waterphoenix21 · 14 days
Feras Garboo is the older of a set of two year old twins. He was born with a rare defect called Bladder Exstrophy which means his bladder is on the outside of his body. He also has Epispadias which is a defect of the urethra.
He was treated for both of these at Saint Joseph's Hospital in East Jerusalem at about 11 months old however there were complications, the wound reopened and they had to go back in to fix that. Unfortunately the surgical team didn't have the experience with these particular conditions or the resources to really help Feras and despite best efforts made his condition worse.
*The above is a summary of what is explained in the campaign as well as what was explained to me by Feras' mother Israa. If you're going to look up these conditions to better understand fair warning for the images you might find. Also, there are images of Feras' state within the campaign but there is a warning before you scroll that far.*
Feras has multiple medical conditions including a heart defect as well. This baby has been suffering since birth, HE NEEDS TO BE TREATED OUTSIDE OF PALESTINE. And given the surgeries and reconstruction needed, treatment needs to happen while Feras is still young for the best chance of a decent quality of life.
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waterphoenix21 · 17 days
Hey, here's a random question, but if a water bender (regardless of the fandom) got stabbed or lost a limb or got scratched real bad, since blood plasma is over 90 percent water, could they technically prevent the blood from leaving their bodies, like add an invisible patch over their wound so they don't pass out or die of blood loss? Or is this not how the human body works?
And yes I know Katara could technically just heal herself with her water powers but that's beside the point.
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waterphoenix21 · 1 month
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Puss in Boots:
Literally fought Death and came out alive
Mao Mao Mao:
Fights monsters X100 times his size on a daily basis
Perry the Platypus/Agent P:
Very efficient; wins 99% of the time
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waterphoenix21 · 1 month
So if Perry the Platypus is gonna have a speaking role, even just in chibi form, he should probably be voiced by the same guy who does lmk Macaque.
I don't even know why, I just think that'd be cool
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waterphoenix21 · 1 month
Nya from Ninjago is not a ninja. She has never been a ninja, and should never become a ninja. Nothing against ninjas, but she has been a samurai for 10+ years. We all grew up with Nya and why would we let them change her for absolutely zero reason? The new writer should just create a new character that is a ninja, not rewrite one of the best lego characters in history. Sign this petition if you agree Nya should stay a samurai. Once we reach a good amount of people who have signed I will not contact the new writer on instagram because that would be stupid. He should ignore us forever, but if he happens to see this I hope he has a good laugh.
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waterphoenix21 · 1 month
"save Cole from the goblin"
Screw that. Let my boy Cole date whoever he wants
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waterphoenix21 · 1 month
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Still not over this Lego Monkie Kid reference in the Chinese New Year set
Just look at them 🥹
Mei and MK best duo BFFs!
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waterphoenix21 · 2 months
I found an old Ninjago comic I made back when I was 13 I think. My sense of humour was something else
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If you're wondering what Kai is doing, he's sharpening his fire sword. Yeah, this is the fire sword
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waterphoenix21 · 2 months
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This is Yazan a 12 year old boy living in Gaza. Yazan has 4 brothers and a sister. The occupation has destroyed their home and their dreams. Yazan has dreams of finishing school and becoming a doctor.
Yazans older brother Shadi created a gofund me page to help raise funds to evacuated his family out of gaza via the rafa border.
If you have the means please consider donating to their go fund me. If you want to support but cant donate please share.
I want to see Yazan grow up with his family and finish school to become a Doctor.
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waterphoenix21 · 2 months
I just watched the first 6 episodes of Ninjago Dragons Rising Season 2 that came out in Germany (I learnt some German as a kid so I understood about half of what they were saying) and I'd like to give just one minor early spoiler.
You know how some of us have been complaining for years that for as much as Lloyd's been traumatized season after season, villain after villain, it doesn't really affect his personality or mental stability all that much? Like for the most part, Lloyd is pretty chill, reasonable, wise even, and that's great. I always liked that about him and watching him grow into this person over the last 10+ years has been nothing short of amazing. I'm seriously so proud of the little green dude, but sometimes I feel like the writers are afraid to really dive into the long lasting effects this kind of trauma would normally have on someone's mental health. Probably since it's a kids show and they think they can't handle this sort of thing, although some kids face some pretty traumatic experiences in real life which really should be acknowledged more.
Anyway, they finally did it, THEY GAVE MY BOY ANXIETY!!! 🥳🎉
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Like actual panic attacks, he even calls them that! They usually don't last very long and he can snap out of them relatively quickly, but they are handled pretty well and well integrated into the story.
Also, Nya is Lloyd's emotional support (yay Dragon Siblings), like she's been since Hunted or Sons of Garmadon actually. She's the one Lloyd opens up to the most and she's the first to notice whenever something bothers him.
It can be as subtle as a glance, a smile or a touch on the shoulder, but Nya always knows how to comfort Lloyd, and this just makes me so happy
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Anyway, this season's been great so far and I can't wait for the rest of the episodes to come out. Sorry for ranting
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waterphoenix21 · 3 months
Hey, very specific question, but does anyone know if Omi is vegetarian or not? I don't remember him eating meat in the show and I need it for a fanfiction
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waterphoenix21 · 3 months
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Please boost and donate if you can
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waterphoenix21 · 3 months
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waterphoenix21 · 3 months
So, back when I was doing the Daddy Issues polls I discovered a pattern, and now I can't unsee this
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waterphoenix21 · 5 months
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waterphoenix21 · 5 months
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waterphoenix21 · 5 months
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