#tchalla x reader
deantavias · 1 year
oh yeah i love reading (fan-fictions to dissociate).
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griots-tales · 1 year
Hi! Can I request a t’challa x reader were this recently takes place after avengers endgame were the reader tells & introduces t’challa and shuri to t’challa and reader’s daughter
Sure thing! This is written for a Black AFAB reader living in America. Fluffy PG 13 stuff.
Your first embrace after five years was nothing short of life-giving. You trembled in his arms, breathing in his warmth and choking up with incoming sobs. Your tears soaked up the soft fabric of the olive hoodie he wore to blend in with the neighborhood, and he let you wrap your legs around him when he lifted you up.
The weather was a little warmer than usual, and the air was filled with distant conversation between people getting reunited with their families, just as they were doing... and nobody batted an eye when they saw people crying and hugging each other on the street.
The sun lit up T'Challa's tight curls and eyelashes as you pulled apart slightly, and you still couldn't believe it. It was the same man you thought you would never see again... well, except in your daughter.
T'Challa still didn't know about her. And neither did Shuri.
Your tears still flowed, because you just saw Shuri, who had also come all the way to the US to see you again. You collided with her, kissing her forehead and cuddling her like she would disappear again. Having a baby didn't make it any easier to live without the first.
The three of you hugged again, and you let go of Shuri only to kiss T'Challa for the first time in five years.
"Eww!" Shuri cried in mock disgust, seeing PDA less than six feet away from herself.
The nostalgia of hearing Shuri's chatter, and feeling T'Challa's body against yours hit you again. Bast, you had missed this dearly.
You had planned this out from the moment you recovered from the shock of people reappearing out of thin air. Both the siblings were unsuspecting and unassuming of what you were up to even as you walked up to the school at the outreach center.
Shuri was busy playing with a cat that had snuggled up to her in the middle of the park that you were all now in, while you and T'Challa watched, holding hands. He lazily fingered the beads on your braids, taking in how you had changed through the years. You had grown plumper with some post pregnancy fat still curling in love handles around your waist. He seemed to like it, as he smiled when his long fingers brushed subtly, but sensually over your midriff and hips.
The causative of half your stretch marks was about to arrive from her last lesson in school in less than a minute now, and you couldn't wait to see her, now more than ever.
The bell rang, and a high-pitched chorus of yelling ensued, signaling the end of the school day for the little ones. T'Challa smiled at the noise and looked at your expression. Your mischievous smile made him frown a little in suspicion.
"Hey- where are you going?" Shuri called after the tabby as it rushed off to the entrance of the park, which was near the school gate. Children rushed into their parents' arms in the distance, while some rushed out into the play area in the park. The cat followed some first graders around as they opened their tiny bags to bring out various bits of food that they had diligently saved during recess.
Both of them grinned at the sight, but you were focused on the one little girl with her hair done up in two little puffs by none other than you. She giggled and cuddled the cat before she looked up and saw you.
And when you glanced at T'Challa you thought, he knows. The look on T'Challa's face was one of dawning realization as the little girl came running straight to you. His nose sat on her face, albeit a little softer, if possible... and his eyes looked at their near identical twins from a distance. There was also your round face and huge, pillowy lips that turned a little down on the edges.
Shuri, as smart as she was, was in a little denial as she seemed puzzled at the girl's advance.
"Who's that?"
Neither of you answered, waiting for the girl to slow down as she came closer and finally, ran into your arms. You lifted her up like you always did and kissed her on the cheek.
T'Challa swallowed, his eyes welling with a myriad of shock, joy and pain. He stepped backwards to comprehend it fully: you had a child.... a five-year-old.... who looked a lot like him.
You grinned at him and neither of you spoke a word for a second. Shuri finally realized what was going on, and her eyes blew wide as saucers. Your daughter looked a little confused, but being the wise child she was, she decided to introduce herself first.
"Hi!" She said to Shuri, who was near her.
"H-hi! What's your name?" Shuri replied out of reflex.
"I'm Taraji, nice to meet you!" she squeaked, a little nervous, but excited and determined to make a new friend.
"Tara, do you know who these are?" you asked her.
She didn't answer immediately, shyly fiddling with the end of her green dashiki. "That's aunty,"
You put your arm around T'Challa. "And this?"
"That's Baba." she smiled.
T'Challa couldn't hold back his tears further than this; he pressed his sleeve into his eyes to be able to see his daughter better. She was the most beautiful thing in the whole world at that moment, and it brought him to his knees. Taraji approached him slowly from your arms, and T'Challa first held her little palms in his huge hands.
"Are you crying because you're happy?" She whispered curiously.
T'Challa nodded and hugged his daughter for the first time. "Ewe,"
Behind you, Shuri too burst into tears, and you held her as she tried to calm down. It worked out just as you had planned, and you couldn't feel happier and more complete with your sister your love, and your baby girl.
"Even Miss Brown cried when our old class came back... it's okay." She reassured her father, who nodded fervently as he examined every inch.
"I know... I'm just..." He murmured, "I should've seen it coming!" He laughed, catching your eye. You chuckled at him, remembering the nights in the early spring of 2018, that resulted in Taraji.
"So," He wiped his eyes again, "Taraji, hm? Taraji (Y/L/N)?"
The little girl grinned "Taraji (Y/L/N)." she confirmed, cutely mispronouncing your last name.
"Does she know?" T'Challa looked deep into her eyes. Shuri nodded. "Does she know who she is?"
You shrug. "Ask her, King."
Your babydaddy glanced at you before turning to his daughter. "Ungubani?"
The child stood up straight as she said this: "Ndingu Inkosazana T'Challa, Intombika Kumkani T'Challa."
I am Princess T'Challa, daughter of King T'Challa.
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shurisneakers · 5 months
a writing challenge? in 2024? you bet
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Hi! Hello! Hey!
I've been going through A Time and have chosen to cope by going back to the specific vibes of 2016 to 2018. That happens to include an incredible resurgence in my love for MCU fanfic, the community around it and all the love that goes into them. I've felt a bit distant from here for a while, but I still see so many of my old friends writing, ones who want to get back into it, and a whole lot of new writers I am dying to meet.
I've floated this idea vaguely on my blog and people seem to be interested so I figured it was worth a shot!
So yeah, welcome to Ari's Old School, Nostalgia Jam, Why-The-Hell-Not MCU Fic Writing Challenge 2024!
Prompts, rules and whatnot under the cut:
If you could reblog this post to reach someone who might want to participate, I'd really appreciate it! No need to be following me, it's open for anyone.
Reader-inserts, OCs, solo character fics, character x character-- absolutely no limitations
Any and all MCU characters are allowed
Anything above 500 words should have a read-more/keep-reading tab. Series, multi-chapters, one-shots, drabbles, etc etc. The sky's the limit.
Please tag me in your fics (@shurisneakers) so I'm notified of them, and post them with the tag #arisoldschoolwritingchallenge . It may take me a while to get back to you due to the circumstances I find myself in currently, but I absolutely will. Please send me a DM if I haven't responded within 10 days.
Send me an ask with the prompt you would like. Feel free to pick up to 2 prompts
The only thing I request of you: no RPF and no dark fics. Smut is welcome, but non-con/dub-con/incest or anything along those veins is something I'd ask you not to submit for this challenge. Thank you for your understanding!
I know I've called it an MCU fic challenge as it's the community I've grown with, but if you feel like any of these prompts resonates with a character from another fandom, please go ahead and write it. This challenge really is just about the fun of writing fanfic and love for Your Little Guys
No submission cut-off date. Take all the time you need.
I've tried to have a mix of classics and uncommon tropes/dynamics, so I hope everyone finds something they connect with!
Relationship Prompts
1. Enemies (taken by @theysaywhatasadsight)
2. Best friends/childhood friends
3. Coworkers (taken by @jaaneymann)
4. Internet friends
5. Neighbours/roommates (taken by @angrythingstarlight)
6. Fake dating (taken by @hungryforpowernotfood)
7. Commuters
Alternate Universe Prompts
1. Florist AU (taken by @hungryforpowernotfood)
2. Showmance AU (taken by @bombsonboard)
3. Social media/streaming/gaming AU (taken by @splintered-emotions)
4. Thieves/Heist Group AU
5. Time travel AU
6. Pirates AU
7. College AU (taken by @lovelybarnes)
8. Apocalypses/dystopia AU (taken by @targaryenvampireslayer)
9. Chef AU
10. Roadtrips AU
Some rarer miscellaneous ones for those who are so inclined!
1. Shipwrecked together on an island
2. Meet Ugly (opposite of Meet Cutes) (taken by @barnesandco
3. Both of you are ghosts but don't know the other is
4. Treasure hunters AU
5. Faking death
6. Professional cuddlers AU
7. Time loops/Groundhog Day (taken by @sxrensxngwrites)
8. Orpheus and Eurydice
9. Villain x hero
10. Hitchhiking
11. Carnival of Horrors
12. Robin Hood
13. Matchmakers AU
14. Insomniac x narcoleptic
15. Intergalactic Coffee Shop AU
16. Doomed By The Narrative
17. Enemies to Lovers to Enemies
18. Subversion of Classic Hallmark Movie Tropes
Dialogue prompts
You can tweak them as per requirements, but be sure to keep the underlying message!
1. "I should have trusted myself. I should have stayed far away from you." (taken by @waywardcrow)
2. "Has it occurred to you that how I feel matters too?" (taken by @jaaneymann)
3. "We failed. I would do it again."
4. "You do not deserve my forgiveness."
5. "You make me feel so alone." (taken by @reidishh)
6. "I'm not giving up on us." "I did. You should too." (taken by @targaryenvampireslayer)
1. "Ohhh, you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid." (taken by @pinkthick)
2. "I think you and I make the worst choices together." "Yeah, but it's always entertaining."
3. "I trusted you." "Terrible decision, really."
4. "I know I'm smiling but I want to push you off a very big cliff." (taken by @pepperonijem)
5. "I'm hilarious." "You're traumatised."
1. "This is the only thing I look forward to everyday." (Taken by @bombsonboard)
2. "I think we should do that again. For the sake of the world and my sanity."
3. "You're all I think about." (taken by @waywardcrow)
4. "Don't go anywhere I can't follow." (taken by @iguess-theyre-mymess)
5. "Don't smile at me like that." "Like what?" "Like that." (Taken by @lovelybarnes)
Word Prompts:
Bruised (taken by @juvenilearson)
Sunflower (taken by @barnesandco)
Mischief (taken by @supraveng)
I hope you'll join in! Please do tag anyone you think would be interested, I'd love for this to have as wide an audience as possible.
Lots of love <3
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Author's Note- I don't know where it came from. Also a bit slow phased and a bit lengthy. But I hope you all like it. Also, my first time writing for T'Challa. Also for those who are not aware, I also write on requests so you can send me requests for anything.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Something New
T'Challa Udaku x Stark!Reader
Summary- Things go better than (Y/N) expected when she meets the royals of Wakanda...
Warnings- Obscene words 😅 nothing else
GIF Credits to @nicolyyyyy
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The stress levels were peaking for the Avengers in the recent times. With an inner fallout and an external takeover of their authority was making every single one anxious.
(Y/N) Stark, the adopted daughter of Howard and Maria Stark and sister of Tony Stark, was allotted the work of being the diplomat on the Avengers' behalf and receive the King of Wakanda and his group.
Perhaps it was because of the accident in Lagos, Nigeria where Wanda had unintentionally killed their citizens, that she was chosen to do the job, instead of the UN workers. (Y/N) knew how it felt to lose control of their powers. The helplessness and the anxiety were the worst. And having similar powers like Wanda, she could clearly understand the girl.
As she stood in the airport, waiting for the royalty to show up, she reflected on her life in the last few months. For her, personally, it had been difficult after Ultron.
She was in a serious relationship with Steve Rogers, much to Tony's dismay. But the keyword was: was. After she found out about his "closeness" with Sharon Carter, (Y/N) just couldn't continue. For Steve, it was always Peggy or Sharon, never her.
Their strained relationship's thread finally broke when the Sokovia Accords came, dividing the entire team into two. While (Y/N) had decided that it was for the best to sign them, Steve had disagreed.
"They are here, Ms. Stark," one of her assigned assistants said meekly, making her look up to find a group of well dressed people walking towards them. A silent power and authority mixed with comfort and gentleness surrounding them.
A dangerous aura, (Y/N) had come to notice in her times and experiences as both, a SHIELD agent and an Avenger.
She greeted them with a bow of her head, "King T'Chaka." The older man smiled, a polite and a genuine smile unlike the fabricated one most people wear. "Our deepest condolences for what happened in Lagos. Our teammate is new and not proficient yet. She never intended to do so," (Y/N) spoke as she had practiced.
The King of Wakanda only smiled, nodding his head politely. "What happened is behind us, Ms. Stark. But the future lies ahead of us," T'Chaka said with a wisdom very few possessed. "Indeed, Your Majesty."
Perhaps her work won't be so hard, especially since the King was humble, unlike most of the men in power she has ever handled.
"I am sure this must feel like you are back in your days in business," T'Chaka said, making (Y/N) nod. "Yes," she replied, feeling the nostalgia surround her. Though (Y/N) of the present times hated how she behaved when she was younger. She was extremely arrogant and a narcissist woman who cared only for the dollars paid to her family business after a deal.
"Meet my son, T'Challa, Ms. Stark. He is the future of Wakanda, just as you and your brother are of Stark Industries," T'Chaka said proudly, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. (Y/N) glanced to the man beside the king, feeling her heart skip a beat as she noticed the handsome prince by the King's side.
"Your Majesty," she greeted, respectfully, as she was taught in the mannerism classes she had to take before this day. "Ms. Stark, it is a pleasure to meet you at last," T'Challa said, extending his hand. (Y/N) placed her significantly smaller hand in his, shaking it politely.
"Please, we can continue the formalities in our way," (Y/N) said, gesturing to the cars lined up for the party. (Y/N) eyed the women lined behind the king and his son, feeling a tad bit intimidated by the way they seem to access her.
T'Chaka noticed the way (Y/N) was looking at the Dora Milaje, chuckling, he spoke, "They are the Dora Milaje. An all women's elite group of warriors, bodyguards to the crown." (Y/N) nodded understandingly, smiling a bit.
"Must be interesting," she commented, making T'Chaka laugh. "I have heard that you yourself are proficient in combats," he said, as they walked towards the black cars. "Not much, Your Majesty. Only much to fit in as a SHIELD agent," (Y/N) said, feeling shy out of a sudden as she felt a pair of eyes on her back.
At last, with a bit of small argument, three Dora Milaje warriors, whose name (Y/N) was yet to know, settled in the first car; while (Y/N), her trusted driver, the King and T'Challa sat in the second Range Rover. The rest settled into the third car.
The atmosphere in the car remained between awkward and comfortable. (Y/N) was constantly keeping an eye on the outside world, watching for any security breach in the plan.
Suddenly, her phone vibrated in her coat, making her sigh, knowing way too well who it was. Accepting the call, she placed one earbud in her ear, keeping her voice below whisper, "What do you need?"
"Cool up, dear sister," she heard her brother's voice from the Bluetooth device, making her scoff rather loudly. She watched as all the pair of eyes in the car was on her. "Hang up, if you have no work, Tony," she hissed under her breath.
Tony was having the moment of his life as (Y/N) was getting frustrated rather too quickly. "Why are you getting riled up so quickly, sister. Is your company too hot?" (Y/N) could hear the smirk in his voice. "Shut up, Tony freaking Stark," she hissed.
Tony left out a heartfelt laugh, making (Y/N) even more irritated. "Oh come on, (Y/N). You can tell me," he said. "Shut the fucking up and hang up!" She exclaimed loudly.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she met the driver's eyes, suddenly feeling embarrassed as she felt T'Chaka and T'Challa's eyes on her. "Get lost, you bastard," (Y/N) hissed, hanging up before letting her head fall in defeat. "I am extremely sorry for my obscene words, Your Majesties," she apologized, biting down on her lip.
T'Chaka laughed while T'Challa's serious mask of expression changed into a beautiful smile. "These are normal in siblings, Ms. Stark. I hear them all the time from my youngest," T'Chaka assured, making (Y/N) smile.
Her advanced phone vibrated again, making her groan. Accepting the call without glancing at the caller ID, she threatened, "If you called me again, I am going to cut your precious jewel off you." "Someone sounds angry," Rhodey said sarcastically, ending with a chuckle.
"Rhodes? I am sorry," (Y/N) sighed, rubbing her face. "I am informed to tell you to take T'Chaka and T'Challa to the UN Headquarters directly," Rhodey said. "Directly? The meeting is supposed to be tomorrow, right?"
"Yes, but I guess, they have some work and tonight, there's a formal party. Inform them and find yourself a presentable dress," Rhodey hung up, making her sigh. "Is anything the issue?" T'Challa asked.
"I am supposed to escort you to the UN Headquarters and there is a formal party tonight," (Y/N) said, also letting the drivers of the other two cars know of the change in the plan.
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Even before (Y/N) could process, it was already the time for the formal UN party. The entire day had been a whirlwind for her; tackling both the royals of Wakanda and her always bickering brother was a tough work.
She stood in front of the full mirror in her penthouse, looking at her reflection. The purple dress with plunging neckline with thin straps fitted her in the perfect places, bringing out the best in her. The dress was accompanied by her hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail; and a light makeup with no jewelry except the pearl earrings which once belonged to her mother.
"Are you ready?" Tony yelled from the living room, making (Y/N) smile as she grabbed her purse and walked out of her room. "Yes, Tones," she smiled as Tony looked her up and down. A smirk broke on his face, "So, the royalty is actually hot." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, walking to the entrance. "Shut up and let's go."
After a short drive of not more than 15 minutes, the Stark siblings were entering the hotel which held the party. The room was beautifully decorated in a subtle and formal way. The room buzzed of conversations and laughter.
While Tony left (Y/N) to go and speak to someone, it was T'Challa who approached her. "A beautiful lady such as yourself shouldn't be standing here, alone," he said, making her turn around with a smile. "My brother just went off to speak to some... I don't know," she replied with a nervous chuckle.
A silence fell between them as they side-glanced each other from time to time. To them, it felt like playing a game of hide and seek; trying to hide something (Y/N) was trying not to name.
The orchestral music filled the room as (Y/N) watched a few representatives join the dance floor. She wished that the man beside her ask her for a dance as well, but the chances to that were a few.
"Perhaps, a dance?" T'Challa asked, extending his hand and bowing a bit, smiling at the younger Stark. "I am not a good dancer, Your Majesty," (Y/N) said shyly as she placed her hand in his.
"Just follow the lead, Ms. Stark," he whispered into her ear as he led her to the dance floor. (Y/N)'s breath hitched as she bit into her lip. "(Y/N) would suffice, Your Majesty," she said, following his lead and let him move her as he wished. "T'Challa it is, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) felt like she would burn in the fire of his touch and words. Something strong bubbling in her chest for him, stronger feelings than she had for Steve or any of her previous ones.
Perhaps, it was something new. Something permanent.
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imagine-a-fangirl · 2 years
I just watched the new Black Panther movie and oh my goodness. It was once again so good, emotional but so good.
If anyone has request for black panther, send them in. Can't promise in which time frame I'll be abke to write them, but send them in
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liyawritesss · 3 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ - ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎEᔕ ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
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Day 23 - Quality Time
- A King's Wish - T'Challa Udaku - Marvel's Black Panther
- In which during a tumultuous time during T'Challa's duties with the Avengers in America, he pays a visit to a certain someone ro calm his mind.
- Check out more prompts and other activities on the Flowers In Bloom Event Masterlist!
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A King should never get too comfortable in his position - and if he is, then he shouldn’t be king. It was one of the many morals instilled upon T’Challa as crowned prince to the Wakandan throne. He knows he’s got a lot to risk for himself, for his people, and unfortunately he doesn’t have the ability to allow himself to get too comfortable. Though, just because he’s King of arguably the most powerful nation on earth, doesn’t mean he’s absolved from having guilty pleasures.
And it just so happens that he’s on his way to visit said guilty pleasure right now.
He has to keep a low profile, though. More than raised eyebrows would occur if people saw a member of the Wakandan royal family casually strolling into a college campus, accompanied by brightly colored warrior women trained to kill. So he dawns much more casual, American clothing, and so do the two members of the KingsGuard accompanying him, because of course, he couldn’t come completely alone.
With so much happening the past few months, all T’Challa truly wants is to be in your arms. To remember how they feel around him, to cement your kisses into his skin so that they never disappear again. It’s wishful thinking, he knows it is; there’s only so much time the two of you will have together, but he doesn’t like to think about that. Instead, he chooses to relish in the present, and perhaps, speak on what future instances would look like.
He remembers the day the two of you first met. Being introduced to each other by his friend who taught the graduate level african history class you were enrolled in, the professor relayed your expressed interest in Wakanda and the desire to study the history of the nation on a deeper level. While he could not grant you access inside the tightly secured country for reasons, T’Challa was more than willing to oblige in your questions to assist in your research. Little did he know that the mere prospect of assisting you in your extended project would lead to something much more deeper.
It was a breath of fresh air for the royal, a change of pace from his constant need to save face. You didn’t treat him like a King - which, granted, he had to get used to - but rather an average scholar you were bouncing ideas off of. While most of his life he has been molded to be a pillar of sovereignty, with you, T’Challa was able to have some semblance of normalcy in his life. Something he didn’t know he craved so carnally until he met you.
He sighs as his fist raps at your door, his body already buzzing with excitement at the idea of seeing you again after a long time being apart. You open it, and T’Challa’s lips immediately crack into a smile.
“Now, I remember telling you to let me know when you’re coming by,” you say in a voice akin to disbelief, standing in the doorway of your apartment that resides close to campus, “y’know, instead of knocking on my door like you’re the police or somethin’?”
“Can you blame me?” T’Challa retorts, “I was in a rush.”
Well, there’s little you can do about the King who seemingly lost his manners, besides welcome him into your home - and your heart - for the night.
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songficsbyrissi · 1 year
The Fix (part 6)
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Previously on The Fix….(click here for part 5)
“I think…..I think I l…..”
You turned around to face him with a puzzled expression, gazing into his eyes. 
“You think you what?”
T’Challa shook his head and kissed your forehead. “Nothing. Just go on and be with him. That’s what you’ve wanted all along.” He managed to plaster a fake smile on his face. You weren’t really buying it but figured you had to. You said goodbye and walked out of the door. As you walked away from his office, you felt yourself tearing up and didn’t know why. What was the problem? You’ve gotten what you wanted, right?
Then why aren’t you happy about it?
You were back with Aaron. That’s what you wanted for so long. He was somewhat being more attentive than he was before. It felt like he was trying to redeem himself for the past shittiness. Your relationship was better now. You should be happier now.
But you weren’t.
You still thought about T’Challa. When Aaron was kissing you, you were lowkey wishing it was T’Challa’s lips. When he was hugging you, you wished it was T’Challa’s arms around you. 
You missed him. 
You hated to admit it, but you did.
Was it guilt because you were in a committed relationship, thinking about another man? Or was it regret that you took Aaron back?
No. You wanted him. Aaron was your man and has always been your man. This was inevitable, and both you and T’Challa knew it. 
Should you tell Aaron? Should you tell Aaron you cheated? Well, you didn’t cheat cheat, but you technically did. You gotta be honest with him. You can’t start this new relationship, especially since he’s improving himself for you. It’s only right.
Yeah, sure, bitch. You’re just hoping when you tell him, he leaves you alone for good so you can have T’Challa, all to yourself and guilt-free.
You winced at your brain. No, that’s not it. He deserves the truth. I would want him to tell me if he messed with another girl during our break.
LOL, so you can have an excuse to end it? So transparent.
Shut the fuck up, brain.
You finally got out of your head and glanced at your phone. It was almost 6, meaning Aaron was on his way over here. To study, of course. One would think after a long separation, you two would be at it like fucking rabbits. Granted, on your end, your needs were being more than fulfilled, but him? You weren’t sure, but then again, he swears he was faithful. It’s a shame you couldn't say the same.
Maybe Aaron wasn’t attracted to you anymore. No, that’s ridiculous. He wouldn’t have come back. You two were kinda starting over, so maybe he wanted to take it slow, which you were grateful for, lowkey.
A sharp knock on your dorm door shook you out of your thoughts. That must be him. You opened the door to see your boyfriend giving you a small smile. You failed to return it as he pulls you in for a quick hug and stepped aside to let him inside. He started to talk a bit about his day, but you weren't listening, and you felt bad that you weren’t listening, but you needed to get this off your chest.
“Aaron…we need to talk. Well, I need to talk, and you need to listen, then decide what you wanna do afterward. I just need to get this off my chest.” You blurted out, interrupting his rambling. He looked confused, taking a seat at your desk. In the look of confusion, worry seeped through. It seemed like he was panicking on the inside, but doing a good job to look calm. He was doing a good job, but you could read people easily. 
He’s probably worried that you're breaking up with him.
You wanted to sigh. You weren’t, but after this, you were sure he was gonna want to break up for good.
You sat on your twin xl bed, facing him with a sincere expression. “There’s no easy way to say this, Aaron. But I have to. I had sex with someone else during our break. I’m so sorry, but I have to be honest with you.”
Your boyfriend blinked a few times and let out a deep sigh. “Um, so there was another guy?”
It was your turn to be confused. “Yes, there was, but I promise I ended it when you came back. I feel bad, but you were gone and dodging me, and I know that’s not an excuse but-“
“Y/N…it’s cool.”
You could’ve sworn a record scratch played in your head. He wasn’t mad.
“Huh?” Your eyebrows furrowed with your head tilted. Aaron let out a dry chuckle at your expression.
“Yeah, well, I ain’t really happy that you did that, but I guess I deserved it for abandoning you.”
You felt like you were dreaming. Is this real? Is he being serious or sarcastic? Was he gearing up to break up with you viciously? What was his angle here?
You shot up out of bed like a Jack in the box. “Where is Ashton Kutcher with the cameras?!”
You got close to him. “Aaron, I CHEATED on you, and you’re ok with that?!” 
He groaned in response, which caused you to raise an eyebrow, skeptical. 
“I told you! I ain’t happy about it, but we were on a break, and you were honest. Girl, what do you want? You want me to scream at you? To break up with you?”
You were taken aback by this because what did you want him to do? You weren’t sure, but damn, it felt like he didn’t really care. You told T’Challa you were breaking up y’all’s situation-ship, and he seemed distraught. Your fucking boyfriend, on the other hand, finds out you fucked another man, and he acts as if you told him you lost his pencil or something.
Hell, you were beginning to think you would get more of a reaction if you lost his damn pencil!
However, the crazy thing is, you were somewhat relieved he didn’t blow up on you. It was a mix of emotions, and you were overall annoyed with it.
“So I fucked another man, multiple times, and it was GOOD, I mean really -“
Aaron’s face scrunched up in disgust. “Alright, you’re doing a lot. I feel like you want me to break up with you.”
You got mute, but after a while, managed to squeak out. “Well, are you?”
He finally stood up and took your hands. “No, babe. I meant it when I said I wanted us back. I can’t sit here and act like you weren't gonna meet and like other guys during our break. Like I said before, I ain’t thrilled about it, but it happened. We just gotta push through.”
You raised an eyebrow again. “Did you meet and like other girls? Because you’re surprisingly so understanding about this.”
He let out another chuckle. “I told you I was working on me during our break.”
You allowed yourself to crack a small smile. “I guess you really did.” You leaned in to kiss his lips, and after a few seconds, you both pulled away.
“I really am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. For real.”
“I know you are. Now come on, let’s study.”
Aaron was at your dorm for maybe an hour before he had to go. You barely studied, but it’s ok. You could do it later. It was a little past 7. Still kind of early. You resolved things with Aaron, and you had a nagging feeling that you should resolve things with T’Challa. You haven’t talked to him since that day. It didn’t seem like anything was bad between you guys, but you still felt a pressing urge to see him. You decided to pop up, so he wouldn’t reject you. 
You got dressed in a simple, casual outfit and walked to his apartment. You remembered the number and made your way to his door. You hesitated to knock because what if he really didn’t want to see you? 
You didn’t get the chance to knock because the door swung open, and there was T’Challa, clad in his black v-neck t-shirt and grey sweatpants. It took everything, and I mean, everything for you not to look down. He was stunned to see you, and you gave a shy smile.
“Hi. I’m sorry for just dropping in on you, but can we talk? Please?”
Unbeknownst to you, he wanted to smile at you, but couldn’t. In all honesty, his heart was happy to see you, but his brain was angry at your audacity to show up at his apartment after breaking his heart. But with those eyes of yours, he just wanted to give you whatever you wanted. The problem was…you wouldn’t let him.
T’Challa finally mustered up some words for you. “Y/N, now is not a good time.”
You felt defeated, but you should’ve expected that answer. 
“I get it, but I just wanted to say-“
“Hey, T'challa, where’d you get that soap-“ a girl popped up from where his bathroom was, and her eyes fell on you. You recognized her. Nadia Richardson. She was a girl you had class with a few times, and let’s just say the classes weren’t the only easy things. 
Don’t get it twisted. You were very hoe-positive and not a slut shamer, but this slut needed to be shamed. She flirted and ended up sleeping with many men on campus, single, married, in a relationship, you name it. She didn’t care who she was sleeping with. She was an attractive woman and felt like everyone deserved a piece of it.
And it seemed like T’Challa was one of them. Her first professor. She must be fucking ecstatic. 
“Oh hey! I recognize you! Y/N, right? We had classes together!” Nadia must’ve seen the expression on your face and giggled. “Oh, this isn’t what this looks like! He was helping me with these upcoming finals! I was a mess, but he really fixed me!” 
She was grinning now as if she was mocking you. Your blood began to boil, and you sprinted away from his door. 
“Did I say something wrong?” You heard Nadia ask as you ran away. 
You couldn’t believe this. He really was fucking her?!?! A student? So quick after you two ended?! You felt like you couldn’t breathe with how furious you were. Hot tears were pricking your eyes as you continued to stomp away from that disgusting display. You fucking knew it. He was some sick professor that preyed on students, and your dumbass fell prey to him. 
You were not aware T’Challa had chased after you until you were finally outside, and he grabbed your arm, pulling you towards him. He had been calling your name the whole time, but you couldn’t hear in all the anger. 
“Y/N! Will you please calm down?!”
You pulled away from him roughly and gave him a huge shove to his chest.
“Y/N, lower your voice please let me exp-“
Now T’Challa was mad. “HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND, WOMAN?!”
You sarcastically laughed. “Oh yes! But I FUCKING FOUND IT! I should’ve never fucked your nasty ass!”
You turned on your heel to storm off, but he prevented that by grabbing your wrist roughly. You looked in his eyes, and you could’ve sworn you had never seen him that pissed before. You almost swallowed nervously.
“I did not fuck that woman! But even if I had, that is none of your concern! You ended our relationship to be with your boyfriend, correct?! So why are you still concerned about me?! Why did you even come here?!”
You finally swallowed and pulled your arm again, with no success. “I wanted to fucking talk to you! I didn’t wanna be on bad terms with you-“
That was it. He finally burst. You were still trying to register what he just said to you. Break his heart?
T’Challa’s face softened, and he loosened the grip he had on your wrist. 
“I loved you. Loved you more than he did. I did everything I could to show you that I loved you, but you wanted him. I would have given you the world if you asked me to, Y/N. But you did not want the world from me. You wanted it from him. Even after you wounded me with your actions and now your words, I still love you.”
You don’t know what possessed you to do this, but you did it. You slapped him. Right across the face. You did it hard as hell too. He was shocked by your action. You were somewhat shocked by your action.
“You’re a fucking liar.” You hissed venomously. “You don’t fucking love me. You ran into that hoe’s arms right after I left! And now you wanna say you love me?!”
T’Challa‘s anger came back. “What are you doing here, really? Wanting to talk to me?! As if you care about me?! As if you love me?!”
“I DO! I FUCKING DO!” You shouted out, shocking him and yourself. It felt like something that was waiting to burst out of you, and it finally did. You felt relief, but you were still so fucking mad at him.
He finally let your wrist go completely. “I see I am not the only fucking liar here.”
His words cut deep. You were hurt. He denied your love, but hell, you did the same thing, so how could you really talk?
More tears fell, and you wiped them away, quickly. You took a deep breath and chuckled dryly.
“You know what? Go to hell and take that fucking slut with you.” You spat and turned to storm away, but you turned back to let out one more thing before completely walking away.
“And you’re right. I am a liar. Because I fucking hate you.”
You didn’t know when you got back to your dorm, but you did. Through the tears you sobbed while walking, you managed to make it to your dorm safely. You hated him, but you loved him. You love him. It took a minute to realize, but you did. If anything, you’ve been in denial about it because Aaron was all you knew. How could you let go of all you knew? 
Maybe you held onto the thing making you sad because once upon a time, it made you happy.
You fucked up. You hurt T’Challa and yourself by being an absolute fuck up. In reality, you didn’t deserve him. You clearly weren’t the type of girl he should love. Maybe he’ll find love with Nadia, and she’ll finally sit her lil nasty ass down. You had it coming.
You were scared to love him, and now you lost him.
Amid your sobbing and wallowing, you finally noticed your group chat had messages and, before you could read them, Melanie was calling you.
“HOE!!!” She screamed as soon as you answered the phone. You wanted to smile, but you couldn’t.
“What’s up?”
“Were you not looking at the group chat?! Bitch, we're about to go to this party at GSU. You down?!”
You shook your head as if she could see you. “I don’t think so. I’m not really up to partying.”
“Come on, bitch! Let’s go! We gotta party one time before we really gotta focus on finals! We deserve it! Besides, doesn’t your boo go here?”
She’s right. Finals was about to whoop our ass, and Aaron did go to GSU, the college thirty minutes away from yours. Fuck it. Let’s party and see your actual man instead of thinking about that stupid man you still love.
You got off the phone to get cute, and your friends came to get you an hour later. When you arrived at the party, it was loud and looked fun as fuck. Once you walked, Mel immediately went up to a guy, and Cass went to go get a drink. Ari stayed with you, being just as asocial and anxious as you are. Soon after, a man asked Ari to go dance, and she looked at you for permission. You silently gave it to her, and she went on her way. Now you were alone. You sighed deeply. This was trash. You should’ve stayed in your dorm. You really weren’t in the mood to party. 
A minute or two later, You decided to follow Cass’s lead and go get a drink. Maybe you just needed a drink or 2 or 5 or 10. You didn’t see Cass where the drinks were. You shrugged this off and continued getting a drink. As you were sipping, the three stooges ran up to you, with calm but panicked looks on their faces. What was going on?
“Hey, this party is actually wack. I think we should go.” Mel stated as the rest of them agreed with her easily. What the fuck is their problem?
“Yeah, it’s a Friday night. There’s probably another party we can go to.” Cass chimed in.
You looked at all three suspiciously. “What’s wrong with you guys? Your niggas did something?” You snorted before taking another sip.
“No, but yours did,” Ari mumbled under her breath, causing the other two to hit her. You didn’t hear her though.
“Nothing, sweetie. We should just go!” Mel attempted to push you out of the kitchen while Cass and Ari followed behind. Once you almost made it to the front door, you glanced to your right, and think it was the alcohol affecting you, but you only had one drink. Were you drugged?
“Hey guys. Is it just me, or is that Aaron kissing a man?” You questioned, giggling at how ridiculous that might’ve sounded. When your three friends stopped, hung their heads in defeat, and sighed, right then and there, you knew you weren’t drugged. The alcohol wasn’t affecting you, and what you were seeing was real life. 
“You guys…Why the FUCK is Aaron kissing a man?”
A/N: uh oh! Did anyone see that coming? I know I did because I am the author 😇 I do wanna make a few things clear:
I do not condone homophobia so please know this isn’t the direction I am going in with this story. Reader will NOT be homophobic, and I’m trying my absolute best to make sure she doesn’t come across as so. 
This bombshell moment has always been intended since the beginning of this story. It's not something I threw in for the hell of it lol. If you reread the parts and even this chapter, the hints were there!
That fight between you and T’Challa was whew! But let’s see how and if we come back from this! 😉
TAGS:   @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy @oceanscorazon @marvelpotterlove  @brattywriters-anonymous@cancerianprincess @blowmymbackout @ljstraightnochaser @blackpinup22 @airis-paris14 @vibranium-chakra@sociallyawkward18@chefjessypooh @mychemicalimagines@nerd-lovely @slimmiyagi @imasmille @ashanti-notthesinger @thehomierobbstark @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls @quietstorm-73 @90sinspiredgirl @lewatigress @kaykay0829 @queennanayaa @mysticbrownie @holy-minseok @queenof-wakanda @vibranium-chakra@slimmiyagi @yourfavoritefavorite @destino1 @theblulife​ @browngirldominion​ @guccixcucci​ @ladye103​ @fandom-fangirl22​ @voyagetoadinas9 @ambthegamer​ @catzspaceships​ @darkskin-buttercup​ @blackrockshooter780​ @sirenmouths @sj206260358 @prettyisasprettydoes1306@cozmicwonder @blogalrexists
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lowkey wanna make a discord for all the writers for black panther bc i rlly need some friends 💀
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I don't know what's wrong with my former request(T▽T) can I change the headcannon about
Bruce Banner, T'challa and Sam Wilson, please?
hurt and comfort
reader accidentally breaks the 🍸 and the sharp cut her finger.
It's a small wound but the blood just couldn't stop. What would they react about that?
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Cutting your finger on a glass and the boys reaction seeing after it happened (GN! Reader)
Knowing tons of medical information he at first would be terrified by walking in the room seeing you cry holding your hand against you in obvious pain
He would immediately run to you wiping away your tears grabbing your hand looking it over throughly while trying to stay calm
He would run your hand In cold water realizing despite the blood it was only your finger that was cut
He could tell you felt bad about worrying him but he would kiss you and hold you while tears ran down his face in relief that you weren't seriously hurt
You would wipe his tears away to after he carefully and slowly bandages your finger sweeping the glass off into the trash can and cleaning the blood that was on the counter then leading the two of you to your shared room to lay beside each other before going to sleep saying i love you right before dozing off
He would immediately think that your arm was seriously cut and you were gonna faint from blood loss
He will gently grab you by your arm sitting you down on his bed grabbing a rag from the bathroom soaked in warm water and cleaning the blood off shocked that it was only your finger looking down at the cut then the half white half pink rag in his hand
He will then ask if you feel lightheaded or tired making sure that you weren't dealing with symptoms of blood loss or possible dehydration bringing you a glass of water and a comfortable change of clothes
He'd make and bring you a warm bowl of special soup him and shuri would eat when they were sick growing up and laying in his bed under the covers beside you keeping his eyes on you asking if you needed anything
After some time he would notice you asleep knowing that you were tired from the long day of helping others and doing errands so he would just stay beside you until he fell asleep as well shuri peeking in the doorway seeing you both asleep together later on
Sam Wilson
He'd try to take you to the hospital just by seeing the blood thinking you were harmed by someone after him or the avengers going to call bucky until he looked at you telling him not to leave you alone so he decided to wait on calling him
He would grab the first aid kit from under the sink in the kitchen cleaning the blood off your hand seeing the medium sized cut on your pinky spraying disinfectant on your finger wrapping a small bandage on it putting the kit back under the sink
He would then ask if you felt nauseated or faint due to the blood carefully sitting you on the couch giving you a glass of orange juice and a roll leftover from your dinner last night
After keeping an eye on you for abit seeing you were ok and he didn't need to call bucky thinking john or hydra had harmed you he would grab and put a blanket on you putting movies on and watching them together
He would then carry you up to the bedroom after seeing you asleep after watching movies putting you under the covers and laying beside you smiling at how he had found and had you in his life
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priswrites · 2 years
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griots-tales · 2 years
Need to feel better?
( Made for T’Challa sluts )
You’re home from work, and you’ve done nothing productive and you probably hate yourself.
You expect the house to be in a mess, how you left it, but find that everything is put back in place.
And wait... is that the smell of fresh cooked food in the air?
A broad pair of shoulders shake to the rhythm of a song from your comfort playlist as you take in the muscly arms loading themselves with plates of food.
His deep, husky humming is ear candy, just as his bare legs are your eye candy.
T’Challa turns around and notices you and smirks
“I made dinner! It’s your favorite...”
He sets down the table and gets you warm and comfortable before sitting down with you for a satisfying meal.
Later, you’re too full to get up, so he carries you to bed and softly dumps you there, stripping off your clothes and doing the same himself.
You both talk about each others’ day and cuddle close. He buries his face in your neck and kisses your temples and sucks your titties.
Even if you cry, he’ll hold you close and kiss your head through your bonnet.
“Ndiyakuthanda, Baby... and you’ll get there. I’ll be here for you all the way.”
You feel much better about yourself, and sleep comes to you soon.
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starkillazz · 10 months
✨Requests open for mcu x reader!! ✨
Send requests for any mcu x reader, haven’t written in ages but got hella inspired lately 😌
My speciality is angst✨
Examples but limited to:
Loki x Reader
Peter Parker x Reader
Tony Stark x Reader
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Kate Bishop x Reader
Yelena Belova x Reader
Peter Parker x stark!Reader (my faves!!!)
And more 🖤
all characters will be aged 18+ just cuz it feels weird writing about minors
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becasworldsstuff · 2 years
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-> hi everyone!! I’m beca and u are all very welcome in my world, I use she/her pronouns
-> English isn’t my first language, so if I make mistakes, please feel free to tell me
-> please DNI: if you don’t support lgbtq+, if you are pro life, if you are underage ( I won’t check every single one of you time per time in search of a minor, you are responsible for what you choose to read)
-> I’m a proud FEMINIST so please if it makes you uncomfortable the idea of having equal rights, please leave now
-> feel free to send requests
-> these are the characters (divided by show/film/book/au) that I write for
James Buchanan Barnes (40s/any era/mafia/modern/daddy/cg/bff…)
Steven Grant Rogers (40s/any era/mafia/modern/daddy/cg/bff…)
Anthony stark (mafia/daddy/cg/alpha…)
Sam Wilson (mafia/daddy/cg/alpha…)
Loki Laufeyson (mafia/daddy/cg/alpha…)
Thor Odinson (mafia/daddy/cg/alpha…)
Stephen Strange (mafia/daddy/cg/alpha…)
Tchalla (mafia/daddy/cg/alpha…)
Clint Barton
Stucky ( poly)
Sambuckysteve (poly)
Anthony bridgerton (lover/bff/sister…)
Benedict bridgerton (lover/bff/sister…)
Colin Bridgerton (lover/bff/sister…)
Simon Basset (lover/bff/sister…)
Daphne Bridgerton (bff/sister)
Eloise Bridgerton (bff/sister)
John b
Freya mikaelson
Elijah mikaelson
Klaus mikaelson
Kol mikaelson
Rebekah mikaelson
Poly mikaelson
Davina Claire
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert ( WHEN OF AGE)
Katherine Pierce
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Matthew Casey
Kelly severide
Blake Gallo
-> I write everything from smut to fluff, I like a bit of angst but I WONT DO SAD ENDINGS
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This is the first time that my post is being pictured on the header of any tag. So thanks to Tumblr and if you haven't checked out my new post then go and check it out.
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liyawritesss · 4 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ - ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎEᔕ ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
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Day 14 - Secret Relationship
- Adore You - T'Challa Udaku - Marvel's Black Panther
- In which being in a secret relationship is never easy, but the King shows his affection in the little ways that matter.
- Check out more prompts and other activities on the Flowers In Bloom Event Masterlist!
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You’d always admired T’Challa from afar.
He was a man of many things; talent, charm, compassion, care. He warmed the hearts of all those he met, leaving smiles in his wake as he threaded through the world, carving his own legacy in the actions he did. He’d stolen your heart, just as he did everyones. It would only be later that you’d find out that the feat was an intentional one.
Your little escapades started in his princely youth, but with someone with so much to lose, the best gambit was to be like the air that surrounded you two - when it came to your love, the invisibility of it to the regular eye was key. It was a dance the both of you mastered by the time T’Challa had taken on the mantle of Black Panther, taking on newfound abilities that scared the both of you just as much as it deepened your connection with one another.
You took your fears and turned it into something tangible, channeling it into a positive force that could benefit the both of you instead of tearing you down. That is how the first sketches of the new Black Panther suit came to fruition, and with the help of Shuri, the ingenious inventor princess with undeniable sass and wit, the first prototypes were completed within the coming months. While Shuri had been the one to present to the King his new, high tech, insanely more practical Black Panther suit that would aid him in his missions much more efficiently, the comments of its intricacies didn't go unnoticed by the Princess, who was sure to relay them down the pipeline.
However, this was the extent of what you could do to show your affections for T’Challa, and for the most part, you were fine with it. You were busy enough as a scientist working at the most high-tech and top lab in the world; time wasn’t necessarily friendly to you, either. You were satisfied with the meetings and kind smiles and longing stares you two shared.
It never occurred to you that maybe T’Challa wasn’t, or felt that he could be doing more, because when you approached your home one night after clocking out from your shift at the lab, you found a black box with the Golden Tribe insignia etched onto the top. You grabbed the small box and brung it inside with you, setting it on your kitchen island along with the rest of your belongings before directing all of your attention to it.
You examined the outside of it first before curiosity took control of you, and upon opening the box, you were met with something that made your eyes go wide and your heart skip a beat for a few seconds. Inside, lying against a tiny black velvet pillow, was a small charm bracelet with black claw-like gems and obsidian beads. It was a smaller version of the Black Panther necklace you had designed with Shuri, the final prototype that T’Challa now wore as a staple of his everyday attire.
A tiny slip of paper poked out from underneath the velvet pillow, and upon pulling it out and reading it, you smiled: a piece of me, as i have of you.
The next day, you received compliments on the new piece of jewelry that rested on the same wrist as your kimoyo beads. Despite the gushing of the sentimental value it represented for the protector of your nation (and the knowing stare from one princess), only you would know the truth behind it.
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arieyla · 2 years
i write fanfics about black panther characters. characters i write about :
and some about oyoke.
i write about these genres :
alternative universe (au)
and a bit of smut.
i will be taking requests so if you want something wrote then lmk! :)
xoxo, arieyla ᯤ
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