marymary-diva17 · 5 months
Heeeyyy it's been a while since I've been here, but i got another idea.
So you remember me telling about the trope of readee being hated and suxh by the sully, well, instead of the usual 'sad reader wanting to fit in the family and gets hurt in the process', i actually thought of a reader who is overly calm and very strategic and honestly doesn't care about the fact that her family hates her, cause she spends more time with her friends and such and only comes when it's an emergency. She's also better than Neteyam at being a warrior that she trained many new warriors and has a very high spiritual connection with eywa, even more than Kiri
sully family x sister/daughter
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The sully family had live by two quotes one of them being " sully stick together" and second on being " that their family was a fortress" well that was all true but false. There was one family member that didn't get the same love and treatment like all the other children within the family and outside of the family. That family member is Jake and neytiri daughter, who never seem to with over her parents and even her siblings along with the rest of the clan. A child who does not get love and care will soon grow up by themselves and becoming independent, and might not return love and care to those who never gave it to them.
y/n " ........" you soon rolled out of bed way before any of your siblings wake up, even before your parents as well. This is the norm for you from such a young age you learned to stay out of your family way.
y/n " good morning grandmother" you soon went to the healer hut to see your grandmother as she was getting ready for the day.
mo'at " hello my granddaughter you are here early"
y/n " well it best if I stay out of toruk makto way along with neytiri as well" mo'at was the only few people who cared for the child, and over time grow dislike towards Jake and neytiri for their treatment of their daughter.
mo'at " yes it seems like goes well for you when you keep out of their way along with majority of the clan"
y/n " well I do stay around to make sure everyone is safe I even watch over tuk and younger kids when they play, far from their mothers watch but make sure not to get caught"
mo'at " you are might warrior my child and pure of heart as well"
y/n " well I only have a few more years of being a teen until I'm an adult and toruk makto will tell me to leave or kick me out"
mo'at " well you always have a place in my home my child"
y/n " thank you grandmother I might stay her a bit longer when I'm older then leave to seek out more of our world as eywa has been calling me"
mo'at " follow your heart my dear" you smile at your grandmother the happy mood had been changed, when the other healers had arrived young and old but none of them set towards the hut.
mo'at " don't stand there like fools come we have to get ready for the day"
y/n " it best if I take my leave grandmother my present make everyone uncomfortable"
mo'at " dear you can stay your sisters will be coming for thier lessons, and I will love you to join them"
y/n " I will like to honor your wish but that will lead to trouble for you grandmother, with our mighty leader I will see you later on" you bid your grandmother goodbye and soon left the hut, getting glares and hearing whispers but you didn't care you stopped care many years ago.
y/n " sisters good morning"
kiri "morning y/n"
tuk " big sister good morning I have missed you ... oh I mean good morning y/n" you sighed as tuk had been the only sibling to call you sister, but it seems like Jake and neytiri actions and words had finally made her start calling you sister.
tuk " are you here to help grandmother and learn with us"
tuk " that not fair or nice"
y/n " it okay little one I understand well I shouldn't hold you all up anymore, I pray to the great mother to watch over all three of you" the duo said nothing else as they soon walked away from you, but it seems like they felt bad about their behavior. You were walking around the village trying to get somewhere.
y/n " ......" you had realized you had forgotten something that home, and soon ran back to get it. You soon reached the home and went to your bed and grabbed it, the home smells like breakfast meaning the family had morning meal together. You had sighed it was normal for you to not have meals with your family at home.
y/n " time to get going" you had grabbed your armband and soon put it on before you walked out of your home, you soon made your way through the village once again.
navi man " there that girl again"
navi women " I still can't believe she toruk makto daughter she nothing like her parents or siblings, even kiri a better daughter then her"
navi man 2 " I have heard rumors that toruk makto has plans to send to live on her own"
navi women " well I heard him and neytiri were trying to find a boy to become her mate, they were given any man a good offer to be with her" you had gotten use to hearing all the hate and rumors made about you, over time when you were younger you tried you best to prove you were good enough but soon stopped over time. The feeling of not caring about other had started when you become 13 and stayed that way since then.
Jake " if we hunt on these grounds we will be able to bring back a good hunt" you soon came across Jake and his hunting group as he had your brothers and spider with him.
y/n " ........" one of the warriors had noticed you and soon whispered something to the group, as everyone soon looked at you.
Jake " y/n you are wake you were not up when we served morning meal, your mother works hard on these meals it rude to miss them"
y/n " I'm sorry sir but something came up that morning and I went to meet with grandmother"
Jake " sure whatever just stay out of trouble I don't need you causing anymore trouble"
y/n " yes sir"
lo'ak " hey sis well dad giving you the same lecture over and over again, when are you going to learn"
y/n " when are you going to stop being so hothead brother"
spider " haha she got you good bro"
neteyam " enough the people are watching stop picking on him y/n it rude"
y/n " what he started it"
neteyam " well you need to be the better person dad is stress enough he doesn't need more work about you, and have you been practicing you skills .... you know how dad and mom are"
y/n " I ....."
neytiri " yes have you been training or act like your child your younger sister has better skills then you"
neteyam " mom"
y/n " yes I have been practicing ma'am"
neytiri " not enough if you haven't pass the test like your brother"
y/n " I'm doing my best that all I can say"
Jake " enough y/n I and your mother have more important stuff to deal with verse your failing to caught up with the family .... just go and stay out of the way of everyone and everything" you didn't say anything else as you soon walked away. Your brother and spider said nothing else, even tsutey who was there said nothing as well.
norm " hey there kiddo off again"
y/n " yes same as usual"
max " had another fight with your dad again and mom"
y/n " yes it seems like I'm not enough for Jake sully and neytiri, always blaming me for stuff like some of the others and always judging me"
norm " he does care"
y/n " stopping lying we all know that false norm he doesn't care and he will never care" norm and max along with some other humans knew that was true and hate how you were treated, but they couldn't say and do that much unless they wish to start trouble with the clan.
max " you know one day you will do something amazing kid"
y/n " thank you max well I'm going off if you need Jake sully he about to leave with his hunting party along, with my brother and spider" you soon ran off getting far away from home tree and soon calling your ikran, she was not allowed to stay with the others because she looked different and was not wanted around.
y/n " come on girl lets go for a flight and to see what we will happen today" you soon took off on your ikran and started flying around the skies, feeling for free and happy. After some travel you soon reached a part the end of the forest and where the sea began. This was so a beautiful place.
y/n " ........" you were walking around the area exploring everything and having a bright smile on your face. Then you felt someone place their hands on your waist.
y/n " ahhh kawwney" you had turned around to see you friend kawwney standing there, he soon smirked at you. As he soon backed away from you and smiled.
kawwney " hello ma y/n I was waiting for your arrival"
y/n " well I'm help to me here it better then being at home right now" kawwney had become your friend many years ago when you both of you were small. He was not from the forest he was from reef clan the metkayaian, you had meet him when you were with your grandmother on trip and kawwney was with his mom. After that day the both of you had become the best of friends.
Kawwney " almsot there hold it like that ... okay now fire the spear" you soon fire the spear and soon hit the target as kawwney had cheered for you.
kawwney " good job you are doing a well job with using a spear and your breathing as well"
y/n " thank you"
kawwney “ what the matter”
y/n “ family problems once again” kawwney soon sighed he knew you didn’t have, a good relationship with your parents. He really didn't like your parents and clan for their treatment of you, and he really wished to do anything to make your life better.
Kawwney “ y/n you are perfect no matter what they have to say or do, they are blind fools for treating you like this”
Y/n “ thank you kawwney there are whispers going around that Jake will kick me out or true to marry to off not anyone who will take the offer”
kawwney “ I will take the offer or even he does kick you out if you leave come join my clan, out of all forest Navi we have seen we only likes a few … you make those names of people we like even my father likes you and wishes to have you stay with us”
y/n “ thank you kawwney you will make a great leader one day and bring pride to your clan and people”
kawweny “ thanks you and one day you will make a great tshiak and leader, as well maybe you can rule by my side as well”
kawwney “ here a gift my dear a necklace I made for you perfect for you, and it will symbolize our bond” you smile as kawwney as he place the necklace around your neck, kawwney soon pulled your closer to him not caring who saw them.
later at night
y/n " ......." you soon had arrived home after being gone all day with your friends having a fun time and practicing as well, you heard your family laughing and talking. Once she had stepped into the home everything had become silent as everyone looked at her.
Jake " it seems like you have decided to come home after all"
y/n " yes sir I was out doing some practice"
Jake " that seems like a bunch of lies young lady"
y/n " ........."
Jake " you know you will soon be an adult you will need to make, the right decision if you wish to have a place in the clan and family" you didn't say anything as you nodded your head.
neytiri " if you can't be a hunter then lets hope you can do something else for the clan and family, or maybe your father and brother can find you a good match to strengthen the family and clan" your siblings stay quite as they watched your parents speak to you.
Jake " y/n you can't stay act like a child for the rest of your life, soon you will have to grow up and become an adult and give up your childish for once and a while"
y/n " yes sir"
Jake " good now this conversation is over with I hope you will take I and your mother words to heart" you stayed silent you knew the day will come when your family will have to make the decisions, to allow you to stay in the family of to have you leave. You had taken some soon went to bed to stay out of your family happy moment together, you soon thought about the words Jake will say " sully stick together" and " that our family is a fortress". You soon scoffed at those words they were false words coming from a man that has failed to be father to his daughter. When the time will come you will make the decisions you want that will mean no longer being a sully, even if it mean parting some the life she had live for so many years but maybe it was time for some change in her life.
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nattikay · 8 months
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newcomers: (exist) local tsahìk, immediately: i MUST grab the tail—
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shu-box-puns · 16 days
Will you ever feed us more memes 👀?
Only if you're really good. (Always! ALWAYS!)
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💀⬆️ very accurate!
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I hope this is a satisfying appetiser :D
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beautyofattolia · 2 months
Incorrect Quote
Neytiri: You are all being ridiculous, Jake does not have a crush on me.
Mo’at: Yes, he does.
Grace: Yes, he does.
Jake: Yes, I do.
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detective-twinkachu · 10 months
Au that Max and Norm totes hide who Spider's bio dad is. Like Max and Norm gets this mysterious abandoned baby's DNA test and it turns out he is the son of Colonel Quaritch and a pilot named Paz Socorro. Of course Norm is in complete disbelief, no way a murderer like Quaritch could produce an offspring like this cute kid???
Norm: Run the test again.
Max: I ran them three times!
Norm: No! How can that asshole make this!
(Que an adorable baby Spider cooing at Norm)
Norm knows as soon as Neytiri or any Navi, forget the humans that would hold a grudge against Quaritch, find out about Spider's parentage, this kids life is going to be hell. So both men decide to... not tell anyone who Spider's dad is. The kid looks nothing like Quaritch and takes mostly after his mother, with the big brown eyes and curly hair, except where the mother is brunette, the son is blonde. It takes Norm three hours later to find a semblance of a birth certificate in the rooms the baby was found, in a shoe box under the bed. The paper brings a smile to Norm's face.
Javier Socorro
Born:2154 Pandora
Mother: Pasquella Marie Socorro
Father: N/A
Convenient. Most likely the jackass didn't want to be linked to the only woman who broke the rules of having a child on Pandora or Socorro knew Quaritch's enemies would come after the baby.
Norm and Max decide to erase all evidence of Quaritch from Javi's, Norm's name for the baby, life. The humans that were involved with the conception or birth of Javi are no longer on Pandora, so there is nobody to reveal his parentage. So it's easy for Norm to hit delete on everything about Spider.
Max: We tell absolutely no one of Javi's bio dad, got it? Take it to the grave.
Mo'at, spying from the spirit tree: Bet
Eywa, herself: Bet.
Next with Jake and everyone else. It's not that Max and Norm do not tell Jake of the existence of a human baby on Pandora but just 'forget'.
It's not until Jake comes with a pregnant Neytiri on an unannounced visit, Max and Norm doing work with a white bassinet between them. Both him and Norm freeze when the two Na'vi spot the bassinet and immediately Neytiri is looking at it in alarm. Jake is the one who draws closer, stepping in front of Neytiri. This prompts Norm to hurriedly give an explanation of the presence of a human baby on Pandora, who his parents are (Paz Socorro and an aviation tech Norm knows is dead), and why they can't send the baby to earth. The kid won't survive the journey. Most likely, the kid will die in cryo-sleep. Jake asks more questions about the baby while Neytiri is staring at the baby for so long it puts Max on edge. Finally, the two Na'vi leave and the two scientists believe they are home free.
Until the next day, Jake and Neytiri are back with Jake wanting to hold Javi! Jokes that it's good practice for when the baby comes, even though Baby Spider can fit in the palm of Jake's hand, Neytiri herself just comments how small the child is. The two stay for four hours and both scientists are sweating buckets.
It gets better (or worst depending who you ask) when Neytiri becomes smitten with baby Spider!
Then suddenly Mo'at appears at Hell's Gate like.
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Which almost gives Norm another aneurysm until Mo'at's like "chill bro, now give it here."
So in conclusion before I go on a long plot, Spider is given a better lease on life thanks to Norm and Max hiding Quaritch's identity from everyone. Yes, Spider would get slack for being a human but at least it isn't a 'sins of the father' type of hatred but just the mistrust of humans. Max and Norm at first are gonna raise Spider but then Jake and Neytiri fall in love with Spider and want to adopt him.
Jake and Neytiri:
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Max and Norm:
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onskepa · 10 months
Stxeli: new life.
Hi everyone! this is the ongoing series for mo'at's fic "a daughter for daughter". If ya'll read that one, it is like an overall cover of what stxeli life would be like. However, I wanna truly start it with this.
Stxeli series
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Sun has once again shine brightly all across Pandora. A new day has begun. Mo'at and Eytukan were starting to awaken when they hear soft babbles of their little one, Stxeli. She was wide awake and was staring at them while having her little foot in her mouth. Both smile down at her cute face. Mo'at gently takes stxeli's foot out of her mouth, "You're feet is to move, not to eat ma'ite".
Eytukan looks at his long time mate. Her bright smile returned to her face. The sparkle is back in her amber eyes. Mo'at was back to being herself. And it was thanks to Eywa's gift. Stxeli was what they needed, she was the cure, the medicine, the answer to heal from their inner wounds. And Eytukan would do what it takes to make sure his new daughter wont ever suffer.
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They went to where all the na'vi are, all having breakfast together. Neytiri was already there with tsu'tey and other children. Saying their good mornings, both leaders take a seat and began to eat. Mo'at was given some soft foods by recent mothers. Though mo'at worries if stxeli might not like the foods. Only one way to find out.
First she offers a bit of soft mushed fruit to stxeli, letting her nibble a bit before taking a whole bite. Mo'at sees it as a good sign and began to feed her more of it. Stxeli makes a happy sound as she noms away the mushed fruit.
Neytiri simply stared at little stxeli, not saying much. "You consider the child your sister?" Tsu'tey asks as he takes a bite of his food.
Neytiri took a long minute to answer, "I am not sure" and returns to eat.
Eytukan finished his meal first and faces mo'at, "mo'at, hand her to me, you must eat as we have a long day ahead of us". Agreeing, mo'at hands stxeli over to eytukan as she begins eats.
Stxeli made some babbling noise again, as if trying to talk to eytukan, to which, he is all ears for. He gently traces his little daughter's features, taking in her soft squishy cheeks, her smooth skin, and her little button nose that he likes to boop a lot.
"every morning you are always the first to be up" he tells her, mo'at looks at them both with a smile. "She enjoys the first morning sunlight rays".
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After breakfast, mo'at would usually be the one to take stxeli with her as her main grounds is either the healing tents or visiting the spirit tree. Safe areas for stxeli.
And where ever she goes, the clan would stop and greet little stxeli. Many children would even ask to hold her, and mo'at would grant their little desires, as long as the mothers are near and mo'at guides them how to properly carry stxeli as she is smaller than a na'vi baby. Mo'at feels at east that the clan has accepted stxeli. Even better that the children seem to genuinely love her little girl.
Well, almost everyone.
Unfortunately, However, there would always be a bad fruit in the basket. Ateyo and Artsut. Tsu'tey's parents. Such stubborn people they are. They are the only ones who could never seem to accept stxeli yet.
And speak of the na'vi. When mo'at opened her tent, artsut was there. Frowning, mo'at asks "is there something you need artsut?". The woman in question turns to her. But artsut wasn't looking at mo'at, no, she was staring at stxeli with pure hatred in her eyes.
Stxeli was just playing with mo'at's songchord, being blissfully unaware the hate she is getting.
By motherly instinct, mo'at held her daughter closer to her, as means to protect her baby from the possible threat in front of her.
"I see you still haven't gotten rid of that demon" artsut hisses. Mo'at's tail swishes in anger, but does her best to be as composed as possible. To insult a child is to insult the mother.
"and why would I rid of my child? Eywa's gracious gift to me?", artsut scoffs. "A gift from our great mother, I dare say, don't be foolish tsahik. Why would Eywa accept those demons? That is what those demons want. To intertwin themselves with our people! That thing has your mind warped!".
Mo'at scoffs at such false accusations. Before artsut could say anymore, she was interrupted by a loud squeal from stxeli, sounds like she is a bit fussy. "If all you have come is to insult my child, then it is best you leave. I am only kind to your for the sake of your son. But dont try this again or I will have Olo'eyktan to speak with you".
For once, choosing the right thing, artsute leaves in huffing anger. Once mo'at finds the space safe, she puts stxeli down letting her explore the familiar place.
Whenever someone seeks mo'at for treatment, you can bet stxeli plays a important role. She distracts the patient while mo'at treats them. Stxeli would often play, talk, or be carried by the person. As means to keep themselves occupied and not be as in much pain.
Mo'at heals the physical wounds while stxeli heals in emotions. A nice duo. And mo'at already plans to teach stxeli the ways of a healer. She can see her darling girl treating others in time of need.
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By the end of the day, curing the communal dinner, eytukan was holding stxeli, missing her all day as he did his duties. "have you been good for your mother" he gently asks to which stxeli answers in sounds only she can understand.
Mo'at chuckles as she smiles, "she has been doing well in assisting me". She turns to give neytiri more food but catches her child staring at stxeli again. Neytiri has been doing that since their new daughter arrived. "What is wrong ma'ite?" she asks. Neytiri doesnt turn to face her, but answers while staring at stexlie.
"nothing....nothing......" was all she said.
Mo'at hopes that neytiri can see the way she and eytukan sees stxeli. She prays to Eywa that neytiri will hopefully soon come to love her new sister.
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Okie that is it for this one! Hope you all enjoyed it! Until next time! see ya!
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earthravenclaw · 1 year
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i-thirsty-boi · 1 year
700 Follower Special ~ Platonic Yandere Mo'at X Fem Human Reader
~A/N: This idea had been plaguing me while I was trying to sleep, so I decided to tie this in with a follower milestone. I hope you guys enjoy this!
CW: possessive behavior, obssessive behavior, adult fem reader, kidnapping, forced body modification (you'll see), forced proximity
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-You had been part of the first people going to Pandora to study the things there. You were the youngest person to go there. You had made quick friends with some of the other scientists, like Grace, Norm, and Max. And you also got along well with Jake Sully, though he wasn’t exactly a scientist. 
-You had loved getting to study the plant life on Pandora, though you were a rather small person and the massive size of most of the things on the planet made you nervous. Especially having to be accompanied by the people in avatar bodies. 
-You knew they were there to protect you, but having them standing around you made you kind of scared. You were dwarfed by everything there and you hated it. 
-So, because of that, you tried to stay in the labs as much as you possibly could. And it worked because you didn’t have to take much of a plant to have enough of it to work with for weeks. 
-But, you were running out of your current ones and had to go on the trip outside the labs with everyone. 
So, here you were, one of the only people moving through the forest as a human. You hadn’t thought much when rejecting the offer of an avatar, liking your body and wanting to stay in it no matter how much easier it would be if you were in a navi body. 
You had been in the back of the group, occasionally stopping to gather more samples, when you spotted something you didn’t have a ways off of the path you guys were on. You turned to the group and asked Jake to come with you to get some of the plant that you saw. He agreed and barely remembered to tell the rest of them before following after you. You had walked for longer than you had expected before being able to get some of the plant, Jake standing behind you and looking around. Though, neither of you had noticed the massive six-legged creature coming your way. 
You had just closed your bag with the samples in it when you heard something. Jake heard it too, and both of you slowly turned to look at the predator stalking you. It didn’t take long for it to lunge at you two, making Jake snatch you up into his arms and run away from it. You had been clinging to him while being chased before suddenly feeling weightless, before looking over your shoulder and screaming as you fell down in the air from the cliff Jake jumped off of. You had buried your face in his neck and clung to him as hard as you could, and he wrapped you with his body as you hit the water below you. 
-As you both got to the bank of the lake you landed in, you curled up and coughed up some water as Jake flopped onto his back next to you. As soon as you stopped coughing you slapped his arm and yelled at him. But you immediately apologized afterwards and thanked him for saving you. 
-He accepted your apology before looking around you, trying to find out if he could get you both back to the labs. But, he just stood back up and helped you to your feet before starting to walk away from the lake. 
-As you followed after him you started to hear more concerning sounds around you. You grabbed onto Jake’s pants before more creatures jumped out and surrounded you. You were dragged onto the ground as he fell back against a log next to you. 
-Though out of nowhere, an actual navi came to your rescue and killed them. You were still trembling on the ground as Jake tried to get help from her. 
-You quickly got up and went with them as they walked away from you quickly. You caught up while balancing on a log and peeked around Jake’s leg as you tried asking her to help you make it to the lab yourself. You felt like bursting into tears as she hissed at you. Though Jake put his hand on your shoulder to try and comfort you when he saw your reaction. 
Though before anyone could speak again, you looked up as white things came floating towards you and Jake. He backed up in his confusion, but you were rooted in place, standing still while looking up at them. They came closer to you and eventually landed all over you, one was even right in the middle of your forehead, almost caressing your face. It didn’t take long for them to start drifting away from you, you glanced back and saw the same had happened to Jake. You turned back and saw the woman looking at the two of you with an amazed expression on her face. 
You backed up into Jake as she walked closer to you. You were almost hyperventilating as she tried to touch your face. Luckily, Jake put his hand on her shoulder and said that she was making you nervous, and that you rarely chose to leave the labs. You were very out of your comfort zone and were glad that he was sticking up for you. You went back to being slightly behind him as she said she had to bring you two back to her clan to meet the leaders. You almost teared up hearing that. 
She continued along the log, you two following her. However, you were brought down with Jake again as his ankles were caught in something. And again, he shielded your fall with his own body. You looked up after he landed and actually started crying when seeing multiple navi men on Pandoran horses. You flinched when the woman dropped down next to you and started talking to the apparent leader of the group. She obviously reached a solution because she came back and cut the rope tying Jake’s ankles together. 
-Once he was cut free, she told him that he must follow them to the heart of their clan. You were trembling as you tried to keep up with everyone. 
-She noticed and went back to snatch you up and carry you. You flinched hard when she touched you, letting out a few tears while trying to not look at the rest of the natives in the group. 
-It was embarrassing to be held by her like a child, though you supposed you shouldn’t be surprised with how small you were compared to her. 
-You looked around in wonder as you made it to their home. You wondered if you truly looked like a child to them at that moment. Probably. 
-You quickly made your way to the center of their home, their leader coming down from a tree to stand in front of you. You were set down and quickly went to be beside Jake again, and buried your face in his pant leg, trying to calm yourself down. 
-You were listening to them, the woman and their leader, go back and forth before Jake said something about fathers and stepped away from you. You felt the color leave your face as they were all eyeing you. 
-In the midst of your renewed panic, a woman in a shall came down from the tree as well and silenced the crowd. 
Once she was in front of Jake, she talked to him, in english! You perked up at that and paid attention to her. She asked him some questions, to which he answered. Then she moved to you and crouched in front of you to ask you some as well. 
Your eyes widened in fear as she looked you up and down. She asked you what you were doing there, and you said that you were a scientist, like Grace, and that you just needed more plants to study, so you came into the forest. Then looked down while saying that you ventured to get one and got lost, and that Jake was with you to protect you. When you were done talking, she used her hand to lift your face. 
You looked into her eyes curiously as she asked how you changed her daughter's mind about leaving you, so you told her about the floating white things that covered your body. Then asked what they were. She said they were seeds of eywa, and you just raised your brows at that. Your reaction amused her, apparently, as she dragged you with her as she went back to where Jake, the woman, and the leader were standing. 
-You curled into yourself as she inspected Jake closer, even pricking him with the knife hanging from her head. You prepared for the same to happen to you, but she seemed much more gentle when doing it with you. 
-Once she was done, she addressed the whole clan, telling them that eywa had given her a sign. That the two of you are to learn from them and prove your worth. You teared up at the message, knowing you wouldn’t be back at the lab anytime soon. 
-You tried to go back to Jake, but the older woman grabbed you and brought you up the tree with her. You frantically looked back at Jake, but he was being taken in the other direction by the first woman. 
-You were taken into a hut higher up in the tree, and forced to sit down in front of her. You continued trembling as she grabbed a few bowls and some scraps of fabric over to you. 
-She said that you had to change into different clothes before she put some salves on your injuries. You just nodded before reaching out for the clothes she had. She just set down the bowls before helping you stand up and grabbing at your clothes. 
-You panicked and tried to push away from her, but she just reprimanded you like a child, before taking your clothes off herself. 
-You covered yourself as she untangled the fabrics. And once she saw you covering yourself, she huffed at you before moving your arms and helping you into the top first. It barely covered your chest, making you blush. 
-She looked from the loincloth to you, then went to grab another piece of fabric and sewing it into the back string of the loincloth, then tied it around your waist for you. You were thankful for the extra piece that was now covering your butt. 
-You continued staying still as she grabbed one of the bowls and got some of the salve and rubbed it on your scrapes. Then used a different one for the bruises you had. 
-You quietly thanked her as she put the bowls back in their places. She smiled at you before coming back over and picking you up into her arms. You harshly gasped, but chose to grip her as she walked back down the tree with you. 
As she got back to the ground, you saw Jake making his way back to the other woman and sitting on a log, also wearing navi clothes. You waited for the woman to set you down so you could go sit with him, but she just took you with her to the leader. She sat down on a log next to him, with you settled in her lap, and you curled into yourself. She just patted your hip before asking you for your name. You looked up at her before introducing yourself. She repeated your name back to you with some navi words, and you nodded after she was done. 
She introduced herself and her husband, as well as explaining that they were the leaders of the clan, the olo’eyktan and tsahik. Their names were Mo’at and Eytukan. You just nodded at them before saying that it was nice to meet them. You almost flinched again as he got up and came back with some big leaves. She unwrapped it revealing some food. Meat. 
You just looked at it from behind your mask. You couldn’t smell it, but it did look good. She grabbed a tiny bit of it and brought it up to your face. You just looked at it before looking back at her. She looked almost demanding, so you carefully lifted your mask so she could feed you. As soon as her hand was far enough away from you, you brought your mask back down and sealed it to your face again. 
-You chewed it as she looked down at you. You told her that it tasted amazing as soon as you had swallowed it. You also asked what the other woman’s name was that had helped you. And she told you it was her daughter Neytiri. 
-You just smiled and nodded at her. She took a couple of bites herself before giving another to you. 
-This routine continued until the food was gone. She handed the leaf to her husband before pulling you to lean against her. You tensed as she rubbed your side. 
-You asked if you could go to Jake, which she immediately shut down. You just nodded while looking in his direction. But he was focused on Neytiri. You sighed before relaxing against Mo’at. 
-She hugged you to her as you saw people going into a multitude of hammocks in the trees. Which you had to admit was interesting to see. 
-You yelped when you were abruptly lifted up. Mo’at was looking at you and told you to hold on tight, which you immediately did. She then began climbing up a tree, following her husband, and made her way to a more open and spacious hammock. 
-You nervously looked at him as she laid down with you. Luckily, it wasn’t between the two of them. You just nervously cuddled into her side and slowly went to sleep. 
-Eytukan just asked his mate what she saw in the little sky person. Mo’at said that eywa gave her a sign. That you were like her oldest, alive again. She said she had the chance to protect you, like she couldn’t with her first daughter. Her mate just sighed before putting his arm around her, resting his hand against your side. 
-Jake woke up back in the link pod to Grace in front of him. 
-He excitedly shared where his other body was, and that he would be learning the ways of the people from the olo’eyktan’s daughter. 
-Grace said that it was wonderful, then asked where you were. 
-He just went silent, then said that you were at the same place as him. In the clan’s home. But he wasn’t sure where you went after dinner. Though he did see you with the tsahik. 
-Grace just sighed before putting him back in his wheelchair and pushing him to where dinner for his human self was. But she said he would have to get you back here soon, considering how scared you probably were there. 
-He sheepishly admitted that he forgot about that and told her he would try his hardest to get you back to the labs. 
The morning after, Jake was able to steal you from Mo’at, saying he wanted to get some fruit for you. And that he had missed you last night. 
He grabbed you and your bag and headed off into the forest in the direction he was pointed to. He also pretended to not notice Neytiri following you two. That was until she stopped the two of you to ask where you were going. Jake looked her in the eyes before saying to get some fruit again. 
Neytiri huffed at him before saying that he wouldn’t have your bag if that were the case. He just sighed before holding you tighter and saying that he knew you were terrified in the village, because you had always been scared of things as big as the navi. Plus, Grace made him promise that he would get you back to the labs as soon as possible. 
Neytiri just looked him up and down before moving her gaze onto you, who was hiding in his neck and trembling. She said she could get you there, but wasn’t sure how her mother would think of it, since she clearly likes you. He just barely smiled and said that he was sure she would understand. Neytiri huffed but started to guide them to a big clearing and made a loud noise, which made you flinch. 
In almost no time a massive winged creature touched down near her, and she got on it. She directed Jake to get on behind her so he could guide her to the human building, and bring him back after. He quickly hopped on, still holding you tight. She went up into the air and Jake told her to fly in the direction they came from last night. Following that path, they made it to the labs quickly. Once you saw the building, you hopped off the thing, grabbed your bag from Jake, thanked them, then sprinted to the doors, going inside as quickly as you possibly could. 
Neytiri squinted at you, and Jake huffed before saying that you would probably go to your bed and cry. She looked concerned, but he just said that even being around him in that body made you nervous, so he couldn’t imagine how scared you were while with the rest of the navi. She nodded at him before making her way back to her home. 
-They see Mo’at waiting for them before they even land. She’s immediately on him, asking him where you are. 
-He put his hands up and said that they took you back to the labs, where you wanted to be. He continues talking, saying that you must have been so scared being around so many navi at once. And that things that big had always terrified you. 
-Mo’at’s tail was angrily swishing behind her, and she growled at him after he finished talking. She yelled at him that he shouldn’t have done that. That eywa had given her a sign that you were meant to be with her. That you were like her first daughter. 
-Neytiri was just looking between them with a conflicted expression. She wanted to follow the will of eywa, but she had seen how scared you were. And how relieved you were to be back with the other sky people. 
-She got roped into the lecture with Jake before they were sent off to start training. Mo’at just said that they will be forgiven when they bring you back. 
-Meanwhile, you were back in the lab, getting back into regular clothes after a nice shower. You had eaten a regular meal before crawling into your bed and going right back to sleep. 
-You woke up around lunch time and chose to tell Grace what had happened to you. You told her how uncomfortable it was being treated like a little kid by the tsahik of the clan. 
-Grace just listened to you before comforting you once you were done talking. You melted into her for the entire time she sat with you. 
-But, you eventually went back to your bed to grab your bag and get your samples to bring to your lab station. You had enough of them to not need to go outside for at least a month, maybe two. 
-You happily continued your research, documenting it along the way. You were just happy that you didn’t have to go out of your comfort zone for a while. 
-Things continued that way for the time until your samples ran out. You happily did your experiments. 
-And Jake had been going through tough training everyday, at the orders of Mo’at, until he could bring you back to the clan. He told her it would be a while until you thought of going outside again for more samples. 
-She just said to tell her when you were going out so she could go get you herself, for once thankful that he went back to his human body at night. 
-It took too long, in her opinion, for him to reluctantly tell her that you had run out of samples and would be going outside to get more the next day. 
-She was so relieved that she had brought him into a hug. She absently said that she had to get ready for you, hurrying to her hut to do something. Jake couldn’t help but be concerned for you. 
You had put on a mask and grabbed your bag before going outside for more samples. Making sure to let the others know where you would be going. You carefully made your way down the path, occasionally stopping to grab a part of some of the plants. You would occasionally stop and look around, thinking you heard something and feeling watched. 
You grabbed a plant to fill your final sample container, before hurrying back down the path you came from. You keep thinking you hear something, but brush it off as you jog back towards the labs, getting faster as you go. 
You’re about to break the treeline when one of the winged creatures lands in front of you. You screamed and fell to the ground, crawling away from it. You’re immediately sent into a panic as the navi woman who had babied you hops off of the creature. You just continued backing up as she came towards you. You just breathed heavily as she kneeled in front of you and gently picked you up. She rubbed your back as she got back on the creature and flew away from the labs. 
-It didn’t take you long to make it back to the clan, to your dismay. Once you were in front of the people, you saw the apologetic and guilty look on Jake’s face. You knew what that meant and don't really blame him for whatever he did. You just subtly nodded at him as you were carried into her hut again. 
-Once you were in the hut she put you on your feet and took your regular clothes from you, and didn’t put them in a place to take them back this time. 
-She put you in a navi top again, a new one that fit you better, and a new loincloth as well. They both seemed to be made with you in mind, which made you very nervous. 
-And instead of stopping at just the clothes, she put some accessories on you as well. A necklace, two anklets, and a decorative headband. You just squirmed as she dolled you up. She shushed you as she adjusted everything, smiling at you once she was done. 
-She stepped back to admire you before picking you up again and making her way back down the tree. 
You made it back to the crowd of people, clinging to her the whole time. Once you stopped moving, you lifted your head. She said something in navi to the crowd, and got cheers in return. You were just looking up at the treetops when you saw one of the floating white things coming down to you. As it got closer, everyone else saw it too. And, once again, it landed directly on your forehead, caressing your face, before floating off again. 
The entire clan was in awe from the sight. It was one thing to hear about the signs from eywa, and another to see one with their own eyes. They immediately started cheering again, knowing for sure that Mo'at saying you were her daughter returned was true. You were suddenly held up in the air facing the people, which just made you tense more and widen your eyes. 
-Though it didn’t take long for you to be brought back into her arms again. Cradled like a little kid. You wiggled in her arms as she held you to her chest. 
-She just shushed and cooed at you while staying in front of the clan. Looking to the side as her mate made his way over to her. 
-Eytukan stopped next to her and looked down at the human in his wife’s arms. He looked into her eyes and was starting to see what his wife was talking about. You were cute to him, there was no denying that, but he didn’t feel as strongly about you as his wife.
-Mo’at herself just stroked your back with her free hand, before unconsciously sniffing you. She was displeased that you smelled overwhelmingly like sky person, though figured it couldn’t be helped. She just huffed before telling her husband that she needed to bathe you. 
She stopped by her pod to grab the bathing supplies before heading off to the bathing pool with you still in her arms. Once she got there, she set down the pouch at the edge of the pool before quickly undressing you again. She set you in the pool before undressing herself. She looked at you treading water in the pool and smiled before hopping in herself, but she was able to stand in it. She grabbed the supplies she would need to wash your hair, then turned to see you facing your body away from her. Mo’at huffed before gently grabbing you and pulling you in front of her and beginning to scrub your hair and scalp. She was pleased that you were finally relaxing against her. It didn’t take her long to wash and rinse your hair before she moved on to washing your body. You tried to squirm away from her, but she just held you in place while washing you with her other hand. Even with your whining, she was finished quickly. She brought you out of the water and quickly redressed you before dressing herself. 
-She was very pleased that you no longer smelled like one of the sky people. She had a pep in her step as she made her way back to the clan with you. 
-She arrived again, very pleased with herself. You looked adorable to her, but the mask you needed to breathe bothered her a lot. It made your cute face look nearly unpleasant to her. 
-She told her husband that she would be going to pray to eywa with you, and to let the other healers know to take over while she was gone. 
-And with that, she made her way to the spirit tree with you to consult with eywa about her new daughter needing a mask to live. Hoping that eywa would be able to help her and give you a small blessing. 
-She had finally made it to the tree, and saw the look of awe on your face, which made her smile
-Mo’at made her way to the center of the tree, and placed you down on the ground, firmly telling you to stay in place. She then connected her queue to one of the glowing vines to connect with eywa and make her prayers known. 
-She had been facing a way that she could look at you and saw you laying with wide eyes as tendrils from the ground connected to your body. She continued her prayers and pleads until the tendrils retreated back into the ground. 
-Mo’at quickly went over to kneel next to you and gently removed your mask, keeping it close if you struggled to breathe. But you surprised her by taking a few big gasps of air, before your breathing slowed and you looked confused, because you were breathing fine without your mask. 
-You looked up at her with the most adorable confused look on your face before Mo’at engulfed you in her arms after throwing the mask away from you. In your confusion you ended up clinging to her while softly crying. 
-She was so thankful that eywa had heard her prayers and granted you this ability to live free of that mask. 
She picked you up into her arms again while making her way back to her people for the final time that day. Once she arrived with you, people immediately took notice of the change that had happened. Some of them gathered around her and asked what happened. And Mo’at gladly told them that the great mother had blessed her new daughter with the ability to breathe their air. They all congratulated her before going back to what they were doing. 
She was making her way back to her healing hut when she crossed paths with her daughter and Jake. He looked at you in complete shock, immediately asking what happened with your mask. Mo’at told them that she had prayed to the great mother, and she had given you a blessing that rid you of the need for the mask. You sighed into her neck, since you had defeatedly cuddled into her side since you had left the tree. Jake had wide eyes, and had put a hand over his mouth in the shock of the news. Neytiri was just smiling before going over and rubbing her new sister’s side, giving her congratulations. 
She then noticed the atmosphere between you and Jake and grabbed him to talk to him separately to not ruin her mother’s good mood. She was happy that her mother was happy, and that she could have a sister again. But she had to know why Jake was so upset about it first. 
-Once they had made it a bit away into the forest before she turned and asked him why he had reacted like that. 
-Jake just sighed, putting his hands behind his head and tipping it back. He said that he knew you would have never wanted this. You were content to be in the labs here, working with the plants. You were scared of almost everything outside of the labs, and now you most likely couldn’t go back without it majorly affecting you. 
-He saw the defeat in your eyes and knew that it was, a good bit, his fault. And he felt so guilty for doing that to you. 
-Neytiri was, again, torn. She now knew how much you didn’t want to be here, but also knew it was the will of eywa for you to be here. She sighed before pacing in front of Jake. 
-She told him that understood his pain a little bit, but also insisted that eywa worked to maintain the balance of life there. And you being here was a part of that balance. But, she could make sure that you got some time to yourself every once in a while, with the excuse of sibling bonding. 
-Jake looked in her eyes, before nodding. He told her that he wasn’t upset at anyone but himself. And that he was very thankful for her suggestion. 
-She smiled before saying that they should go and spend some time with you. 
-He just barely smiled before taking her hand and walking back to the village with her. 
They made it back quickly and went to Mo’at’s healing tent to go see you. You were sitting on the floor while Mo’at was mixing more salves and balms. You looked up at them as they walked in, still looking very disinterested in what was happening around you. Neytiri greeted her mother before going to sit next to you. Jake said hello to Mo’at before going to sit on your other side. You had curled into yourself as they settled next to you, not wanting any of them that close to you. 
Neytiri had raised her head and asked her mother when they could have some sister bonding time, to get to know each other. Mo’at looked up at her oldest daughter while thinking. She said that since she had work to do before dinner, you could go with them until then. She received two nods before you were picked up by your new ‘sister’ and brought out into the forest with her and Jake. 
-You weren’t even holding onto Neytiri as you were carried, just limply laying against her. And Jake was just watching you with such guilt in his eyes. 
-You all quickly made it to a clearing next to a river, and were set down in the middle of it. You immediately laid down where you were set and touched all of the plants around you. 
-Jake sat down next to you and watched you play with the plants. He was amused by your love of plants coming out in a low point of life for you. 
-He broke the silence by saying he was sorry. He said that he wouldn’t have told Mo’at what she asked of him if he knew that this would be the result. And that he felt so guilty for it. 
-You looked over at him and told him that you didn’t blame him at all. You understood why he did it. And that you forgave him, so he shouldn’t be feeling guilty for complying with someone higher up than him. 
-He let out a big breath and flopped down beside you before pulling you into the crook of his arm and ruffling your hair. 
-You slapped his arm while laughing. He was chuckling with you, having so much weight come off of his shoulders after hearing what you said. He was glad that he could goof around with you like he did in the labs. 
-Neytiri was watching the moment between you two with a smile on her face. It was nice seeing you not be tense for once. 
She cautiously made her way over to you two, and crouched in front of you guys. She didn’t try to touch you, but formally introduced herself to you. She looked to the side while saying you didn’t have to see her as your older sister, but she knew you needed time away from the clan to relax. It had been explained to her your fear of large things like navi, and she thought you would appreciate this time away from everything. 
You looked over at her before hesitantly reaching over and patting her arm. Telling her that you appreciate her effort. She smiled at you and fully sat down beside you. You sat up again and reached out to touch the plant sitting in front of you, inspecting it. 
Jake made a comment about ‘you and your plants’ before laying down next to you. Neytiri looked between you two before asking what that meant. You were more willing to talk, and explained your love of, and research of, plants. She smiled before saying that her mother and the other healers knew almost everything about all of the plants and their properties. You shrugged before getting up and walking around the clearing to see all of the different plants. 
-You did that for a long while before going over to the bank of the river, sitting and dipping your feet in the water. 
-Jake looked over at you sitting there, before getting up, running, and jumping into the water right in front of you. You gasped because of getting splashed, yelling at him when he surfaced, even if he was just laughing. 
-Neytiri was, once again, smiling at you two getting along, before she also ran and jumped into the river. Jake cheered when she resurfaced, with you giggling along. She just smiled before having fun in the river with the two of you. 
-Once she realized it was about time for dinner to happen, she guided you guys back to the clan. Though she stopped before you would be seen by anyone and told you her mother would want her to be carrying you to show how you’ve bonded. 
-You sighed before saying it was okay and reaching up to her. You even wrapped your arms around her neck once she got you settled. 
-And Mo’at was so happy to see both of her daughters getting along so well. She had such a big smile while walking up to the group of you. And once she made it to you, she put a hand on each one of your cheeks and kissed the ones she wasn’t holding. 
-Neytiri had a big smile on her face, while you only just barely smiled. 
-Mo’at then led all of you over to the log that her and her husband would be eating, wanting to be with family, with the arrival of a new family member. She even let Jake tag along. 
Pretty much as soon as you made it over to the log, Eytukan came over with enough food leaves for everyone there. He gave one to everyone there before sitting next to his wife. His daughter, the dreamwalker, and the little human were sitting on the ground in front of him and his wife. And he was happy to see all of them talking with each other while eating, and looking at his wife told him she felt the same way. 
Mo’at was smiling while watching her daughters get along so well, relieved that giving them some time to themselves granted them the bond that she got to witness. 
-The meal went well, with everyone helping clean up before making their way to go to sleep. 
-Neytiri and Jake go to the individual hammocks, and Mo’at goes to her and her husband’s hammock with you in tow. This time putting you in the middle of the three of you. You took a while to fall asleep, but ultimately slept well and deeply. 
-Jake woke up in the link pod to Grace in front of him once again. 
-She asked him where you were, and he just sighed and put his head in his hands before telling Grace everything that he knew. 
-She sighed with him before putting him in his wheelchair and took him to have some food. 
-She sat with him while he ate, asking him more questions along the way. 
-She was just shocked at what happened to you, along with being sad from hearing Jake’s description of the defeat on your face. 
-She and Jake went to sleep frustrated and defeated. 
-The next morning, you were at breakfast with everyone again. Actually being relaxed with the navi you had gotten used to. 
-Afterwards, you went to the healing tent with Mo’at, and were given a lesson on the navi language. 
-And you had picked it up surprisingly fast, which made Mo’at very proud of you. She hugged you once you were done and peppered your face with kisses. You even laughed when she did it. 
-You still didn’t quite feel comfortable around her, but she was a sweet woman, and you knew she was still grieving her first daughter. You were just very unsure of being the replacement. 
-However, you could get used to all of the positive attention, even from a species that scared you. 
It didn’t take long for the clan’s lunchtime to roll around, and you were once again carried down the tree like a toddler. You faced her shoulder, once again feeling embarrassed to be carried like a child when you were technically an adult. Though you also hadn’t told them how old you were yet. You just figured they would ignore you anyway. 
You made it to the log that Eytukan and the man who argued with Neytiri were sitting on. And as Mo’at sat down with you in her lap, Jake and Neytiri came from the forest and immediately made their way over to you four. You perked up when seeing them, from your spot relaxing against Mo’at. They quickly made it over to you, and Neytiri kissed the top of your head before sitting on the ground in front of you, and Jake ruffled your hair. You scoffed and slapped at him while he smiled and sat down next to Neytiri. 
Eytukan and the other man got up to go get food for everyone, and you started asking the two in front of you what they did that morning. They told you all about the training they did, and before you knew it the other two men were making their way back over to the group with enough leaves of food for everybody. One being noticeably smaller than the rest. Once they rejoined the group you reached out for your leaf, saying a ‘thank you’ after it was handed to you. 
Once everyone was settled, the leaves were opened and all of you started eating. Though you and the other man were side-eyeing each other the whole time. You with apprehension, and him with curious disdain. Neither of you liked each other, but also didn’t even know each other’s names. Neytiri had noticed the looks exchanged, and took the initiative to introduce you to ‘Tsu’tey’. You looked him up and down before telling him it was nice to officially meet him, and he said the same to you. 
The rest of the meal continued without fanfare, and you were sent with the other young people to do more language lessons before dinner. You had hopped onto Jake’s back, given a piggyback ride into the forest to make it back to the clearing from before. You were set down and immediately walked around to the plants you didn’t get to see the day before. 
-Jake and Neytiri were smiling at you while sitting in the middle of the clearing. And Tsu’tey was still eyeing you suspiciously. 
-You had turned and asked Neytiri what the name of the plant was. She took a peek at the plant and explained all she knew about the plant to you. 
-Tsu’tey looked between them before Jake noticed and explained your role in the labs, stemming from your love of plants. He just nodded while leaning back on his arms and looking over at you. 
-You finally made your way back over to the group and sat in a spot that would complete the circle. Then you went over more of the navi language until you got bored. 
-Jake agreed with you, so he reached over and took off the accessories you had on, which made you narrow your eyes at him. Even if you didn’t stop him. 
-You started protesting when he threw you over his shoulder and started walking towards the river. It was worse because you could hear Neytiri giggling behind you. 
-Jake got to the edge of the river, taking you off of his shoulder and dangling you above the water, with you clinging to him the whole time. Meanwhile, he just smirked before bringing you closer… and then throwing you into the river. 
-You were shouting at him as soon as you surfaced, just hearing his chuckling before getting splashed in the face. And you just knew that that idiot had jumped in too. 
-You shrieked when he grabbed your ankle on his way back up to the surface of the water. But you couldn’t help but laugh with him while treading water in front of him. 
-You had faintly heard feet hitting the ground before another splash hit the back of your head, Neytiri popping back up behind you. At this point, you were having such a good time with these simple pleasures of life. 
-You stopped laughing, then saw Tsu’tey perched on the bank of the river looking at you guys. You rolled your eyes before diving under the water and swimming towards him. When you were right in front of him, you perched your feet on a root under the water and used it to launch yourself out of the water. Using your momentum to grab onto his arm and drag him with you back into the water. 
-You laughed at his scowled, aimed at you, when he got back above the water. Neytiri and Jake watching with wide eyes before starting to laugh with you. Tsu’tey eventually huffed before relaxing his mouth into something resembling a smirk. Then he splashed you. 
-You gasped before splashing him back. The other two exchange a look before joining in, creating an all out war between you four. 
-It didn’t take long for you to get tired and go sit on the bank, watching the other three continue swimming around while relaxing against the ground. And it didn’t take you long to fall asleep, laying against the soft moss with your feet in the cool water. 
None of the three still in the water noticed Mo’at making her way into the clearing, having gone there after she had finished her duties for the day. And what she saw had warmed her heart. She crouched in the middle of the clearing, seeing all four of you’s accessories laying on the ground, with the three navi playing around in the river, and you laying on the edge of it. She quietly got closer, seeing you asleep while the other three still swam and splashed around. 
She just smiled more before going and retrieving your things, before going over and gently picking you up. She cradled you in her arms before standing up, finally gaining the attention of the other three, before waving and walking off with you. She looked down at your peaceful face as she made her way back to the village, kissing your forehead as she basked in the warmth enveloping her heart. 
(To be continued…)
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world-of-pandora · 1 year
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cyren-myadd · 2 months
Death Predictions for Avatar
🟢Definitely not dying🟢
Lo'ak: bro's being set up as the new mc, JamCam's definitely not gonna kill him off
Tsireya: as the new mc's love interest, she's safe, cause this is a traditional blockbuster and we can't have a happy ending without the mc starting a family of his own after all the fighting's done.
Tuk: the Sully family has suffered enough after Neteyam
🟡Possibly dying🟡
Jake: with Lo'ak being set up as the new mc, I could see Jake dying in the final conflict of movie 5, or passing away in a flashforward of old age
Kiri: they're clearly setting her up to be a messiah-like figure and messiah-like figures have a nasty habit of sacrificing themselves to save everyone else. I could see her death being similar to Princess Yue from the less-blue Avatar, like the humans somehow find a way to harm Eywa and Kiri sacrifices herself to bring Eywa back or something.
Spider: whether or not he dies is gonna hinge entirely on what Quaritch's character development demands, cause that seems to be the reason Spider's character exists. Just how Neteyam's death was used to motivate Jake, Neytiri, and Lo'ak's characters, if Spider dies, it will be used as motivation for Quaritch. It could be a positive "my son would've wanted this so I'm gonna be good now" thing or a "my son is dead and I got nothing to lose so i'm gonna kill everybody" thing.
Norm: Norm is important enough that the audience would feel sad if he died, but he's not important enough that the plot would suffer from his absence, so I can definitely see him on the chopping block.
Mo'at: she's a grandma. Grandmas die sometimes :(
🔴Definitely dying🔴
Quaritch: I'm calling it right now. Quaritch is gonna be an asshole throughout the whole franchise, and then at the last second he's gonna have a change of heart, do one (1) good thing, and then die so he won't have to face the consequences of his actions. This has been cliche since Terminator 2, but then again JC wrote terminator 2 so can you really call it cliche if you made the cliche?
Aonung: Sylwanin, Tom Sully, Tsu'tey, Neteyam... I'm starting to think JC has something against older siblings. Sorry Aonung.
Wainfleet: the second Neytiri learns he's the guy who shot Neteyam it's over for his bald ass.
Scoresby: Payakan should've gone for the head and he's not gonna make the same mistake twice.
Ardmore: she's the head honcho now. Probably gonna get an arrow to the chest in A3.
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Come with me on this journey okay:
-Stay-at-home-wheelchair-Dad Jake Sully babysits literally all children. His own, whatever fosters Norm has at the time, Tonowari’s, and Tsu’sey and Sylwanin’s. He is the babysitting and parenting God. 
-When they’re really rowdy he puts them all on leashes and has them pull him around the street yelling “MUSH, MUSH!”
-Eytukan is retired, so he helps Mo’at run her free clinic. Jake spends like all his free time there, “helping out” with his hoard of children. It’s really just a nice open area for the kids to play in, big fields and equipment in clear view while Jake helps with physical therapy.
-The clinic is where he and Neytiri met, he didn’t have the money for treatment on vet benefits after he was paralyzed in the marines so he ended up at the free clinic. Neytiri volunteers for her mother on the weekends, and she bullied him into enjoying life again. 
-Sylwanin and Jake are pretend frenemies, she pretends to hate him because he stole her little sister AND managed to get married and have kids before her and Tsu’tey who have been dating for like, their entire lives. Jake says it’s because they have yet to be blown up, and he can help her with that. 
-Every time Jake wheels his way in with all the kids Sylwanin goes “Oh, it’s you,” and Jake says “Yeah yeah, just your brother in law, not like I should get any respect around here,” and then he hands her her exact Starbucks order and offers to have Lo’ak throw up on her most hated patient. 
-(when he was little Lo’ak could throw up on command)
-Sylwanin loves all her nieces and nephews equally but she especially enjoys Spider, because before he was adopted he was in the clinic fairly often for suspicious injuries. She hasn’t shaken the urge to watch him like a hawk yet. 
-Eytukan and Jake are Boys in a way that disgusts all the women in their family. They go golfing together, and Eytukan accuses Jake of cheating via proximity to the ground.
-Lo’ak was DETERMINED to golf with them for years and when they actually let him come he cried he got so bored.
-Neteyam would never admit this under pain of death, but he enjoys golfing. 
-Spider, Neteyam, Ao’nung, and Lo’ak are all deeply obsessed with American Ninja Warrior, so Tonowari, Jake, and Tsu’tey built a course for them. They then started to get a little into it and it got serious. To this day out of everyone they know Jake is the only one to have completed the salmon ladder, and then he hauled himself off the mat and back into his chair and Tonowari and Tsu’tey had to reconsider their sexualities. 
-When Kiri, Lo’ak, Neteyam, Spider, and Ao’nung were all babies Jake went to the store with them all strapped to him or in a basket on his wheelchair and someone called the cops cause they thought he stole all those varying ethnicity babies. 
-Jake calls it The Great Baby Heist of 2077 and Tsu’tey always responds to this story by asking what idiot would want that many babies?
-Sometimes Sylwanin gets too friendly with Jake and quickly pretends to get mad at him. 
-Tonowari and Tsu’tey became friends by both being confused as hell by their friend Jake. When they met him he was all depressed and rotting away alone in the free clinic. Now he’s so high energy he raced Lo’ak once and threw himself out of his chair to get extra momentum to beat Lo’ak over the arbitrary finish line. He had a pool installed for Kiri to just float in and stare at the sky. He bakes cookies with Tsireya balanced on his chair between his legs so he can help her crack the eggs. He beat Tsu’tey in a wrestling match in the gym the other day. His enthusiasm for life scares them, they spend a lot of time side eyeing each other behind him. 
-Sylwanin (secretly) likes Jake because he’s a good father and husband to her kids, and he’s funny and a good person, but she likes him even more for the energy he brings out in her husband. Tsu’tey is NOT GOOD at making friends, he’s awkward and he’s a weirdo. But now he plays tennis twice a week with Jake, Norm, and Tonowari and spends like every evening she has to work at the Sully house for dinner. 
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
always be one of the people
Neytiri family x reader x tsut'ey + Jake sully and others
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All children are a blessing to the great mother as she saw, all children born on pandora as one of her children. So what happens when a child comes from the skies, a child that doesn't look like anyone else around here. Will she been seen as child of eywa and one of the many people on Pandora or will se been see outsider and the demons that will come to destroyer the planet she will call home.
mo'at " ......" moa's was walking through the forest as she was falling some wood spirts, she had left her home today when the came to her soon stealing her attention.
mo'at " where are you leading me great mother where" mo'at ears soon went up when she heard a babies cries, and as a mother herself her mother mood had kicked in and followed the cries. She soon stopped running once the cries die down and she saw Thanator stand a bit away from blue thing. That blue thing was a navi baby mo'at got her blade out and walked towards the creature, she will not leave the child defenseless.
mo'at " huh" the Thanator soon noticed mo'at as the wood spirts soon came, and soon enough the Thanator had taken off. mo'at race to the child to see it had the blood of the sky people.
mo'at " hello little one wow you are special" mo'at was looking at the child who reach out hand that was not like everyone else, she had five finger and hair on her face. mo'at was looking at the baby as she soon smile and laugh. The wood spirts had landed on the baby forehead making eywa see this as sign.
mo'at " come you will be with my family I will take you in as my daughter as raise you as my own" when mo'at had return with the odd looking baby, it had gained the whole clan attention as no one saw a baby like that until her. Due to mo'at being the tshaik she had the last saying after she told everyone the child, had been blessed by eywa there was no going against her.
Many years later
Y/n “ ………” you are laying in your bed fast asleep, in your family mauri pod. Soon enough the sunlight had hit your face, and you soon got up from your bed. 
Y/n “ another day to see what the great mother has to offer” you soon got ready for the day and soon left the home, after grabbing some fruit. You had some plans of exploring the forest along with study the sky people aka humans that came many years ago. There was a major obstacle in your way well three obstacles that stopped you. 
???? “ where are you going my daughter”
y/n " good morning mother"
mo'at " morning my daughter you have still not answered my question"
y/n" I'm going out exploring motor and to understand the humans a bit more"
mo'at " you know your father, neytiri, and tsu'tey will hate that idea"
y/n " yes I know but I feel like there something calling to me"
mo'at " I know my child I know"
y/n " I know sneaking off is bad but if dad caught me he will not be happy, and if neytiri caught me she would tag along and try to stop me for going anywhere she deems unsafe"
mo'at " what about tsu'tey"
y/n " he sill do anything in his power to make sure I don't go I love him dearly, but there are times when he do overprotective and I know I will not win a fight against him"
mo'at " they all love you dearly child in their own ways but I understand, go now I will come up with some excuse to them have some fun and follow the will of the great mother" you had smiled towards you mom and hugged her before you ran off with a bright smile on your face. You were wondering around the forest having a time of your life. While wondering your had gather some stuff for yourself and your mother as well.
y/n " huh" you were done doing some gather when you saw some wood spirts foaling near you, making you laugh and smile as you reach out your hand to them.
y/n " It seems like I have been blessed by the great mother or she sending me a sign"
???? " maybe a sign that your shouldn't be wondering off alone during times like this" you soon got spooked when you heard a voice you knew so well, you soon turn away to see tsu'tey standing there.
y/n " oh tsu'tey what are you doing out here did you make sure to have breakfast, before you started your day I hate when you miss meals"
tsu'tey " I hate it when you sneak off without telling others where you are going"
y/n " I don't know what you mean I'm no longer a child I can stay out longer when I wish"
tsu'tey " yes you are no longer a child and member of the clan but you are my future mate, and ma y/n I can worry about you" tsu'tey was now standing near you and soon looked at you.
tsu'tey " what the matter ma y/n"
y/n " are you sure you wish to be with me"
tsu'tey " you are my first love and will always have my heart, there is no one else I rather be with ma yawne"
y/n " are you sure what if our children come looking out like me, will you still love me and them"
tsu'tey " I will love them no matter what our children will be wonderful and blessing and I will love them no matter what happens" you soon laugh and kissed tsu'tey check making the warrior smile.
y/n " you are my warrior"
tsu'tey " you are my heart"
y/n " your warriors are waiting for you don't keep them waiting" tsu'tey soon noticed his students waiting for him, tsu'tey soon kissed your forehead.
tsu'tey " I will see you later tonight at dinner and we can talk more"
y/n " yes my love goodbye" tsu'tey and his warriors soon took off leaving you there, as you went back to herb collecting. You soon made your way back home when you soon ran into your father.
eyuthan " there you are my daughter I was wondering where you ran off today"
y/n " hello father"
eyuthan " so tell me my daughter what are you up to"
y/n " trying to see what the great mother has planned for me, but it seems like I have yet to get answers"
eyutahn " you will get answers soon daughter no need to rush" eyuthan smiles at his daughter making you smile back at him, he soon place comforting hands on your shoulder.
eyuthan " you will always be my daughter and one of the people, no matter what anyone else has to say you are the child of eywa"
y/n " thank you father"
neytiri " sister there you are come on you are with me today ... will it be fine if I take her father"
eyuthan " yes you both can go now I will see you all later on" you and your sister soon walked off together, you were hoping that this happens will last forever for you and your loved ones. Not to your knowledge that some of the things you held so dear will soon be ripped away from you, and that life will never be the same ever again for you.
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wain-fleets · 9 months
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jake and neytiri mourning their food, while lyle and miles feast away, on the floor (like two hungry fuckin dogs)
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
summary: they're mates....they've always had been
word count: 4.9k
author's note: kind of nervous and kind of excited for this chapter ahaha. finally a proper jake and tinkers reunion. hope y'all enjoy <3
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Mo’at had led you to her tent to examine you hours after your transference. The night was still quite young but it was close to dawn. But Mo’at was insistent you’d come to her tent right after. She said as the spiritual leader and basically the head of all the healers, it was her job to make sure that everything in your body and mind was sound.
But you really didn’t care much for the needles.
“Ow.” You winced.
“Ssh and hold still.” Mo’at tapped your other arm, telling you to raise it up for her. You tried not to cringe or flinch when she added more needles to your arm. What made it worse was that it was hot too so you really had to refrain from fighting off her grip. “If you cannot deal with small pins, then how are you to be a warrior?”
You frowned, ”I think I would manage fine without the needles actually—ouch!”
“I told you not to move and you moved!” Mo’at scolded as she finished with the needles.
“Barely!” You hissed, glaring at the pins in your arm. “When are we going to be done?”
Mo’at stood and walked toward the small bonfire in the center of the tent. She grabbed a small wooden bowl and stirred whatever contents inside around as she spoke, “You do not rush this. Let me work and you hold still, tsmuke.”
Before either of you could say anything else, Neytiri entered with who you assumed to be Kiri following close behind her.
Yet your eyes couldn’t stay on her for long when you saw Jake standing right outside of the tent already looking at you. He didn’t move to come inside, instead there was this look on his face. Anxiety, shock, disbelief? You really didn’t know. Whatever it was, it made him turn and walk away.
Neytiri saw this and sighed as she approached you, “He is very hard on himself.” She said as she squatted down next to you. “When it comes to you and when he thought you had died, he hadn’t forgiven himself since.”
You frowned, dropping your gaze to your hands. The last thing you had wanted was for him to blame himself.  “He does not deserve the pain I’ve caused him…” If anything you completely understood if he never wanted to be near you ever again.
“Do not do that.” Neytiri frowned at you, pulling you out of your self-deprecation. “Jake loves you. And you love him. Do not make this more complicated than it needs to be.” She placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly, “Just give him some time. And he will come to you.”
For a moment you considered her words. Perhaps she was right. Hell, if you were in Jake’s shoes and the person you thought was dead for years had suddenly come back, you’d definitely need a moment to process it all. That was fair.
So instead of dwelling on it for longer than you should’ve, you instead turned to Neytiri, “Why are you pushing for us to be together?”
Neytiri looked at you in confusion, “Why wouldn’t I? You and Jake are mates.”
“I thought you and Jake now were…?”
“Yes, we are mates as well.”
You blinked at her, your brain crashing, “I’m confused.”
Mo’at made a sound similar to a snort from her spot at the fire, “For someone who claims to know The People, you get confused a lot, tsmuke.” You frowned in annoyance as Mo’at came back to your side with the wooden bowl still in her hands. “We are not bound to only one mate. It has always been that way. Years before, Eytukan had a second mate, Sylwanin’s mother. But unfortunately she died in childbirth.”
Wait, you knew this. Not in specific detail but Tsu’tey told you about how they had multiple mates among the Na’vi, how they weren’t monogamous like humans usually were. You had forgotten this but that definitely made a lot more sense as to why Neytiri was trying to encourage you and Jake’s relationship to meld back together. Why she had been so adamant to save you.
As if reading your mind, Neytiri nodded, “Jake accepted that you were gone despite us never finding you…I suppose he never thought you’d ever come back.”
“But you did.” You said in a matter of fact tone. “For some reason you never gave up on me…even when I had given up on myself.”
“Mmm.” Mo’at hummed in agreement as she placed the cool liquid from the bowl on your skin.
Neytiri shrugged, “The both of you are hard headed, somebody has to have some sense out of the three of us.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled despite Mo’at still picking at the needles in your arms, “Thank you, Neytiri.”
She gave you a small smile in return and nodded. The slight movement behind Neytiri finally caught your eye. And when you looked you had realized—and nearly forgotten—that Kiri was in the tent with the three of you. Neytiri moved to the side so that you could see Kiri better who had been staring at you both curious and hesitant.
“Kiri. This is ma tsmuke. Ma’Grace knew her as well.”
Kiri looked up at Neytiri, stunned, “Ma sa’nok?” Neytiri nodded with a patient smile. Kiri then looked at you, now more curious. “You knew my mother?”
You nodded, a smile growing on your face. “Yes, I did. She was, in a way, like a mother to me too. She was always looking out for me even when I was being a stubborn idiot about it. Sometimes I was looking out for her too and believe me I can’t tell you how many times I’ve saved her as—I mean her tail.” Both Neytiri and Mo’at sent you looks before Kiri scooted closer to you.
“Tell me!” She grinned up at you. “Tell me more!”
You glanced toward Neytiri who motioned for you to continue. “Well, um, there was this one time where she got lost in the forest…”
And from there you had spent that time telling Kiri stories of your time with Grace. You had never thought you’d be able to relive these memories without feeling grief over it but Kiri’s large smile and youthful laugh at some of the most ridiculous parts in your tales was what made it easier. And you were glad for it.
Kiri didn’t know her mother before she died. But you were happy to share every single detail about her as best as you could, just so that she could feel as close to Grace as you did. Just so she could think of her as if they had already met. It was the one thing you were happy to do for Grace, the least you could do really.
Sometimes you often thought that you had failed her. But after seeing her face to face for the first time in what felt like forever, those doubts slowly dwindled away from you. Because in the end, Grace was right.
You had time. You still had time.
And this time you would not let it slip through your fingers so easily.
Neytiri woke you up when the night had been replaced with gray clouds and rain. She led you out into the forest while Kiri stayed behind in Mo’at’s tent, sleeping. You had never seen rain much in Pandora and it was mostly rare considering the hot climate of the forest. But when it did, like now, it was still somehow so beautiful. Back on Earth whenever it rained it was always so dreadful and depressing, it made you wish that sometimes the Earth was as beautiful as Pandora.
It once was. Many, many years ago. The humans just never appreciated it. Which is why it was dying. The last thing you ever wanted was for them to come here and do the same to Pandora. Which was why it was strange just walking in the forest, no longer an avatar or dreamwalker, but one with your new body, and be at peace with it. Not having to worry about the RDA roaming about or having to hide away from Quaritch.
This was nice. This is what you had always wanted.
For a second, a curious thought appeared in your mind.
“Where will my former body go?” You asked Neytiri as you both ducked under a few leaf branches.
“We will give it a traditional burial, the Omatikaya way.” Neytiri then suddenly pointed up at a tree she stopped next to. “We climb.”
You had never climbed a tree before. Especially not in this body. But you did your best, trying to keep up with Neytiri. And yes, you looked quite pathetic climbing next to Neytiri who did it with very little effort. She was practically on the branch she wanted to stop at by the time you made it.
She tsked, “You are like Jake, you are practically a baby.”
“Yeah well, I didn’t exactly have much time to learn how to climb a tree.” You frowned, mirroring her position on the large branch the two of you now squatted on. Neytiri rolled her eyes as you spoke again, “So why are we out here?”
Neytiri closed her eyes and breathed out a long sigh through her nose, “I can not teach you to be one of the People like I did with Ma’Jake. But I can show you how to listen.” You furrowed your brows but copied her and closed your eyes as well. “Listen to the forest. See the forest. Then you will understand what it means to be of The People.”
You listened, you really did. To the rain drops. To the sounds of different creatures in the distance and nearby. To the leaves as they swayed in the gentle wind. Breathed in the air—and it felt terribly different compared to wearing a mask. It all felt so nice. So peaceful.
There wasn’t a moment where you never not admired the nature of Pandora. You appreciated all of it, and wanted to study all of it years back. But you just never had the time to truly just take it in, let it breathe you in, and draw you into its arms. Perhaps it was easier for you because in a way you already understood and respected what was around you. And so you were a lot more open-minded, willing to accept it.
Suddenly, a bunch of water dropped down onto your head, startling you out of your trance. Your eyes snapped open, looking around to find where exactly that water had come from. Only to find that Neytiri had moved the leaf that had been covering your head from the rain. She was grinning at your reaction.
“Neytiri!” You scowled despite the laugh that wanted to leave your lips.
Neytiri smiled, “Should’ve been paying attention, tsmuke!”
“You told me to feel the forest! I was feelin’ it!” You say in English, realizing slightly that you had been speaking in Na’vi the entire time until now. You’d done it so much it just became natural to you like how English was before.
“Then go. Continue feelin’ it.” Neytiri gestured toward the forest as she stood and reverted back to Na’vi. “I must head back before my children wake. You know the way back?” You nod, despite being unsure. Neytiri saw right through it and sighed before pointing west, “Follow the torukspxam until you find a stream. Go across the stream and you will find home.”
Home. Home. You were going to have to get used to that.
Eventually, you got to your feet as well but leaned against the tree. Neytiri watched you for a moment before she nodded to you, “I see you, tsmuke.”
A smile tugged at your lips, “I see you, tsmuke.”
After watching Neytiri jump down, effortlessly, from the tree and toward the ground, disappearing in seconds.
You continued venturing the forest but didn’t wander too far. Instead, you eventually came down from the trees and landed on the soft grass. The rain now poured down on your head and hair, completely uncovered. And you just stood there, letting the rain fall onto your face with a content smile on your face.
For a moment you allowed yourself this peace. This moment alone. You were grateful to Neytiri, Mo’at, and even Spider and Kiri for keeping you company for all these days, especially in your weakest moments. But now. This is when you wanted to be alone. To absorb everything that’s happened. To absorb that you had been gone for five years, that you were alive and the transference had worked, that Jake was also now living quite happily among the Na’vi, that you had won the war and missed the celebration.
All of this should have been overwhelming. All of it should’ve at least bothered you. And some of it did, truthfully.
But really, you were just glad it was all over. Constantly fighting, surviving, and seeking some form of revenge that would satisfy you. You were glad that all of it was done.
And now you could start a new life. Hell, maybe even start over if you could.
The Na’vi did say that every person is born twice. This, you realized, was your second chance at life.
It was now your time to live.
You were lost.
It was sometime in the afternoon that you realized you had gotten lost during your attempt at getting back. You did exactly as Neytiri had told you and followed the torukspxam, those large mushroom looking plants that were taller and bigger than you in every way. But now you were starting to think you had followed the wrong one’s home. But at least they made for good covering whenever you got too wet from the rain.
God, this was embarrassing. The last thing you wanted was to be an inconvenience just because you couldn’t navigate a damn forest.
There was a rustle coming further from your right. You stopped listening for any more movement. It was a bit difficult to hear anything else but the rain pelting your ears but you listened the best you could.
After a few seconds, there was another rustle, this time it had gotten closer. That was when you darted away from it. You really didn’t want to stay and figure out what it was, that wasn’t the survival instincts you had instilled in you and you’d be damned if you got attacked by some creature just because you wanted to wait and see what it was. Could be dangerous, could be peaceful, you didn’t care to take the risk.
When you ducked behind a thick tree, in the corner of your eye you saw a black skinned creature darting around the corner you had just come from. You pressed your back against the tree and waited for any more sounds. There was more rustling and a growl. Fortunately, it didn’t sound like it was too close to you, so you risked a glance from behind the tree.
It took everything in you not to let out a string of curses.
The creature, as it turned out, was a Thanator. It was one of those creatures you knew enough about not to ever cross. And yet here you were. Really, you had never seen one in person nor did you wish to but it was a lot scarier looking than how Grace described it when she saw one.
It was roaming and sniffing about. It wasn’t going anywhere which meant that it knew you were near.
Thinking quickly, your eyes searched the ground around you until it landed on a large rock. You grabbed it and clutched it to your chest. The Thanator hadn’t noticed fortunately for you but it was roaming a little too close to your hiding spot. So when you peeked around the tree again to find the Thanator facing away from you, that was when you threw the rock in the opposite direction of where you were.
You ducked behind the tree, hearing the rock’s impact against a nearby tree. It was loud enough to echo just a bit and capture the Thanator’s attention toward it. You watched it and a few seconds later it darted off in the direction of the rock.
With that, the Thanator had disappeared but you didn’t come out right away. You waited a few seconds more until you were sure you couldn’t hear it coming back.
Something suddenly clutched your upper arm.
At first you had thought another Thanator or a more dangerous creature had snuck up on you as you whirled around.
Only there was no creature.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jake’s voice registered in your ears before you realized he had been the one to grab your arm. “It’s just me, okay? It’s just me.” He held his other hand up cautiously and you stared at him in confusion until you realized your other hand had been raised up to strike whoever it was that had grabbed you. But now seeing that it was just Jake, you lowered your arm and slid down to the ground. Jake knelt down beside you, “Hey, are you hurt? Are you okay? Doc?”
You waved him off, your other hand absentmindedly latching onto the wrist that still held onto your arm. “Oh my god, Jake, don't scare me like that!” You smacked his chest, startling him. “What are you even doing sneaking up on me like that?! I thought another Thanator caught me!”
“Another?” Jake’s brows furrowed. His eyes traveled your body, “It didn’t get you—”
“No, it didn’t.” You sighed, slumping your shoulders against the tree bark.
Jake seemed to have been calming down as well as he let you go and stood back up. You frowned at the loss of touch but followed, pushing yourself up on your feet, “What are you even doing out here alone? I thought you were getting checked out by Mo’at.”
“Yes, hours ago.” You nodded moving away from him and toward a nearby torukspxam and stood under it as it was still raining. “Neytiri and I were out here earlier together.”
“Why didn’t you come back with her?” Jake questioned, frowning, his face unreadable.
You dropped your gaze away from his and pressed your back against the thick stem. You felt embarrassed, you felt like hiding away from him and his masked gaze. “I came here to think. I needed some time too.”
There was shuffling before in the corner of your eye, you saw Jake stood under the torukspxam with you. The two of you were quiet for a few seconds. Your gaze fell onto a pink leaf, dripping with water. Gently, you allowed your fingers to graze it.
Then Jake finally spoke.
“It’s too dangerous for you to be out here alone, especially when you’re not properly trained.” You could feel his eyes on you. Burning your skin. “You could’ve been killed.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve endangered myself.” You smirked a bit.
“Y/N.” Jake scowled at you. “You can’t keep putting yourself in danger like this. And if you keep being reckless, then someone will get hurt because of it.”
This wasn’t Jake speaking to right now. This was the leader of the Omatikaya. The Olo’eyktan. Speaking to you as if you were one of his followers. And pretty much pissed you off.
You glared at him now, “Then why did you come? Since I’m so dangerous, why are you here?”
“That’s not what I—”
“Is that why you came all the way out here?” You questioned, pushing away from the stem and stepping back into the rain. “Just to lecture me, make sure I don’t get anyone else killed? Is that all?”
Jake didn’t say anything. Just stared at you, or past you, you really couldn’t tell. His eyes were too glazed over, his face was too guarded. 
Fine, you had never been good at reading Jake. Or rather, he wasn’t that great at expressing himself emotionally. But right now it was particularly frustrating.
Your shoulders lumped and your hardened face loosened. It was then you realized something you were afraid of. That all of this. Was caused only by your actions.
“Look, maybe you’re right.” Was what came out of your mouth first. At the sound of your words, Jake now stared at you in both confusion and hesitance. “What I did….what happened those five years ago…that wasn’t fair. Grace told me not to do it and maybe…maybe I should’ve listened to her.”
“And even though I’m not sorry for what I did to Hell’s Gate, I am sorry for leaving.” You frowned, dropping your gaze. “I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to leave you. I tried, I tried so hard to come back from it. To come back to you and the others….but I didn’t…”  
The rain filled the silence between you, wrapping you in its cold embrace as you speak, voice now shaky. Jake had yet to say anything nor did you hear him move. But you kept going, you forced yourself to keep going even though these words hurt your heart. Hurt every part of your soul.
You closed your eyes to keep the tears at bay. “Just…Just say you hate me. Say it and maybe this loss will be easier. Maybe it won’t be like stones on my heart anymore.”
It wasn’t until you felt both his hands on your face did you realize how close he had gotten to you without you realizing it. The physical contact had taken you off guard, so much so that you just stared at him as he brought your head closer to his until both your foreheads had connected. And the both of you stayed like this, one of his hands lowering to the side of your neck, squeezing it gently. Out of habit, your hand came to meet his wrist.
And for a moment, you had forgotten the rain.
“Loss will never be easy.” Jake whispered to you, pressing a gentle kiss against your forehead. “No matter what I did, numbing myself, burying it all down, forgetting…I could never forget the woman I loved. That I love so much it fucking burns me.” He pressed a long kiss against your cheek and you melted into his warm touch. He muttered his next words against your skin, his voice trembling, droplets of warm water dripping down your neck. “I thought I lost you…”
Your foreheads met once more. This time you moved your own hands to his face to wipe away the tears. And you were so relieved when he leaned into your touch as much as you did with him. You were so relieved to be able to feel him instead of imagining it, instead of yearning for it. He was here. Holding onto you so tight as if you were to disappear.
“And I’ll be damned if I do again.” His hands moved down to your arms, pulling you closer until both your chests were pressed against each other. “Don’t ask me to hate you. Don’t ask me to let you go. It’ll only make me hold on, it’ll only make me love you more. And I’m sorry, Doc, but I won’t let you go this time.”
He pulled you closer until his mouth was on yours. His lips against yours were as soft as you remembered. As gentle but possessive just as his hold on you was. You remembered the last time you had been held by him like this, how all you felt then was dread and worry of what the inevitable held. But now, all you could do was just sink deeper into this, embrace it, embrace him.
When you broke apart, it was your words that came out first, “I see you.” Jake’s eyes lit up at your words and you smiled, “I never got a chance to say it before.”
With a teary smile, he stole another kiss from you.
“I see you, Y/N.”
Jake’s hands slid into yours as he tugged you forward, “We should head back now. They’re probably wondering where we are.”
You nodded as you allowed him to pull you along, “Right, the great Toruk Makto and now the Olo’eyktan. What can’t you do, Jake Sully?”
“Get you to be my mate any faster.” Jake sent you a small smile, his hand moving to the small of your back as he moved a leaf out of your way.
Warmth filled your cheeks despite the cold weather. “Patience. That seems to be it.”
Jake’s hand squeezed yours as he continued pulling you along, “I have waited five years for you. Patience is long overdue.”
A foreign sound left your lips and it strangely sounded similar to a laugh. “Well, not all of us can be perfect.”
“Tsmuke!” Mo’at scowled once she spotted you and Jake walking out of the forest. Did I say you were done here? Where have you wandered off to?!”
“I’m sorry—” You tried but Mo’at ignored you and tugged you back into her tent with Jake trailing behind.
Inside, Neytiri was already there with Kiri and two other kids who were playing with each other. You sent her a look as Mo’at made you sit on the floor, “You could have given better directions, you know.”
She raised a brow, “My instructions were quite simple actually…” As Mo’at began washing on the liquid that had dried on your arm, you watched as Neytiri’s eyes settled on something behind you. You briefly glanced over your shoulder to find Jake slipping into the tent. He looked at you with a certain softness that made your heart flutter. His eyes twinkled when he saw Neytiri and the children.
You felt it without him even saying anything. Everything felt complete, felt familiar…
And felt like home.
A shy smile tugged at your lips and Neytiri smirked before saying, “Like I said. My instructions weren’t too difficult.”
You stared at her suspiciously, briefly wondering if she had meant to leave you out in the forest on purpose and that Jake finding you wasn’t as much of a coincidence as you had thought.
One of the boys grinned and rushed over toward him. Jake knelt down toward the boy who you realize right then was one of his sons. The other one was sitting next to Neytiri and staring at you curiously just as Kiri had in the beginning.
Neytiri noticed and gently caressed the boy’s cheek, “Neteyam, this is Y/N. She is meant to be a part of our family now.” She glanced toward you, “If she chooses to accept us.”
The boy, Neteyam, looked back at you and smiled. It was amazing how much he looked like Neytiri when he did. “Hello, Y/N.”
Mo’at pinched your arm, “No moving.”
You winced but obeyed and then turned back to the boy, “It’s nice to meet you, Neteyam.” In the corner of your eye, Jake was now playing with the other boy, lifting him up and down as the boy continued to giggle loudly. Inside the tent was very peaceful and quiet. Not quite to the point of discomfort. It was the type of quiet you wouldn’t mind staying in for a long period of time, especially with the people that you cared for. Who loved sitting in silence also.
Kiri came up to you to show her doll to you as Mo’at went back to retrieve more of the liquid from the fire. She went on and on, talking about her doll in her cute childlike babble. You began showing her how to play with the doll, similar to the way you had done so back when you were a child. And then eventually Neteyam found his way over to the two of you, sitting quietly while watching as you and Kiri played with the doll.
Eventually, Kiri and Neteyam got distracted and went over to Neytiri and Mo’at, watching the latter do her work as Tsahik. The other boy soon followed them.
On your left, Jake settled down next to you, his shoulder brushing against yours. You watched the three children with a smile. One of them looked like Jake, another looking like Neytiri, and then one who looked almost identical to Grace. It made your heart heavy that you had missed her birth or the first five years of her life. But you hoped now, after Grace’s request, you’d be given the chance to actually be there for her.
Just the same as Grace had done for you.
When you looked at Jake, there were tears in his eyes. But it wasn’t sad. It wasn’t grief. Instead he smiled and it reached his glassy eyes.
And the whole time he was just simply looking at you.
“Happy?” You whispered, smiling gently as you wiped away his tears.
He chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss to the hand that held the side of his face, “I’m just glad you’re here. And that it’s not a dream I’m dreading to wake up from.”
Your smile grew as you rested your head on his shoulder. For a while you stayed like that. You met Neytiri’s eyes from the other side of the tent where she stood with Mo’at and the children. She smiled at the two of you and you smiled back.
Quietly, you say, “I missed you too, Puppet.”
His shoulder shook as he chuckled, pressing a kiss in your hair.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari @tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol @thotd-f1 @beaniebeensbaby201 @theoriginalwife000 @3leni @23victoria @lovesickollie @atxara @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @ladylovegood-69 @lovekeeho @lilithmoon14512 @n7cje @fyfy-world @cleverzonkwombatsludge @goddesslilithmoriarty @itszzmoon @eternallyvenus @bajadotcom @ducks118 @alexandra-001 @sweetllamaparadise @padfootsvixen
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jellybear455 · 1 year
let me heal you is one of my fave fics ever!! could i request a dreamwalker!reader x tsu’tey where tsu’tey has to teach reader the ways of the people because if he teaches jake he’ll rip his head off and he develops a major crush on the reader
Thank you for your request! This took me way too long to do for some reason.
Tsu'tey x reader
Warnings: blood, violence, loss
Word count: 3.2k
Part 2
Pandora. A planet full of new colours, knowledge and danger. Compared to Earth, it was heaven. Except, you can’t get there by dying. Instead, you must pledge your life force to science. Even then, only incredible luck got me here. Not as much luck as Jake Sully had, though.
The ex-marine, paralysed from the waist down, had a brother. I remember when Tom died. There was no funeral. No one hold funerals anymore. We spent years together, learning about Pandora and preparing to be launched into space. Tom was killed barely a month before we were due to leave. Six years in cyro can’t fix that pain.
Now, I watch Jake Sully, standing in Tom’s tall blue Avatar body, marvelling at the dirt between his toes. Human or not, he looks exactly like his brother.
Today was our first time linking to the artificial Na’vi vessels. The lack of a mask on my face feels strange, but strangely relieving. The Pandora atmosphere, containing curiously higher percentages of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and xenon, feels different to oxygen, somehow thicker as I breathe it in. It’s almost an out of body experience. I can feel my body, and I know it is mine, but when I look, it feels as though it is someone else’s. But that will go away in time. For now, I will enjoy the new freedoms and sensations that come with the Avatar.
The next morning, at 0600 on the dot, I am in my Avatar, and we are soaring above the Pandora jungle. I lean out over the edge of the helicopter beside Jake, who is also in his Avatar. We are zooming low over a huge body of water, accompanied by a flock of purple creatures, that squawk when we get too close.
The air craft rises again, over the trees, before descending onto the forest floor. Immediately, I jump down, ignoring how Jake waved his gun around like an idiot. He pushes ahead of me as the helicopter shuts off, tail whipping my leg. I hissed in annoyance, but followed behind without protesting.
We trepassed through the jungle, and despite the mind-blowing scenery, all I could think about was Pandora’s humanoid inhabitants. The Na’vi. The people we were impersonating with our Avatars. I was fluent in Na’vi, but Doctor Grace liked to tell me that my pronunciation was off. I think she just likes to get on my nerves.
The Na’vi were hunters by nature, and dangerous creatures that could kill you without batting an eye. Or so everyone would have us believe. Doctor Grace says the Na’vi are intelligent, sympathetic creatures, no different from us. Either way, I am certain that they are watching us right now.
Green monkey-like creatures with 6 legs swing through the trees. Jake raises his gun, but I reach out to lower it.
“Prolemuris.” I tell him, watching as they cartwheel away from us. “They are not aggressive.”
“Relax, marine. You’re making me nervous.” Grace says loudly, rolling her eyes and pushing past.
Eventually, Jake keeps walking.
“So,” Norm speaks up after sometime. “How will they know we’re here?”
“I’m sure they’re watching us right now.” Grace replies nonchalantly, echoing my thoughts from earlier.
We emerge from the thick forest and into a clearing. In the centre is a small, rotting, wooden hut. Grace strides in confidently, and the rest of us follow, a little less certain. Inside is the remains of a school. Books, which used to rest neatly on shelves, are scattered across the floor. Most of the desks remain upright, with chairs tucked underneath, but some are upside down and have been strewn across the room.
I watch silently from the door as Doctor Grace trails her hand sadly across a desk. When moves to another part of the room to gather equipment, I approach where she previously stood. Squinting a little, I can make out the rough letters scratched into the desk. ‘Sylwanin’.
“What happened here?” Jake questions, snapping me out of my thoughts. He stands next to an old black board, which is riddled with bullet holes.
Grace inhales sharply, and I watch as she fumbles for an answer. She finally settles on avoiding the question entirely. “Are you gonna help us here? We’ve got a lot to do.”
As Doctor Grace and Norm collect samples from a tree root, I wander off into the jungle. I enter another clearing, this time filled with round, spiralling plants. My hand brushes one, and it shrinks back into a little bud on the floor.
“What are you doing?” Jake demands, appearing from behind me.
I can’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl. “Watch this.”
When I poke another plant, Jake laughs too. I tough another, then another, and then they all shrink, leaving the clearing empty. My amusement fades away as Jake tenses beside me, and I spot a huge, armoured hammer-headed creature snorting at us from the trees. Jake yanks me behind him, and raises his gun. Fear spikes in my chest.
“Don’t shoot. You’ll only piss it off.” Grace’s voice crackles through the intercom in my ear.
“I think it’s already pissed off.” Jake responds, still pointing his gun at the creature.
“Trust me, Jake. That armour is too thick.” The marine relents, lowering his gun. Grace continues. “It’s a territorial threat display. Don’t run, or he’ll charge.”
“Thank what am I supposed to do, dance with it?”
“Just hold your ground.”
The animal huffs, pawing the ground, before letting out a roar and charging anyway.
“Grace…” I mutter, frozen in fear.
With a scream of his own, Jake ran, headfirst, towards it. My heart skipped at least three beats before the creature skidded to a halt, the webbed fans behind its hammer head spreading in alarm. It slinked away into the forest and Jake whooped in victory.
“Oh yeah! Who’s bad?” He shouted triumphantly. “That’s right. That’s what I’m talking about. Bitch.”
I laughed in relief, turning away from Jake to catch my breath. It did not take long for my blood to turn to ice again.
“That’s right, get your punk ass back to mommy.”
“Jake,” I whispered.
“Yeah, yeah you got nothing! You keep running.”
“Jake!” I hissed, a little louder.
Finally, he turned around. “What?”
The black, slick, panther-like thanator roared threateningly. It loomed above me on the tree, before leaping over us and growling at the pack of hammer heads. Jake raised his gun again in alarm.
“So, uh, what about this one? Run, don’t run?”
I grabbed his arm and pulled him in the other direction. “Run, definitely run!”
Leaping over a tree root, I rushed into the forest, Jake following close behind. I weaved around a tree, then through bamboo looking plants, then under a tree root. Still the thanator roared and crashed behind me. Launching myself off a particularly high rock, I curled my hands around a vine, using the momentum to swing myself up into a tree. The creature raced past, instead favouring Jake, who had taken refuge in the roots of another tree. He fired his gun desperately, but it did nothing to slow his pursuer. I searched my surroundings frantically, looking for someway to help. My eyes landed on the crack in the branch I stood across from.
My hands grappled for another vine, and I swung at the branch, hard. I was rewarded with a sickening crack. Still, the thanator dug at the roots, claws dangerously close to Jake. I swung again, once, twice, three times, until, with particularly loud crack, the branch plummeted to the ground, landing on the thanator’s tail. It screamed out, and Jake scrambled, running into the jungle. I grabbed another vine, sliding down and following after. The thanator kept screaming.
Jake ducked under a root ahead of me. Before I could make it through, the thanator soared over me, grabbing Jake by the backpack and swinging him through the air. He unclipped the back, and went tumbling to the ground. I rushed between the creatures legs as it shook the bag out of its jaws, and pulled him up with one hand. We kept running.
We hurtled through a break in the trees. The little control we had over our Avatar bodies was not enough to stop us as we realised we were fast heading off the edge of a cliff. I scream ripped out of my throat as the thanator snapped its jaws behind us. I crossed my arms over my chest and pushed my legs together. All I could do was hope that there was water beneath us.
My feet hit the rapids first, and the rest of my body followed. I did not have time to swim to the surface for air, because my head struck a rock, and I was rendered unconscious.
When I could think clearly again, the first thing I wondered was if I was dead. Then I realised that I certainly wasn’t, because why was my dead spirit being jostled around like a sack of potatoes? I pealed my eyes open, glad the light was not too bright. As it turns out, the person tossing me around was strangely familiar.
The person looked down at me and grinned. “You’re awake.”
It was Jake, still in Tom’s Avatar. He had one arm under my knees, and the other across my shoulders, carrying me through the jungle. My head throbbed, and when I reached up to touch my forehead, my fingers came back with flakes of dried blood on them.
“How long have I been out?”
“Hours.” Jake said worriedly. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t wake up at all. But hey, look on the bright side.”
He nodded ahead of us. A tall blue Na’vi woman carrying a bow stalked through the trees. She looked back occasionally, as if checking we were still there.
“Is that…”
“Hell yeah it is. She’s taking us back to their village.”
“Oh wow,” I muttered, taking her in. “What’s her name?”
“That’s a good question. I’ll ask.”
He did not get the chance, because his legs came out from under him, and we fell from the particularly high tree branch we had been walking across. I groaned loudly in pain when we hit the ground, unable to move as Jake frantically pulled on the rope around his ankles. As he tossed it away, more Na’vi on 6-legged, horse-like creatures emerged, wielding weapons.
Jake drew his knife, turning to see more Na’vi behind him. I struggled to stand, the pain in my head making me dizzy. I looked up, only to meet the eyes of a Na’vi. He aimed his arrow, no doubt laced with a neurotoxin, at my chest. I raised my hands in fear.
“Calm, people, calm.” The woman that had been leading the forest shouted. Despite being fluent, it took me a moment to translate the words.
The Na’vi pointing the arrow at me lowered his weapon, dismounting his horse thing, and stalking toward the woman.
“What are the doing, Tsu’tey?” The woman asked.
Tsu’tey. His name was Tsu’tey.
“These demons are forbidden here.” Tsu’tey replied.
“There has been a sign.” The woman insists. “This is a matter for the Tsahìk.”
I could not begin to comprehend what that meant, because my legs began to shake uncontrollably, and I fell to the ground again. Tsu’tey stared down at me, before grabbing me roughly under the arms and pulling me up on the horse thing with him, and laying me across his knees. I gasped, the sudden movement amplifying the dizziness in my head. I looked back to see Jake being dragged behind us by the Na’vi on foot.
When the jungle began to thin out, a huge tree came into sight. This was where the Omatikaya clan lived. The tree was at least three times bigger than the tallest tree in the jungle, and Na’vi flowed in and out of the trunk from a cave-sized hole at the base of it.
We rode straight into the hole, and the horse things began to slow down. Tsu’tey dismounted, pulling my down with him. My legs were still weak, but I managed to stand.
“This is so cool,” I whispered, gazing round at the curious eyes of the Na’vi around me.
Tsu’tey gave me a funny look, before ushering me forward through the crowd, that parted like a sea. I could count the four fingers pressing into the skin between my shoulder blades, although his touch was not rough like before. Some of the people whispered among themselves, and others reached out to touch me, darting away quickly, as though my five fingers were contagious. A little girl grabbed some of my hair, forcing me to stop. My hair went past my waist, since I had not had the chance to cut it. I smiled at her, and she giggle shyly, letting go. Tsu’tey pushed my forward.
We came to a stop, and soon Jake was pushed into position beside me. The woman stepped in front of us, talking to an older man with a huge belt across his shoulders. He approached, scanning us critically. I made the gesture the woman had made a few moments before. Three fingers to the forehead, then forward. I see you.
“Why do you bring these demons here?” He questions. The commanding tone, plus the decorations adorning his body. He is Olo'eyktan, the leader of the Omatikaya clan.
“I was going to kill them,” The woman says. “But there was a sign from Eywa.”
That’s the second time she’s mentioned a sign. What does that mean?
“I have said before, no dreamwalker will come here.” The Olo'eyktan booms.
“What’s he saying?” Jake whispers.
“The alien smell fills my nose.”
“You smell bad.” I whisper back, holding in a laugh at the confused expression on his face.
“My father is deciding whether to kill you.” The woman says.
Jake shifts uncomfortably. “Your father. It’s nice to meet you, sir.”
He steps forward, offering his hand, and the Na’vi behind him leap to restrain him. I step forward too, quickly shoving Jake’s arm back to his side. The woman shoves him back, and Tsu’tey steps in front of the Olo'eyktan defensively.
“Step back!” Someone calls. “I will look at the aliens.”
A woman descends from a stairway above. She is decorated too, but not as much as the Olo'eyktan.
“That is mother.” The younger woman says. “She is Tsahìk, the one who interprets the will of Eywa.”
“Whose Eywa?” Jake asks.
I groan in annoyance. Can he be anymore oblivious? The Tsahìk circles us, pulling on Jake’s braid and tail, then running a hand through my hair and examining my fingers.
“What are you called?” She asks, her Na’vi accent dripping over the English words.
“Jake Sully.”
“And you?” She looks to me.
“My name is (Name).” I say in Na’vi, gesturing I see you to her as well.
The woman huffs a little, then withdraws a small pointy spike from her necklace. She reaches out suddenly, slicing it across both out faces in one fluid strike. I recoil in shock, then stead myself again. She licks it with her tongue, and her expression immediately changes to one of surprise.
“Why did you come to us?” She questions.
“We came to learn.” Jake replies confidently. I look at him out of the corner of my eye.
“We have tried to teach other Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup that is already full.”
“My cup is empty, trust me.” Jake insists. “Just ask Doctor Augustine, I’m no scientist.”
“Then what are you?”
Jake is silent. “I was a marine-“
“He is a warrior.” I cut in, thinking as quickly as I can with the pounding of my head. “Of the Jarhead clan.”
“A warrior!” Tsu’tey cries. “I could kill him easily.”
“No.” The Olo'eyktan stops him. “This is the first warrior of the Sky People we have seen. We need to learn more about him.”
“My daughter, you will teach him our way.” The Tsahìk says.
“Why me? Why not Tsu’tey?” The other woman hisses.
Her mother’s lips twist a little. “They will likely kill each other before the day is out. It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways, Jakesully.” She approaches me again.
“What about her?” Jake asks, gesturing to me.
Yeah, what about me? Butterflies flap in my stomach. What if she kicks me out? I’m not a warrior. I am a scientist.
“That depends. Are you a warrior?”
“No…” I say. “But I can learn, too.”
The Tsahìk cocks her head. “Why should I believe you?”
“She is a warrior.” Jake cut in. “Just a different kind.”
“What are you doing?” I whisper.
“Saving your ass.” He mutters back. “She came here to save her people down on Earth. She will learn, trust me.”
It is silent, as the woman before me contemplates what to do. “Tsu’tey, you will teach this one.”
Tsu’tey growled. “But-“
“You will learn, child, or you will leave. Now go.” Tsahìk waved her hands. “You must begin immediately.”
With a hiss, Tsu’tey stalked toward me, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me through the crowd. I stumbled on my own feet, struggling to keep up with his pace.
“Why are we in such a rush?” I huffed in annoyance when we had ascended to a higher, less crowded level of the tree.
“What is rush?” Tsu’tey asks, still leading me through the village.
“Um, to do something quickly, I guess.”
We stop at large hut. As we go inside, I take in the three women sitting in the corner, and the piles of bowls containing brightly coloured pastes around them. The rest of the floor is covered with woven mats.
“This is the healing hut.” Tsu’tey says.
10 minutes later, we emerge again. The wound on my head is clean and covered with a patch. The healers had retrieved a few garments of Na’vi clothing. A cloth top winds around my back, across my chest and loops around my neck. A second, much smaller cloth dangles between my legs, held up by a strap that curves above my hips. It definitely covers the extremities, but not as much as I’d like. I suppose this is a part of the learning.
Again, Tsu’tey grabs my arm, leading me further up and into a large communal level. In the centre is a bonfire, and Na’vi circle it, all crouched on their hunches. We walk right through the crowd and sit at the front. Tsu’tey hands me a rolled up leaf. Upon opening it, I pick up one of the contents. It is a beetle shaped thing. Tsu’tey crunches on his own, so I follow suit. Its hard on the outside, but soft and smooth in the middle. It kind of tastes like chicken soup, just… solid.
Beside me, the woman from the forest pushes Jake down to sit.
“Hey,” He says to me.
“Hi.” I wave back, munching on a beetle thing.
Jake talks to the woman, who eventually introduces herself as Neytiri. Tsu’tey hasn’t said a word to me since we left the healers.
“So, Tsu’tey, what is this stuff?”
“Teylu. You call…” Tsu’tey pauses to search for the words. “Beetle. Larvae.”
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