#cw pregnancy
dollhues · 2 days
♡ . . thinking about domesticity with simon
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the only thing that simon riley wants after deployment is to be at home, relaxing with his pregnant wife.
you greet him at the door with kisses. he returns it back along with a one in your swollen belly, caressing it dearly with those rough hands of his.
the two of you spent the with nothing but love with one another, like a never-ending cycle that would surely never meet the finish line. afterwards, he kisses you with a goodnight muttering out of his lips before shutting off the lights and expecting some nice sleep after a while.
until he heard a sob outside of the bedroom.
he shot himself awake with just one small sob that reached his ears. turning his head to your side of the bed, he felt his heart almost drop when he realized it was empty.
simon could only follow the soft noises through the hall, with the light opened in the corner until he silently breathes out of relief upon seeing you.
but you were crying.
while stuffing a spoonful of mayo in your mouth.
"what're you cryin' for, love?" he calls out softly, approaching you with silent steps until he is close to pull you in an embrace.
"im sorry.." you choked out, wiping your stuffy nose in his shirt. "didn't mean to wake you."
"you didn't wake me, sweetheart." simon sighed, running his hand on your back to comfort you.
he lets you melt into his embrace, knowing that its one of things you need in these situations while letting a comfortable silence between you run in the air.
you choked out a sob before forming out a reply. "i was craving for a burger."
"you are?" he piques, and you nodded. "'y didn't you tell me then?"
"cause i didn't want to wake you." you sniffed. "i know you're tired from work a— and i want you to get some rest so i—" before you could finish, your words were cut off by his lips pressing against yours. and when he pulled away, it left you craving for more.
"love," he started with a thumb caressing along with your cheekbone. "whatever it is you need, I'll get it for ya'. promise."
"promise." he repeated like a vow.
he kisses the top of your forehead, letting his lips linger for a while before pulling away to gaze into your eyes.
"still want tha' burger?"
and with your small nod, he was already going for the door.
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hi yes this was poorly made but he is the literal definition of 'what wife wants. what wife gets'
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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if i had a nickel for every au spawned from twitter that i SWORE i was going to be normal about
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bunnis-monsters · 24 days
Yandere!Dragon Hybrid that protects his pregnant mate with violence, ready to tear apart anyone that comes close to where they’re nesting.
He’s keeping you on his bulging cock to keep both of you warm as the snow rages on outside.
Soft purrs leave his throat, his claws running over your swollen belly as his scarlet eyes stare down at you with utter adoration. Cumming inside is the only option for him! You have to be claimed after all!
The decorations in the cave are a bit unsettling, but you get used to the human skulls and bones of unknown origin eventually.
Besides that, it’s quite beautiful, with jewels and gold glittering all around, he’s quite proud when you take notice of his hoard, and adores to ravish you when you’re wearing some of the treasure he’s collected!
Only the finest silk and softest blankets are used to build your nest, along with fabrics he’s cum all over! After all, his scent should soothe you, he’s your mate!
Defending you and keeping you safe are his top priorities. He’ll bring home his kills like a house cat bringing you a mouse, confused on why you cry and scream when he drops a mauled human in front of you.
He worked so hard to protect you, don’t you love him? Aren’t you proud? It hurts his feelings a little… but he once heard from a human that happy wife equals a happy life, so he spoils you to make up for it.
Pampering you comes at a close second on his list of priorities.
Your belly is so swollen with his child that eventually, walking becomes hard! He does everything for you. Hunting, cooking, bathing you, it’s all to show his love and utter devotion to you, his everything.
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sonseulsoleil · 3 months
Okay it’s like 2 AM. But Percy and Annabeth struggle to have a baby for a long time. Mortal fertility doctors say there’s nothing wrong and so they know it’s the gods. More specifically, it’s Hera being a petty bitch. They make offerings to Demeter and Dionysus hoping that blessings from the other fertility gods will help offset Hera’s doings. Annabeth gets pregnant, but Hera is still the goddess of child birth, so she miscarries. After that they stop trying for awhile. It’s too painful. They focus on the demigod kids they foster instead. After awhile, Annabeth gets pregnant again. They haven’t made any more offerings, but Percy wonders if Mr. D still remembers all that Diet Coke and gold. In any case, they’re holding their breath, making lots of offerings, including to Hera. They don’t tell anyone until it’s unavoidable because she’s showing. They don’t look at baby name books or have a baby shower or anything, too afraid of getting attached, of facing that loss and pain again.
But apparently Hera’s found her compassion, because Annabeth gives birth to a healthy baby girl—Annabeth’s spitting image, except for her sea green eyes and the freckles on her cheeks. She’s their little miracle, and the day she is born they burn so many offerings for Hera, it’s a little ridiculous. And some for Dionysus and Demeter, just to be safe.
(What they don’t know: Dionysus has a soft spot for that kid Peter Johnson, and is always down to pick a fight. He never really got along with his step-mom anyway.)
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kathaynesart · 4 months
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Out of the frying pan and into the fryer we go.
Whew, finally done! Sorry it took so long, this is the largest update I've done yet clocking in at about 15 pages (compared to my usual 7-10). Also, congrats to those who guessed Todd for the distraction! Poor guy went through the last of his mystically preserved lemons just for this moment. What a bro.
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lookitsstevie · 4 months
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... he's already performing a miracle
(continued from this)
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willowser · 27 days
once you and katsuki discover you're expecting, you agree to keep it to yourselves for a little while.
you can't hide forever, but you want the chance to bask in the excitement of what's to come, together, away from outside eyes prying in. and you do: there's an immediate difference in the way you touch each other, how often, with katsuki even shifting coverage for patrol just so he can cling to your side for an extra day or two. it's like a honeymoon, almost, and you take the time to enjoy it like one.
but of course he wants to tell his parents as soon as he can, though he doesn't outright admit it; as soon as you start pushing the boundary of your waistband, he finds time in his schedule to see his dad—and then mitsuki makes time for him to see her.
katsuki tells toshinori next, who becomes quite emotional at the sight of your ultrasound, which in turn makes katsuki surprisingly emotional, too. there's much that they say and even more that they don't, but it's all communicated, regardless.
and lastly—he has to tell his nerd-ass friends.
it happens on one of their bi-monthly outings—that katsuki has consecutively been skipping for a little while, for obvious reasons. and it's like the minute he sits down in his seat and orders his food and one beer, everything he'd planned to say dissolves in his head.
despite wanting to keep quiet, he's been trying to plot out his announcement to these exact shit heads since the moment you found out. it's just so personal, and even after everything, katsuki's still discovering how to share those parts of his life with others, still coming to terms with the fact that he wants to.
he'd considered doing it slowly, rather than all at once in front of all of them, but he very quickly realized how terrible of a plan that was; deku would not physically be able to contain such knowledge in his body for any period of time, kirishima is a notorious fucking gossip, and if shouto had given him some kind of shit ass, wrinkled-nose look, he would have had to howitzer him through a building.
so he just says it, because he's never really been one for subtlety.
right after everyone's received their food and started to take their first bites, denki makes a point to ask,
"how's things with your honeybun, kacchan?"
and normally he'd have a fit at the nickname, but instead he hears bun and feels his stomach flip like it does when he remembers, when silly little things remind him of what the two of you have made together, and into his food, he simply says,
"we're havin' a baby."
the expected silence falls over all of them, save for the scaping of utensils against katsuki's bowl. he's damn good at feigning nonchalance, but food is getting stuck in his throat and his heart is beating so hard that he can hear it deep in his eardrums. of course he knows, but it dawns on him again, how overrun he is with excitement.
across the table, denki takes his turn to speak again. "you're...what?"
and then the whole room is erupting into a mass of chaos, moving in pieces like a riot of unrefined children, and even though he's being hounded with a million questions and being shaken around by his shoulders and some of these assholes are crying—katsuki graces them all with a big, fat grin.
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izvmimi · 6 months
cw: this is so goofy. selfship-coded. izuku has a subtle breeding kink (i wrote this what's new). pregnancy mention. condom use. suggestive, minors dni.
you sit warily on the toilet seat, your fiancé right outside the door, and your foot tap tap taps as you wait for the little piece of plastic in your hand to decide your future.
ironically, you don't have the energy for trepidation anymore because you feel like by now you're at this literally every couple of days.
but baby it doesn't feel good?
but don't you want me to feel all of me?
i promise i'll pull out better this time.
just the tip is fine, right?
izuku's outside the bathroom door, giving you privacy as though he wasn't nose deep between your legs just last night, slobbering all over you like a starving puppy presented with a wet meal. for a moment it occurs to you that if you really are pregnant, even if you can clearly handle it financially and emotionally, you'll shove that stick so far up his ass that-
your timer goes off and it's negative.
you sigh.
izuku bursts in at the sound of your voice, immediately uttering a supportive "is everything okay baby?" the shine to his emerald eyes makes you wonder if he actually, deep down, does want you pregnant.
"perfect. no baby."
he grins and kisses your forehead as you adjust your panties up and stand to wash your hands. squishing your cheeks as he has trouble getting his hands off of you, he promises that he'll actually invest in some condoms.
you don't believe him, but you consider making that appointment to your ob-gyn to get an intrauterine device you've been thinking about sooner rather than later.
another night comes and he's looked at you like that and he continues to be built like that and you have no choice but to let him do whatever he wants with you, even if it is to drag you not really kicking and not really screaming from your work, going from holding you around your midsection to lifting you up effortlessly so that your crotch is pressed against his face. he sniffs you like an entire dog and you're both terribly embarrassed and terribly aroused by his sheer want for you. izuku is already pressing kisses to your mound through your yoga pants as he carries you to the bed.
"izuku, i still have shit to do!" you argue, but you're holding on tight to his head to keep your balance, as if he would ever let you fall.
"you've worked hard enough," he says, muffled by your legs around his face. "i'm asking politely. may i please have some pussy?"
the fact that he's asking this, just as you land on the bed with a practical bounce is almost offensive. you sit up.
"are you even asking?"
he leans in, grinning as he gets on all fours to descend upon you.
"i mean yeah, of course," he replies, knowing full well that you won't say no as he pulls off his shirt. you shake your head, but your shirt goes over your head as well. he catches your lips in a kiss first, and you sink into the bed under his weight as he practically smothers you in kisses. wet, sloppy, silly, you laugh against each other, groping each other with your hands, and then it occurs to you both at the same time.
you pull away, his teeth still grazing at your lower lip.
"izuku, do you have any?"
he blinks for a moment, sitting back on his heels. then his eyes widen.
izuku sounds a little too excited just for condoms, and your eyes narrow, but he practically leaps off the bed and is burrowing through his workbag for something, and you squint, expecting a box.
what he comes up with dries you up so fast you'll need iv fluids.
his grin is wide as he presents to you, proudly, a string of pristine looking condoms, all printed with all might's million watt smile right on the packaging.
"see, i didn't forget!"
a moment of silence passes as you beg the heavens above that your adonis of a partner is not fucking serious about fucking you sideways with his mentor's brand of contraceptive rubbers.
you walk out of the room, immediately, so irate you can't speak.
"WHAT?!" he asks, following you out immediately. "come on!"
there's no way you are coming or cumming anywhere in the next hour. not like this.
you find your seat back at your desk and crack open your hardback textbook as hard as you can, doing your best to ignore the whine his voice has taken. he can actually die of blue balls for all you care.
"come on, it's not that bad!"
you snap your head at him and give him a look, and he immediately recants.
"okay, i'll go out right now and get normal condoms, i promise."
you lick the tip of your index finger and turn the page of your book.
"please, my dick is literally so hard right now, don't you care if i die?"
"perish. let me see," you reply, without turning your head.
"wow!" you can't' help but stifle a laugh at his disbelief. you hear him shift upwards and turn, not even realizing he had been kneeling.
as he stands, you do get a look at his... impressive member. maybe he could die like this, the way that thing is rock hard and waiting desperately for you.
you blink, look at your book, then look back at him. he's looking at you with the puppy dog eyes, and he still looks the way he does and he's still built the way he is, and...
moments later, you're folded into a jackknife because your pro hero fiancé somehow always gets his way, but at least, mercifully, his mentor's condom isn't wrapped all over what's pumping in and out of you.
right before your eyes roll back in your head, you can still see all might's smile, and maybe you should have just stuck with the damn pregnancy tests after all.
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rinneverse · 25 days
Boothill….ougurrr….fucking you as if he’ll get you pregnant….
hey. when i catch you. this has been plaguing my mind ever since i saw the notif for it. mdni / nsfw content ahead. f!reader. mentions of breeding n’ pregnancy.
Boothill knows better.
He knows that it’s entirely impossible—that he doesn’t even have that capability anymore—but every day spent with you he yearns for it more and more.
The thought of seeing you pregnant with his child plagued his mind every single night.
It’s especially apparent in the way he fucks you: slow, deep strokes, pressing his metallic body right up against the flesh of your heated skin, fucking into you with a purpose, no matter if that purpose would be fruitless in the end.
“Sugar,” Boothill groans into your ear, sharp teeth nipping at your lobe. “You’re killin’ me here—fuck—grippin’ me so tight.. it’s like you don’t wan’ me to ever pull out.”
Your fingers press into metallic shoulders as his synthetic cock hits that spongy spot inside of you, a delighted mewl falling from your lips as he mouths sloppily down the slope of your neck.
“Feels s’good,” you whine back, legs wrapping tight around his waist. “Baby, Boothill, please.”
He nearly snarls with an animalistic heat as his name falls from your lips, an angelic plea that he never wants to stop hearing. His hips snap harder, pace growing more ruthless, and your song grows more and more desperate as he brings you closer to climax.
“Never w’nna stop pounding this sweet pussy—mmh, yeah—I wanna put a baby in ya, w’nna make sure you’re nice n’ full..!”
He can feel his sensory receptors working into overdrive as he fucks into you, icy metallic fingertips gripping your hips so tightly that there’s no chance of you escaping him even as you squeal and flutter around him.
“Wait!” you cry. Pretty silvery tears of pleasure line your lashes, threatening to spill over down your cheeks. “T’much, slow down, g’nna cum, wait..!”
Boothill ignores your pleas, snapping his hips with a new fervor as he angles his cock to hit that perfect little spot inside you. He wants you to cum, and he wants you to cum hard.
“You like that idea, huh?” Boothill goads you. “The idea of bein’ pumped full of my kids? Yeaaah, you’re clenchin’ so tight around me. C’mon sugar, cum, I know you can.”
Boothill has never wished for something more as you cum around his cock with a cry. He’s never longed for his humanity more—the ability to empty his load inside your convulsing heat, to make you a mother, to see you so round and full of his kids.
In another life, perhaps, the two of you start a happy family together. One where this dream of his can come true.
For this one, he’ll just settle for making you cum until you’re seeing stars.
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lazylittledragon · 1 month
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mombin pt 6 and look who showed up
(1)(2)(3)(4) (5)
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bunnis-monsters · 12 days
Love the thought of your werewolf lover keeping his large claws on your hips, his tail wagging as he suckled at your breast.
From the way he drank from you daily, you almost believed he got you pregnant so he could nurse from you like this.
You didn’t mind though, you found it pretty cute… and you especially enjoyed whenever he sat you on his fat knot, gently bouncing you up and down as he nibbled and sucked on your nipples, licking the milk that beaded at the surface.
He’s a bit possessive over your pregnant body, growling and baring his teeth at any male that so much as looks at you while you’re out and about. He scents you regularly, rubbing his scent glands against you and making you wear some of his clothing.
You’re just… everything to him. Watching you waddle around and prepare for his litter has him ready to pounce on you and fill your womb up all over again.
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anantaru · 3 months
I just really want wrio to impregnate me 😔🫣
cw. breeding kink, a lil mean wrio ???, mentions of pregnancy, fem! reader
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to get his point across very well, wriothesley would push himself all the way to the back of your hot, warm cunt before pulling himself back completely, then repeating it— he's doing it once, then twice, yet he will not stop until you're sore from it, fed up with his taunting and in a gasping state of strong trembles.
it's gruesome, really, that's what it really was because the duke knew that whatever the case, that before he'd jam you with his cum, you'd already have started to beg for it— and you see, you liked it that way,  always shaking eagerly under his weight when his thick shaft is all glossed up from you, mixed liquids spilling and his length ringed with filthy white.
everything and all, wriothesley did it for one real specific reason.
and between bitten-off hisses, mewls and sobs of pleasure and loud, passionate groans and long fingers digging into the plush of your ass, he suddenly says it out loud.
"wanna get it all inside," he mumbles, "so it stays..." then swallows back when you throb around his cock at his words.
your legs grow weak at the new sensation when he goes harder, and you're starting to feel giddy inside, perhaps excited, happy, thrilled? there's a bunch of emotions causing the shared intimacy to feel stronger than it did before, and to actually get pregnant by him wasn't a fear you had on your mind.
the man will say it again, but this time he'll say it slower and whisper it a little raspier, since you liked it so much.
he watches in joy and amusement on how you unravel as your pussy swallows his cock like that, so deep, so perfectly that wriothesley knows, he'll manage to get his cum where he wanted it, until you're genuinely turning pregnant this time.
not only are you able to feel the blood pumping through the thick veins ringed around the length of his cock, but how it's grazing at your delicate walls only made it so much more pleasurable— it adds to the shaking of your body, the delirium, showing off electric pulses running from your core until hitting your cunt being so desperately full of him.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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tired-biscuit · 4 months
yuuji is definitely the type to pass out when you’re giving birth to his child.
​he tries to be brave about it, so he’s all “pfsh… don’t worry about it; i got this!” but the second things get a little more intense, you can see his eyes roll into the back of his head and BAM; he’s on the floor, arms and legs spread out, tan skin drained of all colour.
and then when he wakes up, he tries holding your hand and it’s all clammy and cold and he’s overwhelmed and you’re screaming at him that he’s never, NEVER going to get the chance to climb on top of you again, and he literally feels like passing out all over again at the thought of being celibate for the rest of his life.
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sillyblues · 1 year
thinking of being pregnant to miguel o'hara's child and he doesn't know. your heart broke when you found out not because you're pregnant, no. but because it's miguel's child and he is stuck on his previous daughter that you know he won't ever move on. that he won't love your child as much as he did with gabriella. he is so lost in the past you know he cannot see the present.
but hesitations and doubts to tell miguel about your pregnancy are thrown out the window when you witnessed him chasing miles morales with such ferocity and anger in his eyes. it scared you. it terrified you.
you decided then that he will never know about your child, even if you had to tell nobody, not even your friends. you saw a man willing to harm a 15 year old, a kid. you dare not imagine what he is willing to do to yours.
so you did what you thought was the best to do. you quit silently and disappeared from the rest of the earth— or rather, from the rest of the multiverse.
edit: yall won here's the fic of this!!
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lookitsstevie · 6 months
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Mr Fell's reputation is at risk
(continued from this)
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willowser · 5 months
after you and katsuki have the "baby talk", you're being wrapped up in him in bed and your toes are curled and you can feel the nerves tingling even in the tips of your fingers and you're shuddering through the aftershocks of a GREAT orgasm and he's so close and fucking you so deeply and lovingly and he sits up suddenly, back on his knees, to ask—
"'kay, 'm not," he's breathing so hard, skin tan and gleaming with sweat, and you don't know if he notices, but his hands are shaking when he rests them on your thighs. "'m not pullin' out, right?"
you try to swallow and your throat is dry, the nerves in your belly buzzing for a different reason. "yeah," you breathe, shifting your hips absently, yearning for the friction when he hisses and holds you still. "i mean, unless you...want to."
"d'you want me to?"
and despite the fact that you just had this conversation—you feel shy, suddenly, a little flustered at the thought that he's, essentially, putting a baby in you.
but katsuki swallows hard and wets his lips and he's flushed, in the low light of your bedroom. it could be from all the activity, sure, but his own end is coming a lot sooner than it usually does and you have an idea why that might be.
"no," you tell him, honestly, "not really."
before he can finish letting out his sharp exhale, he's back on you, cradling your face in his hands as he speaks, breathless, against your lips. "fine by me."
(and it doesn't take much more than that.)
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