brattylikestoeat · 1 month
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queruloustea · 4 months
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i have returned with some baby (?) quirrel shenanigans because he makes me happy and i enjoy drawing him all speckly
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hollow-knight-wiki · 2 months
Trivia Tuesday: Tiktik
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Did you know? In a Kickstarter update, the Tiktik was referred to as the "Segmented Clamberbab."
Read more about the Tiktik on the Independent Hollow Knight Wiki!
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de-righty · 2 years
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drakshayne · 1 year
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foxkairi · 8 months
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Inktober 2023 - Day 11: Wander
Little Ghost goes "weeeeeee!"
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monsucat · 1 month
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Random hollow knight characters/enemies from memory! Gave myself limited time to do these! Except for the pure vessel :)
i did markoth kind of dirty i forgot about his neckfur completely… but also i hate you markoth so im not sorry
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the-armored-shade · 2 years
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This was originally a joke drawing but now you too can have Pale King tiktiks in your game
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You can find the download here
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mizzyislost · 2 years
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felt like finally sharing my favorite silly little guy <3
most sewing ive done in years is hemming pants, so hes very janky but i like him best that way!! also he has no legs. definitely not because i couldnt figure how to make them look good. that would NEVER happen.
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flame-shadow · 1 year
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the croc plague spreads
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green-torsos · 2 years
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a brigade of little fellows
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brattylikestoeat · 3 months
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vulturereyy · 1 year
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The council has decided Thimble needs a pet Tiktik. Meet Thread :)
Thread was left behind by a noblewoman who came to see the troupe perform, accidentally forgotten under her seat in her purse. Thimble found her while sweeping up and of course he sent a letter after the woman to track her down. But all he got in response was just a note that she could go to whomever, the lady was planning on getting a """better""" designer tiktik anyway, that one was sub-par in breeding standards. And Thimble feels the first murderous rage of his life. BUT he takes her in himself and names her Thread, and Thread becomes his dearly beloved and well cared for pet. She's a little on the portly side, but that's alright. Thimble loves her more than anything in this world.
Also thread's going to live forever (poor @grollow's Grimm, always weak to the big wet sad eyes)
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tinyron · 2 years
So idk what else to do but advertise my problem-
My cat Neal needs to see the vet and im broke as fuck - if anyone can commission me for a character design i would be so grateful- even just one commission would help
This is my boy👇👇
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And these are a few of my past character design commissions 👇👇👇
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Just check out my Etsy if you're at all interested please
And if you can't commission i appreciate any reblogs ❤❤
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mantisgodsart · 1 year
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With the @bug-oc tournament still ongoing, Round 2 drawing to an end in favour of Round 3, another handful of bugs are knocked out of the competition, who will of course arrive home safe and...
Well, differently-shaped. Marigold's been busy! An unusually fast round, here, we got a decent burst of inspiration while procrastinating on packing chatting with some friends and - what? Other contestants? What other contestants? You must be mistaken, of course there were only seven bugs lost this round. It's not like we would lie about that, right? Clearly, if anyone else was transmuted, you'd see them right here. With the rest of Marigold's successful experiments. It's not like we've got any more to do... right?
(Names and owners of transmuted OCs below the cut, in order of pictures here - no group picture for this one, sadly, since we still have more to do here. Hopefully, we pass Round 3 - we really want to draw some transmutations for the other bugs in this round, and the narrowed competition means we can bring out some of the fancier paper we'e got rattling around! Vote for Marigold so we can do more of these - and, of course, for her many natural good qualities.)
First up is Fahris from @tetraterantula, as a Kingsmould! Though tampering with Void isn't precisely advisable, and going from a normal bug to an artificial one is jarring at the best of times, he at least has hands - better than most of this batch can say! This one was fun to do, and we tinkered with a lot of things - the side effects being, of course, that we're tinkering with things we don't already know how to do well. We did make some mistakes here - we are not, admittedly, an expert in humanoids, and long straight lines are the absolute bane of us, but we did our best!
The dark gray used here is starting to fray, which we can unfortunately do little about, as we're out of replacement nibs for our pens at the moment, but which might have caused some interesting texture. We defined the boundary between the lighter cape and the darker one with a white gel pen because our black and dark gray proved to be a bit too close in color to tell at a glance - the pains of traditional art, we suppose. Still turned out fairly well! We wonder if the color palette would interfere with his ability to stroll into the White Palace...
Next up is Cici from @mimicspider, as a Giraffe Weevil. Probably not doing anything for her clumsiness, and definitely not doing anything for her number of hands - the neck is a lot to get used to, even without getting into the whole set of bauplan changes going on here. At least she's probably faster like this? Once she gets used to the legs, at least.
Though we've technically already made her into a Lightseed, double transmutation is fair play... probably? Lightseed Cici was less than a centimeter of our paper, so obviously we had to do something bigger. We modelled this one in particular after the Grimm Troupe steeds - the clown theme fits, and we wanted to toy with the... cloak-looking bits? The polka-dots were a fun challenge, and we definitely think the abdomen came out well. One of the more successful transmutations here, we'd say!
Next are Willow and Lily from @razs-archetype, with Willow as a Moss Knight and Lily as a Belfly. Y'know when you take just a few seconds to yourself, take just a quick nap, and next thing you know you've woken up and the moss has grown over you and your hands have been turned to strange talons reminiscent of a god's dream? Yeah, happened to us too. Awful time. At least their partner's here to- ah, shit. At least this one comes with flight? Probably a damn hard sell of a consolation prize, but...
Not as much to say with the choices here - the Moss Knight felt like a natural choice, and the Belfly just... clicked? We had fun with Willow's moss - the highlights here actually use the same white gel pen as was used with Fahris, since it's got a nice semitransparent thing that we particularly like. We think the style conversion for Lily's face worked out particularly nicely, here. The piece as a whole turned out as one of the best of the batch, as far as we're concerned. Was nice to draw them!
Next, of course, are Drya and Tel from @enbeemerang, with Drya as a Tiktik and Tel as a Nosk - we predict strange waters ahead for them, relationship-wise. Two bugs, and not a single pair of opposable thumbs. The economy is clearly in shambles. At least they've still got each other?
Tel here specifically is actually inspired by a fic that Cog himself wrote - would it surprise you to know that we know them outside of this tournament? They've actually been handed over to us for transformation practice once before, in a sequence that we... might post as propaganda, later. Drya, we deliberated on a few options before settling on a Tiktik - it just seems to fit!
Last but not least, Sehra from @shiningnightstars as a Hive Soldier. It's probably better than it could be, here - at least bees are a bit familiar to Bugaria! This particular variant, admittedly, might not be. Again with the hands, and this time with the looking like an unawakened bee - it might mean a bit of trouble for her, but we're sure she can power through.
The wings here were particularly fun to do - again, we're doing blending tricks here, and we think that the purples turned out particularly well! Sehra's palette is quite pretty, and the gel pen on the eyes wound up looking amazing. Though "soldier" probably doesn't fit too much for what Sehra... is, it felt like the closest to her as far as aesthetics go. The Hive Guardian is a bit too big for a moth like her, the Hiveling feels a bit too far in the other direction, and the Hive Knight... we're actually avoiding bosses and more sapient-looking folk here when possible. Hopefully, it's to your liking!
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Round Four
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