#ninjago incorrect quotes
Cole: Let’s not Kai this into a worse situation than it already is.
Kai: ...Did you just use my name as a verb??
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i-m-art-ix · 2 days
Lloyd: You don't love me anymore, father? Garmadon: No, I don't love you. Lloyd: Well, it doesn't matter, I don't love myself either. Garmadon: Lloyd NO! I was just joking!
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pandemonium-kidz · 1 day
Jay: "Mom, Dad, Why did you call me Jay?" Edna: "Oh dear, when we found you at the doorstep Ed had found a Bluejay on our window earlier that day and he thought it was a sign of good fortune" Jay: "Seriously? I'm really called after the bird?" Ed:"Oh you see Son, Bluejays aren't common birds around here, the sight of one is indeed good fortune" Jay: "And how did you know?" Ed: "Because later that exact same day you came into our lives"
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Nya: pulls out a glass of water from nowhere Sora: Where did you get that? Nya: My pocket. Sora: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket? Nya: Skills.
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1-noone-1 · 10 days
Zane: *dies again*
Kai: I'm gonna bet on two months
Nya: Bullshit, I say one month
Arin, sobbing: What are you guys doing? Zane just died!
Lloyd, scratching his head, ignoring Arin: Bet two dollars on a week
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Arin: I still can't believe that I'm a ninja, it's all I ever wanted to be ever since I was a kid! Sora: I wanted to be a scientist and inventor, so I guess I got that too, in an odd way. Arin: Hey, Lloyd! What did you want to be when you grew up? Lloyd: A dark ruler. Evil mastermind. Arin and Sora:... Lloyd, sighing: It's a long story.
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waterphoenix21 · 8 months
Spoilers ahead!!!
I really like how in the new Dragons Rising season each RGB sibling gets a trainee (kid) of their own
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I mean there's Lloyd and Arin...
Lloyd: This is my student, Arin, he's so sweet and amazing he makes me want to be a better person.
Nya and Sora...
Nya: This is Sora, she's so bright and talented she reminds me of myself when I was her age.
And then there's Kai...
Kai: This is Wyldfyre. She's got rabies.
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such a supportive mother!
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ambriel-angstwitch · 3 months
Cole: We're kind of missing something guys.
Zane: Cohesion?
Lloyd: Teamwork?
Kai: A general sense of what we're doing?
Nya: No, we lost Jay somehow
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neteyammeowmeow · 3 months
Wu: we call this a traumatic event
Wu, looking at Kai: not a ‘major L’
Wu, looking at Jay: not a ‘lmao that sucks’
Wu, looking at Lloyd: not a ‘it is what it is’
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kagecage · 6 months
Police: you are under arrest for riding a dragon with 7 people onboard
Lloyd: wait- did you just say 7?
Police: yes, 7 people-
Cole: hey, have any of you seen my ca-
*the whole gang standing there in the kitchen eating coles cake*
Y/n: yknow youre really pretty Nya
Nya: aw tysm!
Y/n: howd you know i have autism
Zane: it apears we have lost Kai
Pixel: no fear, ill find him-
Jay: I HATE Y/N!!
*from a distance*
Jay: found him
Kai: is that a snake!?
Lloyd: WHERE.
Y/n: nice catch cole!
Cole: im literally a ghost, i cant touch
Y/n: i know. (On the floor with a sprained ankle)
Lloyd: i told you to catch her!
Movie!Jay: the day Cole stops listening to music is the end.
Cole: i guess not only did Skylor steal your powers but she stole your heart!-
Kai: we’re literally in a cell Cole, nows not the time-
A/n: have this while you wait for more fics
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thirdlotusprince3 · 2 days
Cole: let's take a vote.
Jay: secret vote, everybody cover your eyes.
Lloyd: but we won't know the results.
Kai: say your vote out loud.
Zane: but we'll know each other's voices.
Nya: Zane's got a point.
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coffee-master · 5 months
[Warning contains Lavashipping]
How to properly confess your feelings? By Cole
Cole & Kai: *are playing video games*
Cole: Hey, Kai.
Kai focused on the game: Yeah?
Cole: I love you.
Kai still focused on the game: Yeah, yeah- me too bro. *keeps playing*
Cole: ...
Cole & Kai: *are playing video games*
Cole: Hey, Kai.
Kai focused on the game: Yeah?
Cole: Remember cake that I bought today?
Kai still focused on the game: Yeah? You still didn't eat it? *plays the game*
Cole: No, I saved some for you.
Kai's hair are immediately on fire: *He rapidly pauses the game*
Kai looks at Cole terrified and emberassed: You left some cake for me..??
Cole looks directly at Kai: Yeah.
Kai: ....
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leothehttydfan · 13 days
Cole, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Jay: Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Jay: Here you go.
Kai : Why am I here?
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1-noone-1 · 4 months
Lloyd, before an attack: Okay, remember that they expect a group of competent, well trained ninja
Lloyd: Which gives us the upper hand of surprise
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night-invader · 3 months
Lloyd being the residential clothes thief. Imagine him casually grabbing a few of Jay's clothes.
Jay: Dude, seriously?
Lloyd: what? You guys gave me your old clothes all the time back then?
Jay: Yeah, when you were a demonic pipsqueak and not a light pole.
Lloyd: hey, not my fault I haven't been able to look up to you physically speaking these past few years.
Lloyd: *grins* that and your baggy t-shirts make for good crop-tops for me.
Lloyd: it's not good yelling at yourself, Jay :).
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