#still toying with black and white style a bit
nonetoon · 3 months
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Maybe go practice somewhere else 🤷‍♀️
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vincenteuniverse · 11 months
Ken's progression OUT of color
This is kinda a cornplate thought that I had nowhere else to put but I love how in the Barbie movie(SPOILERS), Ryan Gosling's Ken's outfits symbolically showcase his "descent" into full patriarchy mode over time.
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At the beginning of the film Ken's beach outfit (his default) has an equal balance of pink and blue. Pink is obviously Barbie's color, and shows Ken as fitting well into the femininity and style of Barbieland, while blue could be argued to be Ken's color (a scene later when he's especially confident features him wearing all denim blue, and the stereotypical gender of these colors, especially when found in kid's toys, supports these basic binaries as associated with these colors).
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When Ken decides to leave Barbieland with Barbie to delve into the outside world, his color scheme goes full pink, desperate enough to be with Barbie that his attire reflects how dependent his identity is on hers at this stage.
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However, it isn't long before Ken's exploration of the real world leads him to exciting new discoveries about the patriarchy and what it can do for him. Here he is introduced to a newfound sense of self independent from barbie, and while he still carries a pink scarf around his neck, the rest of his outfit has devolved into black and white while hers has remained colorful. As he pursues this new-to-him idea further, his worldview is becoming less unique, pretty, and vibrant(in addition to becoming much more masculine).
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It is only his scarf that ties him to Barbie now, and upon making the choice not to follow her to Mattel, he becomes fully independent, losing the scarf and any trace of pink in his attire the next time we see him in his mojo dojo casa house coat and beach off outfit underneath.
In his most masculine moment during "Just Ken", he and the other Kens all wear a uniform of the most traditionally male ben shapiro outfit ever: A T-Shirt, belt, and dress pants. All black(and no white either to contrast like the previous 2 outfits). It's fitting that the Kens, in their destructive warpath, imagine themselves as perfectly cleaned up yet violently masculine dancers in their heads, their outfits devoid of all of the flair and character of Barbieland.
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(excuse the shitty picture) After Ken has his little self-growth moment, his new sweatshirt reflects the changed and much more balanced man he has become, much more accepting of himself and a life where he can co-exist with Barbie without being with her. This outfit is again an almost perfect balance of pink and blue, both sides of Ken now a bit more at peace, his colors not pushed out by the LITERALLY black hole of toxic masculinity.
The color scheme also matches the roller blading outfit, so perhaps it shows a somewhat intermediary stage of Ken's development wherein he is still attached to and at peace with Barbieland, but where he is starting to become more independent as well. anyway these are all fun and i genuinely have no fucking idea why Mattel didn't cash in on literally making dolls of all the characters and their outfits these would be so fun to own
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thefangirlfever · 27 days
Stress relief (Miguel O'hara x AFAB reader, 18+)
Minors Do not interact
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Summary: Sometimes all the self-care you need is a good drink, a bath, your favorite toy...and your boyfriend.
Tags: F/M, smut, PIV penetration, mention of masturbation (M/F), shower sex (it's a bath but you get the idea), condom use, use of toys, doggy style, slight nipple/ breast play, established relationship, very self-indulgent, no plot just smut, mirror sex, hint at slight body dismorphia/ insecurity (it's very light but please be careful and prioritize yourself)
See the end for notes
Word count: 4111
It has been a long day today and you definitely needed to relax. When you got home and found the apartment alone, you decided to indulge into some self-care. You had taken your favorite vibrator, a drink and ran yourself a bath. As the water warmed up, you removed your clothes one by one, letting out a huge sigh of relief when your bra fell down the tiles of the room. After dipping a toe into the water, you finally adjusted the temperature and waited a few seconds before fully diving into it. At this point you didn’t care about the temperature being more of an aggression to your skin than anything else. In fact it even made you feel good and woke you up a bit after this whole day feeling a bit numb. You liked your job but there were some days when you felt like the whole universe was testing you out. Today was one of these days.
A few minutes was all you needed to adjust to the temperature and you soon felt very relaxed. You even closed your eyes a bit as your head rested against the cold wall behind you. Your every movement would create small ripples through the water and you would move your arms from time to time watching the way the small droplets would trickle down your skin or how the foam of the soap was making you look like you were on some cloud. It truly felt like this somehow. Finally a time where you could just exist. Simply existing without doing anything.
But you had prepared yourself in case you would still get bored. With a swift motion you caught the pink toy resting on the corner of the sink and looked at it. Its round shape and soft edges made it look quite unassuming but you knew that as soon as you would push on that small button on the bottom of it, it would only take you five minutes to orgasm.
Just when you were about to enjoy yourself, you heard the front door opening and soon a voice called for you:
Miguel must have seen your shoes lined up in the hallway when he came back. You were not expecting him to come back home this early but it was a rather pleasant surprise.
“I’m right here.” He followed the sound of your voice and soon you heard him knocking at the door of the bathroom. You didn’t even bother fully closing the door but he still cared enough about your privacy to not come in directly.
“It’s alright, you can come in.”
Miguel’s silhouette soon filled up the door frame. He was still dressed in his work attire, black slacks and a white shirt. He couldn’t hold back a grin when he saw you wallowed in your bath.
“Getting cozy, I see…”, he commented with a grin while leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. You couldn’t stop your eyes from trailing up and down his silhouette, especially around his broad chest, squeezed tightly between his crossed arms making the fabric of his shirt cling to his skin even more.
“Let me guess, rough day?” You nodded your head and leaned against the edge of the bathtub with your arms crossed, your chin resting on them, which mimicked his own posture. If it made him chuckle at first, his face took a different expression when he saw how the water was trickling down the curve of your body.
“It was...a long day.”, you replied. With a nonchalant look, he untied his tie and made his way to you. You didn’t miss a single one of his movements as he then sat down the edge of the bathtub, being careful enough to not get some water on his clothes.
“Well, that sure is a way to relax.” He dipped his fingers onto the bathwater. It was not as hot as it used to be but he still winced a bit.
“How are you not burning in this?”, he joked. You simply shrugged your shoulders which had for a result to make more water slide down your skin and to move a bit the foam of soap covering you.
“I don’t know. I think it’s the perfect temperature.”, you finally replied as Miguel’s eyes deviated from your soaked figure to the edge of the sink. His gaze locked on the pink toy and he couldn’t hold back a chuckle.
“Did I interrupt something?” You rolled your eyes at his cheeky grin and shrugged again. This time, his eyes followed the road the drops took as they slide down the curve of your bust before disappearing inside the water, right where he could see the top of your breasts clear of all soap.
“You didn’t interrupt anything.”
“Oh good then.” He wasn’t sure if he should leave you alone and give you some privacy but since you didn’t seem to push him away, he decided to stay. It’s not like he ad anything better to do and the view was enough for a reason for him to stay here.
“So...you wanna talk about today or…”
By the way you buried your face into your arms, he had already guessed the answer. Since you had decided to go non-verbal he stayed quiet too. Either way, he was a firm believer that actions could speak louder than words. He slid a bit closer to you and pushed your hair away from the water so it wouldn’t get soaked. His fingers lingered a bit around your nape, gently tracing the curve of your slender neck, ever so slightly running down your spine which made you squirm a bit.
“Sorry...forgot you were ticklish.”, he apologized in a low voice, watching the water ripple around your body and your form peeking under the clear surface.
“It’s alright. You can keep doing this…”, whatever that was. Miguel’s eyebrows rose slightly but he didn’t question this for too long and his fingers soon traced your spine and this time he began massaging your scalp softly, trying to ease the worries away.
You almost purred out of delight which made him definitely feel like he was doing the right thing. When he was done massaging you this way, he grabbed a washcloth and began rubbing it along your shoulders and back. This time, your body was fully relaxed and he almost thought you light have fallen asleep. This didn’t stop him from washing your skin minutely, still making sure your hair wouldn’t get in the way of his work. Your skin soon glistened under the bathroom’s lightning and he found it a bit harder to keep his touching innocent, especially since the soap had dissolved, leaving you practically bare in front of him.
“You didn’t tell me about your day?”
Your voice took him out of his contemplation and he collected himself as quick as he could, looking away from the tantalizing sight that was no longer out of reach.
“It was a pretty boring day. Nothing extraordinary.”
From leaving your silhouette, his eyes soon landed on the shape of the toy. He must admit that this little thing...intrigued him. He knew you were using a vibrator and quite frankly, he couldn’t care less. Miguel was confident enough in his abilities to not feel frightened by such a small thing. However he did find it a waste of money for something that could be done… manually but he could definitely see the appeal of it.
His curious gaze toward the toy didn’t go unnoticed and you grabbed the toy, took the lid off and showed it to him. He was definitely not expecting such a shape. Even in your hands the toy looked...small. It was nothing more than a pebble.
“Here, take it.”, you said with a smile while putting the toy inside his palm. This thing didn’t stop to surprise him. It was quite light and...very soft. As he brushed his thumb against it, he encountered what he supposed should act like a mouth on you. He felt a weird sensation tracing the outline of the ‘mouth’, thinking about how many times it has ended up stuck to your clit.
Okay, maybe he was feeling a bit insecure… and jealous. God, he must be really pathetic for being jealous of some piece of plastic. But you didn’t help at all when you said just how powerful that little thing was:
“It has 10 different variations and it’s made to make you reach an orgasm in five minutes.”
You couldn’t hold back a laugh when you saw his expression of horror.
“Five minutes? But...what’s the point?”
“I’m sorry, what?”, you asked while looking at him. You had shifted your body in the water which made it ripple around you and now there wasn’t much covering you.
“What’s the point of this? Where’s the fun?”, he replied.
“Hum...in cumming?”, you replied sarcastically while cocking an eyebrow. You must have missed something or he didn’t understand the purpose of a vibrator. “You know most people enjoy that.”
“No, I know...but...what about the rest? The anticipation, the undressing, the foreplay...you can’t talk with this thing like you do with your partner… you don’t feel things the same way…That’s not what I call making love.”
Miguel almost immediately regretted what he said. He must have sounded like an idiot and he was waiting for you to tease him about this...and you delivered:
“Well, you sure have a lot of opinions about this…”, you replied after a short silence. But as much as you were teasing him, his speech did have an effect on you. You knew Miguel and how he was about those things. The man never even considered doing a quickie so he would never simply take an orgasm as enough of a reason to use a toy. He was rather old school and you couldn’t complain. For a lot of people, sex was just a way to release some tension, it was barely more than a pulsion. It was just ‘fucking’ and you’ve lived your life this way until you’ve met him.
“And what if I do?”, he replied with quite the attitude, “You wouldn’t dare telling me I’m wrong?”
“Oh I would never…”, you replied with a sly smile. Your hand was now dangerously close to his knee and he didn’t dare letting his eyes roam anywhere lower than your chin. “I just find this weird given that you didn’t even try this thing…”
Miguel almost choked on his spit: “Try it? How am I supposed to use it? In case you didn’t notice I do not have a vagina.”
“Oh trust me, I did notice.”, you replied with the same sly tone. “But this toy can be used by two people and no matter your biological sex... You could use it on your nipples for example…”
As much as he wanted to look offended by this idea, Miguel couldn’t help but look down at the slit in the toy. Could that thing really… Just how powerful was this toy? You watched his cheeks flare up with great satisfaction as he stuttered:
“Or you could use it one me.”
Oh...now he could see where this was going. And quite frankly, the idea was rather tempting. A mental image of your body spread for him while you writhed around and moaned louder and louder flashed through his mind and he could definitely see the appeal of it. However he shook his head:
“I don’t need this thing.”
Your smug snicker made him regret his words immediately as you explained the perks of the toy:
“It’s not a question of need. The toy is not your enemy but your ally.”
He continued to observe the toy quite curiously, with a bit less of animosity in his gaze. Finally, after a few seconds, his small voice broke the silence of the room: “You would let me use it on you?”
“Absolutely.” Your blunt response didn’t leave any room for doubt...and he liked that. The prospect of making you feel good combined to the sight of your soaked body made his cock strain against his pants and a devious grin crossed his face. The sight of your fingers wrapping around his tie and pulling him closer made that grin grow into a full-on smile and he could only oblige and kiss you as you wished.
Your body smelled absolutely divine with a mix of your lotion and soap, a sugary mix of vanilla and argan oil that made your skin glisten. His free arm wrapped around your back, not caring one bit if he might get wet in the process and your hands cupped his face during your kiss. Your nails scratch around his five o’clock shadow and then traveled lower down his body. The water made the fabric of his shirt cling to his chest, making his pectoral and abs visible under the now see-through material.
He was on his knees in front of the bathtub to reach you better, in a position that could only be qualified as one of devotion. He has seen the exhaustion in your eyes, your tired face… he had now only one mission, making you feel good. Making you forget all about the ups and down of your day and focus only on your pleasure.
One of his hands tugged at your hair, tilting your head back so he could have an easier access to the delicate skin of your neck, which he quickly nipped at. You could be sure you would find a few marks there the next morning…
“Can I take you out of this bath?”, he murmured against your skin, his lips tickling your flesh with their slow, languid dance.
“You better get me out of here.” And the small grin on your lips was enough of a motivation. His arms wrapped around you and he scooped you up until your body was pressed into his. His shirt was definitely ruined now, the fabric drenched but that was the least of his concern when he had every single inch on your skin pressed against him...especially against a very sensitive part of him.
Miguel gently put you down the bathroom counter which made you wince. The cold marble was quite the unexpected sensation after the welcoming warmth of the bath. In fact your whole body shivered in contact with the cold surface and the cool air of the bathroom.
“Something wrong, honey?” You shook your head at Miguel’s concerned tone.
“It’s just...a bit cold…”, you chuckled awkwardly. His brows frowned and he mumbled under his breath: “Sorry about that...I didn’t think of this…”.
He quickly brought a towel for you to sit on and wrapped an other one around your shoulders, using into rub your goosebumps-covered arms:
His small apologetic voice, the rise of his brows when he asked you that question and the strong friction of his hands definitely made you feel better.
“Better.”, you replied while placing a soft kiss on his cheek. When he felt your fingertips toying with the small curls around his face, a groan escaped Miguel’s throat. In a few seconds, his face was nuzzled into the crook of your neck as he breathed into your delicate fragrance. His hands rubbed your sides and his warm breath could soon be felt down your chest.
“Let’s warm you up a bit…”
His lips kissed the slope of your breasts, feeling how warm and flushed they were after the bath, almost tender. His tongue flicked one of your nipples while his hand toyed with the other one and an idea popped in his mind. With his free hand he reached for the toy. In one swift movement he removed the lid and he pressed the on-button. A soft buzzing sound could filled the bathroom and he swore he could have seen you clenching your thighs almost in a Pavlovian reflex.
There’s no way this little thing could have such a hold on you. Could it be?
“May I?”, he asked with your nipple still in his mouth. You could definitely hear the amusement, the smirk in his voice. Your hand guided his wrist holding the vibrator between your thighs. If he thought your breasts were alluring, it was nothing compared to your lush thighs. Was it just the water or...were you already wet?
When the mouth of the toy pressed against your slit and began to massage your lips, he could feel the direct effect on your body. Your whole being tensed and your back arched, pushing your breast deeper in his mouth. Maybe he liked this thing.
He kept the toy on your for a few seconds until he felt a strange movement coming from you. You were...almost humping the toy. No, you were definitely humping it. And that’s when he understood why it was shaped like this. The little mouth wasn’t doing all the job. There was this small bump under it, as wide as a thumb that would...rotate and rub at your entrance providing a double stimulation.
His scientific mind was in awe of such a technology.
His horny side greatly enjoyed the show.
“You can...increase the speed…”
At first he thought he had misheard your words but when he saw your fingers fiddling with the buttons, he thought he was in some sort of dream. His cheeks flared up, seeing you so needy and hungry, not afraid to show your needs… He could practically feel his cock twitching down his pants. It would be a miracle if he didn’t come undone just from the sound of that toy sucking and penetrating you at the same time.
“Oh God…”, he moaned before taking your breast in his mouth again, suckling on your nipple again. The combined stimulation of his mouth and the toy quickly brought you to an orgasm and Miguel definitely felt like he was close too from the sight of your body shaking and your voice chanting in pleasure.
He released your nipple as soon as you came but chose to not turn the vibrator off. He had to admit that the buzzing sound was quite...comforting. That after-glow on your face from your climax made it harder for him to resist his urge and his hand was now rubbing the bulge in the front of his pants, trying to ease the uncomfortable pressure.
“Miguel...do you want to…”
You both didn’t need more to know what to do. His hand unbuckled his belt while you grabbed a condom from the bathroom counter. He swiftly put it on and his eyes stopped on your fingers as you were about to turn the toy off.
“What are you doing?”, he asked, quite confused.
“Mhh...turning it off since we are going to..you know…”
“I want you to keep it between your legs...please.” He thought you would reject his idea but your devilish grin let him know you had understood his idea.
“Looks like you’re now a fan.”, you teased him as he pushed your hair aside to kiss your neck. His tongue grazed your sweaty skin as he murmured: “How could I hate something that makes you feel good? Something that makes you look so good…”
“Wait...you mean to tell me I look good in this moment? I always thought I would make some pretty weird faces.”, you chuckled.
“But I like your weird faces.”, he whispered like a secret while kissing your neck up to your jaw. “I like how focused you look in this moment...how you always bite your lip...how your tongue stuck out a bit...how you arch your back…” His mouth pressed against your shoulder and he hummed softly against your skin, the vibration resonating with the one between your thighs.
“I think you should see for yourself…”, he teased you and you understood what he was hinting at. The large mirror just behind you… his fingers gently rubbed your sides in a silent request and when you nodded your head, he helped you turn over.
You were now facing the large mirror of the bathroom. The warm light didn’t make any secret of your every imperfection, dilated pores after the heat of the bath, the lines of your clothes when they had cut through your skin over the day, the marks, the cuts… And yet there was Miguel and his loving gaze, looking at you like you were a painting. One of his hands was holding the toy between your legs, not being disgusted in any way by the small pudge of your belly, whether there could be stretch marks there, body hair, scars or even no trace of feminine curve he would still love it. His thumb was drawing lazy circles over your skin; his lips were kissing your shoulder blade and his other hand drew the curve of your breasts.
“You’re gorgeous.”
His low voice made a shiver run down your back, the same way his fingers did.
“Just look at you. I want you to see for yourself…” His fingers gently grabbed your chin and tilted your head up so you could see your reflection. And now, in this tiny fraction of time you could see yourself through his eyes. You didn’t see the imperfections anymore or rather you had accepted them… and they looked so vain compared to the rest, compared to all you had to offer.
“You’re even more beautiful when you start moving…”, he whispered into your ear while his cock rubbed against your back. And you immediately understood what he meant when he entered you, when your back arched against him, when your waist whined and swayed languidly...as if you were dancing.
You barely noticed him increasing the speed on the vibrator but you definitely felt the pulsating air blowing with more intensity on your swollen clit. You were a sloppy mess down there, your walls clenching out of your control, your slick juices coating your thighs, your musky, dizzying scent filling up both your senses, overpowering everything else…
“Shh it’s okay...just breathe in...you’re doing so good…”
Miguel’s voice was only a murmur, a plead the longer your act lasted. He was now panting, groaning into your ears every time he would pull out before diving into you. His slow, deep thrusts contrasted with the steady and fast pace of the toy and you were slowly feeling dizzy. Your breath was more labored and heavy as if you had to use every last ounce of your strength even for this.
“You can lean on me, baby...it’s okay...you’re almost there…” Miguel’s praise and support, literally, guided you through these last moments before your orgasm. It wasn’t a sudden outburst but rather a slow and steady walk, like a hike through a mountain and when you reached the top of it… Your voice rose a bit higher as you whimpered incomprehensible words and your whole body turned into some mush as your vision was clouded by the relief of your vision.
Miguel’s lips were wrapped around the spot on your neck where your pulse was beating, too busy sucking on your already existing hickey when he felt your inner walls clench and spasm around his cock. The tightness made him groan and he couldn’t hold it back any longer.
His chest was pressing tightly against you back and his hands held your hips in place as he finally came into one last thrust. The two of you were now skin to skin, trying to catch your breath when you heard the sound of an electronic device shutting down.
The vibrator had just ran out of battery.
This was usually very frustrating for you but this time, you could only chuckle, amused by the timing of it all and by Miguel’s reaction.
“Gosh...that’s all?”, he asked in a slightly disappointed voice and this time you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Wait, did I say something funny?”, he asked with a confused expression that slowly turned into a teasing grin. His lips brushed against your ear and he nipped at your earlobe all while giving your butt a small squeeze:
“Not gonna lie, I’m kinda disappointed in this thing’s...stamina.”
“As if you weren’t tired yourself…”, you nudged him in the chest while laughing. He rolled his eyes back but he couldn’t deny how he enjoyed this small banter. His lips pressed a small kiss on the side of your face and he replied:
“Okay okay. I admit that I might need to rest a bit but...maybe later?”
His fingers hinted at something nice as they resumed stroking your stomach.
“I could definitely use some stress relief later tonight…”
“That’s what I was thinking…”
Notes: Youhou! I'm not late publishing it!
That was very self-indulgent because I’m stressed out, on my period and college is kicking my butt.
Thanks for reading!
My masterlist
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naffeclipse · 5 months
I've been musing over a few thoughts inspired by this ask about a mafia-ish style of Apex Polarity without it being too close to Pearl Eye, and after watching a few videos of Orcas hunting their prey (which included dolphins), landed on a sort of Mafia inspired Apex Polarity AU
Also not to add another Y/N to Orclipse's growing collection but this Y/N is a white-beaked dolphin. Look! They're so beautiful!
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Sirens are cunning, brutal, and take everything with teeth and claws. The strongest kill and maim at a whim. As a siren who's not particularly strong, though incredibly agile, with a tail streamlined and dark gray with white patches, fins curved and mostly black, you're somewhere at the bottom. You're doing your best to survive and avoid trouble. You pick your battles and you pick your escapes, and most importantly, you stay alive.
But then you do something really stupid: you venture where you shouldn't have.
You don't usually swim so far up north but you're hungry, and the thought of a few tasty squids distracts you from the silent waters and vast, blue emptiness. You realize a bit too late that you're not the only one hunting.
You catch the first orca siren in the distance as a dark figure, and then another. Two who immediately cut through the water, charging straight for you like shadows. Though you turn tail and bolt, you quickly spot them in the corner of your vision. They easily keep pace, their size and strength overwhelming as they flank you on both sides, wide grins flashing their deadly teeth. You can hardly look at the mismatched color of their eyes as you dodge and weave, diving down only to be cut off by one with midnight blue colors at the tip of his flukes, and shooting off to the left just to almost be snatched by the black-bone claws of a siren with bright yellow fins framing his head.
They're toying with you. You know that for a fact in how they just barely keep back, corraling you onwards, draining your already spent energy, and picking at your panicking pulse. You have no choice but to avoid the edges of their jaws and the tips of their talons, and swim in the direction they want.
You near a field of ice floes floating on the water, and though you cut into the jagged structures dipping into the sea, the orca sirens never lose you. A desperate need for air pushes you onward. One small drop of hope still burns in your chest. Despite the aching of your muscles, you steal a gulp of oxygen and dip back down once more, charging away—
Only to run smack into a third orca siren.
This one grabs you, his burning red and orange colors filling your vision. The other two orcas join to help their kin keep you in place long enough for you to truly regret ever venturing here. Between the three of what you can only assume are brothers, hands hooked over you shoulders, claws clutching your wrists, and palms pressing into your hips, you're a fish caught in a net.
You brace for a voilent end. It never arrives. Instead of digging into your sweet meat, the sirens offer you a deal. The tips of sharp fingertips trace your jawline and the soft inside of your arms and down your slick tail while they explain.
You keep watch for human ships and report back when they're getting close, and in exchange, you get the best food you can imagine, the entire Arctic Ocean to swim, and anything else you'd like. The best benefit? You're under their protection. Of course, they expect utter loyalty from you. You are no one else's. Failure to devote yourself to this work and the brothers would mean a grisly fate, but hey, you're nothing if not eager to not be torn apart. So you agree.
You have a few questions about this whole arrangement, struggling to understand why they, powerful orca sirens, bother with a smaller fish like you when they could rip you limb from limb and be done. What's with the human ships? Why task you to this? Are you just fodder so they can keep their fins nice and unscabbed? They reassure you that they'll explain in due time (the sunny one booping your nose, much to your chagrin), but for now, all you know to know is that the human ships are a problem, and you are their solution for it. You've never really encountered humans before, but they've never really encountered sirens, or so you thought.
The burning red one lets you go, but you don't slip away too far before he tugs on your flukes and tells you to follow him. It's not a request. The darker blue one leaves for a moment, jetting away as the other two guide you to a nice resting place on an icy shore. They introduce themselves, and then their brother reappears with a squid in hand, half dead, and an insistence that you eat—they could tell during the chase that you didn't have all your energy.
And that's how you unwittingly join a very powerful pod of orca brothers who may or may not be teasing and taunting you simultaneously.
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privitivium · 4 months
:3 in a suit returns with a new contract!:D and a new suit!!:DD good sir, your last contract worked out beautifully and i reawwy enjoyed it!!! now, i have a new contract!!!!:DDD ahem, dis time, allow me to introduce you to... da-da-da!!!!! afab working husband and househusband reader!!!!!! allow me to explain the details of this brand new contract, good sir:DDDD so, reader is a sweet, yet large househusband (who just so happens to be a service\subtop) ((are you sensing a pattern with my asks?(⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) )) and reader has a lovely, hard working husband who just came home from a long, annoying day of work!!!!!!!:< so, he uses the readers entire body as his own personal toy to get rid of the stress and anger! (((with consent of course!!!!!!!!))) so, good sir, what do you think??:DDDDD
:3 in a suit ((((2.0 edition:0))))
-also, i enjoyed the lil macaroni signature!!!!!!!!!<3
god ur contracts are my favorite. i sign this with warm glass of milk. <3
i'll keep this in mind if there's a next time that you request to about enmu/character;; ill write them as an afab m unless u specify otherwise :333 ㅡ slightly diff writing style, proper capitalization for this one. Ahemhrm.. sorry for any mistakes!!!!
workhusband domtop afab m x househusband subtop amab m
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After fulfilling your duties of housework and grocery shopping, you spend the rest of your day baking… around four, you begin working on dinner when an alarm rings from your phone; indicating that your darling husband is on his way home… he hasn't texted you all day today, leaving you just a bit worried.. he usually does every hour, but you shouldn't be too concerned as he does get busy… you can't blame him if he doesn't respond quickly-! You berate yourself with a soft huff, shuffling around the kitchen fluidly in nothing but black thigh highs with little white bows, paired with pink sheer lace underwear that showed off the print of your soft cock,,, and a frilly, lacy pink apron tied around your waist and neck. Pink and black are your husband’s favorite colorsㅡobviously you were gonna flaunt them with pride even in the comfort of your home! It was like a sign of ownership to you…
Interrupting your train of thought of debating which confection would taste better with certain drinks as you stir a glass bowl of brownie batterㅡthe lovely sound of the front door's lock clicking - y-your husband! Home… your hands tremble as butterflies tickle your gut - looking over the counters of the kitchenㅡ
The door swung open, the creaking of the hinges doing the storytelling. His footfalls.. entering - door closing behind him with a minor slam.. His bag, you assume, lands on the floor with a dull thud, carelessly dropped. The sudden noise broke you from your stupor of debating whether you should try and clean upㅡdeciding rather smartly, rinsing your hands briefly immediately hopping to greet your husband dutifully - having been awaiting him all day from the second he left for his 9-to-5..
“My love…!” Cheerfully enunciating, breaking away from your bowl you were vigorously stirring moments before - wiping your hands off on your frilly little apron and shuffling toward the front door where your husband merely stood in place as you near - his eyes level to your chest.. Seraphine, completely still with a resting face full of vexationㅡyour forehead creasing in concern at the vibe emanating from your small lover.. usually he would be as chipper as ever, rushing to kiss you.. you were exuding worry, rather than alarm as one would be when dealing with such a nasty mood..
“I missed you. H-How was your day?” A bashful, excited smile worms onto your lips as you hover over him without meaning to, gently placing your palm along his stiff shoulderㅡgrunting in surprise as he lurches forward; burying his face in your chest, nuzzling; a soft groan escaping his lips; muffled by your pecs.
“A-Ah… Seraph..” You coo lovingly, face burning with bashfulnessㅡdespite all the time you've spent married - pairing that with how many years you've been dating.. you still get all blushy like an idiot schoolgirl when he touches you so gently,, his small hands placed upon your waist - gripping tightly before they slip behind, untying the strings of your apron wordlessly. Body stiffened, muscles hardened as you let him do so;; letting him eye you in your day clothes.. pulling the apron over your head and tossing it to the side in a soft huff - and you take the time to gently pet his head, a soft hum emanating from your chest as you try to soothe your agitated Seraphine… his face resuming his position on your now bare chestㅡwhat is this, motorboating? maybe.. you forgot what some sexual terms are acted out..
Yelping in surprise as he attaches his lips to your nipple - kissing, licking, sucking.. nibbling roughly. Your hand, trembling just as your legs were, snapping to cradle the back of his head,, budㅡand cockㅡhardening in his mouth, before he laps up his own saliva, groping at your sides,, “... gosh, today was the worst, honey..” he murmurs lips leaving your slickened bud to gaze onto your glazed over eyes full of wonder,. “I know just the thing to cheer me up.” Seraphine grinned remarkably wide, almost rabid - deranged; a bit strained as he tried to be kind, but he began pushing you roughly toward the living roomㅡstumbling, slipping as you were wearing socks on moderately polished hardwood floors.. before landing on the carpet - being shoved, harshly, into a sitting position onto the cushioning.. legs spread and heat swelling just underneath your navel as your husband drapes himself along your lap - taking advantage of your position and pressing his crotch into your rather.. admittedly bare cock,,,
“Don't ask me about my day....” Refusing to elaborate, as it was sure to piss him off moreㅡinstead, burying his face in the crook of your neck and sucking aggressively just underneath your jaw; relishing in the taste of saltiness - a sheen of sweat coating your body.. you were so cute, already so hard for your husbandㅡhe shifts his hips forward, intentionally grinding, knowinglyㅡdressed in the cutest panties where your dick and balls had nowhere to hide.. “Just let yourself be used, y'hear me? M-My fucking boss got on my ass just becauseㅡargh!” He interrupts himself by pinching on your hardened buds - growing sensitive as you yelp in shock and mild pain; groping your chest so roughly and molding your flesh in his dainty hands..
Your eyes flicker toward the kitchenㅡthe goods in the oven, a bowl of batter unattended, an absolute messㅡof course, it's worth burning one batch of goods, no? You'll have those, while Seraphine has the good, flavorful unburnt ones… “Y-Yes, of course, honeyㅡplease, allow me toㅡ” He cuts your your meek voice off by standing and promptly shucking his pants off, followed by underwear - so belligerent with his movements..
“Hush for a moment.” He interrupts, rudely, a hissㅡyou adjust your legs underneath Seraphine as he sits back along your lap; dick twitching and aching in your sheer lace underwear at the thought of your darling husband being relieved of tension just because of you… it makes you all giddy..,, making you all hard, as you merely sit there with your thoughts. You were just a doting husband, you can't help yourself! W-With your beautiful, providing husband sitting so closely to your cock, practically sitting on itㅡ“So good for me… my good lil husband, always so compliant...” With a slight dash of annoyance to his cooing tone.. mishearing him, as you were too busy staring into his eyes and trying to ignore the ache between your legsㅡOf course, there was nothing to complain about.. surely not the sight of your husband's soaking wet pussy that he spreads with his digits before lowering, pressing ontoㅡgrinding against your barely clothed cock.. o-of course not, what could there be to complain about?!?! “Much better. This.. this is your best quality.” Seraphine muttered to himself mindlessly, letting his upper body relax; promptly groping at your cock with his pussy - mewling as you threw your head back against the couch, very much compliant, yes..
Burying his face in your chest again… tonguing your nipple before simply resting his head down, grinding his pussy on your erection to stimulate himself lazily… keeping still, trying to be good for himㅡwordlessly, as you shift underneath him, squirming… Seraphine attaching his lips all along your neck, marking you up for his pleasure of seeing… not to mention how you tasted on his tongue, and all.. breathless, as he worms a hand downward; grazing against your pre-cum weeping cock and sliding down his folds, “... doesn't have a cute little husband waiting for him at home as I do. I'm much better than everyone at work!!” y-you need to distract him.. take away his stress as his stay-at-home toy for just that.. your reach down; hand grasping his wrist bravely.
He grunts in displeasure as you slowly drag his fingers to your lips - shyly, carefully, just in case he would snap at youㅡbefore you begin lapping, licking in between his fingers before promptly pushing forward and sucking on his digitsㅡalmost cumming at his taste of salty mild bitterness. Seraphine hissed softly, before he gently tugs his fingers away, trailing his digits down your abdomenㅡbreathing shakilyㅡever so teasingly and gripping the fabric of your underwear where the swell of your cock bulged, begging to be free - before he rips them open; girth springing upward with vigor, you, hissing in mild pain before he was immediately jerking you off; dainty hand wrapped around your length and pumping dryly before he was rubbing his pussy and using it as a lotion - giving you no time to adjust to such pleasure before he was already spreading his pussy and promptly sinking downward on your lazily lubed up cockㅡa symphony of mewls, Seraphine's and yours combined - the feeling of your cock stretching his already loosened pussy, a mild sting that he adored;; settling on your girth with ease, nestlingㅡclit buried in your groin. With dainty hands groping at your chest - a tad softer than moments before, and rubbing your perky buds between his moist digits - merely poking at your body for his pleasureㅡfor fun.
“God, this is just.. the ultimate remedy for a stressful day...” he sinks completely, voice breaking off into a soft mewl as you fill him up so deeply; so fucking lovely you are - “I-I'm so glad you think so, my darling..” the corners of your lips up turning into a shy smile, face burning deep with the warmth of arousal nestling in your abdomen, cock throbbing inside the hot warmth of his soaking pussy,, god the thought of him using anything else but you to relieve stress damn near brings tears to your eyes. you wanna be there for him, every second - anywhere, really.. Your hand, shyly moving inward.
"T-Touch me, yes,” Seraphine commanded weakly, feeling a bit too stuffed as he angles backㅡhand eagerly worming in between your bodies and slowly edging downward and feeling around for his clit - humming in delight that sounded too much like a whine, as your saliva-slick thumb runs over his pearl; thumbing in small circles.. Seraphine's pussy clenched around your cock as he gasps mutely at the stimulation before he slowly gets into the rhythm of bouncing himself whilst you rubbed on his clit, utterly focused- wondering how good you were doing as your cock throbs inside him so good,,, ,, his good lil stress reliever, his good lil husband that he loves to suck on for dinner,,,, making him cum on your cock so dutifully, uncaring of your own pleasure - so focused on him that it makes him giddy as though he was fucking you for the first time again..,, making him cum over and over - cleaning him up, unconcerned with his snappy quips as you bathe him,,, letting him rest,,, so sweet you are to your husband.
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sanjisjuul · 5 months
Therapist Law!
Summary: Law is a kinky therapist
Cw: fem reader, cursing, spanking, fingering
Note: if you've seen this before it's because its from my old account! i'm working on recovering all my fics and thanks to @pileofmush this one has been located in its entirety!
Word count: 3.2k
Mdni 18+
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the ticking of the clock on the sad beige walls reverberates through your eardrums as you bounce your leg up and down in anticipation. a metallic taste tingles your taste buds as you draw blood from how hard you're chewing on your lip. 
therapy. something you've wanted to do, but simultaneously put off for years. a recent break up that you initiated caused you to finally seek a doctor. your past lover, while a good person, didn't provide the affection you so much craved. you felt ignored, a bother almost, everything you put in was almost consumed rather than given back. not to mention sexually you were more than less satisfied, your partner always getting their needs met and not bothering to give yours any attention. 
now you're sat in an uncomfortable leather chair, the squeaking making you cringe internally as you shift around. you try to search the walls for any distraction to calm your nerves, but the barren office offers absolutely nothing. 
"y/n?" the soft voice of the receptionist breaks you from your inner thoughts. you look up at her and hum in question as she smiles softly at you. "dr. trafalgar is ready to see you, he's in room 5 whenever you're ready." 
you stand slowly, the crack of your joints causing a jolt of pain to run through your body. you pull the sleeves of your sweater over your hands before heading down the hall in search of the room. blank white doors stare back at you as you trudge down the hall. each door with a large black number plastered on it. you come to a halt when seeing the door with a number five. you reach your hand to knock, but the creak of the door causes you to jump in place.
"come in," a deep man's voice speaks, quietly, but enough for the entire hallway to echo around you. without looking up you push past the door before closing it softly behind you. you turn around slowly, getting a glimpse of the room. Dr. Trafalgar's back is turned to you, he sits at a dark wooden desk adjacent to the door typing something rapidly on his computer. floating shelves litter the walls, filled with books, fidget toys, and what seemed to be action figures. a few posters hang from old movies and comic books which contrasts the sterility of the rest of the building, giving you a sense of comfort. there's a black leather chair sitting in the corner which rests next to a large monstera plant to which you take a seat. 
"you must be miss y/n." the doctor speaks his large back still turned to you. you fidget with sleeves, "yes," you smile although he still cannot see you. "alright then," he presses enter on his keyboard before swiveling around in his chair to face you. you almost choke on air upon his front side coming into view. piercing grey eyes bore into yours, a raven mop of hair sits atop his head styled a bit messily. his cheekbones and jawline defined with pretty pink lips and a black goatee resting on his chin. your eyes shamelessly trail down his body as yours heats up. he's dressed business casual, black slacks, black loafers, and long sleeved black button down. he wears two gold hoops on each ear, but what you least expected are the two large tattoos covering each hand, surprising to say the least, but you certainly aren't complaining. 
"so tell me," he breaks your trance, spreading his long legs to rest his elbows on each thigh, holding his face in his knuckles as he leans forward, eyes never leaving yours, "what brings you in?" he licks his lips, almost as if he's reading your mind. you could have sworn you saw a ghost of a smirk before you start speaking. "well um basically i just want to better myself. i just left a long relationship and want to understand why i stayed so long, why i put myself through so much mental anguish." 
dr. trafalgar nods his head, eyebrows furrowed as he actively listens to what you have to say, "well let's start with this. tell me about your last relationship. what occurred, and how it ended." he reaches for a notepad, pen and reading glasses on his desk, before sliding the glasses on and reassuming his previous position. 
you stumble a bit before starting your sentence, the glasses on his handsome face distracting you as you try to recall your memories. "um.. well yeah, i basically felt ignored, almost an afterthought," you start. you go on a long rant recalling all of your frustrating memories, the times you felt like a bother, the constant effort you put in to get none in return, and the way this affected you which ultimately led you to leave.
dr. trafalgar takes notes as you go, looking up every so often to give you a look of understanding, not one of pity which you've received far too many times as of late. you catch your breath as you finish, feeling a sense of relief as you finish your recollection. 
"well, if i'm going to be honest, he sounds like a complete idiot." dr. trafalgar starts, before leaning back in his chair. "i'm glad you were able to leave without many complications. it takes a lot of courage to leave something long term as you just have." 
you smile at his statement before continuing, "to me it should have ended long ago, being with him was more of a past time, i was just scared of being lonely. which in hindsight was a bit stupid because i have friends who have been there for me more than he ever was." 
your doctor smiles at you, "that isn't stupid miss y/n. many people fear being alone, it's completely normal. i am very glad to hear you have friends that support you" 
"i don't know,' you start. "it just feels like my life was on halt for such a long period of time. if anything i'm glad to be single now so i can actually explore other options." 
he cocks an eyebrow, "options?" 
you feel the blood rush to your cheeks upon answering, "options... as in other sexual partners, romantic or not." you close your eyes momentarily as you feel embarrassment creep it's way through your body. 
"were you not satisfied sexually?" he sets his notepad on the desk besides him, and removes his glasses, running a large hand through his raven locks. you try not to linger your stare on his long fingers, each digit tattooed, making you feel... things. 
"well to be completely honest no." you advert your gaze from your sexy ass therapist and chew on your lip before continuing. "it's just going back to effort. he didn't make effort for me emotionally, physically, nor sexually. i always made sure that he was taken care of.. if you know what i mean."
dr. trafalgar pauses for a moment, "well if you're comfortable we can go through that aspect of the relationship as well. just remember, this is all on your terms miss y/n." he locks eyes with yours once again, his face stern as he speaks. 
your face heats up as you look down. you planned on talking about this with your doctor, but didn't expect him to be so... attractive. you feel his gaze on your face before you sigh. you lift your head to meet dr. trafalgars gaze, to which he stares intently back at you.
his silence makes you continue, "in two years how do you not make somebody cum?" you question frustratedly. "he didn't even try, he even blamed me at one point, can you fucking believe that?" you sigh in anger. "i used to excuse myself into another room to take care of myself,"  you laugh in disbelief, "it was just so frustrating." you finish, if you were in a cartoon steam would be seeping out from your ears. 
"may i ask?" dr. trafalgar moves his chair a few inches closer, "when was the last time somebody besides yourself made you cum?" you're taken aback at his question, but not uncomfortable in the slightest. you lean forward resting your chin in your hands before pondering, "s' been years, i can't even remember to be honest with you."
your doctor bites his lip before speaking, "and would you say, that has caused some sexual frustration on your end?" you nod, too distracted to vocalize an answer as you watch him chew on his lip. 
"while in that relationship did you ever consider pursuing any other sexual partners?" he shifts in his chair crossing his legs. 
you pause in thought, "yeah, i honestly did. i never acted on those thoughts though, i would have felt terrible."
dr. trafalgar clenches his jaw, "how about now? do you have any desire to fulfill your needs as of late?" he leans back in his chair, legs still crossed as if he's hiding something. 
you feel feverish at this point, his line of questioning mixed with the pure aura of sex he exudes is too much for you to handle. "i-i... um yeah. i'm just waiting to find someone who is willing to do the same with me."
"can i be honest miss y/n?" he questions, his icy eyes trained on your lips before darting back to your face. you nod once again as you stare back in awe, nodding. 
"i find you to be incredibly attractive," he rolls up his sleeves, revealing more ink along his forearms. "fuck professionality, i want to make you feel good." 
you stare back in shock, your lips part slightly and your thighs clench together as you feel the heat in your body settle at your core, dampening your panties. you can't form a sentence even if you try as he stares back at you in dead seriousness. 
he rests his hands on his knees before standing, his stature making you feel small as he approaches you, bending down face level with you. . "let me repeat myself," he brushes your hair back, goosebumps forming at the warmth of his large hands. "i want to make you feel good, could i do that for you?" you shudder as his lips meet the shell of your ear, his hand resting on the nape of your neck, other in his pocket as he leans over you. 
"please," you squeak, eyes trained on the floor in embarrassment. you feel his other hand reach for your chin to which he tilts up, forcing you to look him in the eyes. his half lidded eyes meet yours as he bites his lip, "look at me when you speak miss y/n." your chest heaves at the proximity, his hand leaves the nape of your neck to grab a fistfull of your hair, holding it firmly to keep your gaze on his. 
"please," you whisper, your eyes darting down to his pretty lips, "make me feel good." he smirks, tugging your hair softly, "good girl." 
he closes the distance by pressing his lips onto yours. the kiss is soft and passionate. his hand stays wrapped in your hair as his lips dance on yours. he softly prods his tongue to tease your bottom lip. you open your mouth to accept his offering to which he presses his tongue fully in, savoring your taste.
you sigh at the intrusion, the feeling of being kissed correctly felt so foreign to you yet so fucking amazing. your tongues collide as you feverishly make out in his office. you gain the courage to grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you, however you didn't realize your strength as the first two buttons of his shirt ripped off completely.
you break the kiss to marvel at his bare collar bones, also littered with tattoos, you groan at the view to which he smirks. "miss y/n," he says in fake surprise, "didn't know you were so eager." you fake pout at his response and he chuckles before removing his hands from you to slowly undo the buttons of his shirt. as each button pops open, your gaze goes further down his body, taking in as much as you could. every muscle, every speck of ink prominent in your eyes as his shirt dropped to the floor. 
you reach your shaky hands up slowly to rest on his ab muscles, to which he grabs your wrists, planting them on his torso. you curiously glide your hands up and down, feeling the taut and warm flesh as your slick starts to seep through your yoga pants.
abruptly, he steps back from you, returning back to his chair and taking a seat, reassuming his manspread position. you now understand why his legs were crossed earlier, his cock is painfully erect through the fabric of his slacks. 
"cmere," he grunts, and you do as you're told, stepping closer until you're stood directly in front of him. he reaches his hands up to you, wrapping his arms around your torso, bringing you closer. "miss y/n," he speaks, causing you to look down at him. his face is yet again serious, his eyebrows furrowed. "we can stop at any moment you'd like, tell me if it's too much." 
you nod your head at his statement, smiling softly, "okay," you whisper. Dr. Trafalgar starts to kiss your stomach through your sweater, his hands raking down your back before reaching dangerously close to your ass. he suddenly halts, "want you bent over on my lap," he grunts, removing his face from your sweater to look up at you. "mhm," you hum as you position yourself over his lap before laying down. your ass is directly below his face, and your face almost touches the floor, but he holds your hair back to prevent that from happening. 
"i'm going to start now, tell me if this is okay," Dr. Trafalgar speaks before you feel his hand start to slide up the back of your thighs. he squeezes every so often, causing jolts of electricity to run through your body. once he reaches the crest of your ass he pauses, "this ok?" he questions. 
"yes, please continue," you pant out. he hums as his hand slides over your ass, he grips the flesh in his hand squeezing softly before letting go. "such a nice fuckin' ass," he growls before placing a soft slap on your right cheek. you moan in pleasure as he repeats the action to your other cheek. "hmm whats this?" he questions, moving his hand in between your legs, "this wet already miss y/n?" he starts to rub you through your pants collecting the juices that leaked through, humming in the process. 
you twitch as his hand makes contact with your clothed cunt. he rubs softly, the teasing driving you mad as your body slightly vibrates under his control. "so sensitive for me yeah?" he questions, before slapping your ass again, harder this time, causing you to moan loudly. "feels s'good doctor," you whine as he places another harsh slap on your ass, causing you to clench around nothing. "you can call me law sweetness," he sounds before spanking you again, this time leaving a stinging sensation behind. 
your clit starts to pulsate through your panties, your juices start to coat not only your opening, but now your thighs as well to which law notices, "you like it when i spank you miss y/n?" you yelp as another slap is placed on your behind, "fuck-law yes i love it." he chuckles above you, "good girl."
you feel his hands move up your ass and hook around the waist band of your yoga pants, "ass up," he commands to which you oblige. you arch your back as he slides your pants down your legs, revealing your soaked panties. he hums as his fingers come in contact with your cunt, rubbing circles around the area around your entrance, before slipping one finger inside the fabric. 
you shudder as he swipes his finger up and down, collecting as much wetness as he can while creating a delicious friction on your clit. "you like that huh?" he questions as he slips one finger inside of you. you twitch at the feeling, his long and slender finger moves in and out of you, pumping slowly as to warm you up. "y-yes," you pant out as you clench around his finger. 
before speeding up any further he slips another finger past your panties and into your entrance, stretching you out so good as you wail out. his grip on your hair tightens as you lose composure, your eyes screw shut in pleasure as his fingers work in and out of you. 
when his fingers hook over one particular spot, you twitch involuntarily causing him to chuckle, "so that's the spot huh?" he continues to hit the same spot, his fingers repeatedly hooking in and out of your hole as pressure builds in your lower stomach. curses and moans leave your mouth as you feel yourself losing complete composure. drool seeps from your lips as your body vibrates under his touch. 
just when you think it can't get any better he slips his thumb through your panties and onto your clit, rubbing circles as he continues the pace of his fingers. "f-fuck law," you cry out as a tingling sensation overtakes your senses. "yeah? tell me how good it feels," he groans. "feels so fucking good, keep going g-gonna cum," you whine out between breaths. he keeps the pace he set, not speeding up nor slowing down. he releases your hair as your head falls limp he reaches his forearm to catch you, hand moving down to your chest and flicking your nipple through your shirt adding a third point of stimulation.
"say my name," law commands as your climax approaches. your body spasms atop him, "wanna hear you fuckin' say it." you manage to choke out his name, "l-law oh fuck law gonna cum, please please please," you wail your legs shaking harshly. 
"that's it baby, cum for me," he grunts as your cunt flutters around his fingers. you cry out as your orgasm washes over you, the triple stimulation giving you the most astounding feeling ever. fire erupts all over your body as your juices coat his hand. his hands keep working you, making sure you ride out your climax fully, as your whole body shudders underneath him. chants of his name leave your mouth as a mantra as you pant for air.
he slows down his movement slowly but surely until he completely stills. your body lays limp on top of him almost collapsing on the floor before he catches you in his arms, pulling you to sit on his lap, wrapping his strong arms around you. you bury your head in the crook of his neck, gasping as you catch your breath. "how was that miss y/n?" law questions, his voice muffled by your shoulder, you feel the rasp of his voice rumble through your spent body. "so. fucking. amazing." you sigh becoming almost limp in his arms.
"i'm glad to hear that," you can feel his smile through the fabric of your sweater which causes you to reciprocate. he pulls you off his shoulder to look you in the eyes, smirking, "so, let's schedule your next appointment."
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love, bia ૮ • ﻌ - ა
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abbyslev · 1 year
WARNINGS: college! teacher hange x college! student reader (no underage shit), fingering, spit, panty stuffing, praise, hange eating pussy hehehe, thigh riding, EYE CONTACT, top! hange
A/N: im still fairly new to this, so any feedback will be appreciated! I hope everyone enjoys teehee. I love all of you and tysm for reading!
WC: 1k
 You shut your notebook, letting out a stressful sigh of frustration.
       “I’ll see you tomorrow!” Your partner waved at you, leaving the class. You nodded, grabbing your backpack from the floor. You hated chemistry class. If you thought high school’s chem was hard, college was harder. 
       What made it even worse was the stupid chem teacher. The way they gave you lingering looks, picked on you to answer knowing you weren’t paying attention, and always stuck around to help you. It made you feel humiliated, but a small part of you loved it. You liked the stinging feeling inside your stomach everytime they even breathed your way.
         Today, you had to make a solution to dissolve an item. Your partner was smart, but refused to touch the chemicals. So, she wrote down everything while you tried to figure out the chemicals. You failed every time, and felt embarrassed as you could feel your Professor eyeing your table from the front of the class. 
        You stuffed your books in your backpack, a blush creeping up on your face as your chemistry teacher approached you. “We need to talk.” They said, You looked up at them as they pushed up their glasses. God that eyepatch made you think thoughts no one should ever have. You nodded, knowing this was about your low grade.
      “Yes, Professor Zoe?” Your hands falter a bit, face red in embarrassment. “It’s Professor Hange for you.” They chuckled. They pressed their hips against the table, fingers playing with their many rings. You nodded, putting your backpack on your shoulders. “I wanted to talk about your grade in chem. I know it’s not the easiest class, but I know you can do it. I have a few options for you.”  They spoke in a low tone, eyes trailing for your hands, up your chest and stopped at your eyes. 
        “W-what would those options be, Professor Hange?” You kept eye contact, face blushing. “Well, for one, you could just redo all the assignments and tests, and I’ll give you the higher grade.” Hange licked their lips before looking down at their veiny hands. “Or, since this is the biggest lab we have, you could come in after dinner and we could redo this lab. I could help.” They stared down at your lips, before looking back up at your conflicted face. 
        You hated sitting there and doing the assignments and tests, you knew you would just fail again. Plus, if you chose the second option, you would get to spend more alone time with Hange. Your stomach turned just at the thought of it.
         “I’ll come in after dinner.” You nodded, smiling. “Okay. Meet me here at five, ok? The door will be unlocked.” Hange gave you a small smile before walking back to their desk. You walked out of the class, a big grin plastered on your face.
        You got home, showered, styled your hair and got all dolled up.
       Normally at school, sweats and a jacket would do, but you wanted to look good for Hange. You walked down the chemistry hallway, your hands toying with your phone nervously. Your heart raced with every step you took, close to Hanges classroom. It felt like the shortest walk ever. 
          The white door was cracked open a bit. You pushed it open, looking around the empty classroom. The lights were a bit dim and there was a quiet typing noise. “Hey! You made it.” Hange stood up. You blushed as your eyes met theirs. 
        Their button up shirt was tucked into their black pants, the tops buttons unbuttoned down a bit, exposing their collarbones. Their sleeves were rolled up, exposing a slither of their upper arm tattoo that stopped below their elbow. Not to mention that eyepatch that drives you insane.
       “It’s all set up.” Hange walked towards the table, giving you a smirk. You put your phone in the pocket of your shorts, leaning on the table. “Okay so, if you demonstrate this correctly, I will give you a hundred for the whole semester, ok? I don’t want you to fail.” Hange stood beside you as you nodded. 
      “Ok, which one is the acid?” They watched as your hands grabbed the clear liquid. “That’s correct. Now add it to the blue solution. Just a third of it, not all.” Hange watched over your shoulder. “How much is a third?” You asked, a blush creeping up your neck.
        “Here.” Hange grabbed your hand in theirs. Your hand felt like it was on fire and your heart was beating so fast you swore your Professor could hear it. “Like this.” Hange whispered in your ear, their body up against yours. Your hips hit the table, Hange’s other hand against your waist. You could feel all of them. Your face turned red, a small sigh leaving your lips. Hange didn’t remove their face from beside your ear. 
         The solution turned red. “There you go. Now add this.” Hange kept their position, handing you a packet full of powder. As you opened it, Hange’s hands were on either side of you, grasping the edge of the table. You were trapped, and you loved it. You poured the powder in the solution, watching it turn yellow. “See? You did amazing.” Hange stayed pressed against you. “Is it done?” You asked, hair falling in front of your face. 
         Hange turned you around, smirking. “Yes. You did well. I think you deserve more than just an A.” Hange leaned in. You looked down at their soft lips, before meeting their eyes. They were full of lust and desperation. 
        Hange grabbed your face, lips meeting yours. They molded perfectly against each other, shaky breaths leaving your mouth. “You did good. Such a good girl.” Hange pulled away before connecting your lips again. Their soft hands traveled down your chest, body, and stopped at your shorts. 
        You unbuttoned them quickly. Hange smirked, pressing small kisses on your neck as they lifted you up on the table behind them. The cold made your skin crawl. Hange pushed you back, pulling you shorts down to your ankles. 
         Hange let out a needy sigh, their eyes trailing down your body. They stopped at the small star tattoo on your hip, making them smile. They leaned down, their eyes looking into yours. With the tip of their tongue, they traced the tattoo, making you whimper impatiently. “Tell me what you want, princess.” They press a kiss on the small star. 
        “I want you to fuck me.” You breathe out. Hange, without a warning, pressed their lips against your wet clit. You threw your head back, cheeks red. They slipped their tongue through your folds, pulling back as you let out a loud moan.
      They pull back, taking the rest of your shorts off. Your pink panties appear in their hand. “Open.” They take their pointer and thumb finger on your chin, opening your mouth. They stuff your panties in your mouth, licking their lips. “Be a good girl and quiet down unless you wanna get us caught.” 
      You nod, chest heaving up and down. Hange slipped in their middle finger, watching as your legs closed. Hange pried them open, tongue playing your bud as they added another finger in you. Your muffled moans pleasured Hange. 
          Their tongue worked their way around their own fingers, making your teeth clench around the lace. Hange pulled away, fingers still working you. “You’re so good for me.” She whispered against your soft skin. “So good.” Her hand slipped under your shirt, groping your chest. You held her wrist, eyes watering and drool coming down your chin. 
     Branding the taste of you on their tongue was now their favorite thing ever. The way you arched your back, pleading them through muffled moans to go faster.  Your fingers tangled themselves around Hange’s hair, eyes rolling back. Your thighs clenched around their head, legs shaking slightly. You are so close.
         Hange caught on, pulling their head away. Your movements stopped, staring as Hange stood in between your legs, lips glistening with your arousal. “You’re gonna have to earn this A, baby.” Their long fingers took the panties out of your mouth. A string of saliva hung onto the cloth. Hange kissed you, tongue against yours. You sloppily kissed back, bucking your hips for any sort of friction. 
       Hange picked you up, kissing your neck and you wrapped your legs around their waist. Hange backup against their chair, sitting down with you straddling their waist. They slid your shirt off quickly, hands massaging your breast through your lace bra.  
     “Sit.” Hange moved their thighs so you sat on one of them. You leaned into their neck, a shaky breath leaving your parted lips. “Go ahead, baby. Show me you deserve this.” Their cold hands grazed your nipples, down your stomach and landed on your thighs. 
        Your hips moved back and forth on Hange’s thigh, cold fingertips drawing small circles on your bare legs. “Fuck, Professor.” You mewl, head thrown back. Hange took the opportunity, kissing your neck again. They focused on one spot, nibbling and sucking it as you fastened your pace. Their hands grasped themselves on your hips, fingers digging into your skin.
       “Look at me.” They demanded. You tried your best, but the feeling of euphoria had taken over and it was hard to keep eye contact. “Look at me.” They repeated. One hand grabbed your cheeks, squishing them together as your legs squeezed Hange’s drenched thigh. “Slow down.” Hange pressed their forehead against yours, this time kissing you slowly. “But Professor-” A hard slap on your cheek interrupted you. “Slower.” 
       You whine, but oblige. Your hips slowed down, the feeling starting to build up in your stomach again. You bite your lip down, Arms gripping Hange’s shoulders. “Oh, fuck.” You let out, face in Hange’s chest. “Fuck.” You repeat again, letting it happen. “Keep going, dear.” Hange held back moans from watching you fall apart on their lap,
       You felt their hand inside you again. Your legs buckled as their fingers swirled around you, collecting your cum. Hange brought their fingers up to their mouth, eyes watching yours intently as they sucked their fingers clean. 
       You open your mouth, sticking out your tongue. Hange spat a mix of both of you into your mouth, letting out a pleasurable sigh as you swallowed with a smile.  “These are for me to remind myself why you deserve this.” Hange took your panties, slipping them in their pocket. They gave you one last kiss, pushing your damp hair behind your ear. “I’ll see you here Friday?” “Friday works.” You smile before tangling yourself back into them.
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keisobe · 11 months
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; 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧)
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⎯ from spider-man : across the spiderverse (spoiler free!!)
✮. ⋆ after a successful date with hobie, you show your gratitude by surprising him with the frills and bows you’ve been hiding throughout the night. + wc. 3.1k
content. afab reader. graphic smut. semi-dom reader. sub hobie. unprotected sex. oral sex (m receiving). creampie. established relationship. pet names. first time together.
notes. this fic was based off two anon requests asking for ‘polar opposites’ and ‘dom reader’. i hope that i fulfilled those request perfectly and also hope you guys enjoy this hobie smut (ik i wrote his accent terribly lol) ♡
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The shuffle of your footsteps traveled through the dark apartment, laughter and the jingle of keys filled the bleak atmosphere as you and Hobie situated yourself into the warm comfort of your flat. You flicked the light switch as you laughed along a joke he made about the creep in the pub that tried to hit on you.
It was a momentarily tragic incident, an unfamiliar touch to your ass while you were simply ordering from the bartender had your heart drop in terror. That was until Hobie stepped him and pushed the creep down to the floor, guiding himself with his broken fall as he laid bone shattering punches onto the guy’s face. It was then that the both of you were kicked out for ‘causing a violent disturbance’, all because an ambulance had to be sent out. Although the booze was out of reach for the night, the date was still a success as Hobie made it up by sneaking you both into a runway show happening near the heart of London. You got to sit alongside celebrities you’ve seen pictures in the magazines you owned. It was one of the best dates you’ve ever been on and it was all thanks to Hobie.
To show your gratitude, you begged him to come back to your place. Hobie didn’t hesitate to accept the offer, letting you excitedly walk him to your flat as the full moon shedded a guiding light towards your destination.
Now he’s in your room, looking adorably out of place as his roughen up exterior was completely surrounded by your sickly sweet and soft trinkets and decor.
“Hmm… wat’s this lil’ cute thing?”
You turned curiously as you propped yourself comfortably onto the strawberry comforter, scrambling off the white fur coat and the glossy heels you’ve worn throughout the night. Hobie was holding up your Hello Kitty plush, poking in the beaded black eyes and fiddling with the sewn bow with utter confusion.
“Never heard of Hello Kitty before?” You teased, tearing off your ruffled socks as the warmth of your room hit your bare skin.
“Nah, ain’t my style babe.” Hobie quipped as he gently placed it back beside your abundance of jewelry and makeup, smiling at the typical pattern with all your belongings; dainty and pink. “But perhaps ‘ll get more for you.”
His words fall into deaf ears as he gives himself a second to take in your entire room. Everything was absolutely adorable. It was a contrast from his own living space— his wallpaper looking like a scrapbook and his furniture beaten to death. There was something accelerating about you being the complete opposite of him. Someone so well-put together and could be comparable to a doll. While he’s rugged and has been called a ‘toy that’s been scribbled by a toddler’ by one of his bandmates.
You coughed a little bit to steal his attention, internally giggling to yourself as Hobie was completely mesmerized by your room. You gave him a moment to look around more for a few seconds until you began to dramatically yawn, sounding like a broken moan that made his ears twitch.
When he finally turned to look at you, Hobie couldn’t help but nervously chuckle as he ran a hand over his flushed face. Fuck, there you were, sprawled on the bed with soft pink lingerie. The bows and frills fitted your curves perfectly, the silky fabric made your skin glow in the dimly lit room. You look like an angel— at least that’s what Hobie thought.
You smirked at his dazed look as you got up on your knees, looping your fingers on his belt loops and tugging him closer to the bed.
He broke out of his trance from the sudden movement, a cocky smile plastered into his face.
“‘s why were you so eager to bring me to your flat?” He titled your chin as he caressed a thumb over your cheek, allowing your hands to work on his studded belts.
“Needy lil’ one.”
You laughed at that. Touché.
As each belt fell on the floor with a solid clink, Hobie retracted his melting touch to discard his leather jacket and torn shirt— coming off swiftly with each pull. He kicked off his laced boots when you unzipped and discarded his pants, tugging at his briefs with surprising strength as he clumsily landed on top of you. You ran a hand over his bare chest, reluctantly passing over a silver piercing on his nipples. You knew he was hot, but he just got even hotter.
“Lay down for me.” You ordered right as Hobie's hand hovered over your hips.
He looked stunned for a moment before smirking, raising his hands as he surrendered himself to you.
“‘es ma’am.”
Doing exactly what he was told, Hobie flipped over to his back against the comforter, brushing a hand onto your thigh as you positioned yourself between his spread legs. Without any more hesitation, you gave into your desires and began to crawl onto his long torso— locking your lips onto his. You felt a smile curl on his lips as he deepened the kiss, guiding your tongues to tangle together. Hobie craned his head to drag his teeth against your quivering lips, grazing a soft hand along your flushed cheeks. He could taste you, finally. This yearning he had for you throughout the night was well worth it at the end. It couldn’t be helped that he was a little obsessed with you. Especially with your taste on his tongue, Hobie couldn’t restrain himself to push further into your mouth— licking along your molars as drool ran down both your chins.
You whimpered into his mouth until he pulled away with a labored breath, a string of saliva connecting your lips together. A soft glint in his eyes made your heart skip a beat for a moment, until your eyes gazed towards the vein running down his neck.
Not worrying to catch some air, you kissed along his jawline with utter need. Lolling your tongue along the juncture of his neck and closing it off with a harsh bite with the goal to leave an obvious mark that he wouldn’t dare hide with his chokers. A deep groan rumbled in Hobie's chest as he gave into your mouth, each lick going lower and lower along his body. You lapped along the metal bar on his nipple, kissing and marking his toned stomach, and finally laying your tongue down to the trail of coarse hair that continued under his lousy waistband.
Being face-to-face with the tent in his briefs sent your nerves on edge as his erection was utterly palpable. The outline of his cock bobbed under the confining fabric as a wet spot began to ooze out from your needy advances. This new display of hobie made all your purest thoughts incinerate into intense ardor. The wetness between your legs seeping through your own garments.
Hobie clicked his tongue with impatience, pulling you back from your lustful hallucination.
“C'mon love, don’ shy away now.” Hobie cooed as he rested his muscular arms under his head, craning it a bit to get a perfect view of your dazed eyes and his erection. If he could capture this moment, he would have hundreds of them plastered on his walls.
Wordlessly, you slowly slid down the waistband with anticipation, feeling the warmth radiating off his clothed cock pass along your cheeks, before the elastic finally wrapped around his thighs. A low hiss slipped through Hobie's lips as the brief contact of cold air drifted along his freed cock, springing to its full length as it slapped heavily against his bruised stomach. He was huge; his length well passed over his navel and the thickness can be comparable to your wrist. But what’s had you gawking hard is the details of his cock. A prominent vein running down the underside of his length. But then you happen to gaze at a hint of silver— leading to three metal bars pierced along his frenum. Holy shit, Hobie had dick piercings.
“Should I be upset at the person who pierced your dick?” You jested, but your stomach turned at the fact that someone else already saw his cock before you.
Hobie chuckled, taking a hand out to teasingly stroke his length in front of your sour expression, giving you a good eyeful of the glistening precum running down his glaring piercings and tightening skin.
“Upset at me? ‘s not really fair innit?”
You bit back a relieved grin at his reply. You should’ve known. Either way, the fluttering pride in your stomach directed you back into your lustful advances. You’ll make him feel good then.
There's no time for Hobie to tease your jealousy when you lap the full length of his cock, leaving a salty and bitter taste tingling on your taste buds. An unexpected whimper managed to escape his mouth, making you smile pridefully. Your tongue worked its way onto his glistening, swollen tip. Hobie snagged the strawberry printed comforter under him, mumbling curses under his breath as you began to gently suckle the redden head of his cock, careful not to scrape your teeth. You purse your lips along his tip and continue to relentlessly tease his cockhead, its shade of red deepening with each swipe of your tongue. Finally, with precum coating your lips and Hobie’s restraint slowly breaking loose, you bottom out completely and begin to create a steady pace around his length.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell…” Hobie managed to sigh through his swollen lips, giving in to his temptations of forcibly touching you as he latched onto the back of your neck— firm yet gentle to the touch.
His sweet touch quickly became desperate, as hobie began to pace your mouth faster around his cock, leaving a sore ache to your jaw and the repeated stabbing sensation of his tip sliding down your resisting throat. Fuck it hurts, but it felt so good. Especially when hobie was spitting out a bunch of sweet nothings and Hobie curses, and the occasional addicting groans whenever you would lewdly gurgle around his length. Before he could come undone, Hobie urgently grabbed onto the roots of your hair and pulled you away from his throbbing cock. With teary eyes and cum stained cheeks, you coughed and inhaled deeply. Hobie quickly came to your aid afterwards, petting your head gently as his thumb swiped over the spittle of precum glossing over your lips.
“Wan’ stop?” His concern was genuine, but he couldn’t help but admit that you looked really good right now. Tongue coated with his essence, lashes wet and eyes glistening, Hobie just wanted to go the full ride. But only if you wanted to.
Your weak smile reassures him as you cutely shake your head. He gave you a sweet peck on the lips before he lifted you onto his torso. You straddled his slim frame as he eagerly kneaded the softness of your hips. Hobie took in your outfit one last time. Tugging onto the pretty, lacey frills that made his head spin exactly how it did the first time he met you. Fuck, he never even knew pink would look so good on someone until he met you. An absolute princess, he thought. With his dark eyes teaching over your features, his sneaky hand reaches around the hooks of your bra, expertly popping off the clasps with total finesse. The garment slid down your arms and was discarded with the rest of your clothing.
God, he couldn’t keep his eyes off your tits. Every curve, shadow, and tiny details on your sacred flesh lessened his self control. Hobie begins to rut against you, latching his mouth onto a nipple as his spindly fingers began to grope more and more of your exposed body. You sighed as his suckling became more heated and desperate, hollowing his sunken cheeks and filling his tongue with the taste of your hardened buds. Then each suck became bites— bites that littered a bruise on your delicate skin. He wanted to show you off, to that sick bastard that touched you at the bar, the random eyeing you when you guys walked back to your home. Hobie never felt this before, was he feeling jealousy too? Huh, he’s learning many new things today.
“Hobie…” You panted, cradling his face so gently. Hobie could literally get on his knees right now and—
“Let me ride you.”
He rasped a low fuck and nodded with obedience that he never knew existed in his genes.
You tore off your underwear with vigor, a clear strand of your arousal connecting to your sensitive pussy. His cock jutted as you steadied yourself, grabbing firmly onto the thick base. It took so much willpower to not piston his hips right now, but his wishes came true when you sunk down halfway down his pulsing cock. With this newfound connection, the both of you moaned at the same time— your tight walls wrapping around Hobie and his impressive length absolutely wrecking you before you could move your hips.
“Fuckin’ shit– move, move babe. Please.” His begging sounded like music to your ears.
So you lifted your hips and pushed down with a groan.
And everything happened so quickly afterwards.
The heady scent of sex wavered around the warm air, echoes of skin slapping creeping along the empty hallway, your hands sprawled along Hobie’s glowing chest, and your rhyming hips diving down his length that left traces of your arousal along his pubic bone. Control never felt so good. Especially when it comes to Hobie, someone with anarchistic tendencies and despises being ordered around, is now a whimpering mess under you. No snarky quips, relentless teasing, or his usual lopsided grin. He was unraveling, purring and groaning with deep satisfaction, pinching the faces and limbs of your stuffed toys that were disheveled on your bed. There was a whole audience of them, stitched out smiles and detailed eyes that made it seem directed toward the two of you.
And Hobie loved it. Though it was incomparable to the crowds he’d performed in front of, these ones resemble you. Back when he saw you stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of metal chains and spiked hair. He vividly remembered the fluffy white dress and pearls that adorned your hair. He’d be crazy not to take you behind stage right after his performance, and so he did. Now, his current circumstances have him in a blissful state, under the same girl who was too shy to even ask for an autograph.
It’s filthy, having the sight of you bouncing around his cock, the cute little accessories unkempt in your hair, makeup smudged and faded.
But your sight was better. A halo of plushies surrounding Hobie, his eyes teary with hot pleasure, veins protruding along his glowing skin. It’s a sight that had your slick walls tightening around him like a vice and setting up for a mind-shattering orgasm.
“Feeling good love?”
Hobie furrowed his brows, his cartilage bobbing with a thick swallow.
“Y-Yea babe… shit,” Hobie deeply groans, eyes fluttering open with a smirk. “Oh, y-you’r my mine you know that? Can only make me feel this good, yea?”
He was back. Not that you mind, his praising words only made you fuck him harder— more desperate, like you’re chasing down for his cock. The soft ridges of his tip brushed along a spot that made your knees wobble and nearly lock in place. Hobie took the courtesy to start snapping his hips against yours, meeting your quivering thrust halfway. His slender hands were more frantic, a thumb rapidly rolling over your swollen clit and a palm grabbing your thigh for leverage. With his new advances, you began to thrash and whine, mindlessly pleading to Hobie like a broken vinyl. Pleading him to keep going.
His spider senses were on a scale that he never knew could be reached. Prickles along his dewy skin, the tips of his ears twitching with every yelp and mewl that escaped your glossy lips. He can feel your approaching orgasm himself, the warm buzz spreading along his groin was like electricity. He can even feel himself on the edge, his demanding, measured thrust faltering to a desperate, sloppy mess.
“I’m gonna cum.” You rasped with need, your hips sputtering and clumsily losing its tempo.
“Yea, I know.” Hobie slurred through clenched teeth.
Then both of you released at the same time: you, gushing around his heavy length with one final drag against your sweet spot and him; mesmerized by your scrunched up features as his cock spurted hot, messy cum inside you.
Falling into his arms with exhaustion, Hobie immediately nestled you into a comforting embrace. You fit perfectly with his body, the blank spaces filled with your tightly pressed limbs like it was meant to be pieced together; each pant and heartbeat completely in sync. Both of you were sticky, sweaty, and dulled from overwhelming arousal.
“Up top?” Hobie held at his palm, a playful smile adoring his attractive face.
You grinned back, slapping your clammy palm together as his spindly fingers laced around yours, locking your hand in a comforting hold.
“ ‘s fine that I…?” Oh yeah. He came inside you.
“You’re good, see, look?” You propped yourself up and shook the plastic case that contained your birth control. This new position you were in gave Hobie a nice glimpse of his seed slowly running down your leg.
Hobie let out a reverb chuckle, patting at your thighs with adoration.
“Just makin’ sure, ‘m not ready to be a dad yet.”
You playfully rolled your eyes as you adjusted yourself back onto the bed. The brief moment of silence was comforting, weirdly domestic. His slow breathing sounded familiar from your dreams, his caresses nearly lulling you to sleep. Then you broke the silence.
“You know… I would’ve gotten with you way before if I knew you’d fuck me this silly,” you jested, lightly tracing over the silver punctures on his brow bones, to the metallic bar hooked around his soft lips. He leaned into your touch, kissing your palm sweetly.
“Didn’ kno’ you’d like someone as shabby as me.” There was a little shame with Hobie’s confession. He was anxious that his striking contrast from you would draw you away, not like he would usually care, but there was a feeling inside him that drew him closer to you. He didn't want to lose you.
“Shabby? No, you’re actually adorable.” You reassured him softly.
Hobie scoffed out of flusteredness, biting back a satisfied grin.
Adorable? Him? Impossible.
“Wan’ me to leave?” He jokingly pointed towards the door.
You snickered at his teasing, reaching over the piles of discarded clothing and tossing on his loose band shirt.
“Without a nice, hot shower?”
Hobie smiled wickedly. Touché.
“Sounds li’ somethin’ I don’t miss out on.”
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MOCHIFILM © 2023. please do not copy, translate, or modify any of my work. all of my works are not permitted to be posted on any other sites.
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potatomountain · 7 months
*739 Seonghwa
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*739 Masterlist
Synopsis: with sex work legal, it was as readily available as texting *739, filling out the form sent, and setting a time and place with an easy charge to your credit card. Even the more hefty kinks could be fulfilled with a professionalism that was respected, and could be addicting.
Word count: 7k
AN: so a little late as well as this wa supposed to be for a happy 5 years with Ateez <3 I just overestimated myself whoops. So to be fair- Wooyoung's will be delayed until I get back [so sometime in November] but Hongjoong's will be released around Halloween ^^
Also I barely edited so sorry if there are mistakes!
Warnings below the cut! Taglist at the bottom!
Smut warnings: food play, dom Seonghwa, use of toys in public, masturbation, multiple orgasms, oral [fem recieving], praise, 'Mommy' kink, breeding kink, food kink- body worship, aftercare, lil angst, unprotected sex, paid sex, sex worker. Sexual depictions and use of food!
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This couldn’t be right- you’re ‘date’ for the night couldn’t be him.
He was fucking gorgeous.
Blonde hair that was practically white with half of it styled back to expose his forehead and gorgeous features. The black suit he wore with golden accents trimmed to his tall and slender body; his waist alone had you biting down on your lip just to remember the red lipstick you wore. Despite the deep red and black dress hugging your body, the most elegant cocktail dress you had, he made you feel underdressed.
You wanted to assume he was someone else’s date, but that was the table the host had motioned you towards, informing you that the other party had arrived. He hadn’t noticed you just yet, fiddling with a small black box and a rose that was on the table, which gave you plenty of time to drink him in. You weren’t alone in that endeavor, plenty of other people in the elegant restaurant were staring because even in the dim lights he was ethereal
It took several moments to remind yourself that this wasn’t a date- this was an arrangement you were paying for. The reminder surged you forward, stepping up to the semi secluded table on the far side of the restaurant- while it was still in sight of half the tables nearby, it was meant to give a sense of privacy and kept you out of earshot- that was why you had reserved this particular table.
He looked up when you approached, moving to stand up with a gentlemanly smile and your name on his lips like a question.
“Yes, that’s me. You must be Seonghwa then?” When he nodded your lips lifted in a smile but internally you were screaming.
You had no idea how you were going to handle the things you were paying him to do to you, not when his mere gaze had you hot all over. You were so fucked, flushing as he moved to pull your chair out for you and motioned for you to sit. Smoothing out your dress you did, thanking him under your breath as he pushed it forward.
A second later he was sitting across from you, a small smile on his lips as his eyes ran over you. After a moment of small talk, the waiter approached. Unsure just what to eat, considering what was going to happen after, you had glanced over at the model-worthy man across from you, both surprised and not when he ordered for you based on your preferences. Once the waiter was gone he turned to you, his smile a bit sheepish. “I hope you are alright with what I picked.”
You nodded, reaching for the glass of wine he offered. “Is that why you asked for my food preferences?”
“One of them. We discussed a lot over text earlier today after all, and I take pride in my job; I want to make sure you are taken care of properly during our time together, and that means eating food you’ll enjoy that still can be used for the purposes we intended. Speaking of- I’d like to know what items you bought from the list I sent you.”
You thought back to the conversation you had over text this morning, mentally going over each message until you could visualize the list. “I’ve never done this before so I just bought the basics I guess? Whipped cream, chocolate syrup, meltable chocolate that’s… safe, and a few things of fruit: mostly strawberries. I, uh, also bought some of the gelatin you recommended.”
He nodded, seeming pleased with your answer. “That’s more than enough, I might not use it all.”
Heat flooded your cheeks as you thought about just how he would be using those items, wondering where as well. It had you shifting in your chair and rubbing your thighs together. “I did everything else you asked as well. My home is clean, the fruits are clean, I showered, shaved, and pampered my skin. I’m-” You broke off, nibbling on your bottom lip and gripped your skirt, unable to finish the thought out loud. But from the way his gaze darkened he knew what you were going to say, what you were about to point out, heat pooling in your core.
“You follow directions well then, and the dress looks beautiful- I can hardly tell you’re lacking undergarments.” His smile turned coy, now holding out the small box to you. “Let’s change that. Finish your glass of wine and then go open this in the bathroom. You’ll know what to do.”
Swallowing hard, you took the box from him with a nod, struggling to find words, his straightforwardness throwing you off. “Y-yes.” Forgetting the first part of his order you stood up and hurried off to the restroom, even more self conscious of your lack of underwear now. When you glanced back at him, the cocky look on his features sent another wave of heat through you and you wondered if you would make it through dinner without soaking your dress in your own arousal.
How fucking hot would it be if you did?
Once in the bathroom you locked the door, opening the box after a few deep breaths but it just knocked the wind out of your lungs all over. A small pair of black underwear lay neatly folding in the box with a small handwritten note that said: Wear me. Feeling the fabric in between your fingers a groan escaped you- they were vibrating underwear.
“Fucking hell how am I going to make it through dinner?” Muttering to yourself you still followed directions, cleaning up the bit of slick between your legs before putting on the panties, noting the absence of the remote. He probably had it, and you wondered when he was going to use it.
Attempting to shake the thought off you washed your hands, taking your lipstick out of your small handbag and reapplying where you believed it had messed up. It was matte, unlikely to come off easily, but it had you paranoid still. It certainly helped for a moment, taking your mind off the fact that with every step you could feel the part of the underwear that rubbed against your clit, knowing it was going to vibrate at some point; the anticipation alone had your heart rate picking up.
Exiting the bathroom you debated on taking more time, but as soon as you saw him sitting at the table the thought was banished. His grin widened as he curled his fingers as if to say come here. You were about halfway to the table when it started, the briefest second sending a jolt up your body, tensing up your muscles and your eyes going wide. You thanked the heavens you didn’t make a sound, but you were frozen in place as you waited, expecting the vibration to start again.
It didn’t need to, not with the dark look Seonghwa was watching you with as you approached the table and took your seat. “You really do follow directions so well, such a good girl.”
The praise hit you hard, knowing that these panties, and your dress, would certainly be ruined before dinner was over. “Is this normal for you? Toying with your clients in public?”
He shrugged, sitting so elegantly in his seat and bringing the wine to his lips. “My usual sessions are a bit more vanilla than this, so I have to admit my excitement got ahead of me. It is part of what you asked for though, what we discussed. What was it you said exactly? Oh right-” His grin turned sensual, lighting your nerves on fire, “- you want to be wined and dined and teased before you’re eaten like a meal yourself. Isn’t that right?”
When he said it you couldn't help but get flustered, your fantasy seeming much more sinful. There were aspects to it that most certainly were, but none as sinful as this man.
Attempting to leash in your thoughts you cleared your throat, nodding and ignoring your heated cheeks. "Y-yes, that's the gist of it." You knew it was much more than that, parts of your fantasy, of what you went over, that went deeper than food.
"Then be a good girl for Mommy and I'll treat you right, Sugar."
You weren't sure what was the cause of the soft noise you let out; what he said, how he said it, the title and pet name, or the sudden harsh vibrations against your clit- but you had been so startled you couldn't fight it back.
He seemed pleased with himself, the vibrations stopping as he motioned for the wine you still hadn't finished. After what he just said, how could you refuse?
Only as you brought the wine to your lips, the vibrations shot through you, this time not stopping until the glass was empty. Panting and setting the glass down with shaking hands only to be met with praise for him.
That was the start of a vicious cycle throughout dinner. He would give an order subtly, whether by motioning to your wine, water, or food once that arrived. While you carried out the order, he would turn the panties on, stopping the moment you did- whether it was because you were finished or were getting too lost in the pleasure to continue the task- following up with praise.
Teasing you, edging you, and he was enjoying every second of it. Whenever the waiter or staff came to the table he would hit the remote and turn it up, bringing a finger to his lips to tell you to be quiet. It was no easy feat, especially when they had dropped the food off and taken their time leaving; you had almost come, only for him to tell you that you weren't allowed to do so in the restaurant.
A sinful Angel was a perfect way to describe him; his beauty overall ethereal, both masculine and feminine and only matched by the teasing nature and subtle tones of domination he let out through playful smirks, smoldering gazes, and subtle commands.
For a moment, you were sure you didn't pay nearly enough for this- for him. He was all yours for tonight, for this fantasy, which was priceless to you. You certainly weren't going to complain though, and he wasn't giving you a moment to do so, leaving you too wrapped up in his fingers without even touching you.
The entire dinner he hadn't touched you once, the only sign of his enjoyment was the heat in his eyes and the occasional lip bite you would catch out of the corner of your eye when he didn't think you were paying attention.
How could you focus on anything but him? Other than what he was doing to you?
The underwear was soaked by the time you were done clearing your plate, hoping there would be no dessert, in desperate need to leave the restaurant just so you could cum- just so he would touch you. But despite the look of disappointment on your features, dessert was ordered.
An ice cream and cake dish- lava cake with a scoop of vanilla bean on top with chocolate shavings and drizzle. The table was cleared and it was brought out, but Seonghwa was no longer sitting across from you.
He had allowed you to go to the restroom, only for you to return with both of your seats side by side facing the rest of the restaurant. A bit apprehensive you sat down when he pulled the chair out for you, eyes on the dessert as he pushed you forward. Unlike before he didn't pull away, instead leaning in until you could feel his breath on your neck. The softest touch of his lips shook you to your core even more than the vibration of the panties as he clicked them on.
"You're shaking, Sugar, does it feel that good?"
This close you could tell his voice was laced with arousal, the realization dashing away the words on your tongue so you nodded instead.
His lips moved up to your ear, kissing the shell. "Fuck I can't wait to get a taste of you, can't stop thinking about how sweet you're going to taste. You make the most delicious expressions already, I've almost broken the rules a few times- now included."
His confession threw you through a loop, the ground feeling as shaky as your underwear. He had been so calm and collected through dinner you would have never guessed he wanted you so much.
The realization that he did warmed your body in entirely different ways than before but you chalked his desire up to the fantasy, to the scenario, not specifically you. If you let yourself get that delusional you weren't sure your heart could make it out of this in one piece.
Odd thought that, developing a school girl crush on the sex worker you were paying to fulfill your deepest sexual and intimate desires- and over the course of one dinner.
So lost in your own thoughts you hadn't realized he was sitting down next to you now, not until his knee bumped into yours, drawing your attention. "Come on, Sugar, don't space out yet. Focus on me."
Still in a bit of a lustfilled- among other things- date you turned to him slowly, eyes on the dessert that sat in front of you both. Ice cream… you wondered how that would feel on your body.
The slight jerk of your chin didn't let you wonder at eye, your eyes meeting warm brown depths under furrowed brows. "Focus on me." He repeated in a more commanding tone.
"O-okay, I'm focused."
"Focused on?"
Confused by his prompt, and distraction by his thumb nudging your bottom lip, it took a moment for the light bulb to light up, your cheeks burning at the realization.
Batting your eyelashes you tried to act a little cute, looking up at him while tilting your chin down in submission. "F-focused on you, Mommy."
The sly smile that spread across his gorgeous lips had your breath lodging in your throat, not that your shamelessness hadn't already affected your breathing already. "That's my good girl. Now, part those pretty red lips for me and say ah."
Without questioning it you did, gaze unwavering from his as he brought a bite of the ice cream to your mouth, taking it slow. This was the foreplay, just as the rest of dinner had been, yet this felt far more intimate.
With each bite you opened your mouth and shut it when he said, swallowing when he said, not once taking your eyes off him despite how much his constant praises were flustering you. You forgot entirely where you were, hands on your lap just itching to reach out and touch him, to beg to be touched. You were practically number to everything but him and what he wanted you to do.
Halfway through the dessert he dropped his hand from your jaw and started up the vibratory again. You gasped around the bite in your mouth, your throbbing clit already so sensitive you didn't think you could take much more.
It seemed like he knew that, biting down on his lip he glanced down at your lap with the softest groan you would have missed it if you weren't so attuned to him. But neither of you acknowledged it just yet as he fed you yet another bite. And then another.
When he tried to give you the last bite you shook your head, whining and squirming in your seat glad the table kept your lower half out of view from the other people in the restaurant. "Mommy- I can't- please I'm gonna come- '' Breathless you pleaded, for either sweet release or for it to stop but you just couldn't keep your orgasm at bay any longer.
"I know baby, take this last bite and hold my hand, squeeze it while you make a mess of those panties." He held the bite out to your lips again and you eagerly took it. He set the spoon aside and held his hand out on your thigh palm up, not at all surprised with the tight grip you latched onto him with.
You couldn't even register the taste or texture of the cake, just grateful for it's presence to muffle the moan that reverberated up your throat when your climax hit. We were still gushing into the fabric when Seonghwa turned it off, leaning in and running his tongue along the corner of your lips.
Still shaking from aftershocks of your orgasm you could only stare as he pulled away just enough for you to see how long his tongue was as he licked his own lips, staring you down. "I bet you're a pretty fucking mess down there, Sugar. Can't wait to lick you clean."
Heated energy sizzles between the two of you two for a moment before, as if a trance was broken, Seonghwa was standing with your hand still in his. "I already paid and you did take an uber here correct?"
You nodded, holding onto his hand like a lifeline, legs still shaking. You didn't think anyone would be able to see the mess you made of the dress, but if you didn't get your fucked out expression off, people would certainly question. Clearing your throat, taking a deep breath, you forced a shaky smile. "Yes, and I messaged you my address earlier?"
"Already saved in the GPS. It's a short drive but there is enough time for a little more foreplay."
Brimming with anticipation, you managed to school your expression as the two of you left. You were surprised by the nice black sedan he led you to, the cozy leather seat he helped you into, but really you shouldnt be that surprised considering how much you paid him. The term 'sugar daddy' came to mind at first, quickly replaced by 'sugar momma'. Once more you fought the ever growing crush, warning yourself nothing good would come of this.
He certainly didn't help, not when his idea of foreplay was telling you just how to fuck yourself to make the biggest mess you could on his leather seats. He had you face him, legs spread but keeping the panties on. He controlled the vibrations but he had you steadily pushing two fingers into your sobbing cunt, pushing yourself to the edge but not once did he let you come, just make a mess.
He had barely touched you, hadn't even kissed you, and he's driven you to such a messy fucked out state that it was almost surreal. He's pulled out a side of you past lovers couldn't manage, which just had you melting I'm his figurative hands more.
"M-mommy, please- wanna cum." You whined out again, hips gyrating against the underwear and your fingers, watching him shamelessly. When you heard the click of the remote you let out a cry of desperation, fingers stopping knuckle deep in your pulsating cunt as he had instructed your fingers to stop anytime the underwear did.
"Soon, Sugar." He hissed through clenched teeth, both hands gripping the wheel, knuckles white, you were surprised he hadn't snapped the remote in half. "This is it yes?" He pulled up to your modest home in a somewhat upscale neighborhood.
You nodded, sitting up a bit straighter as you stared at your house, the usual sense of dread.of coming home to an empty home was replaced with anticipation for what would happen once the two of you walked inside. "This is it."
While he pulled into the driveway you moved your fingers a few times unable to help yourself, but the soft squelching sounds gave you away rather fast, your disobedience stopping with your name as a warning.
You attempted a sheepish smile when he turned the car off, only to be thrown off as your hand was ripped from your cunt and fingers brought to his lips. With bugging eyes you watched him suck and lick your juices off your appendages, your pussy clenching around nothing at the sight and even more juices gushing out of you.
The near primal groan that left him as his eyes rolled back just turned you on even more. "Holy fuck you taste so sweet, Sugar. Mommy's favorite fucking treat." It was the first time he fully lost his cool, showing off the ways he could use his long tongue and driving you crazy. There was enough heat in his gaze you felt like you were going to melt.
He dropped your hand when it was clean, leaning over the armrest as if he was about to clean up the mess between your legs- he stopped close enough you could feel his breath on your clothed, soaked core, leaving you frozen with anticipation.
"Not here- not yet." He muttered more to himself as he straightened up and cleared his throat. He got out of the car while you were still trying to process what was happening, somehow managing to sit right in your seat before your door was flung open. "Come on Sugar, let's head inside before I completely derail the night."
He stepped aside and helped you out, shutting the door a bit roughly behind you once you had your bag. With his hand on the small of your back he led you up to your door, keeping a respectable distance despite what had happened moments ago.
You were eager to get inside, fumbling with your keys until you were pushing the door open and kicking off your heels as you stumbled into the entrance. You heard the door shut behind you as you made your way through your house, turning on lights and heading for the kitchen.
Seonghwa was right behind you, the soft pad of his feet giving him away. You made it to the island counter before you were swung around by your wrist, lips crashing down on yours. He was gentle but also desperate, like he was devouring you with each stroke of his lips. His tongue prodded for entrance and you happily gave it, moaning as he explored your mouth.
His hands busied themselves with pulling you out of the dress and letting it fall to the floor. Pushing your panties down to your knees he picked you up and set you down on the counter. "Where are the-"
"In the fridge, front and center." You answered immediately, kicking the underwear off completely and leaving yourselves bare to him. "H-how does this work exactly?"
Seonghwa, on his way to your fridge, glanced over his shoulder with a raised brow. "It's really simple: I cover all the parts of you I want to devour with sweet treats to make you sweeter and then… then I devour you." He turned back to the fridge and found the items immediately, smiling at the small bowl of cut strawberries next to everything else you mentioned. He pulled out the whipped cream and strawberries, searching for the melted chocolate.
Trying your best not to gush at his words, in more ways than one, you watched him place the edible items on the island. "The melted chocolate is in that bowl there." You motioned to a covered tupperware, as the instructions had said to leave it at room temp.
Chuckling he brought that over as well, taking a moment to drink you in with his gaze. "Lay back and spread your legs."
Obliging immediately, you kept yourself propped on your elbows just so you could watch him. First he pulled his jacket off, setting it on the counter before undoing his shirt. He folded first the jacket and then the shirt, taking his time while keeping his eyes on you- more so your pussy on display.
His pants went last, also folded up and set neatly aside leaving him in just the name brand boxer briefs that suited him well and did nothing to hide the bulge, or wet spot from his precum. He adjusted himself before stepping over, looking at his options. "The first part of a good meal would be presentation. So excuse me a moment Sugar, while I dress you up." He hummed out, hands running up your body from your knees, over your sides, up to your breasts where he gave a gentle squeeze, no doubt debating on just how he would do that.
You just let him have his way, eyes fixated on his every movement as he started with the whipped cream. Along the curve of your neck and the dips in your clavicle, around each nippled, a trail down your stomach and over your inner thighs which were still sticky with your own slick- he decorated you nicely with the cream alone.
Pleased, he tapped your jaw in a silent command to open, spilling some of the whipped cream into your mouth in a small mound. "Hold that there."
Next was the strawberries which he strategically placed. One on top of the mound in your mouth and several framing your cunt like a crown, with three in between your breasts like a trail. The melted chocolate however he kept aside, instead hovering above you as his eyes followed the path he had laid out with food. "You know… I actually love strawberries." He stated, lips diving down to pick up one from between your breasts with his teeth.
He brought his tongue to your breast next, puckering the peak with his teeth in between skillful licks of the cream. The sight of him was enough to full your stomach with liquid arousal, but with how messy it felt and good? You wondered if he was going to make you come without even touching your cunt.
After what he's shown you so far- you had full faith that he could.
He took his time devouring you, switching between eating one of the strawberries or licking up a section of the cream, keeping his focus on your torso. When he ran his tongue up the length of your neck, picking up the trail of cream there, you moaned, muffled by the cream still waiting to be taken from your mouth.
He wasted no time, shoving his tongue between your lips and scooping the small treat out in one fell swoop before kissing you deep and messy, huskily whispering your name against your lips.
When you had decided to pay for this fantasy, this was not how you pictured things going: it was better.
They way he used his lips and tongue to scoop up the cream and fruit on your body had the desired effect on you, while his supposed need with each touch just intensified it. It was sexual but intimate in a way that was almost loving.
Worshiping you.
You were in a daze when he pulled his lips away, your chin and lips as a mess of drool and spit and cream. Yet he stared down at you as if you looked even more beautiful this way, his tongue dipping out to lick his own lips. You couldn't wait to have his tongue elsewhere.
So you begged, reaching up and cupping his cheek, panting. "I want to feel your mouth on my pussy Mommy- please? I've been good right?"
He groaned, peppering your lips with quick kisses as he pushed your legs open. "Since my Sugar asked so nicely-" He moved down your body, turning his head to kiss the inside of your knees, humming deep in his throat as he licked and nipped his way up your inner thighs, taking in the cream that had settled on your flesh. He was messy with it, and you were beginning to think he liked it messy.
You would gladly be a mess for him, any day, any time, any where.
You loved what he was doing to you, especially when he found out you liked him biting you. He marked up your thighs until no cream was left, leaving just one last dessert.
His face was so close, breath fanning over your soaked lips, leaving your clit throbbing, but he took his time to admire the view. "Such a pretty sweet treat, Sugar. Mommy's going to enjoy this meal."
He dove in without hesitation, taking a swipe of cream before lapping up your slick around your lips. He moaned at the taste of you,n fingers digging into your flesh as he ate you out like you truly were the best meal of his life.
Boy did he know how to use his tongue and lips, driving you crazy. He alternated between sucking on your clit and shoving his tongue between your lips while his nose rubbed just right.
He didn't speak, too engrossed in fucking you with his tongue to do so, but he made plenty of sounds that showed his enjoyment. The moan he let out when you came on his tongue was positively sinful but he didn't stop.
He didn't stop until you were coming again and harder- soaking his face and chin. He didn't stop until you had cried so much you were incoherent. Only then did he start kissing his way up your trembling body. "That's it Sugar, making such a pretty mess for Mommy. Going to ruin you on my cock before I have one last fucking taste of you." He stopped to suck each of your nipples into a hard peak, biting on the areola.
"Mommy-" you gasped out as he pulled you roughly to the edge. Capturing your lips in a hungry kiss. "Please-!"
"Fuck Sugar, keep begging for me." He pushed his underwear down, his cock flopping against your cunt with a soft slap that had you whimpering. "My cock is just as hungry for this delicious pussy as I am- and I'm not stopping until it's had its fill."
"Oh fuck yes please Mommy. Want your cock so bad." You could feel his shaft rubbing between your pussy lips, soaking himself with your cum, your eagerness growing each time his cockhead hit your clit.
He seemed just as eager, biting down on his lip while he reached for the forgotten melted chocolate. Barely registering it in your lust filled daze, you were caught by surprise as he drizzled the chocolate over you: your chest, tits, and stomach then back up your throat to your lips. You help your tongue out for it, letting the little bit left drip down into your mouth despite still feeling full from dinner.
Purposely letting some slip out of your mouth you were rewarded by Seonghwa's guttural groan. "God damn- I don't even have to tell you. So fucking eager to be a mess for Mommy." Setting the bowl down, his eyes didn't move from your face as he pushed himself inside slowly.
With a strawberry he reached up and swiped your mixture of drool and chocolate off your lips then fed it to you. The second strawberry he fed you with his own lips, locking them in a kiss as his cock bottomed out inside. This kiss was slow and easy, savoring every taste and swipe of your lips without the desperation to devour you like before. He gave you both time to adjust, body flush against yours from hips to lips.
The sight of chocolate smeared on his chest when he stood up was almost as delicious as the first thrust of his cock. He was big, not monstrous, but you could feel him poking at your stomach. Pussy and stomach full, you bad to admit your heart felt full as well.
"Gorgeous. So damned gorgeous like this. You like it when Mommy takes care of you? Feeds you and pampers you? Then eat you?"
"Yes yes yes-"
"I do too Sugar. You take very good care of Mommy like this- the best fucking thing I've tasted. You like my cock too?" He accentuated the question with a harsh thrust, his hands moving over your body to rub the chocolate in.
You couldn't deny he was as into this as much as you were- that he loved this as much as you did- not with the way he looked at you or the raw emotion in his words. "L-love Mommy's cock. So good!"
Your arms hadn't been able to hold you up for some time now but with each thrust you had to grip the edge of the counter above you to hold on. It took everything in you to keep watching him; the twists of his expressions, the heat from his gaze making you feel as if this chocolate was freshly melted and hot against your skin- you wanted to see it all.
"And Mommy loves your sweet cunt. On my tongue, on my cock, on any part of me I want it."
There were only a few strawberries left but he used them to swipe up chocolate off of your neck and touch them to your lips, groaning each time you obediently ate the sweet treat. When he ran out of those, he used his tongue to clean off as much of it as he could, biting down on softer flesh as his thrusts became harsher and more erratic.
It was the way he sucked on your throat while his cock brushed against your sweet spot that had you creaming on his cock and crying out. His hips stuttered before he went harsher, purposely hitting the same spot with encouraging mutters to come undone again.
Scooping up some of the chocolate on two fingers he pushed them between your lips, holding them there and pressing your tongue down while he captured your gaze with his. Your head was buzzing still with orgasmic bliss, but you swore the way he looked at you was the exact way you always wanted someone to look at you for this.
Either he was a really good actor, or he found the mess you were so endearing you wouldn't be surprised if there were hearts in his eyes. You probably had some in yours, staring up at him as his praises stumbled into one another under your muffled moans. "That's it. Such a pretty fucking mess. The sweetest Sugar- so addicting- holy fuck I'm going to fill you up, make you an even sweeter cream pie. Fill you up with babies and breed you like a bakery oven. Fatten you up and devour you over and over- Fucking hell I'll be your God damn Mommy then, Sugar."
Breeding kink wasn't on your list but God damn when he said things like that to you- your head went blank and filled with so much cotton you saw white as he brought you to another core shattering climax that had you shaking and drooling.
He was too, burying his cock deep and filling you up as he promised, drool slipping down his chin and tongue out.
Time flowed both quickly and too slow then, the ringing in your ears left you feeling detached from your mind while your numb limbs left you feeling detached from your body. You barely registered when he pulled out of you, staring blankly up at his features when he sat you up in his arms and peppered your face with sweet, adoring kisses.
"You did so well."
Your only reply was a satisfied sound, head falling forward to rest on his shoulder as he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You were aware he was still inside you as he walked, only realizing where the moment you were sat down on your bathroom counter. "M-mommy?"
"Shhh, baby, I'm right here." Cupping your head he brought his face close for you to focus. "We're going to take a shower now alright? Mommy will wash you up and get you ready for bed. Do you think you can stand?"
You nodded, blushing at the obvious concern on his pretty face. "Yeah- I can."
He still helped you into the shower, standing in the way of the water as it warmed up before he guided you under the warm stream and was true to his word: he washed you up. Even got on his knee and had you lift your legs so he could wash every inch, including between your toes.
He was so focused and careful with your sensitive bits you felt your heart squeeze. "I'm sorry to ask but- what are your sexual preferences and kinks? Can you tell me that?"
He looked up at you, hand stilling on your thigh where he had been admiring a bite mark. "We usually don't discuss-"
"I want to know. I-I need to know." You interrupted him, suddenly filled with a desperation you believed was from nowhere. "Your honest answer… please."
Slowly he stood, brows pushed together as he eyed you critically. "Sugar…" With a sigh of resignation he tucked your hair behind your ears, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Go use the restroom and head to your room- I'm going to wash up and then I'll join you." Clearly about to protest, he rushed on- "I'll answer your questions then, but first I know you probably need to use the toilet so go first."
He wasn't wrong, but you reluctantly left the shower, letting him wrap you on a towel before you left him.
Only a few moments later, once you did as he said, did he join you in your room, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist and a smile that almost felt too bright. "You really listen so well."
You just nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed in the towel, eyes locked on his frame as he stepped closer. "Will you tell me now?"
"Of course." He busied himself immediately with drying your hair with the extra towel he brought, standing just before you. "My personal preferences were in play a lot tonight. I enjoy taking care of my partner, in all the ways I've taken care of you tonight and more. Food play isn't something that I'd want to do all the time, but I enjoyed it far more than I have before."
He dropped the towel around your shoulders, tilting your head back to look at him. "You wanted to make sure I really wanted you, right? That I enjoyed every bit of this, just as much as you did? Am I right?"
There had been a few times you had been positively sure he had, but he was right: you needed confirmation. "That's right."
"Hmmm-" He softened, bringing you to your feet so he could dry off the rest of your body. "First answer me something- why was this so important to you? This fantasy?"
Now that was a loaded question, one that would take far too long to answer and reveal far too many personal things that he didn't need to know.
Even if a part of you wanted him to know everything.
"Let's just talk it up to Mommy issues and a bad streak with relationships left me desperate to feel loved… is that good enough of an answer?"
He nodded, his frown deepening. "Yes. And to answer yours… I did. I wanted you every second tonight and enjoyed it all. It almost feels like a crime that you paid for this."
You weren't sure how to respond to that, not when your heart felt like it had started a marathon, so you just watched him meticulously dry off every inch of you.
You didn't know how to tell him that those words took care of a part of you that felt impossible to reach. You weren't sure you wanted to tell him. What would he think of you? As you two had been strangers before tonight.
So you kept quiet, watching as he scoured your room for pajamas before bringing over a cute pair back to you. The smile was back on his face as he dressed you, no commands needed as you just did what he wanted without a thought. It was easy following his lead, you didn't even need to hear the commands.
"Such a good girl for me, Sugar, but now it's time for bed." He picked you up with ease, carrying you around and laying you down before you could protest. "Do you want some water or something? Do you need anything for indigestion or pain?" He looked you over before pulling the blanket tight over you, but his jaw dropped when he looked at your face again. "Sugar? Why do you look so hurt?"
"Stay." You blurted out, fighting off tears as you reached out to grab his wrists. "Just for tonight, you don't have to be here in the morning… just please Seonghwa- I don't want to be alone after this."
He melted under your pleas, bringing your hand to his lips. "Of course Sugar, I'll take care of you any way you need tonight."
Despite knowing it was just for tonight, just as he said, relief flooded you. Your hand went lax in his grip as you relaxed into the pillows, nodded.
He didn't join you right away, instead leaving to fetch his clothes first. When he came back his underwear was back on but he set his folded suit on your corner chair, then thankfully slid into bed opposite you.
Hesitant at first, you watched him, only to squirm into his arms when he motioned you into them. He held you close, pressing kisses to your forehead and temple until you were putty in his arms.
Sleep didn't elude you for long, what a godsend a warm embrace could do for the tired soul.
"If I'm lucky enough to have you again, I hope I can prove to you how lovable you are, Sugar. In fact I might be a little desperate to do so."
You almost mistook his words for a dream in your half-asleep state, but the soft way he whispered your name against your brow and his warm hold were proof it wasn't.
You truly felt loved as sleep pulled you under.
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If you want to join the taglist, comment or ask <3 thank you!
Current taglist: Red means I couldn't tag @justhere4kpop   /  @warpedspirit /  @candypop1611   /  @spooo00oky @sanniessnails  / @gugggu6gvai / @starillusion13 / @tunaasan / @lavishloving / @h-nji / @tearfulsparks78 / @minkysmilk / @certifiedmoa / /
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starlitmark · 1 year
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Summary: Ten isn’t like anyone you’ve ever been with, and he likes that knowledge. Pairing: Ten x fem!reader Tropes: hookup au(?) Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Warnings: club setting, Ten in a skirt, language Smut Warnings: unprotected sex, bathroom sex Word Count: 516 Note: for the Tarot Card Drabble event Requested by: @sun-kore​
The Hanged Man ➾ different, distinctive, unforgettable sex
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You’ve never seen someone so masculine yet feminine at the same time. Something about the individual sharing glances across the dimly lit club makes you curious. They come sauntering over to you. The black pleated skirt paired with the oversized, half-tucked white button-up makes you even more intrigued by them. They have messy bedhead-styled hair. It falls into their eyes slightly, not enough to obstruct their vision but enough to be mysterious.
“Never seen a hot guy in a skirt before?” they say.
“No one quite as hot as you.” you flirt back, “So, you identify as male?”
“Why do you ask, sweetheart?”
“Just don’t want to misgender anyone.” you clarify, “I couldn’t care what you identify as. I just know I wanna fuck you.”
“Well, sweetheart,” he chuckles, stepping a bit closer to you, “how do you feel about getting railed by a hot guy in a skirt?”
“Show me the way.”
Before you know it, you’re pinned against the wall of a less-than-clean stall in the bathroom. One of his hands plays with your chest while the other hikes your leg up around his hip. The flowy edge of his skirt makes goosebumps rise on your skin each time it flutters over your leg. You’re both lost in the heady kiss. Neither of you cares about people who come or go from the public restroom. After all, you’re behind the closed door of the stall. No one will know who you are.
His hand wanders lower. He shifts his hips back slightly to allow his fingers to toy with your heat. A shiver runs up your spine feeling his fingertips pressed against your needy hole. He chuckles and smirks against your lips.
“You’re soaked, sweetheart. You think you’re ready for me?”
“Please,” you sigh erotically.
He tugs your panties to the side and releases himself from his briefs below his skirt. You feel the blunt tip of his cock press against your bare core. A small broken moan escapes your lips as he slowly presses himself into you. He sighs quietly at how tight you are around him.
He was absolutely right about one thing. He’s absolutely railing you. You think you may see god at this point. Through your garbled thought process, you think he may actually be god somehow. Your eyes roll back in your head as he continues to fuck you roughly. His face is buried in your neck as he chases after his own high, unbothered by how loud you’re moaning. Before you know it, you’re bursting at the seams, and your orgasm overtakes your entire body. Your thighs shake and grip tighter around his hips. Your walls convulse around him. He lets out low groans and moans into your shoulder before his own orgasm comes to a head, and he releases inside you.
“If you ever want another railing by a boy in a pretty skirt, call me.”
“Wha- how?” you ask, catching your breath still.
“I’ll give you my number, duh?” he responds as if it’s a given.
“How about your name too?”
“Ten,” he smirks, “Ten Lee.”
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COPYRIGHT FLOWERBOYKUN 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted.
Networks: @neohub​ @kwritersworld​ @k-vanity​
Tag List: @jaehunnyy​ @ericssmile​ @anyamaris​
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
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Jetsams are sharks, and are meant to be kind of a counterpart/natural predator to the dolphin-like Flotsam; to the point where the two looked near-identical. Nowadays there are more differences, with the Jetsam sporting two fins, sharp teeth, slightly different markings, and an upright posture. Personally, I like to think of these two as a case of mimicry, with the Jetsam having evolved to trick Flotsam from a distance.
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Visually, the Jetsam has a nice tough look to it that gives it a lot of personality, and the way it sits upright plus the two fins gives it a bit more uniqueness so it isn't just a normal shark. My only issue with it is that the gray underbelly is a bit too dark and low-contrast. Gray as the accent color is fine; it just needed to be a lighter tint.
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The Jetsam benefited quite a bit from customization, as its old art was starting to get very dated and needed a redraw anyway. The new Jetsam looks a little less tough, but the smile is nice as it shows off their teeth, and it gives them a fun kind of mischievous look. The overall look didn't change much, but the head has been changed significantly to have a much better, less wonky shape to it, and the markings now stop above the mouth instead of near the eyebrow. The shape of the hind fins have also been improved, and they're one of the only pets who can make the customization fists look good.
Favorite Colours:
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Maraquan: How do you make an underwater version of something that already lives in the water? Make it into a deep-sea fish, obviously! The overall design is easily recognizable as a Jetsam, but its been given a horizontal posture with bioluminescence and an angler fish light/teeth. The palette is great, using neutral browns and greys for the body and bright neon blues for the accent color. My only nitpick with it is that the teeth feel a bit busy and don't quite make sense if you look at them too long, but overall, this is a great design.
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Pastel: The pastel Jetsam is just plain pretty, using a soft pink and turquoise palette. What really makes it work is that instead of using flat colors, it employs subtle gradients so the turquoise becomes blue in areas and the pink gets some subtle highlights. On top of that, it's also given a sunlight-under-water ripple texture, with a few small speckles on areas like the eyebrows and tail. A lot of effort went into this design compared to your standard pastel pet, and it really paid off.
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Toy: Alright yeah, this one's just fun. The pool floatie idea is a great concept that works perfectly for the colour, and the execution is also really solid, including lots of raised plastic ridges, seams, and plenty of highlights to give it that plastic look.
My only issue with it is that weird handle on the side of the head. I guess some shark toys have these, but I've never seen one personally and it honestly just looks distracting and kind of out of place. Also, I do wish it was semi-transparent (think like the good Jelly-coloured pets), but that's not a big deal. Still a really good colour regardless.
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BONUS: The robot Jetsam has a mostly red and white palette with a few black accents, and it works really well for this pet. I love the visor, and the patterning on the fins is really neat. Both versions are fine; the UC/styled version looks a bit more robotic, but the customized version reads a bit better overall.
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bonbonshideout · 4 months
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Omori headcanons & playlists
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♤ He got his therapy
♡ He's a bit on the mute side but is much more expressive. Normally, he writes things down to communicate with his friends.
◇ He confessed to Aubrey but also felt he wasn't emotionally prepared for a relationship. He mostly just wanted to get his feelings out there.
♧ He's the observation type. He can notice the smallest of change in someone's character.
♤ He avoids watermelons.
♡ He still sees Mari. Though not in a negative fashion, usually she appears when he's struggling with something, maybe developed a new fear, and she's there to guide him through overcoming it.
◇ His style is usually very bland, normally consisting of black & white and some purple; Aubrey and Kel took him shopping (mainly Aubrey, Kel just tagged along) and bought him more stylish clothing in black & white, while shopping he would wander off and found some things he figured Mari would like, he'd buy them and have them with him (i.e. Keychain, sweater, pen, accessories, etc.)
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♤ Hispanic, probably Guatemalan
♡ He dyed his hair orange. It's a 50/50 type; he wears some of his hair into a ponytail, like a half up half down type look.
◇ His life mission is to annoy the living daylights out of Aubrey.
♧ Kel wanted to adopt Sunny into his family.
Kel goes and visits Sunny
Sunny made the mistake to leave his home
Kel drags Sunny to his house and runs to his mom: "MAMA! Sunny is out! can we keep him!?"
Kel's mom: "ay mijo, that's not—"
Kel: "Please, Mama! I'll clean my room for a week!"
Kel's mom: "I- you should be cleaning your room regardless!"
Kel groans: "Ay mama...."
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♤ Though she dyed her hair canonically, it's grown out, and she's had to cut it, so it's a 50/50, she's been wanting to dye it again but she keeps putting it off as well.
╰ Berly convinced her to shave half her head, Aubrey actually grew to like it and now does it herself if it starts to grow back.
♡ When Sunny confessed to her, she was a bit conflicted, though she still likes him she too didn't think she was really ready for a relationship.
◇ She's headspace Aubrey when it comes to Kel. Don't get her wrong. She loves Kel (platonically), but he can annoy her most of the time. She's sarcastic when it comes to talking to him.
♧ She's a tough one, but she still has a soft side. She's weak when it comes to plush toys, bows, and frills. She doesn't like to admit it when around everyone, especially Kel.
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♤ Hispanic, probably Guatemalan
♡ He wears glasses! GLASSES! they're not anything special. They're simple glasses, but he's had them since high school.
◇ He and Kel come from a safe home. However, he has picked up a fatherly like personality. He sees Sunny as another little brother and does his best to be there for him no matter what.
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♤ Basil is a teal as it is in headspace.
╰ He didn't do a full dye or halfway, his are more-or-less the tips of his hair.
♡ He works at a flower shop and does photography on the side, he gets some pretty good money for both.
◇ He may not look it, but he likes making things, beginner science related projects that he finds online, his favorite? A flower that he likes the most, a petal that represents each of his friends.
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♤ she watches over everyone & visits them in their dreams.
♡ She appears to each of them in the corner of their eyes whenever they are struggling.
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♤ They all wear something purple; a necklace, flower, earning, bracelet, etc. Mari's favorite color was purple, so in her memory, they have some purple accessory, if not a piece of clothing.
♡ They go to their hangout spot and have picnics. Basil usually takes pictures, putting them in their photo album.
◇ Aubrey made bracelets for everyone, including everyone's colors.
• orange - Kel
• teal - Basil
• white - Sunny
• blue - Hero
• purple - Mari
• pink - Aubrey
♧ They tell stories of when they were younger, usually to reminisce on their happier moments as well as keep the memory of Mari alive.
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Tagging: @slashingdisneypasta
Nobody asked, I just felt like posting this.
WFRR Characters as humans
Please note, I am not great at physical descriptions. This would be so much easier if I could draw xD I'm trying to be as descriptive as I can without dragging on too long. I hope I'm successful.
Roger Rogers (Roger Rabbit)
Yes, he has and will joke about his last name. He stands at about 5'1, and was born 1921 (26 years old in the events of the film), and is a lanky man with the flexibility of a wacky inflatable tube man. Roger still sticks to more loose, casual clothes similar to his toon counterpart. His nose is round and a little red, looking almost like a button ^^ though he is white (not overly pale. Might even have a slight tan. I'm not too sure). And yes, he still has his buck tooth, along with a head of fluffy orange hair. And I'm giving him freckles.
Jessica Rogers (Jessica Rabbit)
Honestly, Jessica looks pretty much the same as her toon self. With more realistic proportions, of course. She is 6'1 and was born in 1917 (30 years old). And above all, she still adores her short king, and feels loved by him everyday ^^
(I feel bad for not giving Jessica so much of a description, but she's the only adult humanoid looking toon, and I can't imagine her looking any other way as a human)
Herman 'Babyface' Douglas (Baby Herman)
A short, pudgy man. His exact height is 4'11, and was born 1897 (50 years old). Though he'll claim he's younger than he is. His skin care routine does help him look younger though, hence his nickname (don't expect him to tell you his secrets though), and how he can get roles usually reserved for younger actors. His hair is a bright strawberry blonde, but thinning, so he tries to style it in ways that make it look fuller. His eyes are still a bright blue. Herman prefers dressing in more expensive suits and coats (bro literally had a thick fur coat in one short), to show off his wealth and trying to make himself look better than everyone else.
Benjamin 'Benny' Brown (Benny the Cab)
(His initials are BBB like the now bankrupt store-)
I actually imagine Benny as an African American. He is 5'10 and was born in 1891 (56 years old. He said he was a cab for 37 years in the film, so that would mean he would've started, at most, when he was 19 in the human AU). He has short, kind of choppy black hair and dark brown eyes. He also has a scruffy goatee. Benny possesses a more muscular build, though it's mostly hidden by his jacket, so he just looks like a generally big guy (yes, he does perform his own maintenance on his car).
Anderson 'Andy' Winston (Smartass Weasel)
(If this guy was in the modern era, he'd get so sick of all the Toy Story jokes)
Standing at exactly 5'0, this New Yorker was born in 1912 (35 in the events of the film). He has a skinny frame, though broad shoulders, and is fairly strong for his size (he literally punched Eddie so hard he twisted around and doubled over the bar counter. Smarty has to have some strength, right??). He has olive skin, chestnut brown eyes, and actually has a bit of red in his hair. It's not too noticeable unless you're really looking, so he's not a red head like Jessica is. Also has a tooth gap! He cant grow facial hair though, even though he wants to (he wants a nice mustache. But can't grow one)
Miguel Rodriguez (Greasy Weasel)
His height is 5'9, and he was born 1909 (38 years old). He's got skinny arms and hands, which only makes his wandering hands feel just a bit more creepy on your skin (look at his hand/arm when he rolls his sleeve up! Not to mention how his sleeves hang off of him. Somebody put meat on those arms), though he's got a more curvy body with a bit of a belly too. I also imagine he's got a darker skin tone, and can grow scruffy facial hair if he forgets to shave. And he applies hair oil partially because his black hair is actually really curly (the tips curl up despite the hair oil? That's got to be some serious curl strength there). His eyes are a really dark brown, almost black, but in the light you can see the color.
Francis Green (Wheezy Weasel)
Yes, his last name is meant to be ironic. His height is 6'2, and he was born right at 1900 (47 years old). Kind of skinny, but you can see the sinewy muscle as well, hinting to his own strength. He looks pretty sickly, and has blemishes all over his body (he was a picker before becoming a smoker). His eyes are a slate blue, and he has ash blonde hair. Unlike Greasy, he rarely shaves, so he's got a rough, scratchy beard too, and yellow teeth from his smoking habit. I also see him having a more crooked nose shape.
(Honestly just imagine Bill Moseley and you'd get what I imagine human Wheezy would look like).
Charlie Renfield (Psycho Weasel)
(his last name may or may not be a reference to a certain Dracula character)
Psycho here is 5'3, and was born 1919 (28 years old). He has a skinny, angular build. No curves to be seen. Similar to Wheezy, he's got a sickly pale skin tone, and has scars and blemishes along his body from being careless and actively picking and scratching at himself. His most prominent scars are two on the corners of his lips from the times he's carried his razor in his mouth (he actually did do that in the movie. He's so lucky he's a toon). He's got a big head of fluffy, dark brown hair. Not curly necessarily, just... Poof. Also, he has split heterochromia; his right eye is blue, and his left eye is yellow (I know partial heterochromia would be more accurate to his swirly eyes, but I like the complete split more).
Thomas 'Tommy' Winston (Stupid Weasel)
This big lug is 6'4, and was born 1922 (25 years old). He is pretty chubby and has a round face, though don't let the plushness deceive you; that isn't just fat that makes him huge. He's got pretty big hands, especially (even as a weasel, he had huge hands! You guys saw his hand when he flipped the switch to the DIP machine too, right?). He also has olive skin, though it's more tanned as well, and he has freckles ^^ also has a deeper red hair color than Andy does, and it is more wavy than his too. I'm debating on whether or not he'd have brown or green eyes (everyone else has brown, blue, or yellow eyes. Green would complete the set). His buck tooth is still here, though smaller because human teeth.
Bonus! Sophie O'Brian (Poppy O'Hare)
(Yes, my OC. Technically I already made a post for Poppy, but I didn't really like how I wrote it. So this is take two. Hopefully I feel better with this one 😅)
Pops is the shortest of all, standing at 4'10. And was born 1920 (27 years old). She has pale, porcelain skin- though has developed some worry lines along her eyes- and big, bright brown eyes. I'm still having trouble deciding whether or not she has glasses, even for her toon self. But for her human self, I'm gonna say she only needs glasses when reading; any other time, you won't see her with a pair. She has a thinner, but still feminine build that she prefers to keep hidden under her clothes. Her hair is wavy and black, and reaches just under her chin.
(Hm... Honestly, when thinking of actors for human Poppy to look like, I keep thinking of Anya Taylor Joy. I'm not too sure about it though).
I hope you guys liked reading this ^^
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joyjoy-ahoy · 1 year
Did you recently make the demon design for Celeste, or had you made it some time ago? Did you make a demon version of Caramael to match? :o
Also, I love seeing your OCs & art! It makes me feel nice and comfy :> I'm always in awe of your cute and creative designs & style!
Omg I'm so sorry if this reponse is late, tumblr never notifies me T__T
Oh you'd be surprised to know that demon!Céleste was designed way before I even made a post about her! There's a bit of story behind her conception:
I think it was around 1-2 years ago? That me and my friend poppy (@poplyy_ on twitter!! :D) were toying around with AUs regarding our own characters and loved to mess with swap AUs in particular.
For context, both of us had angel characters completely unrelated to one another, but we still liked to imagine them in different scenarios and what their designs would be like in these alternative universes. Naturally, when it comes to having angel characters, you of course would want to imagine what they would look like as demons, right? I initially thought of demon!Céleste to be all black and fuzzy, like her friend Picco, but never had gone as far to have drawn it.
Poppy drew her own version of demon!Céleste for fun, and I immediately disregarded my initial design idea for hers, because I loved the concept of a red imp so much:
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It was from there that I wanted to draw demon!Céleste as an adult, using adult Céleste's base design and basing it off of Poppy's doodle:
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Which answers your question, that Caramael was indeed also given a demon design to match with Céleste haha! Immediately after drawing Céleste, I turned to her champion, as I thought demon knights would be really cool as a concept.
They both later got updates in their AU designs though, I had to give demon!Céleste hair because my friends kept making fun of the fact that she looked a little bald compared to her angel design where her wings made her look fluffy LMAO
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Demon!Caramael was also made black+white as opposed to black+red so that he could contrast with demon!Céleste better :]
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It was from that point where I just self indulged in my own characters and continued playing with these AUs, thinking about their potential and what different interpetations can be done with them :]
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barclaysangel · 4 months
Guardian Doll (part 1)
So no one commented on that post I made regarding if I should post this or not...but I did it anyway. I decided to post it just to see if there are people who would be interested on this story and want me to continue. I am already writing a second part, I'm still working on where the plot will go, but y'all are free to join me on this journey.
So please comment if you like this and/or want me to continue writing/posting this story! Comments really do help fuel my motivation so maybe I will write it but if enough want to see it, I will post it as well.
Anyway, thank you and enjoy :)
Word count: 624
Tags: @vi0lentg0d @streets-in-paradise (if you want to be tagged for future chapters, lemme know!)
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Cecilia was exhausted. 
Physically, emotionally, you name it. Seventh grade was hell and school just drained the life out of her, sucked her soul dry, and she still had to walk home. 
At least she would be alone on her walk. Where she didn’t need to deal with her classmates purposefully bumping into her, laughing at her. It would be a nice break from her parents being up her ass about her homework and being their own and only “perfect” child. 
Yeah, a break from all of that would be nice. 
Take what you want, take what you can, take what you please, don’t give a damn. 
The song played in Cecilia’s headphones, humming the lyrics under her breath as she strolled through the cemetery. It was a shortcut, a bit of a faster yet much more peaceful way to get home. She enjoyed the sense of serenity, the trees looming over her head and gentle breeze of wind surrounding her. 
But just then, something odd caught her attention. 
Ask for forgiveness, never permission. 
There was a doll sitting on the grass, alone. It wasn’t by a particular gravesite, it just sat there in the middle of the small field. 
Cecilia moved closer, crouching down in front of the doll and tilted her head to the side. It was a rather tall doll, probably would’ve been up to her knee had it been standing. It had blonde hair with black roots, wearing a white dress and black leather jacket with black heeled boots, painted black lips and dark eyeliner around its piercing green eyes. 
Overall, it was a fascinating style for a doll and something that Cecilia herself wouldn’t mind trying out sometime. 
Yeah, as if. Her parents would kill her if she walked around dressed like a doll. 
“How long have you been here, pretty girl?” Cecilia wondered out loud. It must have been some time, there were leaves on the doll’s dress, which she silently plucked away. After a moment of staring, she picked the doll up, smoothing back the soft blonde hair that almost felt real, and stood up. 
Take what you want, take what you can, take what you please, don’t give a damn. 
Cecilia walked further into the field near where she found the doll, wondering if this was a child’s toy that had been forgotten or it was placed on the grave of a deceased child and somehow been misplaced or moved. But judging by the names and birth and death date, there were no children tombstones. For some reason, only one tombstone that was closest to where she found the doll caught her attention but it belonged to an adult man. 
Charles Lee Ray. 
Well, whoever that was, Cecilia was sure that he wouldn’t have a doll by his grave, especially if he had been dead for about thirty years. 
To her, it seemed like the doll had no home. 
This was a very nice doll. If Cecilia sold her, she could probably get a lot of money for it. 
“How would you feel if I took you home, hm? I’ll make sure you’re nice and comfy.” She spoke to the doll with a little smile. 
Then, the sun shone and Cecilia noticed a gold necklace on the doll with a word written on it. 
“Tiff…” she read out loud, smiling more, “is that your name? Tiff?” 
Of course, the doll didn’t respond but she felt like she knew the answer. 
Finally, Cecilia readjusted her grip on the doll, Tiff, and she started walking home. She always liked dolls and it would be nice to finally get a new one after years. 
Besides, what could go wrong?
It’s in the blood and this is tradition.
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mantisgodsart · 1 year
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With the @bug-oc tournament still ongoing, Round 2 drawing to an end in favour of Round 3, another handful of bugs are knocked out of the competition, who will of course arrive home safe and...
Well, differently-shaped. Marigold's been busy! An unusually fast round, here, we got a decent burst of inspiration while procrastinating on packing chatting with some friends and - what? Other contestants? What other contestants? You must be mistaken, of course there were only seven bugs lost this round. It's not like we would lie about that, right? Clearly, if anyone else was transmuted, you'd see them right here. With the rest of Marigold's successful experiments. It's not like we've got any more to do... right?
(Names and owners of transmuted OCs below the cut, in order of pictures here - no group picture for this one, sadly, since we still have more to do here. Hopefully, we pass Round 3 - we really want to draw some transmutations for the other bugs in this round, and the narrowed competition means we can bring out some of the fancier paper we'e got rattling around! Vote for Marigold so we can do more of these - and, of course, for her many natural good qualities.)
First up is Fahris from @tetraterantula, as a Kingsmould! Though tampering with Void isn't precisely advisable, and going from a normal bug to an artificial one is jarring at the best of times, he at least has hands - better than most of this batch can say! This one was fun to do, and we tinkered with a lot of things - the side effects being, of course, that we're tinkering with things we don't already know how to do well. We did make some mistakes here - we are not, admittedly, an expert in humanoids, and long straight lines are the absolute bane of us, but we did our best!
The dark gray used here is starting to fray, which we can unfortunately do little about, as we're out of replacement nibs for our pens at the moment, but which might have caused some interesting texture. We defined the boundary between the lighter cape and the darker one with a white gel pen because our black and dark gray proved to be a bit too close in color to tell at a glance - the pains of traditional art, we suppose. Still turned out fairly well! We wonder if the color palette would interfere with his ability to stroll into the White Palace...
Next up is Cici from @mimicspider, as a Giraffe Weevil. Probably not doing anything for her clumsiness, and definitely not doing anything for her number of hands - the neck is a lot to get used to, even without getting into the whole set of bauplan changes going on here. At least she's probably faster like this? Once she gets used to the legs, at least.
Though we've technically already made her into a Lightseed, double transmutation is fair play... probably? Lightseed Cici was less than a centimeter of our paper, so obviously we had to do something bigger. We modelled this one in particular after the Grimm Troupe steeds - the clown theme fits, and we wanted to toy with the... cloak-looking bits? The polka-dots were a fun challenge, and we definitely think the abdomen came out well. One of the more successful transmutations here, we'd say!
Next are Willow and Lily from @razs-archetype, with Willow as a Moss Knight and Lily as a Belfly. Y'know when you take just a few seconds to yourself, take just a quick nap, and next thing you know you've woken up and the moss has grown over you and your hands have been turned to strange talons reminiscent of a god's dream? Yeah, happened to us too. Awful time. At least their partner's here to- ah, shit. At least this one comes with flight? Probably a damn hard sell of a consolation prize, but...
Not as much to say with the choices here - the Moss Knight felt like a natural choice, and the Belfly just... clicked? We had fun with Willow's moss - the highlights here actually use the same white gel pen as was used with Fahris, since it's got a nice semitransparent thing that we particularly like. We think the style conversion for Lily's face worked out particularly nicely, here. The piece as a whole turned out as one of the best of the batch, as far as we're concerned. Was nice to draw them!
Next, of course, are Drya and Tel from @enbeemerang, with Drya as a Tiktik and Tel as a Nosk - we predict strange waters ahead for them, relationship-wise. Two bugs, and not a single pair of opposable thumbs. The economy is clearly in shambles. At least they've still got each other?
Tel here specifically is actually inspired by a fic that Cog himself wrote - would it surprise you to know that we know them outside of this tournament? They've actually been handed over to us for transformation practice once before, in a sequence that we... might post as propaganda, later. Drya, we deliberated on a few options before settling on a Tiktik - it just seems to fit!
Last but not least, Sehra from @shiningnightstars as a Hive Soldier. It's probably better than it could be, here - at least bees are a bit familiar to Bugaria! This particular variant, admittedly, might not be. Again with the hands, and this time with the looking like an unawakened bee - it might mean a bit of trouble for her, but we're sure she can power through.
The wings here were particularly fun to do - again, we're doing blending tricks here, and we think that the purples turned out particularly well! Sehra's palette is quite pretty, and the gel pen on the eyes wound up looking amazing. Though "soldier" probably doesn't fit too much for what Sehra... is, it felt like the closest to her as far as aesthetics go. The Hive Guardian is a bit too big for a moth like her, the Hiveling feels a bit too far in the other direction, and the Hive Knight... we're actually avoiding bosses and more sapient-looking folk here when possible. Hopefully, it's to your liking!
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