shu-box-puns · 6 days
I saw your post and it kind of reminded me of this scenario I had in mind last year and it was like, what if there’s an accident when reader gets linked and then her consciousness gets split in two, so she’s basically still awake in her human body but also in her avatar. It’s like shes still herself in both bodies and in a way she can still feel her emotions in her other body and vice versa. It made me wonder what tsaheylu would be like for her and if that would mean she’s also bonded to her mate in her human body after too 🤔
The shenanigan potential a scenario like this has tho!! I'll be honest my mind immediately went with the idea of Reader's Na'vi S/o being stoked with having more of them to love.
Na'vi S/o looking left at human Reader - their tail visibly begins wagging.
Na'vi S/o looking right at avatar Reader - their pupils dilate until there is barely any iris visible.
Both human and avatar Reader visibly sweating.
Na'vi S/o: IT SEEMS MY BIRTHDAY CAME EARLY!!! *begins creating twice the amount of usually required courting gifts*
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shu-box-puns · 13 days
Quick headcannon for our favourite little family. (Tsu'tey/Reader & Spider)
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Tsu'tey, like the rest of his clan, is a professional weaver. He can make rugs, tapestries, baskets, anything you can think of. And he'll have it done in half the time you expect it to take. In comparison, Reader's skill equates to a teen learning for the very first time, how to make friendship bracelets with sewing thread instead of embroidery floss.
So of course, hilariously, Spider (age 4) decides to go to Reader out of both parents, and demand they teach him how to make jewellery. (Bonus points if Reader was already trying to make a piece for Tsu'tey and was near tears with how hard they were struggling).
And of course, like a good parent who does not want a scenario of the blind leading the blind, they suggest he waits for Tsu'tey to come home. To which Spider refuses, so they compromise with Reader showing him the basics (they can barely do it themselves) so that Tsu'tey can show him the more complicated stuff later. Unsurprisingly, Spider takes after Reader and can't weave for shit so the first attempt it laughable.
Tsu'tey doesn't seem to care though.
When he ducks into the compound, looking tired and content after a long day with the clan, he greets his mate and child with a warm smile and a hug. He has barely put down his bow before Spider is rushing up to him and brandishing his first weaving technique.
Of course, Tsu'tey looks at it with nothing but heart eyes.
<"For me?"> He asks, tail beginning to wag as Spider nods excitedly, toddling closer to push it into his Dad's hands, only for his little face to fall when he realises that the bracelet is WAY too small for Tsu'tey's big wrist.
Not missing a beat, Tsu'tey carefully plucks the bracelet from Spider's little hands and rolls it onto his second finger, before giving the fingers a wiggle. <"It fits perfectly, thank you my sweet."> He praises, bending to give Spider a raspberry to the forehead. Of course, Spider is immediately delighted and toddles off to go make MORE bracelets.
And like the proud father he is, Tsu'tey loves EVERYTHING Spider makes for him and I mean EVERYTHING! This man goes round decked out in brightly coloured jewellery with uneven beading and knot work, and he is PROUD to be seen in it all. He hoards Spider's projects like a human parent hoards drawings on the kitchen fridge.
And even years later, when Spider has significantly improved and is making pieces that rival all the other kids his age, Tsu'tey keeps everything his boy ever made him. Spider once demanded he remove all the shitty bracelets and burn them, looking embarrassed as he pressed a new piece into Tsu'tey's hands.
Of course, the new piece simply got added to Tsu'tey's attire, and he reluctantly removed the older pieces upon Spider's request, but kept them safely stored with his other possessions. What Spider doesn't know however, is that he keeps the very first bracelet/ring, hidden under his forearm guard, secured tightly with an additional leather strap so it will never go missing.
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shu-box-puns · 15 days
I have this headcannon that if youre a human in pandora that youre in lab blasted music from earth wirh a speaker you brought. Then jake walks in and recognizes the song and starts singing along. Which leads to you two dancing like idiots.😭
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shu-box-puns · 15 days
atwow cat memes
Neytiri fucking shit up and Jake watching from a safe distance:
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shu-box-puns · 15 days
Ngl in that latest chapter I was like ‘wow Tsu’tey is so progressive. He didn’t think the reader cheated or anything! He really thinks Jake and the reader adopted a wild Pandora creature and called it ‘baby’. He’s so secure about their relationship 😌 good for him!’
Like I knew it was a gn! Reader but sometimes I’m so immersed in the storyline that I forget that not all readers posses uterus/child-bearing abilities.😬
*queue 3 business days later*
No joke. I was doing my own thing and then the pieces clicked and I felt so dumb 😭😭
The cackle I unleashed! You do not understand how happy this makes me. It reassures me that at least, the reasoning is natural enough that it didn't immediately raise questions. And that Jake doing something unhinged and Tsu'tey not being overly surprised about it is just another daily occurence.
For those confused this is an ask about a sequel to 'You wanna be one of them' which you can access on Ao3 here!
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shu-box-puns · 15 days
Listen I might have made myself guilty of devouring your grumpy!Dad Tsu'tey AU and loving it. (Unironically bless your heart for giving us that gift.)
I DO however love angst. So imagine a scenario of the "AU" where Spider got captured in which he also lost his memories ? And Quaricht took that ball and ran with it ?
How would Tsu'tey react when after MONTHS of Spider having been captured, of him not knowing where is son is or how save he is, Tsu'tey is met with a Spider not knowing who he is.
How'd Tsu'tey react to seeing his boy with hair cut short, decked out in RDA/military garb fully believing he was always with them ? How would he react to Spider not only having no idea who Spider even is (calling himself Miles) but also calling the demon Quaritch "father".
And worst of all, how's Tsu'tey dealing with the fact that Spider views him nothing more than another enemy ? Having no recollection of anything before he got captured - fully believing the story Quaritch told him of "savag Na'vi warriors".
(Bonus if when Tsu'tey manages to ring him down/take him with him, he sees actual genuine fear in Spider's eyes)
As an angst enjoyer myself, I AM IN LOVE! *Is visibly vibrating with excitement* I love this concept! The ANGST would be delicious and plentiful! As if this poor man hasn't already lost everything, and now you plot to take away his son too! You're evil and I LOVE it!
To put it simply, Tsu'tey would be devastated.
He would be absolutely devastated, to see every aspect of Spider's childhood wiped from his son's appearance, only to be replaced with RDA military attire instead.
Let's imagine Tsu'tey's somehow comes across Spider in the forest, and he's tucked out of sight in a tree, whilst the recom squad passes noisily below.
Tsu'tey is tense on his branch, reaching for an arrow as his eyes scan their numbers. The sight of avatar sized guns strapped to the recoms' backs make his stomach turn. His bullet scars itch at the memory of what a mere human sized weapon could do, he could only image the devastation those weapons could create.
And then his breath faulteres as his eyes fall on his son.
His son who has been missing for several months, and now looks alien to him.
His boy whose braids that Tsu'tey spends every second week brushing out and rebraiding, had been hacked off, the blond hair shorn close to the scalp all over. His boy, who has switched out his loincloth for stuffy trousers and a stiff shirt. His person entirely devoid of all Omaticayan accents and his jewellery that the Sully kids made him completely gone. His boy who no longer wears the blue painted stripes that closely resembled Tsu'tey's own markings. His boy who is wearing BOOTS of all things!
Since he could walk, Spider had always rejected boots to the point of breaking down until his feet were free. Eywa, the boy could not even tolerate socks.
What really unsettles him however, is how at ease Spider clearly is in the presence of the recoms. How he jokes with the lower ranking officers and easily accepts rough shoulder pats from the demon clone of his biological father. It's such a stark difference to when Tsu'tey last saw him biting and screaming at them all, in a feeble attempt to get away, that it makes him freeze.
Now lets also imagine that Spider is briefly separated from the recoms, perhaps to refill his canteen in a nearby river whilst the patrol walks on ahead. Meanwhile, Tsu'tey silently descends from the canopy, and appears at Spider's elbow. He crouches low so the patrol won't see him, his bow tucked over his shoulder, before he leans in close to his boy, keeping his voice low.
<"Spider-"> He gets out nothing else, as the boy abruptly flinches away and turns on him. His canteen tumbles into the river and is washed away by the current, but Tsu'tey is only briefly distracted by it, because Spider has drawn a utility knife and is pointing it at Tsu'tey. But worst of all, he's not seeming to recognise him.
<"Spider."> Tsu'tey soothes, eyes searching his son's wild gaze. The boy is visibly shaking, the knife waving in his unsteady grasp as it hovers between father and son. <"Be calm. It is only me."> "Who the fuck are you!?" Spider demands way too loudly. "And why the hell can I understand you?"
Tsu'tey's ears fall in dismay. He can't image what his boy has been through that he cannot remember his own father's face. Licking his lips, Tsu'tey shifts on his hunches. He keeps his hands visible and his posture relaxed. Spider isn't calming down in his presence, and it is almost as unsettling as the obvious fear in the boy's expression. "Spider, it's me, your Dad, remember?" He points to himself.
"No you're not!" Spider instinctively corrects, he swallows loudly, and seems to get the message that Tsu'tey isn't about to attack him and sits up. He's still clearly uneasy, keeping the knife firmly between them, but he's no longer looking like he's about to bolt. "Now look, I have no idea who you are or why you keep calling me 'Spider', my name is Miles. But, you cannot be here! If my Dad catches you he will kill you."
<"I will kill him first!"> Tsu'tey knee jerkingly promises, only to quiet again when Spider looks startled. Tsu'tey can hear the recom squad circling back, and needs to make a decision. <"As you said, there is no time. We must go now!">
"I don't know you!" Spider repeats, "I'm not going anywhere with you!"
<"Yes you do, and you are!"> Tsu'tey insists. <"Now stop being difficult!"> Mind made up, Tsu'tey abruptly leaned forward and scooped Spider out of the dirt and up over his shoulder. The boy is startling light in his arms, way lighter than he had been months before his capture, but there's no time to think about it, because Spider is wriggling and getting louder.
"PUT ME DOWN!" Spider screeches, thumping his fist down on Tsu'tey's shoulder blade as the hunter rose to his feet and leapt across the river. "STOP! PUT ME DOWN!" Spider begs frantically as Tsu'tey hauls him away from the river and into the undergrowth. "DAD!" His boy screams, yelling for the help of someone else. "DAD! HELP! DAD!"
Shouts from the recom squad sound from beyond the river. There's splashing and then the snap of twigs.
"DAD!" Spider screams again, the volume of his voice startling the birds overhead.
"Be quiet Spider." Tsu'tey finds himself pleading.
Tsu'tey does not.
Spider keeps yelling for help.
The recoms begin to gain on them.
And then suddenly, there's a sharp pain digging deep into Tsu'tey's shoulder blade. He cries out, his grip instinctively loosening on Spider who finds his opening and rips himself free. He tumbles from Tsu'tey's shoulder and flops heavily into the dirt with a groan, as the hunter feels warmth flip down his spine from the stabbing pain in his shoulder.
<"What did you do?"> Tsu'tey asks through gritted teeth, trying in vain to see why he hurts, whilst Spider sits collapsed in the undergrowth, looking pale. His knife is no longer in hand, and Tsu'tey can see blood dripping down his lower back and onto the backs of his thighs. <"You stabbed me."> He says aloud, his voice wobbling with the realisation.
And the knife is still in him.
Whilst Spider rolls onto his back and stares up at him with his jaw hanging open in shock, Tsu'tey tries to wrap his head around what has just happened. Spider stabbed him. Spider raised his knife to him. He has NEVER done that before.
The recoms are definitely closing in, but Tsu'tey is too preoccupied.
His throat is tight as he strains to see over his shoulder, his hand pulling his side forward so the skin shifts painfully. But there it is. Buried hilt deep into his flesh, puncturing one of the old bullet scars from the very first war.
Eyes wide in disbelief, he looks back down to his son. His beautiful boy who is shaking and pale, tears collecting along his waterline.
"Leave." Spider whispers wetly.
<"Spider."> Tsu'tey soothes, he swallows tightly, hating the feeling of blood running down his back and dripping onto the back of his thighs. It would heal, he told himself, this didn't mean anything. <"It is okay, I am not angry."> Instinctively, he steps forward to soothe his son as he has countless times before, but for the second time today, Spider scrambles back desperately, eyes wide and frantic.
"Please." His boy emphasises, his legs drawn up close to him as if to block a blow. And he looks so scared and so pale, Tsu'tey is forced to retreat back.
He doesn't want to leave him. Not like this, confused and malnourished. But there is no time.
The shouts of the recoms grow alarmingly close. And Tsu'tey has to go. Every instinct rebels, but he knows he must. He must return to the village, get patched up an return with backup. Anyone, he would even take Jake with him if it ensured Spider would return home safe.
<"I will be back."> He promises, despite how the words clearly unsettle Spider. Whatever this is, they will get past it. Tsu'tey promises himself, as he slips away back into the undergrowth, the pain of his shoulder finally beginning to make itself known now that the shock was wearing off. One way or another, he would get his son back.
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shu-box-puns · 15 days
i love the idea of spider, who neither a product of tsu’tey or his mate, but still is so undeniably theirs. their beads incorporated in his hair, his human parents sayings that just fuel the other kids in the clan, his father’s confidence and loyalty to everyone he cares for..oh dear lord this family is going to be the death of me, i fear
The thing I love about Reader and Tsu'tey is that for those two, once you're adopted, it's a no take back rule. For Tsu'tey, once you're part of the family, that's it, it's a life commitment. You could stub your toe and that man is going to fight the wall for existing. He would do every within his power to ensure his loved ones are safe and well taken care of.
But seriously, I am so hell bent on ensuring Spider is loved in this fic series that it can go no other way. He is treated so poorly in cannon, the least he can have are stable parents that love him unconditionally and would burn the world for him :D
And I am in love with the idea that all that protectiveness and care and love will inevitably reflect in his character.
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shu-box-puns · 16 days
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Will you ever feed us more memes 👀?
Only if you're really good. (Always! ALWAYS!)
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I hope this is a satisfying appetiser :D
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shu-box-puns · 16 days
Will you ever feed us more memes 👀?
Only if you're really good. (Always! ALWAYS!)
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💀⬆️ very accurate!
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I hope this is a satisfying appetiser :D
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shu-box-puns · 29 days
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This is my contribution to the avatar fandom
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shu-box-puns · 29 days
I HAVE NOW! And when I tell you I just let out the ugliest cackle known to man 😭🙏
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I can now sleep peacefully!
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shu-box-puns · 30 days
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shu-box-puns · 30 days
Delulu is the solulu :D
Oh you're sad that your favorite character is dead???? Well none of my faves are dead bc I have been living in denial (reading fanfic) since 2011. Y'all stay safe tho
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shu-box-puns · 1 month
Neytiri: Jake and I are expecting another child. 
Child!Reader who had just begun to think of the Sullys as their family: Oh. Really? Congrat-
Jake, pulling the Na’vi equivalent of adoption papers out from behind his back: It’s you, sign here.
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Fic series here!
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shu-box-puns · 1 month
I think they cut it! Some of them have shaved sides and I swear I’ve seen varying hair lengths amongst Na’vi that seem to be the same age? I do think they would be a bit confused as to why some humans don’t view hair with the same views they have, especially once they learn how much texture can vary amongst us. Reminds me of one time when I was a teen and my mom lost her shit cuz she woke up and I had buzzed it all off without mentioning it 😭 Nearly got hit with a frying pan cuz she thought I was an intruder. Do Not think I’d want to dodge whatever a Na’vi would be holding if I did that to them LMFAO
I am in love with this take 😂 can definitely see na'vi s/o mistaking you for someone rando and taking a swing at you with closest object. Especially if they're sleepy (just woken up or just going to bed) and you're in your shared hut.
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shu-box-puns · 1 month
speaking of tsutey tryin human things i really think hed like or at like not hate human music. but especially african music like afrobeats or amapiano
I'll be honest my head immediately jumped to that one spongebob x afrobeat mashup circling tiktok at the minute! Which is a vibe and Tsu'tey probably wouldn't understand the context behind but would definitely enjoy the vibes.
Side note: He'd hate headphones tho. Over head or in ears, doesn't matter, he wouldn't be able to comfortably enjoy his tunes whilst being unable to clearly hear his surroundings.
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shu-box-puns · 1 month
Do you think na'vi cut their hair? Or do they just let it grow out and braid it back to keep it tamed?
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Let's pretend the latter is the case and na'vi just never cut their hair. Do you think that they assume this is a universal social standard and it's considered wrong or weird to cut hair.
Maybe they assume that humans with short hair just don't grow their hair as fast, or at a different rate to humans of the same age with considerably longer hair?
Do you think it would freak them out if their s/o suddenly turned up with significantly shorter hair than they had yesterday?
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