#to carry it gently around the yard and eventually set it safely away from the garden tools
kirby-the-gorb · 16 days
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bagelrites · 1 year
A Demanding Job
Bad finds three helpless kittens in his back yard, and decides he has to take care of them.
(A drabble for my DTeam Kittens AU that I'm hopefully going to expand into a longer fic one day.)
Happy (Late) Fathers Day!
Bad finds them in the garden. 
It’s early spring, time to start turning the earth so he can plant as soon as the last frost is past, the grass starting to green up again, dewey under his knees as he works the trowel into the garden beds. A pair of sparrows land on the lawn, hop around looking for worms. Bad wipes his forehead and takes a break for a moment to watch them. 
He’s already gotten in nearly an hour of work. He thinks about taking a break, going inside and getting a cold glass of water.
Then something makes a noise. A high-pitched call, small and weak, but enough to scare off the sparrows. They flutter up and away, into the branches of a nearby tree, then quickly out of sight. The sound repeats, louder. It starts to sound like more than one animal, all coming from under the shed.
Bad gets up, walks closer. He realizes, eyes widening, that it sounds like cats. Kittens, more specifically. A pair—or more—of tiny kittens mewing desperately from under the shed.
“Oh my goodness!” Bad drops the trowel and gets on his knees. There’s a gap between the bottom of the shed and the ground where there dirt dips, the corners of the shed held up on cinder blocks to keep it level. Bad worried about animals living down there when he’d set it up, but he imagined it more likely to be squirrels or raccoons, not cats. 
He can see them: small, fuzzy shapes in the dark. There’s no sign of the mom, and if they’ve been there all night, they must be freezing. The thought of it breaks Bad’s heart just as much as their desperate cries.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he tells them, reaching an arm down into the hole. He has to push himself up against the side of the shed to reach, but at least they don’t run.
When he pulls the first one out, a cream-colored kitten with pale orange stripes, he realizes why: it's so young, its eyes are still closed and its ears are curled up against its head. It must only be a few days old.
“Shh, oh, oh, poor thing,” Bad whispers, holding it gently to his chest as he reaches in for the next one. This one is a brown tabby, and alarmingly, it isn’t crying out like its sibling is. It's not dead, but it feels a little cold, and Bad quickly presses it to his chest. He needs to keep it warm.
There’s still crying from under the shed, so Bad reaches down and pulls out the third kitten. It's a dark gray color, no stripes or markings like its sibling, just a slightly softer color on the stomach and snout. 
Bad gets up and carries the kittens directly inside. He’s worried about the tabby; he may have just found these kittens, but if one of them dies on his watch, he doesn’t know what he’ll do with himself.
Warmth is the most important thing. He takes off his shirt and finds a scarf to bundle them in, then ties them around his chest so he’s carrying the kittens right over his heart. He puts on a thick wool sweater over it, hoping that the barrier and his own body heat will be enough to make a safe, warm pouch for them.
Then he runs to the library and starts searching his almanacs for any information about caring for kittens.
After a while of warming up, snuggled between his siblings and Bad’s chest, the tabby eventually starts to meow, too, if a little quieter than the others. Bad is relieved, though he knows they’re meowing because they’re hungry. They must have been waiting for their mom, and when—for whatever reason—she didn’t return to feed them, they began to cry out for her. 
Bad’s keeping an eye on the back garden, but he hasn’t seen a cat yet. He has a feeling he won’t at all, given all the wolves living in the woods around his house. 
He has a better idea of how to care for the kittens now, though. He’s busy mixing them some formula when he hears the tabby start to cry. He adds what he can to the cow’s milk to make it more nutritious for them, then gently heats it on the stove until its warm to the touch, but not hot. 
He doesn’t have a bottle, so he first tries to spoon feed it to the kittens, but their mouths are too small and not the right shape at all, it just pours down their cheeks and gets stuck in their fur. He finds that they’ll suck it off his fingers quite easily, but it’s not effective to really get a lot of food in them. Eventually, he ends up soaking a cloth in the formula and letting them suckle on that. 
He’ll get a bottle for them as soon as he can, but he has to make sure they’re safe enough to leave alone, and for that, he needs a way to keep them warm.
The almanac suggested a sack of warm, uncooked rice. Bad heats it over the stove, stirring constantly to keep it from burning, and then pours the rice in a pillowcase. It’s a but jerry-rigged, but good enough, he supposes. He sets the warm bag of rice down in a wooden chest along with a soft blanket and a stuffed bear, something for them to cuddle with. Then he gently puts the kittens down, now all quiet and sleepy from their meal, and watches as they crawl clumsily towards the warmth and fall asleep in a pile.
He sighs, resting his arms on the edge of the chest. He already feels so attached to these three tiny kittens, their fur sticking up at odd angles, their faces pink and gummy, their bellies round and limbs short. 
He wants to watch them, but he also knows he needs to go now if he wants to run out and buy everything he needs. The kittens, at this age, need to be fed every two hours, on the hour. 
It’s a demanding job, but Bad has already made up his mind to do it.
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httpsaiki · 3 years
Hellooo! May I get headcanons on how the Obey Me bros would react to their S/O asking for a cuddle sesh while seemingly like they were crying for awhile? Please and thank you ✨
This is so cute, my goodness. Obey Me bros comfort is the best. I hope I captured this well, I didn’t want them to be too repetitive but I fear that’s the case. Either way I hope you enjoy! Thank you for your request!
Reader is gender neutral!
WC: 1391
How the Obey Me brothers would comfort their S/O who seemed to be crying and asks to cuddle.
He sensed something was off with you the second you entered the private study.
There was no happy or excited greeting, just his lovely S/O walking up to him and quietly asking for a hug.
He noticed how red your eyes were, and the sullen expression on your face.
So without saying much, he pulled you up into his lap. The only words he spoke were, “Is there anything I can do to help, dear?”
You knew he knew you had been crying. Lucifer was rather perceptive when it came to you.
He also knew that if you wanted to talk about what had upset you, you would. He didn’t feel the need to try and pry it out of you. Besides, he could show he cared in other ways.
“Can we just cuddle?”
“Of course.”
So you stayed in his lap, neither of you knew how long you were like that. It slowly got later into the night, neither of you talked, but Lucifer rubbed small circles over your back.
He ended up putting his work aside to ensure you felt better. You were his top priority, after all. He needed to make sure you would be alright.
Things were always simple with Lucifer - well at least when it came to things like this. He wants you to be happy.
Not gonna lie he doesn’t exactly notice right away.
You hid your face when you asked him to cuddle, he didn’t see it properly.
When he notices you’ve been more quiet than usual and finally gets a proper look at your face, he realizes you must’ve been crying.
He internally panics. What does he do? Are you alright? His worry takes over until he manages to ask you what happened.
“Y/N,” he asks, in the quietest voice he can muster, “were you crying?”
“Only a little..” you reply. Mammon doesn’t believe you for a second. You don’t look like you cried just a little.
“It’s okay to tell me.” He says, in his attempt to comfort you the best he can, “The Great Mammon will listen to any of your problems! Even if ya feel like they’re small or nothing. And if ya don’t wanna talk about it, I’ll support’cha any way I can.”
You started to tear up again, but not the same kind of tears as before.
“I gotcha, you’re safe, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Mammon.”
He doesn’t let go until the morning, and even then he doesn’t want to.
It was rather late in the night when you knocked on his bedroom door.
And by late, I mean early morning… Oh well, that’s nothing out of the ordinary for either of you.
Levi lets you in as soon as he opens the door.
You ask him if he would mind cuddling for a bit.
He can see something’s wrong, of course. So Levi decides to do for you what he’d do for himself.
He gently asks if you’d like to play video games while cuddling until you feel better. If you don’t, he’s still more than happy to hold you and let you talk about what’s bothering you.
But if you do, Levi already knows your favourite game and sets the two of you up to play.
No matter what it is, even if he just has to watch, he wants you to enjoy yourself and feel at peace with him.
He is 100% putting you in his lap while you play. The contact may make him a little nervous, but he knows it’ll help you feel better.
If you don’t like games or want to stop, he’ll offer to read with you or watch an anime together. Really, whatever you want to do with him.
A part of him is hoping he can soothe you enough you’ll fall asleep like that with him.
You knock on Satan’s bedroom door, hoping his warm hugs would make you feel better. Only, he never opens it.
You peak in his room, not wanting to invade his privacy, but worrying that something bad happened.
He’s not there.
So you hurry downstairs, towards the living room.
Thankfully, you found him there, reading in front of the fireplace. He was probably there because he knew nobody would disrupt his peace.
He caught your eye when you walked into the room, noticing the tear stains right away.
You quietly stutter out, “Satan? Can we cuddle?”
He silently closes his book, smiling softly and opening his arms to allow you to cuddle in next to him.
You sit down, laying your head on his chest.
“Y/N? Would you like me to read to you?” he offers.
“Please...” you whisper into his chest.
He opens his book again, reading it to you until you eventually doze off in his arms.
When you arrived at his door, Asmo was in the midst of his long nighttime routine.
He took one look at your face and you didn’t even have to ask to cuddle. He knows.
Asmo pulls you into his arms and softly says, “Y/N, my love, I just need to finish up this small bit and then I’ll join you in bed. Go get comfy, okay?”
Of course, you listen to him. You make yourself as comfortable in Asmo’s bed. Which isn’t very hard to do, Asmo has great taste in bedding.
It isn’t long until he joins you, pushing himself right next to you and smothering you in his hugs.
He holds you as close as he can, petting your hair while quietly asking you what’s wrong.
Whether you want to talk about it or not, Asmo will do everything in his power to help you feel better and take your mind off the crying.
If you’d like, he’s more than happy to run a warm bath.
Or even give you a nice skincare session. Lotions, face masks, the whole nine yards.
Whatever you’d like, he’ll do. Even if you don’t take him up on any of his offers and just want to relax.
You find him in the kitchen - which isn’t abnormal at all. It was late, eating is what Beel does.
He’s turned away, face shoved into the fridge as he searched for what looked appealing.
You gently tap his shoulder. He jumps and turns around, but his face and body immediately relax at the sight of you.
“Wait - Y/N? Are you okay?” He looks concerned at the state of your face, it was clear to him you’d been crying.
“Can we cuddle, Beel?”
He grins at you, “Of course!”
He picks you up and hurries over to his shared room with Belphie (who luckily was spending some time in the attic tonight).
He envelops you in a hug like the giant teddy bear he is.
It isn’t long until he gets hungry again, but he tries his best to suppress it so he can keep holding you.
“Beel?” You ask tiredly, “Piggy-back me to the kitchen? We’ll get a snack.”
He’s happy to carry you. In no time you’re in his lap on the kitchen floor, both stuffing your faces with whatever junk food you can find and laughing with each other.
You stumble into the planetarium. Similarly to Belphie, you like stars and the view from the planetarium happens to be gorgeous.
You wanted his comfort, but you hadn’t been able to find him. Sitting under the stars was the next best thing.
To your surprise, Belphie was sitting there.
“Belphie?” You called out, your voice clearly telling him you’d been crying.
“You were crying?” He asked, not bothering to greet you back as his worry for you took over.
“...Yeah.” You weren’t sure why, but you were nervous to admit that out loud to him.
He stares at you, silent. He clearly isn’t sure what to do.
“Will you cuddle me, Belphie?” His eyes widen when you ask, but soon after his expression tells you that you didn’t even need to ask.
Before you know it, you’re laying in his arms, staring up at the stars.
The sky is mesmerizing, and the demon softly rubbing your arm is only helping.
It was very relaxing and helped you calm down immensely.
Belphie was always willing to cuddle.
If we’re being honest, you both totally fell asleep like that.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
this all takes place in my poly frontier universe
pairing: triple frontier guys - Will “Ironhead” Miller, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Francisco (Frankie) “Catfish” Morales, and Ben “Benny” Miller x (f) reader
wordcount: 3k
warnings: obviously a poly relationship, which includes kissing, domestic intimacy with all of them (not just with the reader, but not in-between Will and Ben because nope), mild sexual themes
summary: scenes at the beginning of making a house with five people feel like home
The manicured grass is soft where it peaked around the edges of your sandals. Hands running over the grooves of they key in your pocket, you gaze around the little front yard, mind conjuring daydreams that fit on the weathered porch of the house.
Two bathrooms will be enough right? Your thoughts are running - creating and erasing images of the future, trying to squish them like magic into the home in front of you. The yard is big enough to extend the garage and for plenty of home projects…
Across the fence and a long stretch of field, a woman is hiking her skirts up, making a beeline for you. The neighbor’s house is a considerable distance away, being out in the countryside, but she must have been watching your tour from her garden with interest.
The others had left moments before, Santi promising to come back whenever you were done. After weeks of looking at houses, it became a little ritual of yours, to spend a few minutes looking around without the clutter of wonderful distractions.
“So which one of those strapping young men is your beau?” She asks conspiringly, eyes gleaming. It catches you off guard – the lack of introduction, but she seems harmless enough.
Your smile is equally mischievous, and your head tilts a hair.
“Well, which one do you think?”
The woman considers, boot tip tapping away at her grass. You replay the moments she could’ve seen, which were few, wondering if you’d leaned in any particular direction, and wait.
“Now that I think about it, I haven’t got a clue,” her smile is wide, softer and more genuine than before - polite. “As long as you’re good neighbors,” she explains, “I guess I wouldn’t care if it was one or all of you next door.”
You smile, thanking her as salutations ring in your ears, watching with grateful eyes as she hikes back towards her home. Then you move, wandering through the empty rooms for long, quite minutes before you peak over the fence again. The woman had gone inside, and if you squint you can see who you think is her husband, sleeping with a dog on the porch.
In the other directions, there isn’t a house within a reasonable distance. A knot loosens in your chest, as an unexpected feeling of freedom from judging eyes blooms in its place.
When Santi comes back to pick you up, you take his hand across the console. His skin is warm, and his thumb automatically begins to gently move across your knuckles.
“I think it’s perfect, Pope.”
He looks at you curiously, minding his thoughts for a moment.
“Yeah, love?”
The sun was beginning to set, and you look at the peaceful little home in the rear view mirror, and smile.
“We need to … break in every room.”
“I’m just saying -"
“Oh he’s talking about – wait are you really horny, right now?”
“There are boxes everywhere, idiot.”
You walk in carrying a single plant and a stack of pizzas and the conversation hushes.
“Ah – payment,” Frankie kisses your cheek, moving the plant by the window as Santi clears the table.
Someone makes a quip about it being Santi’s house and you wince, the utopia popping.
“We don’t get paid to move our own stuff, Catfish.” His dark hair is damp with sweat but he seems otherwise unaffected by the hours spent hauling. It was still surreal – that this is actually happening, that this unanimously became a long term desire.
He has the most money and Will has the best credit score, so they bought the house to save you all from questions. The movement isn’t lost on your Ironhead, and he rubs a soothing circle on your shoulder as he reaches for a plate. Of everyone, he was the one who most understood your anxiety – close proximity always led to arguments at first.
“You got lucky,” Benny takes the first slice, accepting a napkin for an additional piece. “You fell in love with a pretty good moving crew.”
“I think so,” you grin, trying to ignore your anxiety. He inhales the food, pulling you into his lap as he bickers with Will about whether or not more needed to get done today.
Eventually Frankie dictates that at the very least some cleaning should be started and the bedding should be unpacked for the evening. The agree with varying degrees of enthusiasm and after a handful of innuendos your loves begin to disperse, too dutiful to let work go unfinished. The bedframe practically builds itself, and a portable speaker makes Santi’s hips twitch as he floats through the half-barren rooms.
When Will rolls his eyes at Frankie’s choice of screw, you duck away, nerves thrumming.
And you wander around, fake cleaning, until you find your Benny clearing pizza plates. Even amongst boxes and bins and old blankets, he could be at a photo shoot. The evening light make his hair look like silk, and his eyes shine like he’s making you promises this very moment.
“I wouldn’t worry too much,” he says, drawing you into his arms as your head tilts. “We spent years in bunks and tents, and we were younger then.”
His chest was warm and you press your cheek to it, nodding. You hadn’t thought he had noticed, how anxious you’d been about the change, but you had been foolish. Even through his shirt, you can feel the thumping of his giant heart, steady as a drumbeat.
Replaying the evening in your mind, you let go of some of your worries, one by one, and he kisses the top of your head. It’s a thoughtful thing, and it never ceases to amaze you how easily he can wrap you around his finger.
He makes a noise, somewhere between a hum and a grunt.
You pull his face down to yours, kissing him hard. It was a kiss that says you're grateful, and a kiss that says you love him for being… him.
He accepts it eagerly, and tiredness from the day long gone ad he presses hot, open-mouthed kisses to your lips. The world spins and you feel him shove something heavy off the couch before replacing it with you.
The cushions are dusty from everything but he makes space, and you stop caring as he moves on top of you.
The others would find you soon, their instincts kicking in, but you savor it. Benny, pressing into you, kissing you in the evening light.
The beginning of their conversation from earlier blooms in your mind and you grin as his lips trailed down your neck. It suddenly didn’t seem implausible that he planned this.
“Breaking in” aside, this was the first room you where you truly felt like this could be home.
You feel his hands gently replace yours on the zipper and you jump a little - he stands just outside the mirror reflection as you watch the skirts around your ankles. Behind you the big bed is made neatly, there’s a ridiculously large closet, and a tangle of phone chargers.
The bedroom: the place that set apart your home from others. The room that housed five individuals, a web of relationships, a miracle of mixed bodies and minds and hearts.
It looks big, behind you.
Warm, daft fingers tie the extra strings, a neat little bow hanging just between your shoulder blades. The silence is thick, weighted with adoration, but when he breaks it, it’s as if he can’t resist.
“You’re beautiful,” he moves closer, kissing your temple and drinking you in. Turning, your heart aches.
Will is in his dress uniform, crisscrossed with crisp lines and newly shined awards. His hair is lighter after the summer, and he tried to comb it neatly to one side. Compliments catch in your throat as you stare and he smiles, turning you gently so he can kiss you properly. His mouth tastes like mint and you can smell hints of his cologne lingering on his skin.
“Look at you,” you murmur, lips still brushing over his. Letting your hands wander over his face, smoothing his eyebrows, you feel almost in awe of him. Still, he flushes, pleased at your reaction.
“Thank you.”
His chuckle is warm, almost raspy as he tries to enjoy the quietness of your conversation, and he shakes his head. Really, you were sure he was thankful that he was been the only one free for your special evening.
“Thank you,” you correct him. “You didn’t have to do any of this.” The dinner, for your job.
In the mirror, he looked like diamonds and sapphires and gold. Will was like an action figure sometimes, solid and sculpted and stoic, but… he was looking at you like you’d hung the stars in the sky.
It made you blink, his eyes sliding over you, pupils just a little more blown than the lighting required - a gentle reset demanding your attention.
Looking back in the mirror for a moment, the room didn’t seem quite as big, or quite as revealing. It was comforting, how out of place the two of you looked, dressed to the nines because… this was your place. The softness surrounded by details perfectly woven into your life.
Turning, you slip your arms around his neck, gently musing his hair, and his eyebrows draw together, accepting, but confused.
And as you tuck your hand into his elbow and step into your heels, you resist the urge to thank him again.
“I like it better like this,” you admit, and he flushes again, beaming. Looking around, you realize you’re actually looking forward to coming home more than you’re excited to leave. It’s a new feeling, in this space with the four of them and it hits you, hard in your chest. Still, the man beside you is unwavering and you let the feeling consume you, knowing that you’re safe.
“Frankie, what is that?”
He flinches, nervousness cutting the excitement on his face.
“Rhetorical question,” Santi says, grinning at you. “He got it from a friend who was going to toss it out.”
It’s a hot tub, taking up a decent chunk of your back porch.
“If anyone can make it work like a dream, it’s Catfish.” Will’s tone is matter-of-fact, all honesty and pride.
Your sweet Francisco drops his tool and grabs your hand, his dark eyes big. “¿Cariño, por favor? From me, to you?” You can see his laptop up, replacement parts on saved tabs, and you tiptoe to kiss his cheek. He likes to have projects, needs to have somewhere to do things, fix things, create things. Maybe at one point it was because he liked the distraction, it was a … replacement coping mechanism, if you will, but it became his pride, to use his hands to improve your lives.
It doesn’t take long, two weeks at most, between his job and his loves, and his long list of honey-dos, but he does it.
“Please and thank you,” you say, and when he kisses you, slow and deep and happy, you hear cheers and high-five and you almost can’t kiss him because he’s smiling.
And it takes awhile to fill, (Will thanking the stars that the water bill is reasonable,) and even longer to heat, and then it’s ready. The boys yank on swim trunks, thanking Frankie with enthusiasm, and you watch them sink into the steaming tub with as they sigh.
You have a bathing suit, of course you do, but you pull on one of his work shirts, knowing he won’t mind the chemicals from the water making the stains blur. And you pair of shorts you caught him watching your butt in, thinking of acknowledging his hard work in your own way.
The volume of your bodies makes it overflow, hot water sloshing onto the ground, but it’s bliss. It’s big, and they shout over the bubbles, talking excitedly about the future, and your heart feels warm in your favorite way.
The others leave early, taking loud laughter with them, and it leaves you and your Catfish. You let yourself float, moving right on top of him, and his hands grab at your hips, slipping and sliding over your skin as he kisses you once, twice. Slow.
It’s late – the stars stretch, there’s a bit of a breeze, and there’s not a light on for miles.
“You like it?” his voice is raspy, quiet, intense, but almost shy. Like if you said no it would break him in two.
“Of course I do, Frankie.” He looks pleased, hand absentmindedly running under his shirt and over your side. Even with the heat of the water, his hand feels like socks warmed in the dryer some cold winter morning. Comforting, maybe a little electric.
You let out a long, happy sigh, and settle against him, content to stay with him until you’re pruny.
“I think…. This is exactly what this house needed.” He starts a little, surprised, but it’s not an exaggeration.
There was always work to do and things to change, but it was the first time you looked out, and didn’t feel a twinge of fear, that anyone was looking in. It would’ve felt vulnerable, intimate to be so exposed, but… it was perfect, because he created it for you. Confidence and pride bubble around you, and Frankie’s eyebrows dip as he smiles – understanding.
“Yeah.” Its simple, not too hot, not too cold. Just… right.
It feels like… tar and lava, hot and dark and thick, bubbling and sticky and you want to punch something. Or scream, or cry.
Your Pope finds you standing rigid, smudges of flour on your skin and clothes, pans and spatulas strewn.
“Are we out of sugar?” To your credit, you try to keep your voice even, but he knows you better than that.
Santi shakes his head, plucking it from the pantry and looking guilty. Your mind pauses it’s rampage, and you wince, because you should be the one making that apologetic face, not him. Hot tears bubble in your eyes and you hate it, hate that they’re coming for what feels like no reason.
“Baby,” he says, tone pleading, setting the sugar down and reaching for you. The afternoon sun makes his eyes like rich, deep pots of gold, his hair somehow both soft and statuesque.
When he pauses, the tears fall against your will, just two thick drops down your cheeks. His hand encompasses your whole jaw, thumb gentle as it rubs away the saltwater, and he looks a tad helpless.
And there’s understanding in his eyes and through the blur you think maybe it’s pity. He stands, and your heart clenches, knowing he’ll go get Will, or someone because you’re being ridiculous but… he doesn’t.
You’re saying something about how the kitchen is wrong, how it’s been building for days, you’ve been here almost a week and you can’t fucking find anything. Panic and frustration locked horns in your chest and you couldn’t breathe and all you wanted to do was make something nice –
Instead, he’s pulling out things and piling them onto the floor in categories around you. It’s almost comical the stacks he makes but he seems determined and in your confusion the tears slow to a stop.
“Santi –” he hushes you. The cupboard doors hang open, and he guides you, lifting you up and up and into his arms. It’s solid and grounding, and he’s not as tall as the others and you needed him desperately.
And slowly, you begin to put things away where it makes sense, to you, and he helps. Not once does he argue with you, not even a moment when his dark eyebrows knit together in judgement. Dutifully he cleans and places everything just where you tell him, and you can almost feel the steam rising off of you as you begin to cool.
The final pile is a mountain of cloth, aprons and oven mitts and… something you’ve never seen before. Or actually, something you had, just not in your house. A set of hand towels you’d wistfully looked at awhile ago, before talking yourself out of the purchase. You had dozens at this point and didn’t need more but…
The man seating on the floor, folding them into perfect squares, is the answer to the question your mind produces.
You feel like you’ve been hosed down from head to toe, almost cold from the absence of frustration in your blood.
Pushing the pile to the side you climb into his lap, as determined as he was, and he looks surprised. It’s silly: sitting in your lover’s lap on the kitchen floor, but it feels more real than a movie. It’s your kitchen, yours and his, in this moment.
You kiss him, slow and purposeful and –
He knows you like the back of his hand.
You’re sitting on the bathroom counter distracting Santi as he shaves when Benny bursts in to tell you a story.
Will trails behind him, patiently waiting for his brother to take a breathe so he can set the record straight. Absentmindedly he weaves between them to pick up a fallen hand towel, passing it to Pope to wipe the shaving cream from his jaw. They share a moment and Benny’s story stutters out. Looking up from your nails you see Frankie leaning against the doorframe, a toothbrush hanging from his mouth.
There’s hardly room to move – and you couldn’t have it any other way.
His eyebrows are bent as he takes in the four of you, crammed into the spare bathroom, and Ben laughs.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge @horton-hears-a-honk
for the poly frontier:
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
A Secret Life:
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**Gif credits go to the amazing @nofckingfighting​ your gifs give me life ok. They’re *chef’s kiss.**
Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: None really, just some Fluff and some Swearing I think.
Word Count: 3,324
Characters: Johnny Dogs x Female!Reader
Requested by: @atjafshelby​, you can find it here. This was the first time I’ve written anything mainly for him so I hope this is good lol. I love getting the opportunity to write other characters. :)
Summary: After a spat about potatoes and a sudden departure from Thomas’ dinner meeting, Johnny Dogs rushes home to be with his wife Y/N and their family, knowing he’d have to tell the blinders about his secret life with them eventually.
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The weather was gloomy as the peaky men prepared for one of Tommy’s meetings in the middle of Charlie’s yard. The cans full of logs and kindling burning brightly through the smog of Small Heath as the smoke filled the air. The smell of smoked meat and other foods slowly making their way onto the makeshift table.
In the distance though, was a loud voice mumbling on hurriedly as he stomped along the dirt and soot covered road leading to the feast.
“Right, put the steel rods up the gooses arse there. Go on.” Johnny Dogs said to one of the younger lads who were understandably confused. His eyes watching as they did so, itching to do it himself since no one ever prepared goose the right way. This wasn’t his only criticism though, as he made his way to the table he noticed the lack of starch amongst the men.
“This isn’t a proper dinner. If you’re going to have the Gold’s here ya gotta have potatoes!” Johnny Dogs said loudly as the Shelby’s tired uncle followed the Irish traveler around the yard.
Charlie looked at the man dumbfounded, thinking it was as great a feast as any.
“I want him to see that we live proper, that we eat proper, in the proper way!” He exclaimed.
“No...no you know what?” He added, pointing at Charlie with an anger-filled expression.
“What?” Charlie asked, lighting a cigarette as his infamous nephews came strolling in.
“I’ll get the potatoes me-self!” He exclaimed, clearly frustrated as he stomped through the yard to the old market nearby. His mind buzzing with the thought of his wife and children back at camp. He loved being here with the men he considered allies, but his heart was there with Y/N, always, especially now that she’d been alone with their newest edition to the family.
“What’s he on about aye? It’s just a dinner to discuss the vendetta. Is he scared of the Gold’s?” Tommy said, a cigarette lingering on his lips.
“No he just thinks they’re bloody heathens.” Charlie said as Tommy smirked, walking back to meet Aberama Gold and his son Bonnie.
As Johnny got back, he hastily threw the potato’s in one of the boiling pots near the men. The steam rolling off them as he mashed them up and brought them to the table.
“Bit late there Johnny.” Arthur said, grabbing a huge spoonful of them.
“Not me fault someone can’t prepare a proper meal.” He said, his eyes darting to his pocket watch as Aberama agreed, thanking him for making them as they continued their tense conversation.
“Is there something wrong?” Tommy asked Johnny, causing him to swallow hard as he tried to not tell them about you. It ached him not to, but quite frankly he was nervous to do so. Knowing they’d have something to say when they learned of his relationship status and such.
“Almost forgot, I had some things to take care of at camp. I’ll be back in the mornin’ boys. Don’t get blood all over the fucking food alright?” He said, Tommy waving him off with a suspicious look on his face. He never had men leave abruptly, but if anything he thought maybe he had a whore waiting for him or another feud to handle.
But little did the blinders know what actually awaited him.
“Aye! Dads going to be home soon-no-don’t you dare hit your brother!” Y/N said aloud to her two rambunctious children Alice and Samuel, who were running around the field with the other little ones of the group that were set up nearby. Your youngest, Sarah, nestled on your hip and baby-babbling to herself.
“You’re gonna be full of words just like your father aren’t ya love?” You said to her quietly, going over to your son and daughter who were rough-housing as usual.
“Playtime’s over loves, we have to get ready for dinner.” You said, the children immediately stopping and saying goodbye to the other kids as you waved goodbye to their parents.
As you led your children back to the vardo, you quickly put your daughter down in her small crib near the cramped bed in the wooden structure.
Your tired reflection caught you off guard as you looked in the mirror. Your eyes not as bright and hair not as perfectly placed as before you’d had three children.
You were always grateful to be blessed with good looks that were surely from your mother, but you soon garnered unwanted attention as you’d grown up, the men throwing themselves at you left and right, until you’d seen Johnny one day at a camp in Ireland of course. He was bantering with his friends, fist fighting and such near one of your family’s stops, his smile catching your eye as he laid his own upon you. The poor man got punched because of you after all, making him go off his game with your beauty. But to this day he said he didn’t regret it, telling you in that moment his world stopped. That he’d felt like the luckiest man in the world to have someone as sweet and as beautiful as you by his side all these years.
And so now here you were, waiting for your traveler and infamously rowdy blinder husband to come home. The sun setting in a plethora of colors over the field as the other travelers sat around their respective bonfires.
“When’s dad coming? He’s usually back.” Your son asked, his eyes the color of yours but the shape of Johnny’s, and your daughters small smile like his as well.
“Yeah mum where’s he off to? I wanted him to tell us a bedtime story.” She said, pouting slightly as she watched you preparing dinner.
“Give him time angels. He’s a busy man.” You said, wondering where he was, knowing he’d most likely gotten held up by the fucking Shelby’s once again.
He’s never told them about you and it stung a bit, but you realized early on that he only did it to keep you and the family safe, knowing that nothing good ever came from uttering the Shelby name.
As you portioned the food out for the children, your youngest cried for her food as well as you sighed and went in to nurse her. Humming a soft song to her as she gradually fell asleep in your arms.
As the kids emptied their bowls, stomachs full and content smiles on their faces, you ushered them to their beds, your heart racing slightly as you thought about where your husband could be.
“Don’t worry loves, dad will be home soon alright? I’m going to be just outside.” You said, fixing yourself your portion of the food as you stoked the fire a bit more, the embers disappearing into the night air as you wrapped the warm knit blanket around you.
You’d gotten accustomed to spending the majority of your nights alone with the children, eating amongst the stars and telling stories, but one thing always remained constant, and that was the need for their dad to be home. He made everyone light up when he’d come around. His laugh bringing a smile to your face instantly as he entertained the kids on his off days while you rested with the baby. But now like many nights, they missed him. They missed how he’d make you all feel safe, knowing he had you all out in the open like this. But he knew the company he kept, and he trusted them with his life that they’d take care of you all if need be.
Alas, as you sat there lost in thought, you heard the cries of your daughter once again as you went into the vardo, gently cradling her to you as you carried her outside into the cool night air, the sound of the crackling fire and water rushing nearby helping her fall asleep once again as you bounced her around lightly.
“It’s okay sweetheart. He’ll be home soon.” You reassured her. Knowing he’d never ever leave you sleeping alone, unless it was something serious.
“Johnny, before you go, we’ll be stopping by tomorrow. We need to make sure you all are ready.” Thomas said as Johnny walked away from the table.
“Alright, I’ll see ya there then lads. Goodnight.” He said, tipping his hat and walking off towards the horse he’d ridden in on. Quickly riding towards one of the flower fields nearby to pick some for you. He knew they wouldn’t make up for him being late, but he knew they’d at least bring a smile to the face he loved so much.
You sat wide-awake with your sleeping daughter against your chest, your nightgown covered by the thick blanket you’d draped over you and the baby. Her soft coos and little snores bringing a smile to your face as you kissed the top of her head. Your stomach still hurting with some efforts as you shifted in your seat. She’d only been about 4 months old, so both you and her were adjusting to the whole life thing with each other.
As you sat there naming the constellations to yourself as you gazed at the stars, you heard the familiar horse hooves pounding on the ground near the vardo. Johnny’s giddy whistle making your daughter rustle around in your arms as she knew he was home.
“Shhh, she’s sleeping.” You said quietly as he walked over ever-so carefully to kiss you, his lips soft against yours as he lingered on them for a moment, taking you in.
“I wanted to get here earlier, with the baby and everything but uh...Tommy got in the way again.” He said, grabbing the flowers he’d picked earlier.
“Are these for me?” You asked, grasping them with your free hand.
“Mhmm. Picked them me-self. Thought you’d like some after a hard days work caring for the kids. And uh, since I’ve been gone so long ya know?” He said, nervously rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.
“I love you Johnny Dogs. You romantic devil.” You said with a smirk as you kissed him once more.
“Now tell me love, what’s got you on your toes?” You asked, knowing his body language more than your own at this point.
“They’re coming here, to make sure everything’s ready for the big mission.” He said.
“Christ....do we need to stay in? It’ll be hard with this one crying.” You said, looking down at the sleeping bundle in your arms.
“No...I...I want you to meet them. They’re coming tomorrow mornin’.” He said.
“I see....well I’ll make sure to get up and make sure the kids meet them too. Couldn’t hurt right?” She asked.
“It could soften the blow I suppose.” He said, grabbing the last of the food that was still warm over the fire.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked.
“They’ll take one look at you and drool. You don’t think I see it every time we go outside the camp? You’re bloody gorgeous and you’ve gone and married a fool like me?” He said half-jokingly. His self-deprecating humor hurting your heart.
“They can say what they want, but you’ll always be the man for me Johnny. I wouldn’t have you any other way. You were the first man I’ve ever loved.” You said, remembering how despite your looks, you’d never had the luck of relationships on your side, thinking all hope was lost until that day so long ago. And god were you grateful for him, even if he did talk your ear off on more than one occasion, you still loved the man to death.
“Now go tell your children a bedtime story, please love?” You asked, looking at him with puppy dog eyes that made his heart swoon. He could never say no to you.
The next morning, you awoke to the sound of the kids playing out by the river, the wind rustling around the vardo as you heard Johnny helping out with the baby outside.
“I’m sorry love, I was going to get up and help ya but I guess I overslept.” You said, wrapping your robe around yourself that complimented your eyes and physique exquisitely.
“You needed the beauty sleep love. Besides, you’ve done enough for me these past weeks, thought I’d do something for ya.” He said, cradling the baby in his arms as you sat near him next to the barely lit fire, the coals still hot from the night before.
Johnny took your hand in his lightly, the ring on your finger sparkling in the sunlight as you both watched your kids playing together near the river.
In the distance though, you could hear the sound of a car pulling up, your nerves getting to you as you knew it was Thomas Shelby and his brothers.
“Here we go.” You mumbled, calling your children over as the men got out of the car, the kids nearly running into them as their little legs carried them swiftly over the grass. They quietly stood behind you as Johnny handed you your baby girl, her bright eyes looking up at you as the sun hit your face flatteringly.
“Hello boys! G’morning to ya! How’s about we get this meeting done shall we?” He asked, putting his cap on.
“Who’s the lovely lady over there aye?” John asked, eyeing her with hungry eyes.
“That’s me wife. Her names Y/N.” He said, looking John in the eyes as he crossed his arms.
“Oh and who are the children with her? They can’t be yours can they? Wow Johnny boy! Didn’t know you had it in ya. How’d you snag a gem of a girl like that aye? Use any of yer charms?” Arthur said jokingly.
“They’re mine yes, and don’t worry, I did nothing of the sort. She came to me actually.” He said with a proud smug smile on his face, knowing he married one of the prettiest women near Small Heath and the bastards couldn’t do anything about it.
“Well if you have anymore questions how’s about you lot meet them then?” Johnny asked over the awkward silence, Thomas still eyeing him a bit suspiciously.
“You boys go meet them, me and Johnny have something to discuss.” Tommy said shortly.
“Oh...al-alright. Here ya go lads.” He said, leading them over to Y/N and her children, who backed behind their beautiful mother shyly.
“Hello gentlemen, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet ya.” You said, smiling brightly as their stares lingered over you. It was something you were used to, but still made you slightly uncomfortable, so you remained focused on your kids.
“You can have a seat if you’d like, we don’t mind do we loves?” You asked, patting your son on the head as he smiled.
“No it’s ok momma. I’m gonna go play.” Your daughter said, running off towards the other little kids nearby. Your son sat by you though, eyeing the men curiously.
“So these are Johnny’s kids aye? What’s your name little man?” Arthur asked, putting on his nicest smile.
“Samuel. Who are you? Why do ya have big hats on like me dad?” He asked.
The men both looked at each other and smiled.
“We’re in a...group that your fathers in. It’s for people that are nice and strong.” He said.
“Oh...” Samuel said, fiddling with his fingers as he leaned his head against your arm.
“How’d you and Johnny meet aye? Old bugger like him sure snagged a beauty for a wife.” John said.
“Oh uhm...we met by chance really. I saw him scrapping with some people by the roadside when my family were going through and I stopped to watch. He says he got caught off guard by me. He got hit right after eyeing me up.” You said with a small laugh. John and Arthur chuckled as they looked over at Johnny and Tom having a rather tense conversation.
“While our brother’s interrogating the poor man, who’s this little one and her big sister?” Arthur asked.
“This is Sarah. She’s 4 months, almost 5. Talkative little bugger just like her dad. Always babbling about somethin’ aye? And that’s Alice. She hates sitting down, always wanting to be on the go. Guess it’s in the blood.” You said, also feeling antsy as you sat there with half of your little family.
“That it is.” Arthur said, looking around the camp as Johnny’s voice rose in the distance.
“When were you going to tell me Johnny?” Thomas asked, his cigarette dangling from his lips.
“About what mate? Bout me cookin’ and leaving yesterday or bout me family?” He asked.
“About your family, Johnny. You’re like family to us you know. How could you not tell us?” He asked loudly.
“You should know! The bloody line of work we’re in! God knows I’m not bringing them into that ‘ere.” He said a bit louder than Thomas expected, causing the others to look over.
“But why hide something like this Johnny? Not because of the way of our work but why hide it until now aye?” He asked.
Johnny thought for a moment, leaning against the tree near the river.
“Because Tom. I knew you’d all take one look at her and wonder why she’s wit’ a man like me. Ya know I’m not the nicest looking man ‘ere. Somehow how Tom...somehow she loves me and I wanted ya to see why I had to leave yesterday. It’s not just me I’m thinkin’ bout anymore.” He said.
“That why you’ve been yelling at work? Being short with everyone?” Thomas asked.
“Yeah Tom, yeah. Just...please don’t drag them into this.” He said, looking over at his wife who was managing pretty well despite John practically drooling.
“Well now that that’s cleared up how about you introduce me to them aye?” Thomas said, patting him on the shoulder and walking past him.
“I fucking guess. C’mon.” He said walking quickly ahead of his friend as Y/N smiled upon their arrival. His heart skipping a beat at the sight of it.
“Y/N, love, I want ya to meet-“ He said before you cut him off. Eyeing the man who’d put your family in risky circumstances long ago.
“Thomas Shelby. Yeah...I know. Nice to see you in person.” You said, shaking his hand roughly and with a more colder glance than you’d had given his other brothers. You knew Thomas orchestrated everything within the blinders, so he was often the one blamed when things went south, and you had no problem casting the blame on him when Johnny would come home half conscious and bleeding, or limping with a bullet wound or two.
“Pleasure’s all mine Y/N. How’s the family?” He asked, sitting beside Johnny around the bonfire that was slowly burning out.
“Good now that their father is back. This little one is Sarah, the wild one over there is Alice, and our boy here is Samuel.” You said, pointing with your free hand to your small crew of children.
“Aye, so he tells me you met by chance. How in the hell did this man meet a woman like you?” He asked.
You looked down slightly at your daughter who was surprisingly sleeping soundly, her small mass of hair on her head coming in as dark as her fathers.
“I told your brothers already but, uh we met when I was traveling with me family. Saw him scrapping with some other men from nearby, I guess ya locked eyes long enough with me that they knocked you out aye love?” You said lightly punching Johnny’s shoulder.
“Aye they did. Couldn’t stop bloody lookin’ at ya. I mean seriously boys. Isn’t she a beauty? I’m a lucky man. A lucky lucky man.” He said, lighting a cigar as you smiled and put your free hand on his. It was rough from years of work, but as warm as the hugs he gave. He was home to you, no matter where you all went, he was the one constant thing you longed for, knowing in your heart he was yours forever.
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Johnny Dogs Tag List:
@flysafepapi, @gaytommyshelby, @ta-ka-shi-ma
If you’d like to be added/removed, just send me an ask/message. :)
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jordanstrophe · 3 years
Hi if it's ok to ask how do you think walter would react to gabriel getting sick? Btw I love your writing
(Thank you so much Anon! <3 I have been kicked in the inspiration yet again! Today was supposed to be trashpost day... Forgive me, my friends, for I have failed.)
CW: ill whumpee, conditioned, force fed medicine, *inhales* parental, overprotective, possessive, intimate creepy whumper. 
That morning, Gabriel shuffled in dragging his entire blanket behind him across the floor sprawling yards behind him. 
“Gooood morning litt-...!” Walter was cut off when he twirled around to see Gabriel, pale as snow with red cheeks. 
“G- morninhg.” Gabriel slurred, his voice sounding warped. Walter watched him with a wide alerted expression as he struggled to produce the strength to overpower the massive heavy obstacle of: the freezer door. 
He popped an ice cube out of the tray and casually nibbled on it. When he closed the door, Walter was right, slapping the back of his hand to his forehead. Gabriel violently flinched as he staggered back a few inches.
“Oooww! Wh-what are you doing?” He whined, as Walter kept his hand pinned to his forehead.
“You have a fever...” He muttered, moving his hand from his forehead to feel his cheek. 
“N-no I don’t... It’s just warm under here.” He pulled his blanket further to hide half his face.
“You’re sick, son.” He sighed, his hand retreating as he swung open multiple cabinets, digging through countless rattling bottles.
“It’s allergies! You kidnapped someone with horrific allergies and locked them away in the middle of a blooming forest! Regret your decision yet?” Gabriel slurred. 
Walter ignored him as he stacked bottles and boxes of medicine in a line on the counter. 
“Come here.” Walter motioned with a finger while grabbing a spoon. Gabriel promptly planted his feet as he turned his nose away.
“Gabriel, walk your feet over here, let's go.” His tone quickly grew impatient. “The sooner we get this over with, the better. You can bring your blanket if that makes you more comfortable.” He said, turning around with his arms crossed expectantly. 
Gabriel let out an annoyed groan. As slow as can be, he eventually made it to his side at the counter.
“Open.” He instructed, holding up a spoon filled with deep red medicine that reeked of cherry sugar. 
“Wh- I-.. I can take it myself! You don’t have to spoon feed it to me, I’m not a child!” He hissed. 
“Don’t talk to me like that, young man. Now open.” He said again.
He normally would never speak to Walter with that tone, but his brain was fuzzy and he had no concept of conscience. He was already suffering, what was he going to do, belt him while he was already down? 
As soon as he opened his lips to protest, the spoon was promptly stuffed into his mouth. His eyes shot wide as he instantly retracted, coughing as he choked down the strong foul tasting medicine. 
Why did it have to be cherry flavored, who thought that was a good idea? 
“You’re so dramatic... Just don’t spit it out.” Walter sighed, shaking his head as he cleaned off the spoon. 
“Yo-you’re so mean...” Gabriel whimpered, quickly hiding his face when he caught his voice cracking. Walter’s head shot in his direction when he heard his distressed tone, his brow lowering with guilt as he set the spoon down. 
“I-.. I’m not mean, son. I’m just doing what’s best for you!” He lightened his tone a little, taking a step closer. Gabriel stayed hidden in the blanket as he desperately tried to get his emotions under control. 
Walter let off a sad sigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off that way, I’m just worried about you! I think this is a bit more than some allergies, son. Please don’t think I’m trying to hurt you.” He pulled the blankets down just enough he could see his glossy eyes staring back up at him. 
“Come on, why don’t we make a nest for you somewhere so you can rest, we need to get your fever brought down. I can make you some ice cream, okay?” He tried to give him a warm smile.
Gabriel's eyes flickered with curiosity. “You... Can make ice cream?” He muffled into the blanket.
“Yep! Hand made, any kind you would like.” He grinned.
Walter gathered every blanket in the house to make an entire bed on the couch. He got some slow soothing music playing gently in the background as he went back to coaxed Gabriel over. 
He knew something was wrong the second he saw Gabriel. His expression was wide and fearful, his eyes unfocused as they mindlessly darted all around the room. He didn’t even seem to hear him enter the kitchen.
“Gabriel?” Walter asked, instantly running over, taking his shoulders to turn him.
“Wha-..?” Gabriel asked, his head falling as he still didn’t even seem to see him.
“Wh-where.. Where am I?” He asked, his body violently trembling.
“Gabe?.. You-... You’re home, sweetheart. You’re home safe and sound.” He scooped his cheeks with both the palms of his hands as he tilted his head up.
“Just come lay down. You’ll feel better once you’ve gotten some rest.” He took Gabriel’s hand as he led him over to the nest waiting for him. Walter walked backwards so he could keep an eye on him and go his pace as Gabriel walked wherever he was being pulled. 
Halfway there, his legs gave away underneath. His knees buckling as he fell forward as Walter dove to the floor to catch him. 
“Easy! Easy son, I got you.” He whispered, carefully pulling him into his arms as Gabriel’s chin found his shoulder. Walter bound him in the blanked as he carried him the rest of the way, being mindful not to move too quickly to disorientate him further in this state.
“Dad?” Gabriel murmured, quite confused by all the nicknames he was being dubbed. 
Walter instantly froze. 
He froze for a moment too long as Gabriel slowly began to slide off his shoulder. He gasped as he quickly gathered him back in his arms, slowly leaning him back into a pillow waiting for him. 
He took a deep breath after holding it in as he brushed Gabriel’s wavy hair from his eyes. 
“I’m right here.” He murmured with a smile.
Gabriel was already half asleep with his eyes shut as soon as his head touched the pillow.
@alien-octopus @yesthisiswhump  @lave-whump @whumpasaurus101 @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hamiltonwhumpdump @just-another-whumper @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @approach-me-and-ill-cry   @whump-it @kixngiggles @as-a-matter-of-whump  @five-fictions-5-9 @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @thelazywitchphotographer  @sophierose002 ​
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ  Thank you for reading!
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troubatrain · 4 years
with you around - n. patrick
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a/n: so this is a repost of an old fic from my old blog that survived the purge when I deleted - there’s actually two parts i just need to find the other one to post it lmao. i’m tagging @prettyboybarzal​ because nolpat is the dream stoner boyfriend and there’s nothing you can do to convince me otherwise
You open your back door, sneaking out and walking to the back of the yard, climbing up the worn ladder to the tree house your parents built over a decade ago. You check your phone, knowing Nolan would have landed an hour ago which means he should be walking over to you now. You move the random throw pillows you’d collected over the years, trying to make the wooden house slightly more comfortable.
“You have got to stop making me climb up here,” You hear a deep voice huff, and you knew exactly who was on his way up.
“It’s tradition, Nolan,” You deadpan, it was how you both spent every first night of summer.
You watch as Nolan flicks on the old Christmas lights you’d hung up when you were sixteen. That was the first year you’d spent without the comfort of having your best friend next door. You were proud of Nolan, but it didn’t take away from how rough of a year it was without him. He finally plops down next to you, “So what’s been going home?”
“Same old, same old,” You say, pulling the joint from your hoodie pocket, twirling it in your hand.
Nolan laughs, “You’re going to get me in so much trouble one of these days.”
Regardless of his words, Nolan snatches the joint and lighter out of your hand, lighting the paper and taking a big puff, coughing as soon as he did.
“You’re losing your touch Nols,” You say, joking about when you were younger Nolan could smoke more than anyone - hockey being the only reason he’d stop. You take a huge puff of smoke, blowing it out easily.
“Why are we still friends? All you do is bully me,” Nolan says, nudging you with his shoulder lightly.
“You’re too grumpy for everyone else,” You say, “I just put up with it.”
Nolan laughs, and your heart swells at the sound. You’d missed him, and you were happy to have him with you. He looked like your Nolan when he was home, his eyes a little glassy from the joint, his cheeks rosy and full of joy, and his eyes that only ever seemed to be on you.
“How are you?” You ask, leaning your head on his shoulder. You knew he had a rough season with everything that was going on. You’d wished you could have been there but you got so wrapped in school you couldn’t find the time to make the trip out to Philly.
“Some days are good, some days are bad,” Nolan says solemnly, “I wish I got to play.”
“I wish you got to play too,” You say, moving your hand to run through his hair, “You’ll be back on the ice soon.”
You fell into a long conversation about what the other person had missed. Nolan told you about his year, living with Kevin and TK’s usual antics. You talked about how college was going, living out in Alberta to go to art school. You got so excited talking about your classes and what you’d been creating.
“Speaking of art school, take any thought to those post grad plans?” Nolan asks, looking down at you next to him.
You sigh, knowing what he’d been referring to. He mentioned it from time to time, moving to Philly with him after you finally graduated. He knew it was a good city to create art in and that you would have more opportunities out there. You weren’t sure if you wanted to up and leave everything you’ve ever known to move all the way to Philadelphia - even if it was with Nolan.
“I don’t know Nols,” You say.
He nods, it was the same answer you always gave him, “I just want you to have every opportunity you deserve.”
You smile, he’d always been your number one supporter. You sometimes think you could the worst painting in the world but Nolan wouldn’t hesitate to say he liked it. He didn’t totally understand art, and it definitely wasn’t his comfort zone but he always listened to you talk about it anyways. 
“I’ll give you an answer next summer,” you say, “Pinky promise.”
Nolan’s eyebrows raise at the seriousness of your voice, “A pinky promise?”
“Yeah Nols, let’s go, hold it out,” You say, holding your pinky out for his to link with yours.
“If it matters, I really want to have you out in Philly with me, you’ll love it,” Nolan says, throwing his arm around you to pull you closer.
Your face finds its usual spot, tucked right under Nolan’s chin, he still felt the same. He talked more about Philly, and all of the things about it he knew you’d love. You doze off, the sounds of Nolan’s deep voice putting you to sleep easily.
You scan the house party for the millionth time, waiting to see when Nolan was getting there. He had a late afternoon skate, and you knew for a fact that he was going to pass out afterwards - but at this point you thought he was never going to make it out.
“Are you looking for your other half?” You hear your friend, Kacey, say.
“He’s not my other half,” You say to the tattooed brunette next to you, her eyebrow raised at you, and you took a big gulp of your drink to try and avoid the topic all together.
“He wants you to move to Philly with him after you graduate,” Kacey says, “You’re practically married, and he’s here.”
Your whips around to the front door, Nolan walking in, his skateboard in hand and a case of beer in the other. 
You hear Kacey scoff at how quickly you turned your head, “I hate both of you really.”
Kacey walked away as soon as Nolan spotted you, walking over to you and wrapped you in a tight hug.
“Nice of you to show up,” You say, pulling back from his arms, “Take a good nap?”
“How did you know I was asleep?” Nolan says, grabbing a beer for himself.
You turn your head, giving him a knowing look, “We both know you’ve been passed out for the last like four hours.”
Nolan laughs, “You’re 100% right.”
Nolan sticks by your side for the rest of the night. He’s never been one for parties, even if all of his friends were there. You didn’t mind, having Nolan around allowed you to drink however much you wanted. You knew he’d keep you safe, and there wasn’t anything bad about having all of his attention. He’d been your partner for beer pong, ignoring the look Kacey was giving you from across the table. You had lost him eventually, after you insisted he danced along to the Blink 182 song that was playing on the speaker. 
“Nols!” You say, finally finding him across the party, leaning against the wall on his phone, you step in his arms, the alcohol blurring the boundaries you usually set for yourself. 
Nolan slipped his phone back into his pocket, one his hands moving to weave through your hair, “Ready to go?”
You nod, definitely ready to pass out. Nolan smiles, grabbing his skateboard he’d left right at the door, and your hand, walking right out the front door. 
Your mouth curves up to a smile, “Nols…” you whine, trying your best to pout at the boy in front of you.
Nolan sighs, turning around so you could hop onto his back. You jump up, legs wrapping around his waist. Nolan drops his skateboard, stepping onto it and heading in the direction of your house. It wasn’t the first time you made Nolan carry you home, it was so easy when he just could. 
“Are you ever going to get sick of this?” You mutter into his shoulder.
“Of what? Carrying you home?” Nolan asks, and you nod, “Nope.”
“You’re lying,” You tease, knowing there was no way Nolan hasn’t gotten sick of you yet. You’d been bothering him since the day he moved next door and you knew you wanted the rosy cheeked boy to be your best friend. Your eyes started to get heavy when Nolan finally hit your street, stopping in front of your house.
“Be sure to give me a five star rating,” Nolan says, bending down gently so he could get you down.
“Ride was a little bumpy, you can have four,” You say, opening the gate to the front of your house, “Get home safe Nols.”
Nolan rolled his eyes, waiting for you to walk into your house. He closed the gate behind you, walking over to his house to head to bed, checking his window one more time to make sure you were in bed before he fell asleep.
You walked around the small art supply store, the same place you’d been working in since you were sixteen. It was the best, you got a great employee discount and the older couple who owned it let you work when you were home from college. The bell above the door chimes, Nolan stepping into the store, two iced coffees in his hands.
“Is that Nolan?” Barbara, the owner of the store, called out as soon as he walked in, “Here to get Y/N into trouble?”
Nolan laughs, handing you your coffee and looking over to the older woman standing behind the counter, “If anything, I’m here to keep her out of trouble.”
You roll your eyes, “Hardly, Barb he can’t even tie his shoes.”
“I can! I just choose not too,” Nolan bickers back.
Barbara laughs at your antics, “You two are so funny, I’m going to run out, I think you guys can handle it?”
Nolan salutes the older woman while you snicker behind him, “I think she trusts us too much.”
“Us? It’s you she trusts too much,” Nolan says.
Nolan spends the rest of your shift at the store bothering you. He helped you stock the shelves, reading off the weird names of the paint bottles he was putting up. And when you asked Nolan why he was spending a beautiful summer day inside working with you, he just shrugs and tells you there's nothing he’d rather do.
Summer nights had always been spent the same. They were either at some party, the treehouse, or Nolan and yourself would just hang out in your room. He’d let you paint, setting up his own video games in your bedroom so he could keep you company. You both enjoyed your peace and quiet - but you enjoyed it even more with each other. 
Tonight was one of those nights, you were standing in the corner of your room, a blank canvas in front of you. You’d been looking for inspiration for almost a week, just having no idea what to even work on. You tie your hair up into a bun, and you step back, hands fiddling with the end’s of the oversized t-shirt you had over your shorts.
“What’s up with you?” Nolan asks, his focus not breaking the game he was playing.
“I don’t know what to paint,” You huff, hands on your hips.
Your mind ponders for a minute, and you pull out the box of polaroids next to your bed. You dump them on your bed, hoping you took a picture that could spark something. Nolan pauses his game, moving to look at the picture you poured out. There were ones of him, and ones you took when you came to see him in Philly. There were images of your friends, your roommates at college, and your family. You took your camera with you everywhere, you just liked having the memories. Nolan pulls a photo up, of someone’s back painted with a scene of the beach.
“Oh that’s Kacey,” You say, it was something you’d seen on Instagram that you wanted to try.
“You could do that to me?” Nolan says, voice deeper than usual.
You think about it for a moment, Nolan was big, and quite frankly his back wasn’t a bad canvas, “Okay turn around.”
You move to grab some paint and some brushes, watching as Nolan grabs the back of his t-shirt, tossing it in the corner of your room. You shake any of the dirty thoughts that ran through your head as you sit next to him. Nolan turns to you, grabbing your leg and swinging it over his waist so you were straddling him, grabbing his controller and going back to his game. You take a deep breath, and get to work. You think about what you’re going to paint, but you just let your mind rest - painting whatever came to your mind at the moment.
“Tell me if the paint is too cold for you,” you say, moving to create some sort of base on his back.
“I think I can handle it, Y/N” Nolan deadpans. 
You start to think about Nolan and the thing he loves most, painting a forest in the back that looked like the one at lake you’d both spent your summers at. You painted evergreen trees and a glimpse of the lake in the corner. Quite frankly, by the time you were done you were proud of yourself.
“Take a picture, I want to see,” Nolan says.
You grab your phone, snapping a photo and tossing it to Nolan, “This is sick, you should really draw me something to get tattooed.”
“You don’t trust me that much,” You say, glancing at the photo on your screen, “Can I post this on my Instagram story?”
You ask, you always did. Nolan was a private person, and you knew he liked it that way. It was better than having to deal with him when he was grumpy.
“Go for it,” Nolan smiles, “I should probably head out.”
“Don’t sleep with that on your back,” You scold, watching Nolan as he goes to climb out the window of your bedroom, “Use the door, we’re adults Nolan.”
“I’ll be fine,” Nolan assures you, climbing down just like he used to when you’d hang out all night instead of sleeping.
You clean up your brushes and paint, trying to shove the feelings about the way Nolan’s back muscles moved under your touch to the back of your mind, to be locked up forever. You slide into bed, checking your phone to see only one notification, a DM from TK.
Tell me that’s Nolan
With summer came a various string of weekends up at the lake with your friends. The older you’d gotten, the more fun the weekends had become. You were all almost adults, just riding out one of the last summers together, and you all decided to rent out the house you usually did, cause it might be one of the last times you do. You sat in the passenger seat of Nolan’s jeep, just like you always did. Your coffee in one hand, and Nolan’s phone in the other, mindlessly changing the songs for the ride. You glance over at Nolan, the roof was off his jeep, and his hair had hit the morning light just right. He looked good, he always did.
“Did you really have to tell TK that was me in your story? He hasn’t stopped making fun of me for days,” Nolan says, looking at you.
“You guys spend so much time together, I think he just knew,” You say, knowing they’re basically a married couple at this point.
Nolan shakes his head, turning up the street to the lake house. You spot all the cars that were already there, knowing you and Nolan had to have been the last people to arrive. You run inside, leaving Nolan to grab your bag out the trunk, running right into Kacey’s arms.
“Don’t be mad at me,” Kacey says, pulling back, “I miscounted and there’s one room left so you and Nolan are going to have to bunk up.”
Nolan walks in during Kacey’s sentence, “That’s fine, which one is it.”
Kacey points to the room upstairs, Nolan nodding, your bags already in his hands to bring upstairs. You turned to Kacey when he was out of earshot, “You did this on purpose.”
“If rooming together is all it would take to get you guys together, it’s not the rooming together it’s the fact that you guys are obsessed with each other,” Kacey says.
“Best friends, we are best friends,” You defended, you knew better though. Something was shifting between the two of you, but you didn’t know if it was from getting older or if it was something more.
Kacey shakes her head at you while you head up to your room, Nolan unpacking his stuff.
“You’re okay sharing a room?” you ask, knowing you could bunk with Kacey if you really had to.
“I’m fine with it, I’m going to go fishing with the boys for a bit, I’ll see you after?” Nolan says, stopping at the bedroom.
“No I’m actually going to go home,” you say sarcastically, unpacking your own bags.
You spend the rest of the afternoon next to the lake, getting a tan and day drinking with Kacey and the rest of your girlfriends. You guys head inside, setting up for the party you were throwing for the rest of your friends who’d been up at the lake too. You get dressed for the silly tourist theme you’d planned, tucking the terrible Hawaiian shirt you’d bought into the jean shorts you were wearing. Nolan pops out behind you and you take in his outfit, the shorts that hit above his knee, showing off his thigh tattoo, the Hawaiian shirt that matches yours, and his god awful mid calf socks. He had his vans on - and of course they were untied.
“You have the worst taste in fashion,” You laugh, Nolan striking a pose in response.
“Sorry we’re all not you, I can’t make this shirt look good,” Nolan says, poking at your sides gently, causing you to blush.
He walked out of the room and you took a deep breath, trying to collect your thoughts. It was now or never with your feelings, you either had to tell him or you had to just get over him but you couldn’t keep pushing them down, it was going to drive you crazy. You move down to the party, seeing it’s in full swing already. You grab a drink, moving to go play drinking games with Kacey. After a few hours, you were a little buzzed but mostly sweating from the heat inside. You step out, walking over to the docks and staring out at the lake in front of you. You hear heavy footsteps behind you, and you knew it had to be Nolan.
“Needed a minute?” Nolan asks, knowing you would disappear from parties from time to time, and you nod because he was always right.
“Nols, can I ask you something?” You ask, your voice small, a tiny amount of courage guiding you to ask him a question that’d you wanted to ask since he got home, “Do things feel different between us?”
“Do you want them too?” Nolan asks, looking over at you with rosy cheeks, and a nervous look in his eyes.
“So badly,” You whisper, looking into his eyes that had gone soft at your words. Nolan leans in and you stop him for a moment, “Nolan this has to mean something to you too.”
“Everything, it means everything,” Nolan says finally, planting a kiss on your lips, your bodies molding together out on the dock underneath a twinkly night sky. It felt so right for your lips to be on his, your hands running through your hair, and hearing him finally say that he felt the same you have.
“So Philly?” Nolan asks, finally pulling away, the question he asked you when he first got home still burning.
“We’ll talk later,” You promise, stealing another kiss from his lips.
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fenheart87 · 3 years
The Dress
For @bloody-no-kissu, you're art is always amazing and inspirational! I love you bloody!
It was a rare day that Marinette was fully rested, had no events to attend and the bakery wasn't busy enough for her parents to ask for her help. Feeling inspired but not able to pick up a recent project without being hypercritical of her work, the young designer decided picking up something different might help. Grabbing a blue folder with various doodles and stickers, she spread the sketches one by one on her desk.
"Oh, these look great!" Tikki chimed, flying closer to examine the handwritten notes.
"I know but I can't choose! I want to do them all, eventually but where do I start?" Marinette huffed, eyeing the designs with a playful pout.
"Hm, why not choose randomly? You could number the designs and put matching numbers on slips of paper to pick the one to start with!"
"Tikki, that's a great idea!" Marinette cupped the floating ladybug gently in her hands and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before scribbling on a scratch paper. Tearing the numbers apart, she put them in a hat and let Tikki do the honors.
"Here we go!" Tikki dropped in the hat and shook the pieces around before flying back out with one piece between her paws. Twirling in excitement, she opened the paper and held it up like a sign. "Lucky number four!"
"Okay so four is," the designer stacked the extra papers and pulled out the fourth design page, "this one. Huh, I don't have one color scheme for this, I made two. Oh wait, this started out as a design for Rose but I made something else for her. I can finish this dress for me though, time to go fabric shopping!"
"Oh can you get some crushed velvet? It makes a wonderful bed." Tikki asked, hovering by the trapdoor as her holder ran around the room to gather her things.
"Sure! Any color requests?" Marinette paused to let the kwami zip into her purse, handing Tikki the list.
"Blue or green, maybe aquamarine!" They shared a giggle before the designer made her way downstairs to let her parents know about her trip into town.
"Maman, Papa, I'm going to the fabric shop. I've got so much creativity I feel like I'm going to explode!"
"Well we don't want that, then we couldn't possibly have family bear hugs!" Tom shouted, scooping up his wife and daughter who giggled and snuggled in for the hug. "Please be safe and call if you need help or eat somewhere else for lunch."
"Of course Papa!" Marinette withdrew from the hug and grabbed her personalized tote bag that she used for trips like these. With one last wave goodbye, she set off to her favorite shop. A ten minute bus ride and quick shortcut through the plaza, she arrived in front of The Special Thread. The bell rang merrily as the younger design held the door open for an elderly lady before beelining towards the crushed velvets. It was the backrest left corner and after a glance around, Marinette popped open her purse to let Tikki out to be able to help pick out the right color.
"Okay here are all the cool colors of the crushed velvet and then here’s the penne velvet too. What did I need and who did I need it for? Oh wait, the list!” Marinette knew the shop owner and many of the regular customers were used to the young designer talking to herself as they tended to indulge in the habit as well. Actually checking the list after fighting the urge to ruffle through the soft velvets, “I need a burgundy color to accent Marc’s and a peachy tone for Nathaniel, more princess tulle for Rose and some black lace for Juleka… Oh that’s perfect!”
“Marinette, I like both of these colors but can't choose…” Tikki chimed, respectfully waiting until Marinette’s attention was back from her creative mindset.
“It’s on sale, why not get both and I can make a matching pillow or something? I have a coupon too and those colors are gorgeous, the blue reminds me of Luka.” She may have not noticed the dopey grin on her face as she grabbed the selected velvets and moved to another fabric wall  but Tikki could see it clearly and cheered internally. “Let’s get a couple yards of each and then I saw the perfect shades for Marc and Nathaniel but Ms. Cribler might have more in the back so I can get a little extra, just to be on the safe side.”
“Hello, Marinette, you looked especially inspired.” The shop owner smiled as she spotted Marinette, sorting through some bolts of fabrics to be put away from previous customers. Today she was sporting her favorite cardigan, the plum on bottom faded into lilac near the collar and the different embroidered designs and patches were still like new and matched her skirt that had vines and flowers blooming all over in a field of wildflowers. The addition of several animals made Marinette smile, it was the elder woman’s way of supporting the superheroes that protect their fair city.
“Hello Ms. Cribler, I am feeling very inspired and had to even get creative in choosing what to make next! How has the shop been today, need me to return anything? I’m passing through the solids and plundering the lace next.” The young designer placed her chosen bolts of fabric on the counter, eyeing the rather large pile that was being sorted.
“Oh things have been busy, it seems the creativity is floating in the air! I can hold these until you’re ready of course, if you can run this pile,” Ms. Cribler patted a pile with about ten bolts of various creams and browns, “they need to be put away. I have gotten everything I need from those. Is there anything in particular I can check the back for?”
“Ah yes, I need some more of this burgundy shade and if you have more peach colors, something more pale orange and less pink peach color that would be perfect. I’ll take these with me and see what I can find in the lace bolts.” Marinette picked up the pile with ease and marched carefully to the proper section and began putting them away. Tikki joined her, zipping back and forth to help quickly find the right spots she needed. Once those were completely put away, the duo weaved through the aisles and found the lace bolts. With a soft hum, the young designer pulled several options down. Marinette set them down on the return cart that was nearby, carefully unrolling them just enough to see a clear picture of the lace.
“What part of the dress is going to be lace?” The kwami inquired, floating at the top of the pink bag.
“Mid back up to my shoulders, just along the back side.”
“Oh, then this one would be so pretty!” Tikki flew up and showed off her choice, wrapping it around her tiny body like a toga.
“Super stylish Tikki!” Marinette giggled and returned the other options back to their proper places. Picking up the one she wanted to purchase and making sure Tikki was in her bag once more, she weaved her way back to the solids for another look and didn’t have anything that spoke to her. Continuing on, Marinette returned to the front cutting table where Ms. Cribel was helping out a familiar face but not a familiar face to see in the shop. Tikki giggled and ducked completely out of sight, closing the clasp of the purse.
“Found the lace alright Marinette?”
“Yes ma’am, take you time Luka, I still have to check out these other colors.” The girl smiled brighter as the other customer turned around, his typical and slightly goofy Luka smile in place.
“Hey Marinette, look like you have quite the haul.” Luka teased, shifting to talk to her.
“Yeah, I just had this moment of inspiration but now that I think about it the dress I’m making would be ideal first date material… I could tweak it for Rose and embellish it a bit for an anniversary vibe…”
“Is the dress for you?”
“Yeah it was originally, I just don’t think I’m going to have a date to wear it for soon.” Marinette scrunched her nose slightly, it felt weird to talk about dating in front of Ms. Cribel. Finding a salmon color that would be fantastic, she moved the bolt to her purchase pile and scooted it closer to the register where Luka had a thoughtful frown on his face.
“Well why don’t you change that? Isn’t the dance coming up?”
“Yeah, in a couple months.” The designer giggled as a light pink dusted his cheeks, sometimes she wished she liked Luka first. That thought struck her like lightning and decided right then and there she was going to be true to herself and no longer be pressured by the Girl Squad for her change of heart. “Hey Luka, are you, uh well, are you busy later? The weather is really nice and Maman made the best dumplings and the park doesn’t have a big photoshoot or news report or meeting going on today…”
“Yea- no, I mean no but I mean yes.” Luka clenched his jaw while taking a deep breath to calm down, eyes wide with hope before continuing, “I have no plans unless you wanna have plans later?”
“Yeah, it’s a date… I just have to finish my dress first and I can text you?”
“Yeah, anytime. Ever. Yes.” The musician clench his jaw again, making Marinette laugh in sheer joy. He was just as nervous as her but they would work it out on their date.
“Okay, well I think you’re good to go and I still need my materials cut. Uh did you- nevermind.”
“Can I walk you home? I can carry some of your stuff, these are good for other things than playing guitar.” Luka playfully flexed his arm, seeming to forget he had his jacket on and she couldn't see his muscles.
“Oh you will and you had better let him or you’re banned from my shop.”
“What? Ms. Cribel-”
“Marinette, you have a boyfriend now. Call me Ana as a thank you for giving you a discount to celebrate. Now, how many of what do you need today dear? You need to hurry and get home!” The shop owner punctuated her words with a few snips of her scissors, reaching for the lace first.
“Ah, the lace I need four yards, six of the salmon and burgundy and since the velvet is half off..” Marinette dropped into thought and with a glance at the boy beside her made a decision, “let’s do ten of each. And my special order too, if you have it in.”
“I sure do! Let me finish this right up and I’ll grab it for you.” Ana swiftly unfolded the bolts and made precise, clean and quick cuts, working through the small stack in under a minute. The musician seemed a bit shocked but Marinette knew she could move faster and still have the same pinpoint accuracy. Folding all the cut lengths and wrapping the bolts once more to set them aside, the shop keeper tucked the purchases into a bag and threw in some extra thread. Leaning down to reach under the counter, she put another bag that had a receipt attached onto the counter as well.
“Did you have everything?” The young designer asked, rolling and tucking that big into the bigger one.
“Of course! You are my favorite customer, anytime you call I make sure I have everything or get it delivered before you show up. It brings me joy that you create so many beautiful things when these hands are not quite steady enough anymore, it makes me happy to see you thrive.” The younger was touched and the awe showed in her face, causing the older woman to smile.
“She is pretty amazing.” Luka’s soft voice drew their attention, Marinette blushing while Ana had a knowing smile.
“Total today is one week of fresh croissants and details of today’s date.”
“What? No, i couldn’t possibly take all this for free-”
“Marinette. I am trading you, your parents food and you story for my measly fabrics. I will simply kick you out of my shop if you refuse.”
“Okay but two weeks at least and I can come help you put things away.”
“Deal, now go finish your dress and knock his socks off!” Ana winked playfully, both teens were blushing as they left.
“She isn’t usually like that but thank you for helping me.” Marinette grinned shyly, Luka had taken the bag of fabrics before she could and left no room for protest.
“Seems like she knows you well. And of course Marinette,” the soft way he spoke her name was going to give her heart problems if it kept skipping every time he said it, “anything to spend more time with a beautiful girl.”
The girl in question just blushed and ignored him, not that Luka seemed to mind as he escorted her home in silence. It was a comfortable and breathable bubble they were in and not even when he had to catch her when she tripped boarding the bus that would take them to her house. In a smooth and thoughtful move, Luka managed to hold her hand without her noticing until the end of the bus ride, only smiling in his sweet way at her blush.
“Well thank you for walking me home, now I can finish the last piece and then we can go on our date.”
"Yeah, no problem. Now I know where to pick you up too." He grinned crookedly, her blushing was too cute.
"Yeah now you know… Um, I haven’t done this before and I know you’ve been there for you through a lot and i appreciate it so much but like I don"t want you to think I'm going on this date as like a rebound or something stupid to deal with Adrien when its not.”
“Marinette.” Luka met her eyes dead on, a growing smile on his lips. “You have never and would never lead anyone on like that. I have always respected your feelings, even when you decided to gift them to someone other than me. My feelings for you haven't changed at all, you’re still the song in my head.” This boy was too much for Marinette, she suddenly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and Luka calmly looped around her and gently guided her into movement again with a gentle press of a hand.
“You are something else.”
“A good something else?”
“Depends how nice our date is later!” With that teasing remark, Marinette used the last of her courage to press a kiss on Luka’s cheek before dashing inside and up to her room. Carefully the designer set down her purchases on her desk before jumping up and down and squealing in happiness.
“Great job Marinette!” Tikki giggled and flew in a few loops to show her excitement as well.
“Oh my gosh, Maman! I need your help, if you’re not busy!” Marinette stumbled a bit on her way down but caught herself before she fell. She knew this would be one of her best creations yet.
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beifongsss · 4 years
playing with fire pt. 5 [sokka]
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Pairing: Sokka x reader
Summary: You’re a Fire Nation citizen who saves Sokka and Katara from some angry villagers. Aang “convinces” you to come along with them, finding your knowledge of the nation useful. Not everything is smooth sailing though as both Water Tribe siblings have their doubts about you.
this will be a series :D this takes place during The Chase!
prologue. one. two. three. four.
Toph was a breath of fresh air. She was unapologetically herself, and you loved it. 
However for Katara, it was a little stressful. 
“Hey you guys picked a great campsite!” Toph exclaimed, digging her toes into what she thought was grass. “The grass is so soft!”
You snickered at Sokka’s displeased expression as he looked down at the ground before turning to face Toph. “Sorry shortcake, that’s not grass you’re standing on. Appa’s shedding.”
“Oh gross!” Katara exclaimed, raising her foot as she examined the fur. 
“That’s not gross!” Aang chirped. “It’s just a part of spring! You know, rebirth, flowers blooming, and Appa gets a new coat!”
“Ah, the beauty of spring,” Katara replied sarcastically, earning a muffled laugh from you. Aang gave you a betrayed look and you simply shrugged, trying to keep the smile off of your face. 
“She’s right,” you said, looking at the Air Nomad apologetically. “It’s a little disgusting.”
Appa chose that moment to sneeze, sending up plumes of fur all around you. You coughed lightly, feeling some of the fur land on your tongue. 
“Stop! Appa, stop! Ugh!” Katara cried out, trying to brush off the fur that now clung to her clothes. 
“It’s not that bad Katara,” Sokka said, his back facing Katara as he bent over. He turned around proudly, meeting Katara’s unsettled face. “It makes a great wig!”
Katara looked at you expectantly, a disgusted look on her face. Her expression dropped when she saw you laughing and egging her brother on before bending down and creating a mustache out of fur. 
“Look! It also makes a great mustache!” you exclaimed, causing Aang to laugh along with you. Sokka looked at you dreamily, happy that the two of you shared a sense of humor. 
“And a great beard!” Aang added, stroking the beard he had created. Katara looked at all of you with disappointment before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
“I’m just glad we have another girl in the group, because you three are disgusting,” Katara said, brushing off the last of the fur from her clothes.
“Excuse me, does anyone have a razor?” Toph asked innocently, walking up behind you. “Because I’ve got some hairy pits!”
The three of you cackled loudly as Toph raised her arms, revealing the fur she had stuffed into her sleeves. Katara shook her head as she watched the four of you, a smile tugging at her lips. Aang chose that exact moment to sneeze, flying back into Appa’s side and sending up another cloud of fur. This just caused you all to laugh even harder, Sokka patting your back when you breathed in some fur. Even Katara chuckled lowly, and eventually you began to set up camp. 
Sokka was out looking for firewood as you and Aang set up the tent. Katara sat a few yards away from you, getting started on dinner. Toph was lounging on the ground a few feet away from Katara, lazily chewing on a piece of wheat. 
“So, you and Sokka?” Aang asked, drawing your attention to him. Sokka entered the clearing as if on cue, walking over to the weak flame near Katara and setting the firewood down next to her. He straightened and shot you and Aang a confused look, noticing your glances. You looked away immediately, a blush spreading across your cheeks.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you muttered in response, rolling your eyes when Aang giggled. 
“We can all tell that you like each other,” Aang said, unfolding the tarp. “He even got you that necklace to show you how he feels!”
You absentmindedly reached for the pendant that hung delicately from your neck, running your fingertips over it as you smiled at Sokka. The Water Tribe boy noticed and shot you a dazzling smile in return before turning to watch over the pot Katara had left unattended.
“And we can all tell that you like him back,” Aang said casually, smiling when you opened your mouth to reply but shut it, knowing he was right. “I think you should go for it. It’s not like he’s gonna say no.”
The conversation stopped before you could reply as a loud rumbling reached your ears. You turned to see Toph laying under an earth tent, Katara fuming as she walked away. You exchanged a worried look with Aang before continuing to set the tarp up in silence, occasionally shooting a glance at Katara who seemed to be trying to control her temper. 
There was a tense atmosphere surrounding the campsite for the rest of the afternoon and all of you tiptoed around Katara as you tried to not set her off. Things only got worse when Katara attempted to apologize and Toph made a comment about how tired she seemed. Katara’s eyes twitched for the next few minutes. Night fell soon enough and you found yourself drifting off to sleep, only to be awoken by Toph’s voice.
“There’s something coming towards us!”
“What are you talking about, shortcake,” you grumbled, rubbing your eyes as you sat up. Toph gave you an irritated look.
“What is it?” Aang asked.
“It feels like an avalanche, but not an avalanche,” Toph replied, pressing her hand against the ground.
“Your powers of perception are frightening,” Sokka said sarcastically, smiling down at you when you hit him softly. 
“Should we leave?” Katara asked worriedly.
“Better safe than sorry,” Aang replied, already packing up his stuff. The rest of you followed his lead, climbing onto Appa and taking off. You sat next to Sokka, digging your face into the crook of his neck as you tried to relax. Sokka could feel his heartbeat speed up as he looked down at you, blushing when he noticed Aang’s knowing gaze. 
“What is that thing?” Katara asked, gazing at something in the distance. Sokka followed her gaze, being careful not to disturb your position. Down below, a tank-like machine was making its way through the land. No one answered Katara and soon enough, they landed. 
Toph was the first one to hop down from Appa, sighing in relief as her “sight” returned to her. “Ah, sweet land! See you guys in the morning!”
“Actually, can you help us unload?” Katara asked as you all made your way down to the ground.
“Really?” Toph asked in disbelief. “You need me to unload Sokka’s funky-smelling sleeping bag?”
You let out a laugh at Toph’s words, biting your lip when Sokka looked at you in mock-anger. 
“Well, yeah,” Katara said lightly. “That and everything else. You’re a part of our team now and-”
“Look! I didn’t ask you to help unload my stuff,” Toph interrupted Katara. “I’m carrying my own weight!”
“That’s not the point!” Katara cried angrily, taking a step towards Toph. “Ever since you’ve joined us, you’ve been nothing but selfish and unhelpful!”
“What?” Toph screeched. “Look here, sugar queen. I gave up everything I had so that I could teach Aang earthbending. So don’t you talk to me about being selfish!”
“Should we stop them?” you asked sleepily, leaning against Sokka’s side. Sokka looked down at you, smiling as you yawned before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. Aang and Sokka flinched as Toph raised another earth tent around herself, blocking Katara out. 
“Maybe we should do something,” Aang said nervously. 
Sokka looked at his sister before glancing as you, your arms now wrapped tightly around him as well as you rested your head on his chest. “Nah, I’m fine just watching the show.”
Aang smiled at the sight in front of him before walking away, ready to try and calm Katara down. Sokka gently led you over to the sleeping bags, gently setting you down before turning to walk away. Your hand shot out, grasping the sleeve of his shirt and bringing him to a stop. 
“Stay,” you mumbled, your words slurred by sleep. “You’re warm.”
Sokka looked around hesitantly before letting himself be dragged down by you. He settled into the space next to you and you automatically drifted closer to him, burying your face into his chest once again. His arms wrapped around you, bringing you close and causing you to sigh softly as you felt his warmth envelope you. 
Of course, good things never last long and as soon as Sokka found himself drifting off to sleep, the ground began to shake. 
“Hey!” he called out, sitting up and looking at Toph. “How’s a guy supposed to sleep with all this earthquaking going on?”
“The thing is back!” Toph cried, letting her tent fall. 
“Well how far is it?” Sokka mumbled, laying back down and holding you close. “Maybe we can close our eyes for just a few more minutes.”
“I don’t think so Sokka,” Aang replied sadly, noticing the smoke cloud that seemed to be getting closer. 
You whimpered softly as Sokka untangled himself from you, earning yourself a soft look from the Water Tribe boy. “Sorry (Y/N/N), we have to go.”
You all boarded Appa, eyes drooping as you flew over the mountainous terrain. You leaned against Sokka yet again, curling up on the saddle with your head in his lap. His hands ran through your hair, lulling you into a hazy, half-asleep state.
“Seriously, what is that thing?” Katara asked.
“And how does it keep finding us?” Toph added.
“I don’t know,” Aang said, the bags under his eyes more prominent. “But this time, I’m going to make sure we lose it.”
Appa flew a great distance before landing. Sokka immediately climbed off of the sky bison, spreading a blanket and laying down with you as the two of you ignored the arguing. Aang was playing mediator again, trying to calm the two girls down while asking the right questions. 
“Come on guys, there's something after us and we don't even know what or who it is.”
“It could be Zuko,” Katara mumbled. “We haven’t seen him since the North Pole.”
“Who’s Zuko?” Toph asked, her interest piqued. 
“Just some angry freak with a ponytail who’s tracked us all over the world,” Sokka muttered in response, rolling on to his back when you sat up. 
“What’s wrong with ponytails, ponytail?” Katara asked teasingly. You bit back a smile.
“This,” Sokka said, pointing at his hair. “Is a warrior’s wolf tail!”
“Well it certainly tells the other warriors you’re fun and perky!” Katara joked. You couldn’t hold your laugh back this time. 
“Zuko is the prince of the Fire Nation,” you explained to Toph. “He was banished by his father, the Fire Lord, and sent on a quest to capture the Avatar.”
“How do you know that, princess?” Toph asked.
“Gossip travels quickly in the colonies, shortcake,” you replied, laying back down and curling into Sokka’s side. The peace and quiet didn’t last long and soon enough, you found yourselves standing on the edge of the cliff. Aang wanted to see who was in the tank-like machine, and so you found yourselves staring unamusedly as three komodo-rhinos emerged from the machine. 
“It’s Azula,” you whispered, suddenly wide awake. “And Mai and Ty Lee.”
“We can take them,” Toph said, suddenly determined. “Four on three.”
“Actually Toph, there’s five of us,” Sokka said, annoyed.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t count you,” Toph replied, not sounding sorry at all. “You know, no bending and all.”
“(Y/N) can’t bend either!” Sokka proclaimed, ignoring Top’s questioning gaze. “And I can still fight.”
“Okay, four on three, plus Sokka,” Toph said, a smirk on her face.
Sokka’s groan was ignored as Toph tried to slow down the girls to give everyone enough time to reach Appa. The sky bison flew away immediately, missing a plume of blue fire from Azula. You stayed in the air for a while, all of you wincing when the sun began to rise. The tiredness was getting to you and you leaned against the saddle, closing your eyes for just a minute. 
The next time you opened your eyes you were falling. 
“Aang!” you yelled loudly, waking Toph. 
“What’s going on?” Toph asked frantically. 
“Appa fell asleep!” Aang yelled back, a panicked look on his face. He did his best to wake the sky bison up as the rest of you clung onto the saddle. You reached for Toph, pulling her close as she tried to not panic. Appa leveled out for a few seconds as Aang managed to wake him up. He flew closer and closer to the ground, the exhaustion getting to him before he crashed into the ground. 
You landed on the ground roughly, toppling off of the saddle. You were still clutching Toph in your arms, letting her go as she scrambled to her feet.
“You okay, shortcake?” you asked warily, knowing that being in the air was daunting for Toph.
“Just peachy, princess,” she grumbled back. “Thanks.”
You didn’t reply, instead focusing on Katara who was now back to yelling. “Of course we could’ve gotten some sleep earlier, if Toph didn’t have such issues.”
The earthbender went red with anger before stomping over to Katara. “What?!”
Sokka sidled up to you as the argument grew. “What should we do?”
“I don’t know anymore,” you groaned, flopping onto the ground. You listened lazily as Toph insulted Appa, blaming his shedding as the reason Azula kept finding you. You couldn’t help but agree with her; Appa was losing a lot of fur. 
“That’s it!” Toph suddenly yelled. “I’m out of here!”
You shot up straight, running to stop the girl. “Toph, wait. Don’t do this.”
“No!” Toph said, pushing you to the side. “I know when I’m not wanted.”
She stomped away, sending a wall of rock up behind her to prevent anyone from going after her. You turned to Aang, a disbelieving expression on your face. “Aang! Why?”
Aang sat on the ground, upset. “What did I just do? I can’t believe I just yelled at my earthbending teacher! Now she’s gone.”
“I know,” Katara said sorrowfully. “We’re all just trying to get used to each other. And I was so mean to her.”
“Yeah, you two were pretty much jerks,” Sokka said, coming up beside you and throwing his arm over your shoulder. 
Katara gave him a dull look. “Thanks Sokka.”
“No problem!”
“We need to find Toph and apologize,” you said, meeting Aang’s sad gaze. 
“Okay, but what are we going to do about the tank full of dangerous ladies chasing us?” Sokka asked.
Aang bent down and picked up a handful of fur before letting the wind blow it away. “I have a plan.”
The plan consisted of you giving Appa a bath. 
The sky bison grunted happily as you and Sokka brushed him, Aang and Katara bending water to douse the bison. Momo was lounging around on your head, occasionally flying away when the water got too close to him. Appa was napping happily as he sat in the river, letting the four of you do your thing. Once you were done, the four of you lounged on the riverbank, watching as Appa dried himself off. 
“Toph was right,” Aang said, breaking the silence. “The fur was leaving a trail right to us. But now that he’s clean, no more trail!”
“Are you sure he’s okay to fly?” Katara asked quietly. You all turned to look at the sky bison, his eyes drooping with exhaustion. 
“He'll be fine as long as we leave his saddle and all our stuff here,” Aang said. “I'm going to use Appa's fur to make a fake trail to lead the tank off-course. (Y/N) will come with me and you two will lead them away!”
The four of you separated as you readied yourselves, with you walking down to the river to splash water on your face to wake yourself up. You stiffened as you felt someone stand next to you, relaxing when you realized it was Sokka. 
“Stay safe out there, okay?” Sokka stated, his eyes peering intensely into yours. You nodded silently.
“You too,” you finally replied, trying to calm your heart as you noticed Sokka step closer. “We can’t have either of you getting hurt because we still have to find Toph.”
Sokka nodded before cupping your cheeks and pressing his lips to yours. You let out a strangled gasp, your breath hitching in your throat as you realized what was happening. You kissed back urgently, your heart racing incredibly fast. Sokka smiled into the kiss at your reaction before pulling away. “Be careful.”
You opened your mouth to reply before being cut off by Aang, who was standing a few feet away and had witnessed the whole thing. “Hey! Are you two ready to go?”
Katara stood next to the Air Nomad, a small smirk on her face as she took in her brother’s blushing face. She couldn’t deny that she wasn’t too fond of the Fire Nation, but you had proven yourself to them various times. If you made her brother happy, who was she to argue. 
You swallowed harshly, nodding softly before walking over to Aang. The four of you said your goodbyes before the Water Tribe siblings climbed onto Appa, holding on tightly as they set off without the saddle. You stood there with Aang, watching them disappear before you turned and set off down the other path. 
“So,” Aang said a while later, dropping a clump of Appa’s hair onto the ground before repeating the same words from a few days ago. “You and Sokka huh?”
Aang’s laugh rang out loudly as he was met with a groan from you. 
After a while, you and Aang found yourselves sitting in the middle of a road in an abandoned town. Neither one of you spoke, both of you way too exhausted and anxious for the fight you knew was about to come. The sun was setting, covering the both of you in a subtle glow as you awaited the arrival of the Fire Nation Princess. In the distance, you could see something moving and you straightened, nudging Aang with your elbow in the process. 
A mongoose lizard became visible as it neared, a cloud of dust surrounding the animal as it hurried. The princess dismounted, her feet landing on the dusty ground, a clump of fur being crushed under her foot. Aang looked at her tiredly, glancing at you to see a hard glare on your face. 
“Alright, you’ve caught up to us, Azula,” he said calmly. “What now?”
“You know who I am?” Azula asked, mildly surprised. She glanced at you, cocking an eyebrow before turning her attention back to Aang. “Of course you do. (Y/N) always did ruin the surprises.”
You stayed quiet, your gaze never leaving Azula. 
“Now? Now, it's over. You're tired and you have no place to go,” Azula continued. “You can run, but I'll catch you.”
“I’m not running,” Aang stated, determined to make his stand. Azula nodded in satisfaction, her eyes drifting over to you before she tilted her head in a silent question. 
“Neither am I,” you said, standing up. Azula smirked, brushing her bangs to the side as she noticed the way you gripped your sword.
“Do you really want to fight me?” Azula asked, taking a step towards you. 
“Yes I do!”
“Zuko!” you and Aang yelled at the same time, eyes widening as they landed on the young prince. His ponytail was gone, his hair shorter than it had been in a long time. 
“I was wondering when you’d show up, Zuzu,” Azula remarked. 
“Zuzu?” Aang asked, trying to stifle his laughter. You let your laugh out, drawing Zuko’s attention to you. 
“(Y/N)!” he called out, taking a step forward before being blocked by the princess. “Back off, Azula. He’s mine!”
“I’m not going anywhere,” she replied, getting ready to fight. There was tense silence for a minute, the four of you looking at each other as you waited for someone to strike. You noticed Azula’s arm twitch and you lunged forwards, using the flat side of your sword to move her arm as she fired off a blue blast at Zuko. 
You landed in front of Zuko, blocking him from Azula as you held your sword out. Azula’s shocked expression easily melted away, being replaced by one of annoyance. She raised her hand to strike once more, turning away from you when she realized Aang was attempting to fly away. 
“Not so fast,” she growled, sending a stream of fire towards the young boy. You were too late to block her, watching worriedly as Aang went down. You were knocked down as Azula ran after Aang, Zuko following closely behind her. You stuck your leg out, managing to trip Zuko and laughing as he fell face first. 
The two of you sprung to your feet quickly, watching each other with wary eyes. You glanced behind Zuko worriedly, noticing that Aang and Azula had disappeared. Shaking your head, you brought your gaze back to Zuko. At least you could hold back one of the troublesome Fire Nation siblings. 
“Why are you doing this?” Zuko asked, breaking the silence as he lunged at you. You ducked uner his arm, hitting his back with the flat of your sword and sending him sprawling onto the ground. 
“You know why, Zuko,” you replied. “Aang is the only one who can end this war! Why are you doing this?”
“I need to regain my honor,” Zuko stated simply, brushing himself off before throwing himself at you again. The fight went on for a while, the two of you too well-versed with each other’s fighting styles for either one of you to get the upper hand. It was just like when you were children, the two of you dancing around each other as you tried to find each other’s weak spots. The fight ended when Zuko sent a blast of fire at you, hitting the ground before you and sending you flying. 
A loud ‘oof’ left your lips as you crashed into the side of a building, debris falling all around you and trapping you. You caught sight of Zuko’s apologetic glance before he ran away, shaking his head as he left. You didn’t know how long you were stuck there, hearing the blasts and explosions that were most likely a result of the two siblings. 
“Katara!” Aang’s voice cried out faintly. Your struggle lessened slightly, knowing that Aang now had help. You kept trying to push the debris off of you, gasping lightly when it was all suddenly thrown off of you. 
“Need a hand, princess?”
You looked up to see a smirking Toph, sighing in relief when you realized you were free. Thanks, shortcake.”
Toph’s smirk turned into a scow and she turned away from you, ready to join the battle. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now let’s go kick some butt!”
You followed the small girl to the heart of the town, noticing Katara and Sokka fighting alongside Aang. They were trying to gang up on Azula, a plan you knew would fail. The princess sent an arc of fire out, throwing them all backwards. Without hesitation, you threw yourself at Azula, ignoring the shocked yells from your friends. You tackled the princess, the two of you rolling as you each tried to get the upper hand. You stood up first, noticing that you were a few yards away from your friends. Azula stood up quickly, smiling maniacally as she met your eyes before composing herself. 
“Well (Y/N/N), that’s no way to greet me is it?” Azula taunted, fire dancing among her fingertips. She angled her body away from you, ready to head back to the group. She was stopped when you smacked her calf with your sword. 
“Leave them alone Zula,” you said. She turned to you, her eyebrow raised. “Just me and you. Maybe this time you can finally prove you’re better than me.”
Your words caused her eye to twitch and you smiled, relieved that you had gotten her attention. She turned to face you completely, her fire growing as she took a menacing step towards you. 
“(Y/N)! What are you doing?” Katara shouted. You glanced at the group, noticing all of them (except Toph) looking at you worriedly. “You’re gonna get hurt!”
You ignored Katara’s words, deciding to strike first. Your sword came down towards Azula quickly, causing the younger girl to dodge and roll away. She snarled as she realized you had cut off a few locks of hair, looking at you with disdain. She rushed at you, aiming a blast at your chest. You stood your ground, ignoring your friends’ panicked shouts. You sidestepped slightly, once again bringing up the flat of your blade to move her arm off course like you had earlier. 
The fight continued like that, with Azula getting more and more angry as you kept blocking her hits. She got the upper hand when you jumped up, landing badly on your ankle and stumbling. Azula’s blast grazed your arm, causing you to collapse to the ground before you rolled over and leapt back up to your feet.
“C’mon!” Azula screamed, stalking closer to you. “Bend at me! Do it! Prove that you’re the best.”
Your eyes widened at her words, backing away as her fire began to spark. Your friends exchanged confused looks at Azula’s words. You weren’t a bender, you had proven that already. They watched as Azula’s attacks became fiercer, turning into lightning as she got closer to you.
“Bend at me!” Azula shouted again. “You can’t prove you’re the best without your fire. I refuse to be bested by you if you’re not giving it your all!”
She lunged at you and you brought your leg up, kicking her in the chest. She tumbled back, yelling in frustration at your actions. She ran at you again, this time being tossed to the side by a fire blast as Zuko ran in. He turned to face you and the two of you stood silently, watching each other with sad eyes. He crouched down, flames engulfing his hand as he prepared to fight you as well. 
“Prince Zuko,” Iroh’s voice rang out. “Don’t.”
“Why not?” Zuko answered brashly. “I’ll show her how much my bending has improved. We’re finally on the same level.”
The fight was over before it began as Azula stood back up. Everyone crowded around, much more focused on the girl than the fight that was about to take place. She looked at all of you, her eyes lingering on the burn she had left on your arm. She smirked, holding her hands up in surrender. 
“Well look at this,” Azula said, her gaze drifting from person to person. “Enemies and traitors working together. I’m done. I know when I’m beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honor, isn’t that right (Y/N/N)?”
You froze, watching her carefully as you tried to catch the double meaning in her words. You felt Iroh’s eyes on you, carefully watching as you stared down Azula. Everyone was tense, looking at Azula even though she was only staring at you. You heard Toph let out a tiny gasp, knowing that you were right. 
It happened in a second. Azula stepped forwards and aimed a bolt of lightning at Iroh. You had already predicted her move and threw yourself into the lightning’s way, ready to take the hit. Your plan failed however, when you were pulled back by someone.
“N-No!” you yelled struggling against the person’s hold. A large blast went off as everyone else attacked Azula, dust going everywhere. 
“Stop struggling (Y/N/N),” Zuko whispered into your ear, holding you tightly as you watched Iroh twitch as the lightning ran through his body. 
Everyone went silent when they realized Azula had disappeared, turning to see Iroh on the ground and you sobbing into Zuko’s chest as he held you tightly. 
“Let me go!” you cried, weakly punching Zuko. “Zu, please. He’s i-injured.”
“Take her and leave,” Zuko said, pushing you away from him and towards Sokka. Tears were beginning to stream down his face as he knelt down besides Iroh and hugged him. 
“Zuko, I can help,” Katara said softly, stepping closer. She was stopped when he sent out an arc of fire, sending them all stumbling back. 
“Leave!” Zuko shouted gruffly. They complied, walking away as you struggled against Sokka’s fold.
“Zu! Please, Zu!” you yelled out. “Let them help Iroh. Please.”
No one listened to you, instead choosing to pull you away from the injured general and the prince. By the time you had reached Appa, your sobs had lessened. The short flight was silent, the only sound being your occasional hiccups. You landed on a mountain, far away from anyone else. It was quiet; almost peaceful. However that didn’t last long and soon enough, you found yourself being pinned to the rocks behind you by Katara. 
“What was that?” she hissed. Her hold wasn’t strong and she looked more worried than upset. Aang’s eyes were wide as he stared at the two of you.
“Katara! What are you doing?” Sokka squawked, coming up to his sister and trying to pull her off of you. She dug her forearm into your throat just a little bit harder.
“Don’t defend her, Sokka!” Katara yelled out, her eyes still sad. “You heard what they said. She’s a bender.”
“No I’m not” you said, trying to push Katara’s eyes away. “I’ve already told you guys everything!”
“She’s lying,” Toph’s voice rang out. Everyone turned to look at her in confusion. She sighed before elaborating. “When someone lies, their heart speeds up. I can hear it with my feet.”
Everyone’s attention turned back to you, Katara’s stare hard this time. “So you’ve been lying. I knew we couldn’t trust anyone from the Fire Nation. I bet (Y/N) isn’t even your real name!”
“It is,” you whispered softly. You slipped out of Katara’s hold, handing her your sword before sitting down. “Look, I may have lied about who I am but I promise you that I was honest about my intentions. I really do want to help Aang defeat the Fire Lord.”
They all looked at Toph, who simply nodded softly. You weren’t lying. Katara crossed her arms, standing in front of you and taking a deep breath. “Tell us everything. Now.”
“Look, I told you my name. I didn’t tell you my title,” you said. You could feel everyone’s curious stares on you. Taking a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself for what you were about to say before looking up.
“My name is (Y/N), Crown Princess of the Fire Nation.”
atla: @musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​​, @aangsupremacy​, @iguessthefloorislava​​, @dekahg​​, @boxofteenageideas​​, @bottledcostcowater​​, @butterflycore​​, @coldlilheart​​, @the-firebender-girl​​, @ajediherowitchrunner​​, @lammello​​, @astroninaaa​​, @samsmultifandomblogs​​, @sadskater25, @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak​​, @eternallyvenus​​, @emberislandplayers​​, @sunflowerazula​​, @moonnei​​, @stilllivindue2spite​, @knaite-solo​, @riespage​, @wastelandbbyg​
pwf: @ilovespideyyy, @binaryssunsets, @a—-rag, @existing-but-nonexistent, @milk-n-cheese, @itsthatsadbitch, @nin-tendou, @honey-ruel, @reclusive-chicken-nugget​, @teenbiology​, @davnwillcome​, @fandomarchiveilyd​, @minninugget​, @sukifans​, @nugget-barnes​, @vintageroses1014516, @donteatmycookiesplease​, @fanficdepot​, @birdlovinghyena​, @cipheress-to-k-pop​, @my--shitty--art​, @woohoney​, @castalette​, @lozzybowe​, @spacelesbianfanclub​, @macymafia​, @deadsunflower01​
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Spencer x Reader
Requested?: YES
Word Count: 2264
Warnings: Mentions of unsub, guns, violence, hurt/comfort, panic attack
A/N: SORRY! I kind of got carried away with the prompt from anon
* * * * *
If there was one thing that no one on the team knew about you, it was your extreme claustrophobia. Small spaces, dark corners, the whole nine-yards would set your off in a heartbeat. Especially if you had to share the space with someone else. 
No one knows. Not even Spencer. 
Who you’ve been dating. 
For almost a year. 
It stemmed from your childhood. Your parents had both died in a house fire when you were young, seven, to be exact. So when they were no longer there to take care of you, your uncle took you in and raised you as if you were already a trouble maker. 
There was a closet in your uncle’s house about four feet high and three feet by three feet as the interior. Relatively small. Whenever you needed to be punished of have anything done, you were locked in the closet. Some nights, he would be so wasted or hyped up on weed that he’d forget about you in there, leaving you overnight to fend for your food and bathroom situation. 
For eleven years that was the only form of correction that he’d give you, until you left. You got out of there as soon as you were eighteen. 
Which is why the current case put you in a sort of predicament. You aren’t in any sort of danger, at least not immediately, but the unsub had capture you and Spencer. He locked the both of you in a dark metal box. It must have been an old shipping container, since you’d chased the perpetrator into an abandoned warehouse. 
“Y/N?” Spencer’s voice was rough. The two of you had been drugged, just now waking up from the chloroform-induced sleep. In passing, you wondered if this was going to react badly with Spencer’s previous, forced-drug abuse. “Are you in here?”
“Y-Yeah. Spence... where-”
“I don’t know.”
You feel him shift beside you, not being able to see him due to the pitch blackness of the storage container. A moment later you feel a presence directly beside you and jump slightly. “Wh-”
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. Just my hand. I’m trying to gauge how wide this box is.” His voice sounds much too composed for the current situation. “Judging by the fact that I’m six foot one and my wingspan is about that same length, combined with the unfortunate reality that about three feet of my arms cannot stretch out, I’m going to guess that we are in a three by three foot container. The metallic sounds of my nails hitting the wall,” he drums his fingers a bit to show you, “means that this is a thicker metal, which translates to: no phone service.” He pauses for a second and hears the sound of your whimpering from directly in front of him. “Y/N?”
Your anxieties have been building up since you had come to your senses just a few moments before Spencer. You didn’t want to think about the fact that you were stuck in a small, dark, damp container, much like the closet from your childhood. You didn’t want to think about how you and Spencer had a shared, limited amount of air. You didn’t want to face that reality, but Spencer wouldn’t stop talking. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Spencer grabbed your hand, but you jerked away quickly, hyperventilating as your thoughts raced in your head. 
“I-No. I c-can’t. Spence- I can’t b-breathe. Please. Oh my- I can’t. I can’t.” Your words stutter out and they’re progressively getting more desperate. 
Spencer’s eyes furrow and he shakes his head, not that you could see the confusion written in his body language though in the darkness. 
“Y/N. We’re not running out of oxygen yet,” your breathing still came out in sharp pants, not relaxing by his words. “Judging by the burning alcoholic smell in my nose, and the fact that we woke up about seven minutes ago, lack of oxygen in this container, which has an area of 27 inches times three,” he works through the math in his head for a moment, “won’t be a concern for another 113 minutes.”
“No, no, no...” You whimper to yourself, murmuring no in hopes that your denial can magically open the container. “NO! I c-can’t- It’s not- Spence- it’s small... there’s no- I can’t...”
You interrupt yourself with quiet sobs, willing Spencer to understand what your problem is so you don’t have to try and explain it in your state. 
“Y/N? Are you- is this claustrophobia?” His voice is soft, trailing off at the end. He knows that panic attacks are a consistent sign of things like phobias and mental health disorders, but you’d never given him a reason to associate it to you. 
You nod your head, forgetting that he can’t see you until he repeats your name to try and prompt an answer. 
“Y-yes. I know. It’s dumb- I just... I can’t. Spence- It’s not. I just need- I can’t breathe.”
Spencer lowers his voice to a gentle lull, being careful not to startle you as he talks. “Y/N, I’m going to approach you. I’m going to rest my hand on your face, and I’m going to grab your right hand with my left, okay?”
Again, you nod first before answering him vocally, “Yeah, yes.” 
Spencer’s shoulders droop slightly, hearing the hitching in your voice mixed with the relief that you’ll let him help you. You feel a shift in the container as he switched from sitting to kneeling in front of you. He does exactly what he said he would and slowly, you sense him getting closer to you. After a moment of that, your chest heaves, your brain not allowing you to get a full breath in before it thinks you’re being attacked. His hand rests on your face then and he gently puts pressure on the back of your neck, alternating pressures with each of his fingers individually. 
“Can you feel me?” He asks gently, cooing into your ear in an attempt to calm you down. 
Not having words, you just shake your head. You don’t. You know that it’s there, but right now everything is just too much. There’s too much in your head, too many distractions running through your brain. 
Spencer reaches forward with his other hand and grabs your right hand like he said that he was going to. He places your hand over his heart, leaving his hand there when he did. 
“Y/N, you’re okay. We’re okay. I promise.”
It broke his heart to see you shattering like this. Something that Spencer had admired so, so much in you before you started dating was your fearlessness. Now it seemed like that was being torn away from you.  
Spencer rested his forehead against yours and sighed to himself as he kept his ministrations going on the back of your neck. 
Your breath hitched as you started to calm down. The hand on his chest clutched his once-nice shirt in your hand. It was wrinkled from the vice-like grip, but Spencer wouldn’t have cared. He just wants you to be okay. 
“S-Spencer, I can’t... I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe, I can’t-” Your desperate words devolved into short pants, strangled whines as you doubled over yourself, trying to find something to anchor yourself to.
“Y/N! Hey, hey, hey. Y/N it’s okay. You’re safe. You’re safe, I promise.” Spencer didn’t know what to do. His heart was breaking for you; he hated the way you were shaking so badly, and sobbing so openly. 
You sat there a few minutes with Spencer trying to calm you down. Eventually, your breathing calmed to quiet pants and hitches, and you subconsciously leaned into his hand that was cradling your face. 
You were stilled curled up, still in no position to open your eyes and look around. 
“... ‘m sorry, Spence...” You were exhausted now. There was no way you’d be able to stay awake much longer. 
“Y/N? Why are you apologizing? It’s okay to have fears. It’s okay to have crippling panic attacks. Did you know, at my niece’s birthday party last year she had a clown come?” He pauses for a second, not really expecting you to answer yet. He continues, “ Anyways, I’m deathly afraid of clowns. And this guy popped up behind me to surprise all of the children. Long story short, I had to leave early because I punched the guy in the face.”
For the first time since you two had been captured, you huffed out a short laugh. Breathlessly, you asked, “You punched a birthday clown? Oh my God, Spence.”
Spencer’s shoulders finally dropped, the tension releasing as he saw that you were slowly getting better. “Yeah, it was a catastrophe in itself.”
Reaching over, you grabbed Spencer’s hand off of his chest and held it close to your face. You snuggled up to him, ignoring the fact that he is your co-worker and this is wrong. 
“Yes, Y/N?”
You sigh slightly before asking your question. “Is the team going to come for us?”
“Oh, sweetheart... Of course. Yes. They will come for us.” 
Spencer squeezed your hand in an attempt at reassurance. He could tell that your eyelids were drooping and that you were fighting to stay awake after your panic attack. 
“Get some rest, Y/N. I’ll wake you up when you need to be alert, okay?” His voice is soft as he speaks to you. 
Your eyes were finally closing, you hadn’t even responded to his request before you were drifting. 
The sound of gun shots hitting the side of the container wakes you up quickly, jerking you out of your sleeping state. 
“Spencer?!” You exclaim, sitting up fast as you tried to adjust to the darkness to look at your teammate. 
“I’m here, I’m right here.” His hand finds yours again and he subtly tugs your closer to him, trying to keep you out of harms way of a stray bullet. 
More gunshots follow, the sound of them hitting the space around you too loud, causing you to throw your hands over your ears. 
You only pull them away when you feel a hard flinch from beside you. From Spencer. 
“Spencer..? Spence?” You flip around fast, seeing his pained face. 
You can see him. 
You shouldn’t be able to see him. You were in an enclosed space... A box... No windows. 
Except for the inch-wide hole right in front of Spencer. 
The whole from the bullet. 
That was lodged in his arm. 
Spencer’s arm. 
“No... No, no, no. NO!” Without thinking, you press against the wound in his shoulder. Too close to his clavicle. Too close to him. It’s second nature to you, but even so, you whisper sorries to him ever minute for causing him pain. 
Distantly, you notice that the gunfire had died down. The only sounds now were your dry sobs and Spencer’s labored breathing. His pained groans. Because he was shot.
“Spencer, please. Please, please stay with me. Stay with me damn it. Spence!” You can’t even tell what you were saying anymore, you just knew that you were stringing pleas from your lips to your boyfriend. 
His blood was all over your hands, spilling onto the ground. He was shaking as he reached up to grab your arm. 
“Y/N... It’s okay. I’m- It’s fine.” You chose to ignore how he didn’t say that he was fine. “It’s okay. Do you h-hear that? It’s Hotch and JJ. I’m okay.”
Suddenly, you feel even worse about the anxieties from a few hours ago. Compared to this, it seemed even less important and relevant than it had then. 
“I don’t... I don’t-” You break off, covering your mouth to keep in a louder sob. Thinking, you realize that if he wants to think that the help is here, then you need to let him. In the chance that he doesn’t-
NO. You will not think about that. 
“Yeah, Spence. I hear them. They’re rounding the corner now.” 
Your tears fall openly now, with Spencer holding your hand and the dim light from the middle of the day shining through that small hole. That tiny hole that might have decided your boyfriend’s fate. 
Sure enough though, your boss runs into view of the hole and you almost let out a sob of relief. Keeping the pressure on Spencer’s shoulder, you feel him tense beneath you. “Stay awake, Reid. You stay awake. Hear me?”
He nods his head weakly just as Hotch opens the lid. Immediately, you stand up and he helps you up before sending medics in to help Spencer. As soon as you’re out of the confinements, you collapse to the ground, the reality of the situation finally hitting you. 
You knew you’d have to tell the team about your claustrophobia when it was reported in the debrief, but for now, you didn’t have any worries other than Spencer. 
You knew he was going to be okay as soon as you sat in the back of the ambulance with him and he started spewing off facts about the likelihood of a gunshot wound to the left arm below any arteries was to do any serious damage. According to him, the number was low, so you knew that if he slept it off and got the bullet removed in time, he would be just fine. 
Silently, you mouth ‘I love you’ to Reid, him already knowing it was coming. He said it back before falling into a deep, adrenaline-crash sleep, you tucking your head right next to him and doing the same thing, hoping for a better tomorrow. 
123 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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Ch 20- Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Summary: Frank and Fliss head off for their trip to Vermont…
Warnings:  Bad Language words, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  WOOHOOO MY MOJO IS BACK! And who better than to bring it back than FRISS! This one’s a LONG update, and I would say I’m sorry, but I’m not!!! I hope you all enjoy!! Happy New Year! Gotta thank @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ for her Vermont knowledge that helped pull this all together.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 19
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“How many times have you read that now?” Fliss asked as Frank pulled the well-worn copy of ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’ from the small carry-on bag.
“I have no idea.” Frank shrugged as he kicked the bag under the seat in front of him.
“It’s at least five in the time we’ve been together.”
“Well it’s my favourite.” Frank looked at her. “You know you should give it a go.”
“What’s it about and don’t say a man searching for meaning.” Fliss cut off his sarcastic response before he could utter a word and he chuckled.
“It’s about a guy in a Nazi concentration camp.” Frank explained. “It describes his psychotherapeutic method which involved identifying a purpose in life to feel positive about, and then actively imagining the outcome. Basically how meaning of life is found in every moment of living and that life never ceases to have a meaning, even in suffering and death.”
“So, light reading then.” Fliss snorted and Frank gave a chuckle.
“I used to recommend it to my second year students.” His fingers traced the cover gently. “One of the modules on the Metaphysics side of things focussed on Ontology which is the study of the nature of being, existence or reality, so to speak, which linked into the Philosophy of mind and studying mental properties, consciousness and the relationship that has to the physical body in particularly the brain.” He rambled off as he looked at Fliss. “The book has it all. It’s the reason I decided to study Philosophy and not Math”
Fliss smiled at him, her head cocking to one side. “You sound so passionate about it.”
“Well, I enjoyed it.” He let out a deep breath. “Safe to say Mother wasn’t a fan. She was, and is still, far too logically minded. She preferred the study of mathematical problems as oppose to fundamental ones concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values and mind…” he trailed off “Maybe a little part of it was rebellion, I don’t know.”
“Do you miss it?” Fliss asked.
Frank took a deep breath “Honestly, yeah, sometimes.” He shrugged. “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about going back but I wouldn’t even know where to start now. It’s been almost 10 years since I taught, the techniques will have all moved on.”
“Sure it wouldn’t take you too long to pick it up again.”
“I’m happy as I am, honey.” He smiled.“Maybe when I get older…”
“How much older do you wanna be?” Fliss teased “I mean you’re 40 next year.”
Frank shot her a look and she laughed, her hand squeezing his knee, but before he could reply the PA cut in and the Pilot spoke to them, announcing that they would soon be ready to commence their flight. It wasn’t long after that before they were asked by one of the hostesses to fasten their seat belts and the plane jolted as it pulled away from the stand and set off taxying to the runway.
Frank needn’t have bothered with his book after all, as their chat just continued as it usually did, and a beer or two later they were both surprised when the Captain announced the approach into Philly. By the time they’d gotten off the plane and made their way through the transfer line, they actually only had half an hour or so to spare so they grabbed a quick coffee each and made their way to the gate ready for the final leg. At quarter-to-three in the evening they touched down in Vermont and Frank didn’t miss the excitement in Fliss’ eyes as she turned to him and uttered one simple word through her grin.
He chuckled and took her hand, pressing a gentle kiss to the skin below her knuckles, keeping his fingers laced into hers as they waited for the plane to come to a halt at the stand before they stood up. Frank stretched his arms above his head, flinching a little as Fliss reached out to tickle the strip of skin on his belly that had appeared thanks to his sweater riding up slightly. He grabbed her hand and arched an eyebrow as she giggled.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Cowgirl.” His voice dropped a little and it sent shivers down her spine as she bit her lip, peeking up at him with innocent eyes. Eventually, the line in the aisle started to move and Frank thanked a man who stopped to let them out, his hand warm on Fliss’ back as he guided her in front of him, dropping a kiss to her cheek as they made their way off the plane and into the airport.
By the time they’d gotten their luggage, which miraculously had made its way through without going missing,  and picked the hire car up it was almost half-three. Frank tossed their bags into the trunk of the shiny grey Ford Explorer as Fliss made her way to the passenger’s side.
“Oh my God it’s so cold!” she grinned as Frank climbed in to the seat beside her.
He laughed as he adjusted his seat “Dur, snow.”
Fliss rolled her eyes and set about retrieving the email confirmation she had on her phone. She keyed in the GPS and Frank gave her a quick smile before they set off.  The forty-five minute drive was full of laughter and an air of childish excitement. Fliss had settled on the Moscow area of Stowe, Vermont as it was less than fifteen minutes to the Ben and Jerry’s factory, and also within thirty minutes from the Smuggler's Notch resort for the weekly fireworks display. On Friday night they were heading out to the Ice Castles at Woodstock. That had been a total stroke of luck as the attraction normally closed early march but due to a slight delay in the opening this season thanks to some 'technical difficulties', whatever that meant, their last weekend open coincided with this one. Fliss had booked the five thirty to six pm time slot as recommended by Jake who had been with his kids the previous year, meaning they would be inside when it lit up.
The sun was starting to set as Frank pulled off Route 89 and they got a glimpse of the town for the first time. It didn’t escape Fliss as to how festive it looked, like a scene straight from a Christmas card with the snow-capped rooves on the red buildings and the bright white spire of the church. It was another ten minutes or so before Frank turned onto the road where their lodge was and Fliss pointed suddenly as she spotted the one they were looking for.
“That’s it. Adams Mill Cottage.”
Slowing down, Frank pulled up on the drive and cut the engine, the pair of them looking at their home for the next few nights. It was gorgeous. Set back off the road, someone had been and cleared a path from the drive to the door. The rear outside porch area which bent round the property in an L-shape was lit up with strings of rope and fairy lights, and Frank could see the steam rising from the hot tub as it snaked from under the covers, nestling in the privacy and shade of the hilly area the house was flush too, the rest of the private yard area was closed off by a wooden fence.
“Looks even better in real life than on the photos.” Fliss grinned. Frank looked at her, and she gave a little squeal of excitement before she yanked open the door another exclamation about it being cold hit his ears before the door shut behind him. Shaking his head at her enthusiasm he let out a little chuckle before he stepped out and followed her to the door where she was already working at the key safe, keying in the code she’d gotten on the confirmation. Frank grabbed the bags from the trunk and headed over to where Fliss was now unlocking the door. They both stepped inside what was to be their home for the next few nights, stamping their feet off on the mat before Frank closed the door.
“Wow…” Fliss muttered as she looked around, the smell of an open wood fire cascaded around the room and Frank took a deep breath through his nose, savouring it. He loved that smell, it reminded him of nights when he was a kid with his dad in front of the huge one they had at home, one that post his Father’s death had on the whole remained unlit as his Mom and Walter had preferred to use the central heating, lighting it only for weekends and special occasions.
They made their way into the living area to find it was cosily decorated in neutral colours, with a large grey L-shaped sofa, a light wooden floor which was partially covered by a cream and grey rug upon which a glass coffee table sat. But the thing that drew Frank’s attention was the huge stone chimney breast and fireplace in which the fire was crackling away. There were large windows on three sides of the room, which looked out onto the snowy garden area and he couldn’t help the sigh of satisfaction that left his mouth. This was his type of property. He loved their home in Pinellas, that was a given as they’d spent a lot of time decorating it to their taste but there was something about this type of cabin that he loved. Together they wandered through to the kitchen which was very farmhouse-like, adorned with silver, grey and white tiles and a huge Aga stove along one wall.
Fliss’ eyes grew wide as she took it all in, running her hand over the solid oak island in the middle before she glanced out of the patio doors and let out a happy little sigh.
“Oh Frank, I love it.”
He moved to hug her from behind as they both stood looking at the view.
“Just wait till we’re outside in the tub with that back drop!” Fliss beamed, nodding to where the little woodland edge met the lawn of the garden. Frank smiled, dropped a kiss to her cheek and then they continued their tour finding the bathroom and finally the bedroom which sported a large, king-sized bed with a huge grey headboard covered in a white and pink throw.
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Frank placed their bags down, smiling.
“It’s beautiful.” Fliss turned to him, grinning, and Frank made a noise of appreciation as he undid his jacket, tossing it onto the chair in the corner.
“Like you.”
“Smooth!” Fliss laughed and he grinned, his hands falling to her hips as he pulled her close.
“You know me, all about the smoothness.” He quipped, rubbing his cheek against hers, his beard scratching her slightly and she squealed, attempting to get away, but he wasn’t letting go. Laughing, the pair of them pitched sideways onto the bed and Frank leaned over, kissing her gently. It wasn’t long before the kiss grew deeper and Frank pressed into Fliss, rolling her onto her back. Her hands tangled in his hair and his hands had just begun sliding their way up her top when there was a loud bang on the door that made the pair of them jump from surprise.
“Expecting someone?” Frank looked at Fliss who shrugged as he heaved himself up and made his way to the entrance hall, puzzlement overtaking any annoyance he had at being interrupted. He opened the heavy oak door it to be greeted by a kind faced man bundled up in a snow jacket and a hat, holding a box in his hands.
“Good evening!” he beamed at Frank “I have a delivery for Frankie and Titch?” The man’s eyes twinkled as he read the label and Frank snorted, there were only two people that called Fliss Titch, her dad and brother. And, given the use of the name Frankie, he’d lay odds on this was from Steve.
“Yeah, that’s us.” He smiled, reaching out to take it.
“Excellent. Welcome to Moscow.” He nodded as Frank took it “I’m from the Stowe Mercantile, and on behalf of myself and my wife we hope you enjoy your gift hamper. Feel free to pay us a visit. We’re on the high street.”
“I’m sure we will, and thanks.” Frank smiled at him as the man gave him a cheery little wave goodbye and headed back down towards his truck. Frank carried the hamper back to the kitchen where Fliss was examining the fridge which had been stocked with a little ‘Welcome package’ of basics such as milk, butter, bread, orange juice along with some Green Mountain Coffee Roasters pods for the coffee machine which stood in a little jar on the side.
“What’s that?” she asked, turning as Frank placed the box on the counter.
“A Hamper.” He said, taking the card off the top and handing it to Fliss to open.
She snorted as she saw who it was a dressed to and turned it over. “Frankie and Fliss, have a treat on me, Sian and the boys. Enjoy your time away and make sure you actually get out of bed enough to explore…” she read, shaking her head.“Idiot…”
“An idiot with good taste.” Frank mumbled, pulling out the bottle of Moet which was nestled in the hamper. When they dug further they found a bottle of decent Rioja, a Sancerre, a large block of Cabot Cheddar Cheese, some savoury crackers, chutneys, olives, croissants, some candy, Lake Champlain Chocolate, chips, breadsticks and dips.
“Looks like we got snacks for a while.” Fliss mused.
“And Sam Adams.” Frank grinned, holding up the four-pack. They stowed it all away, before they then took their bags into the bedroom and after quickly unpacking and, after changing into warmer clothes, they headed out, Fliss keying in the zip-code for Smugglers Notch.
They chatted as they went, laughing and joking about anything and everything and just like any time spent with his girl, it seemed to pass in a flash and after what felt like five minutes, but was in fact twenty-eight, Frank pulled their rented vehicle into a spot and they both climbed out, hastily bundling up into jackets, hats and scarves. Frank couldn't resist pulling the front of Fliss' pink woollen hat down over her eyes, just as he has done in New York, and she shoved him in the chest, her hand rustling against the fabric of his faux-fur trimmed SuperDry jacket, causing him to step back a little. He laughed as she set her hat straight and the two of them headed through the main entrance, winding round the side to the main area of the resort which was seemingly packed with visitors and locals alike. "This takes me back." Frank commented, a little nostalgia flooding his tone as he looked around at the various groups of people milling around. Some carried skis, others snow boards as they wound down from a day’s activity on the slopes, whilst others were simply there like they were for a few drinks and the fireworks. "Something I never learned to do." Fliss leaned into him, her right hand clutching his left, her left hand curling round his arm, almost hugging it to her. "I was never allowed in case I broke something that put me out of action." "Do you wanna learn?" Frank asked. She pondered for a moment and smiled "I dunno, is it hard?' "I found boarding easier than skiing." He mused. "Some people are the opposite though. Not sure I’d be able to do either anymore." "Maybe we should bring the kids for a long weekend, have a go." Fliss mused before she grabbed his arm tighter “Oh my God, we should so go sand boarding back home.”
Frank laughed. “I did it once, me and the guys. Jake ended up in the ER with bust ankle.” He sighed fondly. “It was a great day.”
“Maybe I could strap a line to Cap and get him to pull me.” Fliss mused and Frank looked at her, shaking his head.
“Can you not?” he sighed. “You already scare the crap out of me when you jump those damned fences.”
“I’ve jumped higher.” She shrugged
“Yeah, well, that was before you met me.”
“We could use your truck then.”
“No, Lissy.” He rolled his eyes.
She chuckled “Spoil sport.
They continued to walk, passed the little stalls and shops pausing at one to grab a hot chocolate and a bag of warm sugared donuts. They ate and drank their treats, sitting on one of the benches outside, and Frank had just taken the last drink of his chocolate before something caught his eye and he gave a little sigh, his smile growing bigger.
“Oh shit, sugar on snow.” He breathed out softly, watching a family of four walking past clutching trays of the treat.
“What?” Fliss looked at him blankly.
“You never heard of sugar on snow?”
“Is that like a snow cone?”
“Kinda.” He looked at her, his eyes shining “They serve it in some places in Boston but it’s never the same. It’s hot maple syrup, served over actual snow, not ice.”
“Seriously?” Fliss grinned at the boyish excitement on his face and he nodded.
“Some people call it leather aprons, on account of the fact it goes kinda leathery in texture.” He explained “It’s fucking awesome, Lissy, I haven’t had it since I was a kid. A situation I feel that I should rectify right away.”
“Okay, Sailor, lead the way.”
With a grin, Frank hopped up, grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the vendor where they joined the queue and soon reached the front. Frank ordered two, paid and then draped his arm over Fliss’ shoulder as they watched the guy serving fill two trays with scoops of powdery snow from a large chest behind them. He passed the trays to the man to his left who stirred a large, metal pot full of hot, Maple Syrup which he then ladled over the snow.
“You guys want the sides?” the server asked and Frank nodded.
“Hold the donut but I’ll take the pickle.”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Fliss held her hand out and turned to Frank. “Hold the donut but you’ll take the pickle? What the hell?”
The man behind the counter chuckled as Frank shrugged. “Yeah, the pickle cuts through the sweetness.” She looked at him, her face utterly perplexed and he laughed. “You like pickle, and you ate far worse when you were pregnant.”
“I happen to think my cravings were positively normal, thank you. Apple juice and chili fries.”
“Lissy, you dipped your McDonald’s fries in milkshake.”
“Steve does that anyway.” She shrugged.
“That doesn’t make it normal.”
“Neither is eating pickle along with syrup!” she rolled her eyes.
“You don’t know shit.” Frank scoffed before he turned back to the server. “I’ll take the pickle.”
“I won’t.” Fliss shook her head.
The server nodded and slid one tray over the counter. Frank moved, thanking him as he handed it to Fliss, taking the other with his precious pickle on the side. Fliss took a spoon full, and made an appreciative noise, nodding as Frank did the same and immediately was hit with a flood of nostalgia as he could remember as it was yesterday the last time he’d had this. A family trip with his mother, Diane and Walter to a resort not far from here actually.
“Oh God.” Fliss’ voice was muffled and Frank turned to see her chewing and he laughed “You weren’t wrong about it being like leather.”
“It’s like taffy, but not.” He shrugged and with that he raised the pickle and took a huge crunch, grinning at her as he chewed. She gave a laugh again, shaking her head.
“That’s disgusting.”
“C’mere baby.” His voice was muffled on account his mouth was full of pickle, as he bent towards her and she laughed harder, shoving him away. He swallowed in between his chuckles, and pressed a kiss to the side of her head as they made their way over to where the majority of the crowd had gathered awaiting the fireworks.
They didn’t bother trying to push to the front, fireworks went up after all, and soon enough the music grew louder and someone spoke over the PA welcoming them all to the weekly fire work display. Leaving Fliss for a second to dispose of their empty snow containers in a nearby trash can, Frank returned and wrapped her arms around her from behind, pulling her back to his chest, dropping another soft kiss to her cheek. She smiled and leaned against him, happy for him to hold her and then the crowd let out a gasp as the first rocket flew into the air and burst into a huge bloom of gold and red.
The fireworks were spectacular. Screaming rockets, silent ones, crackling ones, ones that were colourful, ones less so, but what Frank was watching most of the time was Fliss’ face. Her mouth stayed in a constant smile for the full fifteen minute display, her eyes wide, the bright explosions reflected in those deep brown orbs as she followed the trail of lights against the clear, starry sky. The last time they’d all seen fireworks was a display held on the beach for the fourth of July last year, but Fliss was staring at them like she hadn’t seen any for years. Frank couldn’t be sure, but he had a sneaking suspicion she was lost in the romance of the situation, the pair of them being alone, on a cold evening, wrapped up surrounded by snow. With a smile he kissed her cheek again and tuned his attention back to the sky as the finale ramped up in a cacophony of colour, explosions and yells of awe from kids and adults alike in the crowd.
“Enjoy that?” Frank’s nose nuzzled at the spot behind Fliss’ ear and she smiled, tilting her head to look at him.
“Yeah, did you?”
“Absolutely.” He beamed. “It was awesome.”
“Took me back a few years” she grinned, turning to face him. “You ever heard of Bonfire Night in the UK?”
“Remember, remember the fifth of November.” He nodded. “Yeah.”
“Well, I think the last firework display I saw whilst wrapped up against the cold was Bonfire Night in 2011.” She mused. “Stanley Park in Liverpool. No snow though, just pissing down rain.” She took a deep breath “There’s just something magical about being all wrapped up whilst watching them.”
Frank smiled and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Anything else you wanna do?”
“Hot cider.” She nodded, and Frank grinned, his arm round her shoulder as they made their way back towards the drinks cabin.
An hour or so later, the little bar seemed to fill up almost all at once and both of them decided to call it a night. As they wandered back to the car, Frank gently kissed Fliss’ cheek as his arm curled around her shoulder and she smiled at him.
“You’ve been kissing me a lot tonight, Sailor.”
“I don’t ever intend on stopping.”
“Even when we’re married? I mean, isn’t that when all the romance is supposed to go to shit?”
“Only if you marry an asshole.” Frank spoke without thinking and then let out a little groan. “Fliss, I didn’t mean…”
“I know.” She said gently “I know you didn’t. Don’t worry.”
Frank bit his lip, cursing himself as they continued towards the car, before he sighed and shook his head. “You know, I’ll always be in awe of how you just deal with it, you know. Everything you went through and you came out the other side…and now…” "It wasn’t easy.” Fliss replied after a second or two, her hand gently playing with Frank's as his arm was draped over her shoulder. "Sometimes I don’t know how I did it. But, I do know one thing though." "What's that?" "I never thought I'd trust someone again enough to be…well, intimate with them, let alone fall completely and utterly head over heels in love." She took a deep breath before she leaned into Frank as his arm tightened around her. “And then you showed up that day with Mary and broke down every wall I'd put up, Adler. And you did it so damned quickly. I mean I don’t know why but there was something about you that made me know I could trust you straight away. And...oh I'm rambling on as usual." She waved a hand and Frank took a deep breath, pulling her closer. "It was the same for me you know.” He told her and she glanced up at him as they walked. "How so?" "The way Mary hugged you, the first time she met you. She’s never been that open with people. As we drove away that day she turned to me and said 'you like her'. Simple statement but I did. She was right."  Frank looked ahead as they rounded the corner to the parking lot "I knew from our first kiss on that boat that this was it for me. Everything I had no idea I needed and then some in this tiny little red-headed fire cracker." Fliss laughed and nudged him slightly and he grinned. "And you still gave me a chance. I mean there was the whole thing with Bonnie." Frank took a deep breath. "And I wasn't the easiest person to be around when the court case was going on." "No, you weren't." Fliss agreed. “But you were going through a tough time. Even if I hadn't had feelings for you that way, I'd have been by your side regardless. You know, that right?" Frank stopped by the side of their rented car and turned to face her, taking both her hands in his "Yeah, I do. Because, well, because you’re fucking amazing. You're just the most gorgeous person inside and out, Lissy, and every damned day I wake up next to you and wonder how I got so fucking lucky." "Frank!" Fliss gave a little sniff as her eyes filled with tears and he smiled, his hand gently cupping her face as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was slow, deep and loaded with feeling, Fliss' hands dropping to his waist, her fingers curling around the cold material of his jacket as she let herself go, losing herself in the romance of the moment as they stood in the parking lot at the base of the mountain, surrounded by snow. When they finally broke apart, Frank pressed his forehead to hers, smiling softly. "Come on, let’s go before we freeze to death." Fliss laughed, "Not much chance of that with you to keep me warm." Frank narrowed his eyes. "Is that a fat joke?" At that she laughed harder. “Absolutely not." Her hands squeezed his slim hips and she blinked up at him, knowing just how sensitive he was getting to the fact that, thanks to him now being effectively behind a desk all day, he was having to work harder at keeping in shape. He'd picked up running at the start of the year and was now also using the weights he had in the workshop area of the garage to keep himself as toned as he could. But to Fliss it didn't matter a jot. He was perfect to her. "But just so you know, if you do put on weight, it just means there's more of you for me to love."
Once back home they debated hitting the hot tub for an hour but they were both tired from the early start so settled instead for a cozy drink in front of the fire in the living room. After checking in at home, speaking to Verity and Mary, Verity assuring them that both kids were fine, Fliss headed for a shower as Frank checked a few emails from work on his phone as he lay on the bed. When she walked back into the room he hopped up, gave her another deep kiss before he headed off, jumping a little as she slapped his ass as he passed. He gave her a smirk over his shoulder as he wandered barefoot down the hall and into the bathroom.
Once showered he dressed in a pair of grey sweats and a plain white t-shirt before he headed into the living room to find Fliss in a pair of dark green plaid flannel sleep pants and a hooded top, her hair piled on top of her head as she sat in front of the fire, a glass of red win in her hand, simply watching the flames.
“You okay, honey?” he asked and she turned to look up at him, smiling.
“Yeah, it’s just been a while before I sat in front of a fire in the evening.” She said as he dropped a hand to the back of her head. She pat the rug besides him and grinned “Pull up a seat, Sailor.”
“Let me grab a drink and I’ll be with you.”
“Way ahead of you, Francis.” With a grin she gestured to the table behind her and Frank chuckled as he saw the bottle of red wine perched in the middle along with an empty glass waiting for him. He poured himself a helping, topped her glass up and then with a little groan he settled onto the floor, his back resting against the coffee table, legs spread to allow Fliss to shuffle back against him, her chest resting against his back.
“You had a good evening?” She asked, turning her face to look at him.
“The best, thank you.” He smiled, kissing her softly. With a contented sigh she leaned her head back against his shoulder.
“Good, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“I was with you, how could I not?” Frank’s hand traced up the outside of her arm, lips brushing the top of her head as she leaned back a little more, her back resting fully against his chest. They sat in silence for a little while, enjoying the relative peace that wasn’t so forthcoming at home with two kids and busy jobs. The last few days had been particularly manic, Fliss pushing full steam ahead with the plans for the expansion had meant they’d had a few late evening consultations with Bill and the architect Steve had recommended as they discussed the best options. Then there had been Tuesday, when Fliss had called him in a flap as her jeep had broken down outside the store for the third time in as many weeks.
“Have you decided about your car yet?” Frank asked what was on his mind and Fliss shook her head.
“No.” She sighed “Can you not fix her?”
“I keep fixing her.” He replied “But, it’s only a matter of time before the damned thing gives up for good. Why don’t you look at one of the Audi’s you like? We don’t need two huge cars. I got the truck so...”
“Maybe. I want to get the wedding paid for first.”
“We don’t have much left to pay.” Frank reasoned. “The Banquet tent and food trucks are settled up. We just have the bar and the entertainment to sort really.”
“Decorations, dance floor hire, oh, and photographer.” Fliss mused “Although Bonnie said her sister’s husband is a pretty good amateur one. I might ask her for his number.”
“Sounds good.” Frank dropped another kiss to her head.
“Oh, and we should probably sort the invitations.”
“Yeah, that…” Frank chuckled, “that’s pretty key I suppose.”
“I thought…” Fliss tipped her head to face him, “I thought it would be nice if we wrote the invitations from Mary and Alex. You know, like it’s usually Mrs and Mrs Parents-Of-The-Bride request your presence bla bla bla…I’d like to ask Mary to suggest something.”
Frank smiled, his head cocking to one side slightly. “I think she’ll love that.”
“Yeah.” He nodded, shifting so he could take another sip of his wine, which was exceptionally good and going down pretty damned well. “She’s as excited about the wedding as we are. Probably a little more actually.”
“Speak for yourself.” Fliss snorted, swallowing a mouthful of her drink “I can’t wait.”
“I didn’t mean that.” Frank rolled his eyes as Fliss laughed and she gently titled herd head round to look at him and reached up, scratching her nails of her left hand into his beard.
“I know Sailor, keep your hair on.”
“You know I can’t wait to make you Mrs Adler.”  Frank told her, dropping his head to catch her lips in a soft kiss. Fliss smiled as he pressed his head to hers, their noses bumping slightly before she moved and settled back into the position she had been in before, the back of her head once more resting against Frank’s chest.
“You know, I have a funny feeling Dad’s gonna give us a check towards it anyway.” She took a deep breath “He paid for Steve’s wedding, well, half. Sian’s parents paid the other.”
Frank shifted a little, “You think?”
Fliss shrugged “I don’t know. He’s never given anything to one of us and not the other so. He didn’t give a penny towards…” she trailed off and took a deep breath.
“That’s probably because you were marrying a cunt.” Frank shrugged and Fliss scoffed, shaking her head before she let out a little sigh and then Frank saw her shoulders sag a little, one hand running round the top of her wine glass as the other clutched the stem.
“I sometimes wonder how I got it so wrong you know? Like how I ever fell for him in the first place.”
“Hey.” Frank gently pulled her to him a little more, “Don’t do this, not tonight. None of that was your fault.”
“I know, but…”
“No buts, Lissy.” Frank shook his head, his tone a little stern. “He was an abusive piece of shit. Don’t go there, not tonight.”
Her head dropped and Frank took a deep breath, before he reached out and gently plucked the wine glass from her hand, setting it on the coffee table he was leaning against along with his own.
“Baby, look at me.” He instructed gently. After a seconds pause she knelt up and turned around, sitting back on her heels as she looked at him, large brown eyes dancing in the firelight, full of a melancholy that wasn’t quite sadness, but still enough to tear his gut apart at the fact she could still be so self-doubting. “Sorry I snapped and I’m sorry for bringing him up, again.” Frank looked at her, his hand gently brushing her hair back off her face. “I didn’t mean to.”
She looked at him for a second before she shuffled forwards a little and Frank dropped his legs flat so she could straddle his thighs, his large hands falling to her hips as she gently smoothed her hands up his ribbed T-shirt, her eyes following her fingers.
“You know, it’s kinda funny really” she spoke softly, her fingers still trailing his chest.
“What is?”
“Life, when you think about it. I mean, what I went through was shitty. What happened to you and Mary, you know with Diane was shitty.” Fliss took a deep breath, her hands pausing, palms flattening over his pecs. “But if it hadn’t happened, we would never have met. We’d never have had Alex.”
“True.” Frank breathed out as her eyes flicked up and locked onto his as he gave a small smile. “Is this where you tell me it was fate?”
“Maybe.” Fliss shrugged, before she raised an eyebrow. “Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.”
“Lemony Snicket?” Frank chuckled his question and Fliss grinned, nodding.
“Mary was reading it the other day.”
“Well I’m glad to know I’m one of the things you do like” Frank arched an eyebrow. “Okay, if we’re dropping quotes, how about this one. Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.”
Fliss pondered for a second, shrugging. “I like it but, no idea who said it.”
“Marcus Aurelius.” Frank informed her.
“Ok, Professor.” she sassed, her hands now curling over his shoulders, and Frank laughed, “Now tell me who said this. You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it.”
“Oooh.” Frank pondered, “That almost sounds Shakespearean?”
“Close.” Fliss grinned “Goldie Hawn”
“Fahk off!” Frank tipped his head back, chest vibrating as his familiar laughter filled the room and Fliss snickered a little bit. He looked back at his girl as his chuckles subsided, saying nothing for a moment, simply studying her pretty face. Her eyes were full of warmth as she curled her hands round his shoulders before one moved to the back of his neck, her nails gently grazing at the skin below his hair line. He gave a sigh, his mouth curling up into a soft smile “I love you so fahkin much Cowgirl.”
“Love you too, Sailor.” She replied, her voice quiet, before she shuffled even closer, her head dipping to his.
The kiss was soft, gentle, Frank’s hands moving to her back, under the hoody she was wearing, splaying against her skin as he held her close to him. He felt Fliss shift a little, her hands dancing downwards, gripping the hem of his Tee. He moved back slightly, allowing her to pull it off, mimicking her actions by dragging her top over her head, along with the camisole she had on under it, before he gently lay her down on the rug in front of the fire place. He shimmied out of his sweats, before he dragged Fliss’ pyjama pants down her legs, leaving them both completely naked, and he gently grasped her right ankle in his hand. He kissed his way up her smooth leg, his mouth hot and wet, short beard scratching against her skin. He continued mapping his way up her body with his mouth, and when he reached her breasts, Fliss arched her back, letting out a soft groan as his mouth gently sucked on one nipple, his hand tweaking at the other.
“Look at you.” He whispered gently against her skin as his tongue continued teasing her, worshipping her with his mouth, the way she deserved. His beautiful Lissy, his girl, so fucking precious it was beyond comprehension to him how anyone could have ever wanted to hurt her. The mere thought was abhorrent and he screwed his eyes up as he felt the tears rushing forwards as he fought the image from his head, and he swallowed, his mouth pausing a little against her breast as he took a shuddering breath.
“Frankie.” She whispered his name, and he opened his eyes to look up at her, her hands moving to cup his face and he pushed himself upwards, as his lips crashed to hers in a desperate, needy kiss. His tongue traced the inside of her mouth as her hands tangled in his hair and she let out a little whimper, tipping her hips up to meet his and the feel of her press against him made him groan, breaking the kiss. Her head fell back, bearing her neck to him and Frank shifted, taking his weight on his palms, caging her between his arms and legs as he pressed soft kisses up her throat.
Fliss felt the warmth in her belly mounting, that familiar ache between her legs was becoming more and more intense, to the point it was almost unbearable. She needed relief, and she wasn’t above begging. “Please, Frank,” she croaked out, her breath coming in deep, ragged pants as her hands dug into his broad back, “I need you.”
“Oh, baby, you got me. Always.”  Frank’s breath was hot on her ear, as he gave that spot on her neck a little nip, dropping to his elbows. His hands snaked up both her arms pulling them from round his back, the points where her nails had been biting into his skin still stinging slightly. He laced his fingers with hers, pressing her hands down at either side of her head as he moved, Fliss shifting underneath him and with a slow, deliberate roll of his hips he sank into her, his head dropping slightly as she fluttered around him, the sound she made almost enough to make him blow there and then.
The feeling of relief at having him inside her caused Fliss’ chest to hitch and her eyes closed momentarily, before she took a shuddering breath as Frank began to slowly roll his hips against hers, each thrust deep, measured, deliberate as he dragged himself against languidly in and out of her. She opened her eyes to see him watching her face intently as her eyes locked onto his, the pupils of those baby blues she loved were blown with desire.
“Frank, you feel so good,” she moaned and he let out a groan of his own at her words, keeping his movements steady, almost leisurely as he continued to watch, her mouth slackening, breathing quickening as he knew she was approaching her peak. When her orgasm rolled over her, she gave a loud cry and melted underneath him,  her nails digging into the skin beneath his knuckles as he picked up the pace, rutting into her a little faster, desperate for his own relief. It didn’t take him long at all, and he felt his stomach tightening and with a hiss and a loud “Fahk” he came with a final deep thrust, his fingers tightening around hers before he collapsed forward, burying his head against her neck.
A quiet bliss, surrounded them like a bubble, keeping them safe from the world, as the room was silent bar the sound of their deep breathing and the crackling of fire as they lay tangled with one another. Fliss’ extracted her hands from his to gently rake one through the back of his hair, the other trailed lightly over the back of his shoulder blades and Frank gave a soft hum of contentment, his eyes closing as they lay still, neither of them wanting to move. Fliss pressed a soft kiss to his warm, clammy forehead and Frank rolled over onto his back with a little sigh, pulling her with him so that she was draped over his chest as he lay between her and the coffee table.
“Can we just stay here?” Fliss asked quietly, and Frank glanced down at her as she pressed her cheek to his chest.
“Whatever you want, Honey.” He agreed, his head looking around before he spotted the blanket on the sofa “Just sit up a moment.”
“Frank!” she whined and he laughed, pushing himself up and jostling her off his chest. “Asshole.”
“I just loved on you well, in front of the fire, and that’s the thanks I get?” Frank hopped up. “Being called an asshole?”
Fliss grinned as she propped herself up on her elbow and watched him, scanning up his legs and strong thighs, taking in his bare ass before she followed his back muscles to those broad shoulders which rippled slightly as he reached over to grab the tartan throw. He turned back to face her and she grinned as his eyes blatantly roved over her in the same way as she lay side on, completely naked, her hair falling over her shoulders.
“You should look like that all the time.” He remarked as he dropped back down and gently wrapped them both in the blanket. “Freshly fucked and naked.”
“Yeah, not so easy when you’ve got a 10 year old and a 7 month old to look after.” She chuckled as she lay her head on his chest. His hand gently carded through her hair and he sighed.
“True.” he looked down at her as she glanced up at him, her chin resting on his chest “But we got a coupla days without them. Maybe I’ll just keep you like this for the duration.”
“Fine by me Sailor. There’s only one slight problem.”
“What’s that?”
“You keep me here, no Ben and Jerry’s on Saturday.”
“That is a dilemma indeed.” Frank mused, “Okay, maybe Saturday I’ll let you out.”
“Good to know where I feature on your list of priorities.” Fliss scoffed and Frank chuckled.
“You can have a lot of fun with ice cream cowgirl.” He smirked, dropping a kiss to her head.
  ***** Frank woke the next morning feeling thoroughly relaxed. He stretched a little where he was lay on his stomach, arms folded under his pillow and raised his head, turning to look at Fliss. She was lay on her back, facing towards him, one arm bent by her head, the other across her chest. She looked so peaceful, her mouth open just a smidge, hair splaying over the pillow. He shifted onto his side, and moved closer to her, pressing a soft kiss to forehead, trailing his lips down her nose to her mouth.
She gave a little sigh, her eyelids fluttering as he kissed her again and he felt her smile, lazily against his mouth.
“Morning, Honey.” He said gently and she gave a little hum of contentment, her sleepy eyes opening to look at him.
“Morning, handsome.” She smiled as he pushed himself up a little to give her a deep kiss, hovering the top half of his body over her slightly. The kiss became soft touches, which led to more urgent touches, and soon he was buried inside of her, his movements lazy as he made love to her, their bodies pressed together as close as could be.
It set the tone for the remainder of the morning, nothing urgent or pressing to do. The time was theirs and theirs alone. After showers they ate breakfast and checked in with the kids before they bundled up and took a short walk into the little town centre, taking a peek in the shops, making a few purchases before they had lunch and then headed back to their cottage. Frank walked up the steps on the porch to unlock the door, and he had just turned round to look at Fliss when he was hit square on the chest with a snowball. He paused, watching as the icy glob slid down the front of his coat and he glanced up to see Fliss stood at the bottom of the steps, laughing.
“Good shot.” He arched an eyebrow.
“Not really, I was aiming for your face.” she tipped her head back, laughing harder as he blinked.
“My face.” he blinked as she nodded. “Oh, Sweetheart, you’re gonna be sorry!”
Her laughter died down as he began to stalk towards her, his pace slow and she stepped back a little before she gave a playful shriek and set off running as best she could in the deep snowfall. Frank dipped down, grabbing a handful of the snow which he rolled into a ball and sent it flying where it hit her right in between her shoulder blades. She screamed, punctuated by more laughter as she bent down and scooped up some more, turning to fling it at him. Frank raised his arm to block it and it exploded on the sleeve of his jacket, and at that he shot forward. She began to back away and just as he reached her she stumbled and flailed backwards. Frank caught her, and pitched them round, the momentum sending them both crashing into the soft snow, Fliss landing with a thud on top of him.
The pair of them were laughing that hard, neither could breathe properly, but Frank somehow managed to gain enough control to grab a scoop of the powdery snow and shove it straight down the back of her coat.
“Oh my god, you asshole!” she shrieked as she felt the cold liquid dribble down her back. “Fuck, shit!”
“I warned you yesterday about startin’ things you can’t finish!” he laughed as she shook her head, shivering.
“Well, I like to live dangerously.” Her laughter subsided and she bent down to give him a soft kiss, her cold, slightly red nose brushing against his. “Ever had sex in the snow?”
He laughed. “Can’t say I have, although I’m not sure I’d be able to. It’s that cold my balls have retreated into my stomach.”
She broke into another fit of giggles before Frank pushed himself up onto his elbows, jolting her slightly and together they got to their feet and headed inside to warm up. After a change into dry clothes and a hot chocolate each, Frank went out to set the car running so it would be warm for their grip out to New Hampshire. Fliss packed a bags with snacks for the trip and at little after three in the afternoon they set off.
There was plenty to see on the way, the landscape was breath-taking, Fliss’ eyes bright as she took it all in, Frank smiling at the joy on her face.  About an hour into the journey, Frank felt Fliss’ eyes watching his profile as he drove so he arched an eyebrow slightly, sneaking a glance at her.
"Nothing just,” she reached out to gently twine her hand in his hair, “never noticed before but you're getting a few grey-" "Fucking fuck you." He shot, jerking his head away from her hands as she laughed, her head falling back against the head rest of the seat. "So angry, Adler." "Angry Adler?" Frank arched an eyebrow. “Sounds like some kind of poisonous snake." "You got a snake but it aint poisonous." Fliss grinned and Frank snorted. "Flattery will not detract from the fact you just called me old." "That’s not what I said." Fliss shook her head. "I merely commented on the fact your hair is...: "Going grey, ergo pertaining to the fact I'm getting old!" Fliss shrugged. “I’m kinda down for the silver fox look." "Silver fox?" Frank laughed, looking at her. "That what I am?" "Not yet." Fliss shrugged before she grinned and turned to him. “At the moment you're just a D-B DILF" Frank let out a little laugh, shaking his head. "Let me guess. A Dirty Boat Daddy you like to fuck?" "Damned straight" Fliss smirked, her fingers lacing through his.
Once they arrived they followed the direction from the parking attendant and climbed out, wrapping themselves up before Frank took Fliss’ hand and they headed over to join the queue for their time slot.
“Wow.” Frank heard Fliss breathe out as she got a look at the huge structure that loomed in front of them. Frank smiled, it had been years and years since he’d been here.
“Wait till it goes dark.” He smiled, “It’s something else.”
It didn’t take them too long to get inside, and Frank watched Fliss eyes grow wide with awe as she spotted the huge towers which were dripping with molten-looking ice as they walked through the huge cavernous opening. As per Jake’s recommendation they headed straight for the slide. The line to get on was already huge, but both of them were adamant they wanted to go on it so they waited patiently, Frank chatting to Fliss and giving her a little bit of factual history about how the castles were made. Eventually they reached the front of the line some forty minutes later, and the attendant there asked if they wanted to go down together, which of course they did. Frank hopped down first, Fliss settling between his legs and he gripped her hips, leaning forward.
“Just push off already, Sailor!” she laughed, and with a snort he sent them sliding down the glassy sheet of ice. Fliss laughed as they sped down the chute, the twists and turns jolting them slightly. It wasn’t as smooth as he expected and when they hit a particularly bout of bumpy rivets, Fliss letting out a squeal, Frank was glad he had a padded coat under his ass or his tail bone would have been protesting. Their slide was over after little more than thirty seconds, and whilst it might have been a ridiculous amount of time to queue for half a minute or so of fun, Frank had to admit as they slowed to a stop at the end, that sliding through an Ice Castle with his girl in front of him, was a pretty awesome experience that he’d queue for all over again.
Together they made their way off to the side and had just set off to explore when suddenly the Castle lit up inside with thousands of LED coloured lights. Fliss mouth dropped open as the opening bars to ‘Let It Go’ from Frozen started to play and the lights followed some form of choreographed routine to the music. They stopped to watch, just like everyone else seemed to have done and when it was over, most people started to clap and cheer.
“Does that happen again?” Fliss looked at Frank as they began to walk through to a smaller room. “The light show?”
“I think so.” He nodded. “From what I remember it does it periodically.”
As they walked through the Castle exploring, it felt like around every corner there were hidden surprises. They found ice sculptures of animals and birds, tunnels which led into smaller caverns with spectacular icicle details hanging above from the ceilings, ice thrones, glowing ice orbs and even a fountain. Fliss took as many photos as she could, even accosting some random guy to take a shot of them together in one of the smaller rooms they found.
After an hour or so they were confident they’d seen everything there was to see so they made their way back to the entrance, Fliss’ arm looped through Frank’s as they strolled over to one of the temporary wooden shacks set up which was serving hot drinks and snacks. They both took a hot cider each and headed to a little table, sitting down.
“The kids would love it in there.” Fliss smiled, taking a sip.
“I was just thinking that.” Frank nodded. “I’m definitely sold on a family winter weekend away.”
“Maybe next year.” She mused. “I mean we can’t this year, what with the wedding and then Disney.”
“Yeah, yeah we do.” Frank smiled. A week to Disney with the kids was what they had settled on as a sort of honeymoon, but post that he had a little something else up his sleeve, something that she was going to have no idea about until it was time for them to go.
“I can’t wait to see Mary’s face when we tell her we’re all going to the house of the mouse.” She grinned
“Yeah, she’ll be almost as excited as you.” Frank raised an eyebrow.
“Well, I’m a huge kid at heart.”
“No shit.” He replied and she laughed.
“Oh don’t act like you aint. I heard you giggling away in there when we were on that slide.”
“Well…” He leaned over the table, smiling slightly. “You bring out my inner child, what can I say?”
Fliss grinned and leaned over to give him a soft kiss before she pulled back and smiled, giving a sigh. “Suppose we should head back, it’s getting a little late.”
Frank was loathe to concede she was right. They finished their drinks and headed back to the car, Fliss taking a fond look back at the Ice Castle before climbing into the car. By the time they got back, the pair of them were starving, so the hot tub went another night without use as they made a very good sized dent into the Hamper that Steve had sent them. Once they’d  drunk another few glasses of wine they collapsed into bed with full bellies, snuggled together, falling into a comfortable and deep sleep.
***** Fliss woke the next morning before Frank and so she gently kissed his cheek, slipped from the sheets and pulled his hoody over her top as it was a little chilly. She turned up the thermostat and then headed into the kitchen to make a coffee before she settled in the little living room with her book. But she couldn’t concentrate. Her mind was wandering to the kids and she was feeling a little lost now without them. She hadn’t been apart from Alex for more than a night before, and she couldn’t help but miss him, and Mary too.
With a deep sigh she turned the TV on, flicking through the channels and little over half an hour later, Frank padded in, his hair all over the place as he rubbed sleep from his eyes.
“You’re up early.” He said, flopping down next to her, giving her a quick peck.
“I know.” She shrugged. “Think I’m just used to being up early with the kids.” Frank yawned, stretching his legs out, feet resting on the edge of the coffee table as Fliss nestled into him. “Is it wrong that I miss them?”
“No.” Frank gently rubbed his hand up her arm as she gave a little sniffle, pressing her face into his t-shirt. “I miss them being here too. Don’t get upset, Honey.”
“I’m sorry, this is pathetic.”
“It’s not. But uou know what is?” Frank looked down at her, wiping her tears gently. “How excited this thirty-nine year old is about going to an ice cream factory.” At that Fliss spluttered a soft laugh and Frank smiled. “The kids will be fine, Alex is too young to even know we’re gone and, well, Mary won’t care. Not with your mom, dad and Steve fussing over her.”
“I know.”
“You know I’m right or that I’m pathetic?”
“Both.” She smiled up at him and Frank gave a little snort.
After a lazy breakfast they headed into town again for another little walk, Frank skipping lunch so he could eat as much ice cream as humanly possible. Then they made the short drive to Waterbury, the brightly coloured Ice Cream factory making Frank grin like a child as they pulled into a parking space.
“You now, this is basically my childhood dream.” He grinned at Fliss as they climbed out of the car and she rolled her eyes, chuckling to herself.
“Low aspirations there, Sailor!”
He shrugged and they headed inside, Fliss handing her reservation number over to the assistant and they were directed down to the lobby. As they walked, they took in the artwork that adorned the walls detailing the history of the company, which made for an interesting browse. But as soon as they crossed the threshold of the lobby, it was the smell that got them both. It was sweet, notes of vanilla and sugar making them both smile. Whilst they waited in line for their tour to start, they scanned the flavor map that was on the wall, both pointing at various places, and then a bell rang.
“Good afternoon!” A cheery voice spoke and they both turned to the front to see a man stood on a little box, seemingly having appeared from nowhere. “My name is Ben, yes, that is my real name but sadly, no, I’m not the Ben.” A few chuckles rang out. “I’m merely a tour-guide, your tour-guide for the next hour or so in fact. But, before we start I need to tell you a couple of the usual boring housekeeping rules…”
Ben, not the Ben, ran through the usual emergency protocols and stuff, before he clapped his hands together and smiled.
“So, the first stop is the theatre room where you’ll watch a short video on the creation and mission of Ben & Jerry's. No one does ice cream better than BJ. And, as I’m sure most of you will know, BJs come in all sorts of flavours and rarely fail to satisfy.”
At that Frank gave a snort along with a couple of other adults on the tour at the innuendo and Fliss nudged him, grinning at his dirty mind.
“We have a worldwide reputation for excellence, quality, and flavors that are, quite frankly, unparalleled by any other ice cream maker in the world.” The tour guide continued. “Right here, in the town of Waterbury, the Ben & Jerry's factory has been operating since 1985 and it continues to create just as many delicious ice cream flavors as it did when it first opened.” He smiled “Right, so if you would follow me, I’ll take you through. The film is only about five minutes long or so but quality over quantity and after that then the fun really begins.”
A door to their right swung open and the group headed inside, Frank and Fliss taking seats at the back. The lights dimmed and a colourful cartoon began to show, running over the history of the company. Frank, being an avid fan, already knew most of it but to Fliss it was a nice bit of background information.
The little film finished and the lights flicked on again and Ben once more appeared at the front.
“So, now you have the scoop on Ben & Jerry’s…” He began and a few people, including Frank, groaned at the pun and the man held up an apologetic hand. “Yes, I know and I’m sorry to say you’re gonna hear more awful puns as we go along. In fact my legen-dairy puns are actively cone-doned here.”
Frank let out a chuckle as did Fliss.
“Ok, without further ado, let’s go!” The tour guide smiled.
Following in the middle of the group, Frank and Fliss were led into the main factory area where they were able to peer through a glass overlook and look down on the operation below. The ice cream-making process was ongoing and the tour guide began to identify various points of the production process. Frank watched the workers down below, operating the various pieces of equipment, fascinated by it all. They were there for about twenty minutes or so as the manufacturing process was explained, and then they were led to the room which was the one Frank was dying to see- The Flavour-Building room.
Simply put, he was in an ice-cream lover’s heaven. As they walked around they soaked in all the information about where they got the ideas from, the Public engagement and market research process and how they offered opportunities for people to become testers, which Frank made a note of vowing to put in his application. They were then given a sample of a new flavour that hadn’t yet been released, a banana and chocolate one that Fliss pulled a face at but Frank really liked. Neither could deny, however, that there was something truly special about actually trying the ice cream straight from the source. Whilst the pints you could get from the store were incredible, trying fresh ice cream from the factory was nothing short of perfection.
“I’m afraid, Ladies and Gents that we are at the end of the tour. Short, and sweet, yes, pun very much intended, but whilst the guided tour ends here, your Ben & Jerry’s experience doesn’t have to.” Ben grinned. “Our gift-shop should provide you with ample opportunity to browse and buy any souvenirs, and then, why not head down to our Flavor Graveyard to mourn the passing of our dearly de-pinted ice cream flavors. You can also take a vote on your way out as to which one of our offered de-pinted flavours you would like to resurrect.”
After thanking him on their way out of the room, Frank and Fliss wandered round the gift shop and bought a couple of things, and then made their way back outside into the bitter air, walking over to the graveyard. They chuckled at a few of the tomb stones, Fliss pointing out that some of them sounded pretty nice, until she stopped dead at one and cocked her head to one side.
“Peanut Butter and Jelly. Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Peanut Butter Bits and Strawberry Jelly Swirl1 1989-1990” she read and Frank gave a groan of nostalgia as she continued to read the epitaph underneath “An unbeatable duo! Yet somehow it managed to flop in a cone, so we stuck to the sammich.”
“God I loved that as a kid!” Frank sighed. “Dad used to always come home with a pint of it on a Friday. It was gone by Saturday morning. Me and Diane used to fight him for it.”  He took a deep breath before nodding firmly. “That’s the one I’m voting to have resurrected. You also need to vote for it.”
“Isn’t voting supposed to be done in secret?” Fliss looked at him as he dropped his arm round her shoulder and they made their way back towards the main area of the buildings.
“True, but I won’t tell if you won’t.” He grinned. “Now, can we go and eat some ice cream? That mouthful in there was nowhere near enough to satisfy me.”
“Whatever you want, Sailor.” She chuckled as she leaned into him a little, smiling. “Whatever you want.”
Whatever he wanted turned out to be about twenty bucks worth of ice cream sundaes complete with every topping imaginable, so by the time they walked back to the cottage after a few drinks in one of the local breweries, Frank was well and truly ready to fat float in the tub thanks to the combination of beer and ice cream in his stomach.
They called back home, Fliss smiling as Alex sat on Bill’s knee, making a grabbing hand at the screen of the phone, Mary chatting away telling them all about how Steve had taken her, Charlie and Joel out to the Zoo for the day. By the time they were done it was pushing seven pm so they both changed, Fliss heading out to the tub with the fluffy guest towels, whilst Frank followed a little while later with the bottle of champagne that had been in the fridge along with a couple of beers for himself. He popped the cork, poured Fliss a glass and then placed the bottle down by the side of the tub next to his spare beers, quipping that given the temperature outside he knew there was no need for an ice bucket.
They sat and watched the moonlight reflecting off the snow of the mountain back drop, simply drinking and chatting, and before they knew it an hour had passed and they had somehow gotten onto the subject of that year’s elections, having seen the first drabbles of news about the rumoured Democrat candidates. When Fliss commented to Frank that she had a horrible suspicion Trump would get re-elected, Frank groaned and slid under the water, pretending to drown himself. When he emerged, he shook his head in the manner of a dog and Fliss chuckled.
“So, if you were president what would be the first thing you'd do, Sailor?” she asked, stretching out her legs along the bench she was sat on, her feet laying flat just to the side of Frank’s right thigh.
“Make being Donald Trump a crime punishable by death.” Frank shot back and Fliss let out a loud laugh.
“That's a little over the top.”
“So is his tan.” Frank shrugged and Fliss snorted again. “What about you?”
Fliss pondered “I’d make three day weekends the law.”
At that Frank looked at her, scoffing. “You work for yourself, you could have a three day weekend if you wanted one.”
“But I don’t.”
“So why would you make it the law then?” he laughed.
“Because I’m thinking of other people.”
“Socialism.” Frank nodded, “Good call.”
Fliss grinned. “And I’d also make it a legal requirement for you to be Professor Adler more often.”
“Assistant Professor.”
“Details.” Fliss waved her hand.
“And what do you mean, more often?” He cocked his head to one side “I’ve never been a Professor in the entire time you’ve known me.”
“You talk like one.”
“No I don’t”
“You so do.” Fliss smirked. “When you’re helping Mary with her homework, debates, the other day on the flight over…”
“Okay, maybe some times, but not much.”
“You should do it more. It’s kinda hot.”
"Is this some kind of strange authority kink? You know, to go along with the grease monkey one?"
Fliss let out a groan "Professor Adler in a shirt with rolled up sleeves and dirty arms and face..." she bit her lip and Frank let out a loud snort as he shook his head.
"You have a problem."
"Yeah, a big one. In that now I can't get that fucking image out of my head.” She cocked her head to one side as Frank laughed. “Hey, did you ever fuck any of your students? You know, favours for extra credit?"
Frank choked on the mouthful of beer he had just taken. "You’re a dick"
"I'll take that as a no then."
"No I didn't. Because that would have been a gross abuse of power."
“So not because you didn’t want to?”
“Fucking hell, Fliss!” he shook his head, before he smirked "I might have had you been one of them. Especially if your mouth was a smart back then as it is now."
"You've never complained about my smart mouth before." She teased.
"That's because you put it to good use." Frank looked at her, his eyes darkening "Had you used it to sass me like you do, in one of my lectures, I'd have been pissed"
"How pissed?" She asked, her leg dropping off the ledge she was sat on, foot trailing up the inside of his calf.
"Seriously pissed."
"Yeah?" Her foot stopped at his thigh and his hand reached under the water, gently grabbing her ankle. He shifted a little, the tightness in his swim-shorts a good indication about how he was finding this much more of a turn on than he should, and levelled her with a stern look. He saw her chest hitch a little and he arched an eyebrow.
"You're in danger of finding out if you carry on." He all but growled.
Fliss bit her lip before she shifted and pulled her leg from his grasp before she moved over the tub, glass in her hand as she straddled him. "Know what I am very good at finishing?"
"What?" Frank swallowed, the feel of her in his lap was doing nothing to help his little situation so to speak.
"Champagne." She smirked, raising the glass to her lips as she tossed the rest of the white down her throat. Frank let out a groan of a chuckle as she laughed, gently kissing his cheek. "Sadly, that was the last of it. Shall I open that final bottle of red wine?”
"Sure, I'm all gassed out from beer." Frank nodded, draining his bottle. “I’ll get it, sweetheart.”
"Its fine. I need to pee anyway.”  Fliss moved to stand up, giving a little squeal, ducking back down under the water. “Fuck its cold."
"Kinda happened when you're in a mountain resort surrounded by snow."
"Asshole" she rolled her eyes before she stood up again, giving Frank an eyeful of the front of her body. Her arms and shoulders were ridiculously defined thanks to her riding and physical job, her large breasts were swelling over the top of the green bikini top she was wearing which sported a large knot at the front, the bottoms slung low on her hips as the decorative buckle sat over her reasonably flat but soft stomach, the faded, silvery stretch marks which were just about visible as they glistened with water, a reminder of how she'd carried, given birth and nurtured his son.
She was a marvel, and as he looked her up and down she flushed a little, the way she always did when he was blatantly ogling her and he shrugged. With a coy glance over her shoulder she climbed up the steps to the tub to hop out and Frank then got an eyeful of her firm ass and stupidly toned legs as she wrapped herself in a towel and headed quickly across the decking to the door that led into the kitchen area.
Frank leaned back in the arm water with a sigh as she disappeared from sight, contemplating not for the first time, just how much his life had changed since she had walked into it. He had no doubt in his mind she’d sent him along a completely different path, a far better path, despite the little bumps along the way. Her family had welcomed him and Mary with open arms, and right from the start had treat them both like they were their own. She’d encouraged his reconciliation with his mother, embraced and positively enjoyed the birth of their son despite the fact he knew full well some people had shitty comments about how soon and fast that had all come around with them being together just over a year. But time didn’t mean shit to him, as he’d said the other night, he’d known since that first kiss they’d had on the borrowed boat that if he never held another woman in his arms in his life he’d die a happy man.
But it wasn’t just him that had changed. Fliss had become far more confident and assure in herself as she had settled into a relationship that she felt safe and comfortable in. She still had her little moments and there were so many things they had never actually experienced together that she had tentative memories of, but they worked through them. Even when they argued, in a twisted way it made Frank feel almost pleased that she felt safe enough with him to call him out on his bullshit or stand her ground, even if she was wrong, without fear of getting a beating in retaliation. She’d opened herself to him intimately as well, in ways she’d admitted she’d been scared of because she’d had nothing but brutal or rough memories.
Suddenly his mind flew back to that evening on the boat in their garage a few weeks ago, when he’d pushed her just that little bit further and been pretty rough with her, remembering how he’d fucked her from behind as she leant over the bench at the back. God, that had been incredible.
And now his little problem was a pretty large one as he was rock hard. He slipped his hand down under the water, in an attempt to try and make himself feel a little more comfortable but it was no use. He knew that the only way was going to sort this out, so to speak, was currently bustling around in the kitchen.
Fuck it.
Rising out of the water, he hopped out of the tub and strode across the decking, the wood cold on his feet as he made his way purposefully into the kitchen. Fliss was just turning setting two wine glasses out on the side,  and without warning, he strode up behind her and grabbed her hips over the top of the towel she was wrapped in. She gave a little squeak as he spun her round, his lips crashing to hers in a bruising kiss.
“Frank…” she mumbled, and he shook his head.
“Shut up.” He muttered, his lips back on hers. His tongue slid across her upper lip and she gave a soft groan, opening her mouth, allowing him to taste all of her, one hand sliding into her hair as he held her to him, not giving her an inch of space, his rock hard dick pressing into her stomach. She reached for his face but at the motion, his hands grabbed her wrists and forced them back to her sides, clearly, but wordlessly telling her who was in charge as he pulled away, his forehead pressing to hers as he untucked the towel, letting it drop to the floor. One hand sliding up her bare side, over her breast and came to rest at the base of her throat and he hesitated for a second, suddenly his memory spiked with the imagery of angry red finger marks around her delicate neck courtesy of that fucker in Boston almost eighteen months before. He stopped dead, his chest heaved, as for the first time Frank found himself a little lost about just how to proceed, worried he’d over stepped the mark.
And then Fliss’ eyes flashed, with excited trepidation as she leaned forward a little, her hand curling around his wrist.
“Do it.” She whispered, her lips ghosting his.
And at that Frank lost all self-control, a door he’d kept locked for as long as they’d been intimate was blown open the moment the words left her mouth.
Their lips found one another again, his hands moving to her waist to both pull her closer and he began to tug at her bikini bottoms, and in a quick swoop shoved them down as he took hold of her hips again so to manoeuvre her wherever he wanted, the pair of them stumbling a little before he roughly picked her up. Her bare legs immediately wrapped around his slim waist and her arms went around his neck as he slammed her up against the cold glass of the patio doors that led out to the decking. Using it as support he shifted his grip from under her ass, one hand wrapped around the back of her neck, holding her head in position as he kissed her, while the other pried her hands from around him. He wrapped his large hand round both of her wrists, pinning her arms above her head and held them there tightly as his mouth continued to fuck hers, hard, deliberate swipes of his tongue over hers, swallowing the little sighs and whimpers she was making.
Fliss rolled her hips hard against him which was enough to distract him a little, his mouth pausing, but not for long. His lips moved from hers, down to her jaw, her neck, and he bit and sucked, his lust addled brain not giving a single shit if he marked her flawless skin. The hand that was wrapped round her neck moved, skating down her side and over her bare stomach and she arched into the touch, wanting him to move a bit south, but his hand stopped an inch away from where she wanted it to be.
“You’re mine.” Frank’s voice was right by her ear, and he spoke with a deep, almost dark tone that Fliss had never heard from him before. It was full of desire, and it sent a shiver down her spin as once more she attempted to thrust up into his hand, desperate for any sense of relief. But he pulled away a little, making her whine a bit. “Ah ah, baby girl.”
“Frank.” she breathed out, stumbling over her words “Fuck, I…”
He cut her off as he surged forward, kissing her desperately and she openly cried out into his mouth as two of his fingers slipped inside of her. His motions were fast and aggressive and he brought her to the brink, and then stopped.
“Like that?” He breathed out, voice ragged, his lips brushing hers. “Tell me you do and you want this.” “Frankie, please.” She thrust her hips out toward him, gasping “I want you, always…”
At her words Frank felt his cock twitch and with a growl that was positively feral, his hand reached into his swim-shorts as he freed his painfully hard erection from them. He pushed the tip of his cock into her folds, pausing slightly before he slammed the rest of the way into her, making her cry out sharply. He continued to rut into her over and over causing the patio doors to rattle a little, and, as he looked up into her eyes, he found them wide with a look of surprise and downright lust which drove him even wilder and he dropped his head to the swell of her breasts. His free hand moved, pulling the cups of her bikini down and his mouth went to work, sucking and nipping, leaving red marks across her skin as his teeth and beard bit and scratched her raw as his hips snapped back and forth with an avaricious pace.
As he rolled a nipple between his teeth, Fliss let out a loud cry and tried to lean in more to him more, the motion made him go deeper inside of her, which caused them both to groan at the feeling. At that Frank moved his mouth back to hers, both messily kissing each other as he spun her round and stumbled around the kitchen area before he lay her a little roughly over the island in the middle, yanking her back slightly so that her ass hung off the side. His hips pistoned in and out of her with a force that it jolted her body back and forth, her hands flying to either side of her, palms slapping down on the cool surface. She arched her back, her ankles locking around his waist as he leaned down to kiss her again, his brow now beaded with sweat, chest heaving as he felt the coil in his belly starting to tighten.
“Fuck, Frank, I’m gonna…” Fliss felt the red, hot feeling brewing between her legs and thighs, her belly contracting as she teetered along the edge of her orgasm and at her words Frank slammed into her even harder before he gave a dirty little grind against her, repeating the motion a few more times and then she was done. She let out a loud scream and tightened around him, white lights exploding in front of her eyes as the entire world faded to nothing but a jumble of shapes and distant noises as her release wracked her entire body. Her legs trembled around him, gripping him tighter around his waist as she continued to groan out incoherently and at the feel of her tight heat pulsing around him, Frank’s final few thrusts became desperate before he gave a loud “Fahhk…” and he came, hard, his knees buckling slightly as he gripped at the edge of the counter, trying to steady himself.
His arms trembled as he gasped, before he leaned forward, his forehead pressing into her chest as she lay there, legs hanging off the side of the counter, her breathing deep, hands gently tangling in his hair as they both desperately tried to right themselves. Eventually, Frank found the strength to raise his head, his softening cock still stuffed inside of Fliss as he moved to kiss her again. This time the kiss was soft, and loaded with love as he slid his nose against hers, his eyes closed.
“Did I hurt you?” He swallowed, his voice raspy and Fliss shook her head.
“No, you would never hurt me.” She whispered. At that Frank opened his eyes to find her smiling gently at him, her face flushed, a look of sated satisfaction across her pretty features.
“I don’t know what came over me.” He shrugged, almost apologetically and she chuckled, her hand sliding to his shoulders.
“I don’t care.” She took another deep breath “Frank, that was…”
“Yeah.” He agreed, not needing to hear what she was going to say. “I know.”
“I think I’m done in the tub.” She mumbled and Frank chuckled.
“Yeah. We should probably shower first.”
“Okay.” He move and pulled out of her slowly, before he tucked himself back into his shorts. Fliss pushed herself up into a sitting position and he gently wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her towards him. Her legs once more wrapped around his waist and she kissed him again, her hands sliding through his hair before he gently set her down on the floor. He took his time to scan her up and down as she sorted her swimwear, not missing the red marks on her neck, or the finger shaped ones on her hips where he’d manhandled her. He gently reached out to brush over the red lines he’d made just above her bikini bottoms with the pads of his fingers and her hands fell over his, and she shook her head.
“Don’t “she said gently as he looked up at her, his eyes locking onto hers. “They were made with love, not anger, Frank.”
He swallowed a little at her words, as she kissed him again, and then with her fingers laced into his she turned and they made their way to the bedroom. They took a quick joint shower, cleaning up, sharing a few more gentle kisses and hugs before they dried off and collapsed into bed, utterly spent.
“I love you sweetheart.” Frank pulled Fliss close, her back pressing to his chest as he pressed a soft kiss to her neck. “I love you so much.”
“Love you too, baby.” She yawned, shuffling back into him as they both closed their eyes and settled down, sleep claiming them in a ridiculously short time.
**** The next morning they both woke and lay in bed, just cuddling and chatting for a while before it was time to pack up and head to the airport. They packed their heavy winter coats into their bags just before check in and then headed through security and settled into the bar for a drink whilst they waited for their flight.
Thankfully, their trip home was as smooth as their trip out, no bags went missing and their transfer was on time, so at just after 3pm they touched down in Florida. Little over half an hour later they emerged into the arrivals lounge at Tampa Airport and Frank chuckled as Mary ran to them both. He dropped the bags he was carrying, swinging her up into his arms with a groan, dropping a kiss to her cheek as she hugged him. He then placed her onto the floor and she moved to hug Fliss.
“I missed you both!” She grinned as Fliss straightened up.
“We missed you too!” Fliss smiled at her, before she looked at her Dad who had just given Frank a quick back slapping embrace. “How’s Alex?”
“He’s fine, he’d just gone down when I came out to pick you up.” Bill smiled, giving her a hug. “So, did you have a nice time?”
“It was great.” Frank smiled, picking up his bag as Bill reached to take Fliss’. “Loved every second of it.”
“Did you bring me a present?” Mary demanded as they headed through towards the elevator to take them to the parking lot.
“Matter of fact, yes we did.” Frank smiled and he reached into his small carry-on bag , pulling out a half drunk bottle of water. “Brought you some genuine Vermont snow except it melted, so now it’s more genuine Vermont water.”
Mary looked at it, then to him. “That’s not funny, Dad.” She glared as Bill roared with laughter. She snatched the bottle of Evian and then gave a scoff. “You could have at least tried to make the joke with a bottle of water from this country.”
“So ungrateful.” Frank took it back from her and twisted the cap off, taking a long drink as the elevator doors opened. “Tell you what, snow water sure does taste good.”
Marry rolled her eyes before she turned to Bill. “Can I stay with you?”
“Course you can love.”
“Good, because you’re much less of an idiot than he is.” She jerked her thumb at Frank who arched his eyebrow at her.
“Oh I dunno about that.” Fliss quipped cheekily as Bill looked at her, his eyebrow raised. “I could tell you a few tales about some pretty dumb stuff he’s done.”
“Like what?” Mary asked.
“Like the time he crashed a fork-lift into the side of a van on a building site.” Fliss mused. “Or when he dropped a hammer on his foot and broke two of his toes when he was putting up a shelf in the kitchen.”
“Are we going there, Titch?” Bill turned to her as he selected the floor for their car, Frank and Mary’s laughter echoing around the elevator. “Because as far as doing stupid stuff goes, you and your brother take the biscuit.”
“Cookie.” Mary looked at him. “They take the cookie.”
“Biscuit.” Bill shot back.
“We had this discussion last night, Poppa Bill!” Mary shook her head. “It’s a cookie.”
Bill looked down at her, then to Frank.
“I changed my mind, you can keep her.” He deadpanned.
**** Chapter 21
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In the woods ( Werewolf! Coyote Starrk x little Red! Reader)
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I have never watched that movie before. Is it really that good? I might just have to watch it if it is.Thank You for the compliment! Warms my heart when people say that! 💖💖💖  This one is gonna be a looong one I got carried away..oops. 
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In the woods (Coyote Starrk x Reader)
You were different from everyone else, you had friends but no one really understood you. Or at least, not like your Grandma. You parents loved you of course,  but they thought you  were  a little bit too eccentric and you could tell  that they were bothered by it. It frustrated you beyond belief, all you wanted was some one else to  empathise with you. 
You felt lonely. And to be friends with one person who understands you inside and out would mean the world to you. "(y/n),  are you still planning on going to Grandma's house?" Your mother asked you once you entered the kitchen. " Yes I am. " You said, about to leave the house. "Take this to your Grandma and wear a jacket it is cold outside." Your mom persisted, handing you a basket and your red jacket with the red hood. "Thanks, Mom." You took your jacket, putting it on and sliding the red hood on your head, grabbing  the basket from her hands. "Be careful and stay safe! Tell Grandma I said Hello!" You simply waved at her, leaving your house at once. The woods in your backyard eventually led to a huge field where your Grandma lived. You always loved going there when you were feeling down, It was peaceful and it was mainly isolated from everyone else which you enjoyed. Still in your thoughts, you noticed something from the corner of your eye, it looked to be a small, blonde wolf, whimpering in pain. Your mom had warned you about the wolves that lived back here and to be very careful not to confront them. You sensed something was  wrong, like she was injured and it worried you.  Besides, she was  just a pup, what could go wrong? "Hello, are you okay? " You asked in the kindest way. The little pup still whined, louder now that you were closer to her. You crouched down, taking  your hand out. You could tell that one of her legs was wrapped around thick thorns, causing it to  tear into her flesh. The wolf carefully sniffed your hand, she didn't look aggressive so you took it as an invitation to help her. Gently, you unraveled the thorns around her, throwing them to the side and away from the both of you. The wolf still whined from the gashes and the blood profusely bleeding from them, it was a tragic sight to see. You panicked but remembered that your mom gave you a portable first aid kit, you swiftly took  out the peroxide, gauze and cotton balls. You dipped the cotton into the  peroxide and dabbed it on the wounds which  gently removed and lessoned the bleeding. Finally, you wrapped the gauze around the small wolf's leg. The pup's whimpers slowly died but her tail wagging grew, she was now feeling better. "I hope that helped. You be careful now." You smiled at her, putting your stuff back. You stood up, placing your first aid kit back into your pocket, but before you left, you took out two of the sandwiches from your basket, " You want some? My grandma wont mind she is the nicest lady. " You unwrapped two ham sandwiches, slowly placing them on the ground for her to take if need. "Goodbye. " You waved at her, taking your leave. 
Unbeknown to you, just several feet away, someone else was watching.
  Your Grandma had smiled at you,  happy that you travel safe and sound. "(y/n) dear it has been a while. Come sit by the fire." She cheerfully greeted you, leading you into the living room.  " Thanks, Grandma. Here is your basket, I hope you don't mind it I got a little hungry and ate some sandwiches on the way here. "   Your grandmother shook her head, chuckling at you, "It is never a bother." Your grandma sat across from you. You both began to talk about everything, about your life, school and friends. You often told her about how different and lonely it was to live on the other side of the woods and how you wished to be here instead. Your Grandma gave you a sympathetic look, placing your hand into hers. "I know it is difficult but you will always have me even after I'm gone." You knew she cared about you so much and she always knew how to comfort you in the best way possible. "Grandma, may we call Mom and ask her if I can stay over for the weekend? I still have some overnight clothes from the last time I stayed here." " Of course, I will give her a call right away. "  She stood, walking into the kitchen. You stared out of the window right next to you, watching the sun set over the horizon. Your eyes flickered to the edge of the woods, you turned your head to notice two blue eyes staring at you.  It was another wolf, except it was brown and bigger than the small blonde one  you helped earlier today.  He was  mesmerizing, and you wondered if he was with the blonde one. He looked liked he wanted to speak to you, his eyes looked almost human. "(y/n)." You heard your Grandma, interrupting the starring contest you and the brown wolf had. You looked back at her.  "(y/n),  What are  you looking at?" She looked out the window, generally curious. "I  seen a wolf." You replied,  still  captivated by the magnificent animal. "What wonderful creatures, wolves are." You looked up at her in interest, "Have you seen them before?" Suddenly you wanted to know every detail about these mysterious wolves. " Of course, when I was a little girl, they were every where but due to fear, people gathered and purged most of the wolves that lived here. It is a shame really. Now, I never see them but knowing that you have seen them gives me hope. I long to see one again. "  Something in your heart ached, the thought of the two wolves being the only ones alive and living in the woods must be lonesome. You then admitted to Grandma about the wolf pup you saved earlier today and that you gave two of the sandwiches to her. She was accepting and delighted that you did.
Later that night, you watched the full moon glow in the night, still thinking about the wolves and both your encounters with them.  You wondered, were they really  the only two in these woods? If so, the thought had crushed you. You knew exactly what it was like to feel lonely. You wanted to go back and look for them,  but you knew that it wouldn't be safe, they were capable of killing you.  You sighed, getting up from your bed, there was no way you  could sleep after the events of today. If you couldn't go into the woods then  you could  at least stare at the moon in its most beautiful state. You got out of bed, quietly moving through the house and onto the front porch, sitting on the  front step, listening to the frogs croak and crickets chirp in harmony.  You sighed with pure content, closing your eyes to take it all in.   Crack. Your eyes opened instantly,  looking around the front yard. You got up from the front step of the porch step. Crack. It sounded like a snap of a twig. Your eyes moved  over to the edge of the woods then, seconds later you two sets of eyes glowed in the dark woods. Your eyes widened, it was the wolves from ealier. Your guess was proven true when both of the  wolves stepped out from  the edge of the forest, their eyes shined in the moon light. The blond wolf wagged her tail, happily walking up to you. You noticed that the gauze was still on her foot but that didn't stop her from greeting you. The smaller wolf licked your hand, her tail never stopped wagging with delight.   You looked over at the brown one, he looked guarded, but you understood why. He slowly growled, which caused the smaller one to look up, staring at him. You heard a few more whimpers and growls from both of the wolves.
The little one slumped, whimpering as they both headed back into the woods. Something in you snapped, remembering what your Grandma had said to you. "Wait! Please don't leave.... I'm sorry...about your family and friends  that lived in these woods..." You tried not to cry, you were heart broken and guilt ridden.y
  How could humans do such a horrible thing? 
" I know it must be lonely.... Having no one else there beside you."   You could see the brown wolf's ears perk at that word.  It was like he understood you. "I promise I won't let anyone harm you both." You insisted, taking a few steps towards the brown wolf.  He tilted his head, confused by your movements. Now, you were less than a foot away from him. "May I pet you?" You stuck your hand out, offering him to sniff you. He hesitantly leaned in, sniffing your hand, after a few moments he leaned into your touch. You gently stroked his cheek, you could have sworn you seen him closed his eyes enjoying your gentle touch. Suddenly, a gush of wind blew around you both, causing your eyes to closed, then once you opened them again, you spotted the same blue eyes from before except human. He was tall, long brown hair and skinny, he wore a brown shirt and black pants,  he  stared at you, it  was rather intense but in a different way. You still had you hand on his cheek, he looked content and comfortable.  "Thank you, that would appreciate me and Lilynette greatly."  Then like a ghost in the night they both dissapeared. You were frozen, you couldn't believe  what had just happen. "(y/n)? Are you okay? What's wrong?" You heard your Grandma from the porch,  she was concerned. You finally snapped out of it,  " Y-yeah... I thought I seen the wolves again... " "Even so, you can't go out her  all on your own so irrationally. Just be careful next time." She scolded you but was relieved that you were okay.  You nodded, "I understand." She nodded, " Good, now how about some hot tea then back to bed? " She went back into the house with you following behind. Before you entered, you have one last glance at the entry of the woods, still astonished about what had happened. Months had passed since you met the wolves for the first time, you had often wondered about them especially since they can actually change into humans. What were they?  If they weren't entirely  wolves then they had to be something else.  You remembered that one of visits your Grandma told you legends and folklore of werewolves. People that can turn into wolves. If that is the truth  like that mean that they were both werewolves?  You wanted to know more about them and you were determined to. You spent more of your time in the woods from then on hoping you come across them.   "Starrk there she is! The nice lady that healed me!" You turned, noticing the blonde hair from before. She stood right in front of you, smiling. "Hello it's nice to meet you again! I am Lilynette! " "It's nice to meet you. My name is (y/n)." You gave her a genuine smile. Moments later a figure stood from behind the tree. "Lilynette, I told you not to go looking for trouble. " He slowly made his way towards you too. The girl rolled her eyes, "Shut up! You never let me have fun! She is the nicest human." The man didn't seemed too phased by th girl's yelling. He simply stared at you, now he was only a few feet away. He look like he was contemplating on something, but what exactly?   " It's you... From before. " You stated, astonished that he was actually real. He nodded, his hands in his pockets, "What's your name?" You blushed but you couldn't help it. He was very attractive. "I'm (y/n)." His eyes never left yours, a hint of interested showed in his handsome features. "I see." He simply said. " His name is Starrk. " The girl said for him. "He isn't much of a talker but he is a nice guy." Starrk ignored his friend, still giving you a questioning glare. "You're the girl with the  red hood, always walking around here. What are you doing out here, alone?" You blushed deeper, how exactly were you supposed to tell him?  "I wanted to know more about you." You admitted to him.  It was silent for a bit but you could tell that he had some interest in you as well. "Funny, I can say the same to you too." You begin to tell him about your Grandma and how you would often visit her her to escape the lonliness from the other side of the woods. After hearing your story, his eyes showed a look of sympathy. He understood what it was like to be isolated and to not belong somewhere.  He was aware that there were many humans just like her but what made her so different? "That's unfortunate, I always thought humans were such social creatures. Being able to live together, must feel horrible to feel like this, even when living together with other humans. "  You looked down, you felt horrible about everything but you answered him. "Yes.. But there's Grandma. She helps with it all." He nodded, taking a step a closer to you. "Yes, it must be nice to find someone that can help ease  the loneliness. "  You smiled at him, "Yes and if you don't mind, I would like to help." You seen a hint of something in his eyes, hope? Or was it happiness? Starrk looked over at Lilynette who visibly pleaded him to say yes. Then, he  nodded, you could see a curve of a smile form on his face.  "Yes, you may." He  now stood right in front of you.  You gently took his hand, grinning at him. For once you didn't feel so lonely after all. And neither did he.
Requests are Open!
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mrfeenysmustache · 4 years
Some Family is Found
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Summary: A collection of vignettes about the Higurashi family, from Single Dad Souta, schoolyard fights, blended family of three then four, and learning to let go and let fate take control.
"Papa Souta!"
Yanked from sleep with a harsh gasp, Souta was already half rolled out of bed and running before his eyes had fully opened. He knew that tone, scared and frail and small, and his body had become well trained over the last year to respond to it immediately.
He dashed quickly from his room to hers, throwing open the door and flinging himself inside right to her little bed where she sat wide eyed and terrified much like she had been when he'd first laid eyes on her.
"Towa! I'm here. You're safe. It was just another nightmare."
No sooner had he sat next to her had she thrown herself into his arms, shaking and snuggling while he crooned wordlessly and petted her soft, white hair.
The first time she'd called him Papa had been a night just like this one. A handful of months passed with her in his care and every night she woke in a fright, babbling about sisters and fires and someone named Setsuna. She'd clung to him just this way, rubbed her sniffling little nose into his shoulder and called him Papa with a shaky sigh that bound his heart right up.
Her nightmares came further apart from that night on, but every once in a while he was still needed to chase away the darkness.
"It's okay, it will all be alright." He shushed gently, swaying her back and forth while he scratched at her scalp and rubbed her back. Eventually she quieted down and then went limp with sleep again. He tucked her back into her bed, smoothed the hair back from her forehead and smiled at the peace that returned to her little cherub face.
He checked her alarm clock and sighed; it was early enough that she wouldn't normally be up, but his own alarm clock was about to go off, signaling his painfully early study hour. He was almost done with his degree and then waking before the sun could, hopefully, become a thing of the past. With one last look at the sweetly sleeping face of his little daughter, Souta quietly left her room to return to his own.
The bell chimed the end of the day and a flurry of tiny bodies rushed passed him, giggling and squealing and eager to leave the school yard behind until tomorrow. Souta gulped and straightened his shoulders before striding across the lawn and entering the doors once the last of the children had filtered out.
He'd spent enough of his own childhood here to know where he was going, and his legs carried him unconsciously to the principals office where he'd been called in for an important meeting.
He steeled himself at the door and took another deep breath before opening it dipping his head in greeting to the principal and eyeing the wilted form of the white haired toddler he'd been asked to come in to discuss.
His heart panged at the sight of her, his normally vibrant girl so small and sad and dejected, one of her pigtails drooping and a bright red scuff mark marring her round cheek.
'Oh no...'
"Higurashi-San, Thank you for coming."
"Of course." He replied, sitting in the empty seat across from the large desk.
A pair of sad red eyes shifted his way and he smiled softly, reassuringly.
The principal finally looked up from her paper work and blinked, looking perplexed before adjusting her glasses.
"I'm so sorry, there must be some confusion, I believe I requested that Towa-Chan's mother or father come in to speak today."
Souta winced internally, but kept his expression genial and placid.
"Yes, you did. There's no confusion. I am Higurashi Souta, Towa-Chan's father."
The principal blinked again and cleared her throat, looking between he and little Towa with a glint in her eye he didn't appreciate.
"My, you certainly look very young to be a father." She said crisply, and Souta bristled and struggled to keep his tone polite.
"I'm sure it doesn't surprise you to know I hear that quite a lot."
"Yes well. Let's get to the point, shall we? Towa-Chan has been exhibiting some shocking behavior of late. We are very concerned."
"As are we, she's made us aware that she's been on the receiving end of some unfair teasing."
The principal sniffed and shuffled her papers before folding her hands primly.
"Be that as it may, we can not tolerate violence against our other children, and Towa has instigated several physical altercations this week alone. Unless something drastic is done, she is risking expulsion."
His eyes widened and he sat up straighter in his seat, meeting the principal's gaze unflinchingly before looking once again on Towa. She still didn't look up, staring at her feet and making herself as small as possible. It broke his heart, and he heaved a sigh before looking back to the principal with a smile.
"I understand. I'll talk with her tonight. Thank you for your time."
He stood and scooped Towa up from her seat. She curled into him and he strode quickly out of the building. He stopped on the stairs to switch her over to his back, and after hooking his arms behind her knees she rested her head against his shoulder and sighed a forlorn sigh.
"I'm sorry Papa Souta. I caused so much trouble."
Her little voice, small and broken, tore into him, and he wondered if he might be doing something wrong.
He knew he was young to be a father, especially to a school aged child like Towa. She was barely six, but he wasn't quite out of university just yet, and was far from the ideal situation for having small, helpless people depending on you. He still had so much to learn himself.
"Don't worry about it Towa-Chan. No one wants to be picked on. You just need to remember your strength. You aren't like the other kids, you're much stronger."
"Okay." It was barely above a whisper, and Souta hated for her to sound like that.
The rest of the journey home was made in heavy silence, but Mama Higurashi swept in to lend her gentle touch and Souta watched Towa brighten a little under her attention.
Cookies and tea and an affectionate pat on the head as her grandmother helped her color a picture soon had Towa back on track and Souta sighed in relief.
"Why don't you go and study for your upcoming final and leave us girls to our own business, hm?"
"Thanks mama."
Mama Higurashi tearfully hung the picture she'd taken just a few nights before on the wall, brimming with love and pride.
Souta smiled back from the center of the frame draped in his graduation gown with Towa beaming atop his shoulders, his graduation cap covering her white hair.
It's not what she ever expected the photo of his university graduation would look like, but she glanced at the high school graduation photo of her firstborn daughter and grinned.
Both of her children seemed fated to walk interesting paths that twisted off from the rigid one set in place by society at large.
She couldn't say she was anything but proud.
A squeal of delight drew her attention to the window nearby and she watched indulgently as Souta scooped Towa up before falling to the ground with her, tickling her sides while she laughed and wiggled away.
A thread of worry wrapped around her heart then and she said a silent prayer that this new school year coming up for her would be easier than the last.
A new school, a fresh start, hopefully her granddaughter would fare better with the students at this school than she had before. She was such a dear girl with an unshakable sense of justice that she already couldn't help but fight tooth and nail for.
The sun glowed off her little white pony tails and her smile stretched freely across her face, and Mama Higurashi found herself wondering not for the first time if they hadn't ended up adopting Kagome and Inuyasha's child.
She looked very little like them aside from her hair color, but she certainly had Kagome's sense of right and wrong and Inuyasha's strength to back it up.
The likelihood of that was low, especially as she'd only ever spoken of someone named Setsuna.
"Well, time to call them in for dinner."
"I'm sorry Papa Souta. I cause you so much trouble..."
"It's alright Towa. I was thinking this other school would be better for you anyway. They have a wrestling team!"
Her eyes still held a glimmer of uncertainty and guilt, and though he was was stressed and concerned, he didn't want her shouldering such feelings all the time.
He knew she remembered her life before he'd found her on his front lawn, that she'd come from somewhere else before they'd taken her in, before he'd decided raise her as his own child, and he had a suspicion that she feared he might one day grow tired of her escapades and be done with her.
But he just couldn't. She may not have come from him, but she was his.
He was going to stick with her no matter what.
We have to go pick up your uniform next week, they have several colors to choose from, is there one you like best?"
He handed her the brochures and watched her nose scrunch up at the list of pictures of skirts with different colors and numbers of pleats, and bit his lip to keep from laughing outright.
"Um, no, I don't have any preferences."
"You're sure?"
"Anything is fine, really!"
"Alright. Well, have you been practicing with the sword you found with grandpa the other day?"
Suddenly her face lit up like the sun, and Souta sat back and listened while she detailed all the things she'd been practicing that she'd seen on various internet videos.
Her last teacher had admonished him for allowing her to peruse such interests.
'It's wildly unlady like. You should not be encouraging swordplay from a girl who already can't control her violent urges with her peers!'
She'd even thrown in a barb about her lack of a mother.
But while Souta agreed that Towa needed to be less violent while at school, he couldn't imagine discouraging her from the things she loved, even if they weren't the most feminine.
She bounced around the room, showing him some of the swings and stabs she'd nearly mastered and he couldn't help but think her Aunt would be so proud to watch her follow in her footsteps.
"Grammy, when will Papa Souta be home again?"
"Oh much later I think Dear. I'll be tucking you in tonight, is that alright?"
Towa nodded solemnly but then burst into bright giggles when she saw her grandmother pull the secret stash of cookies out from the back of the cleaning cabinet.
"It's a big night Towa, what say we celebrate early?"
Mama Higurashi sat on the couch and let Towa settle in beside her before opening the box and letting her select two.
"One for each hand!" She chirped, smiling up at her, red eyes glimmering. It was their long standing tradition and she cherished how much her rapidly growing granddaughter still enjoyed it. She was now teetering on the edge of childhood, a vibrant girl rapidly approaching her pre-teen years.
"One for each hand my darling."
"So... you think she'll say yes?"
Mama eyed her granddaughter for a moment, but her face was unreadable.
"I do. She's a lovely woman."
"Yeah. She is."
"Do you not wish for her to join the family?"
Towa crunched into her cookie and chewed thoughtfully for a moment.
"It's not that. What if she doesn't like living with me all the time?"
"Oh Towa honey, Moe-Chan loves you! She's probably the most understanding person we've ever known. She's certainly taken everything in stride."
"She makes Papa Souta happy."
"She does. You know most of all he wants you to be happy though, right dear?"
"And I want him to be happy too. So yes, I hope she says yes tonight." Towa replied, leaning into her grandmother's side.
"Can we watch my favorite movie tonight?"
"That awful horror film? No chance young lady!"
Towa erupted into giggles while her grandmother put on calm, soothing movie they both enjoyed, and Towa drifted off into sleep feeling safe and content.
Moe Higurashi hovered awkwardly in the doorway between the kitchen and living room, watching Towa as she sat still as a statue at the dining table, head down and pillowed on her arms. She heaved a tired sigh, and Moe's heart constricted.
She'd known before she married Souta that his daughter had many troubles at school. She was strong and sure and didn't stand aside when others were being mistreated. Thus, she was often a target for those who wanted to prove themselves stronger than her.
Towa had started another new school just this week, and already the fighting had started again. She could practically feel the stress and guilt oozing off her young step-daughter's young shoulders, and she wanted so badly to do something about it without overstepping any boundaries.
An idea struck her and she stepped quietly away to retrieve her violin from her room. Towa had not moved an inch when she returned, and in fact didn't seem to be aware of anything outside of her own troubled thoughts.
Moe hesitated for one more moment before delicately clearing her through and startling Towa out of her funk.
"May I sit here please?"
Towa nodded and watched silently as Moe took the seat across from hers and began tuning the strings of her violin. And then, without a word, she brought the instrument up, held it in place, and pulled the bow across the strings. She played something low and soothing, something that filled the room as well as all the stormy spots in Towa's mind until she felt the tension melt from her.
She put her head back down, but this time Moe noted with pride that her shoulders were noticeably less rigid. She continued to play even after Towa lifted her head and listened with a smile.
There had been many times in the month since bringing his new baby home that Souta thought his heart would burst open with love and pride and happiness, and this time was no different.
Little Mei, still so small and sleepy and new, was reclined comfortably on a soft blanket his mother had knitted. She was fast asleep, swaddled tightly into a little bundle, and Towa had stretched out on the floor next to her, gazing lovingly down at her and running her fingers over the soft, wispy hairs on her head. She was whispering something, something he couldn't quite make out, but the look of devotion on her face toward her new little sister took his breath away. They were as mismatched a set as he'd ever seen. Mei's soft brown hair and eyes contrasted sharply to the burning red of Towa's eyes, or the shock of silver that grew from her head, but they both lived deep inside his heart.
Moe entered from the opposite side of the room from the kitchen with a flour stained apron around her waist.
"There are my girls! Towa, I've brought you a cookie fresh from the oven."
"Thank you Mama Moe." She whispered in return, careful not to wake her sister, and Souta watched Moe valiantly attempt to keep her own emotions in check. He knew how much it meant to her that Towa had grown so close to her.
"Let me know if you need anything."
Moe went back into the kitchen, and Souta took another indulgent moment to watch his daughters begin forging their bond.
Souta held his smile until the moment the shining portal winked out of existence, and then his expression fell and he grabbed desperately for his mother's hand.He squeezed it and she responded immediately.
"Souta, what's wrong my son?"
"How-" he gulped around the fear rapidly growing and choking him, watched Moe scoop up a crying Mei, silent tears tracking down her own face, and knew the dam on his emotions would break soon. "How did you do it mama? How did you... how did you let Kagome go over and over and over? How were you always okay with this?!"
Mama sighed and rubbed his back, staring off into nothing for a moment as old fears and anxieties swam back up from the recesses of her memories.
"Come inside my dears, let me make you some tea and try to ease your worries. At least, let me help you try to manage them better than I was able."
Souta hung back until the others had filed inside and looked back at the place his daughter had just disappeared without a trace. He'd watched his sister vault over the well time and again and remembered the distant fears he'd had for her as a child.
But she'd had Inuyasha, his larger than life living legend brother-in-law who he was convinced could beat any opponent conceivable.
This time, he wasn't a child anymore, and this wasn't his sister.
This was his child, one he'd practically grown up with he'd been so young when he'd adopted her.
And though he knew what she was, the very same sort of being his childhood hero was, still he worried.
For her safety, for her wellbeing, for her life.
He closed his eyes, and for a moment he prayed, that she would remain safe and unharmed, that she would find what she was looking for, that she would solve her quest, that she would return to them.
And then he wiped the tears from his face, and turned from the Sacred Tree that had taken her away, and he walked inside, trailing pieces of his heart behind him.
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softlass27 · 4 years
Flufftober Day 29 – thunderstorm dedicated to @robertssvgden​, because she loves the idea of robron + seb and eve as a family unit, and she deserves nice things x
AO3 link here
As they stood shivering in the schoolyard, Robert glanced above them.
“The heavens are gonna open any second now.”
Aaron tilted his head up to see dark clouds rapidly filling the sky, the wind picking up with every passing minute. They’d been getting weather warnings all day, broadcasters promising that tonight was guaranteed to bring a seriously wild storm their way.
Paddy was stuck on an overnight callout with some heavily-pregnant cows, and Aaron’s mum had called him about an hour ago to say that she didn't feel safe driving on the motorway in this weather, so she was stuck in… some hotel, she was pretty vague on the details. She’d told him she was away to meet with potential new suppliers, but between her terrible lying and the sound of an unexpected male voice in the background, Aaron suspected wherever his mother had gone had nothing to do with work.
Either way, Eve had no one to pick her up or look after her, so his mum had begged him to take her for the night – possibly the weekend. Like she needed to ask.
So now they were stood in their usual spot with the other parents at Hotten Primary, waiting to collect two kids instead of one.
Just as the first few droplets of rain began to hit their cheeks, Eve came out of the doors, her eyes quickly scanning the yard until she spotted them and ran over, schoolbag swinging in the air. When she was just a few feet away from them, a violent gust of wind blew behind her, pushing her tiny body along the last few steps until she crashed into Aaron’s legs with a small oof.
“Windy,” she said, blinking up at them.
“Yeah, squirt.” Aaron took the bag from her before it blew right out of her hand.
“Is Mummy not coming?”
“Her and your Dad are both stuck because of the storm. They can’t come back just yet so you’re gonna stay with us tonight, okay?”
“'Kay,” she nodded, pushing her increasingly wild hair out of her eyes.
“Just need to wait for Seb, then we can get home and out of this crazy weather.”
As the three of them stood waiting for the Year 3's to come out, another, even stronger, gust of wind nearly sent Eve flying to one side; Robert snagging her by the hood of her coat was the only thing that stopped her from tumbling to the ground.
“Right.” He grabbed her securely by the waist and picked her up. “Think I’d better hold onto you before you actually blow away, missy.”
“Wish Seb’d hurry up,” she mumbled, pulling her hood up and tucking her face into Robert’s neck, out of the stinging rain.
“Don’t we all?”
As much as Aaron adored his son, he was a notorious dawdler, always chatting to his teacher or messing around with his mates on his way outside. He’d take the rest of the afternoon to reach the school gates if he could.
Eventually, Seb made his way to the yard, surrounded by his usual gaggle of classmates. Any inclination he’d had to keep chatting to them was swiftly curbed by Aaron’s firm get over here now gesture. He jogged over sheepishly, cramming a beanie on top of his head.
“You get lost or summat?” Aaron rolled his eyes fondly, taking his PE kit from him.
“I went to check if my art project was dry and – ”
“Yep, lovely, you can tell us all about it on the way home,” Robert grumbled, wrapping his free hand around Seb’s shoulder and ushering him towards the car. “We need to get inside before this storm kicks off properly.”
They all clambered in and set off, Robert navigating the usual school run traffic with practiced ease.
“Dad?” Seb asked after a few minutes of driving.
“Miss Brooks told us this is gonna be the biggest storm Yorkshire’s had in more than 20 years,” he said, wide-eyed. “The biggest since 2003. Was that one really massive?”
“It was, I remember it,” Robert nodded, flicking the windscreen wipers to faster setting. “New Year’s Eve. It put a massive hole in the pub roof n’all.”
“My pub?” Eve chimed in, eyes turning even bigger than Seb’s.
“Yep, it caved right in. I didn’t see it happen though; I was living on the farm, and I had to help my dad get all the animals inside so they’d be safe.”
“Woah.” Seb sounded so impressed, Robert didn’t have the heart to mention that someone had unfortunately died as a result of said hole in the roof.
“2003. That's so long ago,” Eve mused, fingertips following the paths of rainwater sliding down the window. “Years and years and – ”
“Yes, okay,” Robert said loudly. “I feel ancient now, thanks for that.”
Eve and Seb just laughed, like the demon spawn they both were.
“Do you remember the storm too, Dad?” Seb asked, a hand over his mouth failing to suppress the grin on his face.
“Nah, I wasn’t living in the village then,” Aaron smirked. “Was a bit before my time, I’m a lot younger than Old Man Sugden over here.”
“How old are you, Rob?”
“50,” Seb said with a snort.
“Kids, come on, he’s not a day over 72,” Aaron drawled, only to yelp when Robert briefly took a hand off the steering wheel to swipe at him, which only made the backseat passengers cackle even harder.
The laughter was suddenly cut short, however, when a wayward tree branch hit the bonnet with a loud bang, before bouncing off onto the road.
“Jesus!” Robert jerked the car in surprise, before quickly regaining control and continuing down the road in silence, hands gripping the wheel tightly.
Aaron glanced back to see both Seb and Eve’s smiles had been replaced with slightly nervous looks, Eve biting her bottom lip anxiously.
“It’s okay.” He quickly reached a hand back to pat her knee reassuringly. “It was just a tiny branch, practically a twig, nothing to worry about. We’ll be home soon.”
By the time they arrived in the village, the rain was lashing down, pelting the roof of the car so loudly they struggled to hear themselves talk. There was hardly anyone outside, and the few that were looked like they were quickly retreating indoors. They passed Leyla leaving her office with her head down, tottering unsteadily on her stiletto heels, and David and Jacob quickly pulling potted plants and buckets of umbrellas back into the safety of the shop.
As they pulled onto the drive, the ominous first sounds of thunder could be heard rumbling overhead.
“Okay, inside, go go go!”
The four of them scrambled out of the car and dashed towards the house, Robert fumbling with the keys to unlock the door.
“In your own time,” Aaron grouched, hunching over to shield the kids from the worst of it as best he could.
“Hang on, I can’t feel my bloody fingers.”
Eventually, he managed to get the key in the lock and they burst into the warmth of the house, already drenched in the brief minute it had taken to get inside.
“C-cold,” Seb shivered, peeling off his sodden hat and jacket and dropping them on the rug.
“So cold you forgot how to use a coat peg?” Robert said exasperatedly, picking it up. “Why don’t you two go upstairs and have a couple of nice, hot showers while I get tea started? Eve, you can use our mine and Aaron's bathroom, if you want? Aaron’ll help you turn the taps on.”
“Can I use your fancy shower gel?”
Robert sighed and ruffled her damp hair. “If you must.”
Eve grinned and began to follow Seb up the stairs, only to freeze at a flash of lightning.
“The storm won’t put a hole in this roof, will it?”
“You think Robert would let that happen?” Aaron smiled at her. “Nah, we built our place to be extra strong,” 
“Storm-proof, even,” Robert added from the kitchen.
“See? We’re safe as houses in here, I promise. Go on upstairs, I’ll be there in a minute, yeah?”
Seemingly satisfied, Eve nodded and carried on up the stairs. They heard the sound of her feet running along the landing, presumably to what was unofficially dubbed as “her room”, since she spent so much time in it, before the door gently clicked shut.
“What’s for tea?” Aaron sighed, padding over to the kitchen and hooking his chin over Robert’s shoulder.
Robert hummed and leaned back against his chest while he chopped some veg. “Shepherd’s pie, should warm the kids up.”
“So domestic, you,” Aaron grinned, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. “I just hope the power doesn’t go out tonight.”
“Me too, otherwise we’ll have to keep them entertained the old-fashioned way.”
“What’s the old-fashioned way?”
“Er… how good are you at shadow puppets?”
A minute later, Seb came downstairs to find his dad frantically plugging every laptop and tablet into its charger.
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i've read through some of your works over on Ao3 and goodness! i loved them! i just had to ask, may i request angst/fluff with jason where the reader has to comfort him after a bit of a rough breakdown? usually it's the reader that needs comfort, but i much prefer helping someone else personally lol
Ahhh! Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy my scribbles! And thank you for requesting! I'm definitely also in the category of preferring to help someone else as well. Hope this is okay!
Jason x reader
Warnings: animal death beneath the cut, mourning, reader kills some people
So I had to put my dog down last year, she was 11 years old, and had cancer. I was there when she passed, I carried her to the car, dug her grave myself and I never really talked to anyone about how much the whole thing effected me. So I guess this kind of helped me a little with that.
What I listened to while writing this: Work Song by Hozier / Now or Never by Halsey /  Heavy by Linkin Park ft. Kiiara / How Dare You by Steaming Satellites / Lots of A Perfect Circle
-It happened on the worst day possible. The anniversary of Pamela's death(which I fully believe Jason saw because he killed Alice in the second movie. REVENGE)and mostly, people stay away from Camp Blood on that day more than any other day.
-But. Asshole teens who want to test the legend of Camp Blood are gonna be assholes.
-Jason just wanted to be left alone, alone with you and the little pack of stray animals you both had taken in since you arrived. He wanted to mourn on the day of his momma's death, clean up her shrine a bit and spend the rest of the day tucked up inside with you.
-But Jason also wants to keep people off his land. He's spilled enough blood for it, as did his momma, and even though you urge him to just let them go, just for today, if they're still there tomorrow go after them. But not today.
-He goes anyway. He doesn't notice Mae, the large, half blind shepherd mix he'd scooped up off the side of the road years ago, follow him out into the woods with her nose to the ground and hot on Jason's scent.
-The two are inseparable, ever since Jason brought her home in the pocket of his tattered coat, she'd followed him around, bumping into everything until she got the lay of the cabin. They go on patrols together, but only when Jason's reasonably sure there aren't any trespassers about.
-It's while you're taking a head count of all the pets as they eat dinner that you notice Mae is gone. Which would be funny considering how large she is. But it sends a spike of dread through you. There's a group of rowdy, more than likely drunk, teens out on the hunt for the famous killer of Camp Blood and if you know Mae, she'll protect Jason with her life.
-You get everyone where they're supposed to go, tucked safely inside the cabin before grabbing your sawed off shotgun and set out into the woods determined to bring both members of your family home safe and sound.
-Of course, life doesn't always work that way. You know these woods, even in the dark, but not as well as Jason and you get lost once and that's enough time for it to go to shit.
-You can hear it across the lake, the screams of the unfortunate victim's, the attempts they make to fight back. You follow it, shot gun ready and adrenaline pumping through your blood. And it had to be on the beach. The goddamn beach of all places!
-You're too far away. The last two victim's are scrambling on the waters edge as Mae lunges in front of Jason and tackles one of them to the sand. She's growling and snarling like you've never heard before, nipping at the arms thrown up to shield her target's face.
-Jason seems stunned. Mae was his baby. A gentle giant, just like him(on occasion) and then the other one is suddenly pulling Mae off by the scruff. No. There's a glint of metal. She's falling off, body limp, suddenly silent and when they let her fall to the sand to turn and help their friend, you can see the knife handle sticking up from the back of her neck, the sand seeping red with blood underneath her.
-Jason drops down beside her, machete forgotten on the ground, gently putting a hand on her rib cage. It doesn't rise and fall, she's dead. She wasn't even supposed to be out and now she's dead.
-You watch the survivors back away, one looking at Jason, the other sweeping the area for a possible weapon. You don't give them a chance. You're angry. At them. At everything. You're angry for Jason, who doesn't even seem to notice you come to stand behind him, shot gun raised, poised to protect.
-When you first came to Crystal Lake, you wouldn't have been able to pull the trigger, let alone aim well enough to kill them both with one blast each. But this is your home now too and they have hurt your family, taken one of them. Now, it's easy and maybe you'll see their pained expressions in nightmares on occasion but now, you all you care about is the frozen figure hunched over Mae.
Tears are starting to gather in your eyes and the shotgun seems to weigh a ton in your hands so you drop it carelessly to the sand. Jason has seemed to stop, still as a statue with one large palm resting over Mae's side, like maybe if he waits long enough, she'll come back like he did.
You know better. There's no coming back for Mae. It doesn't make the hollow feeling in your gut any less painful.
When you place a hand on Jason's shoulder you feel the fine tremor in his frame. It starts small and if you weren't so attuned to Jason after all this time you would have thought he was shivering.
'I'm sorry' 'I should have watched her better' 'I shouldn't have gotten lost' 'Tell me how to fix this.'
The words scramble in your brain at the low sound the man before you makes, his fingers clenching in Mae's fur, and you wrap your arms around him, pulling him gently to lean against you. You have to brace yourself when he slumps against you, shoulder digging into your stomach and head on your chest.
You hold him tight, curling over to place your cheek atop his head, your face away from the bloody scene. You try your best to communicate silently, the way Jason seemed to do so easily with you,
'I'm so sorry.'
His breath rasps in and out in harsh sweeps as he reaches up to grasp the arm you have curled around his collarbone, clutching tighter as if asking,
'Why do they all die? Why do they leave?'
'I don't know. I'm here, right here. I'm not leaving, I'll never leave.'
Both of you stand vigil, un-moving, for long enough that the sun begins to stretch between the trees on the far edge of the lake. You know he would stay there for days if you let him but you can't keep listening to him cycle between a quiet, unnerving calm and the near brink of silent sobbing.
So you give him a squeeze with your arms and a slight shake before pulling away to kneel down beside him, trying and failing to turn his face away from Mae's body. You try harder and eventually he relents, the tension draining out of him at the meeting of your eyes.
"Let's take her home okay?" you whisper "Let's go home and put her to rest."
There's a brief flash of anger in his uneven eyes and then it fizzles out. It leaves nothing but a flicker of pain before he moves to take off his coat and lay it over Mae, only stopping long enough to pull the knife out of her. You take it from his hand and hurl it into the lake, as far out as you can, while he wraps her up.
He carries her home to your cabin, a slow stain blooming on the coat. It's the closest to a funeral procession you can imagine, shot gun still heavy in your hand. You almost offer to dig the grave but that would take longer than you think he could stand, so you let Jason do it.
Leaving him in the back yard as you go through the morning routine with the rest of the pack, minus one, you can feel them looking for Mae. Missing her in their own way.
You pick from various patches of wildflowers around the cabin until you have a bundle big enough to spread over the length of the mound of dirt that sticks out like a sore thumb. Eventually one of you will find something to mark it with as the ground settles, but as you lay the last few flowers, giving Jason a watery smile as you do, you think this with be good enough for now.
The look he gives you says he agrees.
The both of you sit on the back steps of the cabin, hand in hand, enjoying the silent comfort of one another.
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skinks · 4 years
hi your dilfworth fic is amazing and i love baby richie... my favourite is the tidbit about richie eating a worm that eddie gave him 🥺 obviously u don’t have to but if u have any more thoughts/headcanons about baby richie and baby eddie i would melt into a puddle ❤️
thank you, I had so much fun writing that one! and yeah, I couldn’t possibly include baby Richie without Eddie, the little gruesome twosome.
Richie probably does that a lot with stuff Eddie gives him, drawings and little bits of grass he’s braided together, and on one memorable occasion almost the little navy frogman diver that Eddie got in his cornflakes, but Eddie already had one so he gave the second to Richie. Except it’s one of those ones that swells in liquid, uh oh. Luckily Maggie snatched it away before Richie could swallow it lmao, but that’s the thing;
Richie loves the things Eddie gives him so he wants to Consume them. That’s why he was biting Went’s arm in the fic, why he ate the worm and also why he’s always gnawing on Eddie when they’re tiny, or chasing him to try and envelop him in his shirt. And it’s just one of those games, y’know? Like, Eddie can SEE it’s just Richie holding his too-big Sesame Street shirt up and open like a butterfly net or the flapping gilly mouth of a whale shark, and it’s Richie going raaaarr but Eddie still shrieks and runs! He’s giggling but it’s like, in the inbetween clock ticks, when he’s looking forward instead of back over his shoulder at Richie it’s still Pursuit, he believes in the Richiesaurus coming to get him. It always does, too, swamps him up in its flapping gills until they’re two noisy boy-lumps sharing one shirt, because Eddie lets it eat him. Because the Richiesaurus isn’t a mean monster, it’s just hungry, so hungry, and it only eats spaghetti because spaghetti is special.
Sometimes when they’re doing coloring books Richie will ask Eddie to color in his Yoda too if Richie draws some more Richie And Eddie Adventures, because Eddie’s better (not much) at keeping inside the lines. Also because Eddie’s tongue pokes out when he colors and, watching him, Richie gets this happy hungry that’s MY friend feeling that makes him lie flat on Eddie’s back until he can’t get up and give the back of his head a big kiss.
SO many naps together. They just conk out anywhere. The yard, the den, under Richie’s bunk bed, the back seat of the car as Went and Maggie drive them home from the tree farm or the public pool or Chuck E Cheese, sometimes with Stan and Bill too. Just flopped together in a pile. Richie still sucks his thumb while he sleeps and that contributes to his gaptoothed buckteeth, but Eddie carries a grey threadbare rabbit around with him or he can’t sleep. It’s called Foggy. Foggy Bunny.
One day when Eddie’s over to play, Went and Maggie are feeling indulgent and take them to the mall? Because it’s 1981 and the mall is the best? And Sonia always pulls Eddie along by the hand whenever they go, snapping don’t touch that or stay away from bad men like that but Maggie just gently ushers them from storefront to storefront and Eddie can goggle at the displays as long as he likes. Richie’s up on Went’s shoulders, and when he comes parachuting down again he says “Eddie’s turn!” Went asks Eddie if he’d like to ride on his shoulders for a little bit and Eddie nods, still not really sure how to talk to grownups, but then he’s soaring and suddenly he’s the up-highest he’s ever been.
They collect ladybugs in a shoebox one summer’s day after an aphid swarm and are carrying it carefully up the stairs, a little stumped as to what to do with them next, when Richie trips. Ladybugs everywhere, including in Eddie’s hair. Maggie comes up to see what the commotion is and makes them clean it all up, once she’s calmed Eddie down from screaming about how Richie told him ladybugs are harmless unless they go in your ears and lay their eggs.
They trade the same two lunchboxes back and forth every couple of weeks. Wacky Races for Alfred E Neuman, a roaring stock market to rival wall street. Eddie can do the Muttley laugh so easy and Richie HATES it because he can’t do that one.
Richie is the ONLY kid Eddie knows who can tell time but he always tells Eddie the wrong time. Eddie’s not sure how he knows it’s the wrong time, but he’s sure of it, and so he always steps on Richie’s laces. Then Richie just walks around with loose laces because he can’t tie them yet, but also because he just doesn’t CARE and it’s not right so Eddie always makes him sit somewhere so Eddie can tie them again. Calls Richie a butthead, but he also kinda likes it because Richie always karate chops his shoulders and says something like “I knight thee, Sir Eds-A-Lot!” and Eddie feels good and something else be doesn’t know the word for, but the word is chivalrous. He feels like he wants to do the thing in the Tom & Jerry cartoons where he puts his anorak over a puddle so Richie’s trailing laces won’t get wet.
Eddie accidentally knocks one of Richie’s baby teeth out and vice versa. Peak idiots since babiehood.
Sometimes on rainy days Maggie makes treasure hunts for them all, or just for Richie and Eddie if Bill is with his new baby brother, or Stan is at Cub Scouts. She leaves post-its with drawings and clues that lead them all over the house, and Eddie’s better at reading them but Richie’s better at problem solving... teamwork... they win a kinder egg each and Richie does almost eat his toy again by accident this time, and gets chocolate all over his shirt that’s stretched loose from being an Eddie-net so often. So he does it again, gulp, like Pac-Man. Eddie’s hair tufting out his collar and tickly on his chin, Eddie giggling and pawing his way out and hugging back instead. Because it’s not like keeping him prisoner, Richie’s not like the sea monster in Pinocchio, it’s more like a little plant taking sunshine inside it to grow stronger.
Eddie’s better at reading and he’s a fast talker unlike Bill, so he always reads the board at school and whispers what it says to Richie, sitting next to him with glasses that still aren’t quite right for school, make his head hurt and make him noisy just to feel like he’s having an impact in a room he can’t see. Don’t forget me, I’m here, I can’t see you all but I’m here too.
Sometimes on nicer days Went builds them obstacle courses in the garden, planks of wood balanced on buckets etc and Eddie ALWAYS wins once he gets over his trepidation about splinters and nails and falling a few inches onto soft grass, because he’s a nimble lil mountain goat and Richie’s laces were probably untied again. They win tinfoil trophies.
Richie convinces Eddie that a rock they find by the pond in the park one day is a dragon egg, and Eddie cradles it home to keep. Richie convinces Eddie he’s dead all the time, he’ll lie still with his tongue sticking out after a roughhousing and pretend to have little x’s over his eyes until Eddie’s shaking his shoulder with his voice gone high and reedy, and Richie will surprise him every time! Gotcha! I’m alive! Aren’t you glad I’m alive, Eddie! Weren’t you worried? I’m so important to him. And then one day Eddie brings the rock into 2nd grade show-and-tell and is stuttering about his dragon egg to the tittering class, until the teacher tells him to get back to his seat and stop being silly. Eddie stuffs the rock under his desk lid and his eyes are like dark moons with the confused hurt, and Richie feels a nasty spiky heat in his tummy that he will come to know intimately in a few years as guilt.
That day, Richie learns on some level or another how much power there is in pretending, in keeping up pretend games and having people believe you as long as you’re willing to keep it up. The thing is... he pretends so much because Eddie’s always much happier when they’re playing cops and robbers and not when he’s stuck in his stuffy church clothes and being told the whole world’s a mousetrap set just for him. He doesn’t like their teacher telling Eddie to stop being silly, he loves silly, serious, ties-laces-while-singing-bunny-foo-foo Eddie. Richie doesn’t know it, but he loves him even then. What he does know is that he’s good at pretending, and he’s safe from any big sad betrayed eyes as long as he can keep pretending he didn’t want to put a wonky, lopsided heart in Eddie’s Valentines box that year.
Eddie doesn’t talk to him for a WHOLE afternoon but then Richie draws a dragon face and wings on the rock and they’re immediately playing with it.
Eddie doesn’t have rollerskates because Sonia thinks they’re dangerous, but the others always let him borrow theirs, Stan and Richie and Bill. Richie has the closest size that would fit him even though they do have to stuff some crumpled up newspaper in the toes, but it doesn’t matter when they tie a jumprope around Richie’s middle like reins, and Eddie holds the two handles as Richie runs, and suddenly they’re charioteering at breakneck speed down the street. Eddie can feel the wind in his helmet plume as they hurtle towards the giant pile of fall leaves they spent all afternoon raking for this exact purpose, watched over by Went sitting on the porch (Went tidied the pile once they lost interest, easier for him to do since he’s not roughly half the size of the rakes.)
Their crash into the pile is a Ben-Hur epic. Eddie’s borrowed rollerskates hit the sidewalk curb and he’s airborne until he lands on soft dry crunch and Richie’s totalled body, but 6 years isn’t long enough for gravity to wreak its slow pull on your joints that makes every year harder and harder to bounce back up after you fall. They’re practically astronauts, as well as charioteers and knights and cops and robbers and monsters in love. Moonwalkers, squeaky helium laughter lifting them higher, higher than shoulders, up-highest of all.
Richie gives him the wonky Valentine’s heart, eventually. Then eats him
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