#rating: real bad
gamestop-compendium · 5 months
101 Pinball World (Teyon, 2012)
who greenlit this and can i go back in time to get them to un-greenlight it
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the game 101 Pinball World is a dsiware title that attempts to be 4 themed pinball cabinets from the comfort of your nintendo dsi. it fails at this. the word "game" is doing some serious heavy lifting also
it boasts 4 worlds with a total of 101 tables when combined, but every "world" is really just the same set of board with different coats of paint. your ball can get stuck in places it cant get out of without tilting (which entirely disables your flippers until the ball is offscreen) and its happened to me multiple times a game before. it has 3 save files if you want to subject your friends to it and promptly lose said friends over it. someone made a trailer for it and noted how you can get a slow ball, tilt the board, or even have Ball Immunity, the number one funniest thing about this title
the sound design is both lacking and overwhelming at the same time. but the worst part is the... music? do i call it music? does it count as music? does any of this matter? does it ever end? do we get some sort of retribution for the horrendous auditory crimes of 101 Pinball World? i can answer none of these questions. as if you can even hear the music over the atrociously-mixed sounds of flippers and bumpers and points screaming from the ds speakers
here is the "soundtrack"/torment, uploaded in a video by a definitely unremarkable person who definitely didnt make a game everyone was talking about in like 2018. no siree. never happened
mystmans commentary on the game is pretty on-point, speaking as someone who decided this game was a good thing to spend my precious dsi shop money on a decade ago. i still get the title theme stuck in my head from time to time, though, since thats like the 2nd best song in the game. theres only 5 songs in this entire 5-dollar game, by the way. and also it was 5 entire dollars
which means theres no reason to rank them individually /ref
5. wizard theme - hilariously garbage. "ah shit, someone killed the keyboard player." worst thing i think ive ever heard from the ds. its even worse in person believe me. this is not music
4. space theme - kinda bland? idk. its like one synth loop forever. could be worse though, wizard theme proves that real well. has a weird buzzing in the back that really makes my brain hurt. i like the little ascending-descending sounds! very fun i forgot about those
3. pirate theme - good song, but ABSOLUTELY not pirate music. this sounds more like a beta track from club penguin: elite penguin force. i bet if you changed the soundfont itd fit the penguin bill just fine
2. title theme - catchy but empty. its like how modern deco*27 songs feel to me: good melody and beat, hollow instrumental. used to be 7-year-old-mes jam though. BEAUTIFUL bassline. goddamn. just gimme this for the whole ost honestly. itd only get a little grating.
1. spooky theme - regularly gets stuck in my head, albeit a better version i thought of so im not tormenting myself forever. this is what a song should sound like. it feels like this was made first and then the devs started running out of time to get the game out. keyboard drones in the back kinda give me a headache. but tbf that happens with all of the music and this is just the one that does it the least
overall, this game isnt even worth it for the bit. do not play this. i have found few games that are worse. maybe ill talk about them eventually. one day 101 Minigolf World will have its day. not yet though. 101 Pinball World was a soulless shovelware cash grab and it wasnt even fun. what a waste of 5 bucks. shame on you tiny tadpole past gio
overall rating: 2.7 - Real Bad. has 2 good music tracks and the menu ui looks nice. boring, broken, and somewhat painful under the surface -- like broken glass hidden under a shitty old paper-thin rug. cost too much money on the dsi shop channel for what it is. Do Not Play.
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theblacktiecacti · 5 months
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bogleech · 1 year
If I were thrust into a universe full of weird sapient aliens I would probably make them so uncomfortable. Hey dude what’s that thing on your head?! Oh my god are those symbiotes or your offspring or what?!? WHOA!!! WHAT is THAT thing!?!? (technically the answer is a retail worker who’s too tired for this)
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mishy-mashy · 1 month
Hey it's not the biggest detail but-
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—And Bruce,
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They have eyebags. Since their forms are from the time of the Resistance, they were probably tired and stressed. (Or they just have shit sleeping schedules)
"Even after death, we're still bound to our duties." (Kudo, ch. 414)
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gunstellations · 4 months
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"you haven't only received loss"
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ardenrabbit · 5 months
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aq2003 · 5 months
horrific news. i loved rex is not your lawyer and i'm sad there isn't more
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screambirdscreaming · 1 month
At the bus stop one time there was a gaggle of preschoolers waiting to catch the bus for a field trip day, and someone walked past with a couple of friendly little dogs, to great general delight.
But after a little bit, the dogs were getting overwhelmed, and the preschoolers were gently coaxed to back off so the person with the dogs could continue on. Specifically, one of the preschool teachers said, "Sometimes, when you're small, being surrounded by big people can be a bit scary and overwhelming. Even if they are friendly."
This was recieved as great wisdom: after all, the preschoolers were also small, and understood how scary and overwhelming big people could be! And the dogs were indeed even smaller than the preschoolers, so it made sense.
What was funny and charming was that, upon absorbing and reflecting on this wisdom, they all felt the need to tell it to one another. In tones of great insight, they turned to one another and said, "Did you know? Sometimes when you are small, being surrounded by big people can be scary and overwhelming! Even if they are friendly!" Back and forth, without any particular concern that they were all saying the same thing. Have reached comprehension of an insight, it must be shared!
I must say that this behavior is less charming in tumblr users than in preschoolers. Not least because tumblr users, having gained a little analytical skill to misuse, insist on Summarizing and Generalizing and Unifying the insights they repeat, quickly turning any interesting new information into formulaic dogmatic mush.
#i made the mistake of looking in the notes of the beach sand post i reblogged to see if anyone else had interesting comments#And the rate at which it went from like#1) person states with moderate confidence an opinion based on their personal observations#2) multiple people reply with “wow thats so insightful!” (aka it aligns with my preconceived notions of how things work)#3) someone else adds additional personal observations which are not really relevant but which can be absorbed into the narrative#4) people start outright stating the underlying belief on which this bias is constructed as if it were a fresh insight#5) general derisive attitude towards people who haven't seen the Obviously Correct solution to this complex real world problem yet#It's very.......#It's not like it's a high stakes post but it's such a microcosm of the whole dogmatic phenomenon#Also this js a more specific gripe to My Field or w/e#But the degree to which people react to the problems caused by the whole “Control of Nature” era of engineering#with this equally reductive “Nature will Fix Everything” type of attitude#Is sooooo frustrating.#Yes a great many of our current problems could have been avoided if we had not made massive changes to ecosystem processes on the assumptio#That they were simple and we understood them. And that they would respond in predictable ways.#the simplicity in retrospect of “wow we Should Not have done that” does not mean that they are simple to undo!#You can't go back in time. You can't turn back the clock on chaotic processes#Which is. Almost every process ever.#Restoration is hard! Returning to previous regimes of sediment or flooding or fire is tricky and full of foibles!#Moving towards a future which doesn't suck as much even if the past cant be recreated is also uncertain and difficult!#It's frustrating to see people act all high and mighty about how they Respect Nature unlike whoever is making all these decisions#When their understanding of the natural processes in question is AS simplistic as the people who caused the whole mess back in 1910 or w/e#Like I'm not saying there's not bad interests standing in the way of functional restoration on all levels#That's very much a fight to be fought.#But looking at that fight-in-process and saying “wow none of you Respect Nature like me uwu let nature fix it”#Is.#Ugh.
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waterfallofspace · 6 months
Anyone else ever just... so burnt out/unfocused, couldn't imagine writing anything if you tried, but then... then...
The Hyperfixation Hits
and suddenly there's a google doc open and you've written 500 words of albeit, probably nonsense before you even stop to blink?
Or is that just me~
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tj-crochets · 2 months
Hey all my fellow POTS people and dysautonomia denizens, I have some questions for you! - Do you ever have narrow pulse pressure? (when the top number minus the bottom number of your blood pressure is less than 1/4th of the top number) - If yes, does it usually happen when you are standing or when you are sitting? - If you have any advice on how to feel better when you have narrow pulse pressure I am absolutely looking for advice. Like. Hydrate and salt and sit down, but any more specific advice? - Follow up: if you have a day with very narrow pulse pressure, do you ever feel headachey and bad afterward even when your blood pressure evens out?
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evdominta · 9 months
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poster kind of thingy with my ocs!!
(for an art challenge by @MurariusS on tw)
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tonystarkstan · 2 years
you know, I can really appreciate a fandom space, a community where you make a lot of friends and your entire tumblr dash is filled with theories, opinions, and content being exchanged. I can appreciate making a ton of content and loving the exchange of art and conversation. it’s good fun sometimes.
but I’ve recently discovered how much I LOVE enjoying fandom in solitude. just consuming fic after fic, not talking to anyone about it. not a single “hot take” to be had or read, no drama, no opinions, just the pure dopamine rush of enjoying my current fixation in my cute, quiet little bubble, consuming content at a rapid pace with absolutely no pressure to create it. beautiful. 10/10 experience
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certainsaturn · 24 days
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avpdpossum · 1 year
reading studies of avpd and social anxiety make me want to punch through some drywall, i feel like i'm losing my mind.
"social phobia researchers have proposed that SP and APD should be amalgamated into social anxiety disorder with what is currently labeled APD treated as a severe variant of this condition...one justification for this proposition is that clinicians in practice will then be more likely to use the pharmaceutical and CBT empirically validated regimens developed for social phobia to treat severe social avoidance (i.e., APD)."
translation: "we want to eliminate your specific diagnosis and just call it this less scary-sounding thing because then more professionals will agree to stuff you full of drugs and use our favorite method of professional gaslighting on you until you act normal."
and don't get me wrong, i'm not against medication by any means (i've spent the last 6 years fighting to get some for my adhd, i'd be a massive hypocrite if i said i was against it) and i know there are people who genuinely benefit from cbt, but you can't deny this statement is just dripping with ulterior motives.
really makes you question the reliability of how the data itself is being presented, doesn't it?
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anghraine · 11 months
I've spent pages of my dissertation explaining my gripes with historicist literary criticism and then it's like "I'm a historicist btw"
(...my brain is very tired)
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welcometoteyvat · 5 months
fighting for my life trying to get a shimenawa atk% crit rate crit damage sands
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