#RoR Gods
bones4thecats · 4 months
Hello! Could I request Hades and Poseidon (separatly) fell in love with dummy nymph!reader, who just doesn't notice their feelings, please? (◕‿◕)♡
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades and Poseidon Name: {Character} with a Oblivious Nymph! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: My first Record of Ragnarok piece in quite a while, and thankfully, this was quite funny to write. This is so full of fluff and crack that it makes broken attics look nice😂
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💀 Oh sweet mercy, this guy loves yet hates your obliviousness
💀 When he first met you, he would joke around about how you were so oblivious to things, but, when he tried to confess his feelings towards you for the first time and you just replied with something so platonic-sounding, he froze
💀 Your obliviousness was going to be a hint of a problem now
" My dear, have you ever thought about having a relationship with someone? " " I guess so, yeah. Why? " " How would you feel about courting with me by your side? " " Aw! You would help me with courting! You're so sweet, Hades! "
💀 Grabbing your hand when you were scared didn't get you to realize his feelings, even when he gave you the biggest hint while still hiding the straight-forward admission, you didn't get it
💀 Hades does understand that, because your a nymph, you haven't gotten that much experience when it comes to anything romantic, as many believe you only are attracted to things relationships non-romantically
💀 Zeus and Aphrodite have tried getting you guys to get together for centuries, from trying to have you guys go on a blind-date to having you literally go on a real-date with him, you always stayed blind to the real emotions hidden behind his gestures
💀 So, unsurprisingly, Hades eventually does have to straight-up admit his feelings, leaving you flustered and a hint embarrassed
" Y/N, I must admit that I am quite fond of you. So fond that I must ask, would you like to be in a courting relationship? " " You fond someone that wants to court me? Aw, Hades, how swe- " " Not someone else. Me, my dear. " " Oh... how long have you liked me like this?! " " About the past four centuries. " " Oh sweet seraphs... "
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🔱 Poseidon is not amused at all.
🔱 He is not fond of people not understanding what he said, and it doesn't help with the fact that he's very blunt and honest when it comes to his words
🔱 When he first met you, you were speaking to your boss, Aphrodite, and when he arrived to speak with her about the waves causing damages to the nearby forests
🔱 That was when he noticed how oblivious you were to pretty much everything
🔱 Aphrodite eventually noticed how Poseidon seemed to soften with his actions whenever you were around, and she was the one who prompted him to finally begin trying to tell you about his feelings, unaware that you had no clue how to take a hint
" Y/N, would you like to accompany me to Zeus' reunion next week? As my date, of course. " " Oh, yeah! It'd be fun to spend some time with my best friend! "
🔱 Okay, ouch.
🔱 It took him only two tries before he began to lose his already strained patience, and he burst that bubble the third time you pushed his advances off as a friendly confrontation
" Would you like to accompany me to Hades' meeting tomorrow afternoon, Y/N? " " Of course! Spending time with my favorite friend is amazing- " " Not as a friend. As a future spouse. " " Huh? "
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#141 SCROTUM FACE
Zeus: You're the ones who are killing eachother… by leading eachother down the wrong path, Because you're weak. And stupid,It's time for the Gods… to rise once again to glory with a new era…God father of the cosmos!?!
The Gods against humanity cheer and applaud...but among them a voice is cutting thru laughing and wheezing...they all see you standing next to Brunhilde
Y/n: I'm sorry- Your naming yourself...GFOC?
Zeus: That's right
Y/n: Arent you like the youngest sibling...agewise from "The Big Three"?
Zeus: It's metaphorical!
Y/n:..For what?
Zeus: For it is a name what strikes fear… into the hearts of anyone what hears it!
Y/n:PFF-Okay… whatever you say~
Zeus: You shut up,You're next... Humans, I have waited a long time to do-*Sighs and Groans hearing you STILL snickering*… What?
Y/n: I'm sorry. I am so sorry! I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning, sir*Mockingly calling him so*… looking in the mirror and then in all seriousness saying to yourself… *Starts to imitate his voice and manner of standing*"You know what would be a really kick-ass name? "GFOC!"-
Gods alike start to snort but holding their laughter in fear of Zeus...and allowing themselves to laugh at a mortal insulting one of theirs-
Y/n:-THATS how I hear you in my head! What was your second choice!?Scrotum FACE!?!?
Humans and some Gods alike LET THE HARDEST LAUGHTER they ever held...Hera on the otherhand-
Hera*Is holding her sides on the floor*HA-AHAHAH!?~
Zeus: New plan- We're killing you first
Y/n: Well, dying is certainly better than having to live an entire immortal life… as a moronic shitbag who thinks GFOC is a cool nickname
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EVEN Kronos must dying of laughter-
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere Buddha with Yui komori darling
If you've heard of her character
Yaaaay! Let’s goooo! It’s time for Buddha from Record of Ragnarok. Best maaan~! This is kinda for just me and @nunezs-stuff!
Yandere! Buddha/Siddhartha Gautama
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Buddha is a very carefree and easygoing. He doesn’t care about the world, he is so enlightened that nothing can bother him anymore as he is very good at letting things slide. But when it comes to you, he is confused over why he is thinking about you so much
You’re a Goddess. One he truly hates as he originally ignored you all the same as he did to every other God in the Ragnorak but you’re the one who actually managed to intrigue Buddha into approaching you himself
Buddha didn’t understand why you were on his mind all the time and he eventually needed to find out why you were plaguing his head, like some curse. You actually managed to have him hear you out and produce a more civilian relationship inbetween you, that develops into a friendly one in no time
Buddha continues to not realise of his obsession over you but he is far too late to try stop it as he is deep in the dark rabbit hole. So much that he can’t see his own actions as cruel or unlike himself as he doesn’t really care… he only cares about you and only you. The one he has grown a sense of love for
Buddha is actually a pretty brutal Yandere. He doesn’t care to attack, mutilate and even murder his processed love rivals. All these other men have nothing on him, he is a God of a powerful level and with his enlightenment ability, he can square up easily. He predicts the future constantly and he predicts that he will have you at all causes, no matter whose blood he must spill
Buddha is a extremely possessive and clingy Yandere, he always follows you around and attaches himself to your side like he is some overgrown parasite bump. He doesn’t want any man nor woman taking away your attention so he will evade your space and cuddle himself against you so you know how sweet and caring he is! Who else is as devoted to you as him?
If Buddha is willing to share his foods with people like Brunhilde, his sharing is tripled with you and it extends to gifting. He leaves you expensive clothings, cute accessories and all kinds of worldwide foods at your personal room in the Ragnorak building’s doorstep as grave attempts to make you fall in love with him. His care for you being a God has been thrown out the window as he throws a pair of luxurious emerald earrings through your window
Buddha is scarily delusional and isn’t secret about his fantasies over you. He openly rants about them after he has dragged you to a peaceful hill to join him in relaxing. He can’t process your fear over his terrifyingly unhinged state as he simply believes you are delighted to be able to spend more personal time with him since you haven’t attempted to run away. But that’s because you know he can read every action you may try pull
By the way, Buddha is merciless towards Zerofuku in their battle now as he can hear the way you sympathise with Zerofuku and his jealousy extends to the need to kill the God of Misfortune so his lover can’t be taken away from him in any shape or form
Buddha idolises your cheerful and optimistic personality to a insane pillar. You’re like the light at the end of the tunnel and he is running full speed to that light to cling onto it with his whole life. Your unconditional positivity and kindness gives him motivation to… really do anything now
Buddha may or may not always abuse your naivety to gaslight into you thinking his behaviour is completely normal and he has done nothing wrong. He will make sure you believe him full-throttle and trick you, using your naivety against you, to not listen to any other God in concern about the way he acts around you
Buddha is your biggest fan and is rooting for you to win your fight when you finally squaring up with your mankind representative enemy as the God representative. Buddha knows he will murder the entire human race if that human wins against you as you’re the only thing keeping him sane at this point, it’s gotten that bad
Your determination and strong-will playing into that battle has Buddha even more convinced you will end up with the victory
Buddha finds your passionate belief about vampires not existing cute, considering you are a literal mythological God and everybody around you is a mythological God as well. It makes him insanely devoted to learning about vampires so he can try play into your disbelief and tease you about it. It’s his way of flirting
“Whoa… you liked it when that human beat you around? Why, didn’t it hurt? It, for sure, hurt when I went up against that coward. Well, I mean… if you like the pain, I suppose I wouldn’t mind adding it into our relationship”
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justamegafan · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #4
Everyone Hates Ares
After Poseidon loses to Kojiro, a lot of the gods are acting like Lil’ Bitches angry, so Brunhilde decides to have the Human Fighters play some Baseball (With Buddha and Heracles because they’re cool) to celebrate their first victory against the gods
Ares (Comes in and wants to show that the gods are superior, even in a Sport): Hm, catcher huh?
Hercules (Looks to see Ares holding a baseball bat):
Ares: Catching, throwing, leading, fielding etc. One could call it a fitting position for my brother. But what I desire to see is Pitcher Heracles!
Heracles: Ares… You could have been the pitcher
Brunhilde: Not he will not. We have an even amount of players and I don’t want anything to do with this bitch
Ares: Promise me brother. If I hit a home run right here, next time you’ll pitc- (Is cut off with a baseball hitting him hard in the face that he falls over unconscious)
Maki!Y/N (Intentionally hits Ares in the face to shut him up):
Heracles (Holding Ares’ unconscious body): Ares! Hang in there!
Hermes (smiling): Hey, nice pitch
Shiva: Nice pitch Human!
Loki: Really, it wasn’t bad
Hades, Zeus & Aphrodite: That was a good one
Buddha, Raiden & Huang: Nice pitch Y/N-Chan!
Lu Bu & Thor: Nice pitch
Dadam, Kojiro, Tesla & Jack: Wonderful pitch
Heracles: Wow brother. Everyone really hates you. I mean everyone
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Who here also likes to the idea of tormenting Ares? I like the idea of making the large man who drinks from a tiny teacup terrified a very satisfying way to finish off a Thursday…
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dragonroilz · 11 months
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two girls, rival schools, best friends, hotel trivago
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salamivx · 2 months
I think I have a type
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chaostroberry1 · 16 days
"But you belong to me"
-Men who'd grow overwhelmingly possessive once they start realizing their own feelings towards you were far greater than normal. No matter how toxic the relationship, nothing will get in-between you both. Haters can fucking die, his words not mine. Anything and anyone can watch cus he ain't afraid to show his love for you. Whether it's physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and so on. You aren't allowed to talk to anymore people once you're with him, he can give you everything you need. And will absolutely drag you with him everywhere he goes, or goes with you anywhere you go.-
- MICHAEL KAISER bllk, ALEXIS NESS bllk, Taehun seong, KAHAKU to your eternity, SILVA ZOLDYK hxh, CHROLLO LUCILFER hxh, Qin Shi Huang ror, HADES ror, POSEIDON ROR, JIHOON LEE LOOKISM, light yagami death note, APOLLO ror, SAE itoshi bllk, RIN itoshi bllk.
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evansuvamp · 8 days
So yo mean...
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@nicasdreamer @riseofamoonycake OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
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godpolls · 6 months
sorry if i missed something, feel free to tell me what it is, especially if there are other gods in it!
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palesublimeduck · 6 months
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Will they serve or will they flop?? Y'all decide....
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Adopting Their Fallen Enemy's Child (PT.1) ~ RoR/SnV x Child! Reader
Type of Writing: Poll Result Characters: Thor, Shiva, & Child! Reader Name: Adopting Their Fallen Enemy's Child (PT.1) Original Poll Link: Here Other Parts: (PT.2)
A/N: I actually really liked this idea on the poll I made, and I hope it turned out as good as I imagined it! Enjoy!!
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🌩️ Your father was the Lü Bu, the Flying General himself, and when you heard from the Valkyrie named Brunhilde that he was set to fight in the first match of Ragnarok, you gave him the best support he could’ve asked for
🌩️ You sat alongside his army, with his strategist, Chen Gong, sitting next to you, trying to keep you from jumping down and attacking the God of Thunder yourself
🌩️ When Chen Gong and the others sacrificed themselves, stating their loyalty to you father, you stood there in shock and tear-filled eyes as Thor looked at you, seeing a child without anyone left
🌩️ He felt guilty, but this was what they wanted, they wanted to join their lord, and while he initially wanted to just leave the area, he walked up to you and shocked the Gods and Humans as he kneeled down and hugged you
🌩️ After that day, you stayed by Thor’s side, he reminded you so much of your father it would make you cry
🌩️ Thor may not be the best person when it comes to comforting, but he tries his best when it comes to you, Lü Bu was the one person who could stand a fight against him, and because of this, he would try training you to be just as strong as your father and him
🌩️ He honors your father with you. Every day on his birthday, and on the days of each of his soldiers, including Chen Gong, you would walk into a field in the forest located in the Chinese section of Valhalla, you would both hand off flowers and lay them on the graves you and him had made
🌩️ The words he said to you when he comforted you that day are words that you will never forget
“ Your father was an honorable man, I hope you know that. And because of the honor he possessed, I will take you in as my own. I believe it is something that your father would’ve wanted. “
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🪩 He believed that Raiden was the one opponent he would remember the rest of his life, and when he saw the now-deceased rikishi stare at a young child with the two Valkyries, he froze
🪩 The man was a father, just like him
🪩 But while his child could handle loss of someone easily, you appeared to be around a young teen, this must’ve been one of the hardest things you ever had to witness
🪩 Shiva looked at you and back at the crumbling Raiden Tameemon, guilt filled his heart, which was something he hadn’t felt for such a long time, why did he feel guilty? He just won and brought honor to his pantheon!
🪩 Watching as you ran down and tried hugging the remaining pieces of your father just got him staring back at his wives and son, and when he saw how saddened their eyes were then they looked at you
🪩 The God of Destruction walked up to you and you jumped back when his one arm reached out to you, and that action made the Humans cry out for him to not hurt you
🪩 He kneeled down and since he was just on fire, the heat that radiated off of him made you hold your head away from him
“ Look at me, young one. “
🪩 You looked up at him and saw how his eyes shimmered with guilt, making you look at where your father once stood and back at the man who caused his demise
🪩 Shiva held is one arm back as you tried helping him stay standing when he slumped over in pain, after all, losing three arms doesn't exactly make anyone, including Gods, feel very good
🪩 Once you came to visit him with his wives and son, he saw how you carried yourself around him, not with resentment or fear, but with care and gentleness, making him smile
🪩 Whenever he rested, you laid next to him, you were like another child of his, and when he offered to take care of you in the Hindu Pantheon, it made you jump up and down and hug him and his wives as they agreed to taking you in as their own
“ Your father was one of the best fighters I have ever met in my thousands of years of life. And… seeing you look so painfully at where your father once stood, I just, I knew you had to have someone there for you. Would you do me, and my wives, the honor of joining our family? ”
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#85 Mama Bear
Now All...Imagen that In the fight between Zeus and Adam was switched last minute to you and Zeus
Zeus: It’s useless to win!*Manages to throw a punch to your face*
As you create a magic barrier to lessen the blow you still fly off to have your body smack against the arena walls, As Eve tries to hold Adam back...Eve watches in horror as your body lays on the ground coughing blood
Eve*Pupils dilate like an ACTIVATED JASON BOURNE and she hears “KILL BILL” music in her head as your eyes managed to look at hers*Myyyyy…. Sweeeeet…. BaaabBBBYY! Hermes*Spotting her from the other side of the ring* She seems agitated?-
Eve jumps into the arena, grabs the back of Zeus' head SLAMS them to the ground...SHOCKING EVERYONE in the arena...EVEN CAIN AND ABEL...Minus Adam who is clapping in support at his wife, A random God who was put to take out anyone who interferes with the fight goes to Eve- MinorGod: Do not defy me-*Is impaled in the chest by Eve's hand as he feels his heart being ripped by her* Eve: I AM EVE- MOTHER OF HUMANITY! LOOK UPON ME IN FEARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!*bounces the heart into her purse and swings her colorful purse around like a gunslinger*
More of the minor gods of the Greek pantheon charge her and SHE RIPS INTO THEM! She DECAPITATES them and goes ON AN ALL-OUT RAMPAGE- She charges at a TERRIFIED Zeus. She makes fighting grunts and growls as she beats the SNOT of them, But Zeus was about to turn around to run-
Zeus*Feels Eve grabbed his legs and swung him around till she throws him towards the gods*No! She’s grown too powerful! Please! PLEASE! AUGHHHHHHHHH!- She slices and Dices thru the gods! She jumps on another god and slices their face causing blood to spray onto her UNBLINKING FACE She jumps on another AND RIDES THEM LIKE A HOVERBOARD! As she HOLDS A “BLEEDING” HEAD OF A GOD RIGHT AT CAMERA Eve: YeeeAAARRGHHHH!!!!*flies about the air, slicing warrior gods in half left and right! A splatter of blood hits You, Cain, and Abel as Adam hugs you three like a bloodstain from a horror movie, You and Humanity+Valkyries watch your mother in still fear Zeus: NO! The reckoning is at hand!
...Adam WAS the first to witness...how Eve threw under all her sweetness and wholesomeness...lies a bear NO ONE should poke if she senses her babies are in danger...He ALMOST pity's the gods...
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
Ummm… so i got a problem that I just wanna talk about… I’ve found a new man I’ve been obsessively simping over for the past three days…
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Record of Ragnorak men are too fucking hot but Loki takes the damn cake, like man has cake too. I want him, he can trick me all he wants. Just step on me, good sir
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justamegafan · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #6
Brunhilde and Y/N for the Win!
The Gods: So how’d you convince Buddha to betray us? What’d you offer him?
Brunhilde: I just asked if him if he wanted to embarrass you, and he instantly said yes
Y/N: Also, I bribed him with snacks
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Buddha can spend all my money on his snacks and I would just thank him…
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luvvsoft · 7 months
ᰔᩚ poseidon x god! reader, fluff to angst, one-sided pining, rejection, a little ooc! poseidon, implied poseidon x amphitrite, set before ragnarok
word count: 1150
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"Cursed are those who feel oceans but can express just a drop."
the night sky was always a place you could look up to for comfort. it held the constellations and scattered stars that were a sight to behold. as the god of stars, you felt a much stronger pull toward them. you could always look up from mount olympus and expect to see the creations you so loved.
maybe it was the combination of the stars and oceans that led you to form a bond with the highly feared poseidon. you'd take vast amounts of time to go to the oceans and linger, as if waiting for someone. maybe that's what others would think if they saw you, though you knew better.
you met poseidon while stargazing. he'd come out of his domain for once and didn't bother to acknowledge you, as if you were a mere mortal who didn't deserve his attention.
it was an awkward situation, one where he just stood and paid you no mind.
"you know, you can have a seat and watch the stars alongside me," you said.
"hm.." was all you heard before there was some shuffling near you and he sat, still equipped with his trident.
"i find that there's a beauty in the stars: the way they can form just about anything and shine so brightly despite everything."
poseidon sat there and let you ramble, even when you swore you were bothering him. he didn't stop you or give you one of his pointed glares to shut you up.
he soon found out you were in fact not a mortal, but instead a god-- a minor god at that. he stopped wondering why he never saw you when he learned of how barely anyone remembered you.
you'd both come to form a friendship, if you could even call it that. it mostly consisted of you talking, while he listened and only said something when necessary. you enjoyed having someone to talk to, even if it was only in the night with only the stars as your witnesses.
poseidon treated you like no other; he'd been willing to abandon his duties if you asked, slay another if you so pleased, anything. it didn't take much for the both of you to become close, bonded like swans.
"hey, don't you ever get tired of just staring at the stars with me?" you asked.
"only a fool would get tired of you," he quickly replied.
you don't know what it was about that sentence that lit a fire in you, but it was burning as bright as the flames created by hephaestus himself. maybe it was how he indirectly admitted to not tiring of you, or maybe it was how he said only a fool would do the former. it didn't matter to you; it was just a moment of realization, realization that you fancied him and only wished for the feelings to be returned.
your meetings had a slight shift that only you felt. you looked forward to seeing him every night even more. there was a feeling bubbling up inside you that always wanted to burst and confess, but you held out. though you were aware of the way you felt for poseidon, you knew you couldn't act on it unless you were sure he felt the same way. you couldn't risk ruining what the both of you had, no matter what your heart told you.
you sought out aphrodite one night, who only served to convince you that the god you yearned for wanted you in the same manner you did him. with the newfound confidence, you got ready to meet with poseidon, who you were determined to make yours.
unbeknownst to you, poseidon did not feel the way you did. he would be lying if he said he didn't find comfort in your friendship, but that was all he thought of it as: a friendship. he thought of himself as too highly for you, too heavenly. he'd never be able to feel the way you did for him, for he'd already found someone to pour his love into.
when you met up for the night, he could instantly tell you were glowing, like one of the various stars you'd pointed out and told him about. you were also more dressed up than usual, as if this was a special occasion.
"hi, i've been waiting for you," you said, feeling like a shy schoolgirl who couldn't ask out their crush. perhaps that's what you were at the moment: nothing more than a person yearning for their loved one to love them back. you hadn't felt like a mortal in so long, it almost felt foreign.
"i see you clearly have somewhere to be," poseidon muttered.
though it was barely audible, you still caught onto it, clinging onto any words he uttered to you.
"no no, i have nowhere to be but by you tonight," you responded, albeit a little too defensively for your liking.
you both then sat and just admired the stars, with the occasional talk coming from you. tonight, you were paying more attention to poseidon: the way he talked and stared, the way his lips occasionally twitched.
"what would you do if you found out you have feelings for someone dear to you?" you randomly asked.
"where's this coming from?" poseidon asked back.
"i find myself in a situation like that and hope for your input," you said.
"in that case, i'd act on them," poseidon replied.
"then, i'd like to act on them. i need something more than friendship between us. i need to be able to comb through your golden locks when night falls, to hold you tightly and not dream of letting go, even when atlas gives out. even when those who reside in tartarus find a way to break free. my heart is written in the stars, searching for yours in a cluster of lonely stars. i'd orbit the sun, the planets, the galaxy to find your love, if you'd give me the privilege of doing so." you intensely said, not caring if it was overwhelming to you. you needed to get your feelings out before you regretted them. though if you knew the truth, you'd come to regret meeting poseidon altogether.
"i do not feel the same way," poseidon calmly said before standing up and leaving. leaving you alone with your heart that was slowly shattering. leaving you with the stars whom you once sought comfort from. leaving you with nothing but the tears slowly forming in your eyes. leaving you with nothing but the stars who cradled your form, as if they could soften the hurt.
Cursed are you who fell hard but wasn't caught.
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agomeangelcat · 1 year
A Fair Lady indeed.
The armored figure grabs the rosary from their chest, breaking the chain.
Fighting for god brought them nothing but death and the hot flames of the bonfire, now they want to kill humanity!?  unforgivable, if that's what God wants, unfortunately, the sword cannot allow it. 
Throwing the symbol of their faith to the ground. 
It was no longer for God, but for humanity.
Silence, the arena was silent. 
The blue flames around the armored figure, the sword in the shape of a cross, rising from the fire.
"Ladies and Gentlemans, Gods and Goddesses and others, the represent of humanity is The warrior who died in the name of God, but even so was not heard by him, or any other god, The Witch!!!" 
The armored figure reveals the face, the face of a woman, thrusting her sword into the ground and the flames around her die. 
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