pretty-blkgirl · 2 days
may you do a fluffy seungmin x black reader? maybe the reader experiences hate from seungmin's fans and seungmin shows her that he loves her regardless of what's being said?
it's all up to you ofc! ok bye ~ <3
Let Me Help You
//fem!black reader x idol!Seungmin//
Synopsis: After experiencing excruciating hate from his fans, you try to leave your boyfriend
Genre; angst, eventual fluff
Warnings: racism is a heavy theme in this story, reader is described as fem
A/N; Thank you so much for the request ❀❀ As you can see, the story is a bit lengthy since this topic is something I’m passionate about. There aren’t any explicit instances of racism present (such as the use of slurs) but it is heavily implied.
“Y/N?” You hear from behind you, making you jump slightly. You immediately looked back to see your loving boyfriend staring at you with pure disbelief in his eyes.
The look on his face alone makes you want to run into his arms and kiss all his pain away. The pain and confusion you caused.
You were in the bedroom you two once shared, gathering the last of your things and returning a necklace Seungmin had given you. Since he was so busy at work, it was easy to dodge him and move out of the apartment without any problems.
Your original plan was to leave the apartment without a trace. Block him, and all his family and friends, never looking back.
However, you know he deserved more than that. You two’s relationship was perfect.
Well, near perfect.
You and Seungmin were beyond compatible. You loved the same shows, food, and artists, and it helps that you were familiar with the music industry so you two connected on another level.
The company was aware of the crush you two had on one another in the beginning, so they asked Seungmin ahead of time to try his best to hide the impending relationship.
He truly did do his best to hide you, not that he wanted to. He would have preferred to show you off to the world, and let everyone know he was in a relationship with the most beautiful, caring, talented, and loving woman in the world.
However, both of you knew that he needed to seem “available” as an idol. The fans needed to believe they had a chance with him, and them finding out about you wouldn’t be good for anyone.
It was a bit more tricky as well, considering the obvious difference between you two. Neither you nor Seungmin had a racial preference when it came to dating, so you being Black and him being Asian was rarely a situation you two cared about.
To be honest, who cares about the difference in race? It was never a big deal, all his family and friends absolutely loved you, and the company even took a liking to you.
The moral of the story is, it never mattered that you two were in an interracial relationship
until it did.
Being Black in Korea was an
interesting experience. The majority of your age group and younger exhibited great openness and compassion towards everyone. But there were still some ignorant people, and those people made sure to show themselves to you.
One day, an older man caught you and Seungmin leaving a restaurant late at night. He cursed at you, insulting you and calling you names you’d never repeat.
Seungmin defended you, but the man’s outburst caught the attention of a group of teenagers who recorded the interaction.
They posted it, and it went viral quickly. Sharp-eyed fans immediately recognized the masked man’s voice and eyes. They knew it was Seungmin, then everyone knew he had a partner.
Many people supported you and your man, even other celebrities came out in support, but a large number of nonblack fans came out and started to give you hell.
They sent trucks to the company, demanding the idol break up with you. They trended tags on Twitter, they spammed Bubble with pleas for you two to break up.
Seungmin and the company both put out a statement, but the hate continued to get worse.
His members began to speak in defense of you, and you noticed paparazzi stalking outside your job.
The death threats didn't take long to start, and then the shameless TikTok videos claiming you’re only “ruining his career” and “destroying his purity” came in dozens.
Again, there was still an outpour of support, but the blatant racism you were shown was so too much to handle.
Being Black, you unfortunately experienced at least a little bit of ignorance, prejudice, or racism wherever you went. You were beyond proud of your race though, making sure everyone could feel the confidence and pride exuding off you wherever you went.
You were never ashamed of your race, you would never allow someone to make you feel bad about who you were. To you, you were beyond blessed to have such beautiful brown skin, but it did hurt to know that people hated your guts just because of your skin color.
The fans were ruthless, and you tried to stay away from the hate, but your curiosity got the best of you.
Long story short, you spent 3 hours reading about how Seungmin could do better and how his reputation is being ruined. By the 4th hour, you had started packing your stuff.
You loved Seungmin more than anything, but you started to feel like you were ruining his career. He was almost put on hiatus when the news broke, and he was so miserable. You watched as he cried on the phone with the higher-ups, and you couldn’t stand the fact that it was all your fault.
You managed to pack the majority of your things in a few hours, mostly because you didn’t have much to begin with. Running off of pure adrenaline and sadness, you left for a hotel and ignored the eventual calls that came later in the night.
You stayed away for three days and planned to come back to the apartment to get the rest of your stuff while Seungmin was supposed to be recording a music video.
Unfortunately, he played sick and was able to leave the shoot early. Something in his gut told him you’d be back at the apartment, and he was right.
“I’m sorry,” You said, staring down at the floor
“Can we talk?”
“I just came to get the rest of my things”
He sighed, “Please baby, this can’t be the end of us”
“I’m not good for you”
“Don’t you ever say something so stupid again”
Against your better judgment, you looked up at him. He was so hurt, but still managed to put a little smile on his face.
Your knees felt weak
“Why’d you leave?” He questioned
“You know why”
“Maybe” He nods, “But I wanna hear you say it”
A few seconds of silence made the atmosphere more tense than it already was.
“I’m ruining your career” You whisper
“No, you’re not”
“I am, and I don’t want your dream to be ruined all because your fans don’t like me-”
“Y/n” He interrupted, “Fuck my dream. Do you think I’ll put a career over you? I’ll leave all of this bullshit behind if it means you’ll come back home”
“I don’t want you to give up on your career!”
“And I don’t wanna lose you, so what now?” He crossed his arms, and you hate that you found him so sexy at that moment
“Please just let me leave. This has gotten so out of control”
“Baby I understand that this is overwhelming. I promise you I do, but I swear I’m doing everything in my power to ensure all those people who've been harassing you will face consequences. I promise you I’m gonna fix it”
“You can’t get all of them”
“But I can try” He shrugs
He walked over to you, silently asking to touch you. Again, against your better judgment, you look into his eyes and allow him to hug you.
“Please don’t let ignorant pieces of shit destroy our relationship. I know the hate is getting to you, but let me help you through it, let me at least try to”
You knew you were going to say yes. Both guilt and unmeasurable love filled your chest and he rocked you side to side.
“I’ll put out another statement, and I’ll go live. I’ll make sure those motherfuckers know that I’ll do anything to protect you.”
He lets you go a little to pull back and look at you, “Plus, there are still millions of people who support us.”
“I know,” You say
“So let's focus on positivity? Or maybe we can delete social media for a while? I’ll delete mine too. If you don’t wanna come home for a bit, I’ll have the company set you up with an apartment. We’ll also look for a therapist, okay?”
You nod, and mutter a small “Okay baby”
You two hug for a while, knowing you guys won’t ever let some stupid people keep you away from each other again.
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pretty-blkgirl · 5 days
Say Yes [Part Three]
//fem!reader x Ot8!Skz//
Synopsis: You get slipped a note from your favorite idol to meet him at his hotel room, but he's not the only one there
Genre: smut/suggestive, crack, fluff
Warnings: sexual situations, reader uses she/her pronouns
A/N: thank you @seoyeonleexoxo for the requestttt 💕 THIS PART IS PURE SMUT SO IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THAT PLS DO NOT READ 🔞
Your breathing grows heavy as you feel familiar, rough hands travel down your stomach teasingly. It had been a staggering 15 minutes since Minho very politely asked you to lay on your back in the middle of the bed.
Hyunjin took the initiative to take your clothes off, starting with your jewelry and going frustratingly slow.
Chan leaned over the bed, his face close to yours as he asked you what you liked and didn’t like.
After going through a quick list of definite yes’s and hard no’s, Minho and Hyunjin decided they would start you off while the other boys sat against the wall and watched.
Hyunjin would mutter little praises, calling you beautiful every time he kissed your face or groped your chest. Minho was a little rougher, very excited at your approval of slight pain infliction.
He would lean down to bite and suck at your neck, always licking back over the bruise to help soothe it a little.
The juxtaposition between Hyunjin’s comforting and almost loving actions versus Minho’s rough but eventually gentle touches made you dizzy.
The sight of both men looking down at you with looks of pure want and pleasure only excited you more. Minho seemingly saw this, and walked away from you, going to the closet in the room and disappearing in there for a couple of seconds. He comes back out with a dark blue tie and walks back to you, making sure to keep eye contact.
“Close your eyes,” He says, and that’s when you realize Minho is a man of very few words. He’s still expressive, just allows his body to talk for him.
You close your eyes and he ties the tie around your head, making sure you won’t be able to open your eyes. He doesn’t tie it too tightly, and he checks up on you before Hyunjin’s hands are suddenly off you.
Before you know it, your legs are spread and the bed dips in between them. A small gasp leaves your lips once you feel a warm tongue on you. Lips then attach to your clit and force a pornographic moan out of you.
As your mouth refuses to close while you assume Hyunjin is in between your legs, someone starts to messily kiss you.
Every time Minho demands your attention at your face, Hyunjin decides to compete and flicks his tongue in a way that makes you start to scream into Minho’s mouth.
They work you for what seems like hours, in reality, it’s only 8 minutes or so. You cum twice in those few minutes, and you can feel Minho’s smirk before he moves away from you.
Hyunjin gives you once more a kiss between your legs before climbing up and kissing you on the mouth. You can taste yourself on his lips, and it makes your legs shake in anticipation.
You’re left to recover for a few seconds as an unknown member sits you up and gives you a sip of water. Next, two more sets of hands are on you.
Both these sets of hands are strong, but small. One set feels similar to Minho’s, so you assume it may be Felix. Your suspicions are confirmed when the aforementioned member stalks to your ear and starts whispering gentle degradations to you.
A slew of “sluts” and “whore” is thrown your way as the other pair of hands rub circles on your nipples with his thumbs.
Changbin reveals himself when he calls you pretty, and you melt into his touch. Before you know it, both men latch to your breasts.
Changbin is on your left, sucking more slowly while his left-hand travels down and grips at your thigh. Felix -at your right- sucks almost enthusiastically, his right hand traveling down to your clit. He touches you lightly, just enough to keep you moaning softly.
The both of them begin to bite and suck at each breast, most definitely leaving bruises on you. Felix’s finger speeds up and causes your lower body to buck.
He takes his mouth off you and starts to speak, asking you if you like what he’s doing to you. His tone is scarily condescending as he asks if you want him to slow down. He doesn’t allow you any break as he draws circles in between your legs, bringing you to your third climax.
Changbin found his way to your thighs and started to leave bruises there, making you shudder.
After they both give you kisses of appreciation, they move away. You’re left for maybe two minutes as you hear shushed conversation. The next two come and you immediately know who they are because Seungmin starts to make conversation.
“Tell me about your day,” He says, confusing you a bit. I.N must have seen your confused face because he laughs a little. The makeshift blindfold makes you unable to see Seungmin’s taunting eyes that stare down at your exposed body.
“Um, well I woke up around 8 AM- oh my God” You damn near scream as your left leg is lifted and two fingers slide into you.
You immediately start to cry out at the overwhelming feeling of pleasure that floods your body.
“Keep going,” I.N. says. His fingers rub your parted lips a little before you start to stutter out a horrible recount of your day.
Your words are soon cut off by what seems to be I.N.’s middle and ring finger plunging into your mouth. You immediately start to suck at his fingers as best as you could.
“Don’t worry, he washed them. '' Seungmin laughs, curling his fingers in a way that makes you almost bite down on I.N.’s fingers.
Drool starts to escape the side of your mouth, as I.N thrusts his fingers in and out of your mouth.
Seungmin mumbles a plethora of degrading words masked as praises as he brings you to your high. I.N. takes his fingers away so he and Seungmin can hear how loud you are for them.
Soon enough, I.N. sits you back up and gives you another drink of water.
You knew only two members were left, and you wondered what they’d do as you were gently laid back down.
Chan and Han didn’t keep you waiting for long, Han sitting near your head and taking the blindfold off while Chan sat in between your spread legs.
“You okay?” Han asks. His cheeks are flushed and he’s slightly sweaty. You notice he only had on his boxers, and the bulge he sports is everything but unnoticeable.
“Yes,” You say, “Are you?”
Changbin snorts from somewhere on the floor, mumbling “So cute.”
Han chuckles at your question before nodding, “I’m doing great”
Chan’s smile is on full display as he rubs at your leg. You look down at him and notice he is fully naked. He’s painfully hard but decides to give you a little longer to recover.
“I’m okay guys, you haven’t broken me yet” You joke
“Yet” Han agrees, winking at you, “Night’s not over”
“We wanna give you a little time to rest sweetheart,” Chan says, but you shake your head in protest
“Please keep going, I need you both”
The two let out matching groans as Han helps you to sit up. He gives you a long sip of water before directing you to lie at the edge of the bed.
Chan had gotten off the bed and pulled you down until your head dangled off. He went near the top of the bed and took his spot in between your legs. Han handed him a condom and a small bottle of lube before he walked in front of your face.
You immediately understood what they were doing, and urged Han to pull down his underwear as Chan rolled on the condom.
“You won’t be able to talk, so tap Han’s thigh if you need a break,” Chan says.
You give him a thumbs up which garners a few laughs from the audience watching you three.
Han pulls out his erection and lines it up with your mouth, just as Chan lines up with your entrance.
At the same time, they slide in.
Your eyes roll back at the feeling of Chan. The slight pain makes you tense up until pleasure fills your body.
You make sure to hollow your cheeks so you don’t bite Han as his viciously face fucks you.
Chan has your legs on his shoulders while he fucks you. They move in sync, making sure to take your breath away with each thrust.
You cum quickly, thanks to you already being sensitive to the other members. Han has a fistful of your hair, letting out a mix of high and low-pitched moans.
Chan is on the quieter side, but you can hear the tiny curses he lets out.
They won’t stop until they manage two more climaxes from you. They wanted to get at least two more, bringing your total number to 8, but you tapped out.
“Next time” You laugh, “I’m sore”
Each member checks up on you, all of them praising you as Chan cleans you off with a warm rag.
You all manage to get to know each other a little more since Felix insists on eating a late dinner while they learn more about you. A call from your friends is what makes you eventually say bye to the group.
They make sure to give you their phone numbers, Minho jokingly points at the NDA on the table before you leave, making you laugh hysterically.
Chan is the one who walks you to the elevator, thanking you for even entertaining them in the first place.
“This was a dream come true for me,” You say, making him laugh
“Oh yeah? So we’ll be seeing more of you?”
“Of course” you nod, “Especially since I get free concert tickets, dates, and time at your place”
“We’ll have to bring you to Korea” He chuckles, “I’ll call you tomorrow”
“Promise” He grins, leaning down to give you another kiss before you walk onto the elevator.
Taglist: @chanssmiles @tinyelfperson @lyracarvahall
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pretty-blkgirl · 5 days
Say Yes [Part Two]
//fem!reader x Ot8!Skz//
Synopsis: You get slipped a note from your favorite idol to meet him at his hotel room, but he's not the only one there
Genre: smut/suggestive, crack, fluff
Warnings: sexual situations, reader uses she/her pronouns
A/N: thank you @seoyeonleexoxo for the requestttt ❀ I initially didn’t want this to be three parts but this part ended up so lengthy 😭 Third part is gonna be the conclusion 💗
“Okay y/n, breathe” You chant to yourself as the elevator rises quickly to the second floor. Admittedly, you get out and pace around the hallway a little, catching the eye of some curious staff members walking between the rooms.
“Excuse me,” One woman says, coming up to you. You know she’s staff, especially since her employee badge is still hanging around her neck.
“This floor is reserved,” She says politely, “Are you supposed to be up here?”
You dig in your pocket to fish out the envelope you had gotten. A little panicked, you give it to her. Wordlessly, she looks at the picture and the (signed) NDA.
A tight-lipped smile graces her face, “Follow me.”
She gives you the envelope back and practically jogs down the hall. You walk quickly to keep up, and you two end up in front of room B6.
“Please remember the stipulations of the NDA,” She says, “The rest of the document should be in the room. Read over it when you receive it”
The envelope in your pocket feels heavy as she bows at you and walks off.
You stand there for another 5 minutes before knocking four straight times. Your heart beats out of your chest as you hear a hushed voice on the other side of the door.
It opens soon enough, and you come face-to-face with Bang Chan himself.
“There you are” He smiles, the gorgeous dimples in his cheeks making you feel at ease. He moved aside to let you in, and you go in with a little less hesitation than you should have.
“I didn’t get your name,” Chan says, “I’m Chris”
This makes you giggle, of course, you know who he is. But he’s just being polite, which makes you a little more relaxed.
“I’m y/n” You say
He nods and takes you further into the rather large room. The lights are dimmed, but you can make out the other two silhouettes lying across the king-sized bed.
You jump a little as Han Jisung sits up and confidently walks over to you. His cool nature spikes your already high anxiety levels.
“Hello,” He says, “I’m Han”
He points over to a bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne sticking out
“Want a drink?”
You can’t even answer before Changbin gets up and walks to the three of you. He’s wearing a tight, black tank top, making you a little dizzy as you get a full view of his muscles.
“You can’t just ask her that, Han,” He says, flicking the younger’s forehead and giving you a nice smile, “I’m Changbin”
“I’m being polite” Han defends
Changbin rolls his eyes, “She’s gonna think we wanna get her drunk or something- We dont by the way”
The two start to argue in Korean, making Chan laugh from behind you.
“Please excuse them, how about we take a seat?”
You nod and follow him over to a small table with two chairs. Everything seems to be going in slow motion. How in the hell are you in a hotel room with 3racha? THEE 3RACHA?
Once you two sit, Chan immediately starts to ask you about yourself. You reveal you just graduated college, and the concert earlier was a little treat for yourself after managing to save money while still paying your tuition and other expenses. You talk about your hometown, your favorite shows, your favorite songs, and how you got into Skz
“In my sophomore year of college, I had a professor who loved to play music at the start of class. She usually played louder music to wake everyone up since the class was so early, one day she played Gods Menu- I Shazammed the song and the rest was history”
Chan laughs hysterically at this, even more so that you added the fact that your teacher was a 70-something-year-old lady.
“That’s so cute” He smiles, “So you’ve been a fan for a couple of years”
“Yep. My friends have been fans for much longer though, one of them since pre-debut”
“That’s sweet” He grins, “We love our Stays, especially ones that are so beautiful”
He takes his hand and caresses your face, making your heart start to beat concerningly fast. You hear the other two men stop arguing, looking over to see them watching you and Chan with twin looks of lust.
“We saw you in the venue,” Chan says, bringing your attention back to him, “I’m sorry if all of this is overwhelming, please tell us if you feel uncomfortable”
“It’s okay,” You say quickly, “I’m okay”
Changbin and Han come and stand by the table, Han giving you a shy smile and Changbin’s smirk making you bite your lip.
“The other members saw you too,” Han says
“Where are they?” You question
“In their rooms. We figured we may scare you off if you saw all eight of us. Don’t want you to feel cornered” Chan explains
A strong sense of boldness and pure disbelief fill you as you utter a quiet, “They can come in here”
And with that, Changbin leaves the room and comes back minutes later with the other five members.
“Hi” Felix’s deep voice and bright smile greet you, “Glad to see you”
“Thought you wouldn’t come,” Seungmin says, “This is a little strange, isn’t it?”
The boys all sit in various spots in the room. You and Chan remain at the small table, him giving you reassuring looks as you contemplate the situation in front of you
“Why did you guys invite me here?” You ask
“We wanna fuck you,” Seungmin says bluntly
A chorus of scoldings comes his way as he laughs
“It’s true!” He exclaims, “It’s not fair to keep her guessing. We saw you and thought you were so gorgeous that we thought it’d be worth a shot to ask you here”
“Of course, you don’t have to do anything,” Felix says, “You can leave right now, no problem”
You contemplate for a moment. How is this real life? How in the fuck did you find yourself surrounded by eight of the most beautiful men on Earth, all wanting to fuck you?
If this is a dream, you don’t want to wake up -so with that in mind- you say;
“I wanna stay”
Hyunjin is shocked at your acceptance of the offer, “Are you sure?” He asks
“Yes,” You say with an odd sense of confidence, “Give me the NDA”
Han goes to one of the nightstands and pulls out a stack of paper from the drawer.
“You have the last page of it, this is the rest.” He says, handing it to you
“Do you guys just have NDAs on standby?” You joke, but Chan looks at you with a look of seriousness
“Our team does in case any of us choose to have a random hook up” He admits, “This one is more lengthy though”
You start to look through the papers, all the men patiently waiting for you to read through everything.
There’s a “hook up” clause, essentially saying that you can’t reveal anything about the one night you and any member have had.
There’s a “Causal” clause, one stating that if you and any member(s) were to have causal interactions, you are not to say or allude to anything.
However, there’s a “Connection” clause, this one revealing that you are allowed to spend time with any member(s) [If you and he choose to stay in contact in a serious matter] with help from JYP staff. You are allowed to attend any Skz events of your choosing, be at their residence, and go out with them on dates while swearing to not say anything about the arrangement and allow the staff to keep a close eye on you.
“Interesting” Is all you say by the time you finish the paperwork. I.N. had silently given you a pen to write your signature on a couple of dotted lines.
“There are three arrangements” Felix reiterates, “Do any of them sound good to you?”
“I’d prefer the connection arrangement,” You say truthfully, “I’ve had casual sex here and there but I’d like to build some kind of relationship with you all”
Heat rises to your face as you look back at a smiley Chan.
“I understand I’m only a fan but I would hate to just fuck you all and then leave. Especially if I’m offered free concerts and shit”
Chan and Felix burst out in laughter, making you even more comfortable than you were before
“No, I understand” Chan nods, “We’d love to get to know you as well.”
“Great, I’m glad we’re in agreeance”
As much as you wish you could have just hugged all of them and started the process of getting to know the members, you caught sight of how good they looked right at that moment.
And well, you have needs.
You look around the room and your eyes stop at a shy-looking I.N, whose face turns red at the way you were looking at him.
“Do you guys have condoms?”
Taglist: @anxiousskylar @openthevale @kaiyaba @blackbluerose666 @angelhyunjinnie @hyun-hwanj @shuporangporangilinos @jisungsbammey @yumiblogs @sillyhal @chrizztopher97
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pretty-blkgirl · 11 days
It’s probably a stupid idea but imagine your at a Stray Kids concert, and your front row with your friends. Chan comes close to the edge on stage near you and winks to you. You think nothing of it because like he does that to everyone. But at the end of the concert he slips you a piece of paper with 1 single sentence. “After the concert, go to Hotel Grande and go to room B6.” You decide to go bc why not and you expect maybe Chan there or something but all of them are there, and they all are really horny. They always talk about wanting to date someone who knows nothing about stray kids but what if Stays are the ones who turn them on. Fem reader
Say Yes [Part One]
//fem!reader x 0t8!Skz//
Synopsis: You get slipped a note from your favorite idol to meet him at his hotel room, but he’s not the only one there
Genre: smut/suggestive, crack, fluff
Warnings: sexual situations, reader uses she/her pronouns
A/N: thank you @seoyeonleexoxo for the requestttt đŸ«¶đŸŸ
It was your first Stray Kids concert. Two straight years of saving up every spare dollar you had and camping out on Twitter for ticket sales finally paid off. Not only did you secure your tickets, but you and your friends got the front row- something you dreamed about since you started becoming a fan of Stray Kids.
You were beyond excited to see every member, but your bias -Bang Chan- was the one you were dreaming about. You know how he likes to flirt with stays, and you being in the front row meant you had a good chance at being noticed.
Hyunjin asked for stays to wear blue to the show, so you chose a solid baby blue romper that showed off every curve that you had. Your hair was out in wild, big curls and you chose simple silver jewelry.
The concert started with “Hall of Fame,” and you wasted no time in screaming your head off when the boys came into view.
The entire thing felt like a dream, and you got light-headed whenever a member got close to you. Sometime during Cheese, Chan came to your section to wave at Stays. You smiled so hard your cheeks hurt as you waved aggressively at him. He saw you and wasn’t shy about the quick once-over he gave you, then he winked before moving on to interact with other fans.
Your knees felt wobbly, and you could feel the way your friends stared at you after that interaction.
“Did he just wink at you?” Mia, the friend you’ve known since childhood asked.
“I think so,” you say, “Or maybe it was someone behind me?”
You turn around to see a good chunk of people looking right back at you. Some are envious and some curious, but all confirm the fact that Bang Chan just winked at you.
“He wants you girl” Tianna, your best friend since middle school, teases. You can’t help but roll your eyes once the boys go backstage to change. The lights in the stadium come on as you look to the screens to see the Stay games starting.
The first game has stays copy the boys' poses, you and your friends laugh as flustered fans appear on screen. Soon enough, the next game starts, a game where stays must do the choreography to random Skz songs.
This is the part of the concert you weren’t looking forward to, so you duck your head and try to stay clear of any cameramen. Some people scream and wave their arms to be put on screen, and you can only hope they get picked as the laughing staff goes to pick out people.
After three people dance to Gods Menu, Maniac, and Thunderous, you start to relax and enjoy the game. The last song, S-Class, comes up and you and your friends dance along to the practice video shown. After they show the video, you find yourself on screen smiling before pure terror graces your face.
You can’t even hear what the members are saying to you before your friends urge you to dance.
Did you do the choreography correctly? No. Were your friends dying laughing the entire time? Yes.
“Good job” You hear Han’s unmistakable voice say, “You’re so cool”
“And pretty” Felix’s deep voice continues before your face is replaced with the regular Skz logo
“Oooooh” Tianna teases, “You’re cool AND pretty? I’m jealous”
“You got three members fighting over you” Mia exclaims
“Hush” You stress, feeling glares on you, “It’s just fan service”
Tianna rolls her eyes, “Usually fan service involves all the fans”
The lights in the place dim, signaling the group is about to come back on stage. The glares you feel cease as the people around you start to scream their heads off
“Not all the time” you manage to say before the show continues.
In all honesty, you had a great time at the concert. The boys came over to your section a lot, especially Chan.
You didn’t want to believe he was making eye contact with you, and only you. However, it was hard to ignore the obvious looks he kept throwing your way. After a while, you began to count the amount of times his eyes found you in the audience; 25 times.
In a room full of thousands of people, how did he manage to look at you so many times? All your most delusional fantasies came to mind, thoughts that reminded you of when you first started to become a fan.
Cute thoughts of walking down the aisle with a member, some cute dates, and even a passing thought of a family. Just niche little things that crossed your mind as you fell more and more in love with the group.
Then there were the not-too-wholesome thoughts, the ones where you’re usually crying and begging to reach your release after hours upon hours of edging. These thoughts kept you up at night and usually involved more than one member.
You suddenly felt so dirty. Thinking about your idols in such a way while they throw kisses at the fans on the stage in front of you. You barely notice the lights come on and people start to leave the venue.
“That was so good” Tianna gushed, looking at you with a playful expression on her face. You knew the walk back to your hotel would be filled with your friends only reaffirming your delusions.
“I’m jealous y/n. I’d love to have Bang Chan eye-fucking me all night long” Mia said, making your face heat up.
You three walked out of the building and joined a crowd of fans waiting for the boys’ cars to leave the stadium.
“What if Chan comes out of the car and confesses his love for you?” Tianna teases
Mia giggles hysterically as the two continue with their joking, not paying attention as you’re flagged down by what looks to be a security guard.
“Is he asking me to come over there?” You ask your friends, making them stop and look at the staff.
“Looks like it” Tianna shrugs, “I think he was the security guard over by our section. Maybe you dropped something?”
You nod and jog over to the guard, looking back at your friends just to make sure they’re keeping an eye on you.
“Hello,” You say politely, “Can I help you?”
“You dropped this,” The guard says, handing you a mini quokka plushie that you’re only now noticing isn’t in your jacket pocket.
“Thank you so much!” You say, taking the plushie and beginning to walk off, that is until he grabs your attention again.
“I was asked to give this to you as well,” He says, handing you a rather thick envelope, “Put it in your pocket”
Before you can question it, he bows and walks off to where the other staff stands.
With your brain on autopilot, you stuff the envelope in your pocket and go back to your friends.
Mia wastes no time in asking what happened, and you tell them he gave you back your stuffed animal.
For whatever reason, you fail to mention the envelope in your pocket, and you silently celebrate when Tianna suddenly exclaims her stomach hurts and she wants to go back to the hotel.
The walk back is short, and you’re grateful that you all invested in your rooms.
The first thing you do is take out the envelope and open it. You see two folded pieces of paper.
One of them is a picture, one of the group that you’ve never seen before. It’s signed, and you instinctively look on the back and is surprised to see a message
“Go to the Hotel Grande, second floor, room B6, knock 4 times."
Already taken aback, you look at the other piece of paper to find an NDA.
“Oh my God” you whisper, quickly pulling out your phone to search the directions of the hotel. Only a 10-minute drive.
“This could be a trick,” You think out loud, “What if I get hurt?”
The rational side of you is urging you to think about the consequences of showing up to a random hotel, but the wild and unpredictable side of you quickly orders yourself an Uber and touches up your makeup.
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pretty-blkgirl · 14 days
Texting soon-to-be father Skz (SEUNGMIN VERSION)
//fem!reader x husband!Skz//
Synopsis: Cute messages between you and your baby daddy
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: reader is presented as fem/uses she/her pronouns, swearing (duh)
A/N: Please enjoy some cute lil message posts while I try and write some ACTUAL STORIES LMAO đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸŸ
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pretty-blkgirl · 15 days
Texting soon-to-be father Skz (FELIX VERSION)
//fem!reader x husband!Skz//
Synopsis: Cute messages between you and your baby daddy
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: reader is presented as fem/uses she/her pronouns, swearing (duh)
A/N: Please enjoy some cute lil message posts while I try and write some ACTUAL STORIES LMAO đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸŸ
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pretty-blkgirl · 16 days
Texting soon-to-be father Skz (HYUNJIN VERSION)
//fem!reader x husband!Skz//
Synopsis: Cute messages between you and your baby daddy
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: reader is presented as fem/uses she/her pronouns, swearing (duh)
A/N: Please enjoy some cute lil message posts while I try and write some ACTUAL STORIES LMAO đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸŸ
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492 notes · View notes
pretty-blkgirl · 17 days
Texting soon-to-be father Skz (CHANGBIN VERSION)
//fem!reader x husband!Skz//
Synopsis: Cute messages between you and your baby daddy
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: reader is presented as fem/uses she/her pronouns, swearing (duh)
A/N: Please enjoy some cute lil message posts while I try and write some ACTUAL STORIES LMAO đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸŸ
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464 notes · View notes
pretty-blkgirl · 22 days
Texting soon-to-be father Skz (I.N VERSION)
//fem!reader x husband!Skz//
Synopsis: Cute messages between you and your baby daddy
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: reader is presented as fem/uses she/her pronouns, swearing (duh)
A/N: Please enjoy some cute lil message posts while I try and write some ACTUAL STORIES LMAO
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474 notes · View notes
pretty-blkgirl · 23 days
Texting soon-to-be father Skz (HAN VERSION)
//fem!reader x husband!Skz//
Synopsis: Cute messages between you and your baby daddy
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: reader is presented as fem/uses she/her pronouns, swearing (duh)
A/N: Please enjoy some cute lil message posts while I try and write some ACTUAL STORIES LMAO đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸŸ(Also I usually do posts like these in Skz's age orders but these will be random)(I also had to change my texting app Imao)
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443 notes · View notes
pretty-blkgirl · 24 days
Texting soon-to-be father Skz (CHAN VERSION)
//fem!reader x husband!Skz//
Synopsis: Cute messages between you and your baby daddy
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: reader is presented as fem/uses she/her pronouns, swearing (duh)
A/N: Please enjoy some cute lil message posts while I try and write some ACTUAL STORIES LMAO đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸŸ(Also I usually do posts like these in Skz's age orders but these will be random (I also had to change my texting app Imao)
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728 notes · View notes
pretty-blkgirl · 25 days
Texting soon-to-be father Skz (MINHO VERSION)
//fem!reader x husband!Skz//
Synopsis: Cute messages between you and your baby daddy
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: reader is presented as fem/uses she/her pronouns, swearing (duh)
A/N: Please enjoy some cute lil message posts while I try and write some ACTUAL STORIES LMAO đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸŸ (Also I usually do posts like these in Skz’s age orders but these will be random) (I also had to change my texting app lmao)
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700 notes · View notes
pretty-blkgirl · 29 days
Seungmin going on live and casually confirming Skz are going to the Met Gala and Chan coming on bubble to talk about the Drake x Kendrick beef, I love them so bad
(Also I swear I’m working on publishing stuff, pls be patient w/me guys đŸ˜­đŸ«¶đŸŸ)
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pretty-blkgirl · 1 month
Seeing this after he took the piercing out OHHHHH IM SICK 😭
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pretty-blkgirl · 2 months
Texting Skz “Happy Anniversary” (Maknae Line)
//gn!reader x Skz//
Synopsis: You try and wish your boyfriend a happy anniversary for Skz Day
Genre: crack, fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: HAPPY SKZ DAYYYYYYYYY. Wanted to put a little something out for the kids' 6th year đŸ«¶đŸŸ
~Hyung Line~
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842 notes · View notes
pretty-blkgirl · 2 months
Texting Skz “Happy Anniversary” (Hyung Line)
//gn!reader x Skz//
Synopsis: You try and wish your boyfriend a happy anniversary for Skz Day
Genre: crack, fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: HAPPY SKZ DAYYYYYYYYY. Wanted to put a little something out for the kids’ 6th year đŸ«¶đŸŸ
~Maknae Line~
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pretty-blkgirl · 2 months
Jinnie Day
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//gn!reader x Hyunjin//
Synopsis: You and Hyunjin celebrate his birthday
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: It’s our Hyunjin’s birthday đŸ€— I wanted to write something that was a little more affectionate and loving, since he deserves all the love, support, and happiness in the world đŸ«¶đŸŸ
“Hold still, almost done” You whisper, face full of concentration as you paint a second coat of nail polish onto your boyfriend’s nail.
Hyunjin, absolutely smitten by you, tried to hold in his chuckle as he watched you finish up. You immediately start to blow lightly on the nail.
The music in the background plays lowly -it’s a soft song, a love song- as you wait for the paint to dry.
Hyunjin asked you to do his nails for the small get-together you both are having for his birthday later. He asked you to paint them because he swears he always seems to mess up when he tries to do them on his own.
In reality, Hyunjin can do his nails just fine, but he knows how excited you get when he asks for your help. Your eyes lit up as you went to grab all your supplies.
“I still don’t know what I’m wearing tonight,” He says as you check the shiny, black paint on his nails, “Wanna help me pick an outfit?”
You nod without hesitation, immediately getting up and pulling your boyfriend with you
“What color you wanna wear?” You ask as you two walk to the bedroom. Hyunjin smiles brightly behind you as you drag him through the halls
“I don’t know, how about you pick?”
You waste no time heading for the closet when you two reach the room. He has a lot of clothes, some that he bought and others from his ambassadorship.
There are too many clothes to choose from, so you close your eyes and reach out for a shirt. Hyunjin breaks out into a fit of hysterics -which makes you giggle- it’s always been easy to make him laugh.
You end up with a light brown, silk shirt that you’ve never seen him wear before.
“Let’s do this shirt, you love brown.” You say, handing him the shirt and moving on to pants.
“I love you,” He says without missing a beat
You roll your eyes fondly and pick out some white pants
“I love you too Jinnie,” you say as you pass the clothes to him. He decided to throw the clothes on the bed and latch onto you, hugging you tightly as you let out a startled laugh.
“Affectionate today?” You ask, he hums softly and pulls his head back to look at you
“Aren’t I always affectionate?”
“Not like this, you’ve been on me all day today”
“Are you complaining?”
You two stay in a warm embrace for another 5 minutes before you convince Hyunjin to start getting ready.
As he’s in the shower, you run to your office and check on the gifts you got him, along with the other gifts some of the members asked you to hide for them.
You head back to the bedroom to grab your clothes and accessories, then you go to the guest bathroom to take a shower.
By the time you’re completely ready, Hyunjin has been dressed and lying on the bed to wait for you.
“You look handsome,” You say when you finally get a good look at him
“Thank you, baby, you look gorgeous as always”
Hyunjin gets up from the bed and decides to latch on to you once more. You always found it endearing every time he chose to hug you, even though he’s done it a minimum of 24 times already.
He usually has a sort of indifference towards his birthday, so him being so happy and loving makes you feel so good. You’d gladly take all the hugs, kisses, and fond looks he threw at you if it meant he’d enjoy his day to the fullest.
This hug lasted maybe two minutes before a loud knock was heard from the living room.
“It’s the boys” you whisper, making Hyunjin groan and hold you closer
“Can’t we just celebrate alone?” He asks, even though he begins to let you go
“Nope. They wanna celebrate you! Plus, Minho is cooking so-”
Hyunjin didn’t even let you finish before he dashed to the living room to open the door
You laugh again, hearing the immediate sounds of loud congratulatory words, teasing, and laughter from the members.
Hyunjin was surrounded by so much love and support, and that made you the happiest person alive.
When you get to the living room, he pulls you by his side as the members start to greet you
He whispers another “I love you” into your ear
You, completely flustered, whisper it back, adding in a jovial “Happy Birthday”
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