#mirror magic
thespectralcottage · 4 months
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✨ Locking mirrors ✨
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I recently got a mirror and wanted to put it in on my altar. Before doing that I wanted to ensure it was locked and spiritually ready to do, especially with it being in such an important location for me.
By many in the occult and spiritual communities mirrors are seen as portals, with connections to the other side and each other. Some practitioners now go out of their way to ensure that portal can’t be accessed by others.
Locking a mirror is simply putting a protection enchantment on it, with a millions what’s to do it. When doing this I like to ensure the mirror is thoroughly cleansed, usually using smoke in addition to a cleansing water. Often people then draw a symbol on the mirror. This can be anything from the pentacle to sigils, runes, alchemy symbols or the elements symbols. I draw mine on with my favorite protection oil. Once I’m finished I like to physically clean the mirror again, while focusing on the energy I’ve put down spreading over and coating the mirror fully. This process can be down a few times a year, whenever your intuition pops up and tells you it needs to be done.
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grey-sorcery · 10 months
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Title: Mirrors: Portals and Uses
Recommended Reading
Altars: Uses & Design Dimensions & PlanesDualities in Witchcraft Researching Witchcraft Spiritwork: First Steps Basics of Spellcasting Basics of Warding Basics of Banishing Energy Work Fundamentals Intermediate Energy Work The Subtle Body The Wellsource Correspondences: Research, Creation, & Use
Please note that some information on this post comes from personal experience as well as conversations with my elders and other practitioners.
Mirrors harbor a unique and paradoxical role, often existing at the intersection of clarity and obfuscation. Throughout the annals of history, these reflective surfaces have been the subject of mystic fascination and contemplation. Shrouded in a mysterious aura, mirrors are an integral component of various mystical practices across diverse cultures.
A seminal instance is observed within the African Yoruba tradition, where mirrors are emblematic of Oshun, the deity of beauty, love, and prosperity. Here, these reflective surfaces serve as conduits to divine insight, manifesting the ethereal into the perceptible. Parallel to this, in the indigenous cultures of the Amazonian Shipibo-Conibo people, mirrors - often represented by reflective surfaces of water - are perceived as gateways to understanding the complex layers of the universe, thus embodying a significant spiritual tool. Moreover, in many East Asian practices, mirrors carry deep symbolic significance and are fundamental in rituals aiming to ward off malevolent forces. Among the Ainu people of Japan, for instance, mirrors function as amulets, protecting the holder from supernatural harm.
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Mirrors as Portals
A ubiquitous yet perplexing facet is the concept of mirrors functioning as portals. These reflective surfaces, more than mere decorative elements or vanity tools, hold a quintessential place in mystic and magical practice, extending beyond their ordinary use to become intermediaries between the unknown and the practitioner. Diving into the understanding of mirrors, one might read about their role as gateways. The duality of mirrors, both reflective and transparent, presents a tantalizing paradox: what they display isn't a mere reflection, but an alternate universe or spiritual plane. This dichotomy positions mirrors as a connective threshold, an aperture between the observable and the unknown, the physical and the mystical. Despite their allure, mirrors necessitate careful handling within a magical context. It is a common misconception that mirrors only function as portals during explicit rituals. However, their latent potential as conduits should not be overlooked. Consequently, it's paramount that mirrors remain shrouded or safeguarded within consecrated spaces to prevent inadvertent connections to unwelcome energies. Approaching this aspect with a measure of respect and precaution is instrumental in maintaining the equilibrium of such spaces.
Historically, the mirror's role as a portal is discernible across a myriad of cultural contexts. In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell victim to his reflection in a pool of water, demonstrating an early symbol of mirrors as deceptive portals to the ego. In Chinese folklore, the mythical creature Nüwa repaired the heavens using a seven-colored stone, comparable to a mirror, again associating these reflective surfaces with cosmic transitions.
Mirrors often represent truth, knowledge, and self-awareness, owing to their reflective properties. However, their potential as portals imbues them with added dimensions of mystery, transformation, and transition. The mirror, in this context, becomes a metaphor for change and personal evolution, presenting a liminal space where the known meets the unknown, thereby offering new possibilities and perspectives.
Given the energetic properties inherent in mirrors, they should always be treated as portals. Their constituent materials - silica and silver - interact in such a way that a subtle, yet potent, energetic field is generated, a field potentially capable of bridging multiple planes. To ensure safety, mirrors should be handled with respect and caution. They should be appropriately covered or warded when not in use, especially within sanctified spaces. It is also recommended to cleanse mirrors regularly to reset their energetic state and prevent any residual energies from accumulating.
Energetic Interactions & Metaphysics
Energetic Interactions
Amid the energetic symphony of the universe, each object reverberates its unique energetic signature, contributing to the collective composition. Mirrors, with their paradoxical and captivating nature, have often been the center of esoteric investigation. This intrigue is rooted not only in their physical attributes but also in their nuanced energetic interactions.
To comprehend the energetic interplay of mirrors, one must first examine the properties of its constituent components. Primarily, mirrors are composed of glass, a substance formed from the supercooling of molten silica into a quasicrystalline structure. Coating the back of this silica-based surface is a thin layer of reflective metal, usually aluminum or silver. 
Silica is very insulative, and negentropic, meaning that its natural energetic state eventually resets regardless of influence. It is also Attractive, meaning that it slowly pulls other energetic compounds to itself. Due to the quasicrystalline structure, glass is refractive and enthalpic, meaning that it becomes thermal under pressure- or releases energy. Silver is conductive and repulsive in nature. Due to how silver atoms prefer to arrange themselves (a face-centered cubic lattice) it also tends to be very metastable, meaning that its natural energetic state is not prone to change regardless of energetic interactions. Because the two are constantly next to each other, because of the silver backing, the negentropic nature of the silica causes an energetic cycle of attraction and repulsion, this oscillation combined with the conductive nature of silver and the entropic nature of glass generates a small energetic field. While this is normally negligible, it creates the perfect environment for the propagation of connections between spaces or planes that are out of phase with our own. 
The unique composition of mirrors implicates a distinct effect on the ambient energy. Mirrors, with their inherent vibrational resonance, can both pull and push energy, thereby influencing the surrounding energetic atmosphere. The capacity of mirrors to manipulate energy finds practical applications in the sphere of spellwork and energy transmutation. Through their reflective properties, mirrors can serve as effective tools in spells that involve redirection or amplification of energy. They can be used to create energetic boundaries, return energetic influences, or focus and multiply ambient energy and energetic projections. 
Common Metaphysics of Mirrors
The mirror, with its intrinsic capacity to reflect, serves as a potent symbol of the Jungian 'Shadow' - the hidden aspects of one's psyche that are often suppressed or ignored. Through the act of looking into a mirror, one is invited to confront and acknowledge these facets, facilitating a journey towards holistic self-awareness. The mirror, in this respect, catalyzes self-reflection and introspection, propelling an individual towards self-understanding and acceptance. Delving into the sphere of mirror magic uncovers its profound connection to personal transformation. The reflective nature of mirrors encapsulates the principle of change, embodying the potential for alteration and transformation. As such, mirror magic can be utilized as a tool for self-development and evolution, offering a means to focus energy towards constructive change. Beyond symbolism and transformation, the metaphysical properties of mirrors warrant exploration. Mirrors, by their construction and function, are potent energetic entities. The amalgamation of silica and metallic elements results in a unique vibrational resonance, enabling the mirror to absorb, store, and emit energy. This energetic characteristic, coupled with the mirror's reflective capacity, amplifies its metaphysical potency, making it an influential tool in various mystical practices. Moreover, the reflective nature of mirrors aligns them with the principle of 'as above, so below', a concept found in various esoteric traditions. This principle speaks to interconnectedness, suggesting that what occurs on one level of reality also happens on another. Mirrors could, therefore, serve as a solid physical replacement for any correspondence necessary.
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Divination, Spells, & Ritual
In the enigmatic arena of divination, mirrors command a distinctive presence. Among various techniques, scrying - the act of gazing into a reflective surface to perceive spiritual messages - emerges as a common method of introspection and foreknowledge. This practice unfolds as a tripartite process, encompassing the scrying ritual, technique, and subsequent interpretation.
Scrying, an ancient form of divination, leverages the reflective properties of reflective surfaces, like mirrors, to delve into the psyche, unveil hidden knowledge, or prognosticate future events. This technique transcends conventional sensory perception, engaging instead with subconscious and/or spiritual entities. The mirror functions as a medium, harnessing and focusing the widened attention in order to project images or symbols onto the reflective surface. These visual constructs carry messages from the spiritual domain, providing insights that range from self-understanding to predictive revelations.
Techniques & Rituals for Scrying
Executing mirror scrying necessitates a meticulous approach. Often, the process commences with the preparation of the space and the individual. Creating a tranquil environment, devoid of disruptive elements, facilitates a deeper, unhindered connection with the spiritual plane. Personal preparation includes grounding and centering exercises to align the individual's energy with the ambient energy of the environment. They then place a light source between them and the reflective surface. Once prepared, the practitioner enters a meditative state, allowing their gaze to soften and unfocus while looking into the mirror. This passive observation invites subconscious impressions to surface and be displayed on the mirror. Maintaining an open mind and a receptive state is crucial, as the visions or symbols may not be immediately clear or might require subsequent interpretation.
Interpretation of Images & Symbols in Reflections
Post the scrying experience, the practitioner embarks on the task of interpreting the observed symbols or images. This phase is intrinsically subjective, as the significance of the symbols often rests within the personal context of the observer and their held convictions and correspondences. However, there are common archetypes and symbols that carry collective meanings, which can provide a starting point for interpretation.
For instance, water-themed images might signify movement, emotions, or the unconscious, while an image of a bird might symbolize freedom or spiritual elevation. However, these interpretations are not rigid, and the practitioner must trust their intuition to derive the true message from the symbols. Being able to pull specific concepts from abstraction can be an invaluable tool in this practice. Moreover, it's worth noting that the absence of specific images during scrying does not indicate failure. Sometimes, the experience might be more of an energetic shift or a feeling, which are equally valid forms of divinatory communication.
Examples of mirror spells for different applications
Harnessing the power of mirrors, one can devise a multitude of spells tailored for diverse purposes. One such example pertains to protection, where a mirror can serve as a shield to deflect negative energy. Here, the mirror is positioned facing outward, symbolically repelling unwanted influences, thereby safeguarding the individual or space.
Another practical application can be found in the realm of healing. A mirror, due to its reflective nature, can be utilized to channel and focus healing energy towards a specific target. For instance, an inscription or symbol associated with health could be drawn on the mirror surface. Subsequently, this healing symbol is then "activated" by focusing one's concentration on it, allowing the mirror to magnify the healing intention.
Mirror spells also prove instrumental in the domain of self-improvement. One may write or speak affirmations into a mirror, thereby employing its reflective capability to reinforce positive change. The mirror's surface serves to amplify the affirmation, aiding in its internalization and materialization.
Ritual Practices Involving Mirrors
Mirrors, acting as tools for focus, protection, and transformation. One common ritual involves the use of a mirror as a portal for spiritual communication. In this practice, the mirror is treated as a gateway, a connection point between the physical and spiritual planes. Practitioners may engage in meditation or trance work in front of the mirror, seeking to establish communication with spiritual entities or access deep layers of the subconscious.
Another ritual entails the use of a mirror in a consecration ceremony, where the mirror is "cleansed" of any residual energy and "charged" with a specific purpose. This process involves elements like incense, candles, or natural elements like moonlight, leveraging their specific energetic signatures to cleanse and empower the mirror.
One must, however, proceed with caution when interacting with mirrors in a ritualistic context. Given their potent properties, mirrors must be handled respectfully and carefully. Always ensure that the ritual mirror is properly stored or covered when not in use to prevent any unintended energetic interactions.
Example Ritual That Incorporates Mirrors
Ritual of Mirror Reflection
Objective: This ritual aims to promote self-reflection, growth, and self-awareness. It harnesses the unique properties of mirrors to aid participants in seeing and understanding aspects of themselves more clearly.
Optimal Circumstances: Conduct this ritual during a new moon, a time known for introspection and new beginnings. A quiet, dimly lit space with minimal disturbances is ideal.
Ingredients and Correspondences:
Mirror: Acts as the primary tool for reflection and introspection
(Optional) A bowl
White Candle or electric candle: Represents purity and clarity.
(Optional) Lavender Incense: Used for relaxation and heightening awareness.
(Optional) Salt: Represents grounding and protection.
(Optional) Incense for grounding
(Optional) Offerings for your spirits
Create a clean, sacred space where the ritual will take place.
Place the mirror on a flat surface.
Practice the incantation until you can recall it without breaking your train of thought: “Show me, guide me, reveal the truth inside me.”
(Optional) Place the salt and lavender in a bowl and then set the candle in the bowl, cradled within the mixture to support it.
(Optional) Place the candle between you and the mirror before lighting it.
If the bowl, salt, and lavender is omitted, just place the candle between you and the mirror. Be sure that the candle is in a glass container for fire safety.
Creating and Engaging the Headspace:
Ensure that your space is free from distractions by turning devices off or on silent, taking measures to get pets quiet and happy, notifying other residence that you require some quiet, putting on headphones with music, and setting comfortable lighting.
Use the flame from the candle dance. Let its clarity inspire your mind to remain focused and clear throughout.
(Optional) Affirm to yourself, “Today, I seek a clearer understanding of myself.” if you think it will aid you.
Maintain this headspace by repeatedly returning your focus to the candle's flame and the points of gnosis whenever your mind wanders.
Entering a State of Gnosis:
 Light the incense and take a few deep breaths, inhaling the calming scent.
Sit or stand comfortably before the mirror, gazing deeply into your reflection.
Allow any extraneous thoughts to flow out with each exhale.
Gradually move your awareness inwards on your own psyche. While maintaining equal awareness of each component, break up your psyche into subsequent parts by whatever categorization feels most optimal for you.
Include awareness of your subtle body in your gnosis, as it also plays a role in the psyche.
Take steps to ensure that your state of gnosis is unbroken throughout the spell.
Programming the Energetic Body:
Within your gnosis, move your center of consciousness into your subtle body.
Incorporate your Wellsource into your awareness and how it feeds energy into your subtle body.
Begin to radiate Wellsource energy out of each energy point radially. Be sure that the amount of energy per second is unilateral for each point. 
Energetic Constructs:
While maintaining gnosis, reach out and sense the energetic properties and projections from the mirror. It should be a rapidly oscillating field that projects roughly 10 cm -1 m away from the mirror relative to its size. If you’re using a black mirror, stone mirror, or any mirror that doesn’t have a silver backing it will have a different energetic sensation.
(Optional) Incorporating Spirits:
To integrate spirits, whisper a humble request for guidance from trusted spirits and give whatever offerings they prefer. To identify them, look for sensations of warmth, a gentle pressure, or feelings of serenity.
Ensure that you do not demand, but gently request their presence.
Understand that they will help you if they desire, but do not rely on or expect their assistance.
Ritual Action:
Gaze into the mirror, allowing your eyes to defocus slightly. As you do, softly chant or whisper, “Show me, guide me, reveal the truth inside me.”
With each repetition, delve deeper into introspection, understanding the various facets of your being.
Sink your awareness into the components of your psyche. Try not to label them, and just observe them. Trust that your subconscious will bring back what it is you need from the working.
Concluding the Ritual:
 Collect the energy you released and send it into the earth.
Thank your spiritual aids, if you called them, and invite them to leave.
Extinguish the candle and clear the space, ensuring to store the mirror safely.
Cleanse the space using whatever means are more comfortable to you.
Note: Always cleanse the mirror after use to reset its energetic state. This can be done by washing it with salt water or vinegar. If you’d like to seal the mirror, draw a sigil on it and/or cover it with a black or white cloth.
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Spirit Work
Mirrors, in their multifaceted roles within various esoteric traditions, exhibit a powerful capacity for spirit work. This encompasses a wide spectrum of practices ranging from entity banishment to spirit communication. The exploration of these applications, while deeply intriguing, also necessitates an attitude of respect and careful handling given the potent nature of this work.
Examples of Mirrors in Use for Spirit Work
In several indigenous cultures, mirrors are employed for spirit work, acting as conduits between the physical world and the spiritual realm. For instance, among the indigenous Huichol people of Mexico, mirrors are often integrated into shamanistic practices to facilitate communication with ancestral spirits. This specific usage is chronicled in "The Huichol: A Culture Walking Towards the Light" by Susana Valadez and "Shamanism and Spirituality in Therapeutic Practice" by Christa Mackinnon.
In Asia, particularly within the indigenous Ainu community of Japan, mirrors, known as "Iyomante," are considered sacred objects that bridge the gap between humans and "Kamuy" (divine beings). Details of this practice can be found in "The Ainu and their Folklore" by John Batchelor and "Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People" by William Fitzhugh and Chisato Dubreuil.
Using Mirrors for Banishing
Mirrors also play a role in the banishment of unwanted entities. The rationale behind this practice is that the mirror's reflective surface 'returns' the entity's energy back to itself, which can prove disorientating or repelling for the entity. It can also act as a portal to another spiritual plane through which an entity can be sent to. A particular method involves placing the mirror with the reflective side facing outwards towards the direction from which the negative energy is perceived to originate. During this process, the practitioner maintains a focused state, using projections from the subtle body to direct the unwanted energy into the mirror. 
Using Mirrors for Spirit Communication
The reflective nature of mirrors has led to their usage as tools for spirit communication, serving as a medium through which messages from the spiritual realm can be received. This practice often involves mirror gazing or scrying, where the practitioner enters a meditative state and focuses on the mirror's surface, inviting communication from spirits.
One notable example is the "Psychomanteum," a mirrored chamber used for contacting spirits of the departed, popularized by Dr. Raymond Moody, author of "Reunions: Visionary Encounters With Departed Loved Ones". This technique requires a carefully controlled environment and preparation to facilitate spirit communication. It's recommended for only experienced practitioners or under the guidance of a seasoned professional. It is important to note that while mirrors can be effective tools in spirit work, some methodologies may not work for everyone due their vagueness or whether they’re writing from a personal narrative. 
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chaotictoon · 2 months
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Magic Mirror
Mirrors with many different magical abilities in animation.
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myhauntedsalem · 2 months
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● Mirrors reflect magick
○ They send it back, block it, or amplify it
● To enhance a spell work
○ Placed on top of a mirror to increase its power
● To block someone in life and magick
○ Put their name between two inward-facing mirrors
● To protect someone
○ Put their name between two outward-facing mirrors
● To stop bad behavior
○ Put your enemy in a box with mirrors inside and out. This will make them powerless in magick and life
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munroemagic · 5 months
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hookaroo · 10 months
Laden of the Torn (9 of 25)
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AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 <3 Chapter 9 warning: Discussions of death & the fear of losing loved ones
9 months ago…
Stashed among the countless books and scrolls that made up the tower’s extensive library, one folded piece of parchment contained a hand-sketched map of Neverland.
Not the real thing, of course: Killian had burned that wretched rag stained with far too much blood, filth, and despair the moment he’d managed to finally free himself of that cursed place. Its successor--a much-censored, overly positive version created more from imagination than memory--served as a visual backdrop to the fanciful tales he would concoct whenever Alice asked of his history there. She knew vaguely of the island’s dangers, and the tribe of feral children posing the greatest of its threats, but this map and its accompanying adventure stories painted more a vision of a tropical paradise than the jungles of Hell that it truly was.
Alice sat perusing that map now, idly outlining wave shapes in a blue far more bright and beautiful than any the moonlit, eternal night could ever produce. Nearby, Killian was attempting to mend a beloved doll that had fallen victim to an excessively enthusiastic game of Alice’s own creation. The seams had been stitched so many times through the years that it seemed to be composed more of leftover threads of all types than the fabric of its origin. Alice still played with it though, and any source of comfort was worth preserving for as long as possible.
“Papa?” Alice began. 
“Mmhmm?” Killian replied, mentally preparing for a trip to Fantasy-Neverland that hopefully wouldn’t include a detour through Memory-Neverland on the way out.
“Do you think that Captain Smee would ever return to Neverland, if he could find the way there again?”
Killian hid a smirk and pulled on a carefully placed thread to tighten the knot. “I very much doubt it, Starfish. Captain Smee has always been… rather a timid man at heart. I think he prefers to stick to the familiar tides of this land, and keep the wilds of Neverland safely tucked away in memory.”
“But… didn’t you once say that the reason he snuck aboard the Jolly Roger in the first place was to steal a magic bean so that he could trade it for immortality?”
Raising an eyebrow, Killian looked up in surprise. “You have a very good memory, love.”
“And you told me that no living thing in Neverland ever grows old.”
“So if he truly wants to live forever, all he needs to do is to go back! I hope he does. Then when we get out of this tower, maybe you and I could go there too, Papa!”
She could not know the icy terror that gripped his soul at the thought, nor of the visions that sometimes haunted his hours both waking and sleeping… his exact worst nightmare, innocently longed for in such a casual manner. Heart suddenly pounding, Killian swallowed the sickening dread constricting his throat and presented as calm a demeanor as he could muster.
“Aren’t you forgetting one not-so-small detail?”
“Am I?”
“Surely I must have mentioned a certain horrid little boy who makes Neverland his home. An eternity in his domain is hardly the paradise you’re imagining it to be.”
“Oh.” Alice looked crestfallen, and though Killian always hated disappointing her, he could not stop the wave of relief from coursing through him when it seemed she had accepted his objection. Adding one final stitch to the doll’s ragged seam, he was quick to assure her,
“There are dozens of other beautiful places I’ll take you one day, Alice, where we’ll have adventures much more exciting than we could ever find on that godsforsaken refuse heap. Remember? The Sea of Glass, and Rainbow Falls, and the purple cliffs where the goats climb right up the vertical rock faces…”
He trailed off when he heard a miserable sniffle from his little girl. She was staring down at the tabletop, obviously not seeing the map laid out before her as she quietly wiped away tears. Hastily, he severed the thread and laid it aside, then moved to kneel at her side. He placed the doll in her lap and reached up to stroke the hair back from her face.
“Alice? What is it, love?
She sniffed again, met his eyes briefly, then looked away.
There were periods of time when her circumstances got the better of her, and understandably so. Killian had always done his best to console her, but it would never truly be all right until he could free her from this damned tower. And the more she grew up, the heavier the burden was for both of them.
“I’m sorry, Starfish; it must be frustrating to hear of wondrous places without the ability to see them yet. But I promise you will someday; you’ve just got to keep--”
“You’re going to die one day, aren’t you?”
The tiny voice took Killian by surprise, and he fell silent. This wasn’t at all where he had thought the conversation was heading. It made sense in hindsight, though. She wasn’t asking about Neverland for the adventures, or for immortality for Smee… it was all about Killian’s mortality.
“Oh, Alice…” He pulled her into his chest, wrapping her tightly in his arms. Gently, he murmured, “I don’t want you to be worrying about that, love. Not for a long, long time. You have enough to think about.”
Alice squeezed him back, shaking with sobs and saying,
“I don’t want you to die, Papa, not ever! I love you so much I think I would die too!” She pulled away and scrubbed at her face, continuing in one long, hysterical breath. “I couldn’t bear to live without you--I don’t care about Pan; if we went to Neverland, then we could be together forever!”
Killian watched her for a beat, unconsciously stroking her hair as his heart broke. He understood exactly how she felt; he would give anything to ensure he’d never be separated from her, as well. But there was an additional element to her anticipatory grief. Once he was gone, if she were still trapped here, she would be completely alone, probably for the rest of her life. It was too horrible to even imagine. And here he was, pretending like he didn’t constantly think about what would become of her if something should happen to him.
Tenderly, Killian covered her hands with his, willing her to feel how overwhelmingly powerful his love was for her.
“It isn’t easy,” he admitted quietly, “thinking about losing someone you care for. I feel much the same way about you. And sadly, part of what makes life so special is its brevity. But you can’t let that overshadow or take away from the time that you do have with your loved ones.”
He reached up to wipe a tear from her cheek, feeling his own eyes brimming. “I hold on to a piece of everyone I’ve loved: my mother, my brother… Milah… after each loss, there were days when I felt like I couldn’t go on. But you know what? I’m so very glad I did. Because that brought me to the greatest joy in my life.”
Killian waited until Alice tentatively met his gaze, and he confirmed her unasked question with a watery, adoring grin. She could not resist a shaky half-smile in response. Killian embraced her again, planted a soft kiss on the top of her head, then rested back into his crouch, watching her compose herself. After one final hand across her eyes, Alice mumbled,
“Thank you, Papa.”
“I love you, Alice.” 
He got slowly to his feet, stifling any outward sign that his joints were not quite as young as they used to be, then added,
“Try to stop worrying, love. I plan to be around for quite a long time yet.”
Less than a month later,
“I plan to be around…” echoed through his head as ten paces were marked and two bullets flew.
“Quite a long time yet…” rang in his ears as he collided with the tower wall, a new and deadly pain coursing through the center of his chest.
“A long time…” mocked him as melancholy rain drenched him, body and spirit, and evil laughter gave way to devastated wailing from on high.
“A long time…” continued to destroy him now with its meaningless, endless promise, as hope and resources dwindled.
What a fool he had been.
Present Day…
Killian woke with an ache in his throat and chest: a common occurrence these days. Apparently, despite his resolution to make use of the alone time, he had fallen asleep instead. He rubbed his eyes and scoured the clearing for any sign of Blackbeard, but the other man had not yet returned. 
He should conserve his strength, try and rest some more and prepare for whatever ordeals lay ahead. But there was only one thing that could begin to soothe the pain of the familiar nightmare-flashback he’d just experienced, and he knew he owed it to Alice to make the attempt as well. This was the longest he’d gone without connecting ever since he’d acquired the mirror, and the worry would be eating her alive. So, despite the danger and the various pains afflicting him, Killian finished freeing himself from the ropes and forced himself up to retrieve Blackbeard’s unattended satchel. 
No hook, of course; no weapons of any kind, or even any food. Killian was immensely relieved to find his black rook near the bottom, which he stashed in an inside pocket closest his heart. But Blackbeard had taken everything else of value, leaving only a few first aid supplies and other odds and ends… one of which was Killian’s mirror, blessedly intact despite its careless treatment. With mild surprise, he noted that the ceremonial cloth once containing bread remnants now protected the mirror’s glass face, somehow counted amongst his possessions recovered from the quarry transport guards. Maybe the rumors of its mystical powers were indeed true… and he was finally about to put it all to the test.
After stashing the dusty cloth back into the satchel, Killian grasped the mirror’s handle and drew a few calming breaths.
“Alice?” he called quietly. “Are you there, love?”
Her likeness materialized almost immediately, as if she’d been expecting him to call.
“Papa!” she cried in tremulous delight. “Are you all right? I’ve been so worried!”
The cursed tingle in his heart told him all he needed to know. That sickening mold residue, another failure of a lead--this one costing him dearly, its total sum yet to be determined. Killian tried not to let his disappointment show as he gave her a reassuring smile.
“I’m okay, but I haven’t got long. I just wanted to make sure--”
A distant oath sounded from somewhere beyond the twist in the canyon, and Killian froze for an instant. Then, hastily, he hissed,
“I’m sorry, Starfish; I need to go, but I’ll try again as soon as I’m able.”
“Hook? Who is that you’re talking to?”
Killian still could not see Blackbeard, but that villain had to be close. He lunged for the satchel and, over Alice’s muffled protests, he thrust the mirror back into its hiding place just as his red-clad captor sauntered into view. 
Then he remembered what the sorcerer had told him about the enchantment: both parties had to agree to the connection being severed. And, judging by the continuing prickle beneath his breastbone and the quiet sounds emanating from the satchel, Alice had not been willing to let her father go so quickly.
“What the devil are you up to?” sneered Blackbeard. He tossed the waterskins carelessly on the ground and stumbled over to menace Killian.
“It’s nothing, mate; only searching for a bit of food is all. I’m completely famished.”
Blackbeard snorted. “Well, that makes a change. No more heaving your guts out, then?”
He cocked his head, listening, and Killian answered quickly and too loudly.
“It looks as if you were at least successful at locating water? If you want me to make it to the genie monkeys, you’ll have to be a bit more generous than you're accustomed to--”
“Shhh!” hissed Blackbeard, holding up a hand. Without pause, Killian said,
“What are you listening to? I don’t hear anything, and we should probably get a move on if we’re to make any progress before sundown--”
It didn’t work. Blackbeard lunged for the satchel, and though Killian made a feeble attempt to keep it from him, the bigger man easily tore it from his grasp. Killian clambered to his feet, desperate to stop what he knew was coming.
Blackbeard immediately zeroed in on the noise-making mirror, and he let the satchel and the rest of its contents fall to the ground.
“Papa?” squeaked Alice, and Blackbeard leered.
“What’s this? That the child you abandoned?”
Killian took a step forward, hand outstretched, feeling like he was moving through mud. “Blackbeard… please…”
Blackbeard laughed loudly. The mirror “slipped” from his fingers. Killian dove for it. Alice’s frightened image flipped around and around in midair. The ball and chain hampered Killian’s lunge. His fingertips just brushed glass before it shattered on the razor stones. Alice’s voice cut abruptly to silence.
Breathing heavily, Killian sat on his knees and stared at the remnants of his only link with his daughter. Even if he managed to escape and find his way back to the sorcerer who had arranged the enchantment, he could not afford to pay the exorbitant price a second time, not without considerable effort… or risking additional imprisonment by doing something illicit. “Blackbeard… you… bastard!”
Unconcerned, Blackbeard chided,
“You may want to be careful throwing that term around, considering…”
Killian seethed, still watching the shimmering halo of glass shards as if they could somehow reassemble themselves on their own. “That was her only connection to the outside world!”
“And whose fault is that, really? I’m not the one who trapped her there, nor the father foolish enough to go and get his heart cursed so she’s left with no one. Frankly, I’m surprised you’ve managed to live with the guilt for this long.”
Blackbeard bent down and scooped the few scattered supplies back into his satchel, then flung the strap over his shoulder. “Taking you to the monkeys is a kindness. They’ll quickly put you out of your misery.”
None-too-gently, he draped one of the waterskins over his captive’s shoulder and dragged him to his feet. Then he reached for the mirror’s empty frame. Killian glared daggers at him as he turned it over once in his hand.
“Glue in a bit of cheap, ordinary glass and it will fetch a copper or two,” said Blackbeard. He stuffed the frame in with the rest of his belongings, then hauled up the remaining skin of water and took a large swig. Noting the hatred in Killian’s stare, he rolled his eyes and waved at the waterskin Killian was holding, encouraging him to drink.
“The girl has my sympathies,” he remarked mildly. “But not my allegiance. And a broken mirror won’t matter in the slightest once you become the monkeys’ main course.”
In truth, Killian was nearly as angry at himself for being so reckless as he was at Blackbeard for callously destroying the enchanted mirror. But even so, the wanton cruelty of the act filled him with loathing.
“You will regret making an enemy of me,” he snarled. Blackbeard only scoffed.
“Empty threats. Never heard those before.” He once again pointed to Killian’s water. “Now drink up. We’ve a long way to go before nightfall.”
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My dumb Fairy Tail parody/rewrite for my friends is back. I need a snappier name for it
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meruladelux · 2 years
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🌹I am in harmony with myself and the world I live in, and therefore I am one in myself.
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grace4power · 2 years
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someone is about to get their energy turned back onto themselves...
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monotheisticpagan · 1 year
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Lately I've found I am using fire magick less.
My spells of late have been either long term petition workings or mirror magick.
Where I have used fire it is to light ritual incense. Satya black blossom reminds me of my practice back in the mid-nineties. It has the same scent a black soap an old friend bought me had. She felt I would find the black soap appropriate to incorporate into my witchcraft.
I like to light it to remind me of how I started. The folk magic I began with and how I felt using witchcraft actively for the first time.
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yayathaboss · 1 year
POV: How I look at myself in the mirror.
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xpinkcookiee · 1 year
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Loving all of me 💕
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
The Superpower you would have based on your Star Sign:
Aquarius: Mirror Magic
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~ books read in 2022 ~
#10: The Glass Magician by Charlie Holmberg
A late summer breeze wafted through the open kitchen window, making the twenty tiny flames upon Ceony’s cake dance back and forth on their candlewicks.
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istrikala · 25 days
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Step into elegance with our new collection of handworked georgette sarees ✨ Each piece is meticulously crafted with real mirror embellishments, reflecting timeless beauty and sophistication. Whether you're attending a wedding or a special event, these sarees will make you shine. Shop now and embrace the magic of mirror work!
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honeymoonhazeee · 3 months
I’ve Been Looking At Myself in The Mirror More Lately.
It’s only been 3 days since the start of the week and I can see how I’ve aged.
I’m high. Or fucking myself I stare into the mirror to see face I blur into. Sometimes it’s familiar, sometimes it’s ancient. Sometimes the eyes are like stones. Gems that gleam, they are reflecting something.
“The eyes are the windows to the soul.”
Mirror Magic. 🪞🌹✨
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