#nakey tech
thisischeri · 9 months
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Macintosh SE, clear display unit, 1987
instagram: cheri.png
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 4 months
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BEHOLD THE COLLECTION OF MY TBB ART!!! ... ... Guys, I don't draw enough tbb.
「 Hunter x Crosshair」 [ART]
19/08/2023 | TBB Hunter, TBB Crosshair | Couple meme| cloneship | Crosshair being a menace
「 Comfort a character: Gregor [ART]
12/09/2023 | TBB Gregor | Comfort a character prompt | Gregor is nakey, but nothing visible on the other hand he has big tits |
「 Out of Touch Batch」 [ART]
26/11/2023 |TBB Hunter, TBB Tech, TBB Wrecker, TBB Crosshair | Out-of-touch Meme | Lucky Star Parody | Crosshair being a menace again 
「The Bad Batch Theory」 [ART]
23/01/2024 |TBB Tech | The Big Bang Theory parody | Hungarian dubbed Tech has the same VA as Sheldon Cooper and I couldn’t ignore this fact.
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antimnemonic · 8 months
my phone case rotted and fell off (it was like 3 yo plastic) so my phone’s been in scary nakey mode until i can get a case
and like, i have one of those product(red) iphones, and truthfully, it’s a beautiful little char custom rectangle, but it’s frustrating that it absolutely cannot exist outside of the case bc it’s slippery and will absolutely explode into a million pieces
and like i know that this is all just Products and Consumption but it is a lil sad coming from y2k tech design to modern devices where color is rare, everything is a black rectangle, and customization is wholly on what case you get. i still have my pink moto x in a drawer somewhere……………………..
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undercity-princess · 7 months
Kinktober 24
NSFW prompt: sex toys
Jinx X Akali
Akali wouldn't consider herself a collector, more like someone with a serious buying problem. If she saw a toy she wanted to try on Jinx, she'd buy it. Money wasn't a problem, so why bother? Space to store everything might become an issue one day, but that was a problem for future Akali (and also future Jinx, since they lived together).
And of course, she had bought another. This time from Piltover. Newest product of Hextech, sought after by coupled women. Said to have been designed for the sheriff and her wife herself, but Akali wouldn't tell her own wife that ("If Fat-hands is too stupid to understand 'eat the rich' I don't wanna know'!).
"I'm home, went shopping!" She called into the open space of their quarters.
"You want me to get naked or help put stuff in the fridge?"
"Ummm…" she looked at the bags in her hands "both?"
The tinkerer opened the door to her workspace and popped her head out "Like sort the fridge nakey or…"
The ninja grinned and presented her with the bag full of groceries. "Those in the fridge, I'll take this and when you're done get nakey in the bedroom"
"Can do toots" Jinx came to pick up the bag and tried to get a look inside the other one, but the dark material concealed the contents. She scoffed and went off to the kitchen.
Akali made sure she was gone, then entered the bedroom and closed the door. She examined her purchase with a critical eye. Turned off it just looked like a normal strap on, more on the bigger side, but she was sure her sub would be able to take it. The difference would be the tech that should provide feeling to the wearer. She gave it another look, then undressed and put it on. It took her some minutes, as it was new and she had to pull all the buckles in place. Luckily Jinx had to put away a lot and needed time too.
Akalis eyes skimmed the manual of the toy. Not too complicated, one button, one dial. She pressed the button and the strap started glowing hex blue. All around the harness were now glowing runes she hadn't seen before.
The manual said to be careful with the settings in the beginning, so she turned the dial only a notch.
A strange sensation, but not bad, like a slow gust of wind hit her. She looked down and carefully touched the toy.
Her brain short circuited for a second, not being able to comprehend the sensation. She moved her hand lightly up and down the shaft, feeling all of it. Soft steps outside made her stop.
Jinx opened the door curiously. She had made a short stop in the bathroom to get rid of her clothes after finishing her chore. She needed to know what her domme had hidden in that bag. Akali stood with her back to the door, only wearing a harness adorned with glowing runes. She snaked her arms around the waiting woman's waist "Whatcha got there toots?"
"New toy, newest tech from topside. Hex powered." She put her hands on top of Jinx's and pulled them down to what felt like her own cock. In the waiting time it had even taken on body temperature. Lithe fingers stroked softly over blue material. Akali let her head drop back on her lover's shoulder.
"Fuck, I… I feel that"
"You feel it? Like feel it like you had a dick?"
"Yeah… Hextech fuckery"
"Fuck me and tell me how it feels… please" she added, mindful of their dynamic.
"I want to try something first. But if you do well, I'll reward you." She turned around. "Get down"
The sub got down on her knees, wide pink eyes looking up.
The domme gently grabbed her jaw. "Open for me" she led her to the tip of the glowing dick.
Without spoken prompt the bluenette closed her lips around the tip and sucked. Gingerly at first she bobbed her head along the length, taking it deeper and deeper in.
"Gods this is… fuck you're so good…" the brunette god out between panted breaths. Her knees threatened to buckle out under her. She pulled her eager lover off. "Lay down, love. On your back" She took a minute to get her bearings before following.
Jinx held her legs open for her. Blowing Akali had turned out to be a massive turn on for her. She waited patiently as the other got settled in.
Akali bowed over the lithe body, one hand next to her shoulder. The other guided her toy between her folds, coating it in her juices.
"You ready?" Her voice was hoarse.
"As can be"
She lined her cock up with her hand and as slowly as possible pushed in.
Her sub's head fell back as she groaned at the delicious stretch.
"Fuck you're so tight!' It took all her willpower to not buck her hips and bottom out in one motion. Instead she inched forward, giving the body under her time to accommodate to the girth.
It felt like forever for both of them until she was fully sheathed. They met in a feverish kiss.
"Please… please… fuck me"
The plea was heard. She pulled out slowly, dragging the motion to push in fast and hard. Their moans mingled into one. The motion was repeated, faster with every push and pull. Jinx brought her legs up to pull Akali in at the waist. She needed more of her, closer, deeper, faster, harder. The pace got rougher and more and more uncoordinated as they both approached their high. When the tinkerer's walls constricted around her the ninja's vision erupted into blinding colors as she came. Her body dropped and was caught in loving arms.
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kvwviiju · 3 years
if i start drawing clone nsfw will i finally become part of clone tumblr
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soclonely · 3 years
The Clones as Yet Another List Of Pointless Headcanons I Have About Them
Rex- Hates streaks and fingerprints on his commscreen and datapad and constantly cleans it off Echo- His wallet always goes into his boot when it isn’t in his pocket Fives- His lucky single digit number is actually 8 Jesse- Has to sniff everything in the air, even if he knows its a bad smell Kix- When he is alone and listening to music while cleaning up he always turns vacuum off and pulls headphone out to make sure no one is breaking in.  Tup- Eats the food on his plate in order from least liked to most liked thing. Dogma- The radio volume HAS to be on an odd number. Hardcase- Rubs his feet together at night as a soothing mechanism Coric- can sing a whole song in his head without actually knowing the lyrics but if you ask him to do it out loud he can’t Bly- Can’t sleep withou flipping his pillow to the cold side 99- names everything in his cart and holds small sad services for when a bottle of cleaning supplies is empty before throwing it away. Cody- He likes to see how much he can get done while the microwave is running (cleaning off the counter, loading a few dishes in the dishwasher, etc) Waxer and Boil- Before they sit on the sofa, they dust their bare feet off. Wolffe- he hates eating utensils with a passion Sinker and Boost-Gets completely nakey to go to the bathroom Hunter- has a habit of keeping a million apps running in the background of his devices  Wrecker- Won’t wash his face in the shower, but waits until after and does it in the sink Tech- He shouts mathematical formulas in his sleep Crosshair- ALL the doors in the room have to be shut before he falls asleep
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WE back babyyyy, i’ve missed this
- nyc hehe
- ugh cap baby
- Ugh this green makes me feel things
- Hes uhhhh somewhere
- Ah yes mongolia
- Hot
- Had to take the high ground huh
- Dramatic as always
- Rough
- How did cap get away with it but not loki
- oop nakey
- LoKI hAs a SoUL
- Miss minutes sounds like dolly parton
- Multiverse oop
- 1549 oh sexy
- Owen lmao
- Thats mephisto isnt it
- In the stain glass
- Mephisto or kang
- Lol this french is very high quality
- Laufeyson :((((
- Hes not wrong with the avengers there lol
- Big big place
- ✨future ✨
- Space lizards confirmed
- Ambitious boi
- High tech but everything is retro
- Not phil
- Lets be honest hes a bad person but like we love him still
- Mischievous scamp
- Lmao on a fucking bet
- The ghoul boys would have a blast
- Friga 😔😔
- Lmao casual infinity stones
- Loki 🥺 baby no cry
- Loki without the collar is hot
- Aw self aware
- Lady loki oop
I love self aware loki im very excited to see the next episode!!
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Tag Game! Tagged by one of my faves, the ever lovely @stealing-jasons-job
1. Why did you choose your url?
My username is so weird lol I get asked this all the time and I wish I had a better answer but I literally just love videos of those hairless cats taking baths. I also think the word nakey is really funny which pretty much tells you everything you need to know about me. I didn't plan on posting fic when I came up with this name and now I'm too attached to it to change it to something practical or more poetic.
2. Any side blogs?
None currently but there are some old ones lingering around...
Somewhere out in the universe is a hipster blog filled with poetry and short stories about boys who didn't like me back in high school but it is long lost and I have no idea what it is called. It is probably a repurposed to scam people into clicking RayBand Sunglasses links by now. There's also a really really old Dramione fic blog running around somewhere that I used when I wrote in the Harry Potter fandom.
No need to talk about my "fitness" blog that was basically thinly veiled orthorexia
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I think since just before the height of the popularity so like 2010? I fell out of it with everyone else and was really pleasantly surprised to find that people are still hanging around here when I came back two years ago haha
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No. I'm highly impulsive and a terrible planner. If you see posts on here, I am here haha I don't have that kind of foresight.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Honestly I have no idea, I was having a tough time and wanted to write and the rest of this has just been a really happy accident.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's real cute isn't it?! It's so hard to find aesthetic faceless pics with brown skin so I had to take the opportunity. It's just so vibey, isn't it?
7. Why did you choose your header?
Yellow is such a joyful color!
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I'm not very tech savvy I have no clue how to figure this out? It's probably a moodboard of some kind! I'm not big on text posts haha
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I have literally no clue. But I have made sooooo many truly incredible friends on here. I'm infinitely grateful for all of them. Y'all have become such a genuine source of joy and support in my life, I truly cannot express how much you mean to me.
10. How many followers do you have?
982 and I suspect a significant percent of those are porn link accounts and spam because at least one of those follows me a day. Idk what the point of follower counts on here is, but I love all of you, even the Pornbots. This account is also super old so some of them might be dead blogs too.
11. How many people do you follow?
and none of you are pornbots and I love y'all even more.
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I've made crackposts?
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
I notoriously hate my phone and I have this app that lets you grow a tree if you don't use your screen. It's very cute, I grew 5 peach trees today. But long story short, it's not super often, maybe once a day. I try to check notifications every day though because I do absolutely love interacting with y'all.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Hahahah I wish I was bold enough to do this because I've been tempted to do it more times than I can count but conflict makes me squirm and also cry. I do get intensely annoyed when I see tone-deaf discourse about mixed race people though so I'll always go to bat for that one.
I did lose my shit one time and tagged something as "nakeycats has fucking snapped" which haunts me in my tags to this day and makes me laugh now.
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
I get it. I mean, I'm not one to tell people what to do and I don't always love the tone it takes on but the general sentiment of it isn't unfounded. There has been a general shift away from reblogging even though it's the only way content gets traction on this site. From a content creation standpoint it's disheartening to put work out there and know that nobody is seeing it. So much love and work goes into writing and it really does suck sometimes. That said, people are going to do what they're going to do, it's not going to stop me from putting work out there.
16. Do you like tag games?
I adore tag games! I love everything about them! Every time I get tagged in one it's like "me? really?" and then I consider us to be besties haha.
17. Do you like ask games?
I really like them and I used to love doing them when we did BWC! Some of the games get hard to keep track of now but this was such a good way to meet people and I'm grateful for it. That said, I LOVE ASKS. If you ever need to vent or rant or tell a joke or chat or practice your emoji usage HMU I'm always down.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Is Tumblr famous still a thing? I would probably just tag my friends in this since they're all famous to me and I'm convinced a lot of them will be famous one day for writing or creating in some way ( @stealing-jasons-job and @queenemori specific point to you in particular)
I will give a special shout-out to @burninghoneyatdusk because I was a massive fan of her writing and then we became mutuals and I was like "omg!! the author of this fic love! A star is following me back!" haha so that was a fun moment when I was first dipping my toes in the fandom and it did feel like someone famous followed me. Also she is rad and very humble considering how talented she is.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I can't even bring myself to have a crush on someone in real life.
Plenty of friend crushes though.
20. No-pressure tags:
@elora-lane . @natassakar . @ninappon . @burninghoneyatdusk . @obviesbellarke . @queenemori . @franklyineedcoffee . @carrieeve . @infp-with-all-the-feelings and anyone else who wants to do it
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t100fic-for-blm · 4 years
part two
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author: @bellarke-addict
moodboard: @broashwhat
mature | modern au | university au | soulmates
Clarke couldn't have a soulmate or that's what she told herself. Her soul mark had been burned off the day of the car crash that she had been in with her father. It was sign to her that in this life she wouldn't have love and she blamed herself for the wreck so she didn't think she deserved love either.
When she meets Bellamy the history major minoring in English writing. She wished she could have a soulmate more than anything. She was crushing so hard. He enjoyed Bronte and even Jane Austen as much as she did. Tall dark handsome and loves writing almost as much as she does where could she go wrong?
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author: @animmortalist
mature | canon-divergent | post season 4 | slow burn
An impulse. A prayer. A hope. Bellamy stays behind with Clarke as Praimfaya hits. And everything that happens after.
author: @stealing-jasons-job
teen | canon-divergent | season 7 | mutual pining
Peace has never come easy, and this new planet is no exception. Less than 24 hours after taking down the Primes and quelling the violence in Sanctum, Clarke is thrown back into an impossible situation. Octavia's been stabbed by a woman who has no memory of who she is or why she's here before disappearing into the anomaly. And Bellamy and Echo have followed after her, leaving Clarke to get backup before racing after them. Who knows what's waiting for them on the other side.
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author: @elora-lane
moodboard: @nakey-cats-take-bathsss
mature | modern au | abusive relationship | friends to lovers
It was "friends at first sight", for Clarke and Bellamy. But when a toxic relationship comes between them, Clarke finds herself confused, hurt, and more than anything, concerned for his well-being. After "Hurricane Josephine" tears through Bellamy's life, ruining everything in its path, Clarke is there to pick up the pieces, and maybe even patch up that broken heart.
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author: @excuseyouclarke
moodboard: @broashwhat
mature | fantasy au | pirate au | angst | slow burn
With a ship drowning in sorrows and a reputation that haunts her, Clarke commands fear across the Sea she sails. Whispers follow her across land and second glances for a bounty on her head for a power she does not possess.
When she finds a washed up sailor in a crumbling old boat with no memories, she gives him the same opportunity she gives everyone else - you stay until you give her a reason to throw you overboard. With rumours in taverns and passing pirates about Bellamy Blake, infamous pirate who took down a British Naval ship and left his men for dead, she can only wonder - could this be the man they tell horror stories about?
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author: @bellarkestitchdelena
teen | historical au | arranged marriage | unplanned pregnancy
When the man she thought she was going to marry bails on her after getting her pregnant, Clarke's mother arranges a marriage for her, and Mr Blake is not what she was expecting.
author: @writetheniteaway
not rated | canon-divergent | season 7 | angst
Clarke gets put in the M-Cap and Bellamy sees her memories, especially the radio calls, and just feelings and end game and Bellamy stop being brainwashed.
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author: @elora-lane
moodboard: @nakey-cats-take-bathsss
explicit | modern au | polyamory | smut
It was supposed to be anonymous. That was the only reason why Clarke had joined. Okay, not the only reason, but it was a big reason. As the daughter of tech tycoon Jake Griffin, it was hard to get laid without ending up in a fucking tabloid- or worse, without getting followed by her dad’s security team.
It was so difficult, that Clarke was still a virgin at the ripe age of twenty-one (okay, she knew it was young, but still). So, instead of spending her birthday doing shots and throwing up all over the back of an Uber, she was at this ridiculous penthouse party in a slinky blue dress that made her eyes pop, and a glittering white mask over her eyes. Because rich people just needed to be fucking weird.
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author: @queentheea
moodboard: @carrieeve
teen | modern au | ADHD!Bellamy | friends to lovers
Clarke struggles to convince her best friend Bellamy of his own brilliance. She also struggles to tell him that she loves him. A lot.
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author: @elora-lane
explicit | canon-divergent | season 7 | soulmates | smut
After Clarke is wounded on Sanctum, Bellamy decides that he can't lose her again. Not long after he saves her, they realize Skyring has a different set of laws than other planets they've been on. They quickly find themselves overwhelmed- in the best kind of way.
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vesperstalksclones · 4 years
Updated 6/8/21
**I love to make friends and chat! Ask box and DM are always open. Please don't be shy! I want to hear all about you!
**I am generally open for art requests. I don't necessarily have a scheme in place for commission prices, but if you are interested we can chat! Mediums I work in are traditional pencil sketch, colored with markers/colored pencils, and beginner CG.
Please don't be scared off because I have things marked as NSFW or smut, there are tons of safe pieces, especially in my artwork!
*** = Smutty stuff      
****Written in the Rocks
Ohhhh I went fishing for inspiration and boy did I get it! Here be Echo indulging in a dfab reader. Fluffy steamy smutty goodness. AND has the honor of being the first ficlet about his actual first time and also being the first time with the reader.
What Will You Do After Mandelore?
 Rexsoka snippet, taking place during the siege of Mandalore. 
***On Your Knees
Captain Rex X first person female reader, some extra good love for my best boy
***Cody x Reader 
Cody X first person female reader, a little morsel of angst in there - allusion to past physical abuse, but Cody is there to make it better <3
*** Wrecker x Mando Femme OC
Wrecker falls hard for a stoic Mando lady who has built some thick walls for herself. Maybe the love of one scarred soldier can heal another. Unfinished fic, but here is one of the steamy parts 😏
*** Crossing the lines
Rex's POV, solid Rexsoka
When Rex goes undercover to smash a flesh trafficking ring, he gets the shock of his life and things change forever
*** Peppermint Playtime *New*
Gender-neutral reader & Kix
An exhausting grind on the battlefield assisting the 501st's overwhelmed medic results in the reader dispensing some much needed R&R on the handsome soldier.
-Use of nick-name, not (y/n)
Pride & Prejudice & Padawans
Rex & Ahsoka play at the protagonists of the literary classic, but with the apocalyptic vibe of Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. Fun and stylized. Rated teen mostly for violence. I promise I'll do some special separate chapters for you naughty kids.
Embracing the Brokenness
Fox has managed to outlive Sidious and has his first taste of freedom. Ever. But the necessities of rebuilding a government have the New Republic calling him and other surviving clones for deposition on their experiences. Why not tear open the old wounds and pour salt in them? And he locks eyes with a certain Pantoran lady for the first time since order 66.
Shanty Central
The Ballad of CT-6969
Fan Art      
(O.o) = Steamy (nudity, sexual themes but no actual private bits shown)
I do NSFW also, but I keep a separate google doc for that. It is very explicit, primarily Star Wars Clones, with a smidgen of Rexsoka.
I know some folks out there have mixed feelings about Rex & Ahsoka as lovers. I absolutely adore them together, but only in their more mature days. I often draw a younger looking Rex with a mature Ahsoka. She is always meant to be, like 17+, so Seige of Mandalore or later. I want my favorite characters to experience love as consenting adults that understand what they’re getting themselves in to.
Link to me on DeviantArt (SFW, Star Wars art + other misc. fantasy/sci-fi/fanart, photography)
Art tutorial - generic clone portrait done in my method
Art tutorial #2 - full body pencil sketch of Zygerrian Rex
A random doodle of Bad Batch Echo *new*
Captain Rex comes to @cheshire-noir 's Birthday Rave
A pissy Commander Wolffe
Cody, suiting up for some practice
Fives & Rex - just some doodles of the boys
Scout Rex
Zygerrian Rex
Rex being sweet and romantic
Rex & Ahsoka go undercover a la Casino Royale
Rex & Ahsoka survived order 66
Rex& Ahsoka, big, warm, squeezer hug
Rex X Ahsoka - so damn happy to see you
Rex, sleeping all sexy like
Cody, punching the shit outta something
Rex just looking bad ass with his DCs
Ezra x Sabine, all growed up
Rex & Baby Chomp Chomp
Fives, the Snacky snack
A very stylized bit of Cody (O.o)
What will you do after Mandalore? - Rex X Ahsoka fluff
Tech fresh out the shower with his hair all messy, being a sexy shit (O.o)
A stylized Rex, all pouty and exhausted and needy (O.o)
Post order 66 Rex & Ahsoka cuddles
A badass sleek clone trooper I did forever ago
Rex’s helmet, tattoo-esque
A fanart I did for Jade-Max’s fic Catalyst, Rex X Ahsoka (O.o)
Rebels era Rex & Ahsoka, such a flirt
Rex comforting a wounded Ahsoka
A smokin’ hot Wolffe with naughty things on his mind (O.o)
Rex having a shitty day
Rex chillin in his downtime, touching up the paint job
My OC clone trooper, Nitro
A stylized sexy Rex; on the back end of a few whiskey cocktails (O.o)
Rex, Ahsoka, & baby Chomp
Rex, The Murder Scowl
Rexsoka Kissy Sketch-dump
A stylized mostly nakey Cody
A flirty Ahsoka
Rex X Ahsoka, a nice romantic kiss (O.o)
Ahsoka, being badass
Captain Rex, pissed off and ready to unleash some shit (blood/wound)
Rex, “I’m no Jedi” but rocking lightsabers like a boss
Rexsoka fluff; Rex has a Lekku fixation
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craniumhurricane · 4 years
Mermaid AU but technically not
@nakey-cats-take-bathsss I WISH the Mermaid AU was as cool as it sounds but its not actually about mermaids so I think people would be disappointed by it lol
Basically, Clarke gets a summer job right after she’s graduated college at this natural springs/water park/aquarium kind of place. ...Still working out the details obvs. Anyway! Luna owns and runs it and its slowly losing money due to the big fancy SUPER water park that opened about an hour away so as a gimmick, she decides to do kind of like a water/aerobics show where girls dress up as mermaids. 
...I live in Florida and we legit have this lol. Google Weeki Wachee.
Long story short, Bellamy already works at Luna’s place and HATES this mermaid idea and is basically a dick to Clarke because what else is new? So the whole thing is an enemies to friends to lovers. I’ve written basically the opening but not where they actually meet yet.
Excerpt under the cut...
Clarke's still confused as to why Raven would bring this up to her, though. She's looking for a teaching job, preferably in a middle school as an art teacher. She's applied at a few places, both public and private, but hasn't heard anything back yet. Maybe Luna is looking to add a summer art program?
“You still have a scuba certification, right?”
Clarke blinks at her, “Yeah, why? Does she want to bring a whole new meaning to ‘watercolor’?”
Raven just snorts and looks at her as if she's crazy and there's a much more obvious option that Clarke should have come to.
“She's thinking about pitching a show with mermaids. They need something to compete with the new water park that opened last year.”
Eden was owned and operated by The Eligius Company and was also only a few hours outside of Arkadia. Eligius had many of the same cookie cutter parks throughout the Nation. They're all manmade and high-tech and sure in a way that makes them nicer. More structured and less...nature-y. They gained popularity in this area very quickly considering the short time they’ve been open.
Suddenly something Raven said catches up with her. “Wait, did you say mermaids?”
“I mentioned to her that you were a certified diver,” Raven continues, “Oh! And that you were on the swim team.”
“Yeah in high school and only for two years. It's not like I won any medals.”
Raven just waves a hand at her, “Semantics.”
“Wait, wait,” Clarke says, sitting up a little so she can look at her friend properly, “What does any of this have to do with Luna and mermaids?”
“It’s not really a requirement but Luna thinks it would help.”
“Help with what!?” Clarke all but shouts.
Raven rolls her eyes and shoots her a look as if she's the one not making any sense, “Luna wants to pitch a show to the people st Eden. We were talking about it and agreed that maybe someone that already knows how to use the gear would be better, less likely to panic under the water.”
“Let me get this straight. You want me to be a mermaid?”
“Jeez, you sure you want to be a teacher,” Raven mumbles just loud enough for Clarke to hear. “Yes, I want you to be a mermaid. You’d be perfect for it!”
Clarke narrows her eyes, “Perfect how?”
“Well you’ve got a good background for it,” Raven starts counting on her fingers, “You don’t have a job yet and if you get one it won’t be until school starts in the fall anyway so your summer is open. And lastly, look at you,” she gestures up and down Clarke’s body, “Blonde hair, blue eyes, curves that anyone would kill for.”
Clarke blushes a little at that last reason with a mumbled, “Raven.”
“Plus,” she slings her arm over her shoulder, “I’ll be working at Eden too this summer. It’ll be fun.”
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thisischeri · 4 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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Tagged by @nakey-cats-take-bathsss
I love these things so thank you!
1. Do you make your bed? yea if I have time but I have four dogs that all sleep there so when I go to work or school and they r still sleeping I leave them covered
2. What’s your favorite number? 4,7, or 47 anything with 4 or 7
3.whats your job? I’m actually a manager at a kennel, I work with door dash for my free time, and I’m a key holder at bath and body works butttttt I’ll be quitting bath and body soon to be a vet tech or realtor whichever interview goes well so fingers crossed
4. Can you parallel park? The question actually is can I ever park and that answer is no
5. Job you had which would surprise people? I was a soccer coach when I was 14 and I taught little kids at my church
6. Do you think aliens are real? I’m sure they are, I just don’t know if they are green with huge black eyes but I’m sure they are out there
7. Can you drive a manual car? My car is from 2001, doesn’t have working breaks, and dies on me so I’m sure if I really put my mind to it but I can barely drive as is
8. What’s your guilty pleasure? Probably tumblr and reading or writing fanfics. No one knows this about me so it’s just kinda for me
9. tattoos? no I change my mind everyday, I would just be removing one and getting one each day and ur gal is a workin woman who can’t afford that
10. favorite color? technically blue because I’ve loved blue my whole life but I love the color yellow bc everyone says that’s my color and my tan skin only does yellow tones
11. Things people do that drive you crazy? Hypocrites and liars, if I catch u being a liar chances r I won’t talk to u again. If we’re taking a lighter subject it would be being messy I’m super clean and have ocd so I get agitated easily
12. Any phobias? Can’t say I’m scared of anything, I mean my family dying or my dogs dying scares the hell out of me but other than that meh :/
13. Favorite childhood sport? Soccer it was my life back when I was younger, all I did 24/7
14. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah and no. Like I calm myself down or persecute myself 24/7 and I daydream all the time buttttt other than that I try not to let my thoughts wonder
15. What movies do you adore? I love allllll movies as long as they are good. Like suspense for The Quiet Place with John Kransinski sign me up, kids movie like Life of Pets or Zootopia sign me up, Disney classics like Hercules or Lion King or all of them sign me up, romcoms like To All The Boys sign me up, as long as it’s well written and acted I’m all for it. I appreciate all tastes
16. Do you like doing puzzles? When I was little I hated puzzles so much that I would smash pieces and break them and make my own puzzle and said it worked and would yell at whoever said that’s not how to do it. Now that I am older I still get angry when I can’t get it done in less than 5 mins and I quit and it’s left there on the table for 2 mins before my need to clean up surpasses the need to get it done. I have like 0% patience, the only thing I have patience for is my dogs and children otherwise nope
17. Favorite kind of music? Again I appreciate any artist so indie I love but country I jam out to but Christian songs hell yea but pop music is a bop and then sad boi songs that may even be rap I’ll get diggy with
Thank you for tagging me! Tagging some of my mutuals: @taylor-morley @hecksinki @iishallbelieve
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MOG's Throwback Thursday: Imaginext Dinosaurs (2004-2008)
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Starting with my first Throwback Thursday post, I decided to share on the toy line I grew up on (along with many others).
This is... the Imaginext Dinosaurs line!!
When I was a wee kid, dinosaurs were my number one obsession. If anything had a dinosaur on it, you know i'd eat that shit up (and quite frankly I still do). One of many staples of a dinosaur-centered childhood during the early 2000's was getting cool dinosaur toys, and the Imaginext Dinosaurs caught my eye.
Let's observe why I love them so darn much, shall we?
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The Stegosaurus was the first dinosaur in the line I ever got. Child me thought he was the greatest toy I ever possessed, especially when you pushed the button on the side that made his tail swing back n' forth and let's not forget that dopey grin. My amazement led to me getting the Allosaurus, and from that point on I started collecting these beasts up until I was 9 (I also begged my parents for a Spike the Ultra Dinosaur at that age, but that's perhaps for another post.)
So why do I still hold such appreciation for the Imaginext dinosaurs from the 2000's now?
Easy: The designs. Scientists were still determining what the hell dinosaurs looked like and acted, but because of this, toy companies went with whatever the fuck they wanted when it came to making their dinosaurs. For Imaginext, they chose the best way: adding very colorful stripes and patterns with a more rather grounded stylization of the beasts. The plus side is you can determine whether the dinosaurs were born looking like that or think of it as primal paint the cavepeople decided to splatter on their war-hungry battle beasts.
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention the dinosaurs came with cavepeople/reptoids, accessories, small critters, and saddles for the cavepeople to ride the beasts with?
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Because they did. And they absolutely pimped out the dinos with whatever they could find laying around.
Also, I LOVE these shots of the toys. The grass, rocks, and trees really amp up that "primitive" feel. Plus, with the action poses, the dinosaurs and their caveman companions look like they're slugging their way to some great uphill battle.
I also found the addition of small critters neat. They usually ranged from eurypterids, archaeopteryx, lizards, and ground sloths (which were remolds of the cave people, so it ends up making them seem like the sloths were their own race of people)
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Somewhere around 2008/2009, Imaginext made a line called Lost Creatures. You could kinda tell that the era of thse Imaginext Dinos was coming to a close.
What I appreciate about this line however is that it seems less about the dinosaurs and more of a "Skull Island" sort of deal (not helped by the fact there's a giant gorilla sporting a sick bone necklace in the line). I mean, you can't just throw giant animals, apes, and dinosaurs and not think of that 2005 King Kong film.
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There was a ressurgence of a dinosaur line somewhere in late 2011. This line excited me a bit because not only were the dinos back, but it seems to be based on the 80's toy line Dino Riders. I'm a sucker for the retro stuff, just like how I am a sucker for prehistoric beasts getting decked in wicked tech-armor.
After 2013, imaginext dinos started to get less interesting in my eyes. Obviously I'm not the target demographic, but I would know fun dinosaur toys when I see 'em.
The older Imaginext dinosaurs had some charm to them. As aforementioned, they felt more grounded in stylization: a good blend of "cartoony" and "realistic". The newer imaginext dinos starting from 2014 are too stylized, but that's to be expected with most kid toys nowadays.
The current Imaginext Jurassic World does look nice in my opinion, especially with the feature of those pearly eyes, but they look ugly with the metal parts permanently stuck on them for the sake of gimmicks. I just want removable armor so I can have some nakey dinos
That wraps up for this Throwback Thursday. Until next time...
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jasntodds · 5 years
Hello, I was just wondering because you seem pretty tech savvy. I'm a little blog that has like 20 followers & recently people or bots? Keep following me that have nakey time stuff on it. Is there a way to keep these things from following me or do I just keep reporting & blocking? & I've tried to check all the people following me to make sure none of them are porn bots but only 13 are shown to me even though it says 24. If you could help this annoyed & bamboozled bean out. I'd be very greatful!
Nope! That’s it! Tumblr is full of incompetent morons who don’t know how to do their job and refuse to learn HOW to do their job so the only thing you can do with the porn bots is keep reporting as spam and blocking them and hope it’ll work (i think 4 of the 300 I’ve reported have been deleted so far).
The 13 vs 24 follower thing COULD be because porn bots are following you or it could be a weird glitch. On mobile, sometimes it’ll tell me the wrong number but desktop is always right. It’s like mobile just doesn’t load everything, same thing happens with my inbox. It’s a hassle man and it SUCKS
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dj-scruff · 5 years
Scruff's Top 5
Hello world, I haven't forgotten about you lol. It's been an amazing, and long two weeks. With Christmas Eve being last week Monday, I decided to take a break and just update you all today. It's good to break away from the interwebs and just spend time with family and friends. In my case it helps me to stay focused on the things that are most important, the things tat you can't just save on a piece of equipment and view at a later date. Over the past two weeks I have traveled to Arizona, and Chicago. Both visits were quite needed, for two very different reasons but nonetheless they had to be done. My first trip started off in Arizona, I had to go and see my grandparents. It had been years since I had seen them and now was the time more than ever to go and check up on them. My grandmother is over 80 years strong and you never know how long someone has on this earth, she's in good health but there are some things that telephone calls won't allow you to see for yourself. My grandfather unfortunately is battling cancer, has been for the past 5 years. Now I can go on say the obvious f*ck cancer and all that, but that doesn't change the fact that the only man that has been with my grandmother for over 50 years is sick. The man that has taught me so much about work ethic: working at GM for over 20 years, retiring and buying property, fixing things himself to save for the future, and being a provider in all sense of the word. I had to go and visit, grab as much wisdom from him as I can, let him know that i'm here, that he can call when the pain is bearing down on him, let him know that he is still strong regardless of the physical strain. It was a much needed visit, not only because time is limited but because this is another lesson that I needed to learn. You only have one life and sometimes that life doesn't end the way you want, so do all you can to be the person you strive to be, do everything you possibly can to feel satisfied on the inside and never worry about what other people think, be the role model that you would look up to, be the unspoken hero. Spend your time wisely, stop and smell the roses because one day the roses won't be there. Christmas was fun, I spend it with the GF and her family after making my way back to Iowa. It was quite simple and pleasant, we ate soup and sandwiches, opened presents, and played some Mario Kart. It was awesome to watch two children play video games for the first time ever, needless to say I think they will be asking their parents for some sort of system in the early future. I can say that was my fault 100% and i'm not mad about it lol. While in Arizona I spent a lil bit of money on myself and called it an early birthday/Christmas gift and purchased a Nintendo Switch. I hadn't bought a system in years due to the rising prices for the entertainment, but this system was not only portable but stationary as well, making it the most practical of the newer generation gaming platforms. This past weekend I made my way back to the windy city. Now, I could say that this was another Christmas gift to myself, but in all honesty I just wanted to get out of Iowa for a weekend and I really wanted to see Green Velvet play. The real gift was going to see him on his home turf, getting to experience Chicago house music the way it was intended. It was my first time going to the Concord Music Hall, but rest assured it won't be my last time. The venue was beautiful, spacious, or at least that what I thought until the house was packed with bodies ready groove. I'm not sure who the opening act was but he did his thing, he got the people moving and ready for the party to really start. Solardo took the stage next, and boy was that a treat. I really enjoy a lot of their productions and can say that they are on their way to being some real superstars in the electronic world. They hit you with banger after banger without overstepping the headliner, the sound was crisp and clear, they were creative and took you on a nice lil roller coaster. I really enjoyed their set, I can't wait to see what productions they will release in 2019. The man of the night needed no introduction, the green mohawk, the countless classics and remixes, when the lights turned green we all knew what time it was. Green velvet lit it up! That was amazing, it was more than I thought it could be, and it was truly inspiring. Had work pays off and when you talk about working hard you definitely put Green Velvet in that category. Reaching that status as a producer/DJ is more than a dream, it's now a goal. That goal only takes time and dedication, i'm ready for 2019.
News Today - Solardo
It's Time For The Perculator - Cashmere Cat
Wake Up In The Sky (BPM Supreme Tech House Remix) - Gucci Mane, Bruno Mars & Kodak Black
Nakey - Westend ft. Blak Trash
Okay Obey - MKJAY, Sterium
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