#mlm ships
yoitsjuli · 1 year
The way popular media went from “here’s two male characters who have an incredible amount of chemistry and fans ship them but it’s not canon and one or both of them are with women” to “here’s two male characters who have an incredible amount of chemistry and fans ship them and it’s canon but only in the way that one of them has an unrequited love for the other and either pines miserably forever or dies.” Progress right?
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godshitgirl · 7 months
*leans in and makes out with you lovingly with my hands on each side of your face then pulls away* HAHAHA GET KISSED LOSER
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helluvabook · 9 days
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You know the mlm ship is going to slap when it’s a blonde x brunette. That’s it
🎨: sophithil
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lokiiied · 9 months
when mr. murray the matchmaker bauman said “experiment sexually” when talking to joyce about what the kids might do while she was away he KNEW who he was talking about.
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ronarry and prongsfoot are so damn addicting because the idea that you can be an asshole, you can show the worst qualities of yourself, you can make terrible mistakes, and someone can still become your best friend and express affection for you and fall in love with you makes my head SPIN
that, guys, is a love that comes once in a lifetime. fuck i love them so much 😭😭😭
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myriaeden · 3 months
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Arsenal x Red Hood Lockscreens
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topsyturvy-turtely · 1 year
if it doesn't physically hurt when you think of your OTP it's not an OTP
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teyvat-travelog · 6 months
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✨Special Guest Announcement
Teyvat Travelogue would like to share our special travel guests! First up is Samairu @samairu_art who will be contributing as a Page Artist! Perhaps we will see their favorite pairing visiting Mondstadt soon.
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achilleanauthor · 10 months
Bitches (me, it's me, hi!) be like 'How could they do this to my boy Sidon!' after meeting Yona, until suddenly they're obsessively writing a Sidlink angst fic that will probably fill multiple notebooks.
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jamiemoonymarks · 2 years
Look at me go. Collecting mlm ships just to cause myself pain
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peggingeddiediaz · 2 months
What is the point in repeating the same tired buddie dynamics but this time with Tommy? They might as well replace Eddie's name in any buddie fic and you get the new BuckTommy canon…
Anon, welcome to ship's fanon, it's awful, don't despair. I will use your ask to rant a bit. What you're saying is true. You know why I'm so annoying about bottom Eddie? Even though you just know buddie would be the perfect example of a verse for verse couple?
Because fanon stereotypes (which at times can really toe the racism line) never let Eddie be anything other than "Top" Eddie just gets to be repressed, violent, cold, so incompetent in the kitchen he burns water, a Christian Grey cosplayer with a permanent smirk on his face, a ladies man (please 🤭) you get the point.
And Buck, doesn't ever change even though he's in a new ship. Any and every bottom stereotype you've heard of? that's fanon Buck. Which is ironic since fandom really hates those gender roles and stereotypes when it's a m/f couple. Tommy is the bigger, older one so obviously he's the dom top archetype, and Buck continues to be the self insert. The one who is infantilized, a brat with a praise kink who needs a spanking, woobified to hell and back, and always saved by the top's magical cock.
You have a few options, you can either create your own content, which is the reason why I made this blog in the first place, find others with similar views on the character as yours or find another ship.
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catboyglover · 5 months
the way every mlm ship inevitably falls victim to the “uwu hyperfeminine soft boy” x “𝖎’𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖐𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖓.” fandom characterization
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
one of my fav mlm dynamics is ‘sunshine himbo and his alt boyfriend’
examples: jargyle, blackbonnet, dreamling, merthur (cmon merlin would so be alt), deancas (cas is the himbo idc), steddie, solangelo, superbat, ineffable husbands, etc. the list goes on and on
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aroace-menace · 1 year
Controversial opinion or whatever but it needs to be said: straight shipping culture of “OmG tHeY mAdE eYe CoNtAcT tHeY mUsT bE iN lOvE” is actually the exact same thing that queer shipping culture does and they’re both annoying af and I’m tired of it. People can be friends. Whether they’re different genders or the same gender, they can be friends. Romantic relationships aren’t inherently more interesting than platonic relationships. Actually it’s usually the other way around. You can ship characters without claiming that it’s canon.
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if i had a nickel every time a bi boy fell for a gay boy who then proceeded to die in a piece of media set in the 80s I'd have three nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened three times, right?
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞-𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞...."
—Between Two Worlds by mili
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