#barty crouch junior
not-rab · 2 days
Regulus: *wears dark grey*
Barty: I see you’re breaking out the spring colours
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benefits - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 210
"So, I was thinking..." Barty murmured, avoiding Evan's eyes.
"What's that?" Evan asked, looking over from where he was staring at the wireless, following the Quidditch game currently being broadcast. He wasn't in the best mood- the Wasps were being destroyed, so he was guaranteed to have to deal with Regulus's stupid bragging the next day.
"Did you know when people get married, they get tax breaks?" Barty asked, his voice seemingly casual, but Evan caught a waver.
"Er...yeah?" He asked, trying to stay calm as he processed the words. What, exactly, did Barty mean by married?
Barty nodded, eyes wide. "There's...there's other reasons, as well. Erm, benefits, you know?"
Evan almost laughed out loud. "To getting married?" he confirmed, squeezing his shaking hands. Marriage? With Barty?
Barty nodded silently.
"B, are you saying you want to get married?" Evan whispered, a gigantic smile breaking over his face. A marriage with Barty was such a crazy, ridiculous, perfect concept that he almost wanted to cry over it.
"Well, it would be smart, is all," Barty mumbled, looking down.
But Evan grabbed his chin and guided it so their eyes met. "I agree," he said solemnly. "Best idea you've ever had, actually."
And both of them grinned at each other, ecstatic.
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sophsicle · 22 hours
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Every story needs a monster, right?
A Rosekiller origin story
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My headcanon of Evan, is him being the type of person to ruin Regulus' relationships one by one, and have Barty kiss everything better. He's playing the long game.
It's him. It's Barty. And it's Regulus.
But Regulus is a flight risk. They all promised they'd be each other's forevers but Evan doesn't trust Regulus the way he trusts Barty. Regulus still wants Sirius back, James is lurking behind every corner trying to talk to him all the time. Regulus thinks he can commit but can't.
So Evan doesn't want to give him the chance to break their deal. He leaves no room for even the slightest possibility of it. Honestly, he doesn't know how he'll deal with a betrayal from Regulus. Just thinking about it makes him want to go out and get his knuckles bloody. Makes him want to hear the squelch of blood beneath his fists.
It's a sobering thought, realizing he might end up killing Regulus if he breaks his promise. Regulus the rabbit, always poised to run.
But he can't. He promised to keep Barty and Regulus safe. He fucking loves them. They're his.
Kill Regulus, and he loses Barty too.
So... He needs to cut off the loose ends in Regulus' life. Keep him away from his cunt of a brother. Have Barty soothe the ouchies and have him wipe away the tears. And he'll watch and decide what to do next.
It's a miracle Regulus is still who he is despite everything he's lost and been through. It's an impossibility made possible that he can look at them, broken, twisted people in his life — and smile and say, "Come here, let me hold you."
It makes him sick that they walk right into his arms like lost dogs. But Regulus walked into their arms as well. He chose them. He's theirs as much as they belong to him. There's no walking away.
**I write them nasty ♥️. Here, have some more.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 days
marauder characters that would rather bite themselves than the hand that feeds them:
remus lupin
emmeline vance
regulus black
marauder characters that will bite the hand that feeds them, without a second thought:
sirius black
peter pettigrew
dorcas meadowes
barty crouch jr
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phantomgrimalkin · 1 day
@rosekillermicrofic Rosekiller May 22 - Knew Soulmate Shadow AU - Words: 510, rating: T for language
“I fuckin’ knew it!” 
Evan was forced awake by a bright light glaring in his eyes and a voice crowing loudly in his ear.
Considering that Evan had gone to bed behind the thick curtains of his four poster bed, secured with a protection charm, this ought to have been a surprise. It was not, however, because Evan had long since accepted that sharing a room with Barty Crouch Jr meant shit like being woken up in horrible ways. He was pretty sure the bloke got off on being chaotic. Literally got off on it, based on the number of times that Evan had walked in on him wanking without bothering to set up a damn silencing spell.
Evan did not stop to ask why he never called Barty on this, or asked him to start using them, and instead very quietly slipped into his own bed and started palming himself whenever it happened.
“You knew what?” Evan grunted, holding up a hand to try and shield himself from the blazingly bright lumos that Barty was holding up to his face, but Barty smacked it away and pointed, bouncing on Evans bed hard enough that Evan was nearly thrown into the air. 
“Look!” Barty insisted, pointing to directly behind Evan. Evan turned, to see his shadow, and was barely awake so took longer than he might normally have to realize that the silhouette was completely bald. 
He touched a hand to his own head, confirming that the tight braids were still there. Which was a pointless endeavor, since like most wixen his shadow had never reflected his own appearance- rather that of his soulmate. Who normally had a fairly nondescript, short styled haircut and had apparently decided to shave their head. Which didn’t explain why Barty was bouncing on his fucking bed at whatever the hell time it was and he turned around to tell the boy off, only to finally see what he was talking about.
Barty had shaved his head.
He looked fucking ridiculous. 
“We’re fuckin’ soulmates!” the boy crowed, grinning brightly, and Evan blinked because, yeah, that made sense. Probably should have realized sooner, really. 
“Yeah,” Evan said, “You gonna let me get some fuckin’ sleep then?”
Barty rolled his eyes, but thankfully cut the light. He then tackled Evan, wrapping around him like a damn octopus, something he’d done quite a few times before when he got nightmares or just couldn't handle being alone or just felt like it or– okay, yeah, he did it a lot. Always felt right. Evan didn’t usually like people in his space, but Barty’d always been the exception. He placed a hand on Barty’s head, which was now covered with a velvety coating of short hair thanks to his dedication to prove his place in Evan’s life.
“Gonna get you a fuckin’ hair growth potion tomorrow,” Evan grunted, setting up the privacy wards on his bed that Regulus, at least, bloody respected.
“Whatever you want, Rosie,” Barty said, nipping at his jaw with his teeth and grinning like a loon.
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yourgalgremlin · 9 hours
Barty Crouch Jr in the back of potions class:
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Evan: Shh, his inner demons are having enrichment time in their enclosure ☠️💘
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moonyswarmsweaters · 2 days
fem!Rosekiller 1950s housewives who kill their husbands together then later elope
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andyxcds · 2 days
i think sometimes, no one lets anyone have friends outside their friend groups. like i think barty had an old friend group in ravenclaw but they just grew out of eachother.
like i get that they're all really tight but damn bro why don't they interact outside their circle 😭
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outromoony · 1 day
"Join the Marauders fandom," they said. "It'll be a magical adventure," they said. Now I'm emotionally compromised, have trust issues with fictional characters, and spend my nights crying over pranksters from 40 years ago.
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Could you please write a fluffy one shot of rosekiller coming home together after a night out?
Quiet footsteps divulged from messily loud, giggling bodies. The pair headed up the stairs,careful and inaudible as they went. Sneaking back into the dormitory, Barty let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding as the door shut. Regulus was spending the weekend with James.
Peace, Evan thought as the began to unbutton his shirts collar.
"Relax, Rosier. Just got me here alone and you're already taking your clothes off?' Barty half-smirked as he grabbed a T-shirt for himself, tossing one over to Evan. The pair changed quickly, Barty not failing to look longingly in Evans direction the whole time doing so.
Still covered in party glitter and half-wreaking of cigarette smoke, the pair climbed into bed beside one another, as friends would, of course. With a few quick swipes of his wand and an overly-complicated mantra of a spell later, a muggle T.V. before them Barty snuggled up closer to the other, some shitty reality T.V. show the pair had started weeks ago began playing as this happened.
Evan half-breathed a chuckle, his arms wrapping around Bartys waist, pulling him in, less than focused on the television.
Bartys head nestled in the nape of Evans neck, sighing as he found that spot. The spot he always ended up in. His spot.
"Bee.." Evan started. He was met with a responsive "mm?" But he said nothing. He didn't have to. He was sure his silence said enough. As even exhaled, carding his hand through the others hair, Barty would make some sound caught half between frustration and total nirvana, utterly content and entirely distraught.
"I love you."
"Not like that. I think..I love you more than that."
Barty only snuggled closer as he confessed his ugly, dark secrets. The silence was defeaning as he did, finally broken by another less-than desirable confession.
"...I think I love you, too. I'm in love with you. I mean, in love with you."
Barty didn't lift his head, but Evan felt some sort of lazy kiss pressed to the nape of his neck. He smiled. It was barely something, but it was everything to him. He layed there content, exhausted and in-love, kissing in the top of Barty, his Bartys, head.
"We're fucked, you know that?" Evan chuckled, pulling Bartys head up just to kiss greedily all over his face. It was certainly done in a harmless enough fashion but it in all reality was a silent mantra of mine, mine, mine, as he did so. Barty giggled throughout the whole process, his head made it's way eventually to rest on Evans chest.
The pair fell asleep in each other's arms that night, rather than shamefully separating back into their respective beds as usual, too afraid that if daylight touched their skin whatever they once were would perish. That it would bring forth Shane to their entire being if they so much as were caught in each other's wave of existence by a roommate or two.
Shame had long since dissipated as they lay there, soft hyms as their breathing, a calm dormant on their faces. Idiots in love, as cliche would have it. But two best friends, too far separated, forever united, as the story would turn out to be.
Fucked, they repeat. But that really was their truth. Too long apart, now forever together, even if in spirit. Lovers in this universe, enemies in the next. The world was evil and cruel, but for now they had this. Eachother. Comfort in one anothers presence and lord, if that isn't a soft life than what remains to be?
The daylight came and the room shone with light. Barty woke up, his chest not any heavier with shame than it usually would be. Seeing himself cuddled up to Evan Rosier brought forth no feeling but joy and this, he could say, this was love.
And the story book can close. For now it will. Two idiots utterly in love, newly navigating it. Even if they had known, even there always had been love, now confidently they could say it. And now confidently they would remain. And isn't that beautiful? The unlovable being meets the insufferable boy, and they care for each other just the same. Literacy cannot define that. They stayed tangled in eachother for the majority of their day. Brevity does, as it turns out, wait for the gentle. For the murmured "Good mornings" and the loving glances and the messy kisses.
Perhaps the universe is kinder to those sunkissed and rose-bound.
That's it! Hope you enjoyed!!
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my-castles-crumbling · 12 hours
pride - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 253 - very NSFW but not explicit
"I just don't get flustered very easily," Evan shrugged, eyes shining with pride as Dorcas sat down, having just tried her best to make him blush via lap dance.
But oh. Those sounded like the best last words Barty had ever heard. "You don't?" he asked curiously, pretending to casually sip his drink as he thought of all the ways he could make a pretty blush appear on Evan's skin.
"Nah," Evan grinned, leaning back. "It's a gift."
Well. Couldn't have that..
Gently handing his cup to Regulus, Barty vaulted off the couch, straddling Evan in one fell swoop. "Are you sure?" he asked, breathing into Evan's ear as he placed on hand on each shoulder, not allowing their hips or chests any contact.
Immediately, Evan's breath went a little ragged. "Yes," he mumbled, not meeting his eyes.
"May I test that?"
It was the speed at which Evan nodded that gave Barty confidence to keep going. Slowly, he dragged one hand down Evan's chest, teasing a fingertip over a clothed, pebbled nipple, before stopping at a hip. Gripping there, he allowed himself to fully sit, his semi-hard cock straining against his pants, the bulge pressing into Evan. Then, ever so slighly, he pulled their hips together.
"Fffff-" Evan breathed out, eye wide, as he looked down at the spot their hips met.
"Flustered, Rosie?" Barty murmured, undulating his hips once more before relaxing and looking into Evan's eyes, which hardened like steel.
"Then why," Barty whispered into his ear, "are you so hard?"
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pxrty-crxsher · 1 day
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Nobody gets barty fucking crouch jr like I do
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astralismal · 1 day
guy at a party i’m at is wearing his girlfriend’s purse around his neck and all i’d like to say it that’s very barty crouch jr to me
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