#love it all
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Polin + Book Quotes From The First Half Of The Season
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zahra-hydris · 2 years
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ffxiv graphics challenge - [1 / 3 alliance raids]: the orbonne monastery
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sarayu-sunrays · 11 months
desi girls in traditional clothing >>>>>>>
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un-father · 2 years
My mutuals be like:
Here are some horny posts
Here are some PSA you should know about kinks
Here is some relationship advice
Here is how to recognize abuse/toxic behavior
Here are some memes
Here is some og relatable content
Let's rb the same post from each other
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boyghcst · 1 year
i love being trans !! i love being feminine !! i love being masculine !! i love androgyny!! i love nonconformity!! i love hormones !! i love surgery !! i love
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campwillowpeak · 11 months
sorry if this has been asked before !! i was wondering how u feel abt fancontent, if i could, yk, write about silly goofy arsonist guy?
I absolutely love fan content so go nuts!
Fan content and reading all your comments and tags is 100% what keeps me motivated on the game uvu/
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cherry-soda-molars · 5 months
i am a SUCKER for symbolism man. Pomegranates, oranges, cannibalism I LOVE IT ALL>
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ratita-ratata · 8 months
i love when new people join a fandom i am in because that means more people doing beautiful art and stories and ideas, i love it so much
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cosmicdenro · 2 years
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just like twitter bot gayocats
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inventedfangirling · 8 months
ONLY FRIENDS episode 9 (my beloved) thoughts
yes top should have been called out for his actions the previous night, his manipulative takeover of mew's day out with his moms should not have been framed as a "cute" moment but for being the only guy feeding the mess this time around one cant ignore his contributions.
Ray fed the mess too but somehow his talk with Mew seems to have sorted that out between themselves a bit too sorted for the sorta mess im used to from this show...a bit too sorted than people would react when both sides did different wrongs to eo..i woulda been happier if we had gotten a mini meltdown from mew and then they got to talking it out but ig in such high emotion time no genuine conversation could happen...which is why eventho its a bit too smooth to be true im still glad we got that raymew convo...when they told eo i love you and then hugged it was SUCH a precious moment
but definitely not more than that kiss that ray planted on sand's cheek after they made love after that heart to heart they had. i am gonna ignore some weird death foreshadowing thats happening cos NO that is not happening to ray. NOT ON MY WATCH. i cant handle thinking he would lose his life so young so soon, despite his faults i adore the boy SO SUE ME and i definitely cannot handle another sobbing boy at a funeral. not even a year has passed i just CANNOT .
and definitely definitely not more than that absolute gem of a scene involving sand nick being cute besties having fun talking, trying something out, (WE GOT THAT SAND NICK KISSS) laughing about it and then deciding to cuddle and sleep like my gawd the aroace in me died went to heaven and came back i was THAT ecstatic about the whole thing. its definitely the best thing that this incredible show has given me. i will never not be grateful for it.
also shout out to my boy MARK. i know the character is nick and i LOVED him throughout the episode except that moment where he was listening to boston and that other dude getting it on, but he's so earnest and so genuine and sees the good in the worst its really tough not to like him, as boston realizes this episode...loved that boston nick hug in ep 10 teaser...but also wth is show gonna do in last 3 eps...i do NOT get what they could fill it up with unless some major twist happens and as long as its not a sandnickcheumrayaprilyo death i'd survive. but gawd back to what i was gonna say which is that i ADORE how mark has played his role. i love him to bits and i really REALLY want to see him do a show as THE main lead...he's got the looks and boy has he got the talent. COME ON GMMTV. GIVE US IT.
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terris-mayweather · 9 months
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There will be several spoilers for Nikolai's route and probably Cliff's route, too, and also probably Echo in general under the read more!!!
This is just going to be me ranting. I have a lot of feelings™ and I need to vent them.
Who had the right to make such wonderful, cute, interesting, characters?!?!?! And then the ROMANCE in it?! When Nikolai fucking proposed to Sam I fucking DIED.
THE UNEXPECTED THROUPLE WITH CLIFF AND MURDOCH TOO?! I was originally very dismissive of Murdoch, but interestingly enough THROUGH CLIFF'S ROUTE I really took a shine to him! And then his appearances in Nikolai's route also made me more interested in him!!! He seems to have a lot of demons, but is also a complete sweetie, secretly, and I want to know more!!!
I feel really bad leaving William last, but the others just stole my interest at the start!!! I'm sure William is great, though.
All that said, I am only finished with the public builds of both routes, and I am
For all of them. Samuel is an oblivious and adorable sweetie, and is a much more engaging protagonist than Chase.
Nik deserves the world and then some (ALSO I'M SO CURIOUS WHY HIS HELMET IS SO IMPORTANT!!! My man's was literally fucking breaking DOWN about it. He deserves hugs and love so much. T_T)
Cliff is an adorable bean with a fiery streak inside him and I LOVE that contrast- and he's too precious to hurt. (Despite some red flags in his how shall we saaay- unwillingness to back down or admit he's wrong.)
And the other two I don't know enough, yet!!!!
But it doesn't matter because with the way Echo turns out and what we know happens to Samuel...
Well I don't see a good ending coming for ANYONE here, or ANY route. And that's the fucking worst. I want Nik and Sam to escape and be happy.
I'm going to need SO many fanfics of love and happiness. T_T
Having a great time, always terrified, and loving the good things that do happen.
Btw all the side characters are so fucking good. Yao really stole the show for me in Nik's route. Chang is so cool, Dmitri is the best, Jebediah is wonderful, Avery is amazing. Like- the side characters all add SO MUCH to the game and the stories. Uffff.
This is peak content.
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jjongslight · 11 months
This album is a masterpiece. I fell in love with all the tracks instantly, which, the last time it had hit me so hard was with the 1of1 album.
They really do go do go do go 📢 HARD
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somelonelywordmonger · 3 months
It makes me so unbelievably happy and makes me feel valued and seen when people like my posts, especially the ones I make, but also reblogs. And I feel even more honored when the reblogs of posts that I had reblogged were with the addition I made to them. I'm not super popular or anything. But when the sadness over not being loved by more people starts to creep in, I remind myself of my mutuals and the regulars. To see a person show up ten times in my notes after a period of no interaction validates my online presence. It tells me they enjoyed what I had to say or what I shared. It tells me that what I feel is important is something they also think is important. And when they add hashtags, especially on my personal posts? My heart swells. I love reading what my few interactions have to say. I just want you guys to know that I value your hearting of a post on my blog, I value your reblogging, and I love your reactions, even if it is telling a friend of yours to look at it because that means you want to share what you felt, which is awesome. I see you in my notes and I smile. Thank you.
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seakicker · 2 years
what are your guys’ thoughts on spontaneous pregnancy… like rather than a normal pregnancy where you gradually get bigger n rounder as the months pass, say you go to bed one night Not Pregnant and then when you wake up then next morning, you look like 11 months pregnant; just so nice and round… and rather than gradually getting used to your growing body as people do throughout the course of a normal pregnancy, you’re suddenly tasked with managing your new size and front-heavy center of gravity and it may as well be an impossible task. IDK don’t look at me i’m a freak
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hooksredrum · 2 years
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appreciation post for hook’s new gear 😮‍💨
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sherlockruiningmylife · 10 months
Currently going through the bodyswap tag on merlin fics and all these authors are making me actually wonder what it would be like to swap bodies with someone. Like I am imagining swapping with someone shorter than me. And would I trip as I walk because my strides don't go as far. Would I get disoriented standing up because I'm not where I expect to be. Would I try and fail to pick things up because they are further away than I thought. I really want to know now. Too bad it'll never happen.
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