whumpee radiated heat. Sweat beaded on their forehead.
"Thanks," Whumpee whispered as they leaned into Caretaker. "So cold."
Caretaker put a hand to the back of Whumpee's clammy forehead. "Whumpee, are you feeling ok? You're burning up!"
Whumpee stared at Caretaker with fever bright eyes. "I'm f-f-fine. D-D-Doesn't hurttt anymore," Whumpee slurred.
Caretaker's mouth went dry. "Where are you hurt, Whumpee?"
Whumpee's eyelids drooped. "Tired."
Caretaker tapped Whumpee's cheek. "Stay awake, Whumpee. Where did Whumper hurt you?" They began to feel along Whumpee's shirt, searching for any tearing to indicate there was a wound beneath.
Caretaker froze as they touched torn cloth on Whumpee's side. They carefully shifted Whumpee so they could see the wound. Blood crusted over a jagged cut on Whumpee's side. "Whumpee? Whumpee, how old is this?"
"N-N-Notttt cccccold n-n-now-ow-ow-ow," Whumpee whispered as they closed their eyes.
Caretaker leaned Whumpee against their shoulder while they tore at Whumpee's shirt. "Stay awake, Whumpee. Stay with me. Come on." Caretaker gasped as they exposed the clearly infected wound. "Whumpee, wake up. Whumpee!"
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nefariouslydinkle · 4 months
( tw ) : Art contains Blood, Horror, Vomit, Gore, and Sickness. Be warned. Music also linked.
Some pony infection au art :) I’d LOVE to be tagged in this stuff please, I love this trend.
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promptful · 2 years
how about sick and care taker quotes/propmts?
Caretaker/Sick Prompts
Hi! Here you go.
WARNINGS: Vomit. Hospital. Disease.
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1) “You’re burning up.” 
2) “Here’s some medicine.” 
3) “You’re not ‘fine.’”
4) “Let me draw you a bath.” 
5) “Try and get some food down. Anything.” 
6) “How about some Ice chips?” 
7) “I know it’s nasty, but I need you to take it anyway.” 
8) “Can I get you water? Food? Medicine?” 
9) “Are you dizzy?” 
10) “If you even slightly lose consciousness, I’m taking you to the hospital.” 
11) “I don’t care if I get sick. Move over.” 
12) “What better way to spend a sick day than movie night and snacks?” 
13) “Ohmygod, I just kissed you.” 
14) “I got your hair, it’s okay.” 
15) “Were you able to eat anything?” 
16) “Ice pack?” 
17) “I’m staying home today. I don’t want to leave knowing you’re feeling this bad.” 
18) “Stop. I can handle everything else.” 
19) “Stay in bed, for me?” 
20) “I will pick you up, dammit. Lay down.” 
21) “I even contacted my mom/dad for this soup. Eat.” 
22) “No matter what you look like, or how you feel, I’ll always love you.” 
23) “In sickness and in health, right?” 
24) “If I get sick, you’ll take care of me, right?” 
25) “You’re like a little furnace.” 
26) “Sleep, I’ll be right here.” 
27) “Let me call into work for you.” 
28) “I—I’m not going to tell you what you can and cannot do. But please. Don’t go out like this.” 
29) “Don’t feel bad if you vomit this up later.” 
30) “I got you, I got you.” 
31) “Hey! Are you still with me?” 
32) “Fever dreams, huh?” 
33) “I know you feel horrible, but just a few more days and you’ll be right as rain.” 
34) “You won’t get me sick. Well. You might, but I don’t mind.” 
35) “Can I hold you?” 
36) “Even if you’re sick, you’re still the prettiest girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse in the world.” 
37) “Let me take care of you.” 
38) “If you even say ‘I’m sorry’ once, I’m going to be extra caring until you can’t stand me.” 
39) “Tea?” 
40) “Sick snuggles?” 
41) “My throat feels like it’s on fire.” 
42) “Why is everything so hot?” 
43) “Why is everything so cold?” 
44)“I… really don’t feel good.” 
45)“You’re brave being in vomiting distance.” 
46) “I’m fine. It’s fine. Stop—stop fussing over me.” 
47) “It’s like there’s a weight on my chest.” 
48) “Let me sleep. Please.” 
49) “Sorry, I’m… I’m really dizzy.” 
50) “That felt so real.” 
51) “Stop, I don’t want to get you sick!” 
52) “Hold me?” 
53) “I feel like I’m half-way to Hell and Heaven all at the same time.” 
54) “‘Think I got one foot in the grave.” 
55) “Gonna vomit.” 
56) “Don’t let me fall.” 
57) “Is my skin on fire?” 
58) “You’re so cold.” 
59) “Don’t know if I wanna eat or cry.” 
60) “Please, don’t get sick because of me.” 
61) “Did you just kiss me?” 
62) “Gotta—gotta go to work.” 
63) “Bathroom. Now.” 
64) “Thanks…” 
65) “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
66) “Come on. There’s no need to overreact over this.” “You are literally passing out.” 
67) “I feel terrible.” 
68) “Did Hell warm over?” 
69) “Love you.” 
70) “Is this a good enough excuse for you to make me cake/cupcakes/chocolate?” 
71) “No hospital.” 
72) “Did I swallow sandpaper?”
73) “What about—what about work?” 
74) “You’re too good to me.” 
75) “It’s just a little cold.” 
76) “I’m gonna… gonna sleep this off.” 
77) “I’ll freeze to death if this doesn’t stop.” 
78) “Why are you so warm?” 
79) “I’m shivering…” 
80) “Feel like shit.”
81) I’m holding your hair as you're vomiting into the toilet. You keep apologizing, but I seriously don’t mind. 
82) I made you a bowl of soup? I hope you like it. 
83) Without thinking about it, I press my lips to yours and… oh. This is going to bite me later, isn’t it. 
84) You’re trying to leave for work, and I keep telling you please no. I can’t imagine what I’d do if someone called me saying that you passed out. 
85) Laying on my lap, you’re watching television, and I’m running my fingers through your hair. 
86) I made you a list to convince you why you’re still pretty/handsome despite being sick, no matter how hard you’re trying to convince me otherwise.
87) We were just conversing and suddenly your eyes fluttered shut. Ohmygod. 
88) This… we’re really close, but you asked me to help you bathe and I can’t just say no.
89) We’ve been arguing about taking some disgusting cherry tasting medicine. Come on. Take the medicine, and then I promise you, I’ll get you some ice cream.
90) I offer some of my clothing after your own get soaked in sweat. I don’t think the red on your cheeks is related to how you’re feeling. 
91) While this distance does leave me at risk for getting sick, you’re lying your head on my chest and all I can think about is your soft breathing and hair on my face. 
92) After a fever dream wakes you up, I roll over and hold you close, your head underneath my chin.
93) Delirious, you just confessed your love, and I tell you it back immediately, even if you may not remember. 
94) Even if my boss may not be happy with me, I called into work to take care of you regardless. 
95) You’re underneath ten different quilts and there’s nothing I can do but try to feed the gremlin underneath there. Even if you’re slightly scary. 
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martybaker · 2 years
I have many thoughts about retired Dream and his struggles with the human condition. Here’s one of them.
My heart’s ailment
or Dream gets sick for the first time since becoming human
“I am dying.”
“Uhuh, sure you are, darling. Come on, sit up for a bit. Drink this, it’ll help.”
Hob sits down on the bed where Dream is bundled in blankets, looking quite miserable indeed. It’s just a common cold though and it will pass, but it wouldn’t be like Dream to not turn it into a dramatic spectacle.
To be fair, it is his first cold since turning human, which means it is the first cold he’s ever experienced in all the billions of years of his existence, so Hob is willing to offer him some lenience. Besides, he feels a little guilty for bringing the damn thing in from university and getting away with very mild symptoms while his husband’s condition got more severe, due to his body’s lack of experience with combatting sicknesses.
Hob unravels the blankets and helps the disgruntled cat to sit up, rubbing his back and pushing a steaming mug into his hands.
Dream stares at it with suspicion.
“Is it poison?”
You know what, scratch that, no lenience for this oversized billion-years old baby, Christ.
“No it’s not bloody poison, it does not even taste that bad, actually. Come on now.”
“I wish it were poison,” Dream grumbles.
Hob rolls his eyes at the theatrics, having built an imunity against them, they no longer phase him. “Sure, and then your sister would finally end me as well, what a lovely thought.”
He inspects Dream’s temperature with his hand. Warm, but not feverish anymore. Thank heavens. The worst days when Dream burned like a star, coughed like a heavy smoker and couldn’t speak are behind them. His voice still sounds rougher than usual, but the cough has almost entirely subsided.
Hob pets the blankets where he’s calculated Dream’s knee should be.
“You’re getting better. It was worse yesterday, wasn’t it? Give it a few more days and you’ll be back up on your feet. You know what they say though, positive mindset is half of the way to recovery. It certainly wouldn’t hurt if you could cheer up a little.”
Dream slurps his medicine, making a face.
“It’s not my fault that human bodies are so weak and fragile even such a measly ailment can render them so useless.”
Hob snorts. “And yet, we persevere.”
“Hmph,” is the only answer he gets to that.
When the medicine is swallowed, Hob takes the mug back and puts it on the table where a bowl of steaming broth is waiting.
He reaches out to caress Dream’s cheek. Dream closes his eyes with a sigh and leans into the hold.
“Do you think you’d be able to drink some soup as well, love? It would help you regain strength.”
Dream’s eyes shoot open and he gives the bowl of soup a look of pure disdain, leaning away.
Hob sighs. “Your weak and fragile body needs sustenance.”
Dream turns up his nose at him.
“Nope, okay, I get it,” Hob gets up, feigning resignation. “You’re misery personified and i am a fool for trying to help, you can go back to moping in your cacoon, all by your lonesome.”
Look, Hob’s not above emotional blackmailing if that’s what’s necessary to get his pain-in-the-arse husband to make some effort to get better. The stupid moron can’t get it into his head that humans can’t live on air.
Luckily, Hob’s dirty little trick works like a charm, he only manages to take one step away from the bed, when he hears a muttered “Don’t go,” and two pale hands wrap like tentacles around his middle.
Hob sighs and lets himself be pulled back onto the bed.
“You’re so difficult sometimes, and yet, i persevere,” he teases.
“Because,” Dream prompts, plastered against Hob’s back, lips moving against his spine.
Hob huffs a laugh. “Wow, you’re so blatantly fishing for it.”
He wraps his hands around Dream’s and sighs. He gives in, as he always does, because though he may be immune to Dream’s theatrics he is not immune to the vast well of love towards this being, which bubbles inside him and, inexplicably, only seems to grow larger with each day, each year, each century.
“Because i love you,” he sighs.
“Mmm,” Dream hums contently, the vibrations tickling Hob’s back. He nuzzles against him like a kitten.
And then, miraculously:
“…I don’t wish to be alone, and i don’t wish for Despair’s company either.”
There’s a pause, and a deep sigh.
“I wish for yours. And I…appreciate your care. And patience.”
Hob chuckles. “Ah, feelings, sharing them is like pulling teeth, isn’t it?”
He’s teasing, but relief floods him knowing that they are making progress. However hard the human condition is for Dream, he has not yet said he regrets it. He has not yet said he regrets choosing a mundane life with Hob, and Hob will do his damnest to make sure he never does.
Even if it entails such horrifying lessons as talking about one’s feelings, admitting vulnerability, asking for help and letting your loved ones take care of you.
Expectedly, Dream bristles at the jab at his notorious shortcomings in the emotion-sharing department. “Hob. I have been sufficiently chastised, there’s no need for further commentary.”
Hob chuckles. “Yeah, you’re right. C’mere, Lord of Moping,” he pulls Dream into his arms, holding him close, and kisses his maudlin musings away.
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angstcorp · 2 years
Summary: You get sick. Not just a cold, something that requires some serious rest and medical attention, but nothing life threatening either. They do not like that at all.
Author's note: They are all ridiculous, except Kaeya who is THE ONLY NORMAL PERSON HERE.
Characters: Ayaka, Ayato, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli
Warnings: Gender neutral reader, reader being sick (not described), Diluc and Zhongli being overprotective, light Angst in Ayaka's maybe??? otherwise, it's just them being ridiculous.
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AYAKA is good at showing a brave face, she'll smile and express her concerns and wishes for your quick recovery, but you know her to well to be fooled. Seeing you sick in bed reminds her of her parents before their death and even though she knows you don't have anything near as serious, it forces her to face the fact that she could lose you, just like she lost them. She might not even realize at first that she is acting like everything is fine as if you were just a friend. You have to comfort her and tell her you'll be okay, it's nothing serious, you'll get better in no time. Take her in your arms and she might start sobbing that she can't lose you.
You're surrounded by only the best everything. The best doctors, the best food, the best sheets, the best medicine, nothing is too big for your comfort and well-being. She'll stay with you as much as possible, snuggled against your side if possible, and help you pass the time in any way you want or are able too. Board games? Books? Talking? Drawing? Anything for you, she'll send someone to get it probably Thoma.
She is very soft and sweet, and she is very good at making you follow the doctors' orders should you disagree with them. You have absolutely no choice but to take some rest, eat the proper food, take your medicine, all that stuff. She'll track any sign of improvement and might even keep a secret journal to give the doctors if you're not getting better as fast as predicted.
AYATO is... busy. He'll always keep an eye on you, except it won't be his, but his retainers' or some member of the Shuumatsuban'. He is worried, of course, and he will make sure you have access to any means necessary for your recovery (the best doctors, proper medicine, several retainers at your service, but also several guards to protect you), but he won't be there during the day. Someone is giving him updates every hour, but he is a busy man and he has other important things to do, especially since he knows you're in good hands and he couldn't do much for you anyway.
However, he will make absolutely sure that it is a regular illness and than 1) you haven't been poisoned, 2) no one will see it as an opportunity to hurt you or kidnap you to reach him. And he will be thorough in his investigation, and he won't take any risk. He might not show it much, but he is fiercely protective of you, and there will be hell to pay if he discovers your state is not 100% natural.
Once he gets home though (even earlier than usual!), he'll do his best to spend as much time with you as he can. He'll do his paperworks in the bedroom if he has to, but he feels much more at ease now that he can keep an eye on you himself. A lot of forehead kisses, hands cupping your cheeks, and foreheads pressed together to check your temperature regularly. He will happily cuddle with you if you don't have a fever and if you ask him to, whispering in your ear that he loves you and he'll make sure you get better as fast as possible.
Ooooh, oh no, nope, absolutely not. The moment DILUC hears the single sniffle, everything in his body screams to take care of you. At first he'll simply voice his concerns as long as it's not too bad, but when it gets too serious? You're not leaving the bed until you've been examined by several doctors. You have at least three maids just outside your door ready to obey any order, and they're checking up on you every hour.
He does his best to not be overwhelming but you're all he can think of, and he gets absolutely nothing done. He doesn't even bother trying to work at the tavern, and switch his shifts with other people so he can watch over you spend time with you and make sure you're getting better and nothing is getting worse. You can try to reassure him that you're not in any mortal danger, but none of your words reach him. If you allow it, he wants to lay down next to you and hold you close, all his senses in high alert in case the slightest thing is wrong.
He is very, very distressed if you have a fever and he can't touch you because of his body temperature. You'll find him looking at you like a kicked puppy, simply holding your hand and kissing the back of it from time to time. He is reluctant to let you do anything, and will hover the whole time, but in the end he will follow the doctors' advices at the letter, including food, rest, activities, and medicine.
F I N A L L Y someone reasonable with your damn cold. KAEYA is much more relaxed than the above dumbasses. He sees your illness for what it is: something to be taken seriously and treated, but to not get grey hair over. He is very observant, so he'll probably notice something is wrong even before you do. He'll be very soft and sweet about it too, with only some light teasing.
He is a good care taker. Call for a doctor, bring you your medicine at the right hour, make sure you rest and don't exert yourself, and buy some easy to digest food at Good Hunter. You won't leave the house, but you can go in the next room with him only keeping his eye on you. He'll be softer than usual, but won't treat you all that different.
He might take some days off at the worst of your illness though, just to make sure everything is alright and to take care of you. Perfect man to have close when you have a fever, and he will absolutely take advantage of that to run his cold hands everywhere on your body and maybe tickle you a tiny bit if you're well enough. When he goes back to work, he makes sure to come from time to time to check on you, and if he can't he'll have someone else do it and report it back to him.
ZHONGLI knows you'll be alright, he has seen humans getting sick and then getting better in no time at all. But he has also seen humans getting sick and not getting better, so he can't help but be worried. He loves you, and he can't lose you. He doesn't even try to do anything else, he won't go to work or get out the house, he is staying there with you to take care of you. He is taken by surprise by how incredibly protective he instantly gets when the doctor is here to examine you.
The man has to take a moment to stop growling at the thought of anyone else coming here while you're in a vulnerable state. He lets them come in though, because he knows he is being ridiculous and you need to be seen by a professional, but he is tensed the whole time they are here, keeping his arms around you. As soon as they get out, he is over you, holding you close, softly growling, telling you it's alright, he is here to protect you and nothing is going to harm you. He sends someone else to get all the necessary medication and grocery you might need, and then he is in the room with you.
You can ask for pretty much anything, except the presence of someone else or him getting too far away. He'll cook for you, read to you, hold you close, anything for you really. He doesn't want you doing any kind of effort either, he is carrying you everywhere and helping you with everything. This man will bathe you himself, and no amount of arguing will sway him. He gets quite assertive, needing to be in control to make sure you'll get better, and might even growl at you and manhandle you back to bed if you are being "too difficult".
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songbirdemojis · 5 months
I feel bad for anyone who gets notifications from me :3c oh well. here's some self indulgent nauseous emojis
ofc tw implied sickness, nausea, and perhaps implied throwing up. I just get really nauseous when I get too anxious
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ravenwriter16 · 21 days
DCA prompt!
Found this on @dca-prompts! Sent in by @millenniumproductions : For cannon Sun, Moon, and Eclipse…Them catching a virus that makes them have the same symptoms as a common cold. Here you go!
“Guys?!” Belle calls out, walking up the stairs that lead to the daycare attendants’ room.
She shifts her tool kit to better sit on her shoulder. “You can’t hide forever! You’ve already missed four check-ups!”
when no one answers she lets out a long and tired sigh. Getting to the door, she gives them one more chance.
“either you come out or I’m coming in!”
With another sigh, Belle opens the door and shakes her head.
“I’m just trying to help— WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!”
She gestures wildly to the sight before her.
Sun was crawling weakly on the floor, only a few feet from her. His gears loudly squeaking while he moves.
Eclipse’s mouth was open, black oil with a few bolts fall out of his maw as he pukes into the black puddle beneath him.
Moon was overheating. His body emitting clouds of steam.
All their eyes a shade of pea green.
Belle drops to her knees, taking Sun’s face in her hands. “You poor things!”
“I don’t feel so good~…”Sun whines, nuzzling into her touch.
Belle struggles a bit as she drags Sun back over to their makeshift bed. She places her fazwatch on his head.
All three robots watching as her eyes widen at the line of green coding appearing amongst blue.
“You guys have a virus. One that gives you symptoms of a regular human cold.”
Eclipse moans, puking again. Moon makes grabby hands at Belle.
she gives them all a warm smile. “ Don’t worry guys, I’ve got you…”
Belle helps Sun lay down comfortably, stretching out his legs and moving them around. He whines in pain but Belle shushes him calmly.
“You’re being so good Sunny~.”
Belle puts his feet back down. Turning her attention to Eclipse. She grabs a towel from her tool box and gets on her hand and knees.
she wipes away the excess ‘puke’ from the corners of Eclipse’s mouth. He watches her with wide eyes.
Belle sighs and holds out her arms to him. He weakly crawls into them, whining in discomfort and nuzzling into her chest. She pets his rays while lugging his VERY heavy body over to Sun and Moon.
She sets him down and moves a bucket over with her foot. “Whenever you feel like puking again, you just do it in here. Okay sweetie?”
He slowly nods his head, pulling a pillow to his chest to cuddle with.
“Starlight~!” Moon moans making grabby hands again.
Belle walks over to him putting on her gloves. She touches his head, already feeling his rising heat through her Kevlar gloves.
“Poor baby…” she whispers
She fiddles with her fazwatch feeling her hands cool. Soon they become freezing and she reaches out for moon again.
She cups his face and he sighs as his metal sizzles.
while she cools down Moon, Sun and Eclipse come in behind her and cuddle her tightly. All three of them giving her puppy dog eyes, wanting her to stay.
she sighs, “fine…but after you guys get better, I’m dragging you guys down to parts and services any time you need a check up!”
They all weakly nod their heads. Purring fills the room, a nice and loving background sound to have while caring for robot boyfriends…
Sorry it was short! Hope you enjoyed it!!!
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kingkenzieofmold · 2 months
Hello! Been sick for the past 3 days and did what any artist does at one point in their lives, draw art about it. So enjoy a drawing of me in stick form suffering while bubbles talk about the past 3 days I’ve been sick.
Content Warning: Discussion of nose bleeds, sickness and mental health.
Side Note: wanted to add a bit about me going through a crisis but didn’t know where to add it. So here is some lore about me. Every time I get sick I go through a mental crisis over what ever is happening in my life. Crisis this time was me getting sick after years of not getting sick. Last time was about my relationship status I believe. Now enjoy the art, all of it is exaggerated so fear not, I have done a mental health and physical health check in. I am safe and alright!
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[Text: *Internally Screaming*
(Rebooted up 2DS to play Pokémon Moon Rowlet Beloved)
(They are ready to Fight God or Become God they’ll decide once they finish walking their dogs)
(Been sick for 3 days is completely over it)
(Pokémon Go addiction returned)
(Gets chronic nosebleeds. Whenever the nose is dryed out of to soft. The nose will bleed. They have bleed enough blood need for a sacrifice to a high power)
(And this was my prayer “Save me from this terrible Nightmare” the tornado - owl city)
(tiktok edits getting them through the day new crush acquired what is this madness)
(Unable to sleep for more than 8 hours they tried send help) ]
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thesewingmachine · 3 months
the combination of eating disorders and emetophobia (the fear of vomiting).
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