#the yellow on alastor fits so fine
shey-pancake · 1 year
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In the meanwhile I don't post any art here yet (due to school stuff) here is a redesign of the main cast of hazbin hotel I did for fun :] enjoy!!
these renders r not mine btw, all of these I took are from the hazbin wiki!! I just edited them
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What are your favorite characters from HH to write fics about? :> and If you still take requests - write a fic about them!! (only if you want to ofc)
Very unique ask thanks I will!
My two favorites to write for have to be Lucifer himself and Charlie so this one will be about them! ^^
C.W(content warning I think): a lil intense 😬
Playful Punishments
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Summary: Charlie notices that Lucifer’s been teasing Alastor more than usual and decides to take care of it
Alastor was in a particularly bad mood one morning.
The rest of the hotel residents had no idea why whether it be Vox again, he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, Susan, but whatever it was he wasn’t happy and he had an angry aura around him to prove it, everyone mostly stayed away from him that morning, everyone except for one…
“What’s the matter Bambi? Someone seems a little grumpy today~” Lucifer taunted him from the other side of the parlor, waving his cane at the other demon. Alastor’s irritated gaze flicked up to meet Lucifer’s and he sighed inwardly before making his way to Husk’s bar for a drink.
“Alcohol this early in the mornin’ boss? Everythin alright?” Husk asked him, sliding the ordered drink over to its owner. “I’m quite alright Husker, thank you..” Alastor replied and right off the bat Husk knew something was wrong, Alastor usually didn’t sound so drained, something was wrong.
Husk glanced up at Charlie who also watched him as Alastor leaned over on the bar counter and Husk’s wings fanned out a little and his ear twitched as his eyes flicked from Alastor to Charlie again and after a bit of watching Charlie finally figured out what the cat was saying and made her way over.
“Alastor?” Charlie began as she approached the other, “Are you okay?” She finished, concern shining in her yellow eyes as Alastor sat up to look her in the eye. “I’m quite alright my dear I assure you.” Alastor replied, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder but it felt anything but.
But she also didn’t want to cross any boundaries with her friend and she could tell he didn’t want to talk about it right now so reluctantly she left it at that. “Alright then…” Charlie told him and walked back over to Vaggie to rejoin her conversation.
Alastor enjoyed the moment of peace, everyone was doing their own thing and Husk was staying quiet cleaning up his bar until Lucifer wandered over and decided to start being a prick once more. “So Bambi, why the long face?” Lucifer taunted Alastor, poking him in his cheek with his cane.
Alastor shoved the object away and sighed inwardly, he was not in the mood to deal with this obsessive, duck loving asshole.
“Go away.” Alastor snapped at Lucifer, “Aww but why? Don’t you like hanging out with me Bambi? You should be honored I want to hang out with you.” Lucifer taunted him and Alastor’s gaze snapped towards him.
“Yes well I’m not, now leave.” Alastor warned and Lucifer only stuck his tongue out at the other demon and nearly fell over laughing at his bewildered expression. “How childish.” Alastor muttered under his breath and stood, walking towards the flight of stairs back up to his room.
After Lucifer recovered from his laughing fit he’d noticed that Alastor had left him and he huffed, “How rude.” He thought and stood, making his way over to Charlie and Vaggie.
Charlie noticed her dad approaching and turned to face him, “You know Dad, talking to Alastor like that isn’t very nice.” Charlie reminded him but he only waved her off.
“It’s fine Char Char he’ll be fine.” Lucifer told her but she only turned to look at the stairs which Alastor disappeared up, “I hope you’re right.” She remarked and made her way over to Husk’s bar.
Husk noticed Charlie approaching and set down the liquor bottle he was drinking out of moments ago, “Can I get you something Princess?” Husk asked her as she sat down and looked at him. “No I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you.” Charlie told him, pride shining in her eyes and giggling when his ear flicked in confusion.
“I mean when you non-verbally called me over to check on Al, I know you don’t like him very much and yet you still did so.” Charlie explained and he smiled a little, picking up a glass and polishing it.
“Well don’t get me wrong I still hate that son of a bitch but he looked genuinely upset and I couldn’t help but feel bad.” Husk told her and she grinned, “And that’s proof of progress with you, I’m proud of you Husk.” Charlie told him before standing and going back to Vaggie and Lucifer.
What was he going to do? Lucifer wouldn’t leave him alone and he really was not in the mood for his shenanigans. No doubt the duck loving midget would be coming back to bother him soon but for now he was going to retreat to his room to be left alone.
He knew the other hotel residents had noticed him upset and Charlie had already approached him asking if he was okay and he was he just…wasn’t in the mood for anything.
After his battle with Adam even though it was weeks ago it still left him drained from time to time because of the physical exertion he’d put his body through to keep himself alive and was still recovering due to the large healing scar on his chest.
Shortly after he reached his room and slid a copper colored key out of his coat pocket and opened the door, quickly being greeted by the comforting scent of his swamp lingering in the background of his room.
Alastor entered the space and shut the door behind him, quickly readjusting to the feel and quietness of his room before shifting to more of a demonic form from him and disappearing in his swamp to go hunt, he would be okay eventually..
Now bored with nothing to do Lucifer looked around the parlor eyeing the different groups with each other. Husk and Angel were together, Charlie and Vaggie, and Niffty, KeeKee, and Razzle.
He didn’t really have anything to do so he went to go talk to Charlie. “Hello Charlie dear.” Lucifer spoke as he approached the pair. “Hi Dad! What’s up?” The princess chirped as she turned her attention onto her father.
“What’s up with your Bellhop? He seems rather grumpy today.” Lucifer asked her, shooting a glance over to the staircase. “I’m not sure if I’m being honest he wouldn’t tell me.” Charlie replied, frowning and placing her chin in one of her hands in thought.
“Maybe he’s just having a bad day?” Vaggie spoke up, “Maybe but it’s not like him to act so distant.” Charlie answered, “I’m sure he’s fine, he always is.” Lucifer told them, smiling and placing both hands on his cane.
“You’re right, we probably shouldn’t worry so much.” Charlie told them, re-adopting her usual bubbly personality and resumed her conversation.
While they weren’t paying attention Lucifer slipped away from the pair and started a walk towards the stairs, he wanted to get to the bottom of this.
Reaching the top of the stairs and going down a hallway he thought, “What would Charlie think of she caught me going to check on him? It’s fine probably.” He thought and at last reached Alastor’s door.
He raised his hand to knock when the door opened on its own and Alastor’s gaze flicked down as Lucifer’s flicked up to meet his. “How the hell…?” Lucifer started and Alastor sighed, opening the door more and stepping out of the way to let the King in.
“You are hell’s loudest walker, I heard you coming Your Highness.” Alastor snapped, “Now what do you want?” He finished, glaring at Lucifer not liking that he was here.
“I came to check on you Bambi, am I not allowed to be concerned about my daughter’s business partner?” Lucifer taunted him and his ears pinned back. “I suppose not. Well I’m fine, so leave.” Alastor bit out that last part.
“I don’t think so, I need to make sure you’re okay.” Lucifer told Alastor, clearly messing with him. “You just did.” Alastor snapped, antlers growing some, showing his displeasure. “No I didn’t.” Lucifer grinned, his horns growing from his head in turn.
Alastor growled, angry radio static escaping him at the new change as his tendrils snaked out from his back and in turn Lucifer summoned his wings with a sneaky grin. “Why are you really here?” Alastor narrowed his eyes at Lucifer, not believing a word he was saying.
“I told you I’m here to make sure you’re fine.” Lucifer laughed a little and started advancing towards the deer in which the other started backing away with a growl, this would not end well.
Back in the parlor Charlie and Vaggie were chatting about the next extermination and what to do to prevent and prepare for it when they heard a loud crash from upstairs.
They quickly shot a glance at each other before running across the parlor and up the stairs, “What the hell was that?!” Vaggie yelled to Charlie, summoning her wings and flying to gain more distance.
“I don’t know but it came from Alastor’s room.” Charlie yelled back to her, horns growing from her head and eyes inverting in color. When they reached the room they opened the door and rushed in to find Alastor and Lucifer fighting, again.
“Dad! Leave Al be!” Charlie got his attention and he actually flinched, she looked pissed, her horns protruded from her head and her tail snapped angrily behind her. Lucifer stood and walked closer to Charlie, “Sorry Charlie.” Lucifer told her but she shook her head.
“That’s not going to cut it. You okay Al?” Charlie asked her friend who stood and brushed himself off, returning to his normal form before nodding. Charlie smiled softly at him before turning her glare back onto Lucifer who shrank under her gaze.
“S-Sorry?” Lucifer told her with a nervous laugh but her eyes only narrowed before turning to Vaggie. “Vaggie you take care of Al” she spoke before turning back to Lucifer, “I’ll be right back.” She finished before grabbing the King by the collar of his coat and dragging him out the door and down the hall.
“C-Charlie?? Where are we going?” Lucifer asked her, noticeably nervous but her tail only snapped in response as she stared ahead.
She continued practically dragging him down the hall until they reached their destination, Lucifer’s room. Charlie opened the door and released her father in there before shutting the door and re-facing Lucifer, crossing her arms with an irritated look.
“Charlie why did you bring me here?” Lucifer asked her, trying to sound confident and fearless but in reality he was scared out of his mind right now.
Charlie sighed, placing the bridge of her nose between two fingers before raising her head again and Lucifer would be lying if he said he wasn’t relieved that all her demonic features faded to her normal look.
“Listen Dad you need to stop picking fights with Alastor. Especially not when he’s feeling like this.” Charlie remarked and he only waved her off, “It’s fine Char Char, he’s fine you saw him and he told you himself.” Lucifer reminded her but she only shook her head.
“You know that’s not what I mean Dad.” Charlie told him and he turned to her with a challenging grin, “Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it?” Lucifer asked her and her eyes went wide at his courage for a moment before she averted her gaze and placed her chin in her hand in thought.
Then…an idea came, she snapped her fingers together with an excited grin that made Lucifer raise an amused brow as Charlie turned towards him. “I know what I’m going to do.” Charlie told him and he laughed a little.
“Yeah? And just what would that be?” He asked her but his grin quickly grew nervous as she raised her hands and started wiggling her fingers at him. “N-Now Charlie let’s talk about this shall we?” Lucifer stammered, backing away from her as she advanced closer.
“What is there to talk about Dad?” Charlie grinned as he hit the foot of his bed and scrambled back to the pillows to get away from her, holding his hand out as she still got closer until she was just a hair’s width away.
“C-Chaharlie wait dohon’t!” Lucifer couldn’t help but start giggling in his current position. “Don’t what?” Charlie began, “Do this?” Charlie finished and shot both her hands down to his sides and started scribbling over them.
“Yehehehes!” Lucifer yelped and started giggling like mad as Charlie attacked his torso. “But why not?” Charlie asked him, moving to flutter over Lucifer’s neck making him scrunch up his shoulders and bat at her hands.
“Chahahaharliehehe!” Lucifer laughed as she grinned down at him, “Yes Dad?” Charlie laughed along with him before moving down to prod and scratch at his ribs which was rather effective. Lucifer jerked at the new sensitive change and his hat fell off making Charlie laugh.
She paused tickling him for a moment and picked up her father’s hat and placed it on her own head and when the King saw her he started laughing nearly as hard as he was just a moment ago.
“Oh you think that’s funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about!” Charlie exclaimed playfully and he immediately went on the defensive. “Waitwaitwait no Chahahaharlie I’m sohohohorry!” Lucifer tried pleading with her but it didn’t work as she grabbed and started drilling into his hips.
Lucifer let out a bark of laughter and bucked nearly hard enough to throw Charlie off making her laugh. “CHAHahahahahaHAHALIE!!” Lucifer howled and she backed off a little, moving up to claw over his stomach.
“Chahahaharlie this ihihisn’t fahahair!” Lucifer whined at her but she only shook her head. “How is it not fair? You did this to yourself Dad~” Charlie teased him, still not letting up even as he gripped her wrists but surprisingly making no move to push her away.
“You’re not pushing me away Dad, are you enjoying this?” Charlie noticed and grinned when his eyes shot open, his face glowed bright red and he started shaking his head through his laughter.
“Nohohohoho I’m nohohohot!” Lucifer denied as Charlie moved again to rake over his ribs, “I think you are, you’re very powerful and you can stop me at any time~” Charlie teased him and he only whined giving Charlie her answer.
Then Charlie decided to change it up a little, reaching behind her and scribbling over the back of Lucifer’s knee, due to the unexpected change his leg came up and kicked her in the back causing her to fall on top of him with a laugh, momentarily pausing the tickling.
“OH MY HEAVEN ARE YOU OKAY CHAR CHAR IM SO SORRY!” Lucifer exclaimed, tapping her on the shoulder repeatedly. When she didn’t answer for a moment he got even more scared until he felt her bury her face in his neck and he immediately knew what was coming next.
“I’m fine, but will you be?” Charlie’s voice came before she wrapped her arms around his torso and blew a large raspberry in the crook of his neck. The sensation was kind of new to him so he jolted hard before burying his face in her shoulder, laughing heartily.
“CHAHAhahahahahaHAHAHARLIEHEHE!!” Lucifer cackled, laughter dying down as Charlie lifted herself from him and started prodding at his ribs again.
“Damn Dad you are sensitive~” Charlie teased him and he shook his head, “Nohohohoho I’m nohohohot.” He giggled, blonde hair an absolute mess and a large grin playing across his features.
Charlie raised a brow and snaked one of her hands behind him, tracing her finger down the length of his spine causing him to jump with a yelp as his wings flared out and fluffed up as he shot her a look.
“C-Chahahaharlie…” He began, eyeing her hands like a hawk as she retrieved her hand and stared at him for a moment. “Yes Dad?” Charlie asked him, plastering on the most innocent face she could muster as his wings curled closer to him protectively.
“Dohohohon’t..” He giggled nervously, keeping her wrists in a strong grip. “Will you apologize to Al for tormenting him?” Charlie asked him and he dropped her hands to fold across his front as he looked at her defiantly.
“Are you kidding? Heavens no he deserves it.” Lucifer snapped but then noticed the situation he was in as he felt Charlie’s hands rest on his middle set of wings.
“Alright then you asked for it.” Charlie told him and before he had a chance to react her hands sprang into motion, scribbling over the feathers in an attempt to get Lucifer to surrender and boy was it working.
Lucifer immediately jolted like he’d been struck by lightning and grabbed Charlie’s shoulders as she continued tickling him, thrashing about through bits of hysterical cackling. “CHAHAHAHAHARLIE NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!!” Lucifer told her but she shook her head with a laugh.
In another case she would be concerned but when he opened an eye to look at her she didn’t see any distress or discomfort she only saw happiness and playful defiance which gave her the okay to continue.
“Give it up Dad!” Charlie laughed along with him, “NOHOHOHO WAHAHAHAY!!” Lucifer remained defiant even as tears threatened to spill out of his eyes but when she started vibrating her fingers into the skin is when he had to change his mind and call it.
He tapped her on the shoulder a couple times, unable to get words out now that his laughter had gone silent and she seemed to get it as she retracted her hands and laughed as he playfully punched her on the shoulder.
“Ihihihi never knehehew you to behehe so ruhuhuthless little ahahapple.” Lucifer pressed out through his titters and face-splitting grin. “I know who I get that from.” Charlie grinned, climbing off of Lucifer so he could sit up.
“Are you going to apologize?” Charlie asked him, being the King of Hell he was mostly already recovered. “Ughhh.” He groaned, not wanting to but he also didn’t want to get tormented again.
“I guess, let’s go.” Lucifer turned to Charlie with a smile, picking up his cane and heading out the door with her.
He learned one thing that day, he should’ve listened to Charlie.
(Alright woah this is definitely one of my more intense ones, and longer- hope you enjoyed tho sorry this took so long ^^’)
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petitprincess1 · 1 year
People be like "This is how the Hazbin characters should look" and re-redesign something that falls under their exact same critism of the OG designs.
I'm so tired of seeing people complain about Vivzie using a "limited color palette" and then turn around and do the exact same thing. When Sir Pentious's redesign dropped, someone said that it had a lot of yellow, which is fair criticism. ....They then just used green. They actually limited Pentious's colors even more. They just used variations of green and yellow-green. Which would be fine, if the complaint wasn't his color palette was limited.
Also, if I have to keep seeing Alastor using either darker shades of red or having a dull brown color palette, I'm going to yeet myself into a jet turbine. I don't understand why they limit him so much. They also tend to go too ham on him being a deer or liking the radio. Like, yeah, I get it. He's a deer. Do you have to put random deer antlers on his microphone? I guess when people make him "time accurate", they mean dull. Color didn't exist until the 2000s, apparently.
Also, the many people that say Angel Dust doesn't look like a spider, but then proceed to continue not making him look like a spider. Idc if you give him a mandible or make him a drider. I still ain't seen a spider that looks like him x3 I would say to call me when you find a spider walking on two legs and is 9ft tall.....but I might just unalive myself before you do that. That ain't a world I wanna live in lol
Don't get me wrong, many redesigns are wonderfully made, especially the ones that keep within the show's style. However, many just make it plainly obvious that they don't like the characters and/or the show. Just because this is how you would design the characters, does not mean they're better or accurate or whatever. It's just how you would make it.
These characters were specifically designed to fit the world they're in, the voices that they have, their roles in the plot, and their personalities overall. They cannot be improved or "fixed", imo, unless it's like a complete retelling like with Netflix's She-Ra.
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alastors-radioshow · 10 months
“Greetingssss, Alastor. If you’d like, I thought I’d come by to discussss those future ssssecurity measures you’d want me to insssstall around your home.” Pentious stood there on his front porch, a series of finely wrapped up blue-prints seemingly tucked up under his arm, presumably charts that the man had made in preparation for his visit. When Alastor’s eyes landed on him, the memories flashed in his head.
Smoke stacks churning with dark black smog, the stench of sulfur and burning coal in his nose…
The feeling of hunger, desperate and twisting, excruciatingly painful, empty, gnawing away at his insides as he stood there in his work slacks, too big to fit his small body, staring in longing as the adults were handed bruised turnips and yellowed onions while he and the other kids were told to stand by. They would not be getting anything that day.
The sting of steam flaring over his skin, the cuts from sharp strings causing blood to bead on his fingers, the suffocating feeling of squeezing himself under furnaces to prod at the bottom vents with a stick so as to clean out the gunk of coal dust accumulated at the bottom, hoping, desperately hoping, that the workers holding the machine up with trembling arms wouldn’t slip and crush him into a bloody pulp…
The feeling of laying there in the bitter cold of his room as the wind howled against the thin wooden walls, with little more than a thin blanket of hard rough cloth to sleep in, hunger still aching and twisting and radiating with agony in his empty stomach, so fiercely that the pain brought tears to his eyes. He was so hungry…And yet he was sent to bed with no food that night…
@dark-ambition (Pentious to Alastor)
The overlord had expected the other, having opened the door shortly after having heard the bell go off.
What he hadn't expected was what would meet him as his gaze settled upon the other.
He must have looked like something was wrong. Like he was about to be sick.
He had frozen in place, observing the scene play out. He could feel the hunger. He could feel it gnawing within him, as if he was part of it. Part of the memory. Just as starved as the young Pentious. The mortal boy he once had been.
He never knew of those hardships himself. He had grown up in a good home with a loving mother. Although his father had been absent. He had never experienced that level of poverty.
Those crimson orbs would slowly blink, as if he was being brought back to reality, pulled back out of a nightmare.
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"Oh, apologies~ It would seem that I was gone for a moment, there. Please, do come in!"
He kept his gaze somewhat averted. He didn't know if could keep a straight face if his mind kept being bombarded with sorrow.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Hazbin Hotel: Angel Dust Redesign Reveal (Review and Critique)
Welp everyone, looks like the “sexy” spider is finally here, with his look for the actual show, and it’s............something. Not good, not bad, just.....something.
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So........yeah okay, this is what we’re going for. Cool beans. 😐
Yeah I’ll say it now, my blood ain’t boiling like the last two redesigns. Charlie and Alastor were worth my anger because Viv just made Charlie worse, making her completely red when she was honestly fine the way she was before, and with Al she didn’t do shit, a character who’s problems you could see just by LOOKING at him. With Angel though.....he had issues but I wasn’t expecting her to do much, and what do you know, she didn’t. Nothing creative to make him pop out, no experiments with different colors, no variety, no new features, at this point I’m used to being heavily disappointed. I’m just looking at him and going........“oh....yeah okay.” Like I feel so drained from disappointment than I am angry LMAO, but enough of me yacking, let’s talk about it!
So I guess I’ll start with the background like I always do. It looks nice, I’m honestly glad to know that most of Angel’s room palette will be purple, it’ll be a nice break of all the damn reds in the hotel. Now, of course the background doesn’t contrast with the character, but I think it’s because they wanted to show the FLAT colors without composition so I don’t care, let’s move on to Angel himself.
So let me just say that I’m glad that there’s actual CHANGES here, and not just a white line like a certain character. HOWEVER....the changes are........not so good in my opinion. Now before I get to that, it’s obvious to note the changes made that make it easier for animators. There are less spots on Angel’s head, he doesn’t have a big row of teeth like before, and he has less stripes on his suit so I do appreciate that, but again, the changes made and the lack of unique variety get to me, so let’s talk about it. Firstly, he has no black pupil over his....other pupil and I honestly don’t like that, it looked better before and I thought it fit with the whole “two eyes” thing, it made you drawn to his eye and now it just looks the same, you could even say it’s a little off putting. They could have maybe made it a different color, along with his yellow sclera because it’s just pink and yellow, again....the colors Viv is obsessed with. I miss his grey sclera. Anyway, another change is that his right eye, bow tie, and suit flaps are all black now. Which......is boring. I mean...I’m glad his suit flaps aren’t hot pink anymore but it seems like whenever Viv needs to change a color that wasn’t necessary to the design (so all the pinks and reds) she’ll just make it black because she’s still stuck in her comfort zone and can’t use other colors or the world will end. If you seen some of my blog, you’ll know that the reason I don’t like black on viv’s characters is because it’s another color she overuses, when she’s not using reds, pinks, yellows, and whites, it’ll be black and I just think it’s a boring and a lazy color to chose when you’re trying to make the character look appealing. It can work SOMETIMES but with Viv I’m just.......ehhh, though you can disagree with me.
Moving on, I also noticed how his bow tie doesn’t look like a butterfly now, and I’m honestly glad, I never liked the way Viv drew bow ties, but I still think THAT along with the choker is unnecessary, they should have gotten rid of one of them because it just looks weird. Man, Viv really likes chokers huh?? But enough about that, let’s get to his actual suit because DEAR lord it’s the worst part. Now I’m going to be honest, the first time I saw this as a whole I just went “what the fuck is he wearing??” Because it looked like a freaking suit/nightgown LMAO. I’m obviously talking about his second pair of arms, as it seems like he’s sleeveless. Turns out he actually IS wearing a pair of gloves there, they’re just white (Viv confirmed on Twitter) so.....ONE, looks like Viv forgot to convey that in the drawing, and TWO.......yeah the choice to have him wear two different pairs of gloves in each set of arms is ridiculous. Like.....I don’t get it. Why? Is it to make him stand out? Because it doesn’t, it just makes him look distracting and wonky to look at, ESPECIALLY in animation. If I saw him moving around a lot, I’d just wouldn’t know where to look, the two gloves make him look busy, it was a stupid decision I’m sorry. Moving on, instead of his suit being white with pink stripes, it’s pink with white stripes. I’m just like.....o-okay?? I mean I’m happy his entire suit doesn’t look like his fur like before but I’m just meh about this. Again his whole suit in general is just....boring, I don’t think I’ve ever said this before, but I don’t like how Viv draws suits, they all look the same and are all DRAWN the same and half of the time they honestly don’t even LOOK like suits, so at this point I don’t care about the switching of the white to pink. Oh, and I guess those small white markings on his first set of gloves are to make him stand out as well. Ugh.....it’s the COLORS that are the issue. For HIS case, I don’t mind white and pink being his main palette but I still wanted other colors OTHER than black. Again, purple would have been nice but.....we’re clearly not getting that. Viv just needs to start using more color variety, and the fact that Angel’s colors are all the same bore me.
So yeah, that wraps it up for Angel’s redesign. I can’t call it awful, it’s certainly not as bad as Charlie with her red, but it’s still bad. Not only is it boring and more busy with the stupid set of different gloves, but it’s just uninspiring. I don’t understand why he couldn’t have a suit with lines, or a buttoned suit, and it still disappoints me that he doesn’t have his mobster hat or even a TAD features that point to him being a mobster in life. I saw a REALLY good redesign on Twitter for him, and I’ll share that in another post, but for now, this Angel Dust is..........a downgrade, that’s all I can say. 😔
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poison--ivory · 3 years
Get Back Up Chapter 2
Warning: Injuries 
Fast moving blurs of greenery past by the window, leaving Anthony to be at peace nearly this whole train ride. He's only been on here for a day and so far it's been fine, but now he had another six hours, which felt even longer than the whole day trip. He knew he should have brought something to entertain himself, he did grab his phone before leaving, but he wanted to save his battery life and he was pretty sure Val could track his calls. Well, before he removed the implanted tracking chip every stripper had installed when hired. He had his gal pal help remove the chip, which she did with no questions asked. To be honest he was still terrified that Valentino could find him even without the tracker. He couldn't back down now, he needed to stay strong. That's why you ran away in the first place and why you borrowed some cash from ya gal pal. You made it this far, no backing down.
  Snapped out of his stupor, a sharp yell caught his ears. Piercing his eardrums, startling him for a second before finding the source of the ear damage causer.
       A mother across from him was tending to a baby who seemed to be having a screeching match with them self was the source that interrupted his train of thought. He didn't mind considering he heard worse when he was in his family's business. The scream of final breath is terrifying compared to this lullaby of wails. Tears stream down her reddened cheeks, tiny fist balled up and her legs kicked out. Anthony chalked it up to her being hungry or needing a diaper change, but he already saw her leaving the bathroom to change her, and still more cries and whimpers came forth. He really didn't mind the screaming, but that did not mean others didn't loath the noise. He witness two men and a teen girl try to argue with the mom, not making the situation any better with all the goddamn yelling. Fuckers even wanted to get her kicked off the train at the next station.
       Right before he even could stand up to defend her, a middle aged man sitting in front of him stood up. He had sleek black hair with strands of grey and he sported an aftershave. The bags underneath his eyes proved he needed sleep and bad, mainly those bloodshot eyes needed rest. With a gruff voice grunted out a response, "Can you people shut the hell up, your making this trip effing longer with all your babbling. Crying more louder than the actual baby." The two men had a glaring match with the guy before returning to their seats. The girl still wanted to argue, but was snatched by her embarrassed friend sitting next to her. The man sat back down with a huff complaining under his breath that he needed a drink and smoke. This guy sounds like fun and I will emit, he's a little handsome. Although it is tempting to flirt with that sweet piece of ass, he still needs to stay on the down low. Just in case any of Val's friends were anywhere near him.
      Everything settled down soon enough, everyone minding their own business now and our quiet journey to Louisiana back on track.
         Anthony decided that sleeping was the best time consumer, chiefly with his sore body that was taking its sweet time healing. He felt like vomiting, and the motion of the train didn't really help with the nausea. Paired with the flame that rose in his chest felt unbearable. Groaning he gazed out the window into the orange and blue sky. The purple mixing in beautifully complementing the blue tone and splashing in with the orange, so nicely. This was enough to keep his mind away from the pain spreading throughout his body.
    With his mind at ease, he fell in the darkness of his subconscious thought.
       Jostled awake by the sudden force of the train skidding to a stop, startled him enough that his heart was still rushing with adrenaline. People were already single filing out the doors, with the exception of the mother and that black hair man. He's helping the lady out with her bags, while she carried her baby carrier. Before he knew it he was the only one in the car booth, rushing to gather his suitcase and tripping on the way out he managed to make it safely outside without any trouble. Well besides the bruises and the fractured pinkie he noticed when getting out that cab a day ago. He set it right and splintered it without any difficulty. His chest felt like it's on fire and his leg flared up again when he moved it. C'mon now , Toni you made it this far. You can bear through the pain a little bit more. (y/n) will take care of ya, you just need to bear the pain. You got this. He mustered up the strength to carry on and passed the passengers.
    The trip to her house is fucking far, and to add on to that she does live in bum fuck nowhere. A loud rumble came from the dark sky and he felt a prickle on his face. Fucking rain. I could hail a taxi, still have a thousand left I grabbed from the apartment. Full on buckets of water hit the ground, covering his body under a minute.
        limping off the platform and into traffic of bodies of people hustling into different shops and corner stores. Lights illuminated the night like lightning bugs. The smell of seafood and the scent of breads made his mouth water.
      The city bustling with energy that kind of made Anthony feel contempt with his life in a long time. The cars cruising down the street reminded him some southerners still had old cars fashioned back in the 1940's. Not all, but he saw the occasional cruiser and nearly yelled when he saw a yellow cab and by that he yelled out loud. Shocked when the cab did see him, but didn't question and shot himself in the taxi.
"Take me to this address, will ya?" He handed the scrap paper to the guy, who nodded and placed the address in.
    A string of coughing fits caused his throat to get scratchy and sore. Cursing to himself that he better not have caught a cold. Clutching his sides to ease some pain he felt by compressing his waist. The cabbie asked if he was alright, and he answered he's just dandy.
      It didn't take long to navigate through traffic and into more urban areas. While the cab driver was in his own world listening to the radio, Anthony couldn't stop thinking about how he was going to just walk up to her house and convince her to let him stay. He started to rehearse his lines in his head without sounding, so desperate. If he was being completely honest with himself he never called her and ignored some texts she sent. He was not a great friend when it came to (y/n), with all the kindness she gave in return he gave back sarcasm and annoyed looks. But, she never hated him,I hope, you had to have done something awful for her to hate you. Not saying she doesn't dislike certain people that rub her the wrong way.
      Groaning and clasping his hands around his leg. It went completely stiff, he couldn't feel his entire right leg give out. Fucking perfect. Blowing air through his clenched teeth, tried to bare through the itchy, tingly feeling running through his calf and thigh. Should have gone to the hospital before coming here, just didn't want to take risks.
       I'm coming, (y/n).
       Humming to yourself you tended to the dirty laundry that the kids wore the other day. They thought it was a great idea to play in the muddy brook, out in the woods. They both came through the back door soaked head to toe with brown water and thick mud. Scarlett and Sage had to take three baths for the dirt to scrub off. Leaving the corner tub a muddy and crusty disaster. Al at the time had the day off, which he spent with our son, Liam. He's a quiet kid, and I mean the most silent four year old you could ever meet. Which is ironic considering you married the loudest man on earth. You could be in the basement and still hear Alastor speaking to some of his friends. He hates it when you bring his voice in question or he twists it around to point out your too soft spoken way of talking.
       Loading the last batch of clothes in the dryer, you slightly sped walk down the hallway and turned into the kitchen. On instinct headed straight for the coffee machine. Grasping the coffee grounds and filters to place them in their rightful order, before filling up the water tank. Pressing the on switch and strutting away to the fridge to gather eggs, bacon and bread from the top cupboard. Which you nearly died trying to reach for.
    Peering out the window, the morning sky is still dark from the oncoming rainstorm. The backyard nearly flooded with puddles on puddles of water, The kids aren't stepping foot outside today. Sighing you knew if they stayed inside your gonna have to clean extra hard, those two are very animated. They'll never run out of energy, you could fuel a city with all that kinetic energy.
     A soft thump came from the ceiling above and you guess that Liam fell out of bed. . . again. He's been doing that for a week now. Nothing a doctor visit told us that he was just having really physical dreams. The disorder called REM Behavior Disorder, causes people to rapidly move in their sleep, ranging from person to person. In our case Liam hallucinates, sleepwalks and talks out loud distinctly clear. Dr. Romero  prescribed him small amounts of melatonin and if the medication wasn't working he could up it. You really hope it wouldn't come to giving you four year old too much medication. A long creaky noise filled the silence followed by small thumps of feet hitting hard wood. You hear your child sliding down the carpet padded stairway and dragging his feet through the living room and into the kitchen. Your little Liam blankly stared up at you, rubbing the sand out his eye. "Mommy, can't sleep.", trailing over to you and draping his arms around your knee.
"Come here, baby." Picking him up was easy, regarding that he was born pretty early, six months to be exact. " Do you wanna sleep on the couch?" He nodded slowly gazing over at the sofa.
"Can I have milk, please?"
"Of course you can, warm or cold?" He answered warm in a small voice. Then slowly sauntered across the hall into the living room, leaving your field of vision soon after.
   Setting the pot down on the stove top and pouring the milk in carefully. Turning the heat up to medium before walking off to prep for breakfast.
   Al usually likes his breakfast salty with bitter, black coffee. When you first started going out you noticed his taste very quickly. He hated sweets and anything that didn't meet his standards in culinary. Which he spent most of his time in the kitchen teaching you his method. This was passed down to your twins. They hated anything remotely sweet, you learned to drive around the troubling situation by making less sweet cakes with whipped cream and fruit. They love that sour taste of blueberries the most.
  Liam's more like you who like sweets, but not over the top with the sugar. He loves eggs, but has a thing where he trades his bacon for sausage. He told you that he likes the texture of soft meat better than tough and breakable meat. You were quite surprised with his change of vocabulary, since he's just four and you still hear him talk with a certain baby tone.
  Shaking your head, you glanced out the window again while the bacon sizzled on a low flame. A yellow cab pulled up to the house and dropped off a tall, lanky hooded figure, who walked, well staggered their way up to the path to the door. Who could that be? Husk was supposed to come by tomorrow, maybe  he arrived in Louisiana earlier than expected.
    But he would have texted right?
      Pulled from your thoughts a few sharp hits to wood knocked you in functioning mode. Hesitantly stepping across the kitchen, and peering down the hall. You stared anxiously toward the thick wooden door that protected you and your family from the outside intrusions. Approaching the door with caution, you played out events in your mind of outcomes that could happen. Standing in front of the door, another round of sharp knocks frightened you and given rise to a series of fluttering heartbeats.
   Taking in a quick breath and slowly released it. Grasping the door knob, unlocking the all four locks before leisurely swinging it open to face a tall man.
     The drenched frame of a tall, lean man propped up outside the entry way of your house, placed an eerie sensation down the curve of your back. He seemed to be clutching his sides in such a constricting grasp, harsh coughs drew up small amounts of blood splattered on his chest. Groaning the guy began to saunter forward, losing his footing he suddenly, started to fall onward towards you. Barely catching the heavy set male's body weight you endeavor the pressure and drove your tiny body under the male.
Petite fingers latched onto the thin male and crept him over to rest upon the cushioning coach. Gazing down at the poor man face you gasped in bewilderment. Even with his face bloody and bruised you could still make out the who was laying on your couch.
"Anthony! What the hell happened to you?"
 Another coughing fit hit him hard before sputtering out a response, "Got m-myself into some real serious s-shit." He tried to manage a smile, but ended up coughing up more small splatters of blood. His gaze wandered over to the other side of the couch. "Where'd ya g-get the kid from."
"We should worry more about the guy coughing up blood, than me having kids." Fun fact about your life you've experienced so many illnesses and deaths in your family that you felt like you could diagnose his illness. "Are you having any chest or throat pain?"
Gagging Anthony responded, "B-been having both f-or awhile n-now with muscle p-pain and n-nausea. F-fucking. . . headaches too." Your father had the same symptoms when you still lived in his house.
"I think you have pneumonia, Anthony. I-t's treatable if we take you to a hospital tight n-"
"No! no, to anything that c-could lead that j-jackass finding me."
"What did you get yourself into, Tony?" Pinching the bridge of your nose and slightly furrowed your brow. If he didn't want medical treatment, then I guess I'll mend him back to health. He is my friend, that did kind of ghost you. But, that doesn't matter right now, I need to save a life today. "Let's move you into the guest room. Not that far of a walk, just down the hall, c'mon now."
   Heaving his dead weight up you persevered to the kitchen hall and took a left down the well decorated hall. Pictures of Al and the kids with wild game and the occasional picture of you here or there. Two of the photos consist of you holding newborns. You never did take the time to situate yourself in the photos or you just forgot  while in the moment.
The floorboards creaked with each steady step you take. Some splats of blood dribbled down his chin and landed on the floor. You made a mental note to scrub the floors with bleach later on today. Leaning Anthony on the wall for a quick second to open the guest room door. Pulling him back into an embrace and hauled him into the room setting him down on the bed to rest. You left the room to gather clean bandages, ointment, tylenol and hot pot of tea. By the time you left to retrieve the tea Anthony wrapped his body in so many blankets he could get his fingers on.
"Are you that cold?" Considering turning up the heat in the house you were about to leave, but a hand snatched your wrist back.
"Wait, don't leave." You could see the isolated look in his eyes. Veering around you gazed down at the pale man.
"What is it, Tony?" A quizzical look on your face. "You can talk to me you know that, right?"
  He shrugged, "Can we just talk, like about your life." He waved his hand off to the side. "Like the kid in the other room."
"Oh, my son Liam. He just turned four."
"Yeah, but who got ya knocked up." You handed him the tea cup and he carefully grabbed it.
"My husband and I have three children and we've been married for ten years." Smirking at his agape facial expression.
"M-married and not one, but three kids. Wait when did you get married!"
"I did invite you through text and letter. Did your address change?"
    He opened his mouth to come up with any excuse, but sighed running his fingers through his hair. "Don't be pissed, but I did. . . well. . . ghosted you." Hearing that did make you feel beyond ignored, but keeping in touch with friends is hard and you tried your best to shove down deep in your jar of insecurity. "And I don't really check my mail anymore to be honest."
 Taking a deep breath and letting it out you really tried not to get mad at him, but didn't trust your voice in this particular moment.
  Anthony opened his mouth, but was cut off, by an amused tone in voice.
   "Was I not invited to this magnificent show, darling~."
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jetsetlife138 · 4 years
Imaginary - Chapter 7
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Rating: Mature for this chapter, but Explicit in future chapters
Pairings: Alastor x Fem!Reader, Alastor x Lucifer x Reader
Summary: Somehow thrown into the animated world of Hazbin Hotel, you’re now transformed into a two-dimensional human that has been cast into Hell. Charlie and the staff of the Happy Hotel take you in and offer you protection while they try and figure out how to return you to your world. That is… until you come across a certain Radio Demon with different intentions. Chapter Warnings: Manipulation 
Previous Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Holy shit. Oh, fuck. There he was. The creature you had heard about your entire life. The epitome of all things evil and corrupt… the embodiment of sin… and he was standing directly in front of you, meeting your horrified expression with an amused one of his own.
Finding words was impossible as your mouth hung open in shock, unsure of what to say or how to address your current situation. Granted, this Lucifer was an animation, and an extremely whimsical one at that, but considering what you had heard, you were certain that he was capable of terrible and downright unspeakable things.
“Cat got your tongue?” Lucifer teased, quirking an eyebrow.
At that moment, it just so happened that a grumpy cat-demon was passing by. From the hallway, you could hear Husk grumble, “Fuck off,” clearly offended by the remark and probably on his way to the bar. He seemed to be surprisingly unfazed by Lucifer’s presence. Either that, or he was completely oblivious to the fact that he was even there.
Luckily, Charlie broke the tense silence that filled the room. “W-where’s Mom?
Releasing an exasperated sigh, Lucifer turned to address his very clearly emotionally overwhelmed daughter. “She’s on another one of her holidays. She took the gardener and fled to the Lust Ring for some time away. I think that it will do her some good.”
Upon noticing Charlie’s look of discomfort and your perplexed expression, Lucifer chuckled darkly. “Lilith and I have what you would call an open relationship. I adore the woman, but alas, she and I tend to grow tired of each other’s company after several millennia. You could not have come at a better time, little human!”
Changing the subject, Charlie interjected, “So… that’s why you’re here? I haven’t heard from you or Mom in weeks, but somehow you can find the time to cross the Seven Rings to see someone you don’t even know?”
“Oh, Charlotte. Desperation is not a good look on you,” Lucifer sneered, brushing off Charlie’s jab. “You’re a Magne for Satan’s sake. Wipe that dejected look off of your face and stop embarrassing yourself.”
Fighting back tears, Charlie’s bottom lip quivered, but she managed to keep herself in check. “Yes, Dad…”
Anger was bubbling up inside of you and threatening to spill over. You had exchanged a look with Alastor, who very subtly shook his head, indicating that now was not the time to lose your cool.
“Now,” Lucifer declared, clapping his hands together excitedly. “Let’s get moving, shall we? Oh, this is absolutely thrilling! I have so many things to inquire about.” 
Finally finding your words, you spoke barely above a whisper, “I don’t want to leave.”
Wagging his finger disapprovingly at you, Lucifer chastised, “I’m afraid you have no choice in the matter. You’re deliciously powerless and at the mercy of Hell’s ruler… who just happens to be me!” He cackled at his own joke, which wasn’t even funny.
“But, Dad,” Charlie couldn’t stop herself from butting in. “She’s doing well here. We’re keeping her safe and she’s just getting settled. We’re making progress, and I really don’t think that it’s a good idea--”
“Enough!” Lucifer snarled, shaking the whole room with the intensity of his anger. He bared his teeth at Charlie, his eyes now a fiery red and yellow as he glared at her. “Do not defy me, child. Your sympathy for other creatures is pathetic and will be the end of you. I will not tolerate it!”
To Charlie’s credit, she refused to cower before him and instead puffed out her chest, challenging him as her own eyes flashed red and yellow back at him.
“If I may,” Alastor’s calm and collected voice cut through the tension in the room. “The princess makes a valid argument.”
As everyone turned to look at the Radio Demon, Lucifer returned to his former self, brushing his hair back to smooth out the blonde strands that had fallen out of place during his fit of rage.
“Ah, Alastor. I see the rumors are true. You’ve decided to embark in the hospitality industry. It’s a far cry from Overlord status, but to each their own, I suppose.”
Alastor remained eerily still, his smile prominently projecting while his eyes narrowed ever so subtly, which Lucifer seemed to pick up on. “Come now, old friend. I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your endeavors. Perhaps you can teach my daughter a thing or two about Hell and the roles each must play.”
“I have no intention of soliciting false pretenses, Luci, my dear. I am merely here to watch the scum of the earth struggle for betterment before they trip and tumble down into the fiery pit of failure.” A shiver crept down your spine as he finished and he had a sinister gleam in his eyes.
“Ha!” Lucifer exclaimed. “I should have known. You’re far too clever to abed Charlotte in a failed quest of humanity.”
“Come now, Luci,” Alastor began, tutting the King of Hell. “Must you be so cynical? If nothing else, she’s providing entertainment. I would think that you, of all sinners, would enjoy that.”
“Apparently, you know nothing of the things that I enjoy, Stag,” Lucifer quipped using a peculiar nickname.
Alastor hummed thoughtfully. “Oh, I wouldn’t say nothing.”
An awkward silence filled the room as Lucifer cleared his throat before swallowing thickly. Alastor’s cold and calculated stare was unwavering and wicked.
Quickly averting the topic, Lucifer stated, “The fact remains, it’s not safe for a vulnerable human here in the hotel.”
“I beg to differ,” Alastor countered, nonchalantly twirling his cane in his hands. “She’s no safer with you, my king. You have a significant target on your back and were she to stay with you, she would be in constant danger.”
“I could say the same for you,” Lucifer argued, narrowing his eyes while his smile widened. The similarities between Lucifer and Alastor were unsettling. “You’ve certainly made your fair share of enemies.”
“That may be, but I have nothing but free time,” Alastor deflected with a hint of malice. “You have enough on your plate, what with the recent extermination and those dreadful turf wars that are always on the picture show. The last thing you need is to be burdened with something like this.”
Lucifer sneered, pausing to look over the Radio Demon as if he were looking for something to give him ammunition for the conversation. “If I didn’t know any better, my old friend, I would think that you were trying to manipulate me into allowing her to stay.”
Alastor’s smile crept higher into his cheeks, the slits of his eyes thinning ever so slightly. “I think we’re far past the point of manipulation. I won’t beat around the bush. It would be a mistake for you to take her into your custody.”
Lucifer growled, his impatience fracturing the surface of his indifferent disposition. “The mistake would be to underestimate me.”
“Dad, enough!” Charlie interjected, no longer able to stifle her disdain. “Why is it always a fight with you? Why do you have to be so stubborn?”
“Charlotte,” he warned, not bothering to look at her.
“For the last time, it’s Charlie ,” she opposed, fuming. “I just… we were managing just fine. Why does this even matter to you?”
“Charlie,” he spat, his voice laced with venom. “Just when I think there might be hope for your future, you set yourself up for failure. You are a disappointment and an embarrassment to me, and I grow tired of your insolence.”
Each word spoken was like a dagger in Charlie’s heart. She was trying so hard to be strong, but she was close to breaking down. Unable to hold back any longer, you snapped.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
The words had left your mouth before you could stop them. The whole room fell silent as everyone turned to Lucifer to gauge his reaction.
“Beg your pardon?” he inquired, his expression stoic.
Swallowing thickly, you continued, “Why are you being so unnecessarily cruel? She’s your daughter , and she’s been nothing but kind and helpful since I arrived. Why do you have to openly mock and demean her like that?”
His eyes searched yours as you stood frozen, waiting for him to slaughter you on the spot for talking back to him. Instead, he threw his head back and laughed, clearly entertained by your ignorance. However, just as you thought he was going to let it go, you were thrown up against the wall, his hand at your throat as he lifted you from the ground. Your nails raked at his hands while your feet scuffled, trying to find anything to lift you and alleviate the pressure on your neck.
“Silly pet,” he hissed, his eyes becoming snake-like as he glared at you. “You’re here as my guest, and I am a courteous host, but make no mistake… should you cross me, it will be the last thing you ever do.”
Finally, he let go, allowing your body to slump to the ground as you choked and gasped for air.
Brushing off his sleeves and straightening out his jacket, Lucifer sighed before speaking. “She will remain here temporarily until I can make proper arrangements.”
No one spoke as he looked down at you on the ground, grinning wickedly. “Take care, human. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, he saw himself out, not bothering to utter another word, leaving behind a haunting silence in his wake.
You hardly noticed the hand that was being extended to you as you sat on the ground, dazed by the interaction. When you glanced up, you saw that the hand belonged to Alastor, who was offering you a casual smile. “How are you so happy all the time?” you grumbled as you took his hand, allowing him to haul you to your feet.
“A smile does not necessarily convey happiness,” he explained as he looked you over. “Hell is prominently filled with barbaric individuals who favor crass behavior above all else. It’s quite dull. I myself am in favor of a more amiable approach.”
Before you could respond, Charlie approached you, wrapping her arms around you as she pulled you into a tight embrace. “Are you okay?” she asked, still tightly coiled around you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?”
Retracting herself, she nodded glumly. “I’m used to it. In case you couldn’t tell, my dad and I don’t exactly have the best relationship. And as much as I appreciate what you did, you really need to be careful. He holds grudges, and you don’t want to get on his bad side.”
Nodding your head, you asked, “What happened to Vaggie?”
Sighing, Charlie answered, “She always makes herself scarce when he’s around. It goes without saying that Vaggie is a bit… outspoken, and she doesn’t want to slip up and say something that she’ll regret. She knows that it will only make things worse for us.”
“Ah, got it.”
Alastor thumped his cane against the wooden floor to gain your attention. “Well, my dear. It seems that we are on the clock. I think it would be best to get you back into the mortal world before Lucifer can carry out his plans. Make no mistake, he’s a cheeky fellow, but you do not want to be caught in his web.”
“Hey! What you got against webs?” Angel Dust popped his head in the doorway, scowling at the Radio Demon.
“Nothing at all, Mr. Dust!” Alastor replied cheerily. “It’s a simple comparison.”
“I’m going to go check on Vaggie,” Charlie stated. “After that, we can come up with a plan. There’s got to be something more that we can do than just go through books to try and get you home,” she thought out loud, a determined gleam in her eye.
As she left, Alastor approached you, placing a bony hand on your shoulder, which he meant as a comfort, but instead had the opposite effect, sending a chill down your spine. “Fear not, my dear. I will not let anything happen to you.”
With a wink, he withdrew his hand and glided out of the room, humming a show tune on his way out, leaving you alone with Angel Dust.
“Guess I missed all the fun,” he quipped before he flung back onto the bed, placing his top set of arms around his head. “Heard the Big Guy was in. He’s a charmer, ain’t he?”
“You know him?” you asked, your interest piqued.
He shrugged his shoulders casually. “Not personally. But I hear the gossip. Val can’t stand him.”
“Am I supposed to know who Val is?”
Rolling his eyes, he replied, “He’s the top dog around these parts, sweetheart. Big Vee controls the black market of Hell, and that’s sayin’ somethin’. You wanna know somethin’ outside the norm? He’s your guy.”
Humming thoughtfully for a moment, you asked, “Do you think he’d know anything about returning me to my world?”
“Probably,” he teased, brushing his hair back. “Val knows lots a weird stuff. He might be your guy.”
“Where do I find him?” you pressed, eager for more information.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” the spider demon cautioned. “You don’t just show up unannounced. You need an appointment, toots.”
“Okay,” you sighed, losing your patience. “Can you set up an appointment?”
“I could… but what would you do for me in return?”
Narrowing your eyes, you asked, “Seriously?”
He flashed a smile at you, showing off his golden tooth as he wriggled his eyebrows.
“What is it that you want, Angel?”
“How’s about an I.O.U.? I do this for you, and you owe me a favor. Capiche?”
“How do I even know that I can trust you,” you asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
In mock offense, Angel Dust put a hand over his heart, dropping his jaw. “Well, that’s just rude. I’m trustworthy! I haven’t told a soul about your relationship with Smiles!”
Huffing, you snapped, “There is no relationship! You just keep walking in at the wrong time!”
“Uh huh,” he teased, snickering. “Either way, I’ve kept my mouth shut, even when there was nothing in it for me. If you wanna talk to Val, I can make that happen, but no more of this free shit. You owe me. Got it?”
“Ugh, okay, fine. Just… make it fast, please.”
Jumping up from the bed, the spider blew you a kiss before heading out on his mission, leaving you with an uneasy feeling in your gut. If only you knew what you had just done.
Tags: @beetlewise-and-pennyjuice @edgy-drama-queen @chasingfireflies1999 @galaxy-meteor @cecidit-31 @shadowclawstudio88 @utterly-disappointing @opheliuva @trinswhimsys  @skylarhedges @whogavebrynjolfpermissiontobehot @sailor-earth-1
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fivesevenseveneight · 4 years
Second Chances: Part 6
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Word Count: 1470
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: nonbinary!Deceit (referred to as Dee because I started this before the name reveal and I don’t want to change it), Alastor (OC), Carl (OC), Virgil is mentioned but not by name
Pairings: eventual anxceitmus
Warnings: Dee gets a snake, food mention, toxic relationship
A/n: I still do not know how to do a read more on mobile, so if anyone does please tell me. Please let me know if I need to tag something or if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist. @iosonnounpanne thanks for reviewing this for me!
Dee loved snakes. They had loved snakes ever since they learned what the little yellow creature on their palm was, and for their whole life, they’d dreamed of having one. They had researched everything that they would need to have and do to take care of a snake, and they’d been planning on getting one soon after starting law school. But then they met Alastor, life got complicated, and two-and-a-half years passed with still no snake.
Hopefully though, that would change soon. Dee had slowly been building up the courage to ask Alastor about getting a snake. It was a delicate process. If they asked at the wrong time, or caught him off-guard, or gave him any rational reason to say no, he would, and the topic would be closed for discussion forever. Plus, there was a pretty good chance of him yelling in any of those scenarios. So, Dee had been casually mentioning snakes and the idea of getting a pet, and Alastor seemed fine with both. But they had yet to actually ask him.
Today, Dee thought, their heart pounding. Today is the day I’m going to ask.
Alastor hadn’t slammed the door when he got home from work, he didn’t yell at Dee for forgetting to do the laundry, and he even hummed while Dee made dinner, which he only did when he was in a good mood. Dee had been waiting a long time for such a perfect opportunity, and they were not going to waste it. Not again.
Dee cleared their throat and looked meaningfully at Alastor, who was sitting at the opposite side of the dinner table. He swallowed the bite of food he’d taken and looked up at Dee.
“Do you need something?” he asked.
“I wanted to ask you about something,” Dee said, ignoring every instinct that screamed at them to be quiet. “I was thinking about getting a snake. I’ve been interested in getting one for a long time, and I know that—well, you’ve mentioned before that you like snakes, too. Besides, our soulmark is a snake, and I think it would be… fitting.” They held up their right hand and let out a tiny, nervous laugh.
Alastor went quiet for a moment, and Dee added quickly, “I’ve done a lot of research. I know exactly what I need, and I’ve saved up enough money for all the supplies. You wouldn’t have to pay for or do anything.”
After a nerve-racking pause, Alastor finally answered. “Fine. As long as you take care of it.”
Dee felt weak with relief. They thanked him, promising that they would work everything out. Then they asked Alastor how his day was, and listened to him rant about an annoying coworker until long after the neighbors had fallen asleep.
The harsh fluorescent lighting in the pet store hurt Dee’s eyes, but they couldn’t stop staring at the beautiful brown snakes in a tank on the wall.
“Ball pythons,” said an employee, walking up to Dee.
“I know,” Dee said, not looking away.
The employee stood there awkwardly, waiting to see if Dee would say anything more. They didn’t.
“Can I help you?” the employee finally asked.
Dee sighed to themself, reluctant to tear their eyes away from the gorgeous little snakes, and looked over at the employee, who wore a name tag that read: Carl (he/him).
“I’m not the usual reptile guy,” the employee, Carl, added quickly. “He’s out today, so I’m filling in.”
“I’m looking for a snake.”
Carl smiled. “Well, you came to the right place.” He opened up the tank with several baby ball pythons in it. “Is there a specific one you want?”
Dee looked over the small snakes curled up in various places and positions around the tank. It was hard to pick one; they all looked so perfect. Then, their eyes locked on a smallish-looking half-albino in the back. “That one,” said Dee, pointing. “In the corner.”
Carl grabbed a tiny cardboard box with small holes punched into it and carefully swept up the snake, placing it gently in the container.
Dee picked out the rest of the supplies they needed, signed a few forms, and went home. When they were sure that everything had been set up properly, they—very slowly and delicately—placed their new reptilian companion in the tank that stretched across a cleared-off spot on their dresser. The snake stayed still for a moment, then began slithering tentatively around the tank. Dee crouched down to watch the snake at eye level.
“I think I’ll call you Dante,” they said. “You look like a Dante.”
Dante flicked out their tongue.
Dee couldn’t help but giggle at that. “You’re a good listener aren’t you?”
Dante didn’t say anything (obviously).
Dee stood up. “I’m probably freaking you out now. I’m going to go for a run. You stay out of trouble, okay?”
Dante slithered under a rock.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
After checking one more time to make sure that everything in the tank was in order, Dee grabbed their jacket and went outside. The air was crisp and cool—perfect for an afternoon jog. The sky was gray and full of clouds. There were a few people walking around, mostly in pairs (presumably soulmates). They seemed to be taking advantage of the calm spring weather, just like Dee was.
Dee put in their earbuds and sighed, relaxing and letting the rhythm of their music envelop them. The whole world seemed to slow and shift so that all the fears and worries surrounding them went just out of focus. Dee loved it. It was like being underwater, except they could breathe fine. It let them clear their mind and gave them the space to think, whereas every other part of their life seemed crowded and smothered by people or expectations or some looming threat that wasn’t quite clear to them yet.
(Jogging was actually a suggestion from Dee’s therapist. Dee had decided to go to therapy about a year ago and admittedly, it had been helping. Although, Dee still couldn’t quite figure out how to tell Alastor that they were going to therapy. They just called it their “Monday night yoga class” and he didn’t question it, thankfully.)
Dee let themself slip into a trance of being relaxed yet alert, and jogged around the city, casually noting the things they saw. There was the pawn shop, and the large, grungy Going out of business! sign adorning its front window. There was the bookstore, and the pet store, and the tattoo parlor. Eventually, Dee reaches the park (where someone was walking a very large dog), and next to it, the cemetery.
Going by the cemetery always made Dee a bit nervous. They wouldn’t say that they were superstitious, but hey, you could never be too careful, right? Most days, the cemetery was empty; but today, there was one person there, standing near a tall, solitary oak tree. They were wearing a black hoodie and seemed to have purple hair (although, at this distance, Dee couldn’t be sure). It almost looked like they were talking.
Dee shook their head and refocused on their course. Whoever was at the cemetery, whatever their purpose was for being there, it didn’t matter, at least not to Dee.
Finally, after hints of indigo had begun to creep into the sky, Dee arrived at home. They took off their jacket and removed their earbuds, panting softly. They walked into their bedroom and checked on Dante, who was now curled up in the back corner of the tank. Dee set a hand on the dresser, careful not to shake the tank and startle Dante.
“How’s it going, buddy? You seem to be getting settled in nicely,” Dee said. “Just wait till my soulmate gets here. You’ll love him. I do.” Dee smiled. “I do,” they repeated to no one.
If anyone had asked, Dee would have happily shared that the reason they chose Dante was because of the pattern of scales on their head. The half-albino effect made their head entirely white—except for a large patch of brown on the left side of their snout. It was beautiful, like it had been painted on by an expert artist. It reminded Dee of the birthmark on their own face.
It looks beautiful on Dante. Maybe it looks beautiful on me, too. Dee gently traced the curves of the serpent on their palm, still watching Dante.
Slam! Dee flinched at the sudden, sharp noise of the front door shutting.
“Look who’s home,” Dee said softly.
He slammed the door harder than he needed to, Dee noted. He must’ve had a bad day. Again.
Dee slipped out of the room and headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner, bracing themself for another long tirade from Alastor. He did not disappoint.
(Taglist: @sociallyanxious-1 @someone-idk-is-here @the-melody-of-eliza @froggols @deadeyedustin @sympathetic-deceit-trash @surleytemple @entitydark @sadgayisme )
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kathyprior4200 · 3 years
Kathy Prior Comforts Alastor
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Another ordinary day at the Hazbin Hotel. Having died in the 2020’s due to covid, I appeared as a watered down human, not quite a demon unless influenced by Alastor’s dark magic. Originally I was going to be transformed into an angel reminiscent of my supposed spirit animal. But Heaven’s elitism rubbed me the wrong way, thus I refused to submit to God. I was banished down to Hell, living in a cardboard box. I was soon fleeing from the exterminators not too long afterwards. If they had gotten me, I’d either be killed or sent back to Heaven to be brainwashed as a white Exorcist. Then Alastor of all people decided to take me in and I arrived at the Hazbin Hotel. There I was good friends with Alastor, Charlie and Niffty, half convinced that they were the voice actors playing some kind of trick on me.
 Aside from my demon form that is activated by Alastor’s magic, my afterlife form wasn’t very impressive. I looked like I did when I was alive, except my skin was ghostly pale, my long hair was gray and my eyes had black sclera, purple irises and white pupils. Although I didn’t fit in with the other demons, I could see in the dark and my instincts were heightened.
 It’s not a lot of fun when Alastor possesses me or when he decides to swallow me whole. Apparently, there’s something powerful about me that allows him to heal, feel full and even get some rest. Often times, he sits me in front of a radio and has me listen to several of his favorite jazz songs. The little speakers start to glow and static buzzes in my head. His soothing voice washes over me and I find myself in a daze. My eyes glow red with moving black radio dials and my remaining thoughts are shoved to the back of my mind. Alastor soon has control of my body and mind. He calls the process “getting tuned in.”
 I then transform into an alligator/red doe hybrid demon named Cerva. In this form, I’m a vicious killer and cannibal who accompanies Alastor, Husk and Niffty on various missions. Using my sharp claws, teeth and some dark magic, I take down pedos, rapists, criminals or anyone that stands in the Radio Demon’s way. My scaly skin helps protect me from most attacks, though I can still be killed by angelic weapons like everyone else. When he releases control of me and I morph back, it feels like a great weight is lifted off my chest. I cannot remember what I did before.
 Like Husk and Niffty, I’m stuck under Alastor’s contract for a while. He persuaded me to work for him at the hotel and that “It’s a dangerous world outside.” Naturally I agreed.
 Today was fairly busy. Charlie had a meet and greet event to welcome the newcomers Crymini, Mimzy and Baxter. When I wasn’t greeting any guests, I helped Niffty clean the rooms, make the beds and sweep up the floors. Sometimes I would help Alastor and Niffty make tasty jambalaya (with spicy sauce) and other dishes to serve to all the clients. I wasn’t very good at poker but it was still fun to play and watch as Husk skillfully won almost every game. Often, the characters would mostly talk amongst themselves, me fading into the background, being an OC. I was fine with that…it was almost like watching the show I dearly loved on Earth…except now I was a part of it in a way.
 After I finished cleaning beer bottles at the Jackpot portion near the lobby, I heard Alastor and Husk talking not too far away by a pool table.
 The cat demon let out his usual grumpy sigh. “Man, what a ruckus. I just served dozens of drinks to these annoying tourists who didn’t even stay. What’s the meaning of that?”
 “Why Husker!” Alastor said with a laugh, “Ever since our three new demons arrived and signed up for Charlie’s program, more folks are becoming curious about it. Providing them with drinks and entertainment is surely the way to go!”
 “Without any breaks?” Husk scowled. “And why’d you make me stretch my wings and do a stupid dance onstage when I got wasted earlier?”
 “It was so funny, I had to!” he chuckled. “Even when you’re getting drunk, you can still do your new job well.”
 “I’m here to serve drinks and get my money and booze. That’s it. I’m not some fucking clown you can roll into every little scheme of yours.”
 “Hmm…maybe you are.”
 “I don’t think so. Remember I’m only here because you bribed me with booze. But even that will only go so far.”
 “Come now, my friend, why not liven up a little!” Alastor spoke in a loud voice, making Husk’s ears flinch back. “I provided you with some resources to make your life down here more…livable…or rather less dead.”
 Audience laughter came from his microphone.
 Husk rolled his eyes and muttered. “Your dad jokes make you a fucking joke.” Alastor snickered. Husk seethed, “Ugh great, now it’s rubbing off on me!”
 Alastor pulled Husk in close with his arm, much to the cat’s disgust. “Just have some fun and follow my orders and things will go smoothly. You are my good friend after all.”
 Husk’s white furry face turned red as he hissed and shoved Alastor away. “I’m not your fucking friend! You’re nothing but a red psycho freak I happen to unfortunately work under. If I had my way, I’d be a rich free man who could gamble and do whatever I want! Better yet, I’d be far away from all you morons.”
 Husk picked up a few cards and shuffled them in his hands. “I had a full house and was about to win the pot. And then you pulled me out of nowhere and placed me in this dump for your own amusement.” He pointed a claw into Alastor’s chest a few times, making him flinch a bit. “When ae you gonna get it past your egotistical head that I. Want. To. Be. Left. Alone?!”
 An uncomfortable silence followed. Niffty briefly looked over while she was busy dusting a bookshelf with a white feather duster.
 “Looks like our pussy cat’s in his usual bad mood,” Alastor mused in his radio voice. He tilted up the corners of Husk’s mouth into a smile, which quickly fell when he let go.  “You know I love to see that smile…”
 “Shut up!” Husk pounded his furry fists onto the pool table, making the colored balls rattle. “Just shut the fuck up! I’m sick of you touching me all the time and getting into my face. I’d say you’re lost in this ridiculous musical world of yours…you think you can do anything you want but you don’t seem to be aware of who’s right in front of you!”
 The large yellow smile remained on Alastor’s face, though his red eyes looked concerned and confused.  
 “You’re delusional, thinking Hell revolves around you like some sort of audience.” Husk’s eyes had faint red veins popping out. “You may be powerful, but guess what? You can’t have your way all the time. I learned that lesson the hard way. I may be in your partnership for a while…” He hiccupped, “…but here’s what I really think of you…”
 Husk’s breath smelled of booze as the cat spilled out his previously hidden angry thoughts.
 “You’re an insufferable…”
 Every word was a jab to Alastor’s chest…
 He felt the shoves of surrounding boys in a long ago life…
The taunts of “dirty boy” and the n word…being forced into a tub of water, scrubbed all over roughly and feeling like he was drowning…
 Authority figures looking at him in disapproval as he auditioned for various radio stations…
 Alastor slashing down his hunting knife onto a helpless victim in a snowy wood…
 Alastor dancing and flirting with pretty women but turning away when they tore desperately at his clothes…
 Running away as police dogs bit and tore at his legs…
 Pounding on a door in a cold empty asylum room, cold stares from the towering wardens and nurses. Words like “loon”, “wacko,” being mouthed at him as the gray walls closed in…
 A sharp record scratch pierced the air.
 A black and red gloved hand clutched at Husk’s throat. A tight grip lifted the cat several inches off the ground. He struggled to pry off Alastor’s hand, but his hold was firm. Husk struggled and gasped as he frantically tried to gulp for air. The room darkened and soon filled with radio static and floating red Voodoo symbols. Alastor’s large orbs turned pitch black, with small red dials twitching menacingly. He slowly brought Husk close to his face until they were almost nose to nose.
 He spoke in a low demonic radio voice, his mouth not moving.
 “Remember who you’re dealing with. I gave you your privileges, and I can easily take them away.”
 Just when Husk was about to pass out, he casually tossed him aside. He landed with an “oof” onto the floor. The static and symbols vanished as Alastor’s eyes returned to their normal shade of red. Husk groaned and stood up on shaky legs. He took several deep breaths and glared.
 “Guess cats don’t always land on their feet,” Alastor mused as more microphone laughter followed.
 “Get ready for another big day tomorrow!” Alastor called cheerfully to Husk as if nothing had happened. Husk flipped him a middle claw in response as he slouched away. Alastor walked on.
 “Oh Husk,” Niffty called out. “Don’t forget that you need another bath tomorrow. I‘ll be happy to clean you all up!”
 “Suck it, shrimpy bitch!” he yelled.
 “Language, kitty!”
 Niffty hopped down from the bookshelf and scurried toward Alastor. He looked down at her.
 “Well hello little darling!” he greeted to the cyclops maid.
 “Hello Alastor,” she beamed. “I was just finishing up my rounds for the day when I heard you and Husk talking. It sounded like arguing…”
 “Oh it was nothing, my dear! Just Husk in his grumpy cat mood as usual. I was trying to cheer him up.”
 “Okay,” she said. “I’m looking forward to tomorrow, so much stuff to do! Is there anything else I can do to help out, sir?”
 Alastor waved his hand, “Nothing at all. You did a splendid job today.”
 “Are you sure?” she asked, her large golden eye darting back and forth. “You know, you look pretty dirty, no offence. Perhaps you could use a nice clean…” She looked over at his staff, then stared at the area around his legs a little bit too long. “Your staff I can so easily reach…”
 She extended her hand with a hungry expression.
 “Ha! No.”
 Alastor instinctively stepped back, his frozen smile still on his face. He walked briskly past her without another word.
 “See you in the morning!” she trilled with a happy wave before scurrying off.
 The room was quiet and empty.
 What in the world just happened?
 A nagging feeling spread through me as I walked in the same direction as Alastor. It was a strange urge to go and talk with him. His tall frame strolled down the hall and up a flight of stairs. I silently followed, careful to stay a distance away and out of sight. As I almost entered my room, Room 42, the feeling compelled me to wander towards Alastor’s room instead.
 His room was across from Charlie’s and Vaggie’s, not too far away from Angel’s. The black door was etched with red Voodoo symbols and had a golden deer knocker. Strangely enough, he left it slightly open. I inched closer and peered through the opening into a dim room.
 “Come in, dear.”
 The door opened wider on its own, revealing Alastor sitting in a dark red throne-like chair on a small balcony. He was facing the sunset sky, but must have sensed my presence. He had taken off his red pinstriped suit and had it neatly folded on a chair, near where his staff was. He appeared to be wearing a dark red old fashioned nightgown with slippers made of deer fur.
 In the room, there was a king-size bed with red satin sheets on it, an elegant bedside table and dresser to match. A small chandelier made of bones hung from the ceiling in the center, illuminating blood red carpets decorated with small golden eyes and antlers in rows. There was a large vanity mirror framed by round theater lights and an array of softly lit candles here and there. And of course, there were old fashioned radios all over the room in various sizes. A four-eyed deer head stared back at me from a plaque on the fancy red wallpaper. More disturbing were the various skin-stitched Voodoo dolls and skulls hanging from the ceiling.
 A cool soothing evening breeze met my face as I stepped outside into the inferno air. I sank down into another chair next to Alastor. The sky was painted a brilliant red and orange, the magenta pentagram glowing and moving above like a revolving clock.
 “I didn’t mean to disturb you sir…” I began. A small radio sat beside Alastor, emitting radio noises and various sound clips. Strangely they sounded almost the same every time I heard them. In fact, his habit of using his microphone for sound effects…it was almost like a comfort mechanism for him.
 “Well usually at a time like this I do prefer to be alone, but since you were nearby…”
 “I just…wanted to make sure you were alright.”
 “I’m perfectly splendid, sweetheart, no need to worry.”
 For a millisecond, his eyes told a different story. Not only did I have better senses, I could read expressions and sense intentions better as well.
 “I believe there is more than that. I heard you guys arguing. Frankly, Husk was being a bit of a jerk.”
 Alastor waved his hand. “That’s what he does.”
 “But it was different this time, wasn’t it?”
 Alastor just shrugged.
 “Charlie and I were talking today and we both can agree: you can’t hide your feelings forever.”
 “Whatever are you talking about?”
 “I can sense that you are lonely, deep down. You want to find a place to belong but your sadistic nature makes others afraid of you. You’re afraid to trust other people.”
 He turned to me with a deadly glare but I remained where I was. “If you’re planning on killing me, there’s no point as I’m already dead. Hear me out for a second.”
 He paused and leaned back to listen.
 “I’m not saying you should reveal your sad secrets to everyone. I’m just saying you should embrace the fact that we all have vulnerabilities and bad days. It’s perfectly okay to cry once in a while. Perhaps your search for entertainment is more than just that. It’s a search for your mother, your friends, a search for your true place on the stage of life.”
 “I’m never fully dressed without a smile,” he seethed with his plastic smile. “End of story. Since when has an audience member gave the star of the show directions?” he inquired, eyebrow raised. “You don’t know anything about me.”
 “Well perhaps you need a better script,” I added, arms folded. I stared at his long yellowed nails, his gloves off for a rare moment. “And serious bodily care.”
 A brief silence. Had I been anyone else, I’d be a pile of ash.
 I continued. “Husk did have a point, though. He wanted to be left alone but you still decided to invade his space. You told Charlie that you want to see people fail, despite her not wanting to hear it. Plus, I’d expect an evil killer like you to take joy in the fact that people run away from you in fear. But you don’t like it. Because you seek something more.”
 “I don’t need to hear your delusional words.”
 “I’m more observant than you think. You created me to be submissive, but also tough and smart. It’s my duty to serve you and the hotel right now. And you bet your bottom dollar that me and your friends will try and do what’s best for everyone.”
 More silence as we watched the sunset in deep thought. After several minutes, I turned to him and couldn’t believe what I saw. I spotted a stray tear fall from Alastor’s eye…and his smile slowly faded.
 I covered my mouth with my hands as I let out a soft surprised gasp.
 His look alone told me that I’d be demon meat if I told anyone else. Fortunately, I never break my promise.
 I thought of all his behaviors I noticed and it suddenly clicked. There was the feeling again, a sense of a peculiar deep connection between me and him. And I figured out what it was.
 “Alastor…do you know what autism is?”
 He gave me a perplexed look. “Stop making things up.”
 “It’s a real thing…but I imagine no one talked about it in your time. Autism is one of many developmental disorders that impairs socialization. Your behaviors appear to be very similar.”
 Alastor growled, teeth bared in warning. “I can assure you that I’m perfectly talkative enough. You call me dumb and I can easily…”
 “I know because I have it too.”
 Alastor’s eye twitched. “What?”
 “Do any of these traits sound familiar to you? Being a nerdy child lost in your own world? Being preoccupied and very skilled in your many talents as you grew up? Never quite fitting in with your peers no matter how hard you try?”
 Nothing was heard but the sounds of radio glitches. Orange light glinted off his monocle under his right eye.
 “Those with autism are often very knowledgeable, setting their minds to something and never letting go of it. But they have a hard time seeing things from another person’s perspective. It’s not that they are antisocial and heartless. Rather, they feel things deeply…but they don’t know how to communicate properly with others around them. Some of them aren’t interested in romance, either.”
 Alastor rolled his eyes. “I have shows to plan for my demonic audience. I don’t have time for feelings and…”
 I continued on. “You’re content with living in your own world of radios, music and murder…because for you, it was the only way to survive and make yourself known in your previous life. Communicating through the radio, playing music, dancing and singing on stage… that is when you feel truly alive. Because your listeners hang onto your every word, not caring who you are on the outside.”
 His pupils grew slightly. “You’re making assumptions. You’re forgetting about murder…”
 “Bringing joy to others outweighs bringing suffering...at least that’s how it should be. There’s nothing wrong with doing what you love…except when it causes harm to others.”
 “Demons kill and eat other all the time. Surely you must know that sometimes death and torture are necessary.”
 “You do have a good point. But…I’m talking about your previous life, and why you were sent down here…”
 “I killed those racist bastards for good reasons. When you discover there’s an afterlife full of magic, you go out of you way to make deals for power. It’s what I’ve been doing for years. It’s impossible to be sinless, for sinners lost their chance to ascend the moment they died on Earth!”
 “But it doesn’t have to be that way. Say we take the necessary steps to prove Heaven wrong…”
 “Heheheh, there you go, sounding delusional like Charlie.”
 “Just be glad I’m not as distrustful or hateful of men as Vaggie.”
 “Angel Dust is probably worse…”
 I chuckled out loud at that. “Personal space isn’t in his vocabulary.”
 I took a breath. “Look Alastor, I’m not saying it will be all be rainbows like Charlie claims. I’m just saying it’s not impossible to redeem sinners. Back to the main topic: we both have autism. Your special interests are radios, entertainment, murder and dark magic.”
 Alastor made a face and shook his head. “That term you mentioned didn’t exist when I was alive,” he said. “Anyone who was considered strange or deviant were ignored at best. At worst, they were arrested, killed or thrown into asylums. If it weren’t for my beloved mother…I would’ve wasted away a long time ago. And despite enjoying the company of beautiful ladies, I’ve never had much interest in intimacy. My broadcasting career was my life.”
 This time I listened quietly. He continued. “I’m only telling you all this because you technically don’t exist in the Hazbin timeline. And because…I can trust you enough, like Charlie and Rosie and Mimzy…”
 He sighed again. “Like a skilled actor, I learned not just how to present myself on the air. Thanks to my mama, I learned how to socialize and mimic others around me. It was a way for me to be confident in the face of daily disdain. Smiling became my way of life…my survival skill. If I were to cry and appear weak, who knows what might’ve happened to me. Eventually I became famous for my broadcasting and my music all throughout Louisiana, but it still wasn’t quite enough. I then found another coping mechanism…”
 The aura around him grew red…
 “One that made me feel like I found my place in the world. How good it felt when I could hear their screams…see the life leave their eyes. How from the moment their bodies turned cold, I knew they could never take advantage of me and my family again…”
 His black antlers arched slightly past his face. He lowered his head as static faded in and out. Here was the infamous and ferocious Radio Demon pouring out his secrets to me. I almost didn’t know what to say.
 He covered his eyes with his hands, long fingers in claw shapes almost tearing at his pale gray skin. His voice broke in a record scratch…and this time he spoke without the radio effect, barely audible: “I miss her so much.” His fluffy ear tufts briefly drooped as he conjured the loving smiling brown face of his French Creole mother in his head.
 We sat in silence for a while. “I hope you can see her again,” I said. “But…you need to have faith. Not in Charlie’s program per se…but in yourself. I know change is hard…I’m not saying go play with dogs and use new technology. I mean, don’t be afraid to explore your feelings, figure out what you truly want in your second life.”  
 Alastor’s remaining tears sizzled off his face and his tufts lifted back up. “That’s easy. I want to entertain others and have everyone do what I want…endlessly feast on flesh and never be bored…”
 “We both know it doesn’t work like that. What you want is nothing compared with what you need. You need love. Friends. The joys of music and a purpose. Instead of killing individuals…you need to kill off your own barriers.”
 “Easier said than done. What if I don’t want to change?”
 “You’ll either spiral downward into madness, or you’ll slowly change for the better while still retaining your good qualities. If you want to see your mother in Heaven, you’re gonna have to put in some effort. I may sound like Charlie when I say this but…I know you can do it.”
 Alastor gradually relaxed, his antlers retreating back to their usual stumps. He soon stood up, anxious to have some space. “Thank you for this lovely chat. Now I’m off to read my scripts and go to bed for a little.”
 I stood up and followed. “How long do you usually sleep?”
 “Thirty minutes,” he shrugged. “I rest by the wall with my eyes open.”
 I gasped out loud and bared my teeth. “Not on my watch, mister. Get into bed, now!”
 “Deer don’t need sleep.”
 I put my hands on my hips. “Everyone needs sleep, especially you! I promise nothing is going to happen. Your shadow will guard your room and suck the soul out of any intruder. Plus you have several friends and kingpins who are loyal to you. You want to truly be the star, Alastor? Start by taking care of yourself. You are the most important person in your life.”
 Alastor smirked. “Like I don’t already know that.”
 “Good. Now rest.”
 I turned to leave before I freeze. Gathering my courage, I turned to Alastor who sat on the bed. “Alastor…may I give you a hug?”
 He stared at me, taken aback. No one had ever asked him for a hug before. He almost flinched when I slowly walked toward him.
 After a moment, his face softened. “Just this once.” He leaned into my arms and chest. I got over my brief surprise by returning the embrace, my eyes closed, tears falling. I opened them and saw to my utter delight, his fluffy red and black deer tail wagging a bit! We soon parted and he wiped the tears from my face with his fingertips.
 “Now darling, don’t forget to smile! You’re never fully dressed without one.”
 I laughed through my tears. His charm worked every time. “Hey, don’t forget to ask people if they want to be touched before you do so. That’s lesson one.”
 “You’re my servant, not my teacher,” he spoke up.
 I spread out my arms. “This is Hell, Alastor, we can be anything. The world is a stage after all!”
 Alastor chuckled, but I sensed that he wasn’t content with taking my advice any time soon. But I had tried nonetheless.
 We bid our goodnights, me feeling slightly better. Just before I closed Alastor’s door and headed for my room, his whisper of a voice floated by my ears:
 “Thank you Ms. Prior. Stay tuned.”  
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hungryflowers · 4 years
Let Me Fall In Love With You
RadioHusk Week Prompt Day 6: Why Are you Like This
Chapter 6: Not There, But Getting There
He moved on. Alastor bitterly mouthed to himself. Despair bit at his heart like a feral beast with icy fangs. He could feel the maw rip a hole through his chest, plunging the knives into the blackening meat over and over again. There were tiers to despair, he found out. The first one was the smoldering, unquenched fire stirring up in his bones; any movements he made, sounds he heard, voices that spoke stoked the flames until the reached into the second tier. The scorching was when the fires came out. Rage unfamiliar, intense, violent rushed out of him. It was fuel from his smoldering, the fires warring out of control, heat slithering into his mind as it ruled his every thought. It became a parasite that made him act upon irrationality. In this fit he would scream, mostly at himself, throw things, rip up and down his home upheaving many things along the way. After it was over the final tier came; snuffing. 
It came when he was tired, apathetic, emotionless to the damage he had caused. To everything; from his home to the frailty of the relationship he wanted to have. He’d lay in his bed, on the floor, he’d sit by the fireplace for an hour or so just to leer at the flames until his eyes hurt. He would go hours without the sustenance of a meal one minute, then go and binge to feel something the next. It was like this for him now; the feelings of fullness in his belly but not in his empty shell he excused for a beating heart. He wondered why his heart even kept up beating if he wasn’t well, and in truth, very dead.
His eyes sprang with droplets of what tasted like salt from his eyes on every other occasion. He’d grown accustomed to their taste and feel, so he let them fall from his eyes in silent weeps. The frontal sadness making his shake like the brittle leaves in a winter wind. The things barely clinging to life on the tree. 
When he was done feeling sorry... for anything, he’d go out on the town to his Parlor. The lively jazz and swinging atmosphere could do the trick in helping out his mood. He’d be out there all night, listening to the music, watching the girls sing and dance past him, spare a glance to a gentleman or two who wanted to hear him sing again. The radio demon became more a spectator than an owner at his club. There were no new talents he went to introduce, no drink specials, no fun dance and song numbers tonight. The liveliness sailed clean out of him. He let the club pass him by every single night. For a month straight. He did do something when he went however. He forgets his resentment toward himself on how he treated Husk. 
The feeling was to remain temporary. Each time he went home, the despair coiled inside of him again. This cycle was never going to end. 
Alastor decided to shake up his usual pity party by going further into the city. The places where he felt like he needed to spend his time were going to be much different than what he’d prefer. Not to say he had never been to some of these places before, he didn’t frequent them like the grander majority of the others. Huge grin plastered on his face, posture highly exaggerated, a simple tune playing on his lips, Alastor went inside to a cleanly looking chateaux building known merely as Champagne. The flashing white neons brought in a luxurious, risqué feel to the place. One would most likely mistake it for a brothel on the outside. 
Clear to form on the inside, the establishment was more like an extravagant lounge area with unnecessarily long lounging couches, purplish pink tile floors and tactful decorations by the walls. Every inch of the lounge was aesthetic and pleasing to the eyes, as well as varying other senses. Alastor didn’t much care for women who’s eyes were on him the second he entered the double doors. They greeted him with a superficial retail smile and a little coy giggle, a few of them tried at getting handsy yet never touched him. Other females kept their distance, but never stopped scoping out the chance to get near him.
With a flick of his wrist Alastor gestured to one of the many girls at the bar. Heels clacked on the tiles as she bent over suggestively to take his order. She was a bit tall, though the heels could keep up the illusion. Siren like yellow eyes shimmered in the neons of the lounge, her skin appeared a slight grey, or an off white and she was covered in sleek, silkened fur. Well trimmed nails tapped on an electric device before she gestured to listen, short ears swiveling to Alastor’s attention. 
Alastor kept it simple with his drink, just an Ol’ Fashioned and she was sent on her way to fetch it. Though not before grazing her nails along his down facing palm. 
The joint didn’t look too busy tonight, in spite of it being in a high traffic part of the city. Intriguing thought to not have that many sinners out tonight. This side was a prowler’s paradise. He paid for his drink, tipping his hat to the server then headed out for the night, nothing sparking his interest in the club.
Alastor went for a walk. He didn’t have a clear destination in mind for sometime. The streets appeared a bit desolate on this night, giving a visual light of how he was feeling on the inside. Save a few smaller imps causing mischiefs wherever they went nothing struck to him. His mind mumbled on how he would never get the opportunity to see Husk again, nor find out if there was anything he could do to fix the wrong. There wasn’t a use on lamenting on it now. Husk found no love in him. There was no love to be found in this beast, Alastor scoffed bitterly. His ears drooped more, perforated smile wobbling, seeming to wilt at the corners. Those same salty drops stung at the corner of his eyes. 
That cycle of misery began anew as he went as far away to make sure no others were able to see him like this. 
The park gate was open as he went through to find a more quiet area. The skies bled deeper shades of red as he went further into the woods. The shades merged with Alastor’s jacket as the shadows twisted off in the distance. His eyes went to the shadowy shaded shelter of a mighty oak; leaves not yet shed, splotches of red and oranges decorated the trunks and branches. A soft gust pulled some of the leaves causing them to rustle in a whisper. The roots appeared to be coming out of the ground, some intertwining with each other, the more few peeking out to look like a sleeping place. 
In its shadow, Alastor looked so small. Helpless, even defenseless. The salty drops rained down his cheeks before Alastor collapsed on the trunk, ears falling back totally, eyes squeezed shut in the phantom throngs on pain. His face began to hurt as he sniveled and snarled. He had never done this before. Since his eternity in Hell, nothing has ever brought him to this pain. He was invincible. A telling of power and strength. He comes from an era that projects his strength; the force and will of a man. He never saw any men around him have this feeling before. Not even his own father told him about this kind of dread, shame and misery. There’s nothing he can make of this ultimate sadness. 
He lets his feelings flow. Unchecked and unfiltered, and now it starts to make him feel different. It isn’t a bad feeling, but it doesn’t make him feel good. More tears fall, a sigh comes unevenly. The breeze caresses his stinging cheeks- no... not a breeze. He withdraws immediately to feel the feathery tell of a tail brushing against his face. He opens his eyes to peer at the flickering red plumage at the end of the sooty tail. 
“So the Radio Demon cries?” The weathered tone sounds too familiar. It’s exactly who he expects. 
Alastor looks up to see Husk, perched quietly on the top of one of the branches close to Alastor. He seems to smile at him, marigold eyes closing slow and soft as his tail swipes along the deer demon’s face, wiping away the stray tears. 
“H-Husk...,” He sounds so exhausted, in pain even, “How... H-How did you... I-I thought I was-”
“Alone?” Husk inquired, ears tilting to the sniffling of the young man. His pupils widened when Alastor nodded before slumping against the tree. Both accumulated silence, the quiet giving Alastor time to right himself while he thought of the next thing to say. Husk managed to sit up to stretch, the angle of his body creaking and crackling in discomfort. A minor shake later and Husk was climbing downwards to sit next to the deer demon. 
“So this is what a month without me reduced you to?”, Husk says pitifully, “Jesus you look like shit.” The male laughed when Alastor turned to look at him. 
“I...I normally am not like this.” He whispers, static coming and going.
“What? Sobbing like an orphan? Yeah, crying’s really hard to do around here.” Husk’s paw went to Alastor’s face, scrubbing some trails. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I never would have done that if I knew it was bound to make things worse. I can’t wrong you for hating me, for fearing me. For... despising me. I’m an overlord. I’m one of powers of occult magics and elite status, I’m just not used to being told ‘no’, or having to force myself to get a hard look at...well, myself,” The radio demon brushed back his hair, gloves a bit damp from drying his tears, “I realize now that everything I was trying just wasn’t making you happy. And if that’s something you want more of, I’ll step aside. This won’t continue, I’ll move on, if it’s just for your sanity.” 
Husk kept quiet the whole of Alastor’s apology. He felt like he shouldn’t accept it, but something about him just made his heart give. Who knew a month of stewing in your own failure did the trick in making him realize he’d been in the wrong. Husk wanted to keep brushing the tears from Alastor’s eyes, he wanted to shove himself into him and give the biggest hug that would do the best in calming him down. He wanted a lot of things, but this was just fine for him. 
Alastor. The infamous Radio Demon let his walls down, apologized openly to him. Between them now was not a barrier of mistrust and disguised discomfort. At this moment, Husk could, was feeling sorry for him. 
“I-I-I just want to make this, us better. If you’ll allow me.” The deer demon lifted his left hand, holding it close enough for Husk to keep his eye on, but never to touch. 
The old male looked at Alastor’s hand and then his face. His smile was warbled and trembling. His frame looked as if it were to fall apart, crumble if a single gust of wind were to blow. He was a mess, way too vulnerable for any other Sinner to see him like this. Husk’s full moon wide eyes rippled in the night; the only light that looked natural in all of the bloody red. 
Husk’s own claw extended. Alastor watched it, unsure. He probably felt that he was going to knock it away and storm away. He had it in his head that he was beyond forgiveness at this point. This his words were just theatre and there was nothing genuine in the tangent to be shown. The thoughts vanished the moment Husk’s supple paw closes over Alastor’s willow-like fingers. 
“I’m glad that you don’t want to keep things the way they used to be. The thought being body-slammed every time I tell ya to fuck off is grating. Al, I don’t want you to go anywhere feeling how you feel now. So that just means you’re stuck with me until you get your shit together.” The cat chuckled as he pulled him in for a wide hug. His wings opened, leaning down to caress over the other man’s body.
“Wait...what?” Alastor’s response was watery and shaky at best. His body shook as fresh tears streamed down his cheeks. 
“You heard me,” Husk could feel the free fall of his own tears as he pulled Alastor in more, “We’re in this for the long haul, so you better get used to it.” He laughed as his cheek fur brushed into Alastor’s cheekbones. There was a little rumble coming from Alastor as the deer demon chuckled with him. 
“Should I ever be so lucky? Why are you like this?” The tears died down as the young man leant in further, body going lax in Husk’s assured grip.
“Like what? Funny and blunt as fuck? Years of turning my nose up at everyone and failing to care makes it that much easier.” He pulled back a slight, cheek still nestled into Alastor’s. 
“I want to start over. I owe you all of that.” Alastor pulled back to look Husk in the face.
“Don’t want that. No reason to go back to where we were. Let’s just take off from where we are.” Husk softened a touch as he pressed his forehead to Alastor’s. He sighed in contentment, his paw still holding Alastor’s as he pressed to his chest. 
“I...love you.” Alastor stated shyly. 
“Not... quite there in terms of affirmations yet. Let’s just be like this for a while longer.” Husk pulled away, eyes lulling dreamily as he nuzzled Alastor again. 
“Okay...”, The younger gent sighed softly, “Do you want to come back home with me? I’ll make you a fresh meal. With just my hands. I promise I won’t do anything.” He pulled his knees out from underneath as he tried to stand. His smile brightened when Husk nodded, his posture welcoming to the idea.
“I can eat. I’d like that a lot.” It was a simple response with a special feeling tied deep within. The gesture, the words. They had all been fine for Alastor during this time. Now he felt as if he didn’t want to move too fast in the hopes of keeping this safe. And keeping Husk happy. He’d have to relearn this type of love. Now’s a better than ever and Husk looked to be patient. 
After all, anything worth having is definitely worth fighting for. And Alastor was willing to go to war to protect it. If that’s what it all meant. 
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weaselbeaselpants · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel Review Part 1: I liek this, this is good
Eeeey I finally watched it how bout that?
I want to start with the things I liked because honestly, there’s a lot of things to like, also to give my opinion on some of the more common criticism landed it’s way.
--- Ima leave all the drama about Vivienne herself aside and focus on the episode/pilot as is. If you want to know the issues with her (actual issues, not the bs Bad Webcomics Wiki spews out or the false pedo claims) here’s a blog from a person within the VivziePop fanbase that’s detailed a lot of concerns. Make of them what you will but please don’t blacklist the show. There’s other ppl working on it and don’t threaten to block fans over them liking a show you don’t. That’s the kind of shit that would feed my Pure O and anxiety back in the day. Please stop, you’re making things really toxic. ---
So here’s what I liked:
People talking about the sound design being faulty or distracting when honestly I thought it was pretty good. Like, REALLY pretty good! The     sound effects weren’t too glaring and fit. IDK, when I hear “bad/too many sound effects in animation” I think of either Johnny Test or this.
The animators should be proud! Yes, there were a lot of shots obviously done by different people, but it didn’t bother me in the slightest (or no more than Steven Universe did). Oh wow you guys dealt with those designs so well and just dang look at that squash and stretch. Also, it wasn’t ALL squash and stretch and stayed fluid while keeping slow and focused like it needed to be.
Songs were great! These animators obviously specialize in music videos so while I might not be going home humming the words the  visuals more than make up for it. Also, it’s musical wow.
Other critics of Viv get on her for making everything super pink but honestly I like the color scheme of Hazbin. Characters are all different shades of red, pink, black, and yellow with some minimal color in between. Glaring, over-designed, and in need of proper color-theory? Yes. Aesthetically doomed from the get go? No. Viv’s surname “VivziePop” suits her cause her style alone does really pop! Simplify designs a great deal and the style is fine tbh.
What reason besides homophobia could people not want Charlie and Vaggie to be an item? They’re literally the ONLY good thing in this world.
The idea! Excuse me while I delve into stupid fan dribble here: 
I love the idea of a “princess of Hell” not fitting the quota of what’s befitting of an antichrist, wanting to reform sinners and demons, acting so un-devilish but having to be in control of this awful place. Sue me that shit is cute.
I reeeeally like Charlie, who is without a doubt my favorite character cause oh my god you know how I am with cute demons and monsters.
This version of Hell is pretty interesting as well. Instead of routine torture (I think???*), souls get purged from existence. Besides wanting to make people happy, Charlie has every reason to want to see sinners reform - these are her people, in her words. Me thinks they’re going for an Elder Cunningham-type character arc from The Book of Mormon; with the demons being cross and convinced redemption is pointless but then Charlie gets them on her side somehow and they steadily make asses of themselves while becoming ‘better’ people. That’s my prediction anyway.
ALL the main four characters have potential to be interesting: Charlie; a bubbly fish-out-of water with big, unspeakably unrealistic dreams who doesn’t give up. Vaggie; a girl who you gotta wonder what the hell she’s down in hell in the first place for and is clearly the only sane woman here. Angel; a jack of all trades but secretly master of none, finding Charlie hopeless but putting up with her all the same. Alastor; a “mysterious”** character who the other demons of hell are scared of and we know is up to no good stuff with Charlie but hey he’s got power, he knows what he’s doing.
Why am I not mentioning the rest of the cast? We’ll talk soon...
A lot of flaq about the cursing and the offensiveness and stuff but...honestly I’ve seen worse! I’ve watched Satellite City and Brandon Rogers. While there still was a little too much cursing from every single character, it wasn’t distracting to me. Also outside of Angel making a bunch of sex jokes, which suits him cause he’s Angel, I don’t remember so much edgy for the sake of edgy humor. I was going in expecting Drawn Together or Shane Dawson, but I came out with Invader Zim style-snappiness. 
Voice acting was pretty awesome sauce. They did a great job and everyone suited their character. I’m iffy on my opinion of Alastor, but ngl wow what a cool idea to have him sound like a radio.
Minor things that I think should be redesigned, rewritten or thought out a bit more are just that: minor and more suited to just baseless what-if fan dribble. The show is in production anyway.
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Chapter one “Radio demons and frozen static.”
“Hmm….” Charlie hummed nervously. “What’s wrong?” Vaggie asked. “I don’t know...It feels like we’re missing something…” Charlie trailed off. “Well, I do have one more favor I could call on if you feel it necessary, dear~!” Alastor hummed. “Really?” Charlie bounced in place. Alastor nodded. “If you so wish~!” He beamed. Charlie nodded. “If it’s no trouble!” Charlie added. Alastor chuckled. “Of course not, dear~! You need all the help you can get~!” Alastor grinned, snapping his fingers. (Elsewhere)
A plush demon banged their head on the table before them, sighing exhaustedly. “Come on, sissy! We’re so close this time! We can’t give up now!” Sugar pleaded. “We’re Eighty down, Sug. We can’t pay rent.” Ebony sighed tiredly. “Maybe if you work another shift-” Sugar started. “IT WON’T WORK, SUGAR!!” Ebony snapped, lifting her head from the table. “Yipes!” Sugar yelped. “It won’t work. And it won’t work because I was a dumb-a and snapped at my boss!” Ebony snapped, exhaustion clear in her tone. “And I was a dumb-a for even THINKING of following in dad’s footsteps!! I CAN’T be a radio show host, performer, singer, voice actor-actress-whatever!!!! I DON’T have his talent, and I never WILL!!!! I’ll live eternally in his shadow, no matter what kinda magic happen-” Ebony started before being surrounded by a ribbon of red and being teleported elsewhere, along with Sugar. (At the hotel)
“Ta da~!” Alastor announced, gesturing grandly at Ebony and Sugar. “Meet my little compatriots; Ebony Agony and Sugar Agony~!” Alastor announced. Ebony slowly took in her surroundings after making sure Sugar was okay. “Hello~? Anyone home~?” Alastor sang cheerily, waving a hand in front of Ebony’s face. Ebony caught his hand, pushing it away. “I’m fine. Would have been better if I had SOME FORM OF WARNING.” Ebony growled. Alastor chuckled, laugh track not far behind him. “Ugh…What didja need?” Ebony asked begrudgingly. Alastor grabbed Ebony by the shoulders turning her towards Charlie. “Ebony, this is my friend, Charlie~! She needs help with her hotel~!” Alastor said. Charlie waved sheepishly while Ebony grew an unimpressed frown. “Well~?” Alastor asked, looking down at Ebony. “So, lemme get this straight; ya wanna rehabilitate sinners in this hotel so that the Extermination doesn’t affect too many people?” Ebony asked, clearly unimpressed. “Yes…?” Charlie said shakily. “Well that ain’t gonna happen.” Ebony said coldly. Charlie’s shoulders slumped. “Wait for it~!” Alastor sang. “-Not with THIS colour scheme! I mean, hello?! Red and purple?! NOT warm colours! Ya gotta have warm and inviting colours! Oranges, maybe a bitta yellows! Red? Red SCREAMS ‘DANGER, STAY OUT OR RISK PERISH’! Warm colours? They’ll give the place a nice welcoming atmosphere and instead say ‘hey there! We can be trusted! Come ‘ere pal!’, ya know?” Ebony ranted. Charlie was speechless. “How do you know so much about colors and how well they go together?” Charlie asked, flabbergasted. “Al didn’t tell ya?” Ebony asked, raising an eyebrow. Alastor cleared his throat nervously. “No, he didn’t, what didn’t he tell me?” Charlie asked. Ebony chuckled darkly under her breath. “Course he didn’t.” Ebony sighed. “What am I missing out on here?” Charlie asked. Ebony sighed, figuring she’d have to tell her. “Well, Charlie, the reason why I’m so well educated on colour combinations is because my dad...Is one of the most well known performers here in Hell right next to Al here.” Ebony said. “Wait, you mean-” Charlie started. “Yup. My dad is the one and only Ink Demon himself.” Ebony said, shrugging. “No way!” Charlie said. “Anyways, I could help ya make the place more welcoming if ya want, no pressure.” Ebony shrugged. Charlie shook her head. “It wouldn’t be too much trouble?” Charlie asked. “Nah. I’m always willing to help a friend.” Ebony said. “Okay! How long will ya need?” Charlie asked eagerly. “Meh, maybe like...An hour, hour and a half tops.” Ebony shrugged. “Really? That little time?” Charlie asked, now feeling worried about the short time span. “I work fast.” Ebony shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. Charlie gave a shaky thumbs up. “Don’t worry, nothing will catch fire.” Ebony sighed. “Besides, if something does, toon logic will sort it all out.” Ebony assured. “Toon logic…?” Charlie asked. “It’s her little quirk~! How do you think she can fit so much into her hoodie pockets~?” Alastor laughed. “Untrue! Well, maybe a little true.” Ebony said shoving a notebook back into her hoodie pocket. Alastor hummed, shrugging whimsically. “Anyways, I can get the stuff to help tomorrow and be done by about...2:00, 2:30, somewhere around there.” Ebony said. Charlie was surprised. “Are you sure you don’t need longer?” Charlie asked, worried. “Look, do ya want the help or not?” Ebony asked. Alastor could hear the irritation slipping into Ebony’s tone and he tapped her shoulder, gesturing into the kitchen. Ebony understood and followed him back.
“Are you okay?” Alastor asked. “Yeah, fine. Why?” Ebony asked. He gestured to her cabby cap. “You haven’t taken your hat off since arriving. Not to mention your demeanor towards others has been more hostile than normal.” Alastor explained. Ebony sighed. She hated when others cared about her. It made her feel fragile. It made her feel weak. It made her feel...Like a little kid again. “Hello~? Is this thing on?” Alastor smiled, tapping his cane’s head. “Arright, arright, fine. I’ll lighten up.” Ebony said. “Good, but you dodged one thing.” Alastor said. “What?” Ebony asked. He pointed at her cap. “That.” Alastor said. Ebony sighed, head bobbing. “It’s nothing, Al.” Ebony said, turning to leave. “Whenever you say that, it’s everything.” Alastor said flatly. “Just forget it. Okay Al?” Ebony asked. Alastor glowered disapprovingly at Ebony deflecting. “You do know I ask this because I care, right?” Alastor asked. “Caring about others only gets ya hurt, Al. Trust me. I would know. (It’s why I’m down here, for God’s sake.)” Ebony grumbled. “Ebony, Ebony, Ebony…” Alastor chuckled. Ebony raised an eyebrow, confused. “We all know that’s not the true reason you’re down here~!” Alastor grinned maliciously. “Al, listen, I know that I did some…..Questionable stuff while I was alive, but…Those things aren’t the reason I’m down here probably…” Ebony winced. Alastor put a hand on Ebony’s shoulder, ignoring that she tensed up. “Deerheart, listen, you and I both know that those things are exactly the reason you’re down here~!” Alastor hummed quietly. Ebony shifted uncomfortably. “W-Well I-” Ebony started before Alastor put a finger to her lips. “You weren’t exactly the cleanest person alive, remember~?” Alastor hummed. Ebony sighed. Whenever he dragged up old info on someone, it wasn’t without reason. “What do ya need, Al?” Ebony asked, exhaustion evident in her voice. Alastor chuckled. “Glad you asked~! You see, Charlie isn’t the only one who needs your help here~!” Alastor hummed. “Whaddaya mean, pal? Cut to the chase.” Ebony huffed. “My, my, my~! Someone is impatient~!” Alastor laughed, laugh track following close behind. “Guess ya don’t need my help after all.” Ebony said turning and leaving. Before she could make it fully out, Alastor grabbed her hoodie hood, dragging her back in effortlessly. “Listen my dear, I know we have a...Rocky relationship, but still, I do need your help~!” Alastor hummed. “What if I don’t wanna?” Ebony asked sarcastically. “Hmmm...How do I put this~?” Alastor hummed thoughtfully. Ebony rolled her eyes. “Ì̴̱̖̄̕ ̷̢̪̖̑͝W̶̗̒Į̷̘̂L̵̘̤̘͑͠L̶̢̤̜̓ ̴̡̼̠̐̍M̴̢̡͚͈̎͌͛͠Ả̷̬̺͌̐͘K̸͖̭̻̰̃͌͝E̶̤̹͚̒̊̈́̚ ̶̢̞̈́̅̅̕S̶̜̺̭̏́U̷̲̅̈͝R̸̙̭͕̀E̵̦̲̘̺͐ ̸̣̥̈́̏Y̴̩̻̎̉̍̎O̵͇̟̽̆U̴̥̓͐͋R̶̜̼͍̹͛ ̷͎̣̖̉͂F̷͖̭͎́͐̎͝A̶̦̮̾͛͛Ṁ̷̭͑̈̈́I̵̟̪̺͑͌̚̚L̶̺̻͓̲͊̋Y̶͇̻̊ͅ ̴̢̲͕͚̆͋̀T̸̪̾̕͜H̴͚͒̑͋Å̸̫͓̣͚Ṫ̵̮̜̃͌ͅ ̸͍̮̳̂͛̂̀Ȳ̶̹͎̟̒̿͝O̷̮͆Ű̷̢̓̂͝ ̶͉̪̳̆̓̾̂Ľ̶̡̰͙̙̓̊̀O̶̫͉̖͎̍Ṽ̴̮͇̞͎̒̑��Ȩ̸͉͇̞̈́͛́̓ ̵̱̤̮͑͒͐I̸̞̼̎̇̃͜Ṣ̷̹͚͇͆̀́͊ ̸̧̙̪͗́̆̒T̶͓͕̭̀Ö̸͖̻́́̕R̶͚͎̼͊͝ͅT̵̨̛͝Ũ̶̻R̷̨̀͛E̴̢͔͖̤̔̋͠Ḑ̶̀̈̌ ̷̨̻̮̜̎͋͆͝Ą̶̤͒N̷̨̥͇͍͒̈́̉̄D̶̡̠̼̥̀̎ ̷̰̼̳͝ͅK̵̰̫͓̘̉̾͐̈́I̵̹̍͆L̸̤̓̌͝͝Ḷ̶͚͕̟̂͛Ę̵̧̨͆̉̍̊D̴͙̲̎̋ ̷̺͉̎̿Ĭ̷̧̥͔͇̍̓̑Ǹ̸̼ ̸̧̹͇̹͛F̵̠̮̘̽͒͋R̵̳̭̠͍̽̕O̴͔̅̆͐̒Ņ̴̠͓̓̿Ṯ̸̜͋̈̆̿ ̶̨̒O̵̗̙̞̭͒͂͊̚F̴͓̰̀͒ ̷̰̄̎̇Y̶̝̚Ǫ̸͉̼̳͗̇U̸̺̔͝ ̵̢̛̬͗W̷͔̒̑H̸̗̼̗͗͗̍̂Ỉ̶̙̠͉̍͑͘L̷̙̟͕̍͊̎́Ḛ̵̚ ̷̝̔̇̓Ÿ̴̨̻͜͝O̶̧̳͇͎͗̀̕͝Ư̸̤̰̫̺͝'̵̗̫̤̾̊̓̑R̸̗̝̭̙͐̈͐͆E̷͇̖͙̱͌͂́ ̴̫̗̰̬̈́͌̈͘H̸̬̦͕̆̎E̴̠̰͋̇L̶̙̭͌͆̑D̴͍̂ ̵̧̔̆͒̀B̴̥͓̕Ȁ̸͓͓̿̄͘C̴̦̊̕̚K̴̢͕͂ ̶̢̡͚́I̴̡͇̟̬̾F̸̭̑̓̿̀ ̷̮͕̤̯̏̎̒͘Ẏ̶̝̪̩̈́̽Ö̶̫̘̜͓̂͐̒U̴̱̥̭̖͊̎ ̴̫͖̰̂͆͠D̴̜̍E̵͙̼̖͑̿C̸̨͙̈́̈́̉̏I̶̼̔͗͝D̵̺͓̋̄̆͗E̷̫̮̠͈͗̿ ̸̝̩͌T̴̙͔̝̱̓̃O̴̯̒̂͑ ̵̡͖͖̐̂͋͑N̷͎̂Ő̶̺͈͙T̸̬̯͗́̂̕ ̵̯̪̇͠ͅH̵̹̲̪̓͝E̸̳̰̣͗L̷̰̟͛̋̄Ṕ̷̰͐̇ ̴̞̭͔̎̆͜M̵̙̳̮̬͗̅E̶͚̲͌̾͝” Alastor said darkly, eyes changing to his hostile ones. Ebony’s ears fell back. “Y-You wouldn’t…!” Ebony snapped. “W̷͓͎̟̍͝O̴̞͎͌͒͛̌U̸͖̙̙̲͆̏̌͛L̷͙̰̻̀̔̊͛D̶̳̲̮͊̚Ñ̸̛̝̾̈ͅ'̴͓͘T̵̥͓͇̠́͋̄ ̶̭͆͌̐Ḭ̵̔̒̚,̸̗̘̭̱̊ ̸͙̆D̷̪̠̈̆̿͝Ę̷̻̍ͅA̴̫̼͍͚̾R̴̫̅͘~̸̧̝̆?̴͎͎̓̀” Alastor chuckled. Ebony nodded nervously. Alastor held out a hand to shake, eyes returning to normal. “Splendid! Now let’s seal the deal, shall we~?” Alastor grinned. Ebony hesitated a moment. “Tick tock Ebony dearest, remember your family’s on the line~!” Alastor said in a sing-song voice. Ebony sighed, knowing there was no winning. She eventually gave in, shaking his hand. “My goodness, dearheart~! We simply MUST work on your handshaking abilities~!” Alastor laughed heartily. Ebony grumbled under her breath. “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, care to repeat~?” Alastor asked. “I said, I don’t care.” Ebony snapped. “We’ll see about that, sweetheart~!” Alastor said. “Now then, about what I needed you for~! What I needed you for was~” Alastor said, whispering what he needed her for.
Alastor went to leave the kitchen, gesturing for Ebony to follow.
“Charlie dearheart, after Ebony’s done helping make the place look the part, what job would you like her to partake~?” Alastor asked, gesturing to Ebony at his side. “Well...I don’t know, what are we missing?” Charlie asked. Alastor hummed, bringing a hand to his chin as he thought. “How about she takes the job of concierge~? I am lead to believe that Ebony’s demon skills leave much to be desired and this could be good practice~!” Alastor suggested. Ebony shook her head no violently. “I don’t think she likes that idea.” Charlie objected. “Well, we have a front desk manager, being Husk, a room attendant, being Niffty, what else is there~?” Alastor asked, clearly stumped. “Well I could always be janitor…” Ebony mumbled. Charlie brightened up. “What did you say?” Charlie asked. “Sorry, um uh, I *Kaff* I could be the janitor if ya want.” Ebony said. Alastor ruffled Ebony’s hair. “Brilliant, my dear~!! You were always quite the good cleaner~!!” Alastor complimented. “Oh hush you..!!” Ebony mumbled shyly. Angel raised a hand. “I got an idea..!” Angel said lazily. “Oh? What might that be?” Charlie asked. “She’s the janitor, but if we or any patrons need help, she gets t’ help ‘em too.” Angel said. The room was covered with a blanket of silence. “Look, if it’s that stupid I can-” Angel started. “No no no! I think you’re onto something!” Charlie said. Angel’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wait really?” Angel asked, starstruck. “Yeah! Angel’s got something there!” Charlie said excitedly. “WHAT?!?” Alastor and Angel gasped in unison. “YOU’RE surprised?! Imagine how I feel!!” Angel said nervously. “Charlie dearest you MUST be joking!!” Alastor said, typical sing-song tone gone with the wind. “No, he’s got a good idea. For once.” Vaggie added. “I don’t believe this!!” Alastor sighed. “Calm down, Mister Drama King.” Ebony scoffed. All eyes in the room fell on Ebony. “......What?” Ebony asked, shrugging. “Did...Did you just Sass the RADIO DEMON?!” Vaggie gasped, awestruck. “Well, yeah. What? Is that weird or some’n?” Ebony asked. “YES!!” Everyone but Alastor said. “Man!! This kid is braver than I thought!!” Angel laughed. “Nah. Not brave. I just know that he can’t hurt me because we-” Ebony started before Alastor rushed over, covering her mouth to prevent her from finishing her sentence. “Because we’re friends…~! Is what she was going to say…~! But I have a reputation to uphold, so that information can’t get out…~! You know how it goes..~!” Alastor said, grip remaining firm. “Ooooh! Okay! Got it!” Charlie said. “R-Right…!” Vaggie said nervous at how quick Alastor was to shut Ebony down. Ebony remembered one of the self-defense tips her dad gave her and put it into use. Alastor shivered, swiping his hand off at a swift speed. “DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?!” Alastor gasped. “Self defense.” Ebony shrugged. “N-Now now, let’s not get testy…!” Charlie advised. Ebony shrugged, turtling inside her hoodie. “Wait-!” Charlie started. “Give her a moment, she’s just grabbing something~!” Alastor announced. A few minutes later, Ebony popped back out with a few decorating supplies. “Okay, so I have everything I need, so whenever ya guys need me to, I can get started!” Ebony said. “Really? Just like that?!” Charlie gasped. “Yup. Toon logic helps a lot.” Ebony smirked. “Okay, you just need to be alone for this?” Charlie asked. Ebony nodded. “Yeah, it works best if I’m alone.” Ebony reported. Charlie nodded. “Maybe you guys can go out and pick out bed sheets or something. Other...Hotel-y stuff..” Ebony trailed off. Charlie nodded and everyone headed out. As soon as they were gone, Ebony got started. After the wallpaper and everything else was laid out and drying, Ebony went to carry out a part of what Alastor needed her to do.
Hours passed while Ebony worked. Three hours later, A knock came on the door and Ebony rushed putting everything back correctly and unlocked and opened the door. “Wowie!!” Charlie gasped in amazement. “That looks...Not terrible.” Vaggie complimented. “Cozy~!” Angel smirked. “So clean…!” Niffty gasped in awe. “Looks passable.” Husk grunted. “I for one, think it looks darling~!” Alastor announced. Husk trudged back to the front desk to grab a new bottle of booze as he had just run out. Ebony smiled, cabbie cap askew. “Oh! Your cap’s a little crooked!” Charlie said. Ebony jumped, cap falling off and shadow disappearing from Ebony’s face, showing what was hiding underneath. “Oh my…!” Niffty gasped. “What in the world…?” Vaggie gasped. “What’s goin’ on? I can’t see!” Angel said, trying to get a look. Ebony scrambled to grab her hat, but it was snatched away before she could reach it. “What’s goin’ on ‘ere?” Husk asked, returning with a fresh bottle of booze. Ebony turned and waved to him. “HOLY-” Husk yelped, jumping back. “WHAT ‘APPENED TO YOU, YA LOOK DEAD ON YOUR FEET!! AGAIN!!!” Husk hissed. Ebony sighed heavily. “This is why I didn’t tell ya guys…” Ebony wheezed. “MY LUCIFER, YA SOUND EVEN WORSE!!” Husk exclaimed. “Dearheart, what happened~?” Alastor asked. “Don’t wanna talk about it.” Ebony scoffed. “Are you sure…?” Charlie asked worriedly. Ebony nodded no. “Listen, we’re here to talk if ya-” Angel started. “I SAID I DON’T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!” Ebony snapped, ink webs crawling over the walls. Alastor looked around in alarm. “Okay, that’s fine…~! No need to talk~! Just please calm down…~!!” Alastor hummed. Ebony calmed down, the ink webs slowly disappearing. “Whawazat?” Angel asked. “Another quirk of hers.” Alastor and Vaggie said in unison. “Please, ladies first~!” Alastor said. “Thanks, I guess. Anyways, she’s the daughter of Inky the ink demon. The webs of Ink are her way of showing that she’s reaching her limit.” Vaggie explained. “What if she reaches her limit?” Angel asked nervously. “Stay outta her way.” Vaggie shrugged. “Why?” Angel asked, fear creeping into his tone. “Trust Vaggie on this, Angel. She’s seen Inky reach his limits. It wasn’t pretty.” Alastor said. “Eh, she’s tiny, she couldn’t do any harm.” Angel shrugged. “I can still reach your huge moneymaker, Angel.” Ebony growled. “Ohohoho, trust me Angel my dear, she doesn’t let height get in her way.” Alastor laughed. “Whaddaya mean?” Angel asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “Why do you think that she’s so well known~?” Alastor asked. “Uh...Cause she’s good at That?” Angel guessed. Alastor whacked Angel on the head with his cane. “GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER.” Alastor growled. “Ow!!” Angel winced. “Yeah, that’s not why she’s so well known, Angel.” Vaggie said. “Oh~! It looks like someone knows her history~!” Alastor announced. “I gotta. Gotta know who your enemies are so you know how to defend against them.” Vaggie said, narrowing her eyes. “Would you care to enlighten Angel~? Or shall I~?” Alastor hummed. “You seem to know why. Why don’t you?” Vaggie asked. “Well, if you insist~!” Alastor hummed. “Ebony may look defenseless, but she’s far from it~!” Alastor began. “Being the daughter of the Ink Demon, she possesses many powers~! Most of which are dangerous~!” Alastor said, putting dark emphasis on the dangerous part. Ebony’s head bowed in shame. “She was a scourge on any demons who crossed her path~!” Alastor continued. “It was messy~! It was messy and loud, but by Lucifer, I’ll be DEAD if I say I wasn’t impressed~!” Alastor hummed. Ebony’s face heated up. “She can’t have been that bad, right?” Charlie asked. Alastor laughed, shaking his head. “No, no, no, my dear~! She was that bad~! She made my little ‘hissy fits’ look like a joke~!” Alastor laughed heartily. Charlie’s shoulders sunk. “But, sadly, as the years went by, she started killing less and less and my entertainment ran dry…~! But, now that she’s here, maybe that metaphorical entertainment river will flow aplenty again~!” Alastor sang. “Mmm…” Charlie winced. “As long as she doesn’t kill anyone, she can stay.” Vaggie said. “Of course, my dear~! I wouldn’t DREAM of her doing anything sinful here~!” Alastor said crossing his fingers behind his back. “Good.” Vaggie huffed. Ebony’s gaze fell to the floor. Husk tapped Ebony’s shoulder. “You gonna be okay kid?” Husk asked. Ebony opened her mouth to speak, but closed it and nodded. “Couldja at least say it? It’s really friggin’ weird not hearin’ ya talk.” Husk said. “Right, yeah, I’ll be fine.” Ebony confirmed. Husk sighed. “Ya know, ya don’t suck as much as the others.” Husk admitted. “Awww…~! You’re softening up~!” Ebony teased. “Oh, shove it!!” Husk growled. “What~? I’m just saying that ya said something nice~!” Ebony teased. “Don’t make me take it back!!” Husk growled. “Wouldja really~?” Ebony teased. “I WOULD, AND THEN SOME, SO BACK OFF!!!” Husk hissed. Ebony winced, stepping back. “Now now, Husker, let’s not upset our new coworker, alright~?” Alastor smiled. Husk sighed heavily. “Fine.” Husk trudged back to the front desk.
Ebony smiled nervously. “Did you do as I asked~?” Alastor asked, leaning over. “Yeah. I almost didn’t clean up in time though.” Ebony said. Alastor grinned. “Excellent~!!” Alastor smiled, clapping happily. “By your tone I can tell that this wasn’t the, ah, only thing ya need me for?” Ebony asked exhaustedly. “Yes, but the rest can wait~! Now then, the other day, you weren’t at the theatre with your father, where were you~?” Alastor asked, closing the door as he walked Ebony to a private room. “W-Well...I got an animation opportunity and…” Ebony started. “And~?” Alastor asked. Ebony fell silent. Alastor grabbed her chin, tilting it upward so she’d make eye contact. “Eyes up here, sweetheart~! And speak your mind, I’m not a subtitle maker, you know~!” Alastor chuckled. Ebony frowned. “Well~? Speak up, dearest~! No need to be afraid of me~!” Alastor purred. “Well, with the guy who gave me the opportunity, yes, I do.” Ebony grumbled. “Dear, we’ve talked about your grumbling~!” Alastor said. “Who gave the opportunity, dearheart~?” Alastor asked. “Vox…” Ebony mumbled. “What was that~?” Alastor asked. “Vox…!” Ebony mumbled louder. “One more time for the audience, if you would please~?” Alastor asked, leaning his cane towards Ebony. Ebony growled. “VOX!!! VOX GAVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY, OKAY?!?” Ebony snapped. Alastor drew back as though he were just attacked. Ebony took a deep breath, collecting herself. “I...Took an animation opportunity with Vox.” Ebony said calmly. “Ebony, you know how-” Alastor started. “I know.” Ebony said. “You know how dangerous V-” Alastor started. “I. KNOW.” Ebony said cutting Alastor off again. “W-Well, did it go okay…~?” Alastor asked. Ebony sunk her head into her hoodie. “Ebony, did it go okay?” Alastor asked, melody gone from his tone. Ebony’s face heated up and tears started filling her eyes. Alastor scowled. “Was there ever any animating?” Alastor asked, voice going serious. Ebony shook her head no. Ebony went to open the door, but Alastor held the door shut. “Are you okay?” Alastor asked. Ebony was silent. “EBONY. WHAT. HAPPENED?” Alastor asked sternly. Ebony shook her head no. “Ebony. Talk to me.” Alastor said sternly. Ebony shook her head no violently. “Well, I suppose there’s no way to make you talk about it.” Alastor said flatly. Ebony sighed before Alastor hugged her tightly. Ebony was surprised at first, but eventually collapsed into the hug, bursting into tears. “No need to talk, just give thumbs up or down as a response, okay?” Alastor asked gently. Ebony shakily nodded. “Did you animate?” Alastor asked. Thumbs down. “Was there any animating equipment in there?” Alastor asked. Thumbs down. Alastor scowled, already jumping to conclusions. “Did...Did he, at any point, make you uncomfortable?” Alastor asked. Thumbs up. “Did you ever make physical contact at all?” Alastor asked. Dual thumbs up. BAD. SIGN. “Was it a hug?” Alastor asked, hoping that was all it was. Dual thumbs down. TERRIBLE. SIGN. “A boop?” Alastor asked. Dual thumbs down again. “...He didn’t.” Alastor growled. DUAL. THUMBS. UP. “HE DID.” Alastor growled. Ebony nodded sadly, hiccupping. “Worry not dear, he won’t get to you ever again.” Alastor promised. Ebony hugged him tightly. “I know, I know, it’s okay now. He won’t hurt you anymore. Not while I’m around.” Alastor promised. Alastor booped Ebony gently on the nose, smiling again. “Come now, my dear~! No use dwelling on the past~! How about we get that beautiful smile back on that beautiful face of yours again~? As I always say; you’re NEVER fully dressed without a smile~!” Alastor grinned. Ebony chuckled, smiling slightly. “Oh, there we go~! Beautiful smile for a beautiful demon~!” Alastor hummed, booping her again. Alastor opened the door, walking out with Ebony hopping behind.
(Timeskip to Sir Pentious arriving.)
“Well well well, look who’s harboring the sssstriped freak~!!! We meet again, Alassstor~!!” Sir Pentious grinned. Pentious’ gaze drifted to Ebony. “Oh, and he hasss a cute little ssssidekick now, too~!!” Pentious cackled. “I AIN’T NOBODY’S SIDEKICK!!!!” Ebony snapped. Alastor patted her shoulder gently, trying to calm her down. “Thisss time, I have the element of ssssurprise~!!!” Pentious cackled. Using his Radio Demon abilities, Alastor took Pentious down with minimal effort. A few moments passed before he shook his head, returning to his cheery self. “Well, I’m starved~! Who’s hungry for some Jambalaya~? My mother once taught me a recipe that was so good, it nearly KILLED her~!! Ohohoho!! It was almost like it was straight out of HELL~!!! Ohohoho!! I’m on a roll~!!” Alastor laughed as he and the others started walking back. Ebony smiled as she realized; with this new job and her new friends, for the first time ever, she’d be okay. Sure, she’d have bad days, but they’d probably be there if she needed them. And, for the first time in ages, she felt she could trust them if she needed help, mental or physical. And she was okay with that. Maybe one day she’ll work up the courage to talk to everyone about her whole family situation. She should tell them, they deserve to know, if not her actual family, about her future career path plan. Al was the only one who knows about it, but not the full thing. Something tugged at Ebony’s hoodie and Ebony looked down at Niffty. “Ya coming? Alastor’s making dinner and he’s a good cook!” Niffty asked. “Yeah, I’ll be along in a moment, tell them I’ll be a few.” Ebony smiled. Niffty smiled and ran back inside. Ebony looked at the part Niffty tugged on and winced. Good thing Niffty didn’t take too close of a look; that coulda landed her in some hot water. Maybe she’d tell them about that too. No. That was too private. So long as she wasn’t too frequent or go too deep, she’d be fine. Now to work up the courage to talk to them. Ebony spaced out for a few minutes. “-Ebony!?” Charlie called. “Oh! Uh, coming!” Ebony said, hopping back inside excitedly, grin spread across her face.
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hollowedrpg · 5 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, KENDRA! — You’ve been accepted for the role of Arabella Figg. Throughout your application you got Arabella’s characterization down, but it was your one-shot that really convinced me you were right for the role. Perhaps the most crucial part about writing Arabella, aside from having a good grasp on her personality, is understanding how she fits in between Alastor and Kingsley. Your one-shot really painted the picture I was hoping to see in an app for her, and I’m so glad. 
Thank you so much for applying. Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the follow list. Welcome to Hollowed Souls!
name: Kendra
age: 23
preferred pronouns: she/her
timezone: MTN Standard
activity: Fairly active on the weekdays, I work as a receptionist and we often have long stretches of silence and I do my other work from my personal laptop, so no one minds that I’m on it during the day. Weekdays I’m a little busier just catching up on things but tend to be very free in the afternoons.
are you applying for more than one character?: No
how do you feel about your character dying?: I think this is the kind of role-play where if that did happen, it would play out well, so as long as there’s plenty of communication and it makes sense in the game(and honestly even if it doesn’t because that’s just how things go, sometimes) I’d be fine with it.
anything else?: Nothing! This looks really beautiful and I can tell a lot of love went into it, so I’m excited to be applying!
ic details.
full name: Arabella Fiona Figg
date of birth: 12/27/1952
former hogwarts house: N/A (but serious Hufflepuff potential - Arabella strikes me as a very loyal, forthright person who would have fit in well with other Hufflepuffs and had she had the chance to be in such a welcoming, diverse house, she might have found herself opening up more instead of closing in on herself the way she has.)
sexuality: demisexual
gender/pronouns: cisgender female | she/her pronouns
face claim change: N/A
how do you interpret this character’s personality? how will you play them? include two weaknesses & two strengths. +Determined - it took more than a little pushing for Arabella to get into the world that so forcefully shut her out years before and she has done more pushing since. She is not one to take no for an answer, and while she might have to wait for the outcome she wants she gets it in the end. There is something steadfast in Arabella, solidified with each passing day a letter never came. She doesn’t want pity, doesn’t need it, she has what she needs, magic or no, to see things through to the end. +Reliable - If something needs getting done, count on Arabella to see it through. Whether it be finding some obscure ingredient or that stranger’s third cousin, there is a tenacity and specific drive to please that Arabella will run into the ground until she has the end result she wants. She has made a reputation for herself as someone to count on, and she doesn’t intend to let that go any time soon. -Awkward- Even as a child, Arabella was quiet, an observer, a wallflower. Her opinion was seldom asked for nor wanted, and the ensuing disconnect from her peers in school left her with little skill for socialization. Put a goal in front of Arabella and she can talk her way through just about anything, but put small talk in its place and she might be better off mumbling that excuse and ducking out of the room -Eccentric - Growing up between two worlds and the constant reminder you don’t quite fit into either can take its toll on a person. Things that might have been seen as a quirk to a witch are seen as an oddity in Arabella. Her attempts to learn in a community so determined to shut her out directed her to languages and reading ancient runes, memorizing spells she couldn’t use but one day might prove useful to the right person. Any piece of the wizarding community she is able to grasp onto is a gift, one she is excited to share with anyone willing to listen.
how has the war affected this character, emotionally and otherwise? In short, Arabella is exhausted. She has put her blood, sweat, and tears into the Order and while sitting still hasn’t always been her strong suit, she is willing to wait, to outlast the remaining shreds of terror, to keep the people around her safe. She sees a numbness forming in the people around her and hangs onto the shreds of light around them. They’ve worked too hard, lost too much, for this to not have been worth it. It has to be worth it, they have to pull through or else what did the people she coerced into this die for? She busies herself with keeping hopes up, keeping spirits light, keeping Kingsley on his feet so he can go just one more day, just one more, in order to make this worth the fight, so it all isn’t for nothing.
where does this character currently stand? with those who wish to hide in godric’s hollow until the war ends, with those who wish to rebuild the order and continue fighting the war, or on neither side? why? Arabella is in favor of keeping a low profile in Godric’s Hollow, unable to ignore the pull to protect those she talked into this war. Its hard to look into the same exhausted expressions and want to go in for a final push, let alone try and gather more support for more bloodshed. There is a side to her that wants to fight, wants to push on and finish this before the enemy can regroup, but the harsh reality is there’s a limit to how Arabella can help, and if her help needs to come in the form of supporting Kingsley and her other friends, she’ll do it and keep pressing on until things have at last settled.
When looking for new recruits for the Order, what does Arabella look for exactly? When is she sure someone would make a good fit? There is a certain spark to a protector, a fighter, and while it may not always be obvious at first, Arabella has a reliable gut, and she knowspeople. She can hear it in the way they treat a waitress, when they pause to coo at a cat across the alley, even in that awkward pause between holding a door open for someone just a bit too far away. When Arabella finds that bit of decency, her attention is snatched up and she follows that little bit of intuition until she’s proven right, and once she has a solid grasp, she prods and presses until she has a recruit, someone who stands up for the downtrodden, who sees this war and thinks ‘enough’ instead of putting their head down and hoping the war will pass them by.
mock blog - https://figgxarabella.tumblr.com/
pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/teenycactus/hollowed-souls-arabella-figg/
spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/kglass8/playlist/61gL3WyAiSquFwct118cYm?si=Z7krGnUxSy-i92vMS8YJKA
 I wrote a bit of a one-shot thing to get a feel for it and got a bit carried away -
There was a comfort in the late nights of the Ministry that Arabella found didn’t exist in the little tent community she’d now found herself calling home. Her office was clean and quiet, save the occasional raised voice from Kingsley’s office a few feet away. Alastor was in there as well, and while they often included her in their discussions, tonight the door was firmly shut, leaving her to sort through her own files and photographs she’d been collecting over the past week. Recruitment had slowed significantly as the war grew more perilous and finding willing and able bodies had become a challenge even for her. A slam against the wall closest to her made her jump, another increase in volume from the office nearby, and she settled again, pinching the bridge of her nose and trying to focus on what was in front of her, not eavesdropping on whatever confrontation was happening.
It didn’t seem so long ago Alastor had first barged into this office, leaving little room for her protests, getting past her before she could even rise halfway from her chair and closing the door to Kingsley’s office the way it was now. She had been less considerate then, inching and then leaning in her chair to try and make out the muffled words beyond the wall all the while trying to occupy herself with the task of redirecting the Goblin Liaison Office  from their insistence on a meeting. It hadn’t been an extraordinarily long time to wait before Alastor Moody came crashing back out of the office and then out of sight but to this day she couldn’t tell you what meager excuse she had offered Dirk Cresswell that had ended his attempts to gain access to Kingsley. It wasn’t long until she was seeing more and more of Alastor and even less time until she was finding whatever odds and end he needed as well.
There wasn’t a point in trying to eavesdrop now, even if she’d wanted to. This argument was no doubt the same one they’d been having for weeks now. Hide or fight, stay or flee, it was the same every time. They would talk themselves in circles until they tired of it, and the door would open and the tension of indecision would spread to her sprawled out mess of a desk. Looking at it now, she gathered a few of the spread papers and stacked them neatly, shoving records and transcripts into a labeled folder and tucking the folder in a drawer just as the door swung open. She tried and failed not to jump again at the sudden noise, busying herself with making the folders in the cabinet sit against one another perfectly. She felt rather than saw the presence of Kingsley pausing beside her desk, looking down at the remaining selection of paperwork waiting to be sectioned away, hands idly brushing a yellowed photograph, the flickering image of a woman mid laugh, hugging a bundle to her chest.
She straightened up as he found the name on this folder, resting her chin in her hand as the door swung shut behind Alastor, who had gone without a goodbye.
“He wants to fight.” It wasn’t a question, but Kingsley nodded anyway, continuing to thumb through the folder before picking it up entirely, she leaned back in her chair to get a better look at his expression as he did it, but he hid well from her, as he always had. There was a crease between his brow but nowadays there usually was, anyone who knew him knew he was stressed, but that was as far as he let show. For a moment, there was only the slight creak in her chair as she rocked a bit uneasily in it, watching his face, waiting for more of an explanation and receiving none. “He won’t give up easily,” She said finally, the way her voice caught in her throat had him looking at her at last, and Arabella accepted the folder back, flicking through the papers as if to ensure they were all there.
“He won’t,” Kingsley conceded, watching her as she replaced the folder with the others and shut the cabinet door, locking it with a small key, “He just needs to be patient a little while longer.”
“They’re all being patient,” She told him, rising from her chair and dusting herself off; ignoring him when he flicked his wand at his office door, closing and locking it with a simple gesture. It was quick work to finish tidying up, pulling her coat on and preparing to go when she found him watching her. She merely raised an eyebrow, though the quizzical look disappeared when he reached a hand towards her face, eyes closing away from the gesture. Not quite a flinch but noticeable enough to not be anything less, the after effects of a war so steadily going wrong. She heard him sigh, hesitating, and opening her eyes to meet his she didn’t move as he removed the quill she had tucked behind her ear and promptly forgot about, accepting it when he passed it to her.
He opened the door and she ducked out, trying not to feel too embarrassed over her reaction. Arabella hugged her arms to herself as she waited for him to lock up. She wasn’t sure what she had expected when he’d reached for her, it was an innocent enough touch, though for Arabella even those came rarely. When the office was secure for the night, she followed Kingsley through the quiet hall of the Ministry, into an elevator and up to the top floor.
“You’re right,” Kingsley said, interrupting her own desperate thoughts as they raced for a way to break the suffocating silence, “Everyone is being as patient as they can. But this isn’t an answer we can come to with arguing. There needs to be compromise.”
“And if there’s no compromise?” She watched his gaze darken slightly at the suggestion, he’d been thinking of that, too, then. The elevator reached the top floor with a ding and he stepped off, leading the way to the doors, the only sound being the soft click of their shoes against the hard marble floor.
Above ground at last, the street was empty and dark, and though she had flinched from her earlier, she didn’t hesitate to take the arm he offered, gripping onto him tightly as he apparated the two of them to the outskirts of the Order’s new location.
“There’s always a compromise, Arabella,” Kingsley said, steadying her with the practiced ease of someone who had grown quite used to her stumbling at the end of such a trip. She was relieved when she looked up and found that, for the first time that day, he was smiling.
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