#raph 2003
mutantmayhems · 6 months
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BRAINS + BRAWN IN TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (2003) requested by anonymous
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portableleo · 1 year
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my 03 turtle japanese headcanons :)
leo - uses english and japanese interchangably raph - rarely ever actually speaks japanese but is still fluent donnie - mostly swears mikey - mostly titles but will speak in japanese to his brothers when hes really excited about something
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tmnt2k3vnproject · 7 months
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turtle doodles~
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tottmnt · 3 months
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MARCH FOR RAPH ↳ Day 9: What's Wrong With Me
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therebelinred · 8 months
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booyaksha · 2 years
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my feelings on that interdimentional travel arc
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taffycandyqt · 12 days
hey so how do you think the tmnt 2003 boys would deal with being saved by their s/o from someone trying to dissect and capture them and at the end of it s/o hugs them and it sounds like a chilling yet loving promise “I won’t let them have you”?
Ooooooooo. I love me some protective y/n!!
Through Me First
Request Rules
Some rando science jerk wants to know exactly what the turtles are. Imagine their surprise at learning they have a s/o.
2003 turtles (separately) x reader
Warnings: mentions of dissection and the tools used to do such, violence
Fluff, crack? Angst probably
Established relationships
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You didn't know what happened.
One minute all four turtles were on patrol and the next only three came back battered and bruised.
You were terrified.
Someone took Leo, and for what?
To report him to the government?
Turn him over to police?
Experiment on him?
You hated thinking of what could happen to him.
So while the others were getting their injuries treated you took the turtle van and a couple of guns and looked for you boyfriend.
It took a while to find them and you nearly died trying to get him out of there.
If it weren't for Casey and April following you, you probably would have.
It didn't matter how tired you were though, you were furious after seeing Leo strapped to a table.
You would fight like your life depended on it, barely sane enough to keep from killing everyone in that room.
When you got to Leo you were much to impatient to find him a sensible way out and instead opted for shooting his restraints off.
By the time you both made it out of the facility and back into the turtle van April and Casey were already chewing you out for being so reckless. You didn't care though. You tended to Leos wounds. Your gentle motions in stark contrast to the rampage you went on earlier. You were precise with the wrappings as your bloodied fingertips secured his bandages.
"You should really take care of your own injuries," Leo told you for the fifth time since getting in the van.
"I will. After I'm done here," you respond, again, for the fifth time. You didn't look at him, still much to focused on patching him up. Leo would have pushed harder for you to take care of yourself but he was so physically and mentally drained from the experience that he couldn't bring himself to. Especially since he's never seen you act this way before, and it felt like he was trending on eggshells trying to figure out how exactly you were feeling.
"Are you even listening y/n!?" April chastised. You didn't respond. You finished up your last bandage on Leo and began to inspect him. You looked him over head to toe, poking and prodding at different areas for a reaction, just to make sure he's alright.
"Y/n?!" April tried to get your attention.
"I heard you. I understand," you told her, not breaking eye contact with Leo. April huffed, not fully believing you but deciding that she's done all she could.
Once you had decided you've done all you could for Leo you wrapped your arms around his neck in a desperate hug. You held him and buried your face in his neck, eyes wide open.
"Y/n?" He asked, returning your embrace.
"I will never let them have you," you whispered in his ear.
Leo felt his throat tighten. That's the coldest tone he'd ever heard you use. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel.
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Heaven knows Raph is probably ticked about being kidnapped.
You were ticked to hear that everyone what "too injured" and "ill prepared to go looking for him"
Screw that, you forced Casey to drive and took one of his baseball bats.
No one hurts your man without going through you first.
Everyone was worried to learn about your disappearance and Casey was to concerned to not listen to you.
You were a generally gentle soul so having you get like this was a little off putting for him.
You both broke into multiple Purple Dragon bases looking for either Raph or information, and eventually you found what you were looking for.
It wasn't a pretty sight.
Raph was passed out, probably anesthesia.
A man in a lab coat with plastic gloves was hovering over him with a circular saw inches away from making contact with his skin.
You charged in with Casey behind you beating up person after person.
You got one of the men in lab coats to release Raphs mechanical restraints and smacked him upside the head with your bat after.
You ran to Raph and tried to wake him up but he wasn't budging.
Signaling to Casey that you needed help you cleared a path while Casey brought him out.
You wouldn't leave Raphs side the entire drive back to the lair.
You had your cheek resting on his chest while you clutched his hand. Casey tried talking to you but gave up quickly after you never responded. He had let the other know what was going on and they were preparing for Raphs return. The drive home was silent and suffocating. It didn't change until you entered the lair and everyone crowded Raph. They took him to his room to rest, and being separated from him made you anxious.
You and Leo ended up staying with him until he woke up. No words were exchanged between the two of you. You hadn't spoken since you'd come back with Raph and Leo could sense you weren't in the mood for small talk. Frankly, neither was he. When Raph finally did wake up, you wanted to hug him and kiss him, you were so relieved. You wanted him all to yourself to just bask in him being alright. Leo had other plans. Leo immediately called the others in and after a while Donny shoed everyone out of the room to run some basic health tests.
He seemed to take his sweet time with it too. You anxiously paced outside his door. At first the others tried to console you but backed off after negative response to their attempts. The only thing that will bring you peace is being with Raph.
The second Donny had stepped out of Raphs room you made a b line for the entrance. Donny sopped you however. You were already stretched thin, and were not happy about being barred from your person AGAIN.
"He is fine. Luckily you got him before they could do anything. He's just a little delirious because of the anesthesia, but that should wear off in a few hours," he gave you a soft smile. Once he was done giving you a run down of Raphs condition he let you pass. You've never moved so fast in your life.
Finally there he was, laying in bed, eyes squinted at you. He didn't say anything as you approached, but he followed your movements with his eyes. You knelt by his side and he turned his head to looked at you. You put your hand on is head as your rubbed it gently with your thumb.
"I'm glad you're okay hun," your voice was soft.
"nuh-uh," he told you sternly.
"What you you mean? Are you hurt?" You began to feel more frantic the longer he left you with out an answer.
"......Only my s/o calls me hun," his words were slurred and quite.
"Oh," you giggled, "I am your s/o."
"Oh," was all he said as he reached out and held your other hand in his.
You leaned over at this and kissed his cheek.
"I won't let them have you," you whispered before sitting up again.
"huh?" He asked, still to delirious to understand exactly what's happening.
"Nothing, just rest. You need your strength,"
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You are restless.
The others are beat up. Not to badly but they need to rest before they searched for Donny.
You cannot kick the feeling that something is terribly wrong.
Your pacing and biting your nails.
Eventually Leo decides that they only way to calm you down was to get Donny back.
So with the protest of Mikey who's whining like a baby about how bad he's hurt, they load into the van.
When you insisted on coming with though, they were all sceptical.
It was bad for you that Donny is missing but it would be bad for Donny if you went missing.
You were insistent though and even went as far as to threaten Leo to let you on.
Realistically, he knew you couldn't take him in a fight, but seeing you like that scared him.
He wasn't intimidated, he was worried for you.
You apologized later about the whole thing and he told you he understood. He just hopes he never has to see you like that again. For your sake.
Back to the present though, when you find the place he's held, it becomes a stealth mission.
When you all find Donny, he is in, what looks to be, a giant glass container.
He has a bandage wrapped around his left arm from his wrist all the way up to his shoulder.
He tells you they cut him open.
Looking for what exactly? He doesn't know but he's assuming they drew some blood while they were at it.
You didn't like that answer at all.
After a large display of smashing machinery to set him free and beating up the people that flooded the room after the alarms went off, you all finally got to rest back at the lair.
You were stuck to Donnie like glue the whole ride back. Constantly checking him over, asking him if he was okay. He told you again and again, ever patient and willing to reassure you he was okay. In the same soft voice he'd tell exactly what happened and how he felt. He wasn't exactly happy about it but he wasn't all that hurt and they patched his arm up good, so it's not like he was worried. You refused to leave him alone though.
When you got back to the lake you lead him to the kitchen to grab something quick and portable to eat and took him right to bed. Much to his dismay unfortunately.
"Y/n, I swear I'm fine! Please I need to get some work done," he wined, trying to head on the direction of his lab.
"Donnie," you stated curtly, "You were kidnapped and dissected. Granted, not gruesomely so, but you still took bodily trauma. You work all the time. Right now you need your rest to heal."
"I won't take long, I just want to get to a better point with my project," he tried reasoning with you.
"DonniesohelpmegotoyourroomandrestbeforeImakeyou," you demanded with a twitch in your eye.
He was a little surprised by your response but he could tell by your tone there was no getting out of it. So with a sigh he entered his room and you followed. He laid down on the bed and as he pulled up his blankets you kissed him on the cheek.
"I'm sorry for worrying you," he said.
"No need to apologize, it's not your fault," you smiled softly at him, "Besides, it's not like I'll ever let them have you. Not while I breath."
And with that you finally felt comfortable leaving him to his own devices. When you left he sat in bed and contemplated what you said. It was so intense. You've never spoken to him with such firm conviction about something before. Just what were you trying to to say? The more he dug into the meaning of your words the more concerned he grew. Deciding it was just fatigue, he settled for ignoring his thoughts in favor of some good sleep.
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Mikey was your angle and the light of your life.
When he didn't come back from patrol with the rest of his brothers you were very concerned.
Yeah... Not thrilled.
Were the guys all beaten up? Yes. but did that stop you? No.
Your not just gonna let your man get hurt.
Especially by some stranger who has no right to take him from you.
You left the lair without giving any indication that you were off to find Mikey.
April caught on though.
She though it was suspicious that you left as calm as you did.
She knew she couldn't stop you, so instead she offered to help.
With April's techno knowledge you were able to narrow it down to a few choice locations in New York.
It didn't take long to find Mikey and you were not happy with where he was.
When he saw you he called your name and smiled.
This almost softened your demeanor, if it weren't for the guy who strapped him there threatening him with a scalpel.
You immediately attacked him and forced him to free Mikey letting April deal with any reinforcements that were called in.
When you all left you were so relieved that Mikey was safe and sound.
He patched you up in the car in the way back to the lair.
"I really don't need this, you were the one strapped to the table-" Mikey cut you off.
"But wasn't the one that got hurt! Your bleeding in like... multiple places. I don't even have a scratch," he told you for the hundredth time since the car ride back.
"Which I would like to thank you for by the way. I wouldn't be in such ✨ pristine ✨ condition if it weren't for your quick rescue!" He smiled at you, still as energetic as ever.
"Glad to hear you're okay Mikey," April chimed in.
"Awwww, thanks April!"
He was such a a liar though. You knew he got hurt, you saw the state of his brothers. Not to mention you could see the fresh scabs and bruises littering his skin. He was no better off then they were!
"Aaaaaanddddd DONE!" He announced proud of his handy work in patching you up.
It would definitely have to be redone by the time you got back to the lair but it would do for now. Not that you cared though, you immediately took Mikey by the shoulders and switched your positions. Now he was sitting and you were the one sitting through the first aid kit.
he didn't protest as you began applying bandages and rubbing alcohol. By the time you were back at the lair Mikey was sufficiently bandaged and primed for rest.
He fussed and wined the whole way to his room how he didn't want to sleep and how the best thing to heal him would be videogames or a good horror flick. With the help of Raph you were able to drag him to his room. There, you were able to butter him up enough to get him into bed. You put your hand on his bald head as you rubbed it with your thumb in a comforting manner.
"Rest for me okay my love?" You asked him.
"Only if I get a good night kiss!" He giggled.
You huffed out an amused laugh as you leaned down and pecked his forehead. Mikey wiggled his legs when you did, large smile present in his face.
"Rest well," you soothed.
And with that you moved to leave his room. Before you did however, you stopped at his doorframe and looked at him one last time, snuggled in his bed.
"I won't let them have you," you told yourself under your breath. Then you left.
Mikey could have sworn he heard you say something.
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vdragon-creations · 22 days
TMayNT Day 10: Favorite Turtle Curseword
Day 10 of @tmaynt Prompt: Favorite Turtle Curseword! Come on! Is it even a question? (I'm just miffed that they changed it to Drek for some reason in Fast Forward. Like...the fuck was that about?)
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pollsforpondering · 8 days
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chanty-loves-turtles · 8 months
Random tmnt reaction photos cause im bored
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nazaltam · 10 months
Raphael x Y/N
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Легкое NSFW. Интересно, тамблер укусит меня за задницу или нет 😬
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mutantmayhems · 5 months
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imagionationstation · 2 months
One day I will write a 2003 fanfiction.
*shakes fist at sky venomously*
It will probably be about Raphael-!
But, one day, it will be written.
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tottmnt · 3 months
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MARCH FOR RAPH ↳ Day 18: Watching Sports
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therebelinred · 8 months
As much as i love the idea of shredder raph I took that scene in the episode to mean something else as well. Raph is afraid of himself he’s afraid of his anger. I wish 2k3 tackled this more because it’s some good raph angst. Just incase no one knows what I am talking about I mean this scene.
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pixelga1axy · 11 months
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I could have drawn less panels for this with the same result but I really wanted to draw all the boys
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Pog Raph for people to use
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