#this may be influenced by the fact that my own ex-bf has been a pain in the ass for the past month lmao
Watching Star Trek TOS: an actual storyline for a woman then a sexbot, we can't have it all
The Conscience of the king
Can you believe we finally get a storyline for a woman character in 17 episodes and it's this: she murders 7 men, unbeknownst to her father, to protect him from being sentenced for ordering to execute 4000 people? And she still flirts with Jim
I enjoy how the episode makes Jim reflect on his own position and power and the decisions he has to make, but some things don't make sense to me. Why does he hesitate so much? Who cares about eye witnesses or his memory when they have actual photos?? Then there was 2 assassination attempts, what are they waiting for? Confine the guy and/or the whole company and that's it.
I felt like we didn't see enough of the father/daughter relationship for her behaviour to really make sense.
I liked Spock going to McCoy to discuss the captain's strange behaviour
"Did it ever occur to you that he simply might like the girl?"
"It occurred. I dismissed it."
"You would."
It's funny because Spock's right!
Riley's call to the rec room is cute! Uhura singing! I like scenes with the crew
Balance of terror
Aww Jim gets to marry two crewmembers! Oh no they're gonna die
I really liked this episode! It lacks the fun stuff and there's a lot of fighting but I liked the high stakes, the tension, the discussions about the possibility of starting a war, showing the Romulan side. And the emotion was there:
Bones' to Jim, my heart!
In this galaxy, there's a mathematical probability of three million Earth-type planets. And in all of the universe, three million million galaxies like this. And in all of that, and perhaps more, only one of each of us. Don't destroy the one named Kirk.
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And ofc the homoerotic duel between Jim and the sexy Romulan commander, who has the best lines
He's a sorcerer, that one. He reads the thoughts in my brain.
I regret that we meet in this way. You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend.
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Shore Leave
It's gross.
Look, the beginning was so funny and 100% what I'm here for:
Jim why would you think it okay for Spock to give you a massage on the bridge like that?? Plus Spock being a little shit about it
Spock tricking Jim into taking a vacation
Jim at the academy was "grim" and picked on it's canon
the white rabbit, the tiger, etc
But you know what is not my idea of fun? Jim spending a two-days vacation with an amusement/sex robot (or multicellular casting) who takes the appearance and identity of an ex-girlfriend of his ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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valkyriecain · 3 years
hi, I noticed in your recent post you mentioned about the skulduggery pleasant books being written autonomously. I used to read the books years ago but I am not up to date. if I may ask you, did the author do something bad?
ok so listen there's so much to this and i have what is commonly known as Sieve Brain but im gonna recall the "highlights" in bullet points because if not we will Die Here. important factors, before new stans be calling me bitter and unjustified: i had been a fan since 2008, first met derek irl in 2010 and from that point became really close to him. i considered him a friend, and i believe he considered me the same. i worshipped him unapologetically, which he loved.
and none of this should put you off loving SP! i still hold this series very dear and still buy any new releases, though it pains me knowing derek gets the money. I just really have to distance the books from him.
here you go:
things were "fine" until the release of desolation, the second book in the demon road series (for reference, i ADORED DR. didn't just hate it out of spite because it wasn't SP). myself and other fans took issue with this book because the main character, who was a sheltered 16 year old girl, was presented in an INCREDIBLY painful scene to read where a 20 year old woman who is tending to her after she's been in a brawl and coerces Amber (protag) into kissing her. they then date. it's messy as fuck, but honestly I'd level with the age gap if it wasn't so Male Porn Fantasy and vaguely rapey. myself and another Mega Fan moonie ended up sharing private emails with derek about how we felt discomforted by this and let down by him, and after honestly emotionally draining ourselves and digging deep to be honest with a man we've never wanted to fault, his eventual conclusion was an eloquently phased "you're being over sensitive and I'm sorry you've made yourself feel like this," and refused to acknowledge any fault. that's a VERY shortened version. for myself and moonie it was really long and messy and tiresome and incredibly heartbreaking tbh.
now, i said things were "fine" but they weren't, we were just deluded as fuck. so heres a vaguely timelined bullet pointing of what happened BEFORE Creepy Lesbian and after1811. I'm sure anything I miss moonie will RB with lol her brain works a lot better than mine
•  valcain is based on dereks Ex Best Friend (much open to speculation), who was his 12 year old krav maga student when he was in his 30s, this is how they met. get on ur monocles my friends. she now seems to have nothing to do with him and no input on the books where she was previously heavily involved. in old blog posts he sexualised the IRL val when she attended an event with him, she was in her teens.
• in KOTW derek name dropped my OC (harmony blake, fact check me), at the time I was OVERJOYED. looking back, she was fucking serpine. i believe i was 17 at this time.
• myself and my own Ex BF had our chosen names dropped in LSODM (for memory). they had BOTH fucked saracen. if you missed it, derek confirmed that saracen is his self insert :^) me being a silly prick was having a jolly old time
honestly I don't remember my irl meetings with derek being overly creepy, but back then I adored him, so? idk. the one thing I remember which made me uncomfortable at the time, was myself and a couple of other mega fans who were all in a friend group got invited to his house. he had a cap shield from the first avenger and we all took turns holding it. I was wearing a t shirt and shorts, so when I held it, I said "it looks like I'm nekked behind here" because it did. and he did a little "heh" and sort of looked like he was imagining it. it was bleh. anyway
• LAURAGATE. dereks gf. she's 26. he's 40something now, whatever, who cares, right? oh wait yeah she was a 17 year old fan when they first met at a signing, that's right. he referred to her in his blog as "the blond with the legs".  they started emailing. 2013 was their First Date, I believe she'd just turned 18, or was just off being 19. I was at this signing so I can tell you how skeevy it looked. she actually queued up to see him and have her photo taken mid signing which is weird as FUCK and paints a clear picture of how fucked this situation was. there's more to this day but it's just shit garnish on diarrhea soup tbh
• derek totally distances from the Big Fan base. be this because we criticised him, because we know the gross ins and outs of his and lauras relationship or because she was feeding his greedy ego and he didn't need us any more? who knows. the fandom has taken a fucking blow without us though. i know we were cringe and terrible but we were the life of the party and honestly we added to the skulduggery brand.
that's a brief summary of lowlights. him and laura continue to be terrible people, feeding into each others worst attributes and refusing to grow as people. laura just wants to coast on his "fame" and "fortune" and keeps trying (and failing, miserably) to exploit both of these to become an influencer. derek seems fucking miserable from what I can tell but he's got a "leggy blonde" so he'll not budge, will he
ANYWAY. if you want me to expand on anything, just uh, lemme know. I will if I can
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