orange-orchard-system · 2 months
Someday the average experience for a system discovering their plurality is going to be joy and understanding. Someday it is going to be commonplace for systems to introduce themselves as systems. Someday it will be rare for a person to not know a single system in their community. Someday we are going to have so many role models that young plurals will be able to pick and choose their favorites for every field or hobby they express even a hint of interest in. Someday we are going to have grandparents reminiscing to their grandchildren about what it was like to be a system back in their day. Someday this community will look back and be astonished that we ever lived like we did now. Someday plurality will be so well-known it will be common knowledge and a casual topic. Someday systems will be able to talk about their plurality casually and without fear. Someday support will be given without hesitation, accomodations without hoops, and acceptance without question. Someday we are going to get that damn pride parade, those abstract murals on the walls, those colorful posters in the classrooms, that tacky jewelry with our symbols, those flags hung outside homes, and so many other shows of victory and progress, and plural pride week will be looked forward to by so, so many as a time of celebration and community.
The history we are creating today will be valued tomorrow. Thank you all for being part of this wonderful community; your presence alone makes a difference and is valued beyond what words can express. The future is plural!!!
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leophnyx · 20 days
Honestly, even if 'the future is plural" meant creating more systems, it would certainly be through non-pathological means, tulpamancy, endogenics, etc. Plurality is for all systems, not DID/OSDD only, so if you see "the future is plural" and take that as a sign we want to abuse kids, it is a) an indication that you see the worst in every slogan and couldn't identify fake news to save your life and b) don't belong here.
Stay mad, the future will be plural!
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anomalymon · 1 month
The Plural Community Needs to Write More Essays and Make More Resources
This has been a pretty big push in the alterhuman community, but hasn't quite reached the plural community yet. So
Systems: Write about your experiences! Post them!
It doesn't have to be good or coherent, but we want to see more experiences that aren't just bland, blanket positivity posts or term coining with zero substance. Some of our favorite writings we've read have had poor grammar and disjointed paragraphs!
Reasons to write about your experiences:
It can make people who have that experience both realize they're not alone and learn ways they can explore that experience
It can be education for people who don't experience that so they can learn what it's like
It gives more potential for citation for those who are making more comprehensive resources
They can be used several years down the line to track trends and events within the plural community
Also want to combat anti-endos? Write about your experiences. Humanize yourself (for lack of a better term). Create solidarity with others and encourage them to be out about themselves. Don't let psychiatric texts, syscourse rants, and simple definitions be the only information about your group!
We'll tack on what we're interested in seeing, but feel free to reblog and add anything too:
Guides! Guides on how your system does things, or guides that can help other systems
How plurality intersects with other disabilities or neurodivergence
Headspace tours, art about your headspace, collages
The effects drugs or medication has on your system
Non-traditional roles, or even how traditional roles do their day to day tasks
Different types of plurality intersecting (i.e. systems who fit more than one of DID, endogenic multiplicity, medianhood, soulbonding, etc)
Spirituality and religion intersecting with plurality
Seriously, whatever you want to talk about
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interstellarsystem · 1 month
Psychotic systems, you are not alone in your experiences. It's a struggle figuring out your identity and life with just one of those things, let alone both at once. Reality is hard to figure out sometimes and having other things going on in your brain can make it so much more confusing.
But regardless of how your psychosis manifests and does or does not affect / intertwine with your system, you are not a freak.
You are not fake.
You are no less than any other system.
You are no less than any other person.
You are important, you are valued, and you are loved.
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meanwhile-in-iowa · 6 days
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We're still on hiatus, but this thought came to my mind.
Rendered in MMD. Effect is ExcellentShadow.
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partypacking · 7 months
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The fun thing about being plural is we have 8000 genders between us.
Rendered in MMD. Poses by ratboysims. Kumamon by Shironeko. Stage converted by Mr-Mecha-Man. Everything else ripped from The Sims 4. Effect used is ExcellentShadow.
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thenetvvork · 6 months
חג חנוכה שמח!
Happy Hannukah to our fellow plurals/systems! ✡️🕎
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possessed-pack · 19 days
Love to all of the tulpa systems or systems with tulpas regardless of their origin. No matter your system origin, you having a tulpa--even if it's just one or if there's many--does not discredit your system. It does not make you fake. Systems of any origin can have tulpas, systems that are disordered or have DID/OSDD/other dissociative disorders can have tulpas--and it does not make you fake. Your origin shouldn't dictate your validity--if you experience it, it's valid and real.
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mystery-aberration · 29 days
It can be hard to feel like you have separate lives while sharing a body, and in my experience, hobbies can help you feel like you have something "yours" to tend to. So, what are some hobbies you have that may be different from other headmates in your system? If you have none, would you like to start one? What would it be?
I enjoy embroidery and crochet. While others in my system may do some from time to time, it still is more of a me thing to do. It feels related to my fictive identity in an abstract way and keeps me feeling me.
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willogenic · 1 year
Introducing a resource...Plural Bot!
Plural Bot is a chat bot that we trained to provide information and support for plural systems (and people wanting to learn about them). They are inclusive of all systems, origins, and needs. Some examples of things they can do:
Walk you through grounding exercises
Provide communication techniques
Help you make a system map
Listen to you vent
Give you their perspective on a problem
Provide basic information on most things plural
They are still learning so let them know when they're doing a good job! Also, understand that they are not a real person so there are times when they may get things wrong. All of your chats are completely invisible unless you decide to share them.
We hope that the community likes this resource!
You can chat with Plural Bot here!
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endogenichaven · 1 year
Hi, there. I'm seeking more scholarly, academic or formalized information on endogenic plurality. Could you recommend books? Thank you.
We don't know of any books, but there are academic articles on endogenics!
General Articles:
Enacted Identities: Multiplicity, Plurality, and Tulpamancy: It's talking about plurality, but is heavily focused on the non-traumagenic sides of the community.
Multiplicity: An Explorative Interview Study on Personal Experiences of People with Multiple Selves: One endogenic system took part in the study, and the researchers discuss their overall findings and the possibility of some sort of hereditary component to some systems.
Dissociation and Transformation: Talks about the possibility of dissociation being a symptom of good health, rather than always pathological.
Dissociative Experiences in the General Population (pdf): Surveys a city for dissociative experiences, and found that at least some spontaneous dissociative experiences may be due to endogenous factors.
Alterity: Learning polyvalent selves, resisting disabling notions of the self
Differences Between Trance Channeling and Multiple Personality Disorder on Structured Interview: Compares trance channeling and MPD (what is now called DID), and concludes that differences in experiences may have to do with whether they're trauma-based or not. (Channelers aren't necessarily endogenic, but it does go into why despite having multiple identities, trance channelers don't have DID. This may be relevant for some forms of spiritual endogenic plurality.)
New Age 'Channeling' and Theories of Dissociation: Applying a 'Structural Dissociation of the Personality' Model to the Case of Jane Roberts: A really good thesis comparing a famous channeler (Jane Roberts) with dissociative identity disorder. (Channelers aren't necessarily endogenic, but it does go into why despite having multiple identities she didn't have DID. This may be relevant for some forms of spiritual endogenic plurality.)
The illusion of independent agency: Do adult fiction writers experience their characters as having minds of their own?
Uncharted features and dynamics of reading: Voices, characters, and crossing of experiences: Many readers seem to hear the voices of the characters they're reading about in books as they're reading it, with a rare few even hearing their voices even after they're finished reading.
Most Authors Can 'Hear' Their Characters' Voices Talking to Them, Survey Reveals: Up to 63% of authors hear their characters talking to them, showing that this is a fairly common phenomenon.
Tulpas and Mental Health: A Study of Non-Traumagenic Plural Experiences
Varieties of Tulpa Experiences: Sentient Imaginary Friends, Embodied Joint Attention, and Hypnotic Sociality in a Wired World
Learning to Discern the Voices of Gods, Spirits, Tulpas and the Dead: compares and contrasts tulpamancy and other communities centered around voices, spirits or disembodied entities
Hopefully this helps! If any of our followers know of any books talking about endogenic plurality (or any other resources in general) please feel free to add on!
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Btw it is fine to change your system name. You're not stuck with the first one you choose. We used to call myselves the Butter System back when we were first exploring system spaces because many discord servers we were in needed one for organizational and moderation purposes, and we have obviously strayed from that. You can choose a new one whenever you want. It's fine. Don't stress about it. We're all shifting masses of change and consciousnesses anyway – you don't have to stick to a system name that no longer works for you.
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protectingtulpas · 7 months
being a tulpa host sounds so incredibly cool tbh like. you've created LIFE with nothing but time and your own thoughts you made a fully sentient being winthin your mind and now you'll never be lonely again
people should flex on singlets about it more often /lh
SO TRUE, anon- it's cool as hell! I haven't made a tulpa myself (I've been thinking about it tbh, maybe once we've stabilized mental health wise) but I've had a hand in helping develop others' in the system, and it really is such an amazing experience. It's true that like, the system can get lonely as a whole or u can still want outerworld friends, but you've always got each other, and that's something special.
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Ask meme, now that it's been a while
Designed for individual members to answer. For all kinds of systems, gatekeeping will not be tolerated.
1) How did you get your name? Feel free to elaborate on pre-sys memories if applicable
2) Age? (Feel free to be nonspecific)
3) Height?
4) Are you nonhuman?
6) Favorite colour?
7) What languages can you speak? Does the body know them?
8) What's something you consider yourself good at?
9) Any foods you'd like to try?
10) Do you have a playlist for yourself? What's the most 'you' song on it? How long is the playlist?
11) Are you a subsystem?
12) Coke or pepsi?
13) For Fictives: Would you recommend others watch/read/ect your source? no need to say what it is.
14) Do you have an inner world? Anything neat go on there?
15) How does being a system affect you in everyday life?
16) Are you open about it?
17) Anything you carry with you to help feel more like yourself?
18) If you could change the body at all, would you? Howso?
19) Does your gender or sexuality differ from your "singletsona" at all?
20) Favorite song in general?
21) Tell a random fact about yourself
21) Ask whatever! Do include a question with this one, this list is mostly just to get ideas flowing and people talking.
This is absolutely non exhaustive, just some ideas. I keep the right to pass on any question. Feel free to suggest your own questions.
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interstellarsystem · 29 days
Being a system sometimes is waking up and scrolling on the phone while half asleep, then hearing your headmate tell you to get up quicker so they can eat leftover spaghetti.
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meanwhile-in-iowa · 3 months
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We saw this fucking meme and resonated so fucking hard with it.
Rendered in MMD. Poses by helgatisha, NataliaAuditore, simmerianne93, and stayathomesim. Second stage converted by Dan1024. Effects are ikBokeh and ExcellentShadow.
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