lilislegacy · 1 day
i think that when annabeth and percy move to california for college, they start having dinner with annabeth’s family once every 1-2 weeks. it’s probably a little tense at first, and annabeth is likely anxious about it. percy could either be pissed off and angry with them about how they treated her, or he could be really nice and trying to diffuse the tension to make things easier for annabeth.
but either way, i think one thing would be abundantly clear: percy is her family. not them. at least, not in the ways that matter.
mr. and mrs. chase have probably only ever seen annabeth with her walls up. never letting her guard down. she’s always tough around them, and never lets herself become trusting of them. because she has to protect herself from letting them hurt her again. as a young child, she felt unloved and resented by them enough that she preferred the cold dangerous streets to being with them. so even if their relationship begins to grow better - and i really do think it gets good eventually - she’s careful around them. she protects herself, and therefore isn’t super warm and fuzzy around them. since she’s grown up, there’s a good chance they’ve never seen her show true emotion. they’ve probably never seen a true smile from her. they’ve probably never seen her lean on someone.
but then she brings percy. they would see that the 14 year old little boy who they once met grew up into a tall, striking, intimidating young man. he has the same look in his unique sea green eyes that makes you know he’s been through horrible trauma. he’s carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. (literally). the rest of him may appear 18, but his eyes look 100 years old. he’s the first person they’ve really known who is like annabeth in that way.
and here’s the thing: percy and annabeth are a team. there’s an unbreakable bond between them. they move and fight as one. they are best friends in the whole world, and it’s clear to anyone who sees them. but they are also hopelessly in love, and that’s also clear to anyone who sees them. so imagine annabeth’s family, who’ve only ever known her to be distinctly independent and closed off, seeing her and percy holding hands. seeing them sit so close together that they’re nearly on top of each other. seeing her put her hand on his arm and kiss his cheek, or seeing him wrap his arms around her and gently kiss her forehead. and nevermind the touches, imagine them seeing her just look at him. a look full of vulnerability and adoration and complete trust. full of love and warmth and emotion. because that’s who annabeth really is. she’s emotional and sensitive and warm. but she’s always had to be someone else around her family, because in her mind, the true her wasn’t good enough for them.
but now they see her, all grown up, and with this young man by her side who is clearly her everything. and i think it would be a punch to the gut seeing them together. because it would be the first time they realize that she doesn’t think of them as her family. percy is her family, and percy alone. annabeth does not regard them - her own dad and step-mom and brothers - as her real family. percy fills that role all by himself. and it’s entirely their own fault.
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forrpercyy · 1 day
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modawg · 1 day
i feel like no one aside from the reader truly understands how insanely loving percabeth is
the amount of trust and knowledge they have of eachother
they’re truly obsessed
gave up immortality from artemis
searched for percy for 2 weeks when he exploded in the volcano
took a poison dagger for him
punched his bully in the face
gave up immortality on circe’s island
searched for him for 6+ months and regularly checked on his family while he was gone
gave up immortality on calypso’s island
hijacked a quest so he could go find her instead of just waiting like everyone else
stood infront of her multiple times to keep her safe
gave up immortality and a place in olympus by the gods
searched and only thought of her when he was on the run for 2 months and she was the only one he remembered
grabbed and fell into tartarus for/with her
and this is just stuff i thought of off the top of my head
like OBSESSED there isn’t a world where they aren’t together and they truly are like romeo and juliet taking bullets for eachother they simply just refuse to die
also idk why but i keep seeing ppl talking abt if annabeth had fallen into tartarus without percy and i genuinely don’t think there’s a universe where he would’ve allowed that to happen and he would’ve gone ape shit fighting whoever to jump down that hole to go with her
same with annabeth but i think it would’ve been easier for them to like chain her to the argo in comparison to percy but she would’ve actually hurt people trying to help him
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libbyfausett · 2 days
Underrated Percabeth moment: “if I had to pick someone to reattach my head, I’d choose you”
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percy: what language do they speak at the center of the earth?
percy: core-ean
annabeth: the center of the earth is around 5430 degrees celsius, nobody lives there!
grover: core-ean.
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normal people ending an iris message: *sweeps their hand through the image and it disappears*
these lovesick kids: *elaborate ritual where they lie down, roll towards each other, fantasise about the other person (who they saw an hour ago) till the image disappears*
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i love them
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maddiesbookbag · 2 days
do you ever think about the tapestry of percy and annabeth sitting in arcane’s cavern for almost a year waiting for annabeth to arrive? more specifically, do you ever think about how out of all the moments from annabeth’s life that aracne could’ve woven she chose to depict her at one of the happiest moments of her life—finally together with a living percy post-war? do you ever think about arachne, basically alone in this cavern for decades, cursed into monstrosity for daring to best a goddess, weaving this image of pure love? of a connection so strong that it would send the pair depicted through the crumbling floor to tartarus together rather than be separated ever again? even as that tapestry, that image of devotion, crumbled with them?
no? just me?
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this made me laugh way more then it should have
Percy, in retaliation for Dionysus calling everyone ( read: mainly just him)  by the wrong name, only refers to him by incorrect (increasingly more ridiculous) names 
“hello Perry”
 “sup with you Diego?” 
“. . . What did you just call me Patrica?”
” What are you talking about Daenerys?”
“. . .“
“. . .“ 
“Touché Puk Jamalson.”
“Right back at you Deiform.”
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okay @helpallthenamesaretakenblog
Here goes nothing. Happy pride month to my bisexual followers!
Percy used to honestly think he was gay for the longest time.
He never really saw bisexual representation on TV, except for an episode of Sex in the City that Gabe watched one time, where a bisexual man named Sean was a character. But the show was incredibly biphobic, with the women claiming that bisexuality "didn't exist," and that Sean was gay. Percy knew he was attracted to other boys in his class, so he just figured he was gay.
He never came out or even dated when he was young; he moved schools so frequently he didn't have time to date or sit down and properly figure out his sexuality beyond the fact that he felt attraction to boys.
It wasn't until Camp-Half Blood, (right around the time he met Annabeth) that he started re-examining his sexuality. Part of the reason it took Percy so long to realize he had a crush on Annabeth is because he thought it was't possible; he was gay!
When Annabeth kissed him, he finally fully realized that he was, in fact, attracted to both men and women. Learning about Apollo's bisexuality confirmed it for Percy.
He only came out to Sally and Annabeth; he didn't feel a particular need to come out to a lot of people, preferring to keep his sexuality private.
After TOA, when he saw how Nico coming out inspired a lot of young queer campers, he decided to start being more open about his bisexuality. He had first-hand experience with homophobia from Gabe, and decided that he was comfortable sharing his sexuality with Camp if it meant that more young campers would feel safe.
Annabeth took a lot longer to realize she was bisexual.
She'd had a small crush on Luke, then was infatuated with Percy since she was twelve. Percy was her best friend, and she didn't spend a ton of time around other girls, so she never properly got the chance to explore her sexuality, especially because she had been on the run since she was seven years old. It's hard to do proper self-reflection when you're constantly running from monsters.
Piper was her bisexual awakening, though she didn't realize it at the time. Piper comforted her a lot when Percy was missing, ad they had a classic "pre-sapphic-oh-my-god-this-female-friendship-is-super-intense" type of relationship.
Annabeth (as shown in Mark of Athena) found herself constantly admiring how pretty Piper was. Weird, right?
One time, Piper and Annabeth were keeping watch over the Argo II as it sailed, and Piper had leaned her head on Annabeth's shoulder. Annabeth was blushing the entire time, though she couldn't figure out why.
A few things led to the catalyst of her realizing she was bisexual. First, Percy coming out to her after Blood of Olympus. She did a lot of internet surfing about bisexuality. (Purely for research reasons!)
The main catalyst was when Piper broke up with Jason and started dating Shel. One of her best friends coming out as sapphic caused her to re-examine her own sexuality, and she concluded that she was bisexual as well. She told Percy, who was thrilled.
She started being more open about it at around the same time as Percy did. They now both play Smash or Pass on all the actors every time they watch a show together.
I love bi!Percabeth so much.
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This headcanon where Percy thought that he was gay until he met Annabeth, where he then realized he's bi
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nothingxtosayx · 24 hours
i might be signing my death warrant by saying this, but just because annabeth is strong doesn’t mean percy is weak. annabeth was a lot more skilled in combat than percy when he first arrived at camp because he hadn’t had any training yet, whereas annabeth already had five years of training. but percy got better at fighting over time. he and annabeth are a battle couple and neither of them is significantly stronger than the other to the point that they would be helpless without them. reducing percy to just annabeth’s dumbass boyfriend doesn’t make annabeth look smarter. they’re both smart, just in different ways. annabeth calls percy “seaweed brain” as a lighthearted joke, she doesn’t legitimately think he’s stupid. annabeth canonically thinks of percy as the bravest person she knows. percy’s very good at coming up with battle strategies on the spot, he just doesn’t think through how dangerous they are and impulsively does them. all that saying percy would be lost without annabeth does for annabeth’s character is strip her of her complexity and reduce her to just a Strong Female Character. annabeth has more depth than that. she ran away from home when she was 7 years old, meaning she had to become strong and self-reliant at an age where she should not have needed to be. i would never deny that annabeth is very strong, smart, and powerful because she is, but letting her be flawed and emotionally vulnerable and sometimes rely on others for support doesn’t change that.
tl;dr: the percabeth where annabeth is the #girlboss One With The Braincell and percy is just her Idiot Boyfriend is fanon and reductive to both their characters.
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kermitthesog · 3 days
reminder that this exists:
“Then someone else appeared from the crowd, and Annabeth's vision tunneled.  Percy smiled at her-that sarcastic, troublemaker's smile that had annoyed her for years but eventually had become endearing. His sea-green eyes were as gorgeous as she remembered. His dark hair was swept to one side, like he'd just come from a walk on the beach. He looked even better than he had six months ago-tanner and taller, leaner and more muscular.  Annabeth was to stunned to move. She felt that if she got any closer to him, all the molecules in her body might combust. She'd secretly had a crush on him sonar they were twelve years old. Last summer, she'd fallen for him hard. They'd been a happy couple together for four months-and then he'd disappeared.  During their separation, something had happened to Annabeth's feelings. They'd grown painfully intense-like she'd been forced to withdraw from a life-saving medication. Now she wasn't sure which was more excruciating-living with that horrible absence, or being with him again... Annabeth didn't mean to, but she surged forward. Percy rushed toward her at the same time. The crowds tensed. Some reach d for swords that weren't there.  Percy threw his arms around her. They kissed, and for a moment nothing else mattered. An asteroid could have hit the planet and wiped out all life, Annabeth wouldn't have cared.  Percy smelled of ocean air. His lips were salty. Seaweed Brain, she thought giddily.  Percy pulled away and studied her face.”
literally giggling and kicking my feet right now
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poppitron360 · 15 hours
Annabeth: *Walks into room* What the fuck…
Percy: Oh, hey, honey!
Annabeth: What the fuck are you doing?
Percy: Making you breakfast. We got eggs, bacon…
Annabeth: You’re making me breakfast… on Leo?!
Leo *lying on the floor with a frying pan on his back*: Hi, Annabeth!!
Percy: Go gentle! You’re gonna burn them!
Leo: I’m tryingg!
Annabeth: Oh my gods… hey, unrelated question, have either of you taken your ADHD medication today?
Leo: No, why do you ask?
Annabeth: No reason…
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sunshinepov · 2 days
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silly goofs
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hibiscusspunweb · 2 days
Percy Jackson headcanons Part 3
-Percy has a siren’s voice. When he sings or hums, the attention of anyone in the vicinity is drawn to him.
-Also, Percy is definitely a huge Queen fan
-Annabeth has a spray bottle of salt water 
-Jason  listens to classical music (he just looks like he would)
-Reyna is a fucking demon at pillow fights for some unexplained reason
-Thalia likes strawberry Mentos 
-Also has a dart board up with a picture of Luke in the center (she consistently hits her mark)
-Leo sleeps in a fetal position 
-Frank likes stormy weather and stratus clouds 
-Also a frequent user of “gee willickers” or “golly gee”
-Will is an avid Beatles listener 
-Austin always has cork grease in his pocket 
-His favorite fruit is the mango as well
-Leo listens to Tyler, the Creator
-Frank occasionally listens to Viking music  (no explanation why)
-Nico loves analog horror 
-Will watches it with him
-Piper HATES harpies after her several encounters with them
-The Poseidon cabin occasionally gets flooded (via Percy)
-The Athena cabin is either really neat and organized or cluttered with blueprints, armor, etc.
-The Demeter cabin figured out how to grow blue raspberries 
-They also grow all kinds of weird fruit 
-Leo makes fake accounts on dating apps for shits and giggles
-Percy once threw an apple at Annabeth and she caught it. 
-The Apollo cabin’s walls are plastered with musical posters 
-Will smells like cough syrup 
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development-green · 5 hours
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