#like a little command block golem
towacletruck · 2 months
dear toe collector,
PLEASE show the pigshifter that'd be so fucking cool
also hypothetically if i had some screenshot edits from an old idea for a toh au would you be curious
thanks, ♠️
ya i think i still have the file on me hold on rq
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watatsumiis · 1 year
AUUUHHH i don't have a lot of time before I gotta go out for the day but I want in on this Minecraft au soooo bad. so here is a hastily typed list of things my brother does in minecraft that i think dottore would also do
1. minecart race to test the optimum ratio of powered rails to glitched regular rails (several curved rails in a straight line will make your minecart teleport to the center of the next block thereby making the minecart *move* faster BUT its actual momentum and velocity will still decay without powered rails BUT it's still half the distance so there's still an optimum (we found it was about 1 powered per 3 curved regular rails))
2. Unethical Villager Breeding Box In The Sky to generate villagers for experimentation, iron golem farming (which involves isolating the villagers on air beds and frightening them occasionally with a real zombie), and villager trade generation
3. villager experimentation, including causing raids on purpose, intentionally leaving some villagers more vulnerable than others, and dropping many villagers into the ocean by accident, as a side effect of tricking them into walking over holes in the ground
4. flying machines
5. fully automated chicken farm including lava to cook the chicken. the excess eggs are also automatically used to grief other players' front lawns with chickens. he thinks this is very funny, and at first it was an accident but he has no intention of fixing it/refined the system to work better later
6. TNT dupe glitch canons.
7. TNT in general. netherite stripmining using beds
8. never sleeps, has a full hotbar full of crossbows to kill the phantoms with
9. dripstone death machine hovering above common pvp locations and also above other players' houses
10. secret bases and tunnels everywhere but never bothers to make a "house" just like. hidden holes with chests and furnaces lying around. also lots of pistonwork
Ok first of all your brother lowkey sounds like a menace (/lh), but also someone I would love to observe in action
second of all, you're absolutely right in saying that these are things Dottore would do. This man will stop at nothing to break the server, the game, and the other players if his heart so desires.
The idea of netherite stripmining using beds actually lowkey bangs (ha)im gonna be real.
You know Dottore has all the primo gear and is practically invincible. The only people who have killed him have been Yae Miko (she's slaughtered everyone in the server at least once - she uses Ei's account to find ways to enable PvP for those who have it off), then Klee (totally by accident, by hooking up obscene amounts of TNT to some redstone machine he was working on) everyone online lost their collective minds, Dottore was on the warpath for days trying to figure out who did it (literally everyone except him knew the moment the death message popped up on screen). Albedo took the blame in the end because Dottore wouldn't stop cussing people out and Klee was starting to pick up on the bad words. People gave Klee so many rewards for knocking Dottore off of his high horse though.
Some of the 'mods' (read: archons) like to use /kill on him if he's being extra insufferable. (imagine Zhongli saying "i will have order" while clicking the enter key on the /kill command. comedy gold)
The last person who has killed him was Capitano. Dottore was probably being an annoying little snit about something, wandering around outside of Cap's castle and building weird traps and stuff. When Barbara got caught in one that crashed her game while she was trying to bring Cap some new flowers and a banner she made, Capitano just wordlessly went out and beat Dottore to death with a wooden axe. Nobody knows how he won that duel, considering Dottore dons himself with full netherite enchanted gear. Some even joke that Dottore was 'intimidated' into going AFK, since a lot of the harbingers play from the same place.
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0carkki0 · 1 year
Season 4!! Recap: I put my song on iTunes on shuffle, and saw What songs would come up. These songs kind of reflect What an NPC Taimi would think of Vivs, or she would think Vivs would think of her.
Song: Bobby Bodybuilder by Acting Lovers
The season overall thoughts: even if people almost died… well actually did die, but came back, the one thing Taimi could not ignore about Vivs was that he has started to gain muscular mass on his bones, and he loved to show it off. Well, the parasite minion died when Balthazar almost got rid of the Vommander, that kept him sexually satisfied. Now he had to do it himself and doing it on his own didn’t keep him satisfied long. Now he tries to look as attractive as possible to lure people in his steaming trap. He even got Taimi, but she did not mind. Now she has finally experienced that as well, and who would be better to experience it with than the trustworthy Commander? He did ask her help, so Why wouldn’t Taimi help a friend in need..?
Episode: 1: Daybreak. The Vommander and his friends ran into Kralkatorrik, and Aurene at Crystal Oasis, and after defeating some branded, Aurene showed a vision of a city, called Fahranur. Following clues the Vommander goes to look for this city, and ends up fighting an undead famous-in-his-day hero. This leads him to make a deal with a pirate; the captain sells the Vommander to the Awakened, just so he could get where this person, who knows how to get to the city, is located. They escape, but at the same, the Vommander learns that Taimi has been taken by the Lich King. The Vommander has to hurry to Fahranur and with the rescued prisoner's help, they get there and meet with Braham and Rox on the way. After defeating a lot of Awakened they find the room where Taimi is trapped inside her golem, and the oxygen inside it was lowering down. The Vommander and friends took down her golem freeing her to breathe not-so-fresh air.
Song: Braveheart by Imperia
A lot of thoughts went through Taimi's head while she was with Joko. Firstly she was trying to figure out how to escape the tyrant. Secondly, she challenged the Eternal Alchemy: if the Vommander came to her rescue and managed to rescue her, the two were meant to be. At least by the Eternal Alchemy. Oh, look. It's the Vommander... Should Taimi tell him about this little bet? ... No. Not yet.
Episode: 2: A Bug In the System. Taimi had learned that Joko had gotten a big gate hub in his control in the Inquest base. The Vommander got into a small Inquest lab to get to the bigger Headquarters, so that they could get to where Joko was launching his attacks on Central Tyria. There they found also Taimi's old schoolmates, Blish and Gorrik. They rescued a charr who said that was from a local village. After getting to the Village the Inquest attacked, and the Vommander and his friends were needed once again. After that, they decided to go rescue Taimi's friends, and then stop Joko from using the portals in the Inquest Gate Hub.
Song: Highway by A.Toma
Taimi wondered what it must have been like to have a dragon as a pupil and get to share at times what she saw. Sometimes Taimi wondered if the Vommander thought of her being useful at all...
Episode: 3: Long Live the Lich. The Vommander and others plan a war against the Joko and his army. The Vommander and others have the humans led by Faren, the Sunspears, the Olmakhan villagers, and a ghost army to make the plan work. Braham and the Vommander attack from the backdoor, when the first gate is blocked by the plagued humans. They fight Joko, and just when it looked like they were winning, Joko froze them and started to talk nonsense to the Vommander trying to convince them that they lost, but then Aurene attacks and ate him.
Song: Robbie by Acting Lovers.
Taimi couldn't believe it, but it looked like Blish was being nervous around the Vommander. At least that's what it looked like. Even Gorrik seemed to like him, of course, Gorrik showed it in his own way. He talked very enthusiastically about his bugs to him. Didn't even consider that the Vomamnder would not care about the subject. Also, seems like the Vommander has done it to quite a few guys in the army. Did he use sex to charm some of them on his side? And afterward, Taimi heard that even King Joko seemed to have a thing for the Vommander... Wut? Should Taimi get worried? Well, she should put on her best brains if she wanted to keep his mind trapped to her charms.
Episode: 4: A Star to Guide Us. The one where the Vommander and friends try to lure Kralkatorrik to a certain area to put a tracker on him. The mission succeeds, but Blish sacrifices himself to make sure it does succeed.
Song: Stay by Two Steps From Hell.
Now Taimi has finally experienced the heated act between two people. Not that Taimi thought she had to, but if it had to be experienced with someone, Taimi was glad it was him. While the Vommander showed where he found the diary entries of one of the dead asura in the Rata Novus, he seemed to be quite in a heat. Well, he told Taimi that the whole Joko -incident had got him a bit too excited, and right at that moment it had reached its limit. Taimi did agree to help. She did make a promise to herself to help the Vommander to succeed in his mission. Their all mission was the same, anyway. And even if the Vommander denied it, Taimi believed that he was actually a crucial element to succeed in this mission. So, making sure that the Vommander was alright was the least she could do. Even if... Taimi wasn't quite expecting something like this. And just when he kissed her, Taimi got too nervous. What was she supposed to do? They say you should not think too hard when doing it. That it actually should happen most of its own weight, but she didn't feel ready and was about to run away. Just, the Vommander grabbed her leg and dragged her to him, while she was trying to get away. When Taimi turned around and saw the Vommander's face, she could tell that his mind could not think anything else, but doing it. She struggled and the Vommander didn't let her go, so she kicked him in the face as hard as she could, and the Vommander seemed to snap out of it. Taimi was still going to get away but then heard the Vommander apologizing. She also stopped and then looked at him. He was crawling to the big boulder the two were behind and then sat there. He seemed to be upset. He noticed Taimi standing there and advised her to get away from him for now. Taimi felt a bit silly. This was the Vommander. The trustworthy world savior, who was struggling in keeping his worse side in control. Taimi walked back to him and told him that he should let her do everything. He agreed and even made these bony hands to keep his hands unable to move. And so... Taimi tried to remember the teachings at school of the subject. When they finally got to the act itself, it did hurt first, as expected, and when Taimi's own energy ran out the Vommander helped first little and then took complete control.
Now, Taimi lost a friend. This must have been how the Vommander felt like when he lost his close friends. Trahearne and even that human woman. After telling everybody else as well how Taimi's disease was getting worse, after a while the Vommander arrived with a syringe full of pain-dulling liquid. Taimi first didn't want it, because it felt like liquified pity, but after a little struggle, Taimi gave up and let him inject the stuff in her. She must have gotten a little high since she just wanted to feel good, and since the Vommander was there, they did it again.
Episode: 5: All or Nothing. It was time to lure Kralkatorrik into a trap with the help of Aurene, but she is scared. The Vommander and everybody get Kralkatorrik trapped, but just when he has gotten critically injured, he makes his final attack, and... Aurene is pierced by his crystals. The mission failed.
Song: Across the Sea by Sleeping Romance.
The world's end is here. Killing Kralkatorrik failed and Aurene died. The Vommander disappeared somewhere and left Taimi with the others. How could the Vommander just leave like that? Then again, Aurene was like a daughter to him. It must have stang, even more, him than it did Taimi. But grieving should never be a competition. Everybody mourns in their own way. You cry out loud your pain. Or you try to silence it.
Episode: 6: War Eternal. Turns out that eating a Lich King does have its good side: Aurene could use the Lich King's immortality powers to keep herself alive, but the pierced crystals made it difficult for her to move. Now, Aurene and the Vommander went after Kralkatorrik and this time they were able to bring him down by injuring him badly enough. While his body was lying in the ocean, having a few reeves of the Mists stuck on him, everybody landed on him and the reeves and started to find ways to weaken and stop Kralkatorrik from getting magic to heal himself. They managed to kill his physical body, but there was still something alive inside him. The Vommander and Aurene entered Aurene's grandfather's body and fought the corrupted magic abominations of Balthazar, Mordremoth, and Zhaitan, finally killing Kralkatorrik and ending his misery.
Song: I Come First by Halestorm.
Kralkatorrik was finally dead. Aurene is able to talk to us in our heads and all. Just one thing... How did the Vommander dare to leave Taimi alone back there?! He also got his way WAY too often. It was time to make up to Taimi. He came back because Caithe called him saying that she needed him? What was that about? Sleeping around and flirting with people even Taimi knows! Taimi had to have a talk with the Vommander. Just not in front of everybody...
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Love (I Can’t Forget)
Pairing: geralt x jaskier Warning(s): minor jaskier x other Rating: mature
Summary: Jaskier is quite enjoying his morning with the innkeeper's daughter when he hears the cry of a golem. He knows a contract has been put out for a Witcher and that everything should be perfectly fine. Only the contract put out was for a rock troll.
There are few things in his life that Jaskier regrets as much as his extensive knowledge of all things monsters. And not even the majority of the time, just right now on this particular day at this particular time.
He's been stuck in Hamm for three days on his way to Cintra to check in on Ciri. But there's a rock troll that's been blocking the only safe route out, chucking rocks at travellers and being a general nuisance. Rock trolls aren't much trouble otherwise, but this one is affecting trade and travel, so the town has put out for a Witcher. Judging by the chatter in town, the witcher arrived this morning. So, unable to leave and unwilling to go out and get involved with the Witcher and his business like everyone else, Jaskier has holed up with the innkeeper's daughter Penelope and he's quite enjoying himself.
Or, he was, until he heard the cry.
Because right now, he's quite happily trapped beneath layers of lace and silk, pinned between soft thighs, and all he can think of is that the contract was put out for a rock troll and that sound? that was a golem. Which means that right now, there's a Witcher thinking he's going up again a calm and peaceful creature and is very much not prepared for what he's about to find. And Jaskier is torn.
Because on the one hand, he doesn't want anyone getting hurt, especially due to miscommunication - intentional or otherwise. But on the other hand, the likelihood of Geralt being the Witcher called to deal with the problem is very high. And Jaskier doesn't want to see him.
It's been months now, close to a year since he last saw Geralt, having received no apology or even acknowledgement since the dragon hunt. Which is fine; Geralt's an asshole and he can travel alone if he likes, but if that's the way it's going to be, Jaskier simply does not want to see him. Ever again, if he can help it. But he also doesn't want to see him die.
"Fuck," he mumbles and Penelope giggles as he drops his head, hair tickling her thighs.
"Mmhm, I hope so."
Jaskier crawls out from under her skirts, running his hands up her thighs and doing his best to look apologetic. Because he is; he'd rather spend the entire afternoon making her come than face Geralt for even a second, but he can't sit idly by when the man he, regrettably, still loves could be in danger.
"I have to go," he says softly and she frowns. "I'm sorry and believe me, I would much rather stay here with you, but an old friend is in danger, I can't leave him alone."
"The Witcher?" she asks and Jaskier nods. She must have heard the cry too. "Isn't it his job to fight monsters?"
"Yes, when he's given the correct information, but that's not a rock troll out there." Penelope sighs but pushes her skirts back into place, tidying them.
"You'd better go find him then."
Jaskier dips down, pressing a brief kiss to her lips before gathering his things quickly and hurrying off to find the Witcher. He prays under his breath that it isn't Geralt, but even as he does, he finds himself looking for traces of the man. He knows Geralt's habits, knows where he'll set up camp - the people here aren't friendly enough to welcome a Witcher into their homes or even host him at the inn - and so Jaskier heads for the woods.
It takes him a remarkably short time to come across the meagre camp. Roach is tethered to a tree just a few feet from the fire pit and Jaskier's heart aches to see her. She dances excitedly and he swallows back a lump in his throat.
"Hey, girl," he whispers. "I've missed you too, but I can't stay, okay? Geralt could be in trouble." He gives her a quick pat, regretting that this will likely be their only chance to see one another.
Jaskier drops to his knees next to Geralt's pack, rummaging through it. He finds the satchel of oils first, pulling them out until he recognizes the bluish hue of elemental oil. He sets it aside and continues looking for potions. Immediately, he finds swallow and thunderbolt sitting neatly in their sheaths and his heart clenches. He grabs them both and a third vial he hopes is white rafford's and tucks them all into his pockets, turning to hurry in the direction of the fight.
It's not hard to find them. The golem is loud and Jaskier follows the sound of its roars until he almost stumbles over a log in his urgency to get to him. Geralt rolls in his direction, dodging a blow from the beast, and when he sees Jaskier, his expression sours.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Jaskier?"
Jaskier stiffens, immediately defensive. He has to bite his tongue as he crouches down next to Geralt, still keeping one eye on the golem. It seems to have lost its target for now, but Jaskier knows that won't last long.
"Rude," he retorts, "considering I'm here to rescue you." He empties his pockets, listing off the supplies as he pushes them into Geralt's hands. "I thought you might need the assistance since a golem is a lot harder to talk down than a rock troll."
He's seething now, all the anger and hurt of the last year bubbling to the surface and it takes everything in him not to cry in front of Geralt. He's always been an angry crier and he hates it. But Geralt's head jerks up and a little bit of pride peeks through the anger. Because he does know what he's doing. He pointedly ignores it, eyeing a scrape on the side of Geralt's face that will need tending to later.
"Take the thunderbolt now," he says, "don't risk going at it again without it."
Geralt scoffs but he makes no attempt to take control of the situation, letting Jaskier continue. Jaskier focuses on the golem; there's no way Geralt can get the jump on it from here, so he'll have to distract it once he's ready.
"Oil your blade," he says and Geralt eyes him suspiciously, but he's already got the rag in hand.
Once he's finished, he keeps his eyes on Jaskier, no longer waiting for a command, but skeptical of what comes next. Jaskier knows he's realized something is up or else he would have just gone after the golem again, but he's waiting, he's letting Jaskier help.
"You're not going to like this," Jaskier says, rising to his feet, "but know that I'm only doing it for you."
He darts away through the trees and he can hear Geralt yelling after him, but it's too late. He ignores him, pushing on until he hears the golem turn its attention on him. This is closely followed by an angry fuck and Jaskier knows his plan is working.
Geralt still isn't at full strength, but with a distraction, he shouldn't have trouble taking the golem down. He just needs to keep it away from him without being killed until he has the chance. It's only then, that he realizes he didn't think his plan through all the way; once again, he was too concerned about Geralt's safety to consider his own and that's proved ill for him in the past.
He trips over a root - a root! - and fumbles backward to keep out of the way, but he's expecting this to be the end. He shuts his eyes and braces himself, but just as he can feel the golem's breath on his skin, it lets out a cry and whips around to turn its anger on Geralt.
Jaskier cracks an eye open to see it swinging at Geralt, now caught up and wielding his silver sword. Jaskier sighs in relief and scrambles to get up, ensuring he hasn't lost any of the supplies he brought with him. He doesn't stick around to watch the fight, heart still hammering in his chest, instead finding himself a safe spot to look out for Geralt until he takes the golem down.
And he does, shortly now that he has the right supplies, dodging its blow and pirouetting around behind it to deal a deadly blow. The golem collapses, shaking the ground beneath it and Jaskier holds his breath as he waits for Geralt to emerge from the pile of rubble.
But he doesn't and Jaskier can stand the wait any longer so he rushes out to him. Geralt's eyes are open when he reaches him, but his eyelids droop and his breath comes in hot heavy puffs. Jaskier drops down next to him, careless of the mud and blood that soaks into his trousers.
"'M fine," Geralt mumbles, but he doesn't sit up or make any attempt to move and in Jaskier's opinion, that's not fine.
He hauls Geralt up into his arms, propping him up against his chest and pulls out the remainder of the potions he brought with him. Geralt scowls and bats his hand away.
"I didn't come all the way out here to watch you die," Jaskier tuts, "I was having a very nice morning and I'd appreciate it if I wasn't interrupted for no reason. Take the potion."
Geralt rolls his eyes like a petulant child and takes the vial from Jaskier's hand, downing it like a shot of liquor.
"See," he says, "fine." Jaskier wants to smack him.
"Get up."
It's a struggle to get Geralt to his feet and Jaskier suspects his physical injuries are worse than the exhaustion, a prospect that has his heart racing, much to his chagrin. Geralt shouldn't mean anything to him anymore and yet he can't keep himself from feeling sick at the thought of anything happening to him.
Geralt uses him for support, leaning on Jaskier's shoulders as they make their way slowly back to the camp. Geralt complains about getting the necessary proof that he killed the golem and Jaskier does his very best not to call him a fucking idiot about it. He promises, with as little irritation as he can manage, that he can return for it in the morning.
He sits Geralt next to the fire and as he crosses back to Geralt's bag to collect spare linen and salve, Roach nibbles at Geralt's hair, nudging him with her nose. Jaskier smiles softly at her worry, he can understand it well; Geralt all but left him for dead, and here he is pulling him out of danger and bandaging his wounds like nothing has changed.
When he returns to him, Geralt has two of the clasps on his armour undone, but he can't reach the third and he's frowning at it. Jaskier sets the linen down with the rest of his supplies and sighs softly.
"Let me."
Geralt remains silent as Jaskier unstraps his armour and pulls his shirt up over his head. He's bruised mostly, but there are a few fresh wounds including one that spans nearly his entire stomach. There are a few scars he doesn't recognize, too, and Jaskier doesn't want to think about what caused those.
He cleans his wounds first, then wipes down the rest of his torso, relieved to find most of the gunk on him is not actually blood.
Once he's finished his work, he leaves Geralt to get dressed and gathers more wood for the fire. He lights it with bits of flint from Geralt's pack and while the smaller branches begin to crackle, Jaskier sets about finding something for them to eat. He's never been very good at hunting - that was always Geralt's job when they travelled together - but he knows his plants and with what he still has in his pack, he fixes something up for them. Not that he feels much like eating.
It's not until Jaskier is about to leave that Geralt finally speaks. Jaskier is just on the edge of sleep, exhausted from worry and the effort it takes to be so close to Geralt right now and he very nearly misses it.
"Why did you do that?"
"What part?" Jaskier asks.
"Risk your life. For me."
"I had to. I couldn't just let you die because someone was too stupid to know the difference between a rock troll and a golem."
"I'm impressed that you knew."
Jaskier's stomach does a little flip-flop and he curses himself for being so weak. "I learned from the best," he quips. "But you should sleep. I'll come back to check on you in the morning."
There's a long silence as he gathers his things and then, "Stay?" Geralt asks and Jaskier's heart clenches.
He wants to. Gods, he wants to. To lie down next to him and look up at the stars like he always has and to fall asleep to the crackling of the fire and the faint sounds of Geralt breathing next to him. But he shouldn't. That part of his life is behind him now and Geralt made it very clear that he doesn't want him around. This was just a means to an end; he couldn't with any good conscience, let a Witcher die on bad information. Even if that Witcher is the same one who broke his heart on a mountaintop so many months ago.
"I miss listening to you sing while I rest," he says and Jaskier's legs shake under him.
"You.. do?"
"Mm, I didn't realize how much I appreciated it until it was gone."
Jaskier stands still, unable to think through the rush of blood in his ears. He was angry and hurt and spiteful for a long time, but maybe it's time to let go of all that.
"Alright," he breathes.
He tries to remain calm as he can because he knows Geralt can tell when he's not. He can hear the sound of Jaskier's traitor heart and the way his breath comes just a little too fast. And he'll know what it means, the insufferable git. But in the end, it doesn't matter because Jaskier will always choose him over anyone.
He lays down in the dirt, folding his arms back to rest his head on - he's already covered in muck and Geralt's blood, what's a little more dirt? - and he sings. It's not an active choice, but he sings a love song. It's a lovely little tune, not one of his own, but one he's always been fond of, and as he sings, he closes his eyes and lets the warmth of the fire wash over him, remembering the nights when this was a common occurrence. Geralt is quiet, apparently genuine in his desire to hear him sing and Jaskier isn't quite sure what to make of that.
When he finishes, he thinks Geralt is asleep and he settles as well as he can against the rocky ground. He's tired enough that he could fall asleep anywhere, but then Geralt goes and opens his mouth again
"I looked for you," he says, "at first." Jaskier doesn't know how to respond, but Geralt doesn't seem to want a reply and he continues. "I knew what I said was wrong and I knew I'd hurt you so I tried to find you. You must have made it down the mountain before me. I was angry about what happened with Yen, I didn't mean it."
"I know," Jaskier whispers and he does. He realized a long time ago that he was not the intended target of Geralt's rage, but it didn't help to heal the wounds and it didn't bring him back. He's not sure what else to say and his heart beats too fast.
"Come here," Geralt says softly, shifting slightly to make space for him under the blanket.
Jaskier moves to lie next to him and Geralt pulls him close, wrapping an arm around him. Jaskier presses his nose into Geralt's shoulder, burying his face so Geralt can't see the emotion it betrays. He smells off, tangy, like blood and it makes Jaskier's chest tight.
"Are you alright?" he asks.
"I'll be fine."
It's not a good answer, but Geralt tips his head down, burying his nose in Jaskier's hair and it's good enough. Jaskier presses closer, allowing himself this small bit of comfort.
In the morning, he wakes with Geralt's cloak over him, but Geralt himself is gone. As he rises to his feet, Jaskier realizes that Roach is still there, grazing happily at the edge of their camp and that means Geralt couldn't have gone far. He doesn't know how welcome his company will be, so he waits for Geralt to come back, but when he doesn't Jaskier starts to worry and he goes after him. It doesn't take long to find him.
Geralt is sitting on the edge of the forest, looking out over the town though they're far enough away that no one looking would notice them. Jaskier drapes his cloak around his shoulder and sits down, just slightly behind him.
"I thought about you," Geralt admits, "just before you showed up."
"I didn't think I'd see you again. I didn't want to die knowing you hated me."
"I don't," Jaskier says a little too quickly, "hate you. I can't, I tried. I was angry at you for a very long time and I was hurt for even longer, but I could never hate you." I love you too much for that.
"I have a... habit of saying things to you that I regret. Twice now I've nearly lost you for good and our last words would have been unpleasant."
"Twice?" Jaskier asks.
"Mm. The djinn."
"Right." Jaskier doesn't remember much about the djinn incident - it was fairly traumatic for him - but he does remember Geralt wishing for peace and quiet and saying some awful things about his singing voice. He mentions it, a little of the bitterness bleeding through.
"I didn't mean that either," Geralt swallows, "you have a beautiful voice." That voice fails him now as his stomach twists into a knot.
"Why now?" he asks because that's all that will come out.
"I miss you. I miss your company and seeing you again," he sighs like it's the most difficult thing he's ever had to say. Jaskier forgives him for that because this is already more than Geralt has said to him in a long time. "It makes me realize I was wrong before." He pauses again and Jaskier waits, nearly breathless. "I didn't actually expect you to leave."
"Then what did you expect?" he snaps, "Geralt I've put up with so much of your shit and I've stuck by you despite it. But you told me you didn't want me, that I was a nuisance, that I-" he turns and Geralt is right there. His words stick on his tongue and his throat goes dry.
"You're not a nuisance," he says and Jaskier nods dumbly. He looks at him and he can see how hard this is for Geralt to even get out this much and it's better than he was expecting. Anything else they can work out later if Geralt was genuine about wanting him around. Jaskier opens his mouth to speak to offer a compromise, but Geralt interrupts him.
"I'm sorry I hurt you," he says, "I didn't want to, I wasn't thinking."
"You're important to me, Jaskier. And you saved my life yesterday," his lips quirk just so and Jaskier stares for a moment, trying to figure out if he's really seeing this.
"You never were very good at taking care of yourself," Jaskier shrugs. "You should have someone to look after you. Someone who knows something about these monsters you hunt."
Geralt huffs a soft laugh but says nothing, meeting Jaskier's eyes and holding his gaze. He tips his head to one side and Jaskier can feel the breath catch in his throat because Geralt is so close and it's been so long. He doesn't move, afraid to disturb the peace between them, but Geralt leans in, closing the space between them and cupping Jaskier's face in his palm. Their noses bump together, then Geralt's lips brush against his own so faintly he thinks he imagined it. But when he doesn't pull away, Geralt kisses him properly, leaning into it. Jaskier lets himself be drawn forward, lost in the press of Geralt's lips against his own. He hums softly as an arm winds around his waist, bringing him closer, and when Geralt breaks the kiss, he presses their forehead together.
"I know it's not fair," he breathes, "to ask you to come back after the things I said to you, but I want to make amends. Tell me how to fix this."
"Come back to the inn with me," Jaskier breathes, "I'll talk to the innkeeper, get you a room - or you could stay with me?" he's still a little hesitant, but this is Geralt. "We can talk about what comes next after a bath and some supper."
"Will you join me?"
"In the bath?" Jaskier stutters and he can see the flush that creeps across Geralt's cheeks.
"I didn't mean -" he starts, before glancing down at Jaskier's muddy trousers. "But if you want-?" Jaskier barely remembers to breathe, but he settles himself.
"Supper first," he says, "then we'll see about a bath." Jaskier smiles at him and Geralt smiles back, and for the first time in a long time, he finds himself looking forward to whatever comes after.
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Scattered AU Masterpost Part 1
This is a collection of all material associated with the Scattered AU (read about the premise here)!
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AU material under the cut (because this is growing super fast already)
Due to post length limit (which is apparently a thing), find Part 2 of this AU here.
A few ideas to get us started:
- Tango and Zedaph spawned relatively close to each other, but they haven't found each other yet and each think they are alone. They keep just barely missing each other in their exploration of the area. Maybe, with the powers of Zed's perfect sense of direction and Tango's laser-sharp perception skills, they'll finally stop walking circles around each other...maybe.
- Xisuma spawned alone, deep underground in a massive, confusing cave system. He desperately wants to figure out what's going on and how to fix it, but a bad run-in with the Warden damaged his helmet, leaving him unable to use admin commands.
- Mumbo spawned the farthest out of anyone, right next to a woodland mansion. He quickly realized that hoping to stumble across another person this far out is a lost cause, so he's trying to create some form of communication using a combination of redstone and Evoker magic. The Evoker isn't very helpful, and it isn't going well.
- Joe and Vintagebeef were the only ones to successfully spawn at spawn. They aren't really sure what's going on, but they've decided to build a small village as a base of operations while they figure it out (and to signal signs of life to anyone who might successfully find their way back)
- Cleo spawned in a village, and is currently hiding out in a house while trying to convince the villagers to trust her. Let's just say they aren't thrilled to have a zombie in their midst (and the iron golem is even less pleased)
- Impulse had the misfortune to spawn in a guardian temple. Between the guardians and the constant threat of drowning, he's been in a death loop since the world started.
- False and Stress spawned right next to each other. They figured out pretty early that something was wrong with regen, and using their combined strengths, they made it to the Nether to get ingredients for healing potions. They are now on a mission to find the others and distribute the potions to whoever needs them.
- Ren actually managed to travel a good distance back to the world center, before getting pretty badly injured. With no regen, and knowing he'll have to start the journey all over if he dies and respawns, he's decided to pull together a small base and take shelter while he waits to be found.
- Scar spawned on an outer End island, with no idea how to get back to the Overworld. He keeps finding strange glitches in his surroundings, and he swears he can hear soft Vex laughter whenever he turns his back...
- Keralis spawned in the Nether, and he is absolutely terrified.
That's all I have for ideas so far. The location of the others (and what happens next) is up to you!
Contributions so far:
- Bdubs spawns in the void, but he just doesn’t die. Maybe it’s spawn protection, maybe it’s the glitches, but he just keeps falling and falling and falling further from the bedrock, unable to do anything to help himself as he descends further into the void
- @fluffy-papaya
- After wandering around aimlessly for days or maybe weeks, Tango finds an automatic farm for... well... he's not sure, exactly. But he does know who built it- it's got Zedaph's mark all over it. So he stays there, fixing broken Redstone, trying to figure out what it does. And when Zedaph returns to collect melons (so that's what this thing is for), he finds Tango waiting for him.
- @rayveewrites
- Etho spawns in a underwater cave, but there is air in it and for some reason a shipwreck so he can get some wood and tools. But he has to get out to contact anyone because the reception in caves don't happen to be the best, little does he know just outside the cave is the monument where Impulse is, they're so close yet so far from one another
- anonymous
- Maybe Etho ended up spawning at the very top of a mountain, he could see far from up there and has a general idea of where he is, but no idea how to get down as all around him is powderd snow hiding ravines, and cliffs. . . And a few goats that Etho has narowly avoided getting headbutted by. (Etho went to the mountain after escaping the cave)
- @ciaravixen
- Welsknight spawned in the Nether
- (paraphrased) Ren fell down a ravine in the mountains on his journey to the world center, and decided to make a small cabin base rather than try to carry on injured. Doc spawned in those same mountains, and may find him eventually.
- anonymous
- Grian spawns on the tallest peak of the highest mountain. Surrounded by thick fog and almost ever-falling snow, with crevasses and cliffs that drops thousands of blocks to the ground around every corner. No trees, no life, and barely enough air to breath. It's so cold. A thin red sweater isn't nearly enough to keep him warm.... he's likely caught in a death loop for quite awhile as he refreeze over, and over, and over again. And when he does manage to climb down, an ice pillager lies in wait...
- @therainofsweetmelody
- Scar’s End spawn is on a single island- he can see other islands around him, but they’re just out of jump reach- he tried, and fell and died, and respawned back onto his little island with the whispering voices around him a tad louder, and the islands just a bit farther away. He stops trying to jump to them eventually, out of fear they’ll vanish and he won’t have anything to focus on besides the whisper of ice cold hands and wings on his skin
- anonymous
- Oh! Maybe since Xisuma’s admin helmet is broken and he’s unable to run any world commands, that means mob hermits like Cleo, Doc, and Jevin aren’t quite the same. Maybe Cleo locked herself in that house for the villagers protection as much as her own. Maybe Doc eventually joins a lone creeper pack. Who knows! -💧
- anonymous
- Zed and Tango spawned in the same jungle biome, explaining the melon farm and why they could be literally three blocks from each other and still not be aware of each other’s existence. -🟣
- The first thing Scar does once he first spawns in (besides from almost having a panic attack) is take a jump into the void. This of course does nothing. He checks out the rest of the end islands around him, and finds a rather large end city just in render distance. There should be treasure or something that could help him survive, right? -🟣
- Keralis was lucky enough to spawn in a warped forest biome and next to a basalt delta, so he’s got wood and stone. It takes a bit, but he gets full gold armor and finds his way to a nether fortress. He figures with the broken regen that the other hermits will try to go for potions. Maybe he finds Stress and False, maybe not. -🟣
- I apologize if I'm sending too many asks, please feel free to say if so! I'm just already so invested in this idea, and absolutely love where it's all going! Shattered au brainrot go brrrrr - anyways; Cub spawns in a valley within the messa. To one side an abandoned village covers the cliff, and to the other, mines drill deep into the rock. A stream luckily runs through the valley, though it's slowly drying up. He can hear strange sounds in the mines, and feels something in the village watching
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- what if the hermits caught in death loops start gaining scars and marks from all their deaths? like impulse had permanent scars from the guardians and grian’s hands are permanently blue from freezing to death all the time
- anonymous
- X finds some axoloyls in a lush cave and falls in love. He gets some wood from said cave and gets some buckets so he can keep them -🟣
- Cleo gets stuck in a death loop with the iron golem, who is blind to her not attacking the villagers. One of the smarter villagers realizes she’s not fighting back, and calls the golem off. -🟣
- (paraphrased) After the iron golem is called off, Stress and False find Cleo badly hurt in the village house. They make sure she's comfortable and safe before going to the Nether to get potions, where they find a battered Keralis and carry him back. They turn the house into a little hospital while they brew potions and take care of Cleo and Keralis until they're strong enough to move on.
- anonymous
- Stress and False have set up a Nether Portal near a Nether Fortress, for easy escape to the relative safety of the Overworld. Keralis has never been more relieved in his life than when he found that portal.
- @/rayveewrites
- Doc spawned a thousand blocks away from ren, not knowing hos friend was there he happened to go in that direction. He managed to get materials, tools and food for himself before he sees rens little hut
- anonymous
- Jevin was one of the luckier hermits, when it came to where he spawned. He woke up in the shallow green waters of a floral cave, illuminated by glowing rocks and berries. He wasn't... quite alone. Although no other hermits could be seen, he quickly found a small family of axolotl living in the closed-off cave. They became his companions as he tried to assess his situation, and served as comfort when he realised his communicator was almost useless. Being slime, the environment was very welcoming
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- Xb spawns in the middle of a desert, with not even a village in sight. While he's used to being in distant lands with limited resources, he's very much not used to it on the Hermitcraft server with limited contact to the others. As the nights go by and the sands grow more hostile thanks to never-burning husks, he grows more and more lonely.
- At first, Doc is elated when he spawns on a mountain surrounded by goats. That is, until he discovers that none of his fellow hermits are there with him. After being headbutted down the mountain into the snowy tundra below and left on precariously low health, he hunkers down in a nearby igloo. But it's not exactly easy in a food-scarce biome when his only contacts are two villagers and the horde of strays that gather outside each night...
- in one sense of the word, scar is safe. There's enough chorus fruit on the island to keep him alive, and despite his concerns the enderman don't even bat an eye at him. Theoretically, he could survive for longer than many of the others. But the whispers keep nagging at him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge. Sure, he could survive, but how long could he stay on this deathly quiet piece of land before someone would find him? He can see the faint outline of an End City on one of the fading islands, and every passing moment it haunts him. If he could just give in for a moment, let the powers of the vex harness his body for just a few seconds, maybe he could make it over and gather some gear- maybe even an elytra- and then he'd be set. But fear and logic talk him out of it. He's made deals with the vex before, and that quick trip across the islands could put him in a much more dangerous position than only being stranded...
- @/crows-in-space
- What if after scar gives up, he finds his vex mask lying on the floor with a tag saying ‘do it, it’ll help you get across’ (shade's note: Scar does it)
- anonymous
- For the Scattered AU: Scar gets an elytra, and after much internal struggling he decides to take a chance and leap into the darkness for hope of finding another island. During his terrifying glide he hears a distant scream from the void that is so familiar, but he can't quite place it, and he's in no hurry to risk flying any lower to check it out. - M
- @petrichormeraki
- Iskall and doc's robotic eye glitch out so they don't have any depth vision, so no mater where they spawn, they Are bound to die a few times from missinterprating how far away an Arrow or trident is, and how fast something is coming at them.
- @/ciaravixen
- I initially thought of this for Ren, but since there was already an idea for him, it could probably work for Iskall instead; He spawns in the middle of a scorching desert. Dunes of sand for as far as the eye can see, with barely a cactus or dead Bush in between. No water, no life - only the ever-present heat of the sweltering sun, and the large skeletons everywhere. He manages to find an abandoned temple after days of dragging himself through the sand, and spies a desert village on the horizon
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- Scattered AU! The way the "not killing Bdubs in his own spawn in the void" glitches work is similar to the forgiving void mod works where when you hit the bottom of the void you are teleported to the top instead of taking damage, but since Bdubs can't see anything in the void he doesn't know this (beyond a constant falling) feeling until he manages to "fall forward" enough to find some end islands, he finds scar this way but is so excited to see him he died from fall damage right in front of him
- @theclockworkowl
- (Scattered AU) Piggybacking off the death loop scars ask, when/if Bdubs is rescued from the void, he's in ROUGH shape. His external limbs are blackened and freezing with frostbite from the void (voidbite?), and his bones are permanently weakened from his form being subjected to the cold abyss for so long. Bdubs needs to relearn gravity after falling for so long, and doesn't use elytra anymore. The solid ground under his feet is something he'll never sacrifice for convenience ever again. - M
- @/petrichomeraki
- Wels spawned in a giant crimson forest in the nether. Towering mushroom trees, thick red vines, with piglins and hoglins he constantly has to run away from. But he finds something.... interesting as he's exploring. A house has been built into a wall, a mixture of nether and overworld blocks. Stepping inside, someone clearly lives there - someone who's not a piglin. Imagine his surprise (and relief) when a certain familair knight walks through the door. "Helsknight?"
- xB wakes up in a dripstone cavern. It's damp and cold and the spikes are very tall, forming a sort of natural cage around him. At the very least, zombies and mobs can't get through, but the longer he stays there, the weirder the sounds get. There... wasn't a new mob for the dripstone caves, right? Right? (i'm trying VERY hard not to do new hermit OR crossover headcanons for scattered au. i swear) ~@betweenlands
- Scattered AU! Everyone Etho dies He spawns in a new place, first it was the underwater cave, then it was the top of a mountain, but it wasn't until he spawned inside an ocean monument and saw impulse trying to escape just as he was dying he realise the importance of the pattern, He was cycling though each of the other hermits spawn locations, which made all the wierd almost hermit made wierdnes make sense, the underwater one was his but the mountain was Grian's spawn spot,
- @/theclockworkowl
- Can the hermits see death messages? (They can) I'm imagining the potential angst of that, where normal world messages (achievements, commands, deaths) go through just fine but the others can't chat. The helplessness of watching their friends' names endlessly filling the chat and having no idea where they are, having no clue how to help, not even being able to offer comfort.
- @/basaltdragon
- Someone had mentioned xisuma also ending up in a floral cavern with axolotl, right? What if this was the same cave Jevin found himself stuck in? After days and days of clawing at stone, xisuma finally breaks into a cavern filled with faint light. After discovering the friendly acolotls, he notices a strange blue mass floating in the water.... and is almost startled to death when he sees the skull faintly showing through the slime, and the familiar wobbly voice coming from it. "Xisuma?"
- Doc and Grian (and later on, ren) spawned on the same mountain. Grian, of course, at the very top: stuck in the endless snowpeak, towering high above the clouds. Doc, meanwhile, ended up at the base, surrounded by snow and goats and giant taiga trees as far as the eye could see. Once Ren got stuck in the ravine, he often heard a familiar scream before a sickening splat every now and again, as the ravine lies almost completely below the highest peak. He's afraid to check his communicator.
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- grian’s practically given up since there’s not much for him to do. there’s no food and his hands are too frozen to mine. a little fox stays by his side at least. he’s about to freeze again and his health is low and he hears crumching footsteps approaching. he assumes its the iceologer coming for him but instead he hears “grian?” and he can make out blurry figures before he passes out and wakes up wrapped up in a blanket infromt of a fire. (whoevers managed to find and rescue him is up to you :D) (Shade's notes: the person who found him was Doc, and he took him back to Ren's cabin to warm up)
- anonymous
- Scar isn't the only one changed by the time he reaches spawn. Impulse drags himself up onto land finally, breathing heavily, and there's something different about him. Sharper teeth. The shadow he casts more inconsistent. Always faintly smells like saltwater. And his eyes glow faintly, a pale washed-out non-color like light at the bottom of the ocean. Something suggesting nonhuman geometry. Something sleeping that had to reawaken to escape. ~@betweenlands
- Eventually, Etho spawns in a jungle. By a complete stroke of luck, he sees the smoke of a campfire. Tango and Zedaph are happy to see someone- anyone- else. Especially when it turns out Etho somehow managed to get the coordinates of a certain Ocean Temple. Sure, it's far, but they can make it. After all, there's an 'I' in team ZIT, and they aren't leaving him behind.
- @/rayveewrites
- (summary of a couple different writing peices) After escaping the Guardian Temple, Impulse set out to find any other Hermit he could. He has gained some unnerving qualities and abilities that he doesn't really understand, but he's trying not to think about that right now. After defeating several mobs he should not have been able to defeat with his level of progress, he now possesses one Totem of Undying. He met up with Zedaph, Tango, and Etho on their way to find him. They are now hosting him at their campsite and are glad he is safe, but Etho is unnerved and suspicious of his more unsettling attributes.
- I had sent this idea right after the inbox closed, rip. But anyways - what if mumbo ended up befriending the evokers and pilligers in the woodland mansion? Of course, it wouldnt be like that at first- the constant death to the axes and swords and magic, the growls and yelling and cursed glares. But he always came back to work on the redstone and evoker magic in a desperate attempt to contact the others. Eventually, the evoker stops sending their vex, and the pilligers stop swinging their weapons
- @/therainofsweetmelody
- (Scattered AU) After Scar gives in to the Vex. Bdubs is barely conscious to begin with; dying to the void so many times really took it out of him in every way possible. But when he is awake, what he sees makes him scared. Scar with faded, cold eyes. Scar with transparent wings, gone in a blink. Scar being able to do things he shouldn't. Scar says it's to get them out of there, but every day he gets a little paler, a little colder, and Bdubs grows more worried. - M
- @/petrichomeraki
- Perhaps xb and Iskall are on opposite ends of the same desert? On one side, high sand dunes covering miles, with a single desert temple and isolated desert village hidden amongst the cliffs and hills. On the other, the deep flatt valley next to a Mesa mountain, flat nothingness stretching far past the horizon. It would still take quite a long time for them to find each other, but at least there's a change they could meet... and, perhaps, over that mountain, cub could be somewhere in the mesa
- Iskall and Xb eventually find each other in the desert. Sunburned, dehydrated, and sand-blasted, they hug when they first meet despite not knowing each other well. And they try their best not to die, because what are the chances they'll ever find each other again? Two heads are better than one for finding their way to the rest of the hermits.
- Its probably a week or so of falling before bdubs managed to move enough to finally see the end islands just barely rendering in the distance. As someone had mentioned, perhaps he became so hopeful that he missed his mark, hitting the ground with a sickening splat just blocks beside scar. It took bdubs almost another week to get forward enough to see the islands again. This time, he landed right on scar... sending the vex back to his spawn several islands away, and leaving bdubs alone for days
- While Bdubs and Scar are more than happy to have found each other again, their moments together are tense and filled with gaps of uncomfortable silence. There's an unspoken agreement hanging over them: Scar doesn't question Bdubs' frozen and frail state, and Bdubs pretends not to notice how Scar's skin has gotten pale and ghost-like, or how he glances behind him often, like he's being followed by a shadow only he can see. Though of course, Bdubs does notice. The whole server does. Grian wakes up in a cold sweat from a dream of Scar's ruthless attempts to destroy the mycelium resistance. Cub feels his own ties to the vex magic acting up once again, now worrying more than ever what Scar may have encountered in this broken world. Even Mumbo's evoker friend begins acting different, though Mumbo can't seem to determine whether it's out of excitement or fear...
- Scattered AU After the Wels meeting Hels Headcanon I imagine maybe Hels offers a deal to insure his safety on the Hermitcraft Server in exchange for Wels safety in the Nether. Wels very reluctantly agrees adding to the deal that Hels won’t hurt anyone. To bad he didn’t notice his Evil counterpart cross his fingers while shaking on it.
- anonymous
- Scattered AU:  TFC spawns on the main end island, dragon and all. With out proper preparation he’s been stuck in a death loop since the world’s start. Sometimes, right before he dies, he wishes that the janky respon would de-age his body; he’s not the agile young man who could take down the dragon solo anymore.
- @liagrace-b
- Scattered!Grian can’t fly. His normal down-featherly wings look like every feather has been plucked off, leaving the very sensitive skin open to the elements. But the world’s code itself has altered the physics of the wings themselfs. Grian can feel how much heavier the wing structure sits on his back, meaning that they couldn’t let him glide even if fully feathered. Poor Grian hasn’t survived the freezing cold long enough to know if his feathers would grow back with enough time.
- anonymous
- EX somehow gets into the scattered mix. Spawning in the Deep Dark, the exiled admin is terrified, and will stop at nothing to find his brother. 🌙
- (Scattered AU) Scar and Bdubs, after months(?) of travel, make it to the Ender Dragon's island. Bdubs is scared for both of their lives; he is in no condition to fight, he can't even STAND, and he's so, so afraid to die and be condemned to falling forever in the void once again. Scar says nothing, only gently setting his friend down behind an obsidian pillar before his skin goes completely translucent, his eyes clouding white. (Paraphrased: Scar defeats the dragon, him and Bdubs meet up with TFC)
- @/petrichormeraki
- the plugins do not work, so singleplayer sleep is out. Beds do reset spawn point, so the Hermits who spawned in a place where they can get them would do well to make several and use them as checkpoints along their journey (and hope that they don't get broken, especially for those who had to escape death loops....)
- (my answer to some questions)
- Those trapped in death loops change, adapting until they aren't harmed anymore or till they escape. After all, what are players if not adaptable?
- @permafrost782
- Xisuma blames his broken helmet for being unable to admin, as some sort of comfort. But there is no comfort there. The truth is, not even Joe, Tango, Cub, or Hypno can access the chat, can even begin to run commands to fix what has gone wrong. If they could, they would have teleported everyone to 0,0 and reset the worldspawn. Those partnered with any of the admins feel a certain kind of hopelessness. Those without feel a different kind of hopeless.
- @/basaltdragon
- To add to the scattered AU: Though i had seen someone explain the void connecting to the end so Bdubs gets out of that fall, i had the thought of this; What if eventually the void loops around with the overworld's sky, so he's basically in a continuous loop if falling to his death and respawning in the void until he finally is lucky enough in his falls to get over water and live. After that he just has to stay alive otherwise he returns to the void..
- Somewhere, in the back of Scar’s vex-addled mind, there’s the worry of Jellie. Where is she? Is she with another hermit? Did she spawn in with another village again and will he have to find her again? -🟣
- (Scattered AU) Cub and Scar have been linked by the Vex ever since their deal. One day, Cub's iron armor burns against his skin all at once, and through the searing pain is a horrifying realization that Scar has given in. - M
- After a while Cub gets the resources to build a nether portal, but then he finds his portal has connected with someone else's. He finds himself lost again, without access to the farms he's built or the resources he's gathered, but at least he knows a friend is close.
- anonymous
- The End duo come across another end city. There’s a boat at the far end. Scar flies up on delicate vex wings to get the spare elytra and other loot. They’ve been walking for far too long. He floats down (as if he had the slow-falling effect. There’s only health in the brewing stand. Bdubs’ worry for Scar increases) with an extra set of trousers, boots, an elytra, the potions and a pic. Scar offers the elytra to Bdubs. He refuses. It’ll take longer to walk, but he never wants to fall again🟣
- Mumbo gets caught up in redstone work and doesn't bother trying to find anyone else. So when another hermit finally finds him, he has to stop his evoker friend from attacking. Whether or not he's successful is another thing.
- Anonymous
- (Scattered AU) Consider. When Doc finds Grian on the mountain peak while exploring the terrain, a message sends through everyone's communicators. <Grian was blown up by a Creeper>. Doc doesn't get a death message that time, despite both of them suffering the consequences of a surprised Doc in a server where mob-oriented hermits are more volatile than they should be. Doc doesn't go looking for other hermits again after that, and Grian is shocked into numbness at the dawning realization that his monster friends might be so much worse off than he thought. - M
- @/petrichormeraki
A summary of where things stand so far
- scattered au pog!!! hypno is in a seemingly endless flowery field. it was nice at first, but there's no trees, no food, and hardly any water. the sun is so hot. flowers aren't filling. hypno thought he liked being alone.
- Anonymous
- Mumbo doesn’t succumb to the magic of the mansion like perhaps Cub and Scar have, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t entirely unaffected- his skin becomes a little more washed out, instincts a little more violent- he certainly can’t go into villages anymore, otherwise the iron golem will smash him to bits
- @/fluffy-papaya
- With Scar using Vex magic, the Vex turn their attention to Cub, trying to tempt him at every turn. More then once he's found his mask in one of his chests, staring up at him, or awoken in a cold sweat from a dream full of vex. So far, he's resisted the temptation. Wether that lasts is another question entirely.
- Maybe eventualy hypno realises Even flowers would need water to grow, or that the bees must have a bee hive somewhere around here, and the bee hive is always connected to a tree(I think thats the case in Minecraft). So he tries to find where the buzzing comes from and follow the bees around.
- @/ciaravixen
- cleo bases a lot of her identity around being a zombie, right? she probably isnt too happy to be cured. she probably cries all the time it takes her to heal. it had to be done, but that doesnt mean she has to like it. and she doesnt, not one little bit.
- Anonymous
- that ask about Mumbo not bothering to look for anyone got me thinking.... Mumbo getting too caught up in his work with the evokers to look for the others. Mumbo making friends with the illagers. Mumbo knowing that it's completely reasonable that nobody has found him yet, but still getting the creeping feeling that no one is coming for him. Mumbo spending all his time with his new friends because, after all, they're here, and the hermits aren't... All this to say that, when the hermits eventually do find him, he might not be very inclined to leave...
- @/crows-in-space
- At one point, Mumbo's new friends are just...watching him try to do his stuff, observing. Mumbo's getting increasingly frustrated when ne of the evokers watching him breaks off and hands him something. At first he thinks its a totem of undying, its shaped like one, but its strange. Made out of iron, and its eyes are diamonds instead of emeralds. Then it starts to burn his hands and he passes out from the pain. When he wakes, its gone and he moves on, a bit more wary of his 'friends'. Maybe it was a mean joke, or some kinda of strange inhiation for the mansion maybe Except next time he's frustrated, he thows his hands up annoyed and fangs rise out of the ground around him and snap at the air. He cries out, confused, before looking at his hands which almost look like they've been painted with gray paints. it wont come off. He seems mentally the same but now he starts to experiment with his new found abilities. Maybe they can help with his redstone or even find others.
- Anonymous
- after trying a poisonous flower, hypno respawns back in the field. this time, he tries walking in a different direction. maybe this is the way out.
- Anonymous
- The flowers in Hypno’s area are just so perfect... blooming dandelions don’t lose their seeds when he brushes against them, petals that are crushed underfoot quickly regain their shape- and if his mind wasn’t so affected, he would’ve noticed the flower he picked was quickly replaced by another
- @/fluffy-papaya
- The Moobloom has one unique feature: The ability to leave behind flowers in its path... that is, the ability to alter the world around it simply by walking. These flower plains are not particularly large, maybe eight or so chunks across in each direction, but glitched world generation spawned in a herd of mooblooms, and all they've been doing is walking around causing little distortions, one on top of the other. From the inside, where Hypno is standing, the plains go on forever. The air is thick with buttercup pollen that's slowly dulling his sense of space and time. He has to pull it together, somehow. Force the world to recognise that he's walking forwards in a straight line. Or he'll be wandering in circles forever...
- @/draconic-dreams
- another hermit- maybe beef? sees the edge of a deep, fragrant field. on the horizon, not far away, is hypno, walking in circles. he calls but he cannot hear beef. something tells the man not to go into that field- at least, not without a flint and steel. (Shade note: Beef and Joe saved Hypno and are currently sheltering him (unconscious) in their spawn sanctuary)
- anonymous
- Maybe if they went through the exit portal and it glitched but good. They don't think about the fact it should send them back to their spawns, Scar feels something at the back of his mind that very much isn't him tell him to change his mind, stay in this place becuase they'll just be trapped if they try to leave, but Bdubs grabs his arm and jumps in before Scar can say anything. For a second, blessed silence, Scar's mind feels clear and normal. then they show up at world spawn and scare theother
- anonymous
(Shade note: people at the spawn haven now include Joe, Beef, Hypno, TFC, Scar, and Bdubs)
- Once Keralis and Cleo are healed up, the village gang starts going to 0,0 to try to meet up with others. On the way, they find a flower forest (potentially the same one Hypno’s in). They find some mooblooms and fall in love (this was def not done bc I want some fluff, nope not at all /s) -🟣
- Mumbo receives a set of robes from his evoker friend. He’s loathe to get rid of his suit, but at the same time... well, all the better to fit in, right? This is a glitch and fluke anyway, and he might as well blend in if the illagers ever turn on him. That’s it. That’s the only reason he tosses the suit jacket into the fireplace, don’t be silly. It has nothing to do with the feeling that he just doesn’t want to leave...
- anonymous
- I’m imagining Shattered Impulse looking like the Fishman from Shape of Water + the teeth of an Angler fish and the ability to unhinge his jaw. Poor guy probably gets mistaken for a glitched mob when someone finds him.
- @/fandomrecycling
- Yes hello it's me again. After the pollen spells breaks for Hypno (and whoever else might have tried to save him beforehand...), he notices he's a little different. he can't always control how he moves, he doesn't like eye contact, and he takes an even bigger interest in his, well, interests than before. Basically Tourettic Hypno go brrr (I am tourettic so feel free to ask me clarification!)
- @/fireflower-dusk
- I don't think Keralis has been mentioned except for being in the nether so I would like to contribute that he spawned in that soul sand and skeleton biome that has almost nothing in it.
- anonymous
- Mumbo, being hundreds of thousands of blocks out from spawn, is the last hermit to be found. Even after the glitch was fixed, Mumbo was so caught up in his research and new abilities that he no longer felt it mattered. He'd been apart from the hermits for well over a year now; and a long time ago he gave up hope that they'd come back for him. This was, of course, until he woke up one morning to a disturbance outside. When he goes to check the source of the racket, he's left frozen in place at the sight of Iskall on his mansion's doorstep. And at the end of it all, despite Mumbo telling himself that he was better alone, Iskall's hand on his shoulder, reassuring that "Yes, I'm here, yes, I'm real, and no, I'm not leaving, you spoon." Is enough for Mumbo to break, clinging to Iskall as if he'd disappear at any moment, murmuring "I'm sorry" over and over like a broken record. -🧸
- Maybe after Wels and Hels make their deal, and Wels gets some gold gear and a respawn anchor to click, Hels shows him how to create a portal to Hels the place to which from there, they think they can get into the overworld. The only catch being that to get in to Hels the place you need to focus all of you emotions onto pure hatred and anger, but the question is could Wels do it?
- Anonymous
- Hels taunts Wels about how no one came to get him, and plants ideas about how this was done on purpose, about how he's the only one to spawn in the nether for a reason. He tells him the hermits want him gone. And Wels of course becomes angry but he becomes angry at Hels for trying to tell him his friends didn't care about him. He's also angry at himself though, maybe for thinking he hasn't done enough to make his friends want to keep him around. He is never mad at the hermits though, never them
- TFC's concerned. Even if he thinks it's great he found Bdubs and Scar, the latter shouldn't be able to just kill the ender dragon alone. TFC doesn't know much about Scar but the man can barely fly usually, why did he turn into a vex, anyway? vexes don't exist in the end. TFC need to ask, at least to make sure he's ok, but everytime he tries he stops in his track once the cold, icy blue eyes stare back at him. devoid of the usual warmth his green ones have.
- Anonymous
- (Scatter AU) Saw someone mention the other ops on the server and had a thought: Tango is a programmer with a specialty in game programming. He’s probably sitting at the campfire thinking of every single way the game must have been corrupted to cause this many problems. If he could just get into the code, maybe he could fix some of these problems. I’ll bet he’s driving himself a little crazy thinking of everything that could be done to fix the world and not being able to do anything...
- Anonymous
- Cub was lucky, he thinks. Seeing the many death messages in chat, he's torn between gratitude that he's ended up with what almost looks like a normal spawn, and worry for his friends. After gathering enough resources to stay reasonably safe, he knows what he has to do next. So when he encounters Xb, he eventually suggests he takes some resources and a bed he's salvaged from the abandoned village and heads towards 0,0, hoping there'll be someone there. (1/3)But as for him... well, there's an obvious place to head as far as he can see, for someone with a safe enough spawn point and the ability to gather resources. A place where he knows for sure he'll find someone else, someone who needs help. After all, unless this world is even more messed up that it seems, there's only one place where a player would be killed by the Ender dragon, and he knows exactly how to get there. (2/3) (Shade note: Him and xB were not successful in finding the Hermit who the mystery portal belonged to. They must have died in the Nether and returned to their spawn point. XB resists the idea that they split up, but he sees the logic in it and agrees to start the long journey for 0,0.) (pt. 3 was eaten by the inbox)
- Anonymous
- Maybe one of the reasons Cleo doesn't like being a human as much is because she had chronic pain (particularly in her back) when she was alive, and when she gets cured after meeting up with False, Stress, and Keralis, her back pain comes back (along with all the other pains of being alive)
- Whenever Etho spawns, wherever Etho spawns, he takes it upon himself to tell each and every Hermit he can find to head towards 0,0. He's not sure why, but he believes that if they get everyone together, they can figure out how to fix the broken world.If there aren't any Hermits in sight, he'll make a sign out of whatever's avalible before going searching. It's a complete pain to try and build anything coherent out of sand and cactus, but he has to try. He has to get everyone together. It's their best hope. It's their only hope.Even Evil X. Even Hels. Everyone. He doesn't care about past grievances. They need to get through this. And their only option is to do it together. (Shade note: He doesn't stay with Team ZIT for long. He probably dies trying to protect them from something, knowing that it will only result in him finding another Hermit anyway. Even though he himself isn't making any progress toward the origin, he counts it as a victory every time he can guide one of his friends just a little bit closer.)
- Doc Ren and Grian himself thought that him being found and safe would fix everything right? yea no he has horrible fevor, he struggles to retain warmth depsite 2 feet from a fire, he's tired and has a hard time stay awake becuase on the mt he slept alot, he barley eats cuz he cant hold too much down rn. He cant stand being alone or he'll start to panic, ands he's just trying to ignore the new fox fetures he has desperately when he's aware enough to do. Doc and Ren have a hard time ahead of them.
- Anonymous
- Mumbo was trying to make a machine with redstone and evoker magic to contact the hermits right?so what if he did build the machine ad at first his only way to get the magic was to go annoy the evoker hoping he would try to hit him and instead hit the machine to power it. Plan backfired so many times because of the vex killing him before. So when Mumbo becomes apprentice he wants to try power the machine himself but it breaks because he can't control how much magic he uses yet.time to study magic
- Etho dies with the Zit and ends up back in it. Next he ends up in X's spawn, there's no one around but he finds the bloody tunnel X punched himself, and races down it to see in the distance Xisuma and Jevin in a cave.He calls out to them, only to get overwhelmed by zombies that just spawned, He manages to gurgle out 0,0 before he dies again. (He's now determined to be the messenger of meetings, even willing to die on purpose to find them all). After that? Ren's old spawn, now he has to track ren
- anonymous
- I guess hypno’s been... hypnotizd 👉😎👉
- We need more Jevin and xisuma interaction content, be it fluff or angst, how aware is jevin by the time Xisuma gets there? How many axolotls do they take with them on the way to the surface?
- @/ciaravixen
(Shade comment: We need more Jevin and xisuma interaction content, be it fluff or angst, how aware is jevin by the time Xisuma gets there? How many axolotls do they take with them on the way to the surface? )
- Mumbo having to learn how to use the magic, the evoker will probably also try to teach him how to summon the vex, even if Mumbo really wants to just focus on the magic and not the evocation.What if he's able to summon Scar since he gave his name to the vex? just by accident and Mumbo gets so startled by Scar's new appearance that he immediately interrupts the evocation and makes Scar dissappear. Scar reappears where he was before confused cause for a moment he saw Mumbo?did he allucinante??
- @/artsarasp
- Scattered AU! So what if what happened with EX and Hels happened with old hermits to? Like Biffa, Generikb, Jessassin etc etc. Everyone is concerned as it is but then they see a death message from one of them and realize it's even worse then they thought.
- Anonymous
- Once Wels and Helssknight are in Hels the have to sneak around a lot. Hels isn’t as popular there as he had previously boasted, that’s why he had tried to take over the over world. Cue heart to heart talk before a Hels version of another hermit cuts them off. (Can you pick the Hermit I’m kinda stuck here)
- Anonymous
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- Iskall must have not even known the direction he was walking from his desert spawn, so its purely by luck he ended up finding the mansion mumbo resides in- his cybernetic eye is fixed almost instantly upon his arrival by mumbo and iskall feels his hope fades as he realises they’re /so/ far from the hermits. I also guess he must be worried about whats happening to his friend right before him, mumbo wouldnt willingly give into the vex and evoker magic right? 1/2 But he isn’t so sure anymore, the days at the mansion are quiet and uncomfortable as Iskall has to be wary of the illagers that walk the halls, mumbo assures him of his safety, but theres no light in his eyes - he doubts the illagers welcomed mumbo at first- The usual banter isn’t there at all, its dead silence as mumbo keeps on working and Iskall can see how paler his skin becomes and the blue scars that litter his body 2/2
- Anonymous
- Etho died and respawned at the true spawn once. Beef was elated to see him and was afraid if he let him go, he would disappear. He didn’t want to lose his friend again. In the end, he does, he was actually with Etho when he dies, and he never lets the feeling go.
- @/harley-the-pancake
- aww poor etho! At least he's okay with this new role as messenger. Now i can just imagen he ends up at Ren's spawn and manages to track the man, nearly dying but staying alive and- thats a house in the distance! He goes over and nearly runs into Doc, who invites him in surprised and they catch each other up, their spawns and Etho's situation. They're overjoyed to hear about the others and Ethos glad to see them realtivly okay. Grian's condition is worrying however, changed and still weak (1) They agree they need to start heading to 0,0 but Ren is nervous about leaving safety, Doc wants them safe, and with Grian still sick and weak from laying in snow for weeks it'll take a bit until he's stable enough to travel (he'll probs have to be carried anyways). Etho stays for a few days at their insistence for rest, he wants to keep going there is more hermits out there he hasn't found, they are insistent that he take time to recover. Then, he lets himself die. Off to the next hermit! (2)
- Anonymous
- This is for the very very beginning, but maybe before False meets up with Cleo, she spawns in a warm ocean biome. Coral structures fill the water around her, and tropical fish dart between them. It would be almost peaceful, were it not for the fact that False was encased in a cage of coral.It’s a gamble every time. She has to try and smash her way out of her colorful prison before the tide rolls in, slow and steady water rising up her body and over her head. The water makes her movements clumsy and arduous as she tries to free herself, racing against time to escape the awful tide. (Pt 2) OH SORRY I HAD AN IDEA (this is from the coral False anon)What if Stress and False both spawn in that biome and they have to try and help each other out before the tide comes in?? Added angst if one of the times one manages to escape but the other doesn’t
- Anonymous
- (scattered au) Every time that a hermit dies the universe and the world file starts to corrupt, the way that things are going if everything doesn't go back to normal soon, then the world will crumble on itself with the hermits inside.
- Anonymous
- Admins log, day: ⬛⬛⬛ I've finally managed to find my way to the drip stone caves, weirdly I think I may have a good connection down here, I'll try to contact the others, if they haven't forgotten about me yet. (Shade note: Far away in the woodland mansion, Mumbo rubs his eyes and marks down another failure on his latest contraption. How long will it be until he can generate a signal? He has no way of knowing that, for a single moment, it worked. He stopped checking his communicator a long time ago, so he doesn't see the single message until much later: <Xisuma> can anyone hear me?)
- At some point Etho cycles round to Doc's spawn. His friend is long gone but there are five creepers in formation watching him. Waiting for something.It takes a moment for him to recall the trick of unfocusing his ears just right, so that their hisses resolve into words. He hasn't had to do it for years, after all. He hasn't run into General Spaz since he left Chocolate Island.“It'ssss been a while, Esssssho” the General says. “Let'sssss make a wager”The General reaches out for a handshake... it seems the glitch finally gave him a pair of arms.(ancient Etho lore go brrrr)
- Anonymous
- Both the snow and the void are cold, and getting stuck in there means getting frostbite a lot is fairly likely, so Grian and Bdubs would be unlikely to get out with all their fingers...
- @/bat-connoisseur
- Based on a little piece of this ask where it was mentioned that Hypno passed out only three steps outside the flower biome, I start to wonder, how long was he wandering in circles without food? Why did he collapse so immediately? Was the biome itself perhaps sustaining him? Keeping him "healthy" (if you could call it that) and alive? COULD he have starved to death if he hadn't been pulled out? Or would he have just kept walking? And walking. And walking...
- An idea focusing on evil xisuma. He ended up spawning on the nether roof, stuck with nothing but mushrooms and bedrock as far as the eye can see. No communication, no water, no way out. He can probably eat the mushrooms, at the very least.... but there may be some bad side effects from it. It's disheartening and lonely up there, dying from starvation over. And over. And over. At one point, etho may have spawned there as well... but of course, he wouldnt last long. Condemned to endless roof...
- Okay, hear me out: after Hypno’s been out of his illusion for a while, he starts to get headaches. He doesn’t think anything of it, until he wakes up one day with small horns growing and flowers in his hair. In conclusion: Moobloom!Hypno
- @/harley-the-pancake
- An Impulse
- A Grian
- A Guardian Impulse
- A Void Bdubs by @/sweetest-honeybee
- This Hypno by @/irys-97
- an Iskall and a Grian
- a fox Grian
- A Guardian Impulse
- a suffering Xisuma
- Mumbo and Evoker doodles
Up. He needs to go up. He spawned too deep in the world, and though he'd heard of underground spawns there was no way, no way in the world that being so deep under was normal. Every cave he crawled up either came to a dead end or opened into a massive, mob-filled cavern, and somehow he still hadn't found even half a mineshaft. He could spend hours upon hours painfully clawing his way through the stone, but he keeps convincing himself it'll be faster to find a cave that leads to the surface. The pounding heartbeat of a warden stills rings in his ears, an ever-present reminder of his terrible luck. If only he could get some wood. Just a few planks, some torches. Anything. It's almost as if the stone doesn't want him to leave.
- @basaltdragon
- Buried by @arts-and-drafts
- Cleo grits her teeth and pulls a leather cap low over her head and stays on the outskirts of the taiga village, where the less scrupulous people go. She can't stay here long, if an iron golem catches her she's going to end up social spawning a bunch of less sapient friends and wiping out the village. The air is cold and thin out here, close to the mountains. The strays leave her alone. She's not sure how to feel about that. ~@betweenlands
- "A poem, by Impulse" by @/rayveewrites
- Pulse by @/arts-and-drafts
- Unnamed Impulse fic by @bat-connoisseur
- Another Impulse fic by @/betweenlands
- Don't think about it by me (@shadeswift99 )
- A poetic fic by @irys-97
- this short anon piece
- If I lose myself by @/arts-and-drafts
- Mountainside by @/basaltdragon
- Sleepwalk by @/betweenlands
- This Grian fic by @silverechosandsmileymasks
- A Jevin fic by @/basaltdragon
- This Hypno piece by @/fireflower-dusk
- This Iskall anon
- Alternate Impulse fic by @/rayveewrites
- Short Grian fic by @rk9-mew2
- an alternate headcanon for Mumbo
- This Xisuma fic by @/bat-connoisseur
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raindrvq · 2 years
ok so, more of the like 2017 au or whatever u wanna call it
this was not meant to be this long and i spent way too much time on this but yknow what that's okay <3
skin: the classic cool guy skin with the headphones and hoodie, probably a creeper face on the back
fav mob: slime
fav item/block: jukebox (fav music disc is chirp) and prismarine bricks
fav biome: snowy taiga
play style: starts the game and builds a basic house, gets food, then just starts mining. likes exploring and uses every map he finds. tries to get maxed out diamond armour + tools so he can do boss fights. always has at least 3 dogs. fairly well at combat. hides all his valuables in a secret room that is behind a painting, hes a genius i know. has tried to make an aether portal many times but sadly has not succeeded </3
skin: another one of the classic cool guy skins, mayb one of those ones with a bandanna and a sword on the back or smth
fav mob: blaze
fav item/block: diamond block bc hes like that yknow
fav biome: jungle
play style: loves pvp. also parkour, one of those ppl who play parkour maps all the time (what a weirdo lmao, not just saying this bc im ass at parkour aha). most of his bases are super tall cobblestone towers. makes super small animal farms bc he hates farming so he just breeds animals instead and they're always overflowing with animals. and they are so incredibly loud. tries to speedrun doing everything while everyones still building their houses. 'jack calm down this is a server you dont have to grind and beat the ender dragon by day 5' 'idc im getting full diamond armour rn' 'we just spawned in???'
skin: one of those soft pastel skins with a flower crown or smth. probably has overalls or a sweater and heavy blush.
fav mob: ocelot n snow golem (he likes to shear them so they have silly little faces)
fav item/block: magenta wool and lily pads
fav biome: mushroom island and flower forest
play style: collects every flower he sees, favorites are peonies and blue orchids. prefers farming. likes to use cute texture packs. randomly plants flowers around your house and likes to leave random little gifts. likes to build pretty houses (they r usually inspired by LDShadowlady bc hes a Shadow Cadet real) and his pets have their own room in his house. also tries to make a bunch of potions but never rly has any use for them. makes cookies, cake, n pumpkin pie bc hes fancy like that.
skin: yknow like those skins that were like some sort of mob in a suit. what if his is a pig in a suit, which is why everyone calls him Piggy. idk
fav mob: chicken
fav item/block: bricks
fav biome: birch forest
play style: somehow actually understands redstone and uses it to make secret bases. likes to make puzzle maps and force his friends to play them. good with command blocks. refuses to go to the nether unless he rly has to bc he has a habit of falling in lava lol. makes lots of automatic farms and xp farms and what not. tends to set up a base and then not travel very far bc he can and will get lost if he goes too far away (especially because he hides his bases). if he needs something he'll just pay Ralph in diamonds to get it for him.
skin: either one of those basic skins with the long bangs covering one eye or some creepy skin that he will use to jumpscare you
fav mob: parrots bc he can hide them in ppls bases to scare them into thinking theres monsters near
fav item/block: tnt
fav biome: the nether (not necessarily a biome but)
play style: starts off playing the game fairly normal then quits and resorts to just stealing from everyones chests. if u go afk near him u will come back trapped in an obsidian box or wearing a pumpkin with curse of binding. purposefully builds shitty huts right in front of your nice build. constantly tries to summon herobrine and scares the shit outta Piggy and Simon. he will also change to a herobrine skin and creep around their bases.
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legendofmarshie · 3 years
Zelda Villain Minecraft Headcanons ✨
Ghirahim 🗡
- He thought the game sounded dumb at first. He couldn’t see the point of a game where you could do whatever you wanted and the main “goal” was never necessary. Still, he decided to give it a shot.
- Him and the other villains all have themselves as their skins.
- His first priority on any new world is always diamond / netherite everything.
- He loves cave mining and LOVES the Nether. It reminds him of home <3
- He thinks striders are genuinely cute but would rather die than admit that to anyone.
- He also enjoys the Aether mod every now and then.
- If he discovers the build he spent hours on isn’t perfectly symmetrical he’ll kill everyone in the room and then himself.
- Skipped the End Poem almost immediately because he thought it was just credits.
- He has INSANE luck finding structures. Like Dream speedrun levels of luck. What the hell.
Zant 💫
- He loves the End and Endermen for obvious reasons.
- He once made the mistake of hitting a villager in front of an iron golem. Never again.
- He fully believes Herobrine exists and nothing can convince him otherwise.
- His Ender pearl aim is on POINT.
- He is currently amassing an army of axolotls.
- He plays with low brightness and then goes mining with not enough / no torches like a maniac.
- He normally uses a lot of grey, black, and blue in his builds. He loves the look of soul lanterns so his bases are usually covered with them.
- Read through like half the End Poem then got bored and skipped it.
- Never ever EVER let him have commands.
Vaati 🌪
- He builds 90% of all his bases on floating islands or just in the sky. Y’know. To flex.
- He’s fascinated by redstone because of all the things it can do but isn’t very good at it.
- He leaves the leaves of trees floating like the little bastard he is.
- Thinks the phantoms are actually super cool (at least design-wise) and wishes they were tameable / rideable.
- He’s basically the living embodiment of the ‘Get the fuck outta my room I’m playin Minecraft’ kid.
- Got up and made a sandwich during the End Poem.
- Has one cat. It sits in the corner he carefully nudged it into and has not moved since.
Octavo 🎸
- Obviously loves the music. Hates hates HATES the cave noises.
- If his inventory isn’t always perfectly sorted he Will Die.
- When he learned there were music discs in the game he wanted one so so badly and was so excited when he finally found one. It was 13. That jukebox went out the window, and the other villains taunt him about it to this day.
- His bases usually have a little note block doorbell. It’s the only bit of semi-complex redstone he’s any good with.
- He unironically listens to the parodies and knows every word to all of them.
- Hasn’t been to the End yet and so hasn’t seen the End Poem.
- Has too many cats. They’re everywhere. Every single one has a unique name. Oh Hylia.
Astor 🔮
- Like Ghirahim, he thought the game sounded really stupid until the other villains finally convinced him to try it.
- He still probably plays the least out of all of them though.
- He plays on hardcore mode for bragging points but cheats by making a bajillion backups.
- Shares Vaati’s opinion on phantoms.
- He goes *all out* on the enchanting room. He’s aware the effectiveness of bookshelves caps after a certain amount but that doesn’t stop him. Thought you were just gonna put silk touch on your spare pickaxe? Good luck navigating the goddamn Library of Alexandria lmaooo.
-He slaughters every other animal he comes across but refuses to kill pigs.
- The only villain that sat through and actually read the entire End Poem.
- Once he found an amethyst geode,,,,,,,,,,, HOO BOY.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #203
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we've only got one goal in mind: Golems! Thanks to Avicebron, we'll make just that; lots and lots of golems! Avicebron is a Battle Smith Artificer, so you'll always have at least one on standby.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: I did naht kill him, I did naht. Oh hi Mark.
Race and Background
Avvy might not look it, but he's still a Variant Human, giving him +1 Intelligence and Wisdom, plus proficiency with Deception to keep your mentees close and your golem ingredients just as close, plus you get the Servo Crafting feat! You can cast Find Familiar as a ritual, but instead of getting an animal, you build a small golem called a Servo. You can speak with and through the servo, plus sense through it, as long as you share a plane of existence. You can also attack with the servo instead of your wimpy noodlearms once per attack action.
You're also a Cloistered Scholar, which gives you History and Religion proficiency. You are nerd! No duh!
Ability Scores
Your Intelligence should be pretty high, you make golems and you don't afraid of anything, that's what you do. After that is Dexterity, you're better off not getting hit than anything else, and also having 4 arms means you're pretty good at sleight of hand. Wisdom is also pretty good, you're a religious man, and while you don't get power from that you're still wise. Unfortunately we gotta make Strength the next highest stat. I mean, two of your arms are robots, so I guess it kinda works? Your Charisma is pretty low, you just don't care about people that much, but we're dumping Constitution. Trust me, it'll make sense in a bit. (Don't do this in-game, this is a flavor thing, you WILL DIE)
Class Levels
You're 100% artificer, so you start off with Magical Tinkering, letting you stuff minor magical effects into tiny items. I don't know why you'd make a fart sound producing golem out of a pen, but I'm not Avicebron. You also learn Spells. They use your Intelligence score for prep and casting. Grab Mage Hand to build a little drone to carry stuff for you, and Message for a messenger golem. Really you can take whatever spells you like as long as you call them golems, but the most golemy are Alarm golem and Catapult golem. Why throw stuff when you can just make it throw itself? You also get proficiency in a buncha stuff, like Constitution and Intelligence saves, plus Nature to figure out good materials for golems and Arcana to build them!
Second level artificers can Infuse Items, adding cool effects to up to two items per long rest from a list of four options. Grab Armor of Tools so you'll always have your golem-making kit on ya, Enhanced Arcane Focus for stronger golems, Homunculus Servant for a golem, and Mind Sharpener to help keep track of your golems. I can already tell golem isn't even gonna look like a word by the end of this build.
Your artificer subclass is the Battle Smith, which makes you Battle Ready, so your golems can use martial weapons. Of course you're not swinging them yourself, so you can use your intelligence instead of strength when attacking with magical weapons. You also get a second permanent golem, the Steel Defender! You gotta use your bonus action to make it do stuff, but it'll hit people, repair stuff, and protect its allies! Also, you can cast Mending on it to heal it. You don't have that yet, but you will! You can also make The Right Tool for the Job over a long rest, and you also get subclass spells for free. Heroism makes a very pretty golem that inspires all your allies to not get scared and get temporary HP. Shield makes a golem that'll stand in front of someone as a reaction, adding 5 to their AC and blocking magic missiles for a round.
Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Intelligence. You use it for pretty much everything, so your brain's gotta be good!
Fifth level battlesmiths get an Extra Attack, so your servo, your steel defender, and your sword-holding golem can all attack at the same time. You also get second level spells, like Branding Smite and Warding Bond. Neither of those are golems tho. Grab Rope Trick for the first of many rope golems, and Enlarge/Reduce for later. Adam's a big boy, so you've gotta make a big golem.
Sixth level artificers get Tool Expertise, doubling your proficiency bonus with all tools. Golem making is complicated, the DCs are gonna be high. You also get two more blueprints and one more infused item, like a Spell-Refueling Ring for extra spell slots and a Rope of Climbing for another rope-based golem to help your bad climbing skills.
At seventh level you get so smart you have Flashes of Genius, adding your intelligence modifier to checks and saves near you intelligence modifier times per long rest. Yeah, it's actually just weirdly specific golems.
Bump up your Intelligence this ASI for more of everything you like. Smrt.
Ninth level battle smiths add an Arcane Jolt to their steel defender and magical weapons. Once per turn, intelligence modifier times per long rest, you can either add extra force damage to the hit, or heal a nearby creature. Still not sure how to make those golems, but you'll figure something out, you've got 20 Intelligence! You also get third level spells, like an Aura of Vitality golem and a Conjure Barrage golem. You can also can Create Food and Water golems for gathering, or turn just about anything into a Tiny Servant. For up to 8 hours after casting, you can turn a tiny object into a tiny creature, commanding it as a bonus action. Finally, a spell that makes golems! You can also use Glyph of Warding now, though it won't be that useful for the build until you get fourth level spells. The idea is, you can keep a bunch of these bad boys in your base, all set to trigger against a creature that knocks you down to 0 HP. All of them summon constructs, beating up the guy after you're already unconscious. This is the closest we could get to Avicebron's third skill, D&D doesn't really plan for character death that well. Also, just a correction. I just found out you can't carry glyphs around without them breaking :(
Tenth level artificers are Magic Item Adepts, giving you an extra attunement slot and you can create uncommon magic items for cheaper. You also get the Mending cantrip for golems, and two more blueprints for an extra infused item. The Helm of Awareness will help you stay out of trouble, and the Periapt of Wound Closure makes it easier to not die. Your master strategy is all about getting knocked out, so it would be nice if you automatically stabilize.
Eleventh level artificers can create Spell-Storing Items, stuffing weapons or focii full of first/second level magical goodness. It's like you're casting the spell, but it uses the other guy's concentration.
Another ASI! Bump up your Dexterity for less dying.
With fourth level spells, you can cast all sorts of golems. You're stuck with Aura of Purity and Fire Shield, but you also get an Arcane Eye for a drone golem, plus Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound and Summon Construct for fighting golems.
As a Magic Item Savant you get another attunement slot, and you can ignore requirements when attuning magic items. You also get the Prestidigitation cantrip to make whatever small tools you need for a second, and two more blueprints for one more infusion. Bracers of Defense will help you not die if you don't think Avicebron's outfit is armor, and the Ring of Protection will also do that regardless.
At fifteenth level you get your last subclass improvement, the Improved Defender. Your arcane jolt gets bigger, and your golem gets tougher and can reflect damage, not just deflect it.
Use the rest of your ASI to bump up your Wisdom. Making yourself better isn't in character, so just be wise.
You've got fifth level spells! Banishing smite isn't a golem, but I guess Mass Cure Wounds could be Adam's feet? Idk. You can also use Bigby's Hand for Adam's hand, and Animate Objects for more item-based golems. Now you can turn your trusty frying pan into a-golem. Everything turns into a golem.
Eighteenth level artificers are Magic Item Masters, letting you attune to six items at the same time. You also get two more blueprints, so grab two copies of Arcane Propulsion Arm for the four arms of your third ascension. Arms are cool.
One last ASI, grab more Wisdom.
Your capstone ability grants you a Soul of Artifice, giving you a +1 bonus to all your saves for each magic item you're attuned to, and you can destroy an infusion to drop to 1 HP instead of 0. Remember, getting KOd only helps if you're near one of your glyphs.
Pros and Cons
Between your Steel Defender, servo, tiny servants, and animated objects, you don't have to do much. Plus you can just rope trick away and let them take care of everything!
If your DM ever tries to spook the party by fighting you in your own base, you can spook him right back by taking a fall and filling your study with angry golems.
With expertise and flashes to help your repairs along plus mending, you're a great repairman. If the DM tries to block your path with a broken bridge, it won't stay broken for long. Plus, your warforged allies will love you.
DONT DUMP CON. You have less than 100 HP at level 20, and your constitution save is really bad (for an artificer). Don't do it. Look me in the eyes, don't. do it!
Having any part of your battle plan being getting knocked out is not going to make you popular with your party members. Maybe you should help out yourself? Nah, golems are better.
All of your infusions and spells are focused on helping yourself, a stark contrast to most of our artificer builds. Keeping all your toys to yourself will not help your party like you, especially with a +0 charisma.
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deviliciousdev · 3 years
MBTI✨Random Convos🤓🤨😎
intp (the logician)
entj (the commander)
entp (the debater)
best friend
entj: ok, intp, whenever you guys get to the restaurant tomorrow, just call me, my office is only a couple blocks away.
intp: oh um it's gonna have to be text.
entj: what, why?
intp: thee sim card in my cellular device "failed" apparently... so i can't call anyone right now... actually i'm not even sure if it will work off wifi?? 🧐
entj: 🤨 you're joking...
entp: so your phone currently can't do the one thing phones were literally invented for...
intp: uhuh, really makes ya think huh?
entj: think that you should get a new sim card and have working phone like a functional adult? yes i do think that.
intp: nahhhh, more like makes ya think about how far humanity has come regarding technological advances yet one tiny malfunction can render a pocket sized super computer inoperable of its original design function...(looks into distance in profound speculation) huh, weird...(shrugs shoulders)🤷‍♀️
entp: 🤔(nods)
entj: intp...
intp: wat
entj: get your phone fixed... today.
intp: (like a smol feral child) nao!
entj: 😳😠 yes!
intp: (in golem voice, because their sense of humor is chaotic and strange) no callses... only textses... nasty little hobitses trying to get sméagol to talks on phoneses...
entp: yeah! what the creepy little hermit said! you don't even need a phone, we'll just send a raven with a scroll, game of thrones style bish 🤘😜. now where to get a trained raven THATS the question...
entj: THAT is not the question! also the answer would be the internet, obviously...
intp: no. no birb. evil. evil creature. (shakes head rapidly, while looking into void)
entp: oh right i forgot intp is terrified of birds.
entj: birds? seriously?
intp: YA DONT KNOW THEM LIKE I DO ENTJ! they're evil... wicked pestilences neither mammal nor reptile... with creepy talons that wreck and toothless beaks that peck... beware the warm blooded vertebrae's called Aves... (eye twitching like a crazy person, or that sailor from Jaws)
entj: 😐
entp: oo! i got it. message in a bottle perfect.
intp: oooo! like pirates! yes! ok entp let's get to a craft store for some glass bottles and parchment!
entp: (in pirate voice) ARRR! i'm gonna write me favorite dirty jokes on em!
[as intp and entp is walking out door]
entj: (throws arms up in air) noooo! get your phone fixed!
intp: okkkk byyyee, look to the harbor for our correspondence! 😘
[door closes]
entj: ... damn it, i really wanna write on parchment... [runs out apartment door] hey guys! wait up! i forgot i totally have a members account at the arts n craft store.
intp: yes! first to the craft store then THE SEA!
entj: where is it you think "the sea" is??
entp: oh entj, *tsk tsk*... ye of little faith. (as elevator door closes) dont you worry, ITS OUT THERE!
intp: YONDER THE SWELLS RAGE! ☝️(maniacal laughter)
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aurya-varonis · 2 years
Into the Woods
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In a new world, in a new city... The worn out girls explored the unfamiliar settlement and discussed their plans of how to begin searching for their missing friend. With luck, he made his way through such a well seen place. After getting getting used to the layout, they discussed who they would ask come the morning, and retired to rooms in the Pendants, the Crystarium's inn.
Morning came early. Moreso when there was hardly any sleep to be had. Alone in an unfamiliar bed gave little more than an unsettled feeling. Soon after rising, Aurya found herself in the aptly named Cabinet of Curiosity, a many leveled library within the Crystarium. It seems, however, Tomo slept even less and greeted the green haired cat as she entered. Aurya rubbed the sleep from her eyes and joined the diligent Au Ra who pointed to a globe next to her.
[Globe Picture]
Rak'Tika Greatwood. A large jungle like region that spanned northeast of where they were. It seems that there were rumors of a black haired Miqo'te who had 'appeared' in some ancient ruins deep in the forest. It was the lead they were hoping for, and with their destination set they wasted no time departing.
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Sure enough, in the far northeast reaches of Rak'Tika, they found the entrance to the ancient ruins known as the 'Qitana Ravel', a relic of the 'Ronkan Empire', a bygone civilization that used to rule this land long ago. The area was ornately decorated with stone monuments that were painstakingly hand chiseled with intricate patterns and glowing crystalized aether. As someone who found a fascination in ancient history and cultures, Aurya was delighted to see such an amazing place. But their purpose here was not for that, and the animated golems patrolling the area left little time for gawking.
Slowly working their way through the stone halls of what seemed to be a temple... Carefully navigating various traps, avoiding magic stone sentries, and fighting a few monsters that have taken up shelter in the area. The winding passage ways seemed only to lead in circles or to dead ends, and they found little of interest and no clues to their missing cat. The only thing it seemed is whoever made this temple worshipped... Owls?
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Their exploration discovered only one room of some interest. In the center was some pedestal with a glowing sun like symbol, and around the outside were various stone cubes? They were similar to containers, but couldn't be opened in any way Aurya tried. Perhaps something was supposed to go on the raised center block? But there was nothing to be found. Tomo told Aurya to keep looking here while she backtracked to see if there was anything they missed.
Aurya searched alone in silence for nearly half an hour with nothing to show for her efforts. The echoes of her footsteps and shuffling made the lack of Tomo's presence felt all too strongly. And by this point, worry was starting to settle in. She wandered from the room and back down the hallway they had come from. A few turns later and armored footsteps rounded the corner.
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"Halt! Who are you to trespass in territory ruled by the Lord of Eulmore?", the knight questioned, drawing weapons that seemed alight with flame. Though normally not one to lie, Aurya didn't want to compromise her reason for being here, not her friend's safety. She told the man she wandered here alone to explore the ruins of legends she had read about. Her answer was enough to stay the man's blade, but not enough to be left alone. "Come with me. You're under arrest for trespass upon the Lord's land.", he ordered and began leading her through the temple towards the exit.
Aurya followed obediently, for now. She didn't want to stir trouble when she knew so little of the situation, or if there were more armed men nearby. Fortunately, she didn't have to deliberate her actions long before another voice called from elsewhere commanding everyone to catch a black haired girl with horns. After confirming she 'came here alone', the man decided the other matter was more pressing and told her to leave and not return.
[Meeting Tomo]
Keeping quiet and careful not to run into anyone else, Aurya made her way back to the entrance. As she took a moment to consider what to do and how she could find her friend, a familiar voice caught her ear. Peeking from around the corner of a large pillar near the opening of the temple was the Au Ra she was looking for. They discussed the situation with the armed men, and Tomo gleefully produced the source of their frantic actions, an ornately carved golden statuette of an owl in the same style as seen inside. Uncertain of it's significance, they could only tell it was magical, so they agreed it should be looked into further. Without any hint of Kan, perhaps this artefact could offer a clue.
The sound of heavy metal footfalls silenced the girls as one of the knights walked out of the temple. He stopped several feet away from the girls and raised a hand to his ear, as if listening closely to something. "No sir, neither the girl nor the idol have been found... Y-yes-- Understood. The village? Yes, nearby... B-but sir, it's unlikely they have-- Rebellion? Exterminate? ... ...yes sir. Understood." The man lowered his arm and slumped slightly. He looked in the direction of a settlement of Viis, a race of women with long rabbit like ears, who prided themselves as protectors of the forest. With a nod, the knight straightened himself up before turning and walking back inside. Within a few moments a small group of soldiers left the temple and marched away from the area, commands of regrouping and preparation were heard as they departed.
Aurya turned and looked to Tomo as a feeling of dread washed over her. The black haired girl sighed and closed her eyes, shaking her head. "No, we aren't here for that... There's nothing we can do for them. We can't afford to spend so much time if we are to find Kan.", she said flatly.
She looked towards the village. "...then go. Take that and hurry back to the Crystarium and find out what you can. I'll find a way to stop them." Aurya looked back to Tomo with a somewhat sad smile. "You know I want to find him... More than anything. But if I just went on and left after hearing something like that... Then I wouldn't have the right to look him in the eyes again. Don't worry, I'll catch up to you."
"I'll expect to see you soon, then. Don't do anything stupid like getting yourself killed, you foolish cat...", Tomo responded. Despite what seemed like callousness, her hesitation to leave was clear. None the less, she summoned her mount, and with a last look and nod to her friend, she made haste to the southwest.
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Near the village, Aurya waited and watched for the approaching troops. It took close to an hour, but a contingent of five similarly armored men were spotted marching in her direction. Quickly and quietly, with daggers in hand, she made her way through the forest to intercept them from behind before they could reach their target. With silent precision, she took down two of the men. The first was pounced upon from behind, a quick release of aether called down a lightning bolt on another soldier next to him.
The remaining three turned to confront their attacker. A few steps forward and a flash found Aurya suddenly behind the leader of the group with a blade carefully placed against his neck. With some well spoken words and the feel of steel against soft flesh, she was able to convince them to value their lives over their order. They were to report their order as completed, then leave this place.
Satisfied, Aurya was just releasing her hold when an instinct told her to move, and fast. A slash from her blind side, through where she stood and the man whom she just negotiated with, dropping him dead to the ground. Large and adorned in bright silver armor stood a knight much like the rest but clearly of a different rank.
"I have no need for traitorous cowards who would abandon their orders.", a raspy voice uttered from beneath his metallic helm. Almost as fast as she could blink, he cut down the remaining two men and turned to face her. With a low, sadistic laugh he brandished his blade toward her and charged. Aurya faced off against the man, barely holding her own for a while, but her inexperience was soon shown to be lacking against the grizzled captain's own skill. It wasn't long before she was overpowered and brought to the ground.
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Remorseless, he stood over her with his sword leveled at her neck. His cruel taunts preceding his final act against her. As he was about to deliver his final cut, an arrow flew last his face. Followed by more, several pinging off the man's armor with enough force to leave small dents and a resounding ringing of metal. Near to the entrance of the village stood a blue haired woman with rabbit ears, bow drawn and ready to release another arrow. She was not alone, as many of the villagers stood with bows raised, and more joining.
The captain looked to them, as if calculating the option of cutting them down despite a hail of arrows. Before he could raise his blade, however, a ball of fire struck him from the side. A red creature, a summoned Egi, defended alongside an Au Ra woman who readied to command another attack as she landed and hopped off her mount. With more force gathering against him, the Eulmorean knight rationalized that furthering his attack would be against better judgment and took his leave. "Prepare yourselves, rebels. The retribution you shall receive will make you regret ever having lived.", he issued in threat as he retreated from the woods.
[Talk to Hikaru]
The Au Ra woman made her way to the fallen girl and helped her to her feet. "You must be Aurya.", she began. "If it weren't for how urgent and demanding that friend of yours was, I doubt I would have made it in time. Though it seems your actions have earned you no shortage of support.", the woman observed as she motioned to the Viis gathered by the entrance of the village, collectively relieved that she was safe.
The Summoner introduced herself as Hikaru, and explained, as her uniform conveyed, that she was part of the Crystarium militia and would be stationed here in Fanow to ensure that the man's promised retaliation wouldn't bear any fruit. Aurya explained her situation and their search for their lost black haired cat. Interested, Hikaru mentioned that there was a man who matched that description who came from the forest in the city just a few days ago. It was her dismay to report that the Miqo'te left only a day ago to travel to Eulmore.
"Damn... We just missed him.", Aurya lamented. "Though, if he so much as caught wind of the sort of thing that happened today, then I have no doubt he went to try to deal with it at the source.", she concluded. She gave her thanks and said her goodbyes as she departed to return to the Crystarium.
It didn't take long before Aurya was able to reunite with Tomo. She filled her friend in on everything that happened over a well deserved meal. While their lead to Rak'Tika didn't result in finding their friend, it got them a step in the right direction. They agreed to get some proper sleep, and set out after their missing cat in the morning.
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commodorefluffypawz · 3 years
Asura: Burning Bright
It seemed like an entire Inquest megakrewe. At least a hundred Inquest soldiers backed up by Assault Cubes and Battle Golems were attempting to make their way onto the bridge, and it was taking everything Magus had to hold them off. 
As an elementalist, Magus manipulated the Eternal Alchemy - the driving force behind all things - to his will. Using energy transmutation and magic, subtle changes in the forces of the world could lead to great shifts in Magus’ favor. Water could freeze into ice, heat could become fire, or a slight breeze could become a tornado but that was the least of what an elementalist could do. Water could also heal wounds as most organics were made of mostly water already, or air could grant great speed of step. Really the only restriction was the limits on the elementalist’s knowledge of the Eternal Alchemy, and his creativity. An entire school in Rata Sum was dedicated to learning more about the Eternal Alchemy, as the Asurans really knew very little about it. 
“Rooba, any chance we could come back and finish this later?” He yelled at the busy asuran golemist. He had erected a wall of fire blocking the Inquest’s access to the bridge, but they were quickly dousing it with buckets of water and golem mounted fire extinguishers. 
“It takes as long as it takes, there’s nothing I can do! If we stop halfway it could trigger a chain reaction that takes out the whole reactor!” Rooba shouted in response. “Besides, I think the odds of the Inquest giving us a second chance at this are pretty slim.”
The Inquest extinguished enough of the flames to push their way through and Magus froze the water they had used to do it, shaping it as he did so into a double sided ramp. The high point was like a seam up the center of the bridge, so anyone attempting to cross would have extremely precarious footing. One slip would send them sliding into the abyss below. While it was true that the Inquest command had little regard for the lives of its scientists and soldiers, and the Inquest would rarely surrender without a fight, there was no reason to sacrifice lives when victory was so certain anyway. So until they were pushed, such a dangerous obstacle would make most of the megakrewe hesitate. Especially if they were also being bombarded by fireballs from an experienced Priory elementalist on the other side.  
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The bridge was a good choke point. The Inquest were definitely going to get through - they were already making progress through Magus’ ice ramp by smashing it flat with Golem fists and grenades - but Magus could probably hold them off until Rooba finished her work. He started alternating the fire balls with gusts of wind to blow grenades back into the Inquest lines while he thought about the real issue - they were trapped. Magus could hold the Inquest at the bridge because it was the only way into the room, which meant it was the only way out as well. He could already picture in his mind the scolding Gixx would give him on his return to the Priory. 
You should learn to mind your surroundings. Always plan ahead!
Magus shook his head. There had to be a way out. He couldn’t exactly join Jormag and conquer the world if he was dead, and while he didn’t want that to happen he was pretty certain the future was immutable. He shivered again as he thought of the icy doppelganger who had stepped through a time portal to kill him. If he was going to turn into that, it wasn’t going to be done by dying at the hands of the Inquest in an overgrown and abandoned power reactor.
The Inquest golems finally broke the last of the ice, but just as they were about to leave the bridge, Magus called upon the storms to fry their circuits. He then trapped them in place with rock, forming a nearly impassable barrier of golem and earth. However, the Inquest had cutting tools, and once they got through this obstacle they would be over the bridge and there would be nothing else he could do. He ran over to stand by Rooba - he couldn’t help her with her work because he knew next to nothing about transdimensional radiation, but he would give her as much time as he could to finish it. The last stand turned out to be unnecessary. As he approached she looked up and grinned.
“Finished! The reactor is uncontaminated. Readings should return to optimal levels within hours.”
“Wow, that actually took a lot less time than I thought!” Magus replied. “Now we just have to find a way out of here.”
“Magic cell battery damaged. Failure...imminent.” Rooba’s Golem was suddenly flashing a very menacing red colour. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Rooba exclaimed. “Keep it in. That’s an order!”
“Cannot….main..tain….” The Golem sputtered, its red lights fading to black.
And that’s when the whole room exploded Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 <— Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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mtgbracket · 3 years
Tiebreaker - Tuktuk the Explorer vs Blim, Comedic Genius
Hi folks!  Today’s results included our second win, with these two red cards fetching 152 votes each in Batch 2.16.  As always, I don’t vote in the daily batches just in case.
As a reminder, the format is:
- Quality of design, scored out of 10 - Power level, scored out of 5 (overpowered cards will score lower) - Flavour, scored out of 5 - Art, scored out of 5 (taking the best of multiple arts if relevant) - Place in Magic history, scored out of 5
Here we go!
Tuktuk the Explorer
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Tuktuk is a simple concept - an understated creature which promises a reward if you can kill him off.  The reward is pretty simple - a 5/5 custom token - but the card itself leaves it open-ended how you are going to get there.  Unlike some other similar cards, Tuktuk can block, so there’s an easy option for you there, although that does make the card an oddly out-of-feel defensive red card.  Otherwise you can pair Tuktuk with sacrifice outlets for a nice, direct reward.  He also somewhat randomly has haste, which doesn’t add a whole bunch to the design as he’s not a compelling attacker.
Overall, I am not a massive fan of this design - it’s simple but not hugely elegant or compelling.  While getting a 5/5 for three mana feels like cheating, getting a 1/1 for three feels like getting cheated, and it’s not overall an enticing or exciting design.
Power level
Tuktuk is a fairly lacklustre card for a Legend, with a decent reward but no other immediate benefit.  Even the token is just power and toughness.  As you would expect he has a low EDHREC rank, at #1094 as a Commander and in 0% (rounded) of red decks.
Tuktuk is a historically notably Zendikari Goblin, having gotten killed by an Eldrazi trap only to have his body replaced with rocks.  This story is well told by the design, as his token is both an artifact creature and a Goblin Golem.  His own flavour text, identical in all printings, provides a little bit of world building explaining what happened to Tuktuk and his subsequent impact on the clan of Goblins that took his name and followed his teachings to destroy and eat hedrons and other rocks - until he was killed by Zada, who took his teachings a little too far.  The idea of a reckless Goblin adventurer getting caught up in a deadly trap is very in the spirit of the Zendikar setting.
Volkan Baga’s orange and red colour palette is lovely, and there’s some nice work with the lighting that draws your attention first to Tuktuk’s face and curiously reaching hand, then across to the intriguing runed surface of the hedron.  The lighting is even diegetic to the illustration, coming from the torch in Tuktuk’s other hand.  There are also lots of nice touches to Tuktuk’s outfit, the background stonework, and so forth.
Seeing as the token exists only for this card, I will consider it lightly.  Franz Vohwinkel’s piece seems to show Tuktuk returning from the same cave - with an orange backlight and some rocks.  Some intimidated goblins crowd around his feet, showing how his experience quickly propelled him to power.  Tuktuk himself is a fairly generic floating rock monster, which we’ve seen many times over, but with some neat hedron markings mixed in.
Place in Magic history
Tuktuk is the namesake of his own clan, seen on a couple of other cards such as Tuktuk Rubblefort.  He appears in some stories but his card and character don’t have any other strong place.
Blim, Comedic Genius
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Blim is a bit of an oddball.  He’s a pretty efficient flyer for his cost, with a seriously odd ability.  He must donate your permanents on hitting, and then has a symmetrical trigger based on how many permanents are controlled but not owned by each player.  It’s a clunky wording (necessarily so to make it work), but has some subtle touches - for example, seeing as Blim is designed for Commander Legends limited, his trigger catches each player, not just the one he hits, so that you can continue to punish people for the gifts he’s given on previous attacks even when attacking a different opponent.  There’s also a nice side-effect of punishing anybody playing Mind Control effects on top of the inbuilt donation effect.
Blim is also something that many players wanted for a long while - a black-aligned card similar to Zedruu, allowing you to give away some of black’s many downside cards.  Because of the power of giving away cards like Demonic Pact, he’s not as easy to use as Zedruu, but the power is still there.
Overall, we have a card that’s doing quite a lot on a technical level, but through a bit of an awkward and clunky wording.
Power level
Blim, like many of the 73 new Legends in Commander Legends, has to serve two masters - the needs of the CMR draft format, and taking a swing at the wider Commander format.  Blim manages that reasonably well, unlike many of the others, by taking a unique ability to donate your permanents.  This means he’s done pretty well for popularity as a new card, but more by being unique than by being overpowering - he’s currently at #493 on EDHREC as a Commander, although also in 0% (rounded) of black-red decks.
Blim is a brand new character to CMR, and his fairly lengthy rules text means we don’t get any flavour text.  He doesn’t have any other story appearances, just a couple of paragraphs in this infodump article.  He’s flavoured to fit the Rakdos comedy-circus-slash-violence flavour, which has developed over the years since the original Ravnica; the guild started with no clear role in the Ravnican society, but has steadily adopted a sort of “official counter-culture” role.  The name is a bit silly-sounding, if appropriate for an imp, but the design doesn’t really connect to the mechanics especially.  Admittedly this is a difficult text box to find a flavour connection for, but dark / violent comedy isn’t really it.
Jason A Engle’s piece certainly gets the Rakdos feel across, with a terrifying black-red fiery imp character taking up the foreground and a selection of spiky gear, chains, fabrics and more in the background - he’s clearly in the Rakdos performance line.  The “comedian” aspect isn’t really made clear, and the largely flavourless text box of course can’t really be depicted either.  But I am a big fan of the colours and the fade between the reddish orange at the top and the darker, almost black at the bottom.  The funky body proportions of Blim, with his oversized head, is a little funny, but the horns are funky.
Place in Magic history
None to speak of.
Final verdict
Tuktuk the Explorer
Design - 5/10 Power level - 2/5 Flavour - 3/5 Art - 4/5 Place in Magic history - 3/5 TOTAL - 17/30
Blim, Comedic Genius
Design - 6/10 Power level - 3/5 Flavour - 2/5 Art - 3/5 Place in Magic history - 2/5 TOTAL - 16/30
It was close even in the scores, but by an edge I give it to Tuktuk the Explorer!  He will join the Top 256 which will begin on Monday.  Come back tomorrow for some stats and facts!
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resonatingfern · 4 years
(~3,500 words about Ryrra leaving the Inquest)
It had to be tonight.
There was no longer room for hesitation. No space for questioning or second thoughts. It may not be the last chance for her, but it was for him.
Ryrra took stock again of what she could stand to carry with her. A change of clothes, half a weeks rations, a tool kit for repair, a small bag of wilderness survival gear. Her sword, strapped securely to her back. A palm sized figure of a moa, formed by delicately twisting metal.
Taking the moa in her hand, Ryrra squeezed her eyes shut. The edges of its beak dug into her palm, leaving a red mark on her skin. When she opened her eyes again her expression was resolute. She placed the figure on the stand by her bed, where it weighed down an envelope sealed and addressed to Figg.
With one last look around the room — the one she had spent the last ten years of her life in — Ryrra shouldered her pack and left. The hall beyond was empty save for the dull, red light that ran along the trimming. It outlined the way through the maze-like interior of Biocauldron Alchemics, slightly pulsing in time with some hidden, slow heartbeat.
Ryrra didn’t need the guidance. She knew the building almost as well as she knew her childhood home. In a way Biocauldron Alchemics was her childhood home. From the age of fourteen and up this had been her world. The twists and turns of the corridors were nothing new to her, and the night patrolling golems in them just a part of life that had faded into the background.
She gave them no mind tonight. They in turn didn’t spare her a second scan. It wasn’t unusual to see a field agent — especially one of Ryrra’s rank — coming and going at all hours.
What she prayed to the alchemy they didn’t notice was that her path wasn’t taking her to an exit. It was leading her towards the housing wing for promising progeny. Where, by all normal measures, she had no reason to go.
Luck was with her and her route went unnoticed. It was one of the perks of her position; work hard and long enough for the Inquest and some behaviors were easily glazed over. It bothered her before, mostly when her superiors used it to shrug off their duties and leave her with more work, but tonight she was glad it worked in her favor.
She reached her first destination with no trouble. The shared bedroom was dark when she stepped inside, and three beds pushed against the the outer walls showed the covered and sleeping forms of progeny. She made her way to the one on the north side of the room, careful to make no noise to alert any light sleepers.
Stopping at the edge of the bed, Ryrra looked down at the young asura there, his face relaxed in sleep. He was in his teens, just on the cusp of adulthood. Her blood burned as she watched his chest rise and fall peacefully, and the anger she felt took a moment to quell. He shouldn’t be here, she thought. He should be somewhere safe, somewhere far from the Inquest and what they planned to do to him.
Ryrra would make sure he was.
“Kievv,” she said softly, and shook his exposed shoulder.
Kievv made a muffled groan as he pushed his face into his pillow, resisting the urge to wake. Ryrra shook him again, this time more urgently. His eyes opened, bleary from sleep and whatever dreams he left behind.
“What — Ryrra?” When his eyes focused they grew wide, and he tugged at his blanket to cover his shoulder and upper body. “What the fuck.”
“Shhh.” Ryrra pressed a finger to her lips, then motioned her head towards his wardrobe.“Get up. Hurry. Grab your things.”
Kievv’s eyes followed her motioning, then settled back on her. She saw him take in the sword strapped to her back and the back beneath it. His mind was working fast; faster than her’s ever did.
“No?” he refused, narrowing his eyes in growing suspicion. “What do you mean ‘grab my things?’ Why are you dressed like that?”
Ryrra looked back to the door while Kievv questioned her. The light from the hall seeped in, and soon she knew a patrol golem would pass by and see the open room. They didn’t have time for Kievv to doubt her.
“I’ll tell you on the way,” she said, and instead of waiting for Kievv to do it himself she began to rummage through his wardrobe and pull out pieces of clothing, tossing them into a heap on the bed. “Just get dressed. And don’t wake anyone up.”
Kievv scrambled from under the covers and stood up only to be immediately restrained by a sweater Ryrra was trying to tug over his head. He batted her away, all the fog from sleep now blown away and replaced with confusion and indignation.
“What is wrong with you?” he hissed, keeping his voice down even though he was uncertain why he needed to. He grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it over him, wiggling his arms into the sleeves. “Fine. Fine, stop, I can put on my own sweater.”
Once he was dressed Kievv shoved all the clothes on the bed into a pack Ryrra had unearthed from his wardrobe. For good measure he stuffed a few other things inside as well: a book he was currently reading, a staff of dark cherrywood, and a handful of snacks he had tucked away in his nightstand.
Ryrra watched him the whole time, though she kept her eye on the door as well. So far things were going better than she planned, which didn’t fill her with confidence. Things couldn’t get well forever.
She expected more resistance from Kievv. He was smart; much smarter than to blindly follow someone in the middle of the night. Ryrra didn’t have time to question his compliance, though. She could think about that later, once they were out of the base and well on their way to safety.
“Ready?” she asked when Kievv heaved his pack onto his back. “We’re going outside. Just follow me and be quiet.”
Again her command was met with little resistance. Kievv simply hauled his bag higher along his shoulders and followed her out of the room, leaving his sleeping classmates behind. Back in the hallway the dim red lights led the way, and the few sentry golems Ryrra had seen on her way in were absent. Their patrols had likely taken them to other sections of the building, keeping the threat of their questioning at bay for now.
They walked briskly, Ryrra keeping ahead of Kievv until she noticed his footsteps had ceased. She paused and turned back to spot him stopped behind her, his arms crossed over his chest.
“You said you’d explain on the way,” he said. He looked around and motioned towards the hallways branching out and leading closer to the exit of the facility. “This is the way.”
Ryrra inhaled deeply and held it in her lungs a moment. A flash of annoyance rose up, but was quieted by the sting of her held breath. She exhaled, letting out as much of the anxiety and paranoia that was fueling her frustration as she could.
This was what she had been expecting from Kievv. It had just come a little later than she thought it would. It wasn’t a setback, just a delay.
“Kievv,” she started, taking a step closer to him and grasping his arm. She squeezed it once before letting it go. “Just trust me for a few minutes, okay?”
“I am trusting you,” he answered, and the soft pout on his face almost made Ryrra want to laugh. But he was trusting her, and she didn’t want to risk that with a misunderstanding. Instead she reached up to ruffle his hair in the same way she’d been doing for years, and started to walk down the hall again.
This time they made it the East Sector exit without any further interruptions. The door was closed, as it always was in the late hours of the day. In front of it stood a security golem, motionless until Ryrra and Kievv approached.
Its metallic voice rang through the hallway, and Ryrra felt Kievv flinch at her side. She held her arm out in front of him, like she was already protecting him from an inevitable attack. A light on the golem’s front flashed red, and the soft hum of machinery working filled the hallway.        
“Scanning identification insert…” A moment passed while the golem performed its function. When it finished the red light faded, replaced by yellow. “Senior Field Agent Ryrra identified. Progeny Kievv identified. Please state your reason for exit.”
“Code seven thirty six,” Ryrra answered confidently, her arm still blocking Kievv. “Tutor Brix thinks Kievv needs more hands on experience.”
“Error.” The golem’s light turned red again. “Progeny Kievv is slotted for Experimental Reeducation tomorrow at oh eight hundred hours.”
Kievv took a startled step back, his eyes wide.
“I’m what?”
“He is unable to leave the premises at this time,” the golem continued in the same metallic, monotone voice. “Return to your quarters.”
Ryrra’s arm was tugged back as Kievv grabbed it, pulling her to get her attention. When she looked at him his face had paled, and she could see where his teeth were digging into his lip.  
“Ryrra, what did it say? What’s experimental —”
“Kievv,” she interrupted firmly, and removed her arm from his grip before turning back to the golem. Kievv’s confusion would have to wait, at least until the matter at hand was settled.
“Override code five zero gamma seven.”
“Error,” the golem returned. Its light flashed, and the whirl and click of its machinery sounded again. “Override code restricted. Alerting Security Sector Eight.”
In the distance an alarm sounded, soft at first but growing in strength.
“Fucking alchemy,” Ryrra sighed, and reached for the sword strapped to her back.
It slid from its spot with practiced ease, and she turned it in her hand, gripping high along the hilt with both hands. Raising it above her head, she brought the pommel down onto the golem with the full force of her small body behind it.
The impact shuddered through the blade and into her arm. The feeling was familiar by now, as was the motion of lifting the weapon again and striking a second time. Sparks flared from exposed circuits as Ryrra continued to smash the pommel of her sword into the machine to the backdrop of ever approaching alarms.
When the golem’s red light finally dimmed, its inert body a husk of bent and shattered metal, she took a deep, shuddering breath. This was it. There was no going back now.
With one well placed kick to the golem’s core for good measure, Ryrra turned back to Kievv, grabbed his wrist, and began to run for the exit of the lab.
“What are you doing!” Kievv shouted, his voice rising above the shrill ring of alarms. He was panicked now, clear in the way his tone had raised an octave.
“Getting you out of here, so let’s go,” Ryrra said, and was forced to a stop at the door controls. She pushed a few buttons, entering her personal security code and once again praying to the Alchemy for a bit of luck.
The door’s gears stuttered and began to turn, slowly revealing the dark swamp outside.
Still holding onto Kievv’s wrist, Ryrra dashed towards the opening. She met resistance as Kievv grabbed her arm with his other hand and ground his feet into the tile of the hallway just before the door’s threshold.
“No, wait,” he pleaded, and the look of fear on his face almost did make her wait. “Ryrra, stop! We can’t just leave.”
“We are,” she said, and took a few more steps forward, dragging Kievv along with her.
“I don’t want to leave! Let me go!”
“Kievv!” Ryrra turned on her heels and tore her arm from Kievv so she could grip both his shoulders. She waited until he looked into her eyes to speak again, this time clear and firm. “Experimental Reeducation — they’re going to brainwash you. Wipe your memory. Put it into a golem or some other thing they’ve got chained up.”
Kievv rolled his shoulders back, trying to get out Ryrra’s grip, but with lessening conviction. His breathing was quick and labored, and Ryrra realized he was shaking.
“Listen to me: I’m not lying,” she went on. “If you stay here you’re dead, Kievv. This is it for you!”
Kievv’s shoulders slumped and his eyes cast down to the floor. Ryrra saw the beginning of understanding in them, and she sighed softly before letting him go. She didn’t want to scare him, but she didn’t know any other way to make him move.  
“Really. I’ve seen it done before. I-”
Ryrra paused, her words halting in her throat. I’ve done it before.
She took her head, wiping the memories away with the motion. She couldn’t think about that now. Not yet.
“I don’t want that to happen to you,” she said instead. She hoped Kievv heard the truth in her words; she hoped he could understand, that he could see the danger that lay in store if he stayed. “And I don’t want to be part of the Inquest anymore.”
The fight left Kievv entirely, and he swallowed hard enough that Ryrra saw his throat bob in time. He looked back up at her, and Ryrra was reminded by the expression on his face that he really was still a kid. Just a scared kid, stolen away in the middle of the night and dragged along without enough explanation.
“So we’re leaving?” he asked.
Ryrra nodded and took his hand. She squeezed it while she laced her fingers with his, and together they started running again — through the door, leaving the imposing structure of Biocauldron Alchemic’s behind.
The night was balmy, the air thick and carrying on it the scent of decaying logs and fetid swamp water. There was a path through the murk, but Ryrra lead them away from it, deeper into the trees instead. The ground sucked at their feet, pulling back with each hurried step, like it too was trying to keep them captive.
After a  few minutes she could hear Kievv’s strained breathing at her side. His palm was sweaty in hers, and his pace lagging. He wasn’t used to the same amount of physical activity she was. He was more accustomed to long hours of lectures given within the safety of the lab.
Slowing her pace just a little, Ryrra readjusted her grip on on Kievv’s hand. They couldn’t stop altogether, but if she pushed the young asura too hard in the beginning it might happen anyway. The new speed seemed to help, though, and as they continued to run through the swamp it felt like they might make it away without any more fuss, after all.
That thought was quickly wiped from Ryrra’s mind when she saw a figure step out form behind a fallen log, positioning themselves right in her path.
“Ryrra.” The figure moved forward to meet them, the scant moonlight illuminating them enough for Ryrra to recognize Strebb, a sentry she’d known since her early days at the Inquest. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”
Ryrra stopped some ten feet away from Strebb and pushed Kievv behind her, finally getting go of his hand. She held both hers up in front of her and fixed the sentry with as calm an expression as she could manage with her heart racing in her chest.
“Let us go, Strebb. Forget you found us.”
“And why in the Eternal Alchemy would I do that?” he asked with a huff of air that may have been a laugh. His hand reached down to his hip, where a pair of daggers gleamed in the stray starlight.
“Please,” Ryrra tried again, though her eyes were locked on his movements, watching them closely and waiting for the opening she knew was coming, along with another refusal.
“Nah, you’re my promotion ticket now.”
Seeing her chance, Ryrra drew her greatsword in one fluid motion and blocked Strebb’s incoming lunge. His daggers scraped off her blade, a shower of sparks lighting around them. He bared his teeth at her, a low growl cutting through the buzz of insects.
Ryrra pushed forward with her sword, shoving Strebb back. He kept his footing and slashed out again, this time lower and quicker than Ryrra could counter. She felt the sting of the cut through her thigh, and the warm rush of blood that began to flow.
Strebb was grinning now as he pressed forward again, a second dagger sliding off Ryrra’s sword just in time. He wasn’t holding back, and the glint in his eyes was familiar — Ryrra had seen it many times before in countless eyes. He wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted.
She couldn’t afford to let that happen. If Strebb got through her he would go straight for Kievv, and that would be that. Her little escape plan would end with both of them dead and bleeding out into the murky swamp. A senseless loss of life.
Tightening her hands on the hilt of her sword, Ryrra spun to her right just as Strebb darted forward. She heaved the blade back towards him, its razor sharp edge catching into the crook of his neck and shoulder.
Strebb didn’t have time to shout out in surprise or pain. A stream of blood shot from the wound, pulsing in time with his fading heartbeat. He stumbled forward as Ryrra lifted the blade from his neck, releasing another torrent of blood. By the time he hit the ground, a splash of green water heralding his arrival, he was dead.
“What the fuck!”    
Ryrra turned around to see Kievv with his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide and panicked yet again. His skin had paled, leaving the darker patches around his eyes that much more vivid.
“That was — that was Sentry Strebb. You killed him!”
“Yeah,” Ryrra answered, shoving her sword into its spot on her back. She stepped over Strebb’s body and hurried back to Kievv. “And if you keep standing there someone else is going to show up and I’ll have to kill them too, so go!”
She pushed at his back, urging him to move. He started slow at first, but he did go, which Ryrra counted as another small blessing. She couldn’t pause to consider what might be going through Kievv’s mind now, but she knew the shock of seeing death for the first time was going to leave a mark.
They ran on, Kievv looking back often. Ryrra kept her eyes forward, unwilling to lose focus. If she looked back now she might start to remember all the times Strebb had waved her into the lab after a mission, or the thousand other things she was leaving behind.
After a while the swamp began to thin. The ground became more solid, the thick patches of reeds and underbrush less frequent. Ryrra slowed and stopped, leaning her back agaisnt a tree trunk while Kievv all but collapsed onto a rock.
She closed her eyes while she caught her breath. For the moment they were safe.
When she opened them again Ryrra looked at Kievv, all at once proud and terrified for him.
“I’m sorry, Kievv,” she said softly. She knew he deserved a full explanation, but she didn’t have it in her to provide one yet. “I just… I couldn’t let them do anything to you. And I promise I’ll tell you more, once we’re safer.”
Kievv met her eyes and held them, then nodded. There was fear behind his expression, but he was trying to mask it. Ryrra thought it best to let him believe he was fooling her.
“Yeah, yeah okay,” he said. He bit his lip, sharp teeth piercing it a bit too hard. His next words were quiet, and Ryrra had to lean forward to hear them.    
“Are they going to find us?”
“Probably,” she answered truthfully. Reaching down, she ruffled the shock of blonde hair between his long ears. “But we’ll be okay.”
We’ll be okay.
It had to be the truth. There was no other option now.
Pushing off from the tree trunk, Ryrra stretched her arms above her head and then down to her toes. When she was done she offered her hand to Kievv and smiled.
“Come on, we have to get out of Caledon Forest before morning.”
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wayfindersstory · 4 years
Kingdom Hearts 3 - Captain Marvel - Chapter 1 - A Kid With Powers
Kairi, having entered this new world, in the middle of some kind of city. She was sent to this world by Yen Sid, who told her that something was off about this world. That apparently, there was a surplus of equal amounts of light and darkness here. The fact that this world remains intact may give them an idea about how to stop Xehanort.
Of course, this being the first time Kairi had ever been sent to a new world alone, she could tell things were going to be difficult. Especially when she looked up to see a train passing by. What seemed odd about this train was the unknown blonde woman hanging on to the side, trying to get on top, looking like she was dressed for laser tag.
Kairi then looked at the frontal end of the train, and saw what she could already tell was going to be a problem: The heartless. As the unknown woman got back up, she was surprised to see them, letting Kairi know this was a first. However, Kairi was surprised when the unknown woman shot bright beams at the group of heartless.
Unfortunately, the unknown woman was unprepared for the giant heartless that was now falling down at her. Kairi recognized this heartless as a rock golem, jumping high onto the train, and blocking the golem’s attack with a barrier guard, performing a reflect attack.
“Triple Firaza!” Kairi shouted before using her keyblade to launch three massive balls of fire at the golem, which was now in midair. The massive fire balls struck at the golem, doing enough damage to kill it, making it disintegrate into darkness, with Kairi never allowing it to fall onto the train.
She then turned around to look at the woman. “Hi.” Kairi greeted. “I’m-”
“Duck!” The woman shouted before blasting a hole underneath them, making them fall into the train. Kairi looked up and realized that the unknown woman was keeping them from getting hit by the top of the tunnel they were now in.
“Thanks.” Kairi said as the train stopped at a subway station, the unknown woman getting out with Kairi following. She noticed that the woman was looking through the crowd as if she were searching for someone. The woman then grabbed someone’s shoulder, thinking she found them before realizing she was wrong.
“You.” The unknown woman said, now looking at Kairi. “Follow me.” They made their way to the ground level, stopping in an alley near the subway. “Who are you?”
“I’m Kairi.” Kairi answered. “You?”
“Vers.” Vers answered. “Kree Starforce.”
“Starforce?” Kairi asked.
“Ok, no one here has any idea, huh.” Vers said. “Has anyone here been off world?”
“Wait.” Kairi said. “Off world? As in other worlds? That, I do know about. You have a keyblade, don’t you?”
“A keyblade?” Vers asked.
“So you have no idea.” Kairi said before summoning her keyblade with her hand.
“That thing you used to do all the fire balls and barriers?” Vers asked. “Yeah, I have no idea.”
It was now that Kairi was remembering: Vers had to be talking about other planets. Not other worlds. She’d need a keyblade to even unlock the exit to this one.
“So how do I know you’re not a skroll?” Vers asked.
“A skrull?” Kairi asked.
“Actually, waste of time.” Vers asked. “I don’t think skrulls have your powers. You’re fine. So, are you from the planet?”
“Umm...” Kairi said. “... I’m from a similar one?”
“Your method of transportation?” Vers asked.
“A gummi ship.” Kairi answered.
“A gummi ship?” Vers asked. “You know, if you didn’t have that shiny weapon you’ve got there, I wouldn’t have any reason to believe you.”
“Well, it’s the truth.” Kairi said.
“How old are you?” Vers asked.
“Fifteen.” Kairi answered.
“And where is your ‘gummi ship’?” Vers asked.
“Nearby.” Kairi answered, the keyblade now disappearing.
“That’s it.” Vers said before walking away. “You’re just a kid with powers. I’m gone.”
“Wait!” Kairi shouted, chasing after her. “You’ll need my help.”
“With what?” Vers asked. “You’re only a kid.”
“You’ll need my help to fight the heartless.” Kairi said.
“Heartless?” Vers asked. “Are those the things that attacked me earlier?”
“Yes.” Kairi answered. “You need my help.”
“I can take them.” Vers said. “If you can, so can I.”
“It’s more than just that.” Kairi said. “I won’t deny the fact that you can take them. It’s the ones who command them that you’ll need to worry about. If you don’t stop them, this world, not just this planet, will fall to darkness.”
“World?” Vers asked, stopping. “Are you saying you’re not just from another planet, but another dimension?”
“Something like that?” Kairi answered.
“And how do I stop them?” Vers asked.
“With the keyblade.” Kairi answered, summoning the keyblade back up.
“Thanks for the tip.” Vers said, taking the keyblade out of her hand, and continuing to walk away, climbing up steps. Kairi waited a few seconds, until there was a decent gap between the two of them before summoning the keyblade back into her hand. Vers looked back. “You are a very stubborn, aren’t you?”
“Yup.” Kairi answered.
Vers sighed. “Kid, I like you.” Vers said. “You’re stubborn and strong. You’ll grow more stubborn and strong when you’re older. You got my best qualities. However, I don’t know if you’re really ready.”
“I’ve seen the darkness devour my own home before.” Kairi said. “I trained in a place where time never passes for a long time. I can fight.”
“Okay.” Vers said. “But if you get hurt, do know that it is on me.”
After getting some more information and regular clothes for Vers to help her fit in, Vers drove with Kairi on a motorcycle, making their way to a Pancho’s bar, pulling up. “I think you may need to stay back.” Vers said. “Different planets have different age-” Vers looked back at Kairi to see that she had already gone in. “You have got to be kidding me.”
Vers entered the bar, and saw that the bartender was already telling Kairi to leave. “It’s okay.” Vers said. “I’m not letting her drink anything here.” As music played in the background, Vers then looked around the empty bar and looked around, as though she were having flash backs.
It was like Vers had another life on this planet, with plenty of memories with... Someone important to her in this very bar. Of course, Vers had no idea what any of this meant. She then walked past a pool table to framed photographs of different jet fighters, and saw one that had a Pegasus emblem on it’s tail fin.
“So what can I get the adult?” The bartender asked.
“Where was this photograph taken?” Vers asked.
“An airport?” The bartender answered, confused.
“Where’s Pegasus?” Vers asked as Kairi sat on chair of a table, noticing a dark haired man walking in.
“That’s classified.” The man said. “Not unlike the file I started on you and the kid you’re babysitting.”
“Babysitting?” Kairi asked. “I’m fifteen.”
“Then why are you in this bar?” The unknown man asked.
“She’s with me, Agent Fury.” Vers answered, walking toward him.
“Like I said.” Fury said. “Babysitting. I saw you block an attack from that giant monster earlier.”
“A heartless.” Kairi answered.
“Heartless?” Fury said. “I thought they were skrull?”
“Oh no.” Vers said. “Those are the shapeshifters.”
“Oh, so that’s TWO then.” Fury said. “Great. Good to hear. So I take it they’re both in kahoots?”
“Still undetermined.” Vers answered. “Though it is likely, when this is the skrull we’re talking about.”
“I see.” Fury said. “I also see that you’ve changed it up since then. Grunge is a good look on you.”
“Did you have a rough day, Agent Fury?” Vers asked.
“It was cool.” Fury answered. “You know, had a space invasion, big car chase, got to watch an alien autopsy. Typical nine-to-five.”
“So you saw a skrull and those... heartless.” Vers said, still not sure about them.
“I was never one to believe in aliens...” Fury said. “... but I can’t unsee that.”
“I mean, the heartless aren’t aliens though.” Kairi said. “They’re people who have fallen to darkness, becoming dangerous beings known as the heartless, coming in different shapes and sizes.”
“Trust me, Agent Fury.” Vers said. “I’m just as confused as you are in this case.” Kairi sighed in the background. “However, this is gonna get a little awkward, but I gotta ask.”
“You think I’m one of those green things.” Fury assumed.
“Can’t be too careful.” Vers said. “Oh, and I’m testing her too.”
“What?” Kairi asked.
“Yeah, I take it back.” Vers said. “You’re not safe.”
“You are looking at one hundred percent red-blooded Earth man.” Fury said. “Don’t know about the kid though.”
“My name is Kairi.” Kairi said.
“Don’t know about Kairi.” Fury said.
“I’m afraid I’m gonna need proof.” Vers said.
“We talkin’ cheek or urine sample?” Fury asked.
“No.” Vers said. “The DNA would match.”
“Want my AOL password?” Fury asked.
“I have a keyblade.” Kairi said.
“They can only sim recent memories of their host bodies.” Vers said. “And I don’t know if some skrolls can use a keyblade.”
“Oh!” Fury said. “You wanna get personal.”
They all sat around a table. “Where were you born?” Vers asked.
“Huntsville, Alabama, but technically, I don’t remember that part.” Fury answered.
“Radiant Garden.” Kairi answered. “That’s where I got the power of the keyblade.”
“Name of your first pet?” Vers asked.
“Sora.” Kairi answered, having named a turtle after her best friend. (Yes, btw. I did just make that up)
“Mr. Snoofers.” Fury answered.
“Mr. Snoofers?” Vers asked.
“That’s what I said.” Fury said. “Do we pass?”
“Not yet.” Vers answered. “First job?”
“Soldier.” Fury answered. “Straight out of high school. Left the ranks a full bird colonel.”
“Then?” Vers asked.
“Spy.” Fury answered.
“Where?” Vers asked.
“It was the Cold War.” Fury answered. “We were everywhere. Uh, Belfast, Bucharest, Belgrade, Budapest. I like the B’s. I can make them rhyme.”
“Now?” Vers asked.
“Been riding a desk for the past six years, trying to figure out where our future enemies are coming from. Never occurred to me they would be coming from above or ‘the darkness in our hearts’.” Fury answered
“Not sure if ‘Keyblade Wielder’ counts.” Kairi answered. “Though considering I haven’t gone to an actual school in awhile, it might as well be.”
“And I’m still considering whether or not bringing you with me is a good idea.” Vers said. “What’s your first mission?”
“World That Never Was.” Kairi answered.
“Next mission?” Vers asked.
“This one.” Kairi answered.
“That does not help.” Vers said. “And what is the ‘World That Never Was’?”
“World of nobodies.” Kairi answered.
“Nobodies?” Vers asked.
“The husk that’s-” Kairi began befor Vers cut her off.
“You know what?” Vers asked. “Probably something weird. Anyways, name a detail so bizarre, a skrull could never fabricate it.”
“Umm...” Kairi pondered.
“You know what?” Fury said. “Considering everything I’ve heard the kid who’s in a bar say, I think she’s covered on that front.”
“Good point.” Vers said. “You?”
Fury pondered for a moment, before thinking of something. “If toast is cut diagonally, I can’t eat it.”
“Who cuts toast diagonally?” Kairi asked. “Shouldn’t that be considered a crime?”
“If I put that next to ‘being an underaged girl in a bar’...” Fury began. “... Yeah, I think I’d say it’s a bigger crime. I have to agree with the kid on this one.”
“Hang on, you didn’t need that, did you?” Kairi asked.
“No.” Vers answered. “No, I didn’t. But I enjoyed it.”
“Okay.” Fury said. “Your turn.” Vers then used her fist to shoot at a blast the jukebox. “And how is that supposed to prove to me you’re not a skrull?”
“That’s a photon blast.” Vers answered.
“And?” Fury asked.
“A skrull can’t do that.” Vers answered.
“Wait a second.” Kairi said. “What did you say a few minutes ago?”
“I’ll be honest.” Vers said. “I only included you in this to learn more about you. Not to see if you’re using someone else’s body.”
“I can tell you what it means to use someone else’s body.” A man said, entering the bar with a maniacal grin on his face, covered by a dark coat.
“Oh no.” Kairi said, for she recognized this man as Xehanort.
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skybiome · 5 years
Left Behind
for @mine-sara-sp‘s shadow au. specifically, the au of the au because we’ve started rabbit holeing
warning: xisuma thanos snaps the shadows
part 2
Murmur wasn’t sure where Mumbo had gone. He wasn’t sure where any of the players had gone. For a week they had said things like "leaving" and "new season".
The shadow wasn't quite sure what that entailed, but about two weeks ago, all of the hermits had gathered around a special nether portal that Xisuma had made. All of them had waved goodbye to the gathered shadows and walked through the portal. Murmur’s summoner was one of the last ones few and told the shadow that he would see him soon.
Murmur was doing his best to keep up hope, but none of the shadows had seen any of the hermits in the full two weeks since they’d left. And a lot had happened without them.
Jigsaw had tried to mess with Apex and gotten himself killed. Apex had then tried to fight Killjoy and gotten killed. Keloid, Avarice, and Paladin had gone through almost everyone’s bases at this point and stolen any riches they could find. Trigger had wired the entirety of the shopping district and Hermitville with redstone traps. Solo had claimed the abandoned hippie compound as his own, and Shadoc was shaking up with Gleam and Clamor. 
The shadow that Murmur honestly saw the most of was Admin. With Xisuma gone, Admin was the only one who had any access to commands. Occasionally, the shadow would join Murmur at the foot of the nether portal and mess with console screens. 
Admin seemed especially partial to “the rubber ducky method”, as Mumbo has once explained to him. The shadow would explain whatever it was doing to Murmur, in an attempt to work out the kinks in its current project. That project being away to bring back the shadow’s that had been killed. 
Two weeks in an Admin still had made zero progress. It had figured out how to change game modes though. The shadow of X could normally be found either at the steps of the season portal or sitting inside the shadow temple trying to bring back the lost shadows.
For the whole two weeks, Murmur had stayed near the portal, rarely venturing out of eyeshot in case one of the hermits came through it. And today seemed to be his lucky day.
Murmur was sitting at the steps of the portal, petting a rabbit he had managed to befriend during the lonely two weeks. Behind him, the season portal made an especially loud noise and the rabbit bolted into the tall grass. 
The shadow looked behind him and saw Xisuma walk out of the portal. The helmeted man waved a hand in front of himself and a floating, semi-transparent screen appeared. He typed something into a bar at the bottom and tapped the screen, causing the text to disappear. Admin had once explained that those screens could only be pulled up by an admin.
“Murmur do you know where Shadoc is?” He seemed to be in a hurry. He typed something else into the console, then highlighted and deleted it. 
All Murmur could say was, “Gleam.”
X thought for a second and then spoke to himself. “Gleam, that’s Keralis’s.” It looked like Admin got his rubber ducky solution from someone. The admin then looked back at Murmur. “Is he in the new village?”
Murmur nodded. 
Xisuma said a quick thanks before lifting off the ground and heading towards New Hermitville. Murmur watched the admin disappear into the distance. He then turned his attention back to trying to find where his bunny friend had gone. Whatever Xisuma was doing, he probably could do anything about it.
A few minutes later Admin landed beside the portal and Murmur pointed him in the direction X had gone.
Xisuma touched down in the middle of the village. Almost immediately, Gleam came out of one of the houses and started walking towards the admin. 
“Gleam, I know that this is a no-fly zone. Right now, I need to know where Shadoc is.”
Gleam just looked at Xisuma, placed one hand on its hip and held the other out to Xisuma. 
X verbally sighed and pulled up the creative inventory. He grabbed a stack of diamond blocks and handed them to the shadow. Gleam’s eyes lit up even brighter than normal and it gladly took that diamonds from Xisuma. It mumbled something about “the iron skeleton” before running towards Hermitland.
The admin was genuinely surprised that the cache in Run hadn’t run dry already. Unless Killshot was restocking it when it got bored. Either way, Xisuma ran to where Bdubs’s iron golem skeleton rested. 
It was easy to spot the shadow standing beside the massive skull. Xisuma walked through the grass, making sure that Shadoc heard his approach. It worked and Shadoc turned to look at the admin.
X pulled his helmet off and tucked it under his arm. He came to stand beside the shadow. They stood for a few moments before Shadoc spoke up.
“What brings you to our lovely server?”
Xisuma chuckled slightly at Shadoc’s sarcasm. “We miss you guys.”
“Then you shouldn’t have left.” 
“We had to go. We’d already been on this server for far too long.”
“Things were getting unstable?"
Xisuma chuckled, "That's putting it mildly." When changing servers X normally tried to give at least a month's notice. He had been so caught up with all the issues with the shadow update that he had barely been able to give the hermits a week's notice. "We thought that you guys would come with us, that we could resummon you guys in season 7."
Shadoc was quiet for a moment. "What happened when you tried to summon us?"
"Everybody had new shadows."
The shadow made an agreeing noise. 
"So are we just getting tossed aside for the newer, shinier versions of us?"
Xisuma turned to look at Shadoc.
“Do you really have that little faith in us?”
Shadoc shrugged.
“You all just seemed so eager to leave us behind.”
“Because we planned on everyone coming with us. A day’s barely gone by without Mumbo, Doc, Joe, or someone else asking if I’d finished the temple. And now that it is, I can bring all of you to the new server…”
“Why am I sensing a but after that?”
“In order to get the shadows to the new server, you need to die here first."
Shadoc didn’t say anything. When Xisuma finally turned to look at him, the shadow was sitting on the ground. He was messing with a flower and staring past it. Xisuma lowered himself to the ground beside Shadoc and set his helmet on the side of him. For a moment, he reached to set a hand on the shadow’s shoulder, but thought better and retracted it. 
“I have a way to kill everyone at once.” The admin grimaced at the morbidity of the sentence. “Then you can be resummoned in the new season.”
The shadow picked the flower from the ground. 
“Will it hurt?”
“For a split second.” Xisuma held up a hand and snapped. “Then you’ll be in the new season.”
“How do you know it will work? That we won’t be gone forever?”
“Because there’s already a few shadows from here that are there already. Even when I’m not in the server, I can see the console logs.” Xisuma waved a hand in front of him and pulled up one of the logs. 
“Since all of the hermits have left, not much goes on in the console, but with the shadows being special mobs, the console tells when they die.”
The admin pointed towards a specific line of text. Shadoc leaned in closer to read it. 
{Grian’s shadow was killed by Biffa2001’s shadow}
X scrolled through the logs some more and pointed to another line of text.
{Biffa2001’s shadow was killed by joehillssays’s shadow}
Xisuma swiped a hand through the floating screen, collapsing it so that only the bar to enter commands appeared. 
“They’re already causing chaos with the new shadows. And the friendly shadows can’t wait to meet everyone.” Xisuma was mostly speaking about Joyful, but he was certain that the more shadows would at least be curious about the season 6 shadows.
“How would you…” Shadoc couldn’t bring himself to say “kill me”, so he simply lifted a hand and mimicked Xisuma’s snapping motion. 
A sad smile appeared on Xisuma’s face. He turned back to the console window and pasted in a command.
/kill @e[type=Shadow] 
“This will kill all shadows on the server at once.”
“And you’re sure that everyone will be on the new server?”
“I’m certain.” Xisuma didn’t like how unperturbed Shadoc seemed about everything and he knew it was something that he should be worried about, but right now, he just needed to get this done.
Xisuma reached forwards to enter the command. Shadoc watched the entire motion. X was centimeters from tapping to screen to enter the command when Admin crashed into the ground. He righted himself and turned towards his summoner.
“XISUMA! WHERE’S MY BROTHER?” He sounded pissed.
Shadoc was pulled from his daze at the interjection but Xisuma didn’t pause. He reached forward and entered the command.
In the corner of his eye, Xisuma saw his shadow freeze for a moment, before collapsing and leaving behind a very familiar inventory. X’s attention was focused on the shadow beside him though.
Shadoc was still holding the flower when he disappeared into a fuzz of yellow particles. Xisuma took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. The difficult part was done. Now he just needed to go back to season 7 and tell everyone they could resummon their shadows. But there was something he wanted to do first.
Xisuma put his helmet back on and carefully sifted through the contents of Shadoc’s inventory and held onto two things: the flower and his trident. The admin flew back to the portal and touched down in the field surrounding it. A little way in the distance, he could see a pile of items that he assumed had belonged to Murmur.
In front of the steps to the portal, Xisuma placed a pillar of spruce planks three blocks tall. He set an item frame on the top block. Inside of it he put Shadoc’s trident and was sure to align it vertically.
On the second block be placed an oak sign and wrote a brief message on it.
“A toast to this season and many more. Family is always stronger together.”
In front of the lowest block, X planted the flower.
He stepped back from the small monument and looked at it for a moment. Then, he climbed the steps to stand beside the lit portal. The admin took off his helmet to look at the server unobstructed. The portal had been built within earshot of Hermitville and Xisuma could see everything that had been built in the new area.
The build off was easily seen, towering above the tree line. Wel’s mansion and the church were also visible. Further off in the distance, X could see the edges of Hermitland. He could also see the faint silhouettes of the Area 77 planes through the clouds.
The admin rested his hand on the obsidian frame for a moment before stepping it to the shimmering portal.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Massacre - (evil!Byleth AU)
Withering Flower - Chapter 3
AU Masterlist Here!
3 weeks later after wiping out Those Who Slither In The Dark, Byleth finally returns to Garreg Mach Monastery to make it his new base.
However, Imperial forces have occupied it in his absence.
That was going to change.
Jeralt’s Battalion Journal - The Massacre of Garreg Mach
After 2 years of wandering all over the place, the Monastery was a sight for sore eyes. It may have been run by the most extreme and insane fools but it sure was a comfy and fortified position.
Though, we didn’t get to casually take in the sights. Civilians were present, more prominently, the Empire had dug their heels into the place, daring anyone to enter.
I bet they were feeling pretty damn confident about how safe they were.
Byleth was more than happy to prove them wrong…
3 Weeks Later After Chapter 2…
Byleth flipped page after page of the history of TWSITD. They had been hidden for so long, pulling the strings of everyone, the events dating back to when Sothis was still around in this world.
He frowned upon reading information on Sothis, never getting the chance to ask her about Zanado though, that might have been for the best.
Byleth was only slightly shocked that they were the ones behind the Tragedy of Duscur, linking several keynames like Cornelia and such to who was connected to the King’s assassinations. He made a mental note to start hunting out those who have associated with TWSITD. 
There can be no loose ends.
Byleth turned to the voice, and it was the Mage who helped Byleth assault the stronghold head-on with the others.
(Byleth) “Ah…Percy, right?”
(Percy) “Yes sir. The War Council is waiting for you.”
Byleth nodded and put the documents in his coat. He walked out with Percy into the camp, watching the soldiers sharpen their weapons.
After a quiet walk they both went into a tent where Shamir, Alois, Leonie, Riddhe and several mages were standing. Byleth nodded at Percy and he left the tent.
(Byleth) “Sorry to keep you waiting. Now, let’s get straight to it. Shamir, what did you and the scouts find out?”
(Shamir) “Garreg Mach was overrun by Imperial forces 2 years ago when we left, and is currently being led by General Randolph. He’s one of Edelgard’s best commanders.”
(Riddhe) “No doubt he’s had plenty of time to look at the Monastery’s defenses and buff them up. Our men are in for a tough fight…”
(Leonie) “We may have lots of mercs but who knows how much Imperial forces are lying in wait once we start approaching?
(Alois) “Shamir, isn’t there a civilian presence as well?”
(Shamir) “Yes. Considering how they’re loyal to the Empire, we don’t know how much militia forces we’ll be up against as well.”
(Leonie) “Then we just need to go in from behind right? I mean sure they’ll be expecting it there, but we have a fighting chance!”
(Riddhe) “True enough miss Leonie, but how many forces will we lose? We have a respectable 250 mercenaries, but they no doubt have way more than we do! If we do win, our defenses will be absolutely pitiful.”
(Mage) ahem “If I may?”
Everyone turned to the mages as the leader of them stepped up.
(Mage) “Commander, I think this would be a fantastic opportunity to start field testing with the technology Those Who Slither left us.”
(Byleth) “…I’m listening.”
Inside Garreg Mach Monastery…
Randolph’s hands slightly trembled while reading the report. This was written by Edelgard herself, stating that someone or something dangerous is out on the prowl. One of the Empire’s most powerful allies was wiped out by having a mountain collapse onto their base.
Bodies were littered outside, mainly consisting of Imperial forces.
“To all Generals in the frontlines and defending the motherland, be vigilant.”
Randolph sighed, silently hoping that this enemy would never come to Garreg Mach, but he couldn’t help but wonder what this threat actually was.
(Fleche) “You read the report too, didn’t you brother?”
He heard his little sister walk behind him, staring at the paper too.
(Randolph) “Are you concerned, Fleche?”
(Fleche) “I’m concerned for you more than anything! What if they hurt you or worse-”
(Randolph) “Hey, don’t think about things like that.”
(Fleche) “That’s why I want to be on the frontlines with you and-”
(Randolph) “No, you’ll be sticking to support. If this enemy is someone dangerous like the Knight of Seiros, I want to make sure that you’re alright when I’m out there fighting.”
(Fleche) “I…” sigh ”I understand…”
(Randolph) “Good.”
(Fleche) “Who do you think this threat is though? It can’t be the Knights of Seiros, you drove them back into Kingdom territory!”
(Randolph) “And the Alliance is too busy fighting amidst themselves. I suppose we’ll find out when the time co-”
The door swung open, an Imperial soldier breathing heavily.
(Soldier) “General Randolph! An unknown enemy is marching towards Garreg Mach from the back entrance!”
(Randolph) “What!? What are their numbers?!”
(Soldier) “It looks to be a small force, about 100 to 200! But the person leading them-”
(Randolph) “I shall see for myself, get the men into position!”
Randolph and Fleche ran for the back gates as Imperial soldiers rushed outside with their weapons.
The two got to higher ground where archers and snipers were setting up, looking at the army approaching. 
(Randolph) “Hold your fire! Do not attack unless they do!”
When Randolph turned from the archers to the army, he saw four figures leading the army.
One was Alois and Shamir from the Knights of Seiros, though from the looks of their forces, it wasn’t the church invading. The vanguard force should’ve been much larger.
An orange haired girl who he didn’t recognize was walking right next—
Professor Byleth.
Randolph was told by Edelgard how lethal he was in combat…But he went rogue from the Church, why was he here?
(Fleche) “Brother, isn’t that?!”
He didn’t say anything, but his face confirmed it for Fleche.
(Randolph) “HALT!”
He saw the professor raise a hand into the air, and the army did exactly what Randolph commanded.
Byleth walked closer to the gate and where the Imperial soldiers formed a blockade. 
Randolph stood on the platform above the gate, looking down at Byleth.
(Randolph) “You are entering territory that belongs to the Adrestian Empire! Leave the premises immediately, or we will open fire!”
(Byleth) “General Randolph, I do not think you are in any position to give me demands.”
(Randolph) “Excuse me?!”
(Byleth) “I will be saying this once. Surrender and have all your forces leave the Monastery. Do that, and I will personally guarantee your safety.”
(Randolph) “What does a force of a mere 200 men have over the Adrestian Empire?!”
He saw Byleth simply sigh and stated loudly enough for everyone to hear.
(Byleth) “It seems that the time for talking is over.”
Everyone aimed their weapons at Byleth, but he didn’t move an inch. 
Randolph looked to see if the mercenaries were taking action, but they remained perfectly still as well.
Then a gust of wind blew out hard from behind, creating an earth shattering blow of thunder as Randolph and the others saw a giant shadow completely overwhelm them.
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Everyone turned around and saw the giant standing right before them, a fist coming to swipe them all off like flies.
Randolph grabbed Fleche and threw themselves off the balcony as the giant stone creature swatted the archers off, making them fly off to the side.
The soldiers on the ground turned their attention away from Byleth and charged the golem.
Several soldiers threw their spears at it, making the golem turn around and use its massive shield to deflect the attacks.
(Fleche) “Brother, what is that?!”
(Randolph) “I don’t know! Just get to safety! SOLDIERS, ENGAGE THE ENEMY!”
The soldiers from within Garreg Mach began charging outside towards the mercenaries and Byleth.
As they were about to attack Byleth, the group in front suddenly disappeared in a blur, making the other soldiers stop. 
Looking to their left, they saw the corpses of their allies drop from the sky and an ear piercing screech filled the air.
(Soldier) “What the hell?! Is that a giant eagle?!”
(Soldier 2) “What are these things?!”
They started retreat as the Demonic beast made swooped in again and picked up even more of them.
More Golems started beaming into the monastery, swatting at everyone like flies while the eagles killed the wyvern and pegasus riders.
(Randolph) “We cannot hope to fight this! EVERYONE, FALL BACK!”
Soldiers began to run with Randolph, trying to dodge the Golems crushing everyone in the Monastery.
Byleth and the army slowly started to move up, quiet chatter filling the air besides the screaming and the sound of stones moving.
(Percy) “This isn’t a battle, this is a slaughter…”
(Riddhe) “It’s better for this to happen than risk the lives of everyone. Besides, there’s bound to be far worse battles to come…”
Percy nodded. This entire “fight” was hard to take in, but ultimately it was for the best.
At least this was a mercy kill compared to what they did with the prisoners of TWSITD.
Fleche and a group of soldiers stood near the main entrance, trying to get as many soldiers out the gate as they could.
Fleche was about to run out herself until she saw everyone that was running out got set on fire by artillery strikes.
In the distance, she saw a group of mages cast spells to keep the bombardment up. It was clear the professor did not want anyone to leave.
(Randolph) “FLECHE!”
She turned around and saw her brother and what little forces were following him. Fleche could see the soldiers behind him getting stepped on by the Golem, leaving nothing but red paste in their wake while the giant eagles sent wyverns and pegasi down to the ground, most of the riders being crushed by their mounts.
(Fleche) “We need to run to the trees for cover! The mages are blocking the roads!”
Right as everyone took their first step, an arrow went into Fleche’s leg making her trip over.
(Soldier) “SNIPER!”
The soldiers tried to form a shield, but were picked off one by one by snipers they couldn’t see.
Randolph held Fleche and put her into his chest as an attempt to shield her from any more attacks.
They both shut their eyes, fearing the worst as they felt the golems close in.
(Byleth) “I’m afraid I did warn you, general.”
They both looked up to see nothing but corpses surrounding them, all their former friends and soldiers bleeding on the ground.
A group of soldiers started marching down the road from the main entrance and towards the town.
(Randolph) “W-WAIT! There’s only civilians down that road! They have nothing to do with us!”
Byleth sighed.
(Byleth) “I know. And it will give me no pleasure for what I am soon about to order.”
She grabbed her brother’s sword and ran at Byleth, trying her best to ignore the pain in her leg and attempting to stab him in the gut.
(Randolph) “FLECHE!”
Byleth raised his hand gently, and formed a magical barrier that instantly reflected her sword, making her fly back.
Randolph scrambled over to Fleche trying to help her up.
Byleth couldn’t help but feel a bit of irony in this. 
He was using the exact spell Thale prevented Byleth from saving Jeralt.
Here, it was to try and save her brother from a terrible fate.
He found no humor in this twisted turn of events.
Leonie Alois and Shamir walked in behind Byleth.
(Leonie) “H-Hey um…maybe they have a point? We can have the civilians be prisoners-”
(Byleth) “And risk escaping for them to spread word of what we’re up to? Not a chance, Leonie. I don’t find this anymore pleasant than you do, but it’s necessary.”
(Alois) “I…I don’t like it, but I agree too.”
(Shamir) “Hm.”
(Byleth) “If you do not wish to partake, I completely understand. That goes for anyone else that can hear me.”
The reaction was mixed. The mercenaries looked at each other and whispered, while some stepped forward, ready to do what was necessary.
(Byleth) “Riddhe, can you stomach this?”
(Riddhe) “Yes sir.”
Byleth turned to him, looking him straight in the eyes.
(Byleth) “Without hesitation?”
(Riddhe) “Yes sir.”
Byleth nodded, and turned back to Fleche and Randolph.
(Byleth) “Then, make sure no one gets out. Surround the town first for any possible points as quietly as possible, then begin.”
Riddhe and several other squads started filling into a line and moved into the town.
(Leonie) “…”
(Byleth) “Believe me when I say this, Leonie. Death is a mercy.”
(Randolph) “Then…w-why aren’t we dead yet?”
(Byleth) “If you recall, General, I said that I would guarantee your safety if you complied quietly. That did not mean I was going to kill you.”
Randolph and Fleche’s eyes slowly went wide as they saw the mages from down the road start to surround them.
(Byleth) “From this day forth, Garreg Mach Monastery now belongs to the Knights of Nemesis.”
Everyone looked to Byleth as he turned towards the crowd forming around him.
(Byleth) “We shall be the knights to liberate this world from the poison that is the Church of Seiros! We shall stamp out the tyranny that is the Empire! We will crush any who oppose us from reaching our goal to bring order to Fodlan!”
Several mercenaries began cheering out as the golems got into formation, with the eagles landing next to them, everyone forming out into lines of soldiers.
Shamir, Leonie, and Alois stood in front of the soldiers, looking at Byleth.
Fleche and Randolph looked horrified as the soldiers raised their blades in unity. This was no ragtag band of mercenaries. This was the most dangerous fighting force they have ever saw.
(Mage) “You have our condolences to know this information and still be alive.”
(Fleche) “H-Huh?!”
The mage talking to them was glad he was wearing a mask.
He couldn’t bear looking at them in the eyes.
(Mage) “This will be the last time you’ll get to see sunlight for a very long time.”
(Mage 2) “Byleth, your orders?”
(Byleth) “Review the documents and perform experiments that wasn’t finished. I’ll be down later to supervise it myself.”
Fleche and Randolph were dragged away screaming into the Monastery as several soldiers and golems accompanied them.
(Leonie) “So…Now the fight really begins.”
(Shamir) “It’s going to be a long bloody war…For them.”
(Alois) “This isn’t going to be justice for us, but the whole world.”
Leonie looked down while Shamir and Alois kept their sights steady on the town.
Byleth put a hand on Leonie’s shoulder and she felt a little bit more at ease.
(Byleth) “Everyone. Thank you for being with me. As you said Leonie…”
“Now the war can properly start.”
Percy and the other mages with him were being surrounded by children and their parents.
Percy took off his mask and handed it to a child.
(Kid 1) “Oh cool, your mask looks really scary!”
(Percy) “Haha, well, we do look kinda weird don’t we?”
(Parent 1) “Hey, don’t tell that man that! S-Sorry I-”
(Mage 1) “No worries ma’am it’s alright.”
(Parent 2) “So, you all are imperial forces right? Can you tell me how my husband is doing?”
(Percy) “Um, what’s his name?—”
All the mages including percy suddenly stopped where they were and reached for their heads.
(Byleth’s Voice) “All units, do not be alarmed. We are testing out a long range method of communication with magic. Your squad leaders can directly communicate with me.”
(Percy) “Percy here, commander! What’s our orders for the—” !!!!
The mages slowly turned to Percy.
(Percy) “E-Even the kids?-…Understood.”
Percy slowly reached for his mask, and put it on.
(Parent 1) “S-Son, get back…!”
(Parent 2) “W-What’s going on, are we under attack?!”
(Percy) “…“
Percy’s hands started to glow purple, along with the rest of the squad with him.
The Elites of the Fell Star Journal - “Quiet”
What I remember about the rise of the Knights of Nemsis is… 
…Is how quiet it was. 
During the waning hours of the occupation of Garreg Mach, the newly formed Elites of the Fell Star was discreetly transferred to the town.
It was a silent trip. 
We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. 
Did we have any doubts? Any private, traitorous thoughts? 
Perhaps, but no one said a word. 
Not during the briefing not when the order came down, and not when we marched into the town square. 
Not a word.
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