#regulus deserved better
pasta - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 283
"Are you serious?" the man sitting across from James asked, an incredulous expression on his face.
And James didn't blame him, to be honest. He wasn't trying to hide it. It was just...he was having trouble not staring.
He'd originally arrive at the restaurant that night to have dinner with John, a dreadfully boring man from work that he'd finally agreed to dating after multiple requests, mostly because John was nice.
"Get yourself a nice man," Euphemia kept telling James every time he went 'round for dinner, and James contemplated that a bit too much.
Because he didn't want nice. He wanted..
Well, he wanted the man a few tables down. The man with dark, chin-length curls and piercing eyes. The man who kept throwing him withering looks and rolling his eyes. The man whose gaze was making James's body heat up and tense. The man whose beauty was undeniable.
Get yourself a nice man.
Well, maybe that was James's problem.
"Yeah, I think I am," James murmured, and focused on John, was was chewing on his pasta nervously. "I'm so sorry, John, but this isn't going to work out. Here-" And, passing him a fifty-pound note, he stood, heading toward the bathroom, jerking his head slightly, eyeing the man he'd been enamored by all evening.
When he entered the small, single-person restroom, he almost panicked. Of course the man wouldn't follow. What had he done? John was perfectly nice, and decently good-looking and-
The door opened, and the dark-haired man entered, light eyes full of hunger. "So you really buggered that up, huh?" he asked haughtily, smirking a bit.
"Depends," James grinned. "Are you single?"
And suddenly, their lips crashed together.
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justafanbutcurious · 3 days
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jegulus moodboard
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vampbloodbunny2 · 21 hours
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James and Regulus/ Sirius and Remus core
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queer-alienbean · 2 days
Lookalike by Conan Gray is Barty after him and James break up and then Jegulus gets together.
That’s all
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a-great-tragedy · 16 hours
every Regulus kinnie should be legally required to go to therapy
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honeyedagger · 3 days
idk but like remus and regulus were basically the same soul in different bodies, yet sirius loved remus but not regulus as his brother.
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maiiefizz · 16 days
Sirius: Prongs, don't look at my brother like that!
James: I don't just want to look at him.
Sirius: James Potter, don't put a finger on my brother.
James: What about in?
Sirius: In?
James: Can I put a finger in your...
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regulusblock · 15 days
teen Regulus: what's an orgasm?
teen Barty: when you fold paper to make birds and shit
also teen Evan: that's oregano, bitch
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my-castles-crumbling · 12 hours
pride - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 239
Regulus was not the child to stand up to his parents. That was Sirius. But some things were worth yelling about.
"- and Potter. I don't know why you hang about him like some ill-trained sloth, Sirius. His whole family is full of disgusting blood-traitors. They're horrible, the lot of them. And I've heard from a trusted source that Potter is an idiot, never passed a class, probably only gotten this far with money from his parents." Orion blabbered on hypocritically at dinner one night over the summer, criticizing Sirius for the company he kept.
Sirius, of course, did his best to stay calm. Saying anything would only make the summer longer and more painful. But it was Regulus who looked like he wanted to burst.
Sirius knew, of course, how James felt about Regulus. Knew that the two of them had been sneaking about. The Map had told him the truth weeks before the boys had fessed up. He knew that James was gone for Regulus the moment they started seeing each other. But he didn't know, really, how Regulus stood.
So he was shocked when Regulus said quietly, "Actually, father, Potter's very intelligent. He's got the best score in his year in Transfiguration." As he said that, his smiled, and his eyes shone with pride.
And in that moment, it hit Sirius like a bag of bricks: Regulus loved James just as much as James loved him.
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not-rab · 5 months
Regulus: Don’t fucking tell me what to do
James: I-
Regulus: But also could you write down what you want me to do in chronological order with more detail than you think is necessary?
Regulus: Please
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nixnight1 · 19 days
Platonic moonwater when they fight
(with that one scene from the big bang theory)
Remus: Well, Regulus, make a wish and blow out your candles
Regulus: *thinks for a second and blows*
Remus: *is fast to block one candle and the fire of that one doesn't die* oops, missed one. Now your dreams won't come true
Regulus: Lucky for you 'couse I wished you were dead
Sirius: I can't believe you two!
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gottabewolfstar · 2 months
Reggie's safe place is James' house 🤍
(this is the first time I've done a scenario this complicated, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone a little, and well, it was fun)
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florsial · 6 months
think think think
Regulus sneaks off to the Potters to give Sirius a secret Christmas gift and gets caught by Sirius and James who convince him to stay a bit longer, and every time Regulus is like, "I have to go" and Sirius is like, "It's Christmas Reg, cmon just a little longer, you can say that I dragged you here against your will or whatever, just stay a little for a bit longer." And Regulus, being loki helpless against his older brother, just agrees. And he begins to bond with everyone.
Eventually, Regulus accidentally stays the rest of the day and when he gets ready to finally leave, Effie is like, "Would you like to stay the night? It's quite late" and Monty just straight up says, "Would you like to stay forever?"
And that's how Regulus ran away. (Accidentally)
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falsekingfrancis · 1 year
For anyone who also cannot stop thinking about dead gay wizards
Here’s some fun and fresh facts for you
The Length of:
ATYD: 526,969 words
Choices: 624,187 words
Crimson Rivers: 720,011 words
The FUCKING Bible: 783,137 words
50,000 words is about 200 pages
The shortest of those works is
We all need mental help
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stareggie · 4 months
remus: i’m cold.
sirius: here, take my jacket.
james: i’m cold too
regulus: *sets the world on fire*
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whoisflattery · 5 months
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brothers of House Black
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