#terrible dactyl
grimpapuff · 2 months
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This man wear a cowboy attire.
Long desprition here:
The idea started on Discord, my friend said "Terrible Dactyl dressed like cowboy" then deleted this message, and because I saw that message from a notification on my phone, so I asked and wanted to see my friend talk about Terrible Dactyl's cowboy outfit. He then says to me.
Or Bronto Thunder dressed in the same cowboy attire Brachi wore in the cowboy episode. With Dactyl wearing cowboy dressed in the same cowboy attire Rex wore.
That message made me inspired to go back to my drawing skills. In this picture, I draw Terrible Dactyl wearing Genghis Rex's cowboy attire. The difference is that he wears his short jacket with long sleeves have fringes, he dons a cowboy hat that is forward up with simplicity, he doesn't don his white gloves, his pants tucked in his boot, and his boots are also colouring brown rather than black, and his one (iconic) scarf with colouring blue than 2 scarfs (You kidding, 2 scarfs with different light?).
While I was colouring this in the process, I was careful not too colourful and not much the same value in grayscale, considering that I thought Genghis Rex's cowboy attire colourings looked busy to drawing/animating ngl.
I use a pencil for sketching and ink named "よわ太鉛筆セット" which the machine translates to "Intoxicate Pencil Set", while the tool for colouring is between hand and lasso fill (I use all different every different day since Idk which should I use technique quickly time or make a perfect fill).
The shade of texture film grain/noise is from a free sampler of True Grit Texture Supply (Though, you need to add your email in the input subscribe to get free sample brushes) and use "TGTS-DeadSubtle 5 (Kraft Paper)".
For background, the variety of brushes I use is "あったかアナログ画材" which the machine translates to "Was there an analog art supply" (that's a funny name if you ask me). The background I tried to draw it to make it look less dull (and I failed wtf), then another 2 layers of gradient map to effect a light value and ensure focus on Terrible Dactyl.
Thank you for listening to my thought process aka. ramble.
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zephyr-together · 2 years
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commissions for an etsy customer!
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scribefindegil · 1 year
We know what Ninth House poetry is like (terrible!) but we should talk about which meters and poetic forms are in vogue for the other Houses. Some initial thoughts:
The Second: Meter? Iambic or maybe trochaic. Absolutely has to be one of the two-syllable feet though. Number of feet can vary. Form? Couplets. The Second is about epigrams, about the sort of pithy little poem that you could engrave onto the handle of a weapon or use as a grave marker. Short and regimented. They don't *do* long-form.
The Third: Dactyls all the way babyyyyy! Lots of playful/light verse; tend to think everyone else takes poetry much too seriously. A bunch of funky little closed forms with triplets and repeating lines. You know, the sparkly kind where you don't really say anything but it's great for showing off how clever you are. Also. Villanelles.
The Fourth: Iambic tetrameter. Lots of cross-rhymed quatrains; little emphasis on closed forms.
The Fifth: They get iambic pentameter, the lucky bastards.
The Sixth: The sestina is absolutely the most Sixth House poetic form in existence. I bet they have competitions where they're given the end words and have a time limit to complete their poems. I bet Palamades has written sad sestinas about Dulcie. Probably dactylic hexameter even though I kind of feel like that's too cool for them. They might also use Alexandrines bc they're both six-footed and insufferable.
The Seventh: Ballad meter! In the real world we think of this as alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and trimeter, but if you throw it all on one line you can call it iambic heptameter instead. If you want. Great for poems about melancholy and death! Also they write a lot of sonnets (14 lines!), especially the Petrarchan form.
The Eighth: I feel in my heart that they look down on purely syllabic meters and also the concept of rhyming and insist that the only worthwhile poetry is some accentual-syllabic Beowulf shit. Irl this manifests as four alliterative accented syllables per line with the strongest emphasis on the last one. You *could* just string two lines together to make eight accented syllables and call it a day, but that isn't stupid enough. Merely contemplating Eighth and Ninth house poetry should be enough to give you a headache. It is one line with eight stresses. It's awful. Every stressed syllable has to alliterate except the final one, and when a poet finally reaches the end of the line everyone watching applauds in sheer relief.
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terrible dactyl
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cadene · 3 months
Proof that the smallest action can have wide-reaching, unknowable effects:
1) Mutual reblogs some Obscure Animation posts.
2) Reblog ones I recognize.
3) Remember my favorite Obscure Animation.
4) Check out the tag.
5) wtf there was a COMIC?! FROM THE LAST DECADE?!?!
6) Hunt down and buy said comic.
7) Comic tries to be darker and relevant. Teryx deserved a better redesign.
8) Dive back into the tag.
9) omg custom Dinosaucer plushies?
10) etsy on hiatus
11) Gonna crochet my own Terrible Dactyl now lolol
12) hehe excuse to buy more yarn >:D
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cssnder · 1 month
I am invading askboxes today! Please accept this question;
What genre are you interested in writing in, but haven't tried?
Quite frankly, I don't even think I've read too many of them but historical fiction sounds very interesting to me. What I'll say might sound disturbing but I've always been morbidly interested in historical figures such as The Marquis de Sade, for example. Perhaps write something that's set during the events of 1789 in France, with themes of libertinism, depravation, morality and hedonism? And make it a novel in the vein of De Navarre's Heptameron at the beginning but have it slowly descend into a more complex narrative as the corruption grows? I'm thinking about it.
Another thing I would love to write is a Southern Gothic novel. I am really into novels such as A Choir of Ill Children, The Devil All The Time, Wise Blood, and Child of God. I am absolutely into it even, to the point that it is actually difficult to believe that I haven't written anything in this vein yet.
Romance is a genre I am not generally interested in, particularly because I think I am quite awful at it and also, I must admit it, this is not the genre of books I pick up of my own volition. Nevertheless, I like the idea of writing something deemed as ‘romance’, but that is just as evil, twisted and taboo as Brontë's Wuthering Heights or even Nabokov's Lolita — which, let's remind it for the late crowd, is not a romance. And to be honest, this is what I intend for my still untitled novel to be. I want to write an unfathomably terrible novel, to write evil in all its nuances. Not demons nor serial killers, for my conception of evil here is found in human relationships. I want violence, betrayal, incestuous love, perfidy! And I want to fool you into thinking this is a love story.
This last one is very ambitious, but if I ever feel bold enough, and if I ever get an idea that permits it, I'd like to write an epic poem or a play in verses — with dactylic hexameter and all, I mean, and certainly not poetry à la Rupi Kaur. Works like Paradise Lost, The Divine Comedy, The Aeneid and The Iliad are often in my mind. There's tremendous beauty in them, tremendous humanity and violence also, in their poetry. This is something I'd be ready to spend over a decade on if I'm ever blessed with the inspiration to write it. Although, of course, I am aware this is perhaps not the kind of things a modern audience would find pleasure in reading.
I don't know how many of these I'll actually get to write, nor do I know if I'll write them at all, but we'll see. Fate always has an enchanting way of surprising us.
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zentrodada · 1 year
I fucking love when a poem has a meter; I just dislike your class 'cause you're a terrible teacher
(a line in dactylic enneameter with an internal slant rhyme; addressed to my literary studies teacher)
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What if, imagine this.
You are a pterodactyl.
You are afraid of heights.
Your legs are stumpy, and you cannot be speedy.
Your dinosaur colleague's laugh at you.
"Terrible-dactyl" is your new nickname.
Doesn't help your name is Terri.
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adokle · 5 years
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ToonDudesFun by JoeAdok 
Some sprites of dudes from old toons. I was going for an Under Night In-Birth look in terms of style and size.
There's Terrible Dactyl from "Dinosaucers", Nefertina from "Mummies Alive!" and Bucky O'Hare from "Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars."
Of these, I've only really watched Mummies Alive, but they all have nice intros at least.
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Here is Dinosaucers hard-reboot manga because thought would be awesome.
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retrorevelations · 6 years
Time for a new game, and what a game it is! We dive right in to the SNK arcade shooter, Prehistoric Isle!  
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grimpapuff · 5 months
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britneyshakespeare · 5 years
i hope you’re all feeling terribly, hopelessly, dreadfully marvelous tonight on this august sunday evening
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tdactyl · 5 years
really love it when people i follow show their true colors so i can smash that unfollow button
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lusus · 7 years
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scylar sketch i’ve been picking at all night cause i don’t draw it enough
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cadene · 3 months
for $9 off walmart thank you cheap resellers!! 🙏
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All I ask is that Terrible Dactyl be in it and be as great as he was in the cartoon.
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Oh no they made Teryx worse. Why. Can't we have ONE (1) franchise where the anthropomorphic creatures haven't got boobs? Especially when they're not even mammals? (lmao autocorrect changed that to 'books' twice thank you autocorrect)
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Guys I think this comic about climate change and sapient dinosaur spacefarers who've ruined their own planet has an agenda!
Oh no it ended on a cliffhanger! And there's no plans for Volume Two?! Why is this IP so unknown?!
Also Terrible Dactyl was barely in it. :( He showed up, like, twice.
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