#skz jeongin
yongbokiee-felix · 3 days
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Innie posted on instagram
Via @/i.2.n.8
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pretty-blkgirl · 2 days
may you do a fluffy seungmin x black reader? maybe the reader experiences hate from seungmin's fans and seungmin shows her that he loves her regardless of what's being said?
it's all up to you ofc! ok bye ~ <3
Let Me Help You
//fem!black reader x idol!Seungmin//
Synopsis: After experiencing excruciating hate from his fans, you try to leave your boyfriend
Genre; angst, eventual fluff
Warnings: racism is a heavy theme in this story, reader is described as fem
A/N; Thank you so much for the request ❤️❤️ As you can see, the story is a bit lengthy since this topic is something I’m passionate about. There aren’t any explicit instances of racism present (such as the use of slurs) but it is heavily implied.
“Y/N?” You hear from behind you, making you jump slightly. You immediately looked back to see your loving boyfriend staring at you with pure disbelief in his eyes.
The look on his face alone makes you want to run into his arms and kiss all his pain away. The pain and confusion you caused.
You were in the bedroom you two once shared, gathering the last of your things and returning a necklace Seungmin had given you. Since he was so busy at work, it was easy to dodge him and move out of the apartment without any problems.
Your original plan was to leave the apartment without a trace. Block him, and all his family and friends, never looking back.
However, you know he deserved more than that. You two’s relationship was perfect.
Well, near perfect.
You and Seungmin were beyond compatible. You loved the same shows, food, and artists, and it helps that you were familiar with the music industry so you two connected on another level.
The company was aware of the crush you two had on one another in the beginning, so they asked Seungmin ahead of time to try his best to hide the impending relationship.
He truly did do his best to hide you, not that he wanted to. He would have preferred to show you off to the world, and let everyone know he was in a relationship with the most beautiful, caring, talented, and loving woman in the world.
However, both of you knew that he needed to seem “available” as an idol. The fans needed to believe they had a chance with him, and them finding out about you wouldn’t be good for anyone.
It was a bit more tricky as well, considering the obvious difference between you two. Neither you nor Seungmin had a racial preference when it came to dating, so you being Black and him being Asian was rarely a situation you two cared about.
To be honest, who cares about the difference in race? It was never a big deal, all his family and friends absolutely loved you, and the company even took a liking to you.
The moral of the story is, it never mattered that you two were in an interracial relationship…until it did.
Being Black in Korea was an…interesting experience. The majority of your age group and younger exhibited great openness and compassion towards everyone. But there were still some ignorant people, and those people made sure to show themselves to you.
One day, an older man caught you and Seungmin leaving a restaurant late at night. He cursed at you, insulting you and calling you names you’d never repeat.
Seungmin defended you, but the man’s outburst caught the attention of a group of teenagers who recorded the interaction.
They posted it, and it went viral quickly. Sharp-eyed fans immediately recognized the masked man’s voice and eyes. They knew it was Seungmin, then everyone knew he had a partner.
Many people supported you and your man, even other celebrities came out in support, but a large number of nonblack fans came out and started to give you hell.
They sent trucks to the company, demanding the idol break up with you. They trended tags on Twitter, they spammed Bubble with pleas for you two to break up.
Seungmin and the company both put out a statement, but the hate continued to get worse.
His members began to speak in defense of you, and you noticed paparazzi stalking outside your job.
The death threats didn't take long to start, and then the shameless TikTok videos claiming you’re only “ruining his career” and “destroying his purity” came in dozens.
Again, there was still an outpour of support, but the blatant racism you were shown was so too much to handle.
Being Black, you unfortunately experienced at least a little bit of ignorance, prejudice, or racism wherever you went. You were beyond proud of your race though, making sure everyone could feel the confidence and pride exuding off you wherever you went.
You were never ashamed of your race, you would never allow someone to make you feel bad about who you were. To you, you were beyond blessed to have such beautiful brown skin, but it did hurt to know that people hated your guts just because of your skin color.
The fans were ruthless, and you tried to stay away from the hate, but your curiosity got the best of you.
Long story short, you spent 3 hours reading about how Seungmin could do better and how his reputation is being ruined. By the 4th hour, you had started packing your stuff.
You loved Seungmin more than anything, but you started to feel like you were ruining his career. He was almost put on hiatus when the news broke, and he was so miserable. You watched as he cried on the phone with the higher-ups, and you couldn’t stand the fact that it was all your fault.
You managed to pack the majority of your things in a few hours, mostly because you didn’t have much to begin with. Running off of pure adrenaline and sadness, you left for a hotel and ignored the eventual calls that came later in the night.
You stayed away for three days and planned to come back to the apartment to get the rest of your stuff while Seungmin was supposed to be recording a music video.
Unfortunately, he played sick and was able to leave the shoot early. Something in his gut told him you’d be back at the apartment, and he was right.
“I’m sorry,” You said, staring down at the floor
“Can we talk?”
“I just came to get the rest of my things”
He sighed, “Please baby, this can’t be the end of us”
“I’m not good for you”
“Don’t you ever say something so stupid again”
Against your better judgment, you looked up at him. He was so hurt, but still managed to put a little smile on his face.
Your knees felt weak
“Why’d you leave?” He questioned
“You know why”
“Maybe” He nods, “But I wanna hear you say it”
A few seconds of silence made the atmosphere more tense than it already was.
“I’m ruining your career” You whisper
“No, you’re not”
“I am, and I don’t want your dream to be ruined all because your fans don’t like me-”
“Y/n” He interrupted, “Fuck my dream. Do you think I’ll put a career over you? I’ll leave all of this bullshit behind if it means you’ll come back home”
“I don’t want you to give up on your career!”
“And I don’t wanna lose you, so what now?” He crossed his arms, and you hate that you found him so sexy at that moment
“Please just let me leave. This has gotten so out of control”
“Baby I understand that this is overwhelming. I promise you I do, but I swear I’m doing everything in my power to ensure all those people who've been harassing you will face consequences. I promise you I’m gonna fix it”
“You can’t get all of them”
“But I can try” He shrugs
He walked over to you, silently asking to touch you. Again, against your better judgment, you look into his eyes and allow him to hug you.
“Please don’t let ignorant pieces of shit destroy our relationship. I know the hate is getting to you, but let me help you through it, let me at least try to”
You knew you were going to say yes. Both guilt and unmeasurable love filled your chest and he rocked you side to side.
“I’ll put out another statement, and I’ll go live. I’ll make sure those motherfuckers know that I’ll do anything to protect you.”
He lets you go a little to pull back and look at you, “Plus, there are still millions of people who support us.”
“I know,” You say
“So let's focus on positivity? Or maybe we can delete social media for a while? I’ll delete mine too. If you don’t wanna come home for a bit, I’ll have the company set you up with an apartment. We’ll also look for a therapist, okay?”
You nod, and mutter a small “Okay baby”
You two hug for a while, knowing you guys won’t ever let some stupid people keep you away from each other again.
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notsosweetchan · 2 hours
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PAIRING: Jeongin x Reader
WARNINGS: smut, sexual language, link
Minors do not interact
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ Tasty ੈ✩‧₊˚
Jeongin's mouth pulled hard on Y/N's nipple, causing her to moan louder as she arched her back, her hands delving into his hair and holding him closer.
Her breast felt incredibly sensitive under his attentive tongue and teeth as he sucked and nibbled on it, leaving a trail of pleasure across her skin. Every suck was accompanied by soft smacking sounds, while every bite caused a shiver to run down her spine.
The coolness of the room was forgotten as the heat between them intensified. Jeongin's hot breath fanned against her already sensitive skin, sending tingles all over her body. His hand gently slipped down to rub at the wetness between her legs, teasing her through her shorts.
"J-jeongin... so good..." She panted, biting her lip to stifle her cries for more. Her hips bucked against his touch, seeking more contact even as he continued to torment her nipple with his skillful mouth.
She could feel the warmth of his breath on other areas of skin now, making them tingle in anticipation too. Jeongin's thumb slipped inside of her panties, teasing at her entrance while his teeth tugged gently on her nipple, sending ripples of pleasure through every nerve ending in Y/N's body.
The taste of Y/N's skin was intoxicating; he couldn't help but inhale deeply every time he pulled away from her nipple to lap at the sweet juices gathering there. It made him smile against her skin when he felt how wet she already was for him.
He pulled back slightly from suckling to look up at her flushed face with satisfaction before returning to his work between her breasts. His eyes met hers as he continued to tease her nipple, his gaze becoming darker with desire.
"You taste so fucking good," he murmured against her skin, his voice rough with need. His free hand slipped into her shorts and underwear, a finger finding its way to her slick folds and circling gently around her clit, eliciting a moan from her throat. He could feel how ready she was for him and it only fueled his fire further.
Her eyes met his with a mix of desperation and passion, her breath hitching as his finger circled her swollen clit. Jeongin's smile deepened, reveling in the control he had over her body. "So wet for me," he whispered, his voice gravelly with lust. "I'm going to make you come so hard, Y/N."
Y/N's eyes widened as she felt the first hint of his thick fingers sliding inside her, opening her up for what was to come. Her nerve endings were now a live wire, pulsing with electricity at each touch, each caress.
She could feel the wetness overflowing from her core, it was as if her body was becoming one with the sheets beneath them. Her breaths were heavy and uneven, each one punctuated by a soft cry of pleasure.
As he moved his fingers inside her, Jeongin knew that he was close to taking her over the edge. His eyes never left hers, drinking in her passion, her desperation, her need.
He could feel her heart racing, her body trembling, readying itself for the explosion of pleasure that was to come. He curled his fingers inside her, hitting her sensitive spot with rhythmic precision.
Her moans grew louder, her thighs trembling as Jeongin's fingers danced inside her “baby , you’re so fucking close. Just let go, let me take you there.”
With each stroke of his fingers, Y/N's body responded with a jolt of pleasure, each sensation sending her closer and closer to the edge. Her breath hitched, her eyes rolling back as she felt the familiar rush of ecstasy building within her.
She slapped her hand against the pillow, her nails digging into the fabric as she clawed for purchase. Her hips bucked helplessly against Jeongin's hand, desperate for more, begging for release.
“Yes, baby... come for me,” Jeongin whispered, his voice thick with lust. “Let me feel you explode around my fingers.”
Y/N's moans became screams of passion as her orgasm took hold of her body. Her back arched, her entire being trembling as waves of pleasure washed over her.
Jeongin felt her contracts around his fingers, each one sending a jolt of pleasure through him as well. He watched her face transform, her eyes rolling back as the pleasure overwhelmed her.
Her body shook with intensity, her breaths jagged and uneven as the orgasm rocked her. Jeongin continued to stroke her, milking every last drop of pleasure from her until she finally fell limp, her breathing slowing down.
He gently pulled his fingers out of her, his smile turning tender as he looked at her still flushed face. “You did so well, baby," he crooned, brushing his thumb against her sensitive skin. "I can't wait to feel you like this around me."
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Minors do not interact
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emithecharmer · 4 months
He is in Love
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Hyunjin's eyes never strayed from your sleeping form, snuggled in his arms, head tucked away into his chest. He didn't look up while his members talked about the new song, or even when the food got there, no. You'd crawled into his arms when you first arrived and he would stay there as your bed until you woke up. He didn't complain when the others made fun and cooed, even taking a picture or two. All he did was smile fondly, leaning back into the couch, softly taking you down with him and pulling you closer by your thighs. He looked up and met his leader's eyes, smiling with a lovesick expression.
"I'm going to marry her." Hyunjin said simply, freezing when he felt you move in your sleep. The guys all laughed at his expression, but Chan felt his heart swell at the thought of Hyunjin having someone.
They all loved you, you were kind- and just as sassy and dramatic as Hyunjin. You were there when they had bad days, and you'd learned recipes from home and would cook when you had the chance, leaving them with a week's worth of homemade food.
Hyunjin had picked out the ring two months after he'd asked you out. His mom had told him when he was little, that he'd know when he found his person. And he did, he knew from the second he'd kissed you for the first time. He knew that he'd see your same, beautiful smile, walking down the isle one day. He knew that your pure heart would provide kind children and that you'd be a wonderful mother. He knew that your hands would be even more precious with a ring adorning them. He knew that your hair would shine in the sun as you two watched the sunset together.
And more than anything, he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you, his person. His you.
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diddybok · 5 months
bf!skz when they’re needy
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all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in any way represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: ot8 x gn!reader 
➩genre(s): fake texts, smut
➩warnings: mdni, strong language, mentions of sex, pet names (cockslut, baby, doll etc etc), genshin, cbat
➩requested: yes
➩author’s note: i merged the request of skz being needy and on a sexy time ban together and made…this. personally, i don’t see what jeongin did wrong 🧍🏾‍♀️🧌
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chris (he’s been moving mad on bbl atm someone please make his delusions a reality)
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ʚ hope you enjoyed ^.^ you can support me by liking, commenting  and reblogging! it is heavily appreciated ᵕ̈ ɞ
i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you. 
© 2024 diddybok 
general taglist:  @spacegirlstuff @chengmeiauau @elisiexoxo
if you would like to be added to the general taglist or removed, let me know in the comments, send an ask or message me!
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jeongin-lvr · 5 months
ᵎ 🍶 ⊹ clueless, y. jeongin
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꒰ 🗯️ ꒱ 𝗏𝗂𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗇!𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝖾,𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾𝖽!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋,𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝖾𝖺𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾,𝖻𝗂𝗀 𝖽𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝖾 𝖫𝖬𝖥𝖠𝖮𝖮,𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗌𝗂𝖻𝗅𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝖻 𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝖾 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖽𝗒𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗂𝖼𝗌,𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 & 𝗈𝗋𝖺𝗅,𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝖾,𝗁𝖺𝗂𝗋 𝗉𝗎𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀,edited.
[ 𝟤.𝟫𝗄 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌 ] ⭑ [ 𝖽𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 ] ⭑ [ 𝗆.𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ]
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YOUR boyfriend was so clueless in all aspects of women. Sometimes it was funny and other times it was genuinely shocking how little he knew; Jeongin was always nose down in books, easily flustered, yet incredibly attractive. Like borderline insane how attractive he was. Which made it even more of a mystery as to how he has never had a girlfriend, let alone been with a woman.
You often poked fun at him for him, though it was all innocent. At least for the first few months of the relationship.
"Innie, you are such a pretty boy," You would tease whilst leaning against his arm, cheek pressed to his shoulder so absentmindedly, though you knew how easily flustered he could get. Jeongin would gush at your compliments with fire in his cute cheeks, squishing to you closer to bury his head into your heavenly hair. Then you'd continue, chuckling as you patted his shoulder and held him, "Bet you have a pretty cock too..." you'd whisper into his ear, leaving him shocked and clueless.
"What—" And them you'd be on about something else, pretending nothing was ever said. As if your words didn't leave his (in fact, very pretty) cock half-hard and beginning to sting with sin, a small stain of wetness from the tip tattooing his sweat pants a darker shade.
But now it was getting a lot less harder to ignore your sinful words. At first he could excuse himself, fix his problem and go back to you (admittedly, a little more flustered). Now, this would happen often the more comfortable the two of you got with each other. From teasing comments to full blown make out sessions— nearly ending with you on his lap riding him. But he always backed out, not because of fear but because he's never done it before (okay, maybe a little fear).
He was inexperienced and he didn't want to blow a load too early; he also didn't want to disappoint you with how little he knew.
And, of course, you'd always smile and give him a gentle kiss when things got too heated. Telling him it's fine and you'll wait for him as long as he needs, settling back into the sofa cushions with a content sigh as you watched the movie you'd put on an hour before, now already at the end.
However, Jeongin was ready. He knew it, he could feel it inside of him. Each time he'd have you underneath him, or you on top of him with a flirty giggle, he knew he wanted to take off your clothes and please you. Jeongin knew with every ounce of his being, every atom longed for you.
So he was determined now. 6 months into the relationship and he was ready to take charge... the only problem was, how?
"Innie, baby, hey," You called, obviously confused as to why he wasn't answering you mid-conversation. Your head whipped around to him away from the screen, catching his eyes staring at you already, though not into your eyes. His gaze was set on your pudgy thighs that lay so barren due to your shorts (or maybe lack of). Adding to the fire was the fact that you wore his big hoodie that he always wore, so it's as if the smell was imbedded into it, pristine and constantly fresh. And that barely covered your thighs, dangling over your body like a shadow of fabric.
Jeongin opened his mouth, dry and a bit flustered, "Sorry, what??" His eyes met yours, cute voice slurred with obvious embarrassment. His pink lips were chapped but you thought that was nothing a little kiss couldn't fix.
"What're you staring at, handsome?" You teased him, poking his cheek with a neatly manicured finger, giggling as you scooted over to him. Jeongin huffed with a pout, tugging his hoodie down to cover the (hopefully not so) obvious bulge beginning to grow in his jeans. But, obviously, you caught it.
"Don't call me that, baby," Jeongin knew that you knew what effect that nickname had on him. It was so cute and innocent yet when they came out of your lips they had a sinful twinge. Like it was drenched in the sex that was beginning to ruminate in the thick, tensed air, "Such a meanie..."
You chuckled darkly, draping one leg over his and sitting so that his cute thigh lay between yours, parting your legs so nicely.
"Why? Does it make you nervous, hm?"
Jeongin looked you dead in the eye, breath stuttering and teeth parted to showcase that cute tongue; the tongue you just wanted to have in your mouth.
"Love, you know why," Your boyfriend droned with a familiar pout. Poor boy stopped for a minute, hesitating to rest his hands on your hips but mustering up the courage with a red face. You tilted your head, a bit confused as his eyes grew a tone more serious, chocolate irises now the hue of dusk, "Uhm... hey, baby... I wanna ask you something."
"Shoot," You looped your arms around his neck, connecting in the back of his hair whilst skillfully playing with the ends of his deep black strands.
Jeongin ignored how his cock ached suddenly at the feeling of your hands in his hair. How it felt when you pulled at the strands just gently but enough for him to shiver. Jeongin silently wondered if he was really gonna do this or if he'd end up in the bathroom again, cock in hand, wondering why he was such a loser.
"Okay, so, um, you know how I-I always say that I want to wait? To, y'know—"
You nodded, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, a dust of cherries underneath your skin, "Yes, I know."
"Okay, well—" Jeongin hesitated, his eyes dead set on yours, unknowingly squeezing your hips as he tried to compose himself, "I think I'm ready."
Your eyes widened, meeting his with a soft coo as you ran a gentle hand through his soft locks. Jeongin hissed softly, still insistent in keeping your eyes locked but slowly losing his composure the more you stared.
"You're ready?" You asked, already pooling in your underwear.
Jeongin nodded, kissing your wrist that laid beside his cheek, as if to confirm to you through the silence, "I've been ready— I just want— I want to do this."
You cracked a smile, "Do this? Or do me?"
"Stopp," He whined, trailing a trembling hand up your waist then to your cheek, resting softly on your warm flesh now. His thumb gently rubbing, to his pleasure he felt your skin burning, seeing them red with love, "I'm serious, pretty." His voice was low now, if anyone else was in the room, no one else but you would hear. It was just for you. Like a gift.
"I know, Innie," You whispered back, suddenly you were the nervous one, hands dropping down to his chest, feeling his heartbeat as it increased like the sound of a bass drum, "I'm serious too. If y-you're ready, so am I. Promise."
Jeongin felt somehow relieved yet at the same time more nervous. He could feel every ounce of sincerity within your words, your tone too. He already felt so intimate and nothing had even begun.
"Love you, pretty boy," You whispered again, leaning forward to meet his lips, melting into them, "Love you s'much," You muttered against his lips as they immediately meshed with yours, the intensity of every kiss growing. At this point, Jeongin's cock was throbbing just from hearing you say all of that. His hands were gently, timidly prying at your clothes, wanting them off but not sure how to say it without you teasing him.
Jeongin caught your bottom lip, pulling away with a shiver creeping down his spine, "B-Baby, m' so in love with you. Swear to god, you're perfect." His eyes were already dazed as they looked you up and down, admiring your delicious figure, "I wanna make you feel good— show me."
You almost moaned at the sound of it. Watching Jeongin slowly lose it, shirt now tugged up enough to see the true volume of his erection. You could tell he was big, and how he had kept this from you was a mystery. You adjusted on his lap, openly sitting on his bulge as if to let him know— tell him without the burden of words that you're his.
"Show you?" You asked against his lips, grazing them softly.
Your boyfriend nodded, your hands reaching under his hoodie to feel the heat of his skin. Your nails lightly scraped over his tense tummy, breath stuttering each time your fingertips swirled over his skin. He groaned at the feeling of your hips upon his cock, feeling as though he'd bust right then.
"Show me how to make you feel good," Jeongin said it so confidently you almost forgot it was your boy. You liked how eager he was to please yet somehow kept that little bit of composure, "That's all I wanna do for you, pretty."
You almost short circuited, retracing your thoughts and trying to figure out what to do or say first, "O-Oh... well, give me your hand first."
Jeongin obeyed, taking his hand and placing it in yours, eyes wide and staring into yours as he awaited further instruction.
"Now—" You took his hand, guiding it to your sopping cunt, almost letting out a whimper as he ran a finger up your heat. Jeongin nearly gasped as he felt the heat, the stain of wetness from your arousal, he was perplexed yet utterly amazed, "Yes— like that." You grasped his hand tighter, placing it where your clit was, aching and an angry shade of red, "This feels good... rub— rub it, in circles."
"You're so wet— fuck, I can feel it through your shorts," Jeongin did as you told him. Rubbing gently in what he hoped was a good pace. From the look of your dusty eyes he could safely say it was. Your lips parted with soft whines leaving them, thighs trembling on either side of his legs. It was a sight he could get used to, "Does that feel g-good?"
"Mhm— wan' take off my shorts," So you did, stepping off his lap and leaving his hands empty and unoccupied, which he never knew he could miss. You laid at his side now, head upon a pillow, looking ever so angelic as you spread your legs, as if to invite him. Jeongin ogled for a moment, forgetting he was human as his eyes lingered up and down your voluminous curves, landing lastly on your barren cunt, observing with curiosity.
"Fuck, you're so pretty," Jeongin crept forward, connecting your lips with his in a heated, dramatic kiss, "Thank you, thank you—" He didn't know what he was thanking you for; being you? Letting him do this? Giving yourself to him with such need? Jeongin wasn't gonna dwell on it any longer, instead, he let your hand take his and guide him back to your core.
"M-more," You whimpered. From all the teasing you've done to him for the past few months, it was a bit shocking to see you so pliant. Jeongin nodded against your lips, the kiss becoming a mess as you two persisted, "Like this, okay?"
You led Jeongin's hand to your clit, rubbing gently. Then moaned loudly, as if it was the best thing. Jeongin felt his mind being blown at the noises you made, it was so precious to him. He wondered why he'd never done this sooner; now he wasn't sure he could go without them anymore.
"N-now, like this—" You dropped Jeongin’s hand to your throbbing hole, dripping in sheer globs of desire onto the cushion beneath your ass, glistening in lust, "Two fingers... ah—" You showed Jeongin, letting his two gorgeous fingers breach your hole, slowly inching in. Jeongin choked at how you sucked him in, and at the way your head tilted back, those addicting moans you let out too.
Jeongin was on the verge of cumming in his own pants; shamefully yet he wasn't sure he could even stop if he did.
"Yes... ah, you're hands a-are so pretty—" You were a bit of a mess now, you showed him how to pump them into you and then he was off on his own, watching as you fell apart around him and your moans slipped out dangerously loud, "So— good!"
Jeongin couldn't fathom how beautiful you looked. Hair in the shape of a halo around your flushed face. Eyelashes fluttering and lips parted as a spot of drool came dribbling down; without a bit of hesitation, he came forward and kissed it away, dragging his tongue along the trail as well.
You moaned out at the warm feeling of his tongue, barely able to make out his dazed, enamored expression through the thickness of your lashes.
"Wan' taste you, baby, can I?" Jeongin suddenly asked, scissoring into your cunt as his palm slapped against your core. You truly wondered if he was lying about the whole virgin thing— with the way he was using his fingers it was like they were made for this shit.
You nodded at his words, "Please!"
Jeongin didn't need anymore confirmation to bend forward, hips rutting into the pillow below, his own moans vibrating against your clit. His lips wrapped around them, eyes fluttering shut as he made out with your pretty sex.
"G'na— ah, cum!" You shouted as his tongue flicked along your clit, making you see stars as his fingers carried out your orgasm. Hitting your gummy spot with little caution, lips around your cunt. You creamed around his fingers, yet Jeongin didn't stop filling you with his knobby digits.
You pried them away, lost beneath your lashes as you tried to breathe, searching for his gaze.
Jeongin looked at you expectantly like a puppy waiting for praise, lips curled into an almost prideful smile as you whispered into nothing.
"Fuck, Innie, felt s-so good," You brought his face up to yours, post-sex haze making you needy and soft, "Thank you, baby."
Jeongin groaned as your thigh rubbed against his cock, the pain suddenly reminding him he was left unattended. Your eyes fell to the prominent outline, the stain of precum on the fabric, making you suddenly want more.
"Jeongin, baby, put it in," You pleaded, grasping his biceps in your suddenly small hands, shaking figure as you begged, "Please. Wan' make you feel good, too."
Jeongin lost it, nodded through the dizziness at your words, "You're unreal— fuck, baby, gonna put it in, tell me if it hurts—"
You watched him mess with the button of his pants, a little confused as to why it would hurt. Then you met eyes with his cock, throbbing and red, dripping. But most importantly, massive. You audibly gasped with bewildered eyes. It had to be more than ten inches, and it looked painful to hold, hard with intricately drawn veins. You locked eyes with your boyfriend, shock evident on your gorgeous face.
"You're fucking huge, Innie," You almost moaned as the poor boy grew shy, opening your legs and aligning the tip with your ready hole, "M' gonna split in half."
Jeongin would've laughed but he was too immersed in the pleasure, sinking into your dripping cunt inch by inch until there was nowhere left to go. Despite having an inch or two still not submerged, he let his head fall back and moaned, loudly and super cutely.
"Don't say that— m-might cum already," Jeongin propped his arms beside your head, finding your lips and messily making out with you as he tried to not move. It was hard with you clenching and sucking him in. Your hands looping around his neck again, lips wet as saliva pooled down your chins in a puddle.
"S'full," You mumbled, losing track of how his lips collided with yours in needy sweeps. Jeongin moaned at your words, "Holy shit, baby, I gotta move. M' moving, pretty!"
Jeongin was apologetic but his hips moved, skin slapping on skin as his pace stayed relentless and quick, shallow yet letting you feel as much of his cock as you could. Every vein, every cursive line within his pretty fucking cock.
Jeongin bit your bottom lip, hands clenching into the couch material as he fucked into your harder. The lewd noises of your cunt swallowing his length was pornographic and beautiful to him; like music to his ears, a sound he never knew he needed.
"Ohh, Innie, fuck, it's s'big!"
Jeongin dropped his head into your shoulder, your hands going to his back to claw at the porcelain skin. Jeongin choked out a moan, biting your neck as he mumbled out a barely coherent, "M' gonna cum— can I? Inside? P-please?"
You were too overstimulated to say no, you moaned yes and with that Jeongin released into you, suddenly the feeling of being full making you overwhelmed. It felt like you were sinking into the couch, clawing to Jeongin to stay steady as his cum pooled inside of you.
"Shit, shit, m' sorry, pretty," Jeongin spoke after coming down from his high, pulling out and hissing at the feeling, "Are you okay?"
You opened your eyes with a dazed flutter, meeting his worried bronze ones as they scanned your messy red face, "I can't believe you had a dick that good and you've been keeping it from me!"
Jeongin blushed, dropping his head to your shoulder again with a nervous whimper, "You're something else..."
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ihave-atummyache · 3 months
skz jealous texts <3
18++ nothing exactly explicit but there is implications!!!
Bang Chan:
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Lee Know:
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like he’s so pretty i wanna ran my head into a wall lol
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babibread · 4 months
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I.N의 퐁당로그 : Paris !
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changbinlov3r · 2 months
College jock | Y.J.
Pairing: I.N. x afab!reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Words count: 791
A/N: okay, why the hell did I stumble upon these pictures and jock Jeongin was the first thing that came to my mind? Like, my boy is looking good asf
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College jock Jeongin who's not interested in anything but football, if he could he would stay training on the field all day.
College jock Jeongin who's forced to go to classes just so he won't bomb on all the subjects and get taken out of the team.
College jock Jeongin who sees you in social studies class, totally concentrated in something he doesn't give a fuck about.
College jock Jeongin who, for the first time, is interested in something other than football, that something being you.
College jock Jeongin who doesn't struggle so much to wake up to go to classes anymore, knowing he'll get to see you.
College jock Jeongin who scoffs at his friends when they say you always reject anyone that tries to hit on you, not believing you can resist him.
College jock Jeongin who's shocked when you tell him you're not interested in going out with anyone, much less someone like him.
College jock Jeongin who makes his new goal to actually woo you and his first win is when he manages to get your number from someone in your class.
College jock Jeongin who texts you first thing in the morning, a picture of himself in the mirror asking you if he should wear those clothes.
College jock Jeongin who gets upset that you don't answer him but at least you don't block him.
College jock Jeongin who reminds you to eat and drink water, who texts you good morning, good night and asks how your day is going.
College jock Jeongin who feels too happy about the smile you give him in the mornings when you see him in class.
College jock Jeongin who feels strangely attracted to you — someone who rejected him, every time you're in the same place as him, his eyes following you like a magnet.
College jock Jeongin who asks you out one more time, expecting a no again but being surprised by a positive answer.
College jock Jeongin who takes you to dinner in a nice restaurant, makes jokes just to hear your sweet laugh and feels so much more enchanted by you as he walks you to your door.
College jock Jeongin who leans closer to kiss you on the cheek but receives a peck on the lips followed by you hiding your face behind your hands while you give him goodnight.
College jock Jeongin who feels his heart beating like a hammer in his chest, even though it was just a peck on the lips, just like that he knows he's whipped.
College jock Jeongin who asks you to be his girlfriend one week after going out with you for the first time, not able to hold back anymore and confessing to you.
College jock Jeongin who proudly walks down the college halls, holding your hand and showing everyone he managed to get the girl.
College jock Jeongin who's so nervous the first time he meets your parents, shakily giving your father a handshake and flowers to your mother.
College jock Jeongin who enchants your family the same way you did to him, making them love him and seizing the opportunity to ask for a picture of you when your family is showing him your childhood photo albums.
College jock Jeongin who convinces your parents to let you two sleep in the same room, smiling brightly at them with his innocent face and making them believe he wouldn't do anything disrespectful in your childhood room.
College jock Jeongin who makes you dry hump on him, feeling your warmth hugging his covered cock while he covers your mouth telling you to keep quiet so your family won't hear you.
College jock Jeongin who doesn't like when other men approach you, coming around and sliding his arm possessively around you.
College jock Jeongin who makes you suck him off in the locker room, at the risk of anyone coming in, just because he needs you to reassure him that he's the only one you want.
College jock Jeongin who took his time before you two had your first time, making it romantic so you'll never forget about that night. He has to hold himself back as he fucks you nice and slowly, listening to your muffled moans like it's music to his ears.
College jock Jeongin who eats you out after he came inside you, tasting himself and drunkenly enjoying the juices that come out of your cunt, even though you're telling him you can't take it anymore.
College jock Jeongin who calls you in the middle of the class just so he can fuck you behind the bleachers while his team is training and suddenly football is not as important to him anymore now that he has you.
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ilwonuu · 3 months
please me
⇢ ˗ˏˋ yang jeongin࿐ྂ
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☆ paring- meandom!jeongin x sub!reader
☆ warnings- rough sex, tease!jeongin, dirty talk, slight degrading, unprotected sex(guys i know), multiple rounds, mutiple creampies, masturbation (m), praising kink, smut with no plot, jeongin is very needy, lmk what else
☆ summary- you’ve never seen this side of your boyfriend. you love it so much. a little too much.
☆ a/n- i loved writing this. i got kinda carried away.. HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY!!! 400 follower celebration!!!!<33
☆ word count- 1,050
jeongin has been suffering silently. he wants you so bad it’s not even funny anymore. him quietly loudly jerking off in your bathroom. too embarrassed to wake you up to help him. unknowingly waking you up anyways with his loud moans and cries for you.
“jeongin?” you call out for him. he quickly shifts in the bathroom pulling his pants up trying to hide his erection. stepping out of the bathroom as soon as he looks presentable. or he thinks.
“sorry -uh did i wake you?” you shake your head innocently. pretending to not hear a thing.
“no just missed you. come lay with me?” he nods quickly joining you back in your shared bed. he pulls you into his arms cuddling you. your back pressed against his chest. his dick getting harder as he feels you start to grind back against him. “innie?” you call out to him.
“y-yea?” you smirk slightly. “want you so bad. need you.” you moan slightly. he almost cums just from your words. “w-what? what do you mean-“ he questions. you start the grind back against him again.
“o-oh fuck.” his hands going to your hips. “fuck me jeongin- i want it so bad.” he thinks he might die right there. something shifts in him.
immediately loving the sound of you begging for him. “keep telling me how bad you want it.” he takes in your appearance seeing as you’re wearing his shirt and your underwear only.
he groans not even taking the time to pull your underwear off. pulling it to the side as he pulls pajama pants down to pull his dick out.
“you think you can t-take it?” he tries to act like he isn’t about cum all over your ass. he wants to seem composed. not sure if you’re believing his act. you know he’s just as needy as you.
“fuck me innie. know how bad you want it.” he can’t simply disagree with that statement. his dick rubbing against your slit teasingly. his groans are loud against your ear.
“you’re so fucking- open your fucking legs wider. just like that.” he says in a smirk. forcing your legs open more as he pushes his dick into you.
“been thinking a-about this all day.” his movements and his words causing you to squirm. his confidence going up quicker than you expected. his voice sounds so good. as he starts to fuck you stupid on your bed.
“in-innie slow down-“ his hands haven’t moved from your hips. you try to run away. his grip tightening to hold you in place. “fuck, you are taking it so good tho? you like it like this right?”
he laughs at your needy moan. your plan to tease him backfiring on you. he is teasing you loving the way you fall apart for him.
“you never answered like a good girl. only good girls get fucked like this. answer me pretty or i’ll stop.” the last thing you want him to do is stop. quickly trying to form words. “please d-don’t stop. so good shit-“ he shifts to move on top of you. fucking you deeper spreading your legs wider. if that was even possible.
“you’re so fucking wet. sliding in so good. wanted to do this all day.” his thrusts are hitting you in the perfect spots. you are moaning for him.
his dirty talk making you more aroused. “good fucking girl. can’t wait to cum inside you. you want that right? tell me you want it.” his face making a teasing mocking expression of your pleasured face.
“p-please cum in me.” he laughs at your state. “yea? don’t you worry. gonna fill you up- fuck.” as soon as his words leave his mouth your clenching on his dick. “cum on it. just like that. fucking you so good.”
his hips speeding up as you come undone making a mess where you two are connected. “gonna fuck my c-cum so deep- take it all baby.” his hips losing rhythm as he sloppily fucks you full of his cum.
“got to stay full for me. fuck- can hear how full you are baby. so fucking good.” his hips don’t stop fucking into you just yet. “you think we’re done? how cute? gonna take more of my cum. you can do it right. my good girl.”
how would you ever say no? you wanted it so bad. his hips stopping as you feel him pull out of you. “n-no please want it-“ he cuts you off.
“relax baby. gonna give you everything you want. just turn over for me.” he doesn’t know how he is managing to keep it all together.
watching you turn over to lay on your stomach. he doesn’t wait a second before he is rubbing his dick against you again. pushing in slightly.
“so fucking- tight.” he his roughly but slowly rocking his dick into you. “jeongin-“ you feel so dizzy in the best way. no was has fucked you rid of your thoughts. all you can think about is how you’re gonna want this all the time. “feel good? you look so pretty baby.”
he pulls your back up against his chest fucking you at a deeper angle. “o-oh innie-“ his smirk would be so annoying to others but he looked so good teasing you. well from what you can say from looking back at him. loving the way you fell apart for him.
“yea i know- feels so good like this? such a good girl. gonna fill you up with so much cum.” his dirty talk getting more and more desperate as he his completely shameless.
“i’m cumming-“ you say shaking against him. “yeah fuck just like that. s-so close.” he feels you cum again. making a wetter mess on his dick. “innie-“ he groans at the nickname. cum filling you up. “take it fucking all.” he thrusts hard fucking his cum inside deeper.
“so perfect for me. such a good girl. “ you moan again calming down slightly. his dick slowly down as he pulls out of you. “was i too rough?” he asks immediately concerned at your tired body. you shake you head.
“no- i loved it. you never told me you were a menace in bed.” he laughs a little kissing your lips after. “only for you.”
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only you | y.j.i
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-> the first i love you m.list
pairing... bf!jeongin x gn!reader tags... fluff, established relationship, soft pda, skz teasing their maknae 😖
jeongin doesn’t like affection. except when it comes from you, and only you.
wc... 933 words a/n... inspired by this request! this took much longer to write than i would've liked hahaha,, but here it is! it's a bit different that the others but i really did enjoy making it so i hope you all enjoy <3 let me know what you think!!!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“This can't actually be my mission, it's impossible!” Jisung exclaimed in disbelief. He showed the camera his paper which read ‘Hug I.N for 5 seconds.’
Everyone knew that the youngest of the group valued his personal space, which posed a huge challenge for Jisung. It didn’t help that Jisung was terribly obvious about his mission, making his target even harder to catch. He spent the whole day chasing Jeongin around the venue of their shoot trying to wrap his arms around the boy. But, it was all to no avail, and he had failed his mission—which surprised no one.
Although the shoot was finished and the missions were over, Jisung was still trying to succeed, even getting the other members to help him.
“Yah, get away from me!” Jeongin laughed as he moved to shield himself behind the black couch by the dressing room's wall, crouching down in an attempt to protect himself. “Why are you all chasing me? I've done nothing wrong!”
“You know, all you’ve done is corner yourself. Now Jisung is guaranteed to get you.” Seungmin remarked unhelpfully from the corner of the room, where he watched the whole scene with an amused smile on his face.
Jeongin’s jaw dropped as Jisung moved forward to grab him, but the younger boy quickly escaped. However, Jisung managed to capture his arm, keeping him from leaving successfully.
“I got you, Innie-ah! Now you have to accept my hug!” Jisung taunted in a singsong voice, as Jeongin wriggled his arm.
“I don't want your hugs. I don’t want your affection, shoo! Leave me and my personal space alone,” he cried, trying to pull away from his captor.
Minho scoffed at the youngest as he continued to struggle in Jisung's grasp. “Don't lie, you loooove affection. We see you with Y/n all the time, you stick to them like a puppy to its mother!”
As if on cue, the door to the dressing room creaked open, drawing the eight boys’ attention to the person walking through.
“Y/n!” Jeongin came running to you, finally breaking free from Jisung's hold. He hid behind your back, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “Save me, please. They’re trying to attack me, or something.”
Taken aback, you laughed as you watched Minho point at Jeongin and shout, “See, you just proved my point!”
Jeongin tucked his head into your neck, shielding himself from his older members’ teases. You greeted the other members with a shy smile, dragging yourself and your koala of a boyfriend to sit on the couch.
“What did you guys do to him?” After a failed attempt to pry Jeongin off of your body, you gave up and leaned back on the couch as the other boys continued to tease him.
“We didn’t do anything! He won’t let us do anything.” Jisung crossed his arms and playfully pouted.
“Alright, alright,” Chan lightly tugged Jisung towards the door. “Let's let the love birds have some alone time.”
Jeongin scrunched his nose at the title, making some of the guys snicker.
“We'll be back in ten minutes, don't do anything dumb!” With that, the seven boys left you and Jeongin alone to lounge on the dressing room couch.
Though he was still sprawled atop your body, Jeongin seemed to relax at the absence of his members and melt further in your arms, making you smile at the boy.
“So, what was all that about?” You tangled your fingers in Jeongin’s curls, twirling the soft strands.
“Jisung had a dumb mission for our video and they all ganged up on me.” He looked up at you with a pout situated on his face. “They’re bullies, I’m telling you.”
Jeongin buried his face in your neck, rubbing his face against the soft fabric of your turtleneck. You gently massaged the base of his nape, humming as you urged him to continue his story.
“I was running away from them all day, mostly to make Jisung fail his mission,” he let out a chuckle. “But I also didn't feel up for any of their affection. I don't like when people get all up in my personal space.”
“What? But you love when I'm all affectionate with you,” you teased, poking at your boyfriend's cheek.
“Yeah, I’m only like that with you! You make me feel giddy and happy and sweet when I’m around you.” Jeongin mumbled into your shirt. “But that's probably because I love you.”
Your eyes widened at his confession and you nervously let out a breathy laugh. “What did you just say?”
“I love you?” Jeongin tilted his head up at you, confusion clouding his eyes. “Have I not told you that before?”
“No, no you have not,” you laughed softly as you gently moved him off your chest and guided his head so that you were eye-to-eye. “You really mean it?”
Jeongin flashed a gentle smile, showing off his adorable dimples, and brought his hand to the side of your face. His thumb brushed the apple of your cheek as he replied, “Of course I mean it. I love you, and only you”
You placed your hand over his and guided it back to place it on your neck. You pulled him into a hug, your arms tightened around his middle, and you whispered into his ear, “I love you, too, Innie.”
Behind the door, you could vaguely hear Jisung whining about failing his mission, but you paid him no mind. You were already set on soaking up the rest of your ten minutes of peace with your one and only sweet, cuddly, and affectionate boyfriend in your arms.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
taglist: @kflixnet @jinnixxn @elllisaaa @captainchrisstan @laylasbunbunny @starsandrqindrops @fiqire
comments, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! © like-a-diamondinthesky 2023
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yongbokiee-felix · 23 hours
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Innie posted on instagram
Via @/i.2.n.8
“Daily life 🍀”
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charmerchannie · 3 months
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Fyi i love spam likes. I have childhood trauma so I'll take any validation you care to give 🫰🏼
Banners by @rixenluv
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Pet names they have for you
Finding kiss marks on their skzoo
They accidentally confess to you
Pet names you give them
Calling them by their full name - hyung line maknae line
They know you aren't as tough as you seem - hyung line, maknae line, part 2
"You could have been nicer to me today"
When you don't touch them
"Your friend was mean to me"
They dont want to be clingy
You storm out after a fight part 2
Calling them another members name
Loving on their chubby girlfriend
Seeing his s/o in the fanmeet
Calling you the b word (crack)
Making them feel possessive
Telling him you passed out at work
Feeling unworthy of them
"So this is how victorian men felt seeing ankles for the first time"
He makes up a reason to see you
Accidental nudes
ending fwb
Jealous best friends
Watching your childhood videos
Taking care of you when you're afraid to ask for help
When you don't text back
When you yell at someone for hitting on him
Asking him for spicy pics
When you have an accident on your period
When you're nervous flying alone
He still loves you
Secretly spending time with their mom/sister
Going to your graduation
Noticing period stains
Missing each other
Covering Francesca by Hozier for him
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Accidently thirsting over him
Secretly dating Bang Chan
Comforting you after a bad day
Gold digger part 2
You think he's cheating
Sex talk
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Watching Minho's cats
Borrowing Minho's cat
Secretly dating Minho
Comforting you on a bad week
When Minho has a huge crush on you
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Wish You Back (smau series ongoing)
Daddy changbin and his princess
Feeling insecure
When he tries to break up with you
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Happy birthday, doll
Reacting to his piercing
Feeling insecure
Hyunjin bubble reaction #1
Accidentally simping over how voice
Finding Kkami
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Responding to his Bubble
Movie night
Gold digger part 2 part 3
Meeting you at a fansign
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Runway model felix
Rain on your wedding day
Gold digger part 2
Reacting to Felix BEFORE the Met Gala
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Celebrating his opening pitch
Insecure with Seungmin
Gold digger part 2
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Marvin Gaye
Daddy toast
Gold digger part 2 part 3
Written work
Head is spinning (written smut series)
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blue-jisungs · 4 months
making up with them after a fight ♡
author's note. minho’s one is so relatable to me i hate it sm :(( like idk sometimes i don’t wanna be touched but i have struggles wording it out and im afraid ill hurt someone w my reaction… <\\3 sigh… yeah, can u tell it’s self indulgent?
warnings. yn falls asleep in a bathtub,, pls dont do that!!!, cursing, lmk if i missed anything
this is a continuation to fighting with them!!
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┆彡 CHAN [ 찬 ]
you woke up in your and chris’ bed, which made your stomach turn. he must have brought you here.
suddenly sitting up, you noticed your boyfriend is absent. did he leave…?
jumping out of the bed you rushed to living room and were relieved to see him in the kitchen.
however, guilt washed over you upon seeing him so… lifeless, hurt.
“hi” you whispered, clutching your shirt. chan looked at you and smiled softly, nodding his head.
“morning. there’s some coffee for you, breakfast will be done in a few minutes” he hummed and returned his gaze to the pan.
“chan, listen… i’m sorry i snapped at you yesterday. yes, i was tired but…” you hesitated, voice cracking “that’s not an excuse, really”
“i’m just worried, y/n” he said and his features softened.
“i know, i know” you hung your head low, afraid that tears will escape any second “it’s just… work has been shit lately and it’s draining me emotionally and physically… and i just…”
“hey, hey. it’s okay. i understand it. that’s why i’m here, right? to help you. but to help you, i need to know first” chan walked up to you, wrapping his arms around you. this warm, secure hug made you feel at ease “but i won’t be able to know if we don’t talk”
“i know… i’m so, so sorry. for snapping and for acting like an asshole… i’m sorry channie” you cried, pouring your heart out.
“i forgive you, y/n. i already did. let’s just treat this as a lesson, okay?” chan soothed you gently “let it out, baby. i’m here”
┆彡 MINHO [ 민호 ]
you and minho became distant. you began touching and kissing him less, head overflowing with worries each time when physical contact involved. eventually, you stopped. you just greeted him in the morning or after work.
and minho hated this.
he knew it was his fault because he snapped you. and if he didn’t do anything about it, your relationship might be on a thread... if it wasn't already.
so one day, when you woke up… you felt a soft kiss being pressed to your arm. you smiled gently to yourself, trying to remain calm. what is he scheming…?
"y/nnie… i’m sorry"
you turned around, frowning. lino’s eyes softened but there was a glint of sadness in them.
"i snapped at you when i had a bad day already. and… it was one of those days when i just don’t want to be touched, even by you. it- it sounds so idiotic but i promise you, it’s not your fault…" minho started and you bit your lip. your hands ached to cup his face and– "i can see you’re thinking about it. it’s fine, i’m fine. no, actually i’m not. i missed your touch and kisses so so much. and i feel like an idiot because i’ve brought it on me but above all…”
he hesitated and tapped your finger. you nodded, granting him permission to hold you. in an instant, he shuffled closer and wrapped his arms tightly around you.
"i’m sorry i made you feel like that. i can’t even imagine how you must have felt, thinking if ill snap at you today too… im so… fucking… sorry… " minho’s voice broke off and you felt his body shiver.
"it’s okay, min. i forgive you, don’t feel guilty. just tell me next time, okay? i understand that on some days you’re feeling like you don’t want to be touched, i respect that" you hummed into his skin, drawing shapes "just tell me"
"i will" minho smiled softly, heart warming because of your words, kindness, and touch.
┆彡 CHANGBIN [ 창빈 ]
with a shaking hand you dialed changbin’s number, looking at the droplets falling in front of you. he picked up instantly.
"hello, baby?" he asked, concern in his voice. you took a deep breath, trying to control your breaking voice slightly at least.
"you… um, you were right…" you mumbled, sniffling.
silence fell and you were expecting an 'i told you so' or 'see?' but none of that happened.
"i’m sorry, pretty. i swear, next time i see them somewhere i’ll talk to them. i’ll pick you up, hm?" changbin asked and even though you knew he didn’t see, you nodded. your heart felt light that you didn’t fight again.
"i… um, i’m sorry. for being so defensive about them but… i was in the wrong…" a soft sigh left your lips and you heard a loud 'yah!' causing you to move your phone away for a bit.
"don’t apologize. i’m the one who should say sorry, truly. i just didn’t want you to get hurt again but… i took it to far, i said some messed up shit. sorry" chanbin’s voice was gentle and then suddenly you heard a honk. eyes widening, you saw his car "also i may or may not have already been waiting here…"
"dumbass” you scoffed, wiping your tears and going to his car with a smile.
┆彡 HYUNJIN [ 현진 ]
hyunjin entered the house, frowning upon the silence. your shoes were on the floor, dirty dishes in the sink, some miscellaneous items scattered around the living room.
"y/n?" he called out. no answer.
you weren’t in the bedroom either. hyunjin, growing anxious, opened the bathroom door.
he saw you sleeping in the tub, head almost barely above the water.
"yah, dumbass!" he yelped and dragged you a bit up, safe enough but still in the water. your eyes opened lazily, gaze unfocused.
"huh?" you blinked at him and saw genuine worry on his face.
"you fell asleep in the tub, y/n. i got so scared" he sighed, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. he noticed your eye bags and it hit him like a truck: sure, dancing is his profession and he gets tired. but you, as a cleaning lady move as much as him and have to deal with other - usually assholes - people. you must be exhausted, even more than him.
then his gaze shifted to various scratches and bruises on your arms. you noticed it and smiled softly.
"it’s nothing, you know how clumsy i am. today i knocked over a broom and it hit my arm… it was kinda funny actually" you grinned but only saw sadness behind his eyes "hyune?"
"i… the thing i said the other day… i don’t mean it. i don’t think you’re just a cleaning lady, i shouldn’t say anything like this. and, it’s a bit stupid, but i realized just now… that at the end of the day, you’re probably as tired as me" he mumbled, voice small. you nodded, grabbing his hand.
"i won’t lie, what you said hurt me. but… i get it, you were tired and i got on your nerves–" you started.
"but i shouldn’t have bursted like that. let me take care of you now, hm? do you want me to wash your hair?" hyunjin asked, a cute smile finally blooming on his lips. you nodded energetically, causing him to giggle and place a tender kiss atop your head before proceeding to wash your hair.
┆彡 JISUNG [ 지성 ]
when he left the party, glad to finally be out… someone grabbed his arm. he turned around and saw beomgyu.
"what?" jisung grunted, looking at the stranger.
"dude, i don’t know what’s your problem but me and y/n were literally talking about you" beomgyu said, letting go of his arm "besides, i’m taken"
jisung wanted to snarl 'so what?' but the sudden reality hit him: he threw a tantrum like a spoiled brat and almost went home without you. beomgyu scanned his face suspiciously, seeing the gears turn in jisung’s head.
"y/n loves you, i can see it in the way her face lits up when she speaks about you" beomgyu said and shrugged, adding before leaving "thought i’d just let you know"
jisung went back, looking for you. it turned out you stayed outside, gazing into the sky.
"um, hi" he mumbled, sitting down next to you. you didn’t reply "i’m… sorry"
"that was fast" you teased, bitterness shining through your voice.
"beomgyu walked up to me. i acted like an idiot, i know. i was just… jealous, i guess" jisung murmured almost incoherently, shy about his feelings. you turned around and sent him a sky smirk.
"you were what?"
jisung rolled his eyes playfully.
"i was jealous, are you happy?" he repeated louder.
"it’s fine. just… don’t yell at me. and let me finish, for god’s sake. if you listened what i had to say, you’d know that we were discussing which guitar i should buy you as a gift" you explained and saw his eyes widen. you couldn’t possibly stay mad any longer at this boba-eyed quokka.
┆彡 FELIX [ 필릭스 ]
there was a doorbell echoing through the living room and you sent your friend a puzzled look. she shrugged and went to open the door.
"oh… y/n, it’s felix" she turned around and sent you a pitiful look. you just sighed, nodding. she let him in, scanning him head to toe threateningly, and left to her bedroom to give you some privacy.
"how did you know i’m here?" you asked, eyes avoiding his.
"(friend name) added a picture to the story that you’re here… so… um… i grabbed those and flew"
finally looking up, you noticed the bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand. felix handed you them and sat down next to you on the couch, hesitantly tapping his fingers on his thigh. he wanted to hold your hand but wasn’t sure if you wanted to right now.
"i’m a bad boyfriend, aren’t i? even seungmin knew you were fired" he sighed with a sad smile "i’m so sorry. there’s nothing that could… be an excuse"
you took his hand in yours, humming in thought.
"will you work on it? i missed you. i know work is busy but at least talk to me, eat breakfasts with me… if we don’t work it out, i’m afraid–" your voice broke, not even wanting to say those words.
felix hugged you tightly, holding you as close as possible.
"i know. i will work on it, i promise. i’ll try to clear my schedule and we can go on a trip to jeju maybe?" he mumbled into your shoulder.
he just got a last chance and he wasn’t going to blow it.
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
returning home after three days, you entered the house only to see seungmin sleeping on the couch. the place was neatly cleaned, not even a single dirty spot in sight.
"oh, you’re back" seungmin murmured drowsily, leaning on his elbows "how was the stay?"
"good. why are you sleeping in the couch?" you asked, walking up to the fridge to put in the food your mom gave you. to your surprise, it was full with fresh groceries.
"i… uh, couldn’t really sleep well without you. i also have a thought about what i said and… listen, y/n, i’m sorry" he said "i really like your parents, i really do. i was just tired and… i don’t know what it’s like, that’s true. i didn’t consider your and their feelings… and i just hope your parents don’t hate me now because i’ll cry"
"i think they love you more than me at this point, my mom kept asking about you" you smiled softly, relieved to hear that you made wrong assumptions.
"just tell me a bit earlier if we’re going next time, okay?" he asked and you nodded with a happy grin "besides, it was lonely here without you"
┆彡 JEONGIN [ 정인 ]
"dude, what the fuck?" changbin asked, standing frozen. jeongin frowned "you were supposed to text eunjeong only to get the info about the cake, nothing more!"
that was true – they wanted to make you a surprise party because you passed your exams and eunjeong works in one of the best bakeries in the town, so they figured it’d be the best to text her.
"i got distracted… i didn’t know y/n would make such a fuss out of it" jeongin grunted and opened his phone to see your location on 'my friends'. he bit his lip, sudden realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. if he found out you were texting your ex… he wouldn’t be pleased about it either.
"what are you waiting for? go after her! and don’t spoil the surprise, too!" changbin pushed him out of the dorm.
in no time jeongin caught up with you, grabbing your hand. you turned around, wet stains on your cheeks. he felt a sharp sting in his heart upon realizing it’s his fault.
"listen… i didn’t mean any of that. but i need you to trust me" jeongin said, squeezing your hand. you hesitated.
"why? i trust you i just… don’t trust her" you mumbled, wiping your cheek.
"i know, i’m sorry. you’ll see soon, okay? can you forgive me? i love you so much, i just didn’t think it would hurt you that way" he added shyly. nodding softly, you tightened your lips into a line.
"okay…" you hummed.
hopefully the cake will be delicious enough to regain at least a piece of your trust.
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @litepowee ,, @ocean-minho ,, @lessthanpast ,, @s-e-s-a-I-e-n-e ,, @fire-08 ,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien
2K notes · View notes
pretty-blkgirl · 2 months
Texting Skz “Happy Anniversary” (Hyung Line)
//gn!reader x Skz//
Synopsis: You try and wish your boyfriend a happy anniversary for Skz Day
Genre: crack, fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: HAPPY SKZ DAYYYYYYYYY. Wanted to put a little something out for the kids’ 6th year 🫶🏾
~Maknae Line~
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925 notes · View notes
jeongin-lvr · 2 months
hihihi I have a thought !! Jeongin's reaction when he found out that reader is a camgirl
ᵎ 🍶 ⊹ camera shy, y. jeongin
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꒰ 🗯️ ꒱ 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗏 𝗋𝗈𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗍𝖾!𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂𝗇,𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖺 𝗌𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗅𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍,𝖼𝖺𝗆𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋,𝖽𝖾𝗀𝗋𝖺𝖽𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇,𝗁𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇,𝗋𝗈𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗈 ???,𝗆𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖻𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇,𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗈𝗒𝗌,𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂𝗇 𝗌𝗉𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝖻𝗂𝗍,𝗎𝗇𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽.
[ 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾 ] 𝗍𝗒𝗌𝗆 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 <𝟥 𝗂𝗍 𝗍𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺 𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗈𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗉𝗈𝗇𝖽 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝖺 𝗀𝗈 <𝟥 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗂 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝖿𝗎𝗇 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗍 𝖺𝗍 𝟤 𝖺𝗆 𝗅𝗈𝗅 !!
[ 𝟦.𝟤𝗄 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌 ] ✩ [ 𝖽𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 ] ✩ [ 𝗆.𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ]
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HE’S JUST your roommate. And as your roommate, he wasn't shy to just walk right into your room, ready to ask you about the mess in the kitchen or the curling iron you left in the bathroom the two of you shared. As your roommate he never expected to walk into your bedroom and see you spread wide in front of your desk computer, playing with yourself and talking to the camera.
Jeongin's jaw dropped straight to hell, his eyes practically bulging as he stared. It was impossible to turn away; it was like his gaze was glued to you. The way your fingers pressed into your clit like a button, your lips pressed together hard as you paused to breathe. Jeongin didn't know how to form sober thoughts anymore. He felt drunk and dizzy while staring at you, his mind was slurred and even though he wasn't saying anything, he felt he wasn't making sense.
You hadn't noticed him standing in the doorway, surprisingly. Your eyes were still seductively staring into the screen, gaze falling to every other comment, smirking at some of the more desperate ones.
You spoke slowly, like you wanted everyone there to understand, even Jeongin.
"I'm all wet just for youuu." Your voice fell into a soft whine, sing-song like as you smile. Jeongin doesn't know why but your words go straight to his dick and he braced himself on the wall, fearing he'd lose his balance.
You continued, still somehow unaware of Jeongin's presence. It didn't help that the room was dark apart from the dim light of your desktop and the pale bulb of your bedside lamp. Your head was facing the screen entirely, too focused to even notice his watching figure on the sidelines.
You weren't anything like the Y/N he usually saw. Normally you were quiet and a bit shy, he'd never take you for the type to be so lewd behind the scenes. It was dangerous the duality you secretly held. Your eyes were low and dark under the limited light, lips glossed and shiny, your pretty body cutely dressed in something that Jeongin never knew he needed to see. A pale pink lingerie set, gorgeous around your curve with bows on every line of lace, sewn into the straps and panties cutely. All this and Jeongin's mouth watered like a dog; shamefully, he was already hard,embarrassingly so.
You hissed as you read something, assuming to be someone's comment out loud, "You look so good right now, that set suits you," You smiled sweetly like it was any other compliment, your cheeks dimpled and hot, "Thank you, I picked it out for you."
Jeongin's brain went foggy again. If he could get his feet to work he would've left already, embarrassed yet painfully hard. He wished he could find the strength to turn around and fix himself up— ease the burden of blood rushing to his cock. You were doing something to him he didn't except. He's watching you like god herself had divined right before him; he's thinking like Satan had run his fingers along his skin and tainted his mind. He felt dirty, he felt like perverted loser as he stood frozen watching you.
You bit your lip, sucking in a breath of air softly as your fingers slid down your slid, poking daintily at your hole.
"I actually have a surprise for you guys," You began with a soft smile, eyes a little hazy as you reached over your desk. You pulled out of what seemed to be thin air, a hot pink dildo, the color harsh and bright. Jeongin almost choked at the sight, the color, the length, the idea of you putting that into yourself— it felt like a fever dream to witness, "Isn't it pretty? I bought it yesterday... should I try it on stream?"
Jeongin listened like he was an avid viewer; like he himself had paid the same money those people on the stream had to see you. Once again a wave of shame flushed across him, cheeks reddening but feet remaining concrete on the floor.
"Yeah? Okay," You seemed entirely too happy, leaning back in your chair and giving the viewers once again an amazing view. Your tits pressed together by your arms, your panties on you right ankle, dangling forgotten and free, "It's a bit bigger than I'd normally buy... I wonder if it'll even fit..."
Your eyes raised back to the screen and for a second Jeongin saw that shy girl he knew. Your eyes were widened and your lips damp and parted. It was a gorgeous sight and he felt a sudden urge to walk over there and grab your face, maybe even make you take all of him for those viewers to see. The power you held over him right now was insane and you didn't even know it.
You bit your lip with your eyebrows pressed together, bringing the thick silicone to your pussy, rubbing it along your clit whilst simultaneously collecting your own essence along the shaft.
Jeongin's eyes followed every movement you made; enamored as you held the toy to your hole now, sucking in a breath as you slipped it inside of you slowly, etching deeper and deeper until the majority of it disappeared inside of you.
Jeongin let out an audible groan, somehow you hadn't heard it; your head leaned back and eyes shut, embracing the feeling as your walls snugly held the dildo in place.
"F-fuck," You cried out softly, lifting your head back to the screen, "It feels so good... so much bigger t-than usual."
Jeongin could barely see your screen but he just knew the chat was exploding. Your eyes tried to follow each one but you were already growing woozy from the feeling; Jeongin could see it.
"O-oh," You whimpered as you rolled your hips off the chair, struggling to maintain yourself for the camera. You read a comment, "Wish you were taking my cock right now instead of that overpriced p-plastic," You nodded eagerly, eyes fluttery as another whine fell past your lips, "Me too, wish I had real dick right now... fuck."
Jeongin almost opened his mouth to speak before he caught himself; mouth too dry to even say anything to begin with.
"Can you moan a little louder for us?" You read a comment in a soft whispery voice. You nodded at this and let out your prettiest moan, hand moving the dildo in and out of your pussy in steady motions. Your head lulled backward, beginning to lose focus on the screen, "M' gonna cum fast tonight— fuck, feels s'good."
Jeongin's hand was softly caressing himself through his sweats, the tips of his ears stained a shade of red. His eyes scanned over your entire body; the lace that hugged your tits, the hot pink dildo disappearing then reappearing from your cunt, the squish in your belly and the swollen tint of your lips. He bit his lips, afraid he'd say something stupid if he didn't.
"Fu-fuck— can I? Can I cum?" You asked the stream, the people watching the lewd image before them. You whimpered again, thighs shaking and threatening to close.
You read the chat, grateful for the kindness tonight as the chat flooded with praise and yes's.
In his head, Jeongin was pleading with you to cum, his eyes fixed on your twitching kissy as you began to up your pace. You rapidly pushed the toy into you over and over again; moans getting more frequent and whinier.
You moaned out something incoherent and whiny, your head falling back, exposing your chest hidden beneath the thin veil of lace. Your orgasm came with no warnings, your moans expertly loud and helpless as you fucked yourself through your high.
All the while Jeongin palmed his bulge and wondered how he'd never seen you like this sooner. It had to be the best thing he'd ever seen.
Your high came in intervals, your head falling back and thighs twitching. Jeongin watched you lean your own head back, tilt it his direction and moan, eyes locking on hiss and in your orgasm-filled daze your hand reached out to him, making Jeongin's heart (and dick) lurch.
Your eyes glossy and your chest heaving as you mewled and moaned something that couldn't be understood; all the while your eyes on Jeongin, now aware of his presence and reaching for him with grabby, shaky fingertips.
"I-Innie—" You practically moaned his name as your orgasm fell, ending as you shook helplessly. You continued pushing the dildo into yourself, shame out the window as you continued to hold your gaze. Jeongin couldn't break his eyes away.
"Fuck," He huffed, eyes wide, trying to collect what little dignity he had left, "Sorry— I'll go—"
You shook your head, somehow already knowing exactly what was going on. Your eyes fell to his hand that tried (and failed) to cover his erection, the denim of his pants visibly uncomfortable around his hard cock. You reached again, teary eyes now as you overstimulated yourself with your dildo, still brave enough to stare at him.
His eyes. They were slender and a little nervous yet equally so aroused and dark. The darkness of the room didn't help; making him look especially enticing. While any other night you'd gladly take the chance to have him, especially tonight.
From Jeongin's messy, dyed hair to his expensive facial features. High cheekbones and dangerously pretty eyes, lips soft and pink with the prettiest Cupids bow. Not to mention his beautifully carved body, broad shoulders and chest hidden beneath the thickness of his hoodie. You caught glimpses of his figure all the time, and each time you were drooling in your mind for him.
"Innie... please." The adrenaline of an orgasm gave you the courage to call for him. To plead with him to stay. The chat was exploding with questions, one after the other, donation after donation with notes asking who you were talking to. Your boyfriend? A friend? They were curious, who is this mystery person you're calling out to? Your shaky hands reached for him longingly and the viewers couldn't see but Jeongin didn't hesitate to step toward you, finally being able to pick up his feet.
When Jeongin came on screen all that was visible were his arms and his body, face excluded and cut off screen just at his jaw. The chat was exploding now more than ever, the notification of donations being ignored as the two of you held a longing stare. It was silent, your legs still spread and your mind foggy. Jeongin's vision was blurred but he could make you out so much clearer than before. The dimness no longer shrouded your beauty but highlighted it. Your sweaty chest, your lustful eyes.
He stared and to you it made you sober up a bit, wondering if you'd made the wrong move, but to him be was taking it all in before he grabbed you and bent you over the table. Jeongin cupped your chin, fingers slightly gripping the soft flesh and squishing your lips into a pout.
He didn't care that cameras were rolling, nor that hundreds if not thousands of people were watching the two of you right now. Thinking about it was pointless anyway— all he wanted to do was have his way with you.
You asked quietly, wishing you hadn't said anything now. Afraid of what he was going to say; would he ridicule you? Call you a good for nothing whore and stampede out of the room? Why was he staring into your eyes so deeply? How was he so hot even when you could barely make out his eyes beneath the shroud of dark?
"I'm thinking..." Jeongin stated simply, voice barely audible by viewers.
Your body was shaky and so was your breath, "About... what?" You bit your lip, speech slurred by the way he held your face.
Jeongin's breath fanned your face, warming it even further, sweat beginning to dribble down your temple just from his stare alone.
"All the ways I could fuck you right now."
You practically moaned at the sound of his voice, let alone his words. Such nasty, lewd words that lingered in the air for a minute, a flume of tension rising around the two of you. It was undeniable. You didn't even bother to say more, just staring up at him wide eyed, silently daring him to do it; show you the best he's got. Show everyone watching behind their screens what he could really do.
Jeongin didn't hesitate, bringing you upward, all of his once raging shyness gone. He's got the opportunity and he'd call himself and idiot if he let it pass him by. He flipped you toward the screen, your face inches away as you leaned on your hands, tits threatening to spill from their pink lace homes. You moaned as his hands laced through your hair, digging into your scalp then dragging through the half-made knots. You winced when he wrapped an arm around your waist, adjusting you to his liking, moaning again as he pressed his thick, hot bulge against your backside.
You moaned but it wasn't for the camera this time. You don't know why but Jeongin had this effect on you; something you hoped you'd get to experience again after this.
"Oh— put it in— please, please," You begged outwardly with starry eyes, avoiding your reflection in the monitor and instead staring at his clothed chest, noticing the way his chest rose and fell erratically, "Innie, I can't— want you so bad, p-please!" Your voice was akin to a sob now, breathless as he watched your figure squirm and writhe beneath him.
He swore it altered the chemistry in his brain, ultimately frying it. He saw colors he'd never seen before, he tasted things he'd never tasted before this very moment. All of it was thanks to you.
Those pretty sounds you made eggend him on further, giving him the confidence to speak, "Baby... just look at the camera and hold still."
His voice was nonchalant and demanding but he swore on the inside he was about to combust. His eyes fell to your pretty ass, round cheeks curved up as your back arched; his dick slotted so perfectly between them, the bulge itching to be freed and find it's place in your cute body.
"Take this thing out..." Jeongin pulled the dildo out of you, chuckling at the sight of how much cum fell from the tip, sticky and leaking on your ass and his hands. He tossed it to the side with little care for where it landed; staring back at your cunt again, this time ogling at your cunt peeking through the side of your panties, wetness dripping down your thighs now. He sucked in a breath and a groan, eyes going to the screen as he realized he was on camera again.
"Innie... just fuck me already." You pushed your ass back against him, rubbing mindlessly against his bulge. Jeongin was never one to obey so easily, but this time he swore he'd never untied his sweats faster. He just had to have you right this instant, to fuck you in front of thousands and show them that you have what they'll never get: you.
He himself wasn't even sure if he was dreaming or not. Whether this was real or fake didn't matter to him now— all he cared about was the feeling of your ass pressed against him. God, was it something he could get used to. Just the sight alone left him quaking, pretty and round and daintily covered by the thin veil of pink lace. Leaving nothing to the imagination, only making his cock twitch in his pants.
"You're such a slut," Jeongin's voice was grating like sandpaper on wood, making your stomach flip and your knees shake, "Showing yourself off to the world like this... so wet too, fuck." Jeongin could barely formulate the words as his mind raced; all be could think of was all the things he wanted to do to you.
You whined at his words, clearly wanting to bite back only to receive a tap on your ass. Somewhat of a warning of what his big hands could do if you acted out. You let out a soft shriek that dissipated into a content sigh.
"Using a nasty little toy on yourself isn't gonna do much, sugar..." Jeongin was bending you further into your desk, the bottom half of his face appearing on screen as he whispered in your ear, "Wouldn't you rather have the real thing? Wouldn't you rather have me fill this pretty cunt up for you instead?"
You were quick to respond, nodding your head as you tried to turn your head to face him. He chuckled, nodding as well like a taunt.
"Tell them all then," Jeongin pointed to the screen. The feeling was utter humiliation— or at least it would be if you cared enough. If the bulge of his cock wasn't pressing deliciously against your cunt, applying just enough pressure to your clit. You weakly turned to the screen, mouth wet as saliva pooled in the corner of your lips.
The chat was spamming with questions still. Begging to know who this guy was and why he had shown up suddenly. Why they couldn't make out his face and why he was touching you. They were definitely jealous as he ran a hand up your spine, loving the way you reacted to him and arched your back.
"I-Innie's... he's gonna fuck m'now..." You stared blurry eyed at the screen, listening to the sound of Jeongin shuffling and pulling his dick out from his boxers, slipping his tip up and down your folds. He listened to you continue, "He's— he's gonna fuck me for y-you all." You wiggled your ass slowly with a sly chuckle, pressed your lips together when he suddenly grabbed you. His fingers were rough and his eyes were straight on your ass. His cock leaking against your ass as he adjusted you to his liking.
"Go on." He ordered. The calm yet demeaning sound of his voice making you itch to feel him.
"Can't wait to feel it. Been wanting to since foreverrr," You continued now, "Fuck, want it so—"
Jeongin pushed into you suddenly, making you choke on your words, spit dribbling out the side of your mouth. Evidently shutting you up, he laughed and gave your ass a nice rub. But inside his nonchalant, almost mean demeanor he was losing it.
Never had Jeongin thought he'd be perfectly snug between your thighs inside your gummy walls. Was it something he'd find himself thinking about randomly? All the time. Had he ever thought his fantasies would become a reality? No, not at all. But right now he was reveling in the moment, every breath was like his final, taking it in slow as he tried to think straight. You were squeezing him impossibly good, almost painful like you were choking his poor dick.
Meanwhile, your brain was turning to mush, staring blankly ahead at the screen, eyes too lazy to refocus on the spamming chat. Mostly egging you both on, instructing things to do as if it were their own personal game.
Jeongin wondered how his shy roommate, the girl who was meek and quiet in public, had managed to keep such a dangerously attractive secret for so long. Had you always done this? Was this a new thing? So many questions yet all at once all he needed was to feel you more.
So he gripped your waist, focusing on the pleasure of you, "Fuck, s'better than I imagined."
You nodded softly, already whimpering and moaning between each breath.
Jeongin's eyes were shielded by his hair as he read some of the comments, flabbergasted by some of the shit they were saying. Even more shocked by the amount of money reeling in now. Before his eyes, flashes of donations and notifications beamed over the screen like little surprises.
Jeongin decided in that moment to give the viewers what they want. He bit his lip as he slowly slid out, leaving his leaky red tip in before pushing back in. He was slow and deliberate, all the while his hands ran up and down your waist, reaching and grabbing for any part of you he could.
His eyes came across a specific comment; call her a slut.
Jeongin had no problem doing that, so he lowered a hand to your jaw, gripping your poor, flushed skin and angling your head toward the camera. Your eyes were struggling to stay open and your mouth hung agape. "Fucking slut... desperate to get fucked in front of all these people... nasty aren't you?"
You didn't deny it, instead whimpering at a particularly sharp thrust inside of you. Your nails were digging into the desk, your face felt hot, and your body ached already, "Y-yes."
"What's that?" Jeongin only said it to watch the way you stammered, almost embarrassed to repeat yourself.
"That's more like it. Speak up, don't hide your sounds, slut."
Jeongin obeyed the comments religiously; even chanting little moans like church hymns. He wasn't gentle, leaving you babbling and drooling. He wasn't even sure you realize you were still displayed on screen for everyone to see. His hands instinctively glided up your body as his eyes scanned the chat once again, looking for inspiration, something to drive you wild with. Satisfy whatever thirst was brewing in the chat.
He kept his moans to himself, slowly losing it each time he listened to your delicious sounds.
Jeongin smirked at another comment; how does it feel?
“See that?” Jeongin pointed your head at the monitor, chuckling when you whispered out a moan, “They’re asking you how it feels. Go on, tell them, slut.” He gave you a particularly harsh thrust, similar to a gentle nudge forward.
Your fingers curled around the edges of the desk, the little table rocking slightly as he slowed his hips down; your body reacting with little pushes back against his hips. Jeongin stared at the screen impatiently, watching as you tried to focus your poor, watery eyes.
“I— I can’t,” You struggled, feeling his strong arm wrapping around your torso, “So deep…”
Jeongin bit his lip, sliding his hand up to grip the back of your neck, pulling you backward. He wasn’t in the mood to be patient anymore; he wanted to fuck you. He was so close and you saying shit like that didn’t help him at all. By the way you were flinching and preening, his name melting off your tongue and heating the air, had his mind slipping. Jeongin gripped your body tightly against his chest, not a care for how the camera was catching you two— you both sweaty and lust filled. Your body reacting with little jerks each time his cock slipped into you completely from sensitivity; prior orgasms giving you the blessing of a fast approaching orgasm.
Jeongin’s hot breath fanned your face, “You close? Tell me, fuck, c’mon.”
You nodded, his fingers grazing up your jaw, “So close… right there, r-right there!” You jaw hung open, little ‘ah’s’ filling the air, whiny and addicting. Jeongin was groaning, lost in the pool of his own pleasure as you squeezed him just right.
“Cum on my cock,” Jeongin groaned breathlessly, rocking you along with his desperate thrusts, “Oh— fuck, s’tight, dammit!”
You came so hard the world went white; blurring your mind and sending you in a spiral of pure bliss. Your body was twitching, going limp in his arms like jelly. His eyes squeezing shut as you did so, curling his toes to keep his orgasm in check.
Before your orgasm was fully done he was pulling out and bending you forward into the desk again, not caring for the things along the table bruising your skin. He pushing you into the wood by the back of your head, slender fingers curling in your hair. He fucked the last of his stamina into his fist, jerking himself off until his dick spurt pretty ropes of pearly cum, thick and steaming along your skin as it landed in gorgeous patterns.
You panted into the desk, eyes focusing on the random corner beside the wall, your mind coming down from a high that left you practically glitching. Jeongin stood up with slumped shoulders, hand dropping his flaccid dick as he panted out little breaths.
Your lips hung wide as realization slowly hit. Usually you’d do a quick goodbye for your viewers, maybe thanking them or doing something small. But this time your body reacted faster than your brain could properly function. You raised your shaky arm to the monitor and simply shut the whole device off, eyes slowly widening, trailing toward the boy behind you.
Your own roommate. Someone you considered a pretty close friend— someone you saw everyday. The boy you complained to and cried to a few times. Now you can add another thing to that list; the boy who made you cum on camera for thousands.
Almost like Jeongin knew what you were thinking he tapped your ass with a little chuckle. His grip finding your waist again, “I didn’t know you were a camgirl.”
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