queermasculine · 3 days
hi, kinda detrans gnc ?woman? here. used to ID as a gay trans dude. realized I love and worship women and have been slowly trying to embrace the lesbian label as I browse blogs like yours, but I also can't help but feel I love men in a distinctly queer way, too. honestly your blog is amazing in its depiction of queer sexuality and masculinity and both parts of myself feel seen. don't know if I'll ever know the answers, but you have been a lighthouse in helping me to navigate the waters of gender and sexuality. thank you for what you do, sending much love <3
that's beautiful anon, honored to have played a small part in your journey! vis-a-vis loving men in a queer way as a lesbian, yeah being a primarily masculine-attracted lesbian was a huge mindfuck for me growing up. took me forever to figure out what was going on with me. i mean i knew early on i wasn't interested in ever becoming a wife or girlfriend to any man (and i was right), but i always dug the look of muscle and body hair and men's clothes — masculinity was both attractive and aspirational to me, and while i felt very emotionally attracted to women, "pretty" things just never did it for me.
so i wanted to look like a man, but i didn't really want to be one, and i was attracted to men, but didn't really want to fuck one. everything about me felt like an irreconcilable contradiction, and i was pretty much resigned to living my life as a nonsensical dead-end when i (completely accidentally) stumbled upon the notion that maybe, there could be people out there who are masculine in all the ways i want to be... who aren't men. that maybe that's who i am. that maybe that's who i'm meant to love.
and it's pretty funny in hindsight, how the answer turned out to be so simple. but i haven't been confused since
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apt502-if · 1 day
omfg - will def be going the news anchor route w M as my ex 😏 MC will not be escaping their exes 😤
this is so funny to me - such a sit com situation 🤭 ofc I will romance both 😌 living for the drama
MC internally flips out upon finding out because what are the chances in New York freaking City that MC happens to be stuck with two exes—including one that they haven't seen in years?
Slim. The chances should be slim. And yet.
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soaked-ghost · 3 days
Your oc is so cool........bro is such a silly guy.......a little goofster.....they're awesome sauce.......going to draw them later.........
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Feel free to infodump gender non-specific royal term............/nf (I will gladly read all of it)
FIRST OF THANK U!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD man where even to start...
they're this wannabe cool guy that really wants to be taken seriously but nobody really thinks that they're cool everyone just thinks that they're weird ☠️☠️
They got a massive ego and constantly wants to prove that they're stronger and better than anyone, ESPECIALLY ink 'cuz they're obsessed with that guy and envies him a lot, and ink on the other is just like 'wooow my friend :]'
They're violent, short-tempered, selfish, mischievous and only cares about achieving their goals, which they won't stop at nothing to accomplish (overtime they direct their determination on keeping their friends safe :))
also their most important character traits is that they love dogs and music a lot
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dormont · 13 hours
Its pride month, Bright One. You know what that means
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lexithwrites · 2 days
(Before they started dating) OF Sirius walking around the house casually in cute panties and Remus’ shirt, and Remus looking at him like 😮😯😦 bc our boy is SEXY and CUTE and PRETTY and he can’t believe that this beautiful creature is real and chooses to bless him with his existence
Remus will usually be staring at Sirius doing literally anything especially when he wears sexy stuff but even when he looks tired and messy Remus is like jesus christ he’s so hot—
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entryn17 · 2 days
im abt to throw my pc out the window
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kidfur · 2 days
whats ageweird :0?
for me it means my brain feels younger than my body ^w^ but i also have friends who feel older than their body! it can also mean having an "impossible" age (immortal, always been alive, never been alive, etc) its a big cool umbrella ^o^
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tamapalace · 3 days
Tamagotchi Uni Mail: Version 1.8.0 Update!
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Bandai has sent out a memo to all Tamagotchi Uni owners to inform them about the latest software update. Version 1.8.0 is here! The memo encourages users to connect to Wi-Fi and update their devices! Have you updated your Tamagotchi Uni yet?
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53v3nfrn5 · 3 months
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Stationery from Animal Crossing: City Folk (Nintendo Wii, 2008)
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queermasculine · 1 year
I identify as butch but have lots of soft plushies in my bed... do you think I ought to remove them before I invite someone over for hookups? never see any butches with plushies tbh so a bit selfconscious
don't be self-conscious dude. hoarding plushies is a masculine trait. your ancient shepherd instinct. if i came over and saw a butch had a bunch of plushies i wouldn't be like Ew i'd be like Bro, your deep intrinsic drive to protect and shelter other creatures is being channelled into collecting all these little yarn animals and tiny cloth people? kiss me
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apt502-if · 4 hours
Wait, I am stupid. How can we choose Sam to be? Like does it depend on how teacher we chose? Like teen Sam for Teacher Mc who teaches teens or child Sam for a teacher Mc that teaches kids?? Or will it not matter the job we chose?
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You can choose it :>
If you choose the age that coincides with the grade then the code will recognize it and you will have sam as a student. if not you won't have them in your class :>
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bonni · 2 years
Bon it might just be the weed i’m smoking but wtf is goncharov my dash is COVERED IN IT and i… My brain is breaking
LMAO it's basically a movie that a collection of people on here have (and are, currently) inventing out of thin air. The original meme was this:
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it's originally from like a year ago, but it's seen a popularity resurgence in the past few weeks (I remember seeing a post from @calidotgov about it that got a fair amount of attention, thats around when people started talking about it again). So yesterday @beelzeebub made this fake poster:
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which gave people a basic cast of characters to work with, so now we're all just making up lore for this imaginary movie. that's what I've gathered anyway
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dormont · 10 hours
sif i fucking love you and your big wonderful delicious boobies
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lexithwrites · 6 hours
ok but hear me out.
platonic weight gain cause they both get comfy with eachotherrr
NO I LOVE THIS PLEASE Sirius getting a little thicker around his stomach and thighs after a few months because Remus is always cooking for him and he’s nervous at first to wear his lingerie again after his weight gain but Remus kisses every inch of his tummy and thighs and tells him how handsome he is and Remus gaining more muscle because he’s eating better and they’re both so comfortable and soft
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prokopetz · 2 years
Dracula Daily leading folks to read up on the historical background of its epistolary framing and discovering that same-day mail delivery used to be completely routine and not just a special perk available only to the largest corporations, and that its decline is a direct consequence of abolishing passenger rail in favour of ubiquitous car ownership isn’t the learning opportunity I expected this week, but you know what, I’ll take it.
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grickle14 · 11 months
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It had finally arrived in the mail. 
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