#the bad kids
starful-emporium · 2 days
Bad Kids queer headcanons (excluding canon stuff lol)
Kristen is def someone who considers her gender as just "lesbian." being raised with the definition of woman being so strict and het normative, they can't connect to "woman" in a meaningful way, and uses any pronouns.
Gorgug is a bigender bitch if ive ever seen one. think i rb'd from the op of that headcanon a bit ago, they were saying how well it fits with his barbificer arc and just. Yes. Correct. She/he gorgug ftw.
Riz is fully uninterested in the whole gender thing. triple a vibes 100%, specifically the ambivalent kind. is okay with any pronouns but has no motivation to switch from he/him.
Fig being transfem <3 something about growing up as one thing and then suddenly becoming another, having your body do things outside your control and visibly weird. just gahhh perfect little niche to occupy my brain.
Adaine aro-allo truthers rise up! Seriously this girl does not want romantic intimacy, she would like the occasional casual date and getting her kisses in, and that's all, thanks.
Fabian is schrodinger's queer. hasn't connected the dots that liking men and women makes him bi. also has no idea how to separate jealousy and crushes, mostly bc his dad taught him to view other men as competition.
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sapphicmuppet · 2 days
between aguefort offering Gorgug a job and Jace having paid riz throughout the year for helping keep the school afloat and Kristen suddenly having the power to be acting principal of aguefort goes missing again we’re looking at 3/6 bad kids being acting staff members
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mordred manor house sleepover
details and closeups under the cut <3
small things i wanna talk about bc i spent way too long on the background to not talk about it- little drawings all over, namely song lyrics, small references to themselves, figs horn marks and her own apology in the top bunk, boggys little terrarium (held up with magic and nails) glow in the dark stars and fairy lights are all over (no overhead lights!!) aelwyns bottom bunk has a sheet for separation, aelwyns little cat stuffy was given to her by adaine, the calendar is color coded for the bad kids and co, and all photos are my own drawings bc i didnt wanna create new things
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taglist: @disdoorted-crows @dapper-nahrwhale @leelovessharks @genuine-possum @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @starchaserbaby @blueskiesandstarrynights @joshkiszkashusband (lemme know if u wanna be added or removed)
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littlebug-boy · 2 days
fhjy was great in every way and one thing i particularly liked was the structure, i like how rather than having one rp ep then one battle ep like in previous seasons there was more mixture like alot of the time there would be both in one ep like Dawn of justice i beive was like that
idk i just found it more enjoyable and easier to watch
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intrepidbeans · 12 hours
At long last, it’s the ✨Junior Year finale stickers✨
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Two goddesses in a room, they might kiss…
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A hard won heirloom, indeed
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Talk about a loveseat! AYO!
All money I receive from Redbubble sticker sales for the foreseeable future will be donated as directly as possible to families who are experience genocides first-hand, primarily through orgs like Operation Olive Branch, Congo Friends, Ahwatna Relief, and the Sudanese-American Physicians Association
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th3b4dk1dzz · 2 days
Fantasy High AU but Murph uses the Krudbert voice for Riz.
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everywishway · 1 day
Hey, so I'm writing a fanfic about Kalina post FHJY. Mostly her interacting with all the Bad Kids to redeem herself. Question tho, what do you think Kalina could learn from each of the BK's and what could they learn from her?
notes I already have: - Kalina becoming a literal emotional support animal to help Adaine during a panic attack and Adaine talking to her and seeing a lot of herself and Aelwyn, literally doing what you have to, even suffering if it supports others to which Adaine kinda calls this out - Ankarna and Kalina talking about how they both would do anything for Cassandra. Also Ankarna telling Kalina Riz might not resent her as much as she thinks because in the 'do over' thing she offered, Riz never thought about revenge on Kalina. - Kalina and Kristen talk in the church and hash out things, coming together in their care for Cassandra and sacrificing what made them themselves to help their parents when they weren't healthy (Kristen with her parents and Kalina with Cassandra/TNK) - Final chapter: Riz yells at her for how much she took from him (His dad, time with his mom and seeing her overwork herself to support them, etc) but she responds if it was him, he would do the same. He spent all Junior year tying himself in knots to keep the BK's together and really, Kalina was trying to do the same with Cassandra
Esp need ideas for: Gorgug, Sklonda, Fabian, Fig, and extra Riz chapters/vignettes. But any additional comments/notes for the above chapters would be lovely too <3
Also, if you wanna read the fic so far, it's on AO3 called 'What Does A Cat Have To Do To Be Redeemed Around Here?'
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deconstructthesoup · 3 days
Why do I suddenly want to make a Dead Boy Detectives AU with the Bad Kids
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alltears · 1 month
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the intrepid heroes reached new levels of Accurate Teenage Friendship tonight (see also)
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gretashand · 1 month
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the best part about being an artist is making the shit you want for yourself so pls enjoy my poster sketch based on this weeks episode bc i literally cannot stop thinking about it
this is gonna take forever to render but it will be so worth it
| Lineart | Final Version |
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mmhue · 2 months
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So. How about this season so far
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emiko-matsui · 24 days
what demonstrates the rat grinders vs the bad kids SO perfectly is oisin sending that guess you didn't see the storm coming message being like hehe im gonna put her on a ship in a storm and kill her just the same way the last elven oracle died and adaine is just standing on the deck like ok?? and one-punch killed an ancient dragon
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ironinkpen · 17 days
the rat grinders getting whomped because they don't know how actual combat works is exactly what I've been waiting for all season. fabian taking down ivy in one turn bc they have no hp, them grouping up bc they don't know they're not supposed to and getting immediately shit on by adaine, riz's attack of opportunity doing more damage to kipperlilly than her actual attack did to him, gorgug taking down oisin by the end of round 1 bc they didn't protect their wizard, kristen and k2 both bringing all their friends up while keeping themselves strategically hidden bc they know better, riz diving into the lava like it's nothing bc he's a badass, adaine slapping jace's counterspell out of the air, fig tanking that hit from porter and casting that clutch fireball. just. beautiful. iconic. poetic. exactly what the rat grinders deserve after xp grinding for three years instead of actually adventuring. you fucking suck at this game kipperlilly!! you might be high level but you're shit at pvp!!!!!
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isawiitch · 10 days
everybody got mad
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littlebug-boy · 1 day
i need to see an animatic of the song madeline by good kid from kristens perspective in the last eps of sophomore year
‘and even when i lost myself in all of those tall trees you took me down you helped me up you patched my bloody knees’
’ the sun the earth the wind the rain and holding out for change’
‘[kristen A] who lost the earth but made it out by noon the sun it shone the earth as well her eyes were two half moons and even when we lost ourselves to something inbetween the words we shared are all still ther to show us where weve been’
idk its just kristen coded to me
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goblin-king-jay · 1 month
"My darling paramour, my infernal flame, my Figueroth. I sent these meteors to you from the dawn of time when a rogue asteroid almost hit my dad's jet ski. Sundering the space rock with but a gesture of my most potent art, the debris surrounded me and with it came the sorrow of your absence. I sent these rocky chunks across the galaxy, and they have traveled since the beginning of time to tell you that I love you. In each moment of our mutual ignorance, where we had yet to meet, this message was already spinning its way to you through time and space to illuminate the night sky and tell you that I love you.
Us -- our love, like time, has been inevitable and strange. I have walked in its shadow joyfully. It gives me peace to know that in my darkest moments, my love for you was already on its way, flying through the stars. We have been on our way to save us since before the lights of our world were first lit. Pretty cool, my darling paramour.
P.S. I know you have another year of school after this. But I hope one day soon, you and I might travel amongst these stars together.
XOXO Ayda Aguefort
P.S. You are not gonna believe how much my dad spent on this jet ski."
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