#save the children
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I'm sure this isn't all of them, but Robert DeNiro made the list 🤔
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hazemtannera · 2 days
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Hello, my name is Saif, a Palestinian living in Jordan, and I am reaching out for your support to help my dear friend, Hazem Tannera. Hazem is from Gaza, and his family of 10 is currently facing unimaginable hardships. While Hazem managed to escape to Cairo this past April, he could not afford to bring his entire family with him.
-Who We Are Supporting
Hazem’s full name is Hazem Tannera, and he is currently residing in Cairo, Egypt. His family, including his parents, Majdi Ali Tannera (Hazem’s Dad) and Amal Shaban Tannera (Hazem’s Mom), and his siblings, are still in Gaza. The family consists of 10 people, including 3 children. I am committed to helping him bring his family to safety. Here are the names of Hazem’s family members:
• Majdi Ali Tannera (Hazem’s Dad)
• Amal Shaban Tannera (Hazem’s Mom)
• Ahmad Majdi Tannera
• Sameera Alaa Abu Dalal
• Majdi Ahmad Tannera (child)
• Suzan Majdi Tannera
• Fadi Esam Thraia
• Esam Fadi Thraia (child)
• Mohammed Majdi Tannera
• Nada Majdi Tannera (child)
-Why It’s Important
The situation in Gaza is dire, and Hazem’s family is enduring extreme challenges daily. The constant threat to their safety and well-being is a harsh reality they cannot escape. Hazem’s parents, in particular, are in desperate need of assistance to relocate to a safer place, whether in Cairo or another refuge. Every day they remain in Gaza, their lives are at risk, and the urgency to get them to safety is immense.
-How the Funds Will Be Used
To ensure Hazem’s parents and younger siblings can escape the danger they face, we need to cover the high costs of crossing the border. Here’s the financial breakdown:
• Adult border crossing fee: $5,000 per person
• Child border crossing fee (under 15 years old): $2,500 per child
The only way to travel out of Gaza is by crossing the Rafah border into Egypt, as Gaza has no airport. Unfortunately, crossing the border comes at an exorbitant cost, with $5,000 required for each adult and $2,500 for each child under 15 years old. This money goes entirely to the company and authorities on the Egyptian side – none of it benefits Hazem’s family. It’s a heartbreaking reality where people profit from the suffering of others.
In addition to covering these fees, the funds will also be used to help Hazem’s family get started once they reach safety, providing for their basic needs as they transition to a new life.
Hazem has tried everything in his power to work and gather the necessary funds to bring his family to Cairo, but paying for 10 people is an extremely difficult task. Despite his relentless efforts, the financial burden is overwhelming.
-How the Funds Will Be Transferred
Once the funds are raised, they will be transferred directly to Hazem’s bank account. Hazem will then use the funds to pay the border crossing fees for his family members and to help them get started in their new location. I will oversee the process to ensure that all funds are used appropriately and as intended.
Your generosity can change the course of Hazem’s family’s life. No amount is too small, and every donation is deeply appreciated. Please, open your hearts and help us bring Hazem’s family to safety. Together, we can offer them a chance at a better life and a brighter future.
Thank you for your kindness and compassion.
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mahaibrahim12 · 3 days
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There is no longer safety in all areas of Gaza. We live a life without mercy. Help me and my children survive the war
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troythecatfish · 3 days
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Palestinian child Faiz Abu Ataya dies of malnutrition in Gaza
This morning at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, Gaza, Faiz Abu Ataya was killed due to malnutrition and a lack of access to medical care.
The Israeli government and illegal Israeli settlers have continuously blocked aid convoys into Gaza, leaving its residents, many of them children, to starve and die from severe acute malnutrition.
Source: Mintpress
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arwasis · 16 hours
I hope this message finds you well. My name is layan Qudeeh,19 years old , a software engineering student living in Gaza , and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a plea for help. I find myself in a situation where escaping from this ongoing war has become a matter of survival and hope for a better tomorrow
From the first day of this ongoing war my homeland has been torn apart . The once vibrant streets now echo with the sounds of destruction and despair. Every day brings new challenges, new dangers, and new losses including family members,our schools and universities and my house is badly damaged so we move to a tent which is not a good environment for my and my family especially my one year old sister wateen who needs a clean water and healthy food . The simple act of living has become a struggle, and the future looks bleak and uncertain.
I refuse to let this cycle of suffering define my life. I dream of a future where peace reigns, where my little siblings can laugh and play without fear, and where opportunities for growth and prosperity abound. But to turn this dream into reality, I must first escape the horrors of war.
Leaving my home behind is not a decision I take lightly. It means leaving behind cherished memories, loved ones, and the familiar comforts of the life I once knew. However, the alternative is unthinkable. Staying means risking my life and the lives of those I hold dear every single day (I lost my grandfather and I don't want to loose more)
With your support, I can seek refuge in a safer country, where I can begin anew and pursue my dreams and the only way to get out of Gaza is Rafah crossing paying 6000$ per adult and 3000$ per who younger than 14 . Your donation, no matter how small, will make a world of difference and give me the chance to forge a brighter future for myself and my family 
I understand that times are tough for everyone, and there are countless worthy causes vying for your support. But I humbly ask you to consider lending a helping hand to someone in desperate need. Your kindness and compassion will not go unnoticed, and I will be forever grateful for your generosity.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering our request . With your help, we know that anything is possible.
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chillinaris · 3 days
Don’t stop talking about Palestine! 🇵🇸
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 3 days
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Palestinian journalist Motasem A Dalloul shares the tragic loss of another son as a result of israeli bombing neighbourhoods in Gaza May 30, 2024.
His pinned post is of his other baby boy that was killed by israeli bombing. How many more parents have to lose their children like this? How many more?
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autism0fadown · 1 day
This is a vetted gfm!!!
Pls ❤️ & rb as much as you can and share with others!!!
If you can, donate!!!
Nora’s goal is to reach $32,000 so that her family can get across the Rafah border to Egypt. This is a very large amount of money so every donation helps to get them closer to their goal!!
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sabrenaphy · 1 day
حسبي الله ونعم المولي و نعم الوكيل الي يوم الدين
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anymouslydone · 3 months
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sugas6thtooth · 4 months
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It's unfathomable, even more so when you realize this isn't the first time Israel has done this. She was a baby. The men were so obviously red crescent medics, and still, Israeli soldiers shot and killed them.
It wasn't a misfired bomb. It was guns. They knew what they were targeting.
Anyone who defends this, for whatever religion you believe in, even if you believe in nothing at all, I can only hope the afterlife brings you your deserved suffering on a platter. You're disgusting, vile creatures, who must've snuck onto the Earth because there is no way in nature that you are human. Die.
نَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Save the children of Palestine. Protect the medics. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸
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i-am-aprl · 5 months
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Noor Harazeen you are the world's hero. You're completely correct, this is not normal. This is evil and no human needs to make these decisions.
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starrswara · 3 months
netizens are desensitising gruesome things that are taking place in Palestine.
even the internet’s reaction to graphic things such as - pictures of injured children, civilians stuck under rubble, dead bodies of families in their destroyed homes etc. is beyond underwhelming.
#save palestine
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redtail-lol · 4 months
If you use arab.org like I do please consider taking the extra 30-60 seconds to click on ALL of their causes. Palestine is important but so are the environment, refugees, children, women, and the impoverished across the middle east and it doesn't take away from Palestine to click for multiple causes. The arab world faces a lot of problems and they only get worsened by how western nations have oppressed and attacked them. Clicking is small but it generates something and overtime it does benefit the greater good. It takes all of us clicking as often as possible but we can do it! It's really easy and safe and they have proofs on their site on how they do make an impact and are donating your click money
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beardeddetectivepaper · 4 months
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