#so stay tuned
mhaikkun · 5 months
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green is the enemy!!!!!!!!!! 🍊🍌
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orkazh-arts · 2 months
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"Somebody will die… 😡" "Of fun ! 🥰"
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shrimparts-blog1890 · 5 months
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She s so so hard to draw y'all and i don't even know if i got the colours right 🥲
And don't get me started on apple white cuz i just had a small mental breakdown we'll see how it goes ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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ghoostrash · 2 months
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Anthony's Funeral Halftime Show but make it Ianthony (part 1)
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mcdlaurance · 5 months
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back from the dead to laurance post :3c
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bee-rosmyth-art · 7 months
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There should have been a noise. Wheatley would have much preferred it if there had been a noise, something appropriately catastrophic, a horrible drawn-out crunch or a metallic THWACK or- well, anything really. Anything other than what there actually was, which was nothing, just one moment when Kevin was tumbling cheerfully in front of him and then the next there was-
-nothing, just a spreading cloud of metal and yellow glass, powdered fragments, a painful crack of static in Wheatley’s receiver, and the meteor, barrelling away towards Earth.
- Blue Sky, Chapter 1: The Recall
By Wafflestories
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Matchmaking Harringtons 5
This one's a little shorter as we gear up for the final part!
Steve woke up on a warm day near the end of June to see his mother sitting at the table, making calls while his father was out back, doing inventory on his grill supplies.
He went over to the pantry to get some cereal, listening in on his mother's very loud conversation. She was inviting people... family... Aunt Elaine?...
By the time Steve got his bowl, cereal and milk and spoon, he figured that his parents were making preparations for a 4th of July barbecue. Smiling to herself, Diane hung up and made a note in her planner.
"So, the family's getting together for the 4th. It'll be us, your Aunt Elaine and her family for sure. I still need to call the rest. But your grandparents will be there too."
"Okay, sounds fun." A nice cookout with family that he hadn't seen since last summer.
"Oh and they're just so excited to meet Eddie."
Steve sputtered and milk dribbled down his chin. "You told them about Eddie?! About how I-I'm...?"
"No, not yet. But I told Elaine that you might have someone special to introduce everyone to, you know, if Eddie wanted to come and I don't know why he wouldn't..."
"You know why he wouldn't", Steve said.
Diane put on an exaggerated pout and batted her eyelashes.
"Mom...", he sighed.
She let out a little whimper like a sad puppy.
"You are a grown woman", Steve pointed out. "And you're setting a bad example for your son."
Jonas came in, shielding his eyes with his hand as he walked by. "I heard the pouting from outside, whatever it is, just give it to her."
"You're enabling her", Steve said.
"I bet Eddie gives you everything when you show this face. You inherited it from me", Diane said.
Steve let out another heavy sigh. "Alright, I'll ask him if he wants to come."
"You're bringing Eddie to the barbecue?", Jonas asked.
"Apparently everyone will want to meet him, despite not knowing of his existence yet."
"It's not like we're asking him to come to cotillion-"
"Which he's years late to", Steve said.
"Or to escort you to a debutante-"
"I still think your dad's sore that Steve didn't go to one", Jonas said.
"And why would Eddie be escorting me? Why am I not escorting him?"
"You know, we had a similar question regarding your wedding", Jonas said, completely missing the 'cutting' motion his wife was making.
"My what?!"
"Just as a hypothetical", Diane said quickly.
Steve played with his cereal. "You guys get me a boyfriend...you want him to meet the family...why does it feel like you've got a church picked out for August?"
"Who said we got you a boyfriend?", Diane asked at the same time Jonas said, "Who'd get married in August?"
"Eddie told me how you guys 'orchestrated' this whole thing", Steve said. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
"It had nothing to do with your confidence Steve. We just wanted to help however we could", Diane said.
"So...you guys really like Eddie?"
"Like him? He's great", Jonas said. "A little odd, but that's what makes people interesting."
Diane smiled. "He has such interesting opinions, I could talk with him for hours. Actually, who does his hair? I would love to take him to the salon and-"
"Whoa there, if I didn't know better, I'd think you two were in love with Eddie", Steve said as he stood and took his empty bowl to the sink.
"Oh, is it wrong to adore our son's boyfriend?", Diane teased.
Steve kept his back to them, his silence betraying the redness in his face right now. He didn't point out that his parents were never this welcoming towards any of his past girlfriends. He knew there was something different about Eddie, and they knew it too. He was definitely 'long-term, introduce to extended family' material.
Part 7
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem @hallucinatedjosten @nburkhardt @littlewildflowerkitten @noctxrn-e @subversivecynic @larawrmonster @suikatto @platinum-sunset @imacowboy3 @tiny-enthusiast @netflixisacopingstrategymom @honorarybrit81 @manda-panda-monium @krazyperson @adaed5 @lololol-1234 @mrsjellymunson @uwujinniee
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zephyrdagonheart · 5 months
I've been meaning to draw this for a while, and I do wanna do the other subclasses, especially Arc and Stasis, but here's a drawing of Ember using Solar Light! She has an affinity towards Dawnblade.
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Let me know if you wanna see this little Skykid use any of the other subclasses! I wanna do Arc next, but I'm down to do the others!
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steggymus · 6 months
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they’re in love ❤️
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“Huh. I don’t remember seeing you around.”
“Uh—” She snuck a glance in his direction, and then away before he could catch it. “It’s only been a few weeks, really, but it feels like I’ve been here my whole life.”
“Ha, I know the feeling.” He still didn’t look at her, but he shifted to stand a little taller, puff his chest out a little more. “Like everything you’ve ever done built you up to this.”
She couldn’t stop her smile from brightening. “Exactly like that.”
A little art piece for Chapter 2 of "The Future Starts With You" by @fuchsiamae , a seriously INCREDIBLE fic that y'all should check out. (And a commissioned gift from @silverstreams!)
Even though this was a commissioned piece, it gave me a chance to sit down and read this fic which had been on my list to read for a while. And I will say I was giddy through the whole thing. This felt like the perfect introduction into their relationship, and the way you wrote them both was such a cool peek into both the time period and the pre-games Portal lore.
The way Cave and Caroline build up on each others personalities through the whole fic, in the bubbling excitement of seeing new inventions and actively participating, to their ping ponging energy, it's such a fascinating look into the start of Aperture's greatest duo. And also that look into what Caroline left behind in pursuit of this role as Cave's personal secretary.
Seriously a fic worth reading!
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orgasming-caterpillar · 3 months
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nobody-nexus · 4 months
Coming.... Eventually
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-The Sinful Circus AU-
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aska234 · 3 months
Outfit swap!!
Don't they look just silly??? Silly little psychopaths.
Really hope to see some confrontations between them in s2!! Or maybe some backstory??? Eaitherway it would be great!!!
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
The absolute pain of wanting to post/write all about my thoughts on GO season 2 while knowing I can’t because I have to pack for my move all day today...
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hoejosatoru · 3 months
Here’s a lil Drabble on dad Levi bc I’ve been slacking with writing. This may or may not be related to a full fic I’m writing 👀
Levi never thought he’d have children. It was never even something he considered while he was in the scouts. He refused to bring a child into a world with titans knowing all the pain and suffering they’d be subjected to. But even after the war ended, it was never something he thought was in the cards for him.
That is until he met you. He fell in love with you in a way he truly never thought he’d experience. And that love pulled the desire to be a father out of him. There was nothing more he wanted than to create a family with you.
Yet when you finally got pregnant, and overwhelming fear rushed over him. Levi didn’t fear much, but the thought of being a bad father kept him up at night. What if he wasn’t good at caring for the baby? What if they didn’t like him? He has no concerns about you being a good mom, he knew you’d be amazing, but he worried incessantly about himself.
You tried to soothe his worries, but nothing calmed him until the baby the actually arrived. The first time Levi held your baby his world changed. The baby was calm in his arms, and you watched as the fear drained from Levi and was replaced by deep love and affection.
And he truly was the best father (and husband). He helped feed the baby whenever he could. Got up when they cried in the middle of the night so you could rest. Never complained about diapers or spit up. He was so supportive and attentive to both of you. And the baby was smitten with him. No one could soothe her out of crying fit like he could and if you weren’t so happy for Levi to have found peace with his fears, you would have been a little jealous.
Levi loves everything about being a parent. He loves caretaking in a way he never thought he would. He loves that being a dad made him feel closer to his mother, whom your baby was named after. He loved watched his daughter grow and change every day. He’s the BEST girl dad and will support whatever his girl wants to do, whether that be the girliest girl or a tomboy.
TLDR, Levi is the best family man<3
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zephyrdagonheart · 7 months
Hm, yes, I live, have an art dump. XD
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Also have a late Splatoween SFM render I did-
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