#ror beelzebub
pengugay · 1 day
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"Hades... Am I heavy?"
"No! Not one bit!"
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kanroji-san · 3 months
Mitsuri!Y/n/Reader AU
Mitsuri!Y/n: *Is laying on the bed with Beel and playing with his hair* You are beautiful! And capable of great things! *Leans closer to his face and covers his mouth* Like murder...
Beelzebub: *sweatdropes*...
Mitsuri!Y/n: Don't do that tho...
Beel: *In his mind* Oh...
Mitsuri!Y/n: Unless it's completely necessary♡
Beel: *Wait what?!-*
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viviennevermillion · 6 months
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when they know you like them
⟡ notes: first time writing for record of ragnarok yayy! guys if you haven't seen this show you should watch it, we have tournament arc, pretty men and sad backstories. comments are appreciated.
⟡ contains: character x gn!reader, how they act when they know you like them but you haven't told them, varying lengths because i am inherently biased
⟡ characters: buddha, beelzebub, hades, nikola
⟡ warnings: all of these are fluff except for beel's which is full of soul-crushing angst i am sorry
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He's such a tease and you can't even be mad at him because unlike Loki or Hermes he's genuinely sweet about it. He overheard Brunhilde talking about how you like him and he decided to have some fun with it first before he confesses.
You meet him by the tree he likes to relax under before his fight and he's happy to see you. "Hi fam! What a pleasant surprise!", he exclaims and waves at you when he sees you walking towards him from a distance, "to what do I owe the honor?"
When you tell him you just wanted to wish him luck before his battle, he grins and pats your head repeatedly before resorting to poking your cheek. "That's sweet of you, bud", he sits down under the tree again and pats the patch of grass by his side, gesturing for you to join him; an offer which you gladly accept.
"I know you don't like being told what to do", you start and let out a sigh, "but don't you die on me out there..."
He lets out a hearty laugh.
"I'll accept it this once, because it's you", he chuckles and leans closer, whispering in your ear with a tone of voice that sounds like it's laced with honey, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're worried about dear old me..."
You stay silent in response to this, which just seems to amuse him more. "You know…best not to lose yourself in worry and fear, it does not do you any good", he warns with a challenging tone, cupping your cheek gently to inspect the emotion that's showing on your face, "getting too attached can often be our demise..."
"I'm good, thank you", you reply dryly, not giving in to his teasing. You reach into your bag to pull out some candy you brought along. "Offer for my favorite god", you state nonchalantly and hand it to him. "So I'm your favorite, huh?", he chuckles, booping your nose, "that's interesting."
He eats some of the candy and remarks that it's tasty before his attention shifts to you again. "I found meditation can help with worries like yours", he explains but can't hide the smile that's tucking at the corner of his lips, as he's fully aware how easily your focus shifts when he's around, "I can show you some techniques if you'd like."
So he spends the next 10 minutes instructing you on meditation and you're trying, but at this point you're suspecting that with the way he keeps whispering instructions into your ear and leans close to you or holds your hand, he's setting you up to fail. "I'm starting this on heightened difficulty", you mumble dryly and he chuckles again. He's clearly having a blast with this.
He's leaning so close to you that you can feel his breath on your lips and he's like "do you feel enlightened yet?"
You open your eyes to glare at him. "You're the bane of my existence."
He forms two peace signs with his hands and sends you an innocent smile. "That's when I'm at my cutest!"
Before he leaves for his fight he gently pulls you into his arms. "Don't worry too much, buddy, I'll be fine", he has his arms wrapped around your shoulders in a comforting embrace. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, relaxing into the warmth of his chest. "I'll see you after the fight, pinky promise", he smiles and gently squeezes you before making his way to the arena.
When you join him again after the battle he's finishing up that bag of candy you gave to him. "I heard you bailed from the infirmary", you let out a sigh and sit down next to him in the grass. "Are you here to drag me back?", he sends you a questioning gaze. You shake your head. "I know better than to try that."
He lets out a satisfied hum and you hug him. "I'm glad you're okay", you whisper and he looks at you with a fond expression, way softer than what you're used to from him. "I told you not to worry too much", he keeps an arm wrapped around you and leans closer to you again until your lips are almost touching, "I think you need more meditation." He grins and plops a candy into his mouth.
You look at him through half-lidded eyes and sigh. "You know what- fuck this shit, next time I'll just bring pocky."
He lets out a laugh and presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. "That's one way to do it."
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One word: Panic
He meets you after his round because you're one of the people who tend to his wounds. You're so sweet to him; you have no idea, not the faintest clue about the curse he is afflicted by.
He's darkness incarnate, at least in his mind; only ever leaving his secluded quarters these days to fight; like in the tournament. To fight, never to protect. His hands weren't made for protection; his heart wasn't made to be loved. But who can really help the things they long for in this life?
Meanwhile, you're like a ray of the sun that mistakenly fell into the depths of hell from which he crawled. He had been shunned; detested for what he was, yet you didn't seem to notice. He thought it was stupid. Or perhaps these were his defenses talking.
Or maybe you knew exactly who he was and simply chose to pay it no mind. Also stupid.
He acted cold around you in the infirmary. Brushed you off with quick responses. Yet you always smiled at him with this carefree, kind expression on your face. Just the way his friends had done once upon a time. Images flashed his mind of their dead bodies and the horror of what he had done. He didn't mean to, he knew he was cursed, yet he hated himself; hated that he was host to the monster that lived within him.
He left the infirmary early that day. Best not to spend too much time around people who were nice to him. It might just get them killed, he thought with bitterness clouding his mind.
But you weren't convinced when he had told you that he was fine upon leaving. So to make sure you didn't release him in bad condition, you sent him a letter, asking him how he was faring. To be honest, you didn't expect that he would actually respond, considering how closed off he was when he met you. But Beelzebub was a lonely man. Terribly lonely and suffering in silence without an ounce of company, just waiting for the day someone or something would be able to put an end to his existence. But that was a dream that felt far out of his reach. So he settled for the next best thing: easing the pain.
So for the next few weeks, the two of you changed letters and every time he opened up a little, you felt joyful and loved that you were getting to know him better.
When you ask him out one day, Beel's heart freezes. This was all too familiar... attachment. Something he couldn't allow himself to have. Something that would bring destruction upon the innocent.
He clutched the letter tightly in his hand, crumpling the paper in the process as he paced back and forth through his room, trying to calm his breathing; trying to make the thought of Lilith's dead body leave his mind. He couldn't allow anything to happen to you. He was a monster and you didn't deserve to become the next tragedy in his life. For weeks now since you had started exchanging letters he put extra locks on his doors at night; some of them with numbers only he knew; he'd freeze the keys and hide them throughout his room in the hopes that he would wake up before the monster could escape the confines it was in.
After receiving the letter where you had confessed that you had taken a liking to him and would like to go out with him; he woke up on the following morning with his room in shambles. Some of the furniture was torn apart, papers were scattered across the floor and the door showed signs of abuse and violence; large scratch marks and some broken locks.
He sent you a letter inquiring about your well-being this time. The wait for your response was spent in agony.
When he finally received a letter back; being informed that you weren't anywhere near his room that night, that you were safe and sound; relief washed over him.
But that was the last letter he ever sent. He deemed it too dangerous to keep you around. You deserved to live and to thrive. Nothing that should be cut short because of his selfish desire for companionship.
As the months went by, the letters got less and less. Until finally you stopped sending them. That was the first time he had cried since Lilith's death. The first time he had slumped down on the floor and sobbed helplessly. His room became silent again. He was alone once more with nothing but the shadow of what could have been.
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The only one who is actually normal about the whole thing.
Hades is a gentleman and he doesn't have enough humor in his heart to tease you like some of his fellow gods would.
Once he has a hunch that you have feelings for him; he prepares to ask you out.
He's very classy with it. He buys you a bouquet of roses and brings them to you, greeting you with a soft smile that few actually get to see on his face. He appears confident and casual; the only sign of nervousness being that he keeps fidgeting with the collar of his shirt without noticing.
Of course you immediately notice the bouquet. But you don't bring it up until he does. "Hades! Good to see you", you greet him and give him a smile. He smiles back at you. "Y/n, I- was wondering if you'd like to have dinner sometime?", he stumbles over his words one time but overall delivers the question very professionally.
You're a little caught off-guard. After all; Hades is not someone where you notice he has feelings for you unless he decides to let you know. "Oh...", you take a moment to process, "I'd love to!"
Hades is glad to hear that answer. Whatever was he worried about anyway?
He takes you to a nice restaurant on your date, both of you dressed up in fine clothes and Hades can't keep his eyes off you. His expression softens every time he looks at you and he finally realizes how much you make him weak in the knees.
Despite everything, he keeps his confident demeanor, offering to pay for your meal and making conversation with you during the date so the atmosphere never turns awkward.
It's mostly him complaining about his job really.
"And it's not even like they don't know that trying to feed the Cerberus is forbidden; it's very clearly stated in the 'Welcome to Helheim' leaflet and yet every month someone loses an arm to that thing-", he pauses in his rant to look up at you, "I'm sorry if you don't want to hear about my work."
You shake your head. "It's fine, I think it's quite interesting", you reach for his hand and hold it on the table, "hold on- there's a leaflet?"
Hades chuckles and pulls said leaflet out of his pocket, handing it to you. "Rule Nr. 2: 'You cannot actually climb out of Helheim. Seriously, stop trying'", you read aloud and raise your eyebrows, "I feel like there's a story behind that one." Hades gives you a painful expression. "I wish there wasn't."
Hades likes holding your hand on the dinner table and he always makes sure that you have a comfortable and fun evening
Despite his calm and serious demeanor, the man is absolutely whipped for you, so the more chaotic you are, the more likely it is that he'll end up joining you in shenanigans that are unlike anything he'd do if you weren't a part of his life.
Loki once catches him dancing in the rain with you, absolutely drenched from the water and Hades just sends him a death glare. "Not a word." Meanwhile Loki is just trying to keep his wheezing in.
If he feels like you're up for it, Hades asks if he can kiss you after the date. For a man so stoic and serious, his kiss is very gentle.
You never have to worry about Hades knowing how you feel about him because your feelings are in good hands with him.
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Is probably having a whole crisis about this.
He doesn't even notice you like him, he just sees you as "y/n, who listens to me talk about science" and that's what he appreciates you for. He has such tunnel vision when it comes to his work that he doesn't even stop to consider how he feels about you until Raiden of all people brings it up.
He's like "Wow you're so lucky that someone like y/n has their eyes on you!" and Nikola stops in his tracks like excuse me what-
"Don't tell me you didn't notice... they're down bad for you?!"
The shared human contestants lobby was a mistake, Nikola thinks
Other people have to spell out all the obvious signs to him that show that you're romantically interested in him for Nikola to "subscribe to the hypothesis"
That's when the panic starts.
"Like, what do I even do, I've never been on a date before!"
Raiden raises an eyebrow: "Seriously? Never?"
Nikola corrects himself as he paces from one side of the room to the other. "Well technically I have been on ONE date before but it was a disaster because I accidentally caused the misconception that I'm trying to build a nuclear bomb, which i wasn't-"
Basically, Nikola has no fucking idea how to approach romance
He ends up sending his pigeon to deliver a letter to you, asking you out on a date, which he describes as "a fun day full of scientific experiments" and he's ecstatic when your answer is yes.
"Don't worry, this'll be fine, I even got them a gift", Nikola says, excited about your date.
The "gift" turned out to be a giant laser he built specifically for you. He was confident in it at first but ever since people kept telling him that usually flowers or chocolate are appropriate first date gifts, he's been nervous. To everyone's surprise, you end up absolutely loving it.
"Oh my god I've always wanted a giant laser!"
"See? That's what I said too", Nikola gives you a fist-bump.
Nevermind you're going to fit together just fine.
Your date mostly consists of him guiding you through various science experiments and rambling about the scientific principles behind them.
"I understood nothing of what it was you just said but I think it's endearing how passionate you are about this", you chuckle.
His last experiment is one where he turns the lights in the room off and uses several lenses and light sources to make beautiful lights in all colors dance across the walls and the ceiling of the room. You're in awe about the beautiful sight.
"You see, this happens because the light reflects off the-" he can't finish his sentence because he's caught off-guard by the kiss you press to his cheek. You then lean your head on his shoulder. "Let's just watch them for a while", you whisper and reach for his hand. He supposes he can continue explaining later and smiles at you softly.
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luxthestrange · 7 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#152 Take me to church!~
Y/n*Seeing Beelzebub in a Priest get up*...Priest kink is definitely a thing and I am afflicted by it.
Jesus: Go to church
Jesus: WAIT—
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Adopting Their Fallen Enemy's Child (PT.2) ~ RoR/SnV x Child! Reader
Type of Writing: Poll Result Characters: Beelzebub, Apollo, & Child! Reader Name: Adopting Their Fallen Enemy's Child (PT.2) Original Poll Results: Here Other Parts: (PT.1)
A/N: Because of how long the poll result was, I decided to make this into two different parts! I hope you guys enjoy this and have a nice day/night!
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🪰 He saw Tesla as weak and pathetic, but even he had to admit, the way he held himself in battle with his wits was quite impressive for a human, but he did not wish to show any kind of compassion towards the human, he still lost
🪰 And when he heard the sound of a child crying and hugging a piece of metal, he turned around and saw a young child wearing the same pair of goggles that the human he had just defeat wore
🪰 Beelzebub tilted his head as you cried while your father kneeled and hugged you as he crumbled away into nothing, and what he said to you reminded him of Lilith…
“ I will always be with you, in life and death… I love you, my little ray of hope… “
🪰 The God of Darkness could hear your cries of pain and depression, and it made his heart hurt so much, but he couldn’t tell why… why did he feel… bad for you?
🪰 You looked over your shoulder at him and flinched as he took steps towards you, but the Watchman of the Apocalypse could sense how he was about to kill you, so he stood in front of you and held you on his shoulder while beckoning the oldest Valkyrie to grab you from the field
🪰 He would watch you sit by the feet of the Valkyrie, looking up at the Gods once and while whenever they landed a hit on your human fighter, but the one God you looked at the most of Beelzebub, if he was even there
🪰 Beelzebub eventually heard a knock on his door and saw the eleventh Valkyrie sister, Hlökk, staring at him before saying how you wished to speak to him
🪰 He tilted his head in confusion while looking down at you, you shared the same shimmer in your eyes that your father had, and it surprised him that you wanted to talk to him, you saw how he killed your father, why didn’t you hate him?
🪰 When he spoke to you about your father with the oldest Valkyrie and the Buddha in the next room, he watched how you admired his work, and even corrected a few things, that was when he knew…
🪰 He didn’t want to leave you alone in this world without any family, so, he offered the Human’s the ultimate choice
“ Brunhilde, I would like to propose a deal. I will take care of the young Tesla child and teach them everything their father would’ve while alive. I swear to keep them protected from anything dangerous. “
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☀️ He had to admit, your father was quite the fighter, he was an honorable man, and when he turned around to hear the cheers from his nymphs, what he didn’t expect was the quiet words of Leonidas, the King of Sparta, speaking
☀️ Apollo turned around and saw a young child standing in front of the man, holding a spear, one that was made for their small form, and seeing the King just smile and hug the child before speaking his final goodbyes and bursting into the shards of his life, it just made the God look at the child with sadness
☀️ The God of the Sun looked at you with apparent regret in his eyes, he never knew that the battle-driven man he fought had a child, nonetheless one that couldn’t even had been a full-grown teenager
☀️ You smiled as your father gave you one last kiss on the head and loving grin, and seeing you hug the man’s shattered leg made Apollo look at you with pity, and when the Valkyrie and human faded away to the sky, he walked up behind you and tapped your shoulder, alerting you the man who killed your father was there
☀️ His eyebrows furrowed and he sat down on his knees to stare into your eyes, smiling as you touched his face, trying to wipe away any blood from the wound
☀️ Despite him killing your father right in front of you, you still showed care for him, and when he asked you why you were trying to fix his appearance up, you answered with a polite;
“ My father told me it was a fair fight. And in fair fights, you need to treat the winner not like garbage, but like a treasure. You won fair and square, and while I feel sad of losing my father, I will not hold a grudge against you, God of the Sun. “
☀️ Apollo smiled and patted your head before standing and lifting you up into his arms to carry you back to the Gods’ infirmary, and once you came into the hallway of the arena, you looked at him and kept trying to whip the blood on his face away, claiming it would ruin his reputation if it stayed there and stained
☀️ While he healed, you stayed by his side, trying to make him tell you more stories of the battles he watched your father participate in, and because of how much time you two spent together, Apollo couldn’t help but start seeing you as his own
☀️ One day, he eventually asked a question that would make your life whole again;
“ Y/N, child of Leonidas and heir of Sparta, you are unlike any other child I’ve ever seen in my life. I would be greatly honored if you would do me the pleasure of becoming my child. I understand I will not fully replace your father, and I am alright with that, but you being alone is something I cannot stand. So, what do you say, youngling? “
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
*more cute!*
Child reader dressed up as the gods?
-They felt a powerful aura, one that intimidated them, but it was from something unknown, they had no idea where it was coming from.
-There had been a plot in the making, one that could prove to be either something joyous or something dangerous.
-He had been in his room, curious about this unknown feeling of dread before a knock came to the door, soft, like it was the knock of a child, and he instantly knew that it was you.
-He smiled warmly, knowing that you weren’t dangerous- you were the farthest thing from dangerous! That’s what he told himself as he approached the door, smiling warmly at the thought of seeing you.
-He couldn’t speak, his eyes wide, as he saw you beaming brightly up at him, dressed exactly like him, you even tried to style your hair like him. He slowly sunk to his knees, seeing more of the details of your (child friendly) outfit as you gave him a twirl, “Do you like it? I wanted to dress up like you because you’re my favorite person!” His vision quickly went dark before a bright light was seen in the distance as he resigned himself to his fate, happy to die after seeing something so adorable!
            -Hades, Hermes, Shiva, Hercules, Zeus, and Buddha
-His smile was very apparent as he swept you into his arms, hugging you close, making you squeal warmly before you beamed, “Do you like it? I wanted to dress up like you because you’re my favorite person!” his smile only grew, while he didn’t say much, but he felt so much warmth in his chest from you words and actions.
            -Thor, Odin, Poseidon, and Beelzebub
-Was inconsolable for at least fifteen minutes, taking hundreds of photographs while ugly sobbing, overwhelmed with happiness at how adorable you looked. You unintentionally made it worse when you told him, “Do you like it? I wanted to dress up like you because you’re my favorite person!” You truly were a very dangerous person.
            -Ares, Loki, and Apollo
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telvess · 6 months
RoR: How they sleep with their s/o (headcanons) 🔞
Jack likes when you’re strapped to his arm at night. He has a habit of reading a bit of Shakespeare before bed, so being close enough to him that he can smell your shampoo is actually one of his favourite moments of the day.
When the reading time is over, Jack prefers to lie face to face with you and hold hands. Of course, he doesn't mind any other position where he can observe you.
Yeah, Jack is a little creepy because he likes to watch you sleep. He admires your beauty and hearing your calm breathing makes him happy because he never expected to have someone who felt so safe around him.
Since he's the last one to fall asleep, you'll probably wake up first. Jack doesn't mind if you wake him up with kisses.
Poseidon allows you hug him. Feel grateful. He ONLY does it because you’re such a crybaby and he is tired of your big teary eyes you constantly make. He thinks that hugging is useless and doesn’t provide anything, but just for your sake he can get through this…
STFU, POSEIDON. You love cuddling.
He holds you in a tight hug, with his hand on your back and your head on his chest. He likes to feel your warm breath on his skin, but - once again - he would never admit it.
Poseidon has a cold body, so you can use it as an additional reason to cuddle.
Beelzebub will go to bed the moment he hears you taking a shower before sleep. He doesn’t care if he has something to do. He doesn’t want to miss the opportunity for a cuddle.
Beelzebub is a small spoon. You hold him from behind with your arm around his waist and your forehead resting against his back - he just feels wanted and that feeling kills him.
That being said, he would never ask you for a cuddle, but if you don’t initiate, he gives you that inpatient look over a shoulder. Don’t act dumb.
Beelzebub likes to listens your calm breathing. For him it's the best lullaby. Knowing that someone shares something as trivial as sleeping in the same bed with him is amazing to him.
He is a living radiator, so you probably don’t need a blanket.
Thor isn’t into cuddling, but isn’t against it either. Definitely wouldn’t say no to you. The important thing to mention is that Thor thinks cuddling is a good introduction to sex.
He prefers to lie on his back and have you on his chest. Considering how big Thor is, you'll feel so small when his arms wrap around you. He likes to touch your thighs and buttocks and kiss your forehead, so if you decide to return the favour and caress his face or muscular chest… you definitely won't fall asleep quickly.
That guy is such a mess.
He will elbow and knee you in his sleep. I don’t think rolling him over would give you any good result. He is a heavy sleeper, so he'll probably return to his previous position in a moment.
Maybe he'll calm down a bit if you kick him. But please, play dumb when he wakes up in the morning and ask you where he got that bruise.
Apart from the disadvantages of sleeping with him, Buddha is really cute when it comes to cuddling. He treats you like his personal pillow, wrapping his legs and arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder.
You have to feed him in that position.
Sleeping with Loki is like sleeping with dozen cats.
Once you announce you’re tired and close your eyes, Loki’s intrusive thoughts will win. He will blow in your face and when you shout at him he will pretend to sleep.
Go on, roll over. How naive of you… Loki will start pinching your ass. Or steal a blanket just for himself. Or tickle you. Anything to keep you awake.
Yes, at this point you know that shouting at him only encourages him. You have to tire him out. And at this time of day, there's only one thing you can do to achieve it. Have fun.
How comfortable his muscular arms are around you…
Hades just gives these big protection vibes, so there’s no way he wouldn’t be a big spoon. He wants to hold you close, bury his nose in your hair and gives you few kisses here and there.
He can't sleep alone anymore since you two shared a bed together. Your company makes huge difference to him. He likes talk to you before sleep, whispers sweet things in your ear or tells you stories.
It happens that our king talks in his sleep. Of course, in the morning he denies everything because he knows he doesn't do it.
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forbidden-sunlight · 8 months
yandere!beezlebub with makima!reader!headcanons
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Warnings: manga spoilers for both Record of Ragnarok and Part One in Chainsaw Man, obsessive behavior, violence, and blood.
There may also be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the 'back' button on your device or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
You are responsible for your Internet consumption!
Hey guys, hope you are all having a lovely spooky month so far! :) I will admit that this fic here is probably one of the most challenging ones I've written because Makima....well, she is the embodiment of a necessary evil and does what she wants, when she wants. She cannot be contained unless it is to her advantage. And I honestly think she would definitely shake things up in Ragnarok...especially when not many people realize who she truly is until it is too late.
Shout out to @nunezs-stuff for their feedback and help on this fic!
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and let us see what surprises await :)
You were annoyed with your current situation.
You had lost and died in a fight by the hands of someone who wasn’t Chainsaw Man, someone who hadn’t even been worthy to be the devil’s vessel. You did give Denji some credit for using his mind instead of charging towards his opponent. 
No…he wasn’t the one you had fought in the cemetery that day. It had been Pochita, and he had heard every single insult meant to finally break what was left of Denji’s damaged psyche. You had dared to speak like that towards the only person you acknowledged as your equal, and you were punished for it. 
Denji consumed your flesh, not as Chainsaw Man as you had always hoped if you ever lost against the legendary fiend. The humiliating memory was still fresh in your mind, but that isn’t why you were annoyed. No, you’ve come to accept that you were outwitted by a mangy dog whose scent you didn’t even bother to familiarize. Rather, it is because you were chained and collared as you had done to Denji, but it is not to a human. 
A Valkyrie named Brunhilde was the one who held your leash, and she wanted you to save humanity from being destroyed by the gods by participating as a fighter in the Raganrok tournament. 
You weren’t given a choice, because you would either follow her orders, including the commands of her sisters, or you would die. Kill anyone besides your target, you would die. Try to bend anyone, human, demigod, or god to your command? You would die. 
Quite a conundrum, even when you still have control over your mind and body and Brunhilde says to just be grateful she’s been merciful.
You sighed. Suppose the only good thing in this predicament is that you can have coffee and do as you please without going against your contract with Brunhilde. If you weren’t wandering around Valhalla, you were either holed up in your quarters reading books or put to work to take care of some business on behalf of the Valkyries. 
It wasn’t actually there, but you could feel the collar around your neck loosen and tighten at random intervals. The only way to nullify your contract with the Valkyries is to create a new one with someone else who isn’t a mortal, but even then Brunhilde would know as soon as she lost the leash.
So how can you get away from this tiresome role as a Valkyrie’s right-hand woman without getting caught?
Just when this thought passed through your mind, you felt the collar tugging towards the door from your cozy chair. Ah…it must be time. Marking your place between the pages with a laminated bookmark, you stood up and quickly changed into the suit you had worn from your days as a Public Safety officer. Time to get to work. Perhaps if everything goes well…Brunhilde will allow you to take a peek at the human world and see how your idol is faring. Chainsaw Man must be lonely without you around to praise and shower him with affection, the poor thing.
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After witnessing Hades’ death by hands of Qin Shi Huang, the Philistine deity decided that it was time to end this foolish tournament in the next round. Whoever he would be fighting next will not be granted a swift, painless death…that would be too boring even for his standards. Yet when he stepped into the coliseum with the Staff of Apomyius, he froze upon seeing a woman standing idly in the middle, dressed in a suit and tie with [Hair Color] tresses pulled back in a braid. If he hadn’t seen those rings swirling in [Eye Color] orbs, he would have scoffed at the human for being too arrogant…except he now knew this wasn’t a mortal. 
His opponent was none other than one of the Four Horsemen in Helheim, a harbinger that fed on mortals’ fear of control ever since Attlia the Hun’s campaign to dominate the world. The Conquest Devil. But why was she fighting the humans whom she wanted to destroy to fulfill a silly fantasy with the Chainsaw Devil? Well, no matter. He’ll just simply incapacitate her long enough to make everyone believe she had died in the fight and take her back to his laboratory as his newest lab rat. 
Or so that had been the plan.
The amplified vibrations created from the Staff of Apomyuis to strengthen Palmyra would easily destroy a human’s body even if they were equipped with a Volundr, he had underestimated the Conquest Devil’s regeneration speed because within the moment he saw her body burst into bloodied, tiny pieces, they simply reassembled….and then there was a loud scream from the human’s side, followed by more horrified wailing. 
She blinked at him, tilting her head with that condescending smile. “Is it my turn?” She asked coyly.
He scoffed, raising his weapon and to strike again when she suddenly blitzed towards him, pulling her dominant arm back for a strike when he activated Sorath Samekh. The backlash made the appendage fly off, and then it quickly reattached to her body. The dance repeated itself: he attacked, she regenerated. She attacked, he blocked it, and he countered it with another offensive technique that should have killed her….except no matter how many times he should have killed her, someone on the human’s side of the arena either died or screamed in agony as they lost an arm or a leg. 
And the more that this fight dragged on, the Lord of the Flies felt his morbid curiosity growing more and more out of control. He wanted her. He wanted the Conquest Devil at his side, but not just as another toy to play with until he got bored. He wanted to know why she was here, how she died, what were her weaknesses and what is the root behind her obsession with the Chainsaw Devil. 
Eventually, Zeus had decided to call their fight as a draw that would serve as a tiebreaker. He wasn’t pleased with this outcome, and neither was the Conquest Devil. Beezlebub could see her wanting to finish this fight, covered from head to toe in her blood and wearing a golden collar around her neck with a chain that extended from the arena to the private box on humanity’s side. Brunhilde. There was no one else how would be there, watching this show with a smile and possessing enough power to make the Conquest Devil bend to her will.
Unless….the Valkyrie had no idea the true nature of [First Name]? 
He had to resist the urge to chase after her, forcing himself to retreat and take care of the wounds he had sustained from the fight. If it was true that Brunhilde did not know that her right-hand woman was one of the Four Horsemen…this unfortunate outcome to round eight might be a blessing in disguise after all.
He smiled in self-depreciation. Blessing, hm? Nothing ever good comes from those who are around me….but if there is someone who could kill me without having any remorse or becoming attached to the Priest of Gluttony…it is her.  He thought, his mind drifting back to the memory of those mesmerizing, empty eyes.
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Bonus Content
Brunhilde was furious with the outcome of round nine. Yes, she had allowed [First Name] to fight at half of her full capacity as per the terms of their contract and it was better to take a tie than another loss. 
But how in the ever-living fuck did all the secret collaborators of the gods’ campaign to destroy mankind just happened to be in the humanity’s audience? Did [First Name] arrange all of this to happen to take down two birds with one stone? No. That wasn’t impossible. Even if these bastards had betrayed their own species, there’s no way that [First Name] would personally invite them. Not when Brunhilde limited her ‘free time’ in Valhalla, and received hourly reports on her every move. 
[First Name] had a damned good sense of smell, but it was her photographic memory, and how she used it today was even worse. Once she had a face and a name memorized, all she had to do was think or say it, then poof. Any physical damage done to her body was transferred to the person whose name left her mouth. It’s why she is still standing without a single scratch on her body. 
And seeing random humans getting picked off in the middle of a fight no doubt piqued the old geezer’s interest. That’s probably why he called the fight to end in a draw instead of letting it continue, thus avoiding a panic to occur. 
Brunhilde chewed on her thumbnail. Shitshitshitshit! Why do things never go according to plan?!
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nicasdreamer · 9 months
Therapy in Valhalla
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The boys are
✨Emotionally Damaged✨
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palesublimeduck · 2 months
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Bae 😍
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He's speaking up too :')
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amphitriteswife · 8 months
Teacher (and subjects) head cannons!:
(I’m from the netherlands and the school here has a different grading system. Also collage and highschool are one thing. So highschool is 4,5 or 6 years depending on which grade you get on tests and stuff in elementary so please bear with me)
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You would think that he would teach biology but you would be wrong. He would teach Physics or some high level math.
The type to not let anyone in after the bell rings
Doesn’t care if you end up dead in the class you will not go to the bathroom during his lesson
Stands by the door to make sure you put it in those phone pockets thingy
Gives the most homework out of all the teachers
Wears formal clothes, always. Suits, blazer, slacks ect.
You will never catch him on a bad hair day
If he catches you cheating on a test, you can say goodbye to that grade because he will give you a zero.
He does sometimes turn a blind eye if you’re on the brink of not passing and don’t choose his subject. (You do need to be on the brink. So not like a 3 or sum)
Hates electronics so he just wants everyone to use a paper and the book. No laptops.
Only talkes to some teachers like Hades and Thor
Students think he’s either the worst or just eye candy
Has won the the contest of best man titties by students
People actually ended up crying in his class and he didn’t give a damn
Sends people out 2 minutes before the time and doesn’t care if they beg.
If you have him as a substitute you can start praying because you’ll miss your regular teacher
Types with one finger if he’s on his phone (rare sight)
Checks homework. As in not just looking but actually reading your calculations.
He sometimes even grades your homework or puts them for bonuses
He sometimes reads if it’s work time and he finishes his lecture
Got drunk one time during school dance and started breakdancing. Hades was supportive and filmed it.
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Teaches history
Is well with his colleagues and is well liked by students
He’s not strict with phones but please don’t use them in his class
You sometimes do work. He mostly explains and writes notes on the white board for you to write down
Is very, very passionate about certain topics. His favorites would be the world wars and the greek/ roman empire.
Is that type of teacher that you could tell anything. School, home, hobbies. He won’t mind and he’s equally interested.
Has a mentor class every year and he helps them a lot.
His class is very popular and lots of people choose his subject, so popular that people who don’t take it sometimes ask if they can stay and also follow it for fun
Almost never gives homework
He makes planners, notes, power points. Anything that may help his students.
He even lets the class watch films so that they understand it better, he usually choses for oversimplified if he needs to explain the word wars
You can eat in his class as long as you keep it clean and don’t throw stuff
Smells like rituals. Flowers. Very addictive and good. Sniff
Is present at the school dance and school parties. He helps with carrying and making sure the students don’t do stupid stuff
He doesn’t even need to discuss about his students’ grades because all his students do good in his class
Is rated to have the biggest dick by the students.
Also wears formal clothes. So like a suit, but if he crosses his legs you can see that he wears funky socks. Like a bright purple with colorful cupcakes on it or a bright blue with yellow ducks on it.
Gives extra lessons if you don’t understand.
You know how when someone asks teachers about their life? If you do that he gets so happy and explains a lot
Shows pictures of Melinoe and Zagreus from when they were babies.
He brought a 4 year old melinoe with him one time and the class played with her. If she was not playing with the students she was probably in her father’s lap.
He also shows pictures of Persephone. Every time he talks about her you can hear the love in his voice. (I’m Persephone reincarnated)
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Teaches music ofcourse
You would think that music was easy but it really isn’t. You need to able to read music notes. You get 2 tests, playing and theory.
Helps well if you need assistance with your instruments
Gives surprise tests to see if you actually did the homework
He loves and i mean looooveeees gossip
He doesn’t say much but listens when a student says something about another teacher
Handles the school musical
You actually need to put effort if you want to pass
Doesn’t take away your phone if he sees you with it. Just stares from behind on it until you notice.
doesn’t sent people out of the class, just gives them extra homework
He never, ever stops smiling. The class is being too loud? He’ll sit in his chair and simply drink his tea while glaring with a smile.
Some students find him scary because of how polite he is, because they can feel that underlying anger.
Knows how to make a student’s life miserable if they make his class unbearable.
You threw paper at him and made the class disruptive? Boom 4 chapters done by the next lesson and all the texts should be 4 times written. In cursive
He is usually seen with the principal (Zeus)
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Geography teacher
Why? Because he often travels for different kind of reasons.
Eating is allowed, as well as chewing gun
Is great with the students and most people just choose his subject because he’s chill
Doesn’t prepare lessons. He just talks and the students get it
If he does have a powerpoint he promotes his insta, tiktok and his snap
Loves to know about different cultures
Had a diss battle in his class once and almost got into trouble
Called someone emo
If you eat in his class prepare to share.
Asks people if they can bring him coffee from the teachers’ room
You cannot tell me that dawg didn’t pull up in Jordans
Is also present at the school dance and actually bribes the dg for some songs
Doesn’t really care if you skip his class. He either doesn’t care or doesn’t notice.
He too has a mentor class. He has private talks and doesn’t mind if you tell him his problems and genuinely tries to help
Doesn’t give homework unless it’s necessary.
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Creepy Science teacher
Got called emo by Buddha
Doesn’t hesitate to threaten students
He never cares if you don’t show up, but he will rat you out because funny
Has been detected to smile when he does weird stuff. Like cutting things open
Is always in his lab and he’s the only one who can enter with a key
Someone made a sticker of his face and the whole school used it, again he doesn’t care
Had like those weird pots with stuff in it
Doesn’t allow anyone to touch them. He does demonstrate stuff if you ask nicely
Let’s you go early but it’s not in a nice way. He’ll only do it because he doesn’t want to teach anymore for the day
Doesn’t even go to lunch, he just remains in his lab
He only goes to halloween parties
Cyberbullies people. Teachers and students included
Runs the anti *insert school* accounts
Will not care if the school burns down. He hates everyone and everything. Except Hades, because he’s cool
Doesn’t care if you eat or drink. (He may or may not have put something in it for his experiments)
‘Students are like little monsters’ is his motto. He’ll treat them like it too
If you fail his tests he’ll sometimes give you one to retake
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Thank ya’ll for reading :p
I’m gonna make a part 2. I think. Maybe some with the human fighters
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kanroji-san · 6 months
Beelzebub: You can slap me, choke me, bite me, or do every indecent thing you have in mind.
Y/n: ...
Y/n: You think I'm THAT creative?
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luxthestrange · 10 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#189 Special section is his room-
Beelzebub: There's a special section in hell reserved for you...
Y/n: That's good, I'd hate to wait in line
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Hellboy here trying to flirt but sounding more like a threat-
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Beelzebub, Poseidon, Jack and Nikola with a s/o that's like 10X stronger than they are, like reader doesn't look like it at all but they can just pick them up and throw them over their shoulder with not even a little bit of their power wasted, reader is also known all around like a powerful and authority figure, they're a head god/goddess (kinda like Zeus and Odin)
Them With a Head God and Strong! S/O
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Beelzebub, Poseidon, Jack the Ripper, and Nikola Tesla Name: Them With a Head God and Strong! S/O Requester: Anonymous
A/N: These readers are all from different FAKE Pantheons, so you won’t be able to find any information out. But, they are all slightly inspired by the Bible, the Sinto, and the Greek Pantheon. By the way, here are the four different regions the FAKE Pantheons are from/set; Hierarchie - Germany ║ Hiérarchie - France ║ Jiēcéng - China ║ Ierarhie - Romania. By the way, these all mean ‘Hierarchy’ just so you guys know
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🪰 You had met Beelzebub back in 2000 B.C.E. at one of your first Gods’ Council Meetings as the leader of your Pantheon, Hierarchie
🪰 He was a very quiet person, and that interested you, due to being a fairly quiet person yourself. And the only reason that Beelzebub actually looked up from his hands was when someone tried to offend him, resulting in you sending a lightning bolt to strike them directly in the head
🪰 When you guys first met, Beelzebub had tried to keep his distance from you, as he didn’t want your Pantheon on his ass if you were to be harmed by this God-forsaken curse he was born with
🪰 Surprisingly, despite his obvious care for you, this curse had never harmed you, it was as if Satan had seen you as worthy of the affections of Beelzebub’s, which made him nearly cry tears of joy
🪰 Now, when it was decided that Ragnarok would have to produce 13 Gods for fighting, it was decided that there would be a Head of Pantheon fighting against a well-respected member of Humanity fighting
(Ignore the Beelzebub and Nikola Tesla fight)
🪰 It was you who was chosen to fight against Humanity’s representatives, the Greatest Warrior in History and by-far the most Successful Military Commander in History, Alexander the Great
🪰 The man had readied his Völundr sarissa as you stood there as he claimed the care that Humanity had and how they could better themselves if given the chance, your husband softly chuckled at your comeback to the pledge
" Let me guess, Brunhilde has been filling your heads with that nonsense? How fitting. She’s always been such a blood-thirsty and crude woman, I wouldn't put it behind her to lie to her assets. Though, despite the ignorant comment, you are not the dumbest man I’ve met, though, you better pray that he doesn’t die, mortal. "
🪰 The Gods erupted in laughter at your insult, and hearing Brunhilde’s swears only made it even better
🪰 Due to being well-known for your barbaric actions in battle and that you loved working your opponents up so they lost due to anger made your Pantheon cheer as Heimdall called out the starting word for Round 8 of Ragnarok
🪰 Now the only thing your husband could do is watch and hope that you come out of this unscathed, if a human could take down the likes of Poseidon, Heracles, and Hades, who knows if they can get you
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🔱 As a new head to your Pantheon, Hiérarchie, that originated in the northern land of Gaul, now known as France, by the migratory people
🔱 Poseidon was not amused when Hades had sent him a letter explaining that he was required to come to a meeting between the most powerful members of the multitude of Pantheons across the world
🔱 He had only been there a few minutes when you appeared in complete smoke, covering your feet as you strode in as your right-hand, the God of Life, Vie (life), appeared next to you, spreading light whereas you spread darkness
🔱 During that meeting, Poseidon had snuck quick glaces at you, and the only one to even come lose to noticing was Hades and Vie, who only glanced at you both and shrugged their shoulders
🔱 As you and Poseidon began to speak more and more over the next few thousand years, your relationship grew into a full-on marriage, settling a union between two of the most powerful Pantheons in mythology
🔱 Now, when Ragnarok was proposed by Brunhilde, you were chosen by Zeus to represent the Gods in the third round against an unknown human contestant
(Ignore the Poseidon vs Sasakii Kojiro fight)
🔱 You were set to go against the well-known Greek physician, Hippocrates, also known as the 'Father of Modern Medicine', who had written many different things he had discovered about illnesses, which helped Humanity grow in healing one another
🔱 Staring at the middle-aged man, despite the fact he (supposedly) lived to a very old age, that being 90 years, you scoffed lightly. This action made the physician cock and eyebrow and ask you what the matter was
" You. You are the matter. I'm the head of a Pantheon, a Supreme Deity, and I have to battle against some old man? How repulsive. " " You sound quite arrogant, ma'am/sir. " " Arrogant? Y'know, I was going to be nice and allow you the win so I can get back to doing my real job and handling my people, but now? Forget it. Grab your weapon and ready yourself, human. Because I'm not as nice as some say I am. "
🔱 Gripping his trident tighter as the second passed in the battle, Poseidon was interrupted in his thoughts by his nephew, Ares', screams of support to you as Heracles smiled and cheered for you more quietly
🔱 You were stronger than him... and if he knew he could defeat a human in battle, you definitely would. Right?
" Please be safe, my love... "
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🩸 Jack knows for certain that you're powerful, far more powerful than him. Even if he had a clone of himself, you would still win against both, no doubt. You are a Supreme Deity for a reason, after all
🩸 As your Pantheon was made many centuries before England was, you would normally curse people out underneath your breath in severely ancient Chinese, and whenever Jack asked you about your travels back home, you would rather he call it 'Zhongguo', as that is what it was called when you were made
🩸 When Ragnarok was hailed and you walked out of the Council with your smaller-Pantheon following you and the Valkyrie sisters, you were worried... what if Brunhilde chose your husband?
🩸 Unfortunately, Brunhilde had asked if your husband would be willing to participate in the battle to the death. And, being a protective spouse, you shut it down and said you would take his place
🩸 Hearing that news made Jack nearly spit out his tea, he knew you didn't want him to die again and all, but why would you sacrifice yourself like this?
" My love, I am truly sorry for not notifying you about this issue. But, I must admit, I do not wish to see you get thrown around by some punk-God who just wants Humanity destroyed. Unlike them, I know for certain that Humanity is worth fighting for, and I- I don't want you possibly dying for that cause. I'd rather die than live without you for the rest of my life. " " As your husband, I admit the same. An afterlife without you would be like living on Earth without oxygen, I would not be able to handle it. " " How about this; we fight together? After all, neither of us can live without the other, right? " " You always find the most crafty ways of getting out of this accidents, am I correct, Y/N? " " Yes you are, dearest. "
(Ignore that his original opponent was Heracles, he deserves to live U-U)
🩸 Humanity was not happy to hear that they were being represented by a killer duo, that being the supposed Jack the Ripper, a man who killed multiple women throughout the year 1888, and a Deity of Blood-lust and War, one that had tortured many in their conquest to rid the world of threats against your people
🩸 The Gods chosen to fight you both was the twins of Egyptian Mythology, Geb, the God of the Earth, and Nut, Goddess of the Sky. You just so happened to be close to Nut, which resulted in you and her going apart from one another as the battle commenced
🩸 When you and Geb looked into one another's eyes as Jack and Nut looked into their opponent's, Brunhilde looked over you all and clenched her fists
🩸 You both better come out of this alive; she doesn't need to lose someone she holds very dear to her again
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🧪 As the Supreme God of the Ierarhie Pantheon, which hailed from the European Country of Romania, you knew of many people coming from nearby lands, including the famous Nikola Tesla, who migrated from his home village in Smijan, Croatia, to North America
🧪 When you both first met, you were speaking to one of your close human friends, Marie Curie, and he noticed how your eyes lit up with amazement as she explained the suit's mechanisms
🧪 He hasn't seen anyone other than his fellow scientists look so gleefully at a piece of machinery before
🧪 As you stood and listened, Nikola had looked at you every once and a while before he was called by Marie, making him turn around and officially meet you
🧪 And he had to admit, you were one of the most gorgeous beings he has ever laid eyes upon. You were even more beautiful than the first invention he ever made
🧪 Ever since that day, you had always come in on your free-days away from Supreme-Deity duties and you would assist the many scientists on what they could do to improve the giant suit for Ragnarok
🧪 Speaking of Ragnarok, when you found out that the man you had grown close to was fighting Beelzebub, one of the most ruthless and mysterious Gods in the entire mixture of Pantheons, you had put your foot down and begun to speak with him about it, resulting in Brunhilde and Zeus making the exception for you to help out during the round, like a fight happening during a fight
🧪 When it was announced that you and Nikola were needed on the battlefield, you had hugged him tightly as he and his Valkyrie, Göndul, prepared and performed their Völundr
🧪 As you gripped your weapon, he looked down on you, gifting you the most gorgeous smile you had ever seen in your entire life of millions of years, and hearing the love-sick words pour out of his mouth made you nearly cry and kiss him for the possible first and last time
" Ljubavi (my love, I think?), I must confess this to you before we make an ultimate sacrifice. I love you, I have ever since I had laid my eyes upon your darling form. And I must do this if we do not make it out alive. "
🧪 When you felt him kiss you, you wrapped your arms around his neck, making him sigh contently as you kissed him right back. His and your shared fears leaving your minds for a while as the moment continued, the only thing snapping you away is the sound of Heimdall beginning your introductions
" I love you, Y/N. " " And I love you, Nikola Tesla. "
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Can I request another Anya!Reader if that’s okay?
After watching Princess and the Frog, she looks at Apollo, telling him even if he was a frog she wouldn’t kiss him, instead she would throw him off a bridge (Who’s cackling at her brutal honesty and lack of regard to Apollo’s feelings)
I believe in the Bullying Apollo Supremacy 😂🛐
-Your eyes were bright and sparkly, watching a princess movie, The Princess and the Frog, with your family all around you, as it was your turn to pick a movie for family night.
-The music and the story were both beautiful and you couldn’t help but smile brightly the whole way through. Your family did enjoy the movie, but seeing your smiling face is what made it really memorable.
-As the credits were rolling, Apollo, who was on his belly next to you, turned, beaming brightly, “Y/N~ if I was a frog would you turn me back with a kiss?”
-Your face was that of disgust, turning your nose up, “Eww- no! I hate frogs!” your answer quickly got many of them laughing, hearing your blunt response.
-Apollo then tried again, “What if you knew it was me- you would rescue me, wouldn’t you?” you turned, eyes unwavering, completely serious, “If any of you were frogs I would toss you off a bridge into a river- I wouldn’t want you near me.”
-Can’t breathe because he’s laughing too hard.
            -Loki, Leonidas, Zeus, Shiva, Raiden, and Buddha
-Couldn’t help but smile, at least you were honest.
            -Odin, Thor, Lu Bu, Kojiro, Poseidon, Hades, Adam, Beelzebub, Nikola, Jack, and Hercules
-Hurt by your lack of willingness to help if they were ever turned into a frog.
            -Ares and Apollo
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
If your requests are open could I please ask for a yandere Buddha and Poseidon and Beelzebub where the darling asked them to close their eyes and the darling kisses them on the cheek and runs away blushing sorry this is too much and also if you're not taking a request that's fine and have a good day or night
Darling kiss them on the cheek and runs away
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Buddha, Beelzebub ]
[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
⚠️ Yandere, I dunno support this kind of behavior in real life, I just write it for fun!
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Cuteeeeeee aaaahhhh! Thanks for such an amazing request! Thanks for requesting Beelze >//<
I don't write for Poseidon but I gladly write for the other two
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When it comes to his darling Buddha is controlling and possessive without even being like that, he just loves you so much he that he can't help himself but want you all to himself, wanting for you to trust him with your life and soul, just like he want to trust in you blindly
He falls in love after some time you two spend together, so you already can consider your relationship, at least, as a friendship, and since for you to met him had being when he was a prince or start following him he has an advantage by already having your trust
Buddha is pretty affectionate and flirty already, it doesn't matter if you are shy or even flirt back he just keep doing it (however if you are easily flustered that just motivate him to tease you more and more), however he doesn't cross your limits or make you uncomfortable, he is willing to wait until you are ready since you two still have the rest of your lifes (since Buddha isn't planning on leave you anytime soon)
Buddha really appreciate the affection from your part, it gives him the sense that your relationship is growing for a good path and that you are accepting his love (what will bring you benefits), still when you ask him to close his eyes for you it would depend in how much he trust you, if he still thinks that you aren't fully willing to be with him there is a chance that he doesn't do it or if he does it he will take your wrists just to make sure you don't try something weird, in the other hand, if he already trust you and knows that you love him too he is totally willing to close your eyes for you, even smiling while doing it (however, even if you try something, like trying to run away, he is totally confident in his habilities and he is sure that he can catch you if is need it)
Is probably that he end up finding out your plans while teasing you after you asked him to close his eyes, even if he does he will just laugh softly and close his eyes (if you don't want to do it anymore because he found out he will even insist that you should do it!)
The moment you kiss him on the cheek he feels his heart warm and gets all giggly, he laughs at the thought that maybe you are being shy to actually kiss him on the lips. Buddha open his eyes until he heard your footsteps, seeing you running away blushing just increase his amusment
He just watch you run with a lovestruck expression for a moment, he is giving you some minutes of advantage before running before you, even calling your name playfuly while giggling. It doesn't take him long to reach you and when he does he takes from the wrist and push you to him before hugging you tightly
He is teasing you for what you have done with a soft and amused tone, he finds it like a extremely cute and innocent way to express your love for him and he want correspond appropriately, so after teasing you he will be the one kissing you this time, but will depend on your own reaction, if you were being shy and blushy he will give you a soft and long kiss on the lips (an innocent kiss like the one you gave him), but if you are more playfuly with him he will give you a lot of butterfly kisses all over your face just to make you laugh more (in any case he doesn't let go of you from the hug)
Still, the idea of you running away bother him and even if it was for a innocent and playful reason he will keep a close eye on you for a while
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Beelzebub has a lot of troubles when it comes to his darling, first of all he is a worshipper, he thinks that you are way better than him (even if you are a bad person) and he doesn't has the right to ask anything from you, not when he is nothing more than a mere bastard who killed the ones he loved, however he is dependent once he met you (even if it isn't directly) he can't just live without you, he had watched you from afar for a while and had the opportunity to know you better, reaching the point where he feels like he will die if he doesn't know anything about you or is near you for too long
Beelzebub is too ashamed of himself to approach to you, leave alone introduce himself to you, so for you to meet has to be because you somehow find about him and were the one starting to talk to him or because you were in danger and he had no other option than stepping in to protect you
Once you two start to hang out more Beelzebub just grows more and more depend on you and completely influenced by you, Beelzebub feels like he has no reason to live and since he literally can't die he just think that his fate is suffer, but if you show him kindness or even express that you enjoy his company he will start feeling like he may have a chance to give his life a reason with you, so he just devote himself to you
Beelzebub feels even honored that you leave someone cursed like him being around you, so he trust you blindly, however the moment you aks him to close his eyes he is tensed up imediatly, Beelzebub think that maybe he had done something bad or upsed you and you are going to do something to him when he close his eyes (not because you are violent, is just that that is what he deserve), or even worst, that you will go away and disappear from his life
Beelzebub asks you if you are sure that you want him to close his eyes, and once you confirm it he just do as you ask, still a little nervous (it doesn't matter if you had asked shyly, he is too busy overthinking it to notice it), he is frowning in anticipation and his heart is racing for anxiety, every second it pass it makes him feel so desesperate not knowing what you would do
The moment you place a kiss on his cheeks, it doesn't matter if is softly or more excitedly he is shocked, Beelzebub is so taken aback that he finch and open his eyes in a second, of the all the scenarios he had think on this had never crossed his mind. In the moment you separate yourself from him and run away Beelzebub panics, he doesn't feels worthy of your affectionate so he is confused of why you had kisses him, deep down he likes it but his panic is more intense, he didn't even noticed that you were blushing because he is too scare thinking that you ran away from him because you want to get away from him, maybe your kiss was some kind of farewell
Beelzebub follows you out of instinct for how anxious he is, out of desesperation he takes you by your wrist or the shoulder (probably a little harsh) once he reaches you and is then when he notice that you were blushing, if you are being shy or even playfuly is what make him get into his senses again, immediatly let go of you and deeply apologize (even if you didn't react bad). He doesn't understand why you did kiss him and will prefer to don't ask to not make you upset or seem invasive, but deep down in his heart he really hope that you did it out of love
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