#james potter headcanon
inkdrinkerworld · 2 days
can u do something cozy for james, maybe trader doesn’t like rain/storms so they cuddle up by the fire and he comforts her? thx and i luv ur stuff! 🫶🏻
You can hear the steel of the roof shaking as the winds gust by and you flinch on your spot in bed. You’re under storm watch right now, the winds at record speed and it does nothing to ease your nerves.
“Jamie,” you squeak, shutting your eyes as the wind whips again and the roof groans.
Your boyfriend is reinforcing the seals on the doors and windows, hoping that if it does rain it doesn’t affect your home too badly.
“Coming angel, I’m coming.” His voice is a little panicked and it causes you to panic some more. Just as you stand, James comes into the room with his hands all full. He’s carrying two mugs of tea and a sleeve of chocolate covered biscuits in the crook of his elbow.
“Here, pretty girl.” He hands you the mug of chamomile and then the biscuits , sitting beside you just as thunder rolls. “S’gonna be okay.” James promises like he’s personally in charge of weather patterns but his conviction makes him even more believable.
“Do you think the roof is gonna come off?”
James shakes his head, hiding his amusement behind a sip of his tea.
“No lovey, the roof’s gonna stay intact and we’re gonna get some rest tonight.”
You lean on his shoulder, sighing as you try to stop your mind from racing. “I don’t mind the rain but it’s the winds.” You murmur, James nodding sympathetically; it really is a horrific sound that it makes.
“They’ll slow down, angel. Let’s watch something to take your mind off it?”
You shrug, eyes sleepy as you finish your tea. “You choose tonight, Jamie.”
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 days
i just know that all the marauders were in james phone as random shit. like not the nicknames but like sirius was called "god favorite incest baby" or some shit like that
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thevampireslovelywife · 12 hours
YES James potter was a people pleaser
YES James potter had anxiety
YES he was a bit of a goofball
Like akshshvsjsvsjsbdj
Ahhhhhh I feel like some ppl will equate people pleaser to being weak and it pisses me off
They're anything but weak imo but that's besides the point
To an extent yes, James Potter did let a lot of things slide that shouldn't have but he was NOT a pushover
He knew when it was needed to stand up for himself or others, even if it scared the shit out of him and he wanted to do anything but
James potter could clap back, if he so chose
You think the boy can't after being around Remus, Sirius, and Regulus for so long?????
It was bound to rub off on him
And as for him being dumb
He always made himself seem like it, acting silly, always asking for help on his hw(in a goofy kind of way which made it seem like he actually needed help)
But he was SO smart omfg
He knew all the stuff he was learning, he just had to explain it to himself because he would either 1. Get distracted in class cause ✨Adhd ✨ or 2. The teachers just didn't explain it the way he needed
But he most always understood what they were learning and in fact probably helped the others out with their HW cause he was so good
He just acted dumb so much they all forgot he was smart until they saw his grades (they never dropped below a 90 or an A if your grading system is like that or however tf Hogwarts grades)
But yeah
thanks for listening to my Ted talk LMAO
@themortalityofundyingstars @starmanbutitsregulusblack
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ddejavvu · 8 months
more best friend james with no boundaries headcanons please 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 like sirius and remus definitely side eye the two of you but they don’t ever make it noticeable 🫢 they’re just waiting for the two of you to finally get together 😵‍💫 like james definitely rests his hands in between your thighs when he’s cold and remus is always muttering to sirius how that is definitely not best friend behaviour
Sirius and Remus stop in tandem, beat up shoes stomping to a halt in the middle of the floor. It would be comical if their gazes weren't so scrutinizing and judgmental towards you where you're curled up in James's bed.
"Are we interrupting something?" Remus raises a brow at you where you lay pressed to James's chest, his hands wrapped around your waist and tucked into the space between your thighs. He'd been griping about the chill of the air against his hands after realizing they wouldn't stay tucked into the sleeves of his sweater, so when he'd pried your thighs apart to slip his hands between them, you'd let him get his fill of your body heat.
"Jus' the most boring book I've ever read," James drawls, popping his head lazily off of the pillow to stare at his friends, "Don't even know why she reads this shit, anyways."
"I read it because I like it," You hum, used to James's disdain of your more 'boring' (read: not dangerous, reckless, or foolish) hobbies, "But I'm more curious as to why you read it over my shoulder, James, if it's so boring and awful."
"Not much choice," He reasons, but you both know he could shut his eyes if he wanted to be free from your novel, and you squeeze your thighs together in hopes of pressing his hands painfully together as a reprimand.
James makes a sort of stunted groan as his knuckles scrape painfully together, but when you release your grip, he doesn't pull away. He merely settles his head back against the pillow, eyes sneakily roving over the page you're reading.
"Remus, a word." Sirius grabs the man by his right scarred hand, tugging him towards the closet. They disappear inside together, and when the door shuts behind them, and Sirius manages to swat the sleeve of his leather jacket out of his face, he stares at Remus with wide, urgent eyes.
"Did you see that?" Sirius gawps, as if maybe Remus hadn't noticed James's hands resting inches from your core, "That is not normal friend behavior?"
"I bet two galleons they kiss within the month," Remus wagers with a smirk on his face, and the expression is contagious where it transfers to Sirius right away.
"Within the week," Sirius solidifies his stance, holding a hand out for Remus to shake, "You've got a deal, Moony."
The moment the closet door shuts behind Remus and Sirius, you crane your neck to look backwards at James.
"They're not even trying to hide it anymore," You breathe, keeping your voice low so that the two boys can't hear you, "What do you think they're doing in there?"
"Kissing, probably," James snorts, "Pulling someone into a closet by the hand is not normal friend behavior."
"When are they just gonna give it up?" You scoff, twisting back around to resume reading, "They're so obvious."
"Dunno, love." James hums, leaning forwards to press a kiss to your shoulder where your tank top has slid off of the skin there. He readjusts his hands between your thighs, nestling them imperceptibly closer to your heated core, "Some people are just oblivious."
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Regulus would definitely pick Sirius's long hair off James's clothes and say "who is she?" every time as a joke
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isabel-lillah · 2 months
when James and Reggie got together and James met Reg's friends he took one look at Barty and Evan and he just went god damn it not again
because the flashbacks to pre-relationship Sirius and Remus are hard and he does not want to go through that again
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sleyu · 10 months
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If anyone is boyfriend coded, it's James.
James is so desperate for your attention. It’s fully up to you how you would react to the stunts he’d pull and all the nonsense he’d say for you to spare just a mere glance at him, but as soon as you do, he’s not shutting up for days. So much so, you’d find Remus on his hands and knees, begging to give James a chance so that he could finally study in peace.
When James falls in love, the person he is infatuated with and the things in relation to them is the only thing that remains in his mind.
‘Ugh,’ he thinks, ‘Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop is an eye sore.’ But wait, ‘Y/n loves pink. I ought to bring her here next time.’ He thinks.
James, contrary to what he makes himself out to be in front of his friends before meeting you, abandons any sense of his pride and ego when it comes to his girl.
Before falling in love with you, James would scoff and snicker at couples around Hogwarts, at people holding hands, cheeks flushed and eyes starry-eyed, as they’d walk together in Hogsmeade.
Meeting you, falling in love with you—finally making you his—made him love every corny, cheesy aspect of being with someone, completely endeared and left sheepish by their every breath and movement.
During ’ O.W.L.S. or any test for that matter, one could steal a glance at James, only to see him absentmindedly writing down your initials with a heart right beside them on his parchment, looking almost bored at his otherwise empty paper.
Anytime he would find himself stuck on a question, he would sigh happily, putting his quill down and all his focus on you, trying to find you sitting in the exam hall, smiling in amusement at the look of determination on your face.
James being in love means him attempting to look for your face during every quidditch match, upon every win, and during every loss, trying his best to search for your reaction. All he wants is for you to see him in his glory, and no amounts of pats on his back or the cheers he receives from crowds compare to the feeling of your thumb caressing his cheek, or your hands softly patting him on the head, telling him how proud you are of him and how you couldn’t take his eyes off him.
James finds it tough to admit and often struggles to communicate it, but he needs your praise. He needs you to tell him that he did good, that he looks handsome, that he’s brilliant for his latest prank, and that no one else compares to him. Of course, it’s an ego boost for him, but behind his egotistic front is a vulnerable, questioning man who doubts himself often, wanting nothing more than to prove himself to you.
‘Did I do good, love?’ he’d ask, desperation seeping from his honey-like voice, as though he’s unable to wait for your answer, fearing the possibility of your displeasure. ‘Please tell me I did.’
Of course, this manifests in your sex life. James needs praise always and rarely ever incorporates degradation into his lovemaking. He not only tells you how pretty you look for him, how good you feel wrapped around his leaking cock, but also begs you to be vocal, to communicate your pleasure and to tell him that you only belong to him and that no one else could make you feel as good as him.
‘Need you to tell me, baby—fuck! Wanna make you feel good—wanna make my good girl feel good—god.’
‘Tell me—tell me you love me. Say it again—need to hear it again,’
James begs that you leave a kiss mark on his cheek for ‘Good luck,’ right before a quidditch game.
The mandatory uniform for Gryffindor Quidditch matches is James’ jersey. Nothing fuels his pride and his absolute enamour for you more than seeing his last name plastered across your chest and back, proudly and visibly displaying your support for him and only him.
After a big win, you can expect to be fucked in the jersey. James swears he’s never cum faster than he has when he took you from behind and watched as your back arched; the name, ‘Potter,’ printed upon your trembling body as though it was a mark of ownership and loyalty.
Dating James means that he’s treating you as though you’re made of glass. Gentle touches and grips to your waist as the two of you walk in the school corridors, and adoring coos when he sees you slump against him, tired from a long day.
‘My poor angel. Always working so hard, yeah? C’mon, I’ll take care of you.’
He’d rather die than hear you call him by his name. To James, calling him by his name means that you’re treating him as though he were any other person when he isn’t. He needs to hear the affection laced in your words. The soft, gentle mumble of ‘baby, darling, Jamie, honey,’ is all he seeks to hear from you and he practically crumbles against the gentle caress of your hand on his cheek when you refer to him by a pet name.
‘James,’ you sigh, exasperated. Your boyfriend furrows his eyebrows, ‘That’s baby to you!’
During the summer, he’d insist you attach a photo of you with every letter you send him, whether it’s you on vacation or simply in your room, he has to get his fill of you.
He’d spend so much money on little trinkets for you, little items he would pick up from the sneaky Marauders Hogsmeade trips.
Sirius would huff as James pulled him into a stationary shop, ‘James, can we please stop making pit stops? We have 30 minutes left.’ James shook his head, grinning to himself as he picked up several pretty pens he reckons you’d love, ‘Need to supply the missus with gifts, Pads.’
James would be so happy once you begin warming up to the Marauders. His favourite people loving his favourite person? It’s his dream come true and as soon as he sees you bickering with Sirius, having long and insightful discussions with Remus, and casually hanging around Peter, he knows he’s going to be with you for a very, very long time. He’ll make sure of it, he decides then.
James would most certainly carry your bag as he drops you off to class. The first time he attempted in doing it, the two of you were tugging your bag for five minutes, arguing with each other about who would carry the pound of weight on your shoulders. He won, much to your dismay, but a surge of warmth bursts through him the first time you hand your bag over to him mindlessly, without him asking or fighting you for it, as though you had expected him to do it. He treasures these moments in your relationship where he begins to realize that habits between the two of you are beginning to grow and that you both are becoming used to being such an integral part of each other's lives.
He constantly tells you that you’re his everything and that all he does is for you and only you.
Study dates with him are entirely pointless as they never lead to actual studying as James cannot survive five minutes without your undivided attention on him. What do you mean you have to read a textbook for an hour? No periodic breaks to kiss your boyfriend or to coo at him? The only way actual studying will get done is if you promise him a kiss for every correct answer he gets—but we all know where that’s leading to.
He was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ in the relationship. He would probably say it very quickly as he had known he loved you before the two of you dated, but he’s entirely fine with you wanting to take your time in dissecting your feelings for him.
Until you say it back, with every night and morning kiss, every departure before class, he’d whisper a giddy, ‘I love you, darling,’ to which you’d smile bashfully. Once you do say it back, he’s smiling like an idiot for two weeks straight. He would be almost annoying about it, like a child on Christmas Day. He’d tell you that he loves you repeatedly only to hear you say his four favourite words: ‘I love you too.’
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maraudersmyloves · 17 days
i’m a slut for the “he says something bad about someone else but you think it’s about you” trope.
soooo, do you think you could write something like that with james. and like he doesn’t know why you seem to be mad at him and why you’re kinda pulling away.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆。゚. ───
Pairing: James potter x reader
Warnings: cursing, some angst
Word count: 745
Disclaimer 1: Everything on this Blog is fiction!!!
Disclaimer 2: A part two is planned and currently being written but I wanted to get this out quickly so I hope you understand that I broke it up into two parts
Sypnosis: You overhear the marauders talking and assume it's about you, causing you to distance yourself from a perplexed James.
"Distance". :☆。゚. ────
part two
you jump down the stairs to the common room, following the familiar voice of your boyfriend. He's laughing with the other marauders and you are about to join them on the couches when Sirius groans in annoyance, "She's just always clinging to you, mate. It's annoying."
You freeze as you watch James' face screw up in embarrassment. He sighs and lets his head fall back while covering his eyes, "I know but I feel bad. She doesn't really have anyone else."
Your mind races trying to find excuses. Maybe he's talking about someone else. But, who? You don't know all of his Friends it could be anyone. But the description fits, doesn't it? Clingy? Desperate? He's always hugging and kissing you, no way he doesn't want you to do the same. He just feels bad.
You feel hot tears hit your cheek and quickly turn around to run back to your dorm. Before you can drone them out completely, you hear Peter pipe up. "I know, but she's started to hang out with me too. It's getting a lot and I tried to be nice but she talks so much."
Even Peter hates you.
You didn't think Sirius liked you anyway and of course James hurt but Peter? He was so nice and accepting of your quiet nature, gardening, and playing chess with you. You misinterpreted it all wrong, once again.
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All around you, students are talking and playing stupid games. Now, that it's gotten warmer every fucking student felt the need to hang out outside. But can you really judge when you're doing the same?
Yes!! Because you're not screaming and jumping around with your oh-so-great friend group. You're just sitting under a tree trying to read. The sun is glaring on the page, the wind is blowing your hair in your face and 49 different people are talking way too loud around you.
It's fucking annoying and now James is approaching too. Fucking traitor. He lets himself fall down next to you, spreading out his Limbs to take up as much space as he possibly can. He stays that way for a few seconds before he shifts to lie next to you. "hey, love." You ignore him and the way your skin tingles when he shifts closer to gain some skin contact.
He pouts when you don't answer, expecting you to be focused on the book. In reality, you haven't been able to focus and read a single word for at least ten minutes. He pokes your cheek in a way you'd usually find cute, but now it only makes your mind clouded with questions. Why is he doing this?
He sighs when you still don't give him the attention he craves, "Watcha reading," he asks stretching out the last word in a sweet song-like tone. "A book," you answer flatly before abruptly standing up.
He looks up at you with something you could only describe as puppy eyes and asks where you're going as if you hurt him deeply. "My dorm," you answer. It's short without any explanations or elaborations.
You turn around to leave, not seeing James' hurt look. He quickly jumps up again to follow you, grabbing you by the arm. "Where are you going," he questions with his eyebrows creased in worry and lips tight together.
You gently pull away your arm, not wanting to seem too angry with him. It's not his fault you're so annoying. "I just want to be alone right now," you say quietly. You can't bear to meet his dark and desperate eyes, he looks too sad. You know better that to believe it.
James takes a step back, wanting to respect your boundaries even if the lost proximity makes him want to tear off his skin. "Oh, okay."
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James flops down onto his bed with a groan. He bangs his head against the pillow a few times, too. For good measure. What did he do? Did he make you uncomfortable? Merlin, he hopes he didn't.
Maybe you stopped loving him and felt too bad to tell him. No, no, no. He can't think about that for long or he'll start crying. What did he do to lose you? Then again, he never deserved you in the first place. Not your kind eyes or lovely smile. You represented love, so why would you need his when you've got plenty oozing out of you at all times.
You're perfect and he lost you.
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slythergirl666 · 5 months
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james potter who always wants you in his lap because you sitting next to him isn't close enough. james potter who lifts you onto his shoulders after he wins a Quidditch match. like he is so hyper that he jumps up and down, seemingly forgetting that you are holding onto his hair for dear life. james potter who bribes you with your favorite sweets when he needs help on homework. james potter who needs a cuddle break every five minutes when you're tutoring him. james potter who gives you piggyback rides when you're tired after a long night out. james potter who lets you win when you play-fight. oh who am i kidding, he would throw you over his shoulder and dance around before pinning you down and kissing every inch of your face sloppily. james potter who would randomly tell you which piece to move when you’re playing chess against remus or sirius because he always wins against the three of you.
remus lupin. sirius black.
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ameliora-j · 7 months
ur the only person i trust who can give me a filthy but soft smut of james potter fucking y/n in his ice hockey jersey
i’m honored 🥹
𐐪𐑂 it’s twisted tuesday! send in ur requests ᵕ̈
content: soft dom!james, cnc, hockey player!james, pr manager!girlfriend!reader, humiliation, degradation, oral (f!receiving), daddy kink, jamie talking to ur pussy, impact play, unprotected piv, creampie, THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG MDNI
“james…” you groan, trying to push him away as he has you pressed up against your desk in your office. “cut it out!” you groan as he kisses down your neck.
“oh baby” james chuckles, shaking his head. james towers over you, and his ice hockey jersey are purposefully tailored to be longer and bigger on him so that they can fit over all his gear—thus causing every single one of his jerseys to be a dress on you. this—accompanied by a pair of thigh high boots—was your signature game day look. “you’re wearing the jersey, you’re asking to be split open on my cock and you know it” he chuckles lowly, nipping at your ear.
you whine, shaking your head as you push him back once more. “stop james. i’m serious, i’m not fucking you” you huff softly.
“uh huh baby… whatever you say” he murmurs, sinking to his knees and pushing your legs apart. he pushes his jersey up over your hips and tuts his tongue, shaking his head softly. “and look at that… you don’t wanna fuck but this little cunt is nice and uncovered for me” he hums, noting that you’d foregone panties—and james knew you expected this.
“my poor girl’s gonna be so cold on that ice tonight” he pouts softly, shaking his head as he rubs a thumb over your slit.
“james!” you squeak. “i’ll be fine” you shake your head.
“hush baby, do your work. ‘m talking to my girl” he chuckles softly. your eyes widen and heat rises immediately to your face as you realize james is speaking to your pussy, not you. “‘s okay pretty princess… i’ll make sure you keep warm tonight” he whispers before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your little clit.
he hums softly, his eyes rolling a bit at the taste before he wraps his mouth around your cunt, wiggling his tongue through your sticky folds. “that’s right princess, knew you wanted daddy” he whispers to your cunt, leaning back and spitting on your pulsing hole. “‘s okay… daddy’s here. gonna clean you up baby. make it all better” he hums to your pussy before diving back in.
“j-james… james!” you moan loudly, reaching back and pushing his head closer to your needy cunt. he chuckles against you, slapping your ass.
“i knew you’d come around” he mumbles, standing and beginning to undo his pants.
“n-no… no james i’m not fucking you! i’m trying to tell you we need to go” you whine, shaking your head insistently.
“yeah princess, i hear you” he nods, running his cock through your slit a few times. “there’s my girl” he groans as he feels your wetness soaking his cock. “it’s okay, i’ll give it to you… no need to cry” he chuckles lowly as your pussy drips down onto his cock.
he groans lowly as he slowly pushes into your cunt, practically whining as he bottoms out. “oh you’re so tight” he breathes, holding your hips.
“j-james… jamie stop” you whine as he begins to fuck you. his pace is slow but intentional, his hips angled to hit your gspot head on each time he slams his cock back into you.
“oh baby, you’re begging me to stop but my princess is begging to cum” he murmurs, gently rubbing your clit as he fucks you slow and hard. “it’s okay pretty girl… if you want daddy to stop all you have to do is cum” he taunts, holding you close to him as he fucks you slowly.
you whine, shaking your head as it falls back against his shoulder. “your pussy is crying for me… squeezing around me. oh baby she wants to cum so bad” he mocks, beginning to rub your clit faster. he keeps his pace slow, but pounds your gspot mercilessly as you cry out his name along with profanities.
“daddy!” you whine as you gaze at him with wide, glossy eyes.
“oh there’s my pretty princess” he hums softly, smiling lovingly at you as he leans in and gives you a kiss. you whimper softly, meeting his thrusts as you kiss him back. “‘s my good girl. take my cock so well” he mumbles, kissing across your shoulders.
“daddy… i wanna cum” you whimper, your eyes rolling as you clench around him.
“i know baby… i know daddy’s right there” he mumbles. “why don’t you milk my cock baby?” he hums, kissing your cheek. “cum for me… squeeze daddy’s cum from that big cock” he groans lowly.
you let out a long, loud moan, your head falling back against his shoulder as you cream on james’ cock. he sucks in air through his teeth, fucking you through your orgasm as his hips begin to stutter until he paints your walls with his cum. “what do you say baby?” he mocks as he rides out his orgasm, fucking you full of his cum.
“thank you, daddy” you moan quietly, smiling lazily at him.
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inkdrinkerworld · 2 months
not really a james request (but please feel free to elaborate), but moving in with james and he's constantly manhandling you, you don't even think he realises it anymore
James has a bad habit of moving you around like you’re a ragdoll. It’s not like he’s hurting you or anything but he just is always able to move you about wherever and however he likes.
Like one time you were sitting on the bed and James had wanted a cuddle but you were being a little shit and squirming away from him every chance you got, and then he settled his hands on you firmly and the next thing you knew, he’s got you pressed up against him with your arms tucked tight to your sides.
There’s other things, like him moving you quick out of the road when there was a bit of foot traffic. Or pulling you to him in a pool right before Sirius canonballed into it.
Now, you’re in the kitchen rolling dumplings for a comforting meal you’ve been craving when James comes rushing in.
“Angel,” you squeal when he pulls you back into him; your hands hovering over the pot to drop some of the dumplings.
“Jamie, I’m cooking baby.” You giggle as he nuzzles his face into your neck.
“I know but I miss you.” He sits you in the counter and takes the pot spoon from you, setting it on the counter and flicking the stove on low. “You realise you’ve been in here all day?”
“I know but I was making bread and cookies and now dinner, I’m almost finished Jamie. Promise.” You cup his cheek and lean in to kiss him which he indulges wholeheartedly.
“Alright, enough.” He says, checking the pot before throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to the sofa. “Right,” James arranges you on your back and spreads your legs only to slot himself between them.
He heaves a deep sigh, his whole body shaking as he hooks his hands around your thighs and pulls them around his body.
“You’re staying here and I’ll check on the pot in about ten minutes yeah?” You’re shocked silent, still not used to his easy display of strength.
James doesn’t quite seem to understand why you’re shocked silent and turns to look at you. “Angel? You hear me?” You nod, more than a little dazed and he chuckles as he realises why.
“Sorry baby, didn’t mean to manhandle you like that.” You glare at him and he laughs even more. “Okay maybe, but not enough to stun you silent like this.”
“Whatever you say, Potter. Don’t believe you in the slightest when those dimples are out.” It only gets deeper as he grins wider.
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ellecdc · 2 months
how do you think the boys would react to reader telling them that she’s like NEEDY needy (iykyk)
would they do it, or just like get shy and walk off? or? 👀👀👀👀👀👀
mature content ahead: view discretion is advised
So, are they in a relationship yet? I'm going to go with they're in a relationship for this but if you meant they weren't you can feel free to re-ask
chokes on his spit and nearly trips as he turns to look at you in shock (not unpleasant shock, mind you)
"You're what?"
He'd coo in sympathy after you had to embarrassingly repeat yourself in a whisper, rubbing your thighs together desperate for friction
"awe sweets. Okay, come on." and he's leading you by the hand - he's almost more eager than you are as he rushes down the hall
ends up on his knees with his face under your skirt in the closest bathroom - you'd be taken care of for sure 😩
biggest shit eating grin you've ever seen in your life and you almost regret saying anything
I think he'd tease you a little bit: "Awe, poor dolly's feeling needy, hm?" He'd coo in faux sympathy, the bastard
He'd make you tell him exactly what you're looking for. "What do you want, dolly?" 'touch me' "Like this?" and all he'd do is push your hair behind your ear
two can play at that game: 'Fine, I'll go ask someone else.'
He'd let out a horrified squawk and throw you over his shoulder. "Now now, let's not get hasty. I don't want anyone thinking I don't take care of my girl"
bent you over in the nearest broom closet and you both leave flushed and satisfied
would smirk at you but continues reading through the first draft of his essay "really dove? now?"
he'd chuckle listening to you pout and get all breathy as you try to sit still "We've got homework, baby girl."
You'd get petulant and lean back in your seat with a huff, crossing your arms.
without even looking, he'd grab the leg of your chair and pull it over towards him - he'd keep his head low and continue making adjustments on his paper as he slips his free hand under your skirt and moves your panties aside.
"Awe, poor dovey - you really were needy weren't you" he'd lightly tease, murmuring softly so only you could hear.
your breath would hitch as he slipped inside of you, earning you a gentle shush as he threatens to stop moving his fingers.
"I'll take care of you but you have to be quiet; only I get to know how pretty you sound, yeah?"
gets you off with just his fingers in the library - makes up for it again later once he's done his essay
he's mean, I'm sorry
he'd make you wait all day
he'd go to class, to every meal, to quidditch practice barely sparing you a glance leaving you all the more desperate
it was painful for him too, mind you. Thinking about you being needy made him needy, and he spent all day dreaming of taking you over and over and over again
but he's a bit of a sadomasochist lol
he'd finally be all wound up after quidditch practice and would pull you roughly into his room and, like he'd been imagining all day, take you over and over and over again
to the point of over stimulation
"Come on amour, you can give me one more, yeah? Wasn't this what you wanted? Weren't you so needy?"
he got three more for his dirty talk alone
no questions asked
'Barty?' "Yes Treasure?" 'I...I want, erm....I mean I...I feel kind of needy'
slams book shut and throws it over his shoulder where it lands in the fountain with a splash
"Where are you two going?" his friends ask bemusedly
"I'm going to treat my girl like a slut the way she deserves, Black; if you're not going to help, mind your fucking business"
you spend the rest of the day in his bed, fucking, smoking, eating, fucking, smoking, fucking, reading, fucking again
you'd hardly ever need to worry about feeling needy with him - whenever, wherever, however - consider it done.
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im impatient and the poll has three votes and that's more than enough for me so James potter it is
(some of these r common some r not)
He either had anxiety, depression, or both
he definitely was a people pleaser, but not to the extreme extent people think he is— like this man did let him get walked over at times, that's certain, but he had a limit and if it was pushed, oh, you did not want to be on potter's bad side but he was most definitely a people pleaser and did not like conflict or being hated(this is me slightly projecting as a ppl pleaser who does not take to bullshit kindly)
yes I will forever and ever believe this man was pansexual
He actually had good style, like that boy was raised rich, you don't not expect him to dress nice and know how to????
He was selfish, but in the way of always wanting attention on him, which is also what led him to become a people pleaser. But he was more selfish when he was younger (like first and maybe a bit of second year) in the way he would make fun of others for attention, but he grew out of it because he realized that he was just hurting people and didn't like that
HE. WAS. TALL. (That's all for that one)
He did indeed bottle up his emotions, but not only because he was a people pleaser but because he felt like he didn't deserve to tell others what he was feeling. He thought that because of hurting others in the past(ie. Him making fun of Snape and others maybe) he didn't deserve to tell people he was hurting, so he kept it inside until eventually the dam broke and it all came to surface. He also did bc he was a ppl pleaser too tho
He used to have toxic friends in the past, which lead him to develop the start of his people pleasing mentality— so yk rich kids are gonna be mean and snobby, well, James used to be friends with kids like those, and yk it can be a dog eat dog world sometimes so- they turned on him, and he was rightfully upset at first, but then that upset turned to regret turned into being afraid of being alone and thus it began
he could play the guitar sub parly, he had taken an interest in it when he was younger but got bored with it
He also had adhd, no one could ever take this hc away from me
He used to have rlly bad separation anxiety from Effie when he was younger, but now it's better
He used to have a hyperfixation on dogs when he was younger so it was fun to him when he saw Sirius' Animagus
He collects things, not sure what but he does
He's an okay cook— not the best but he could survive if he had too
AAAAANNDDDD THATS ALL FOR NOW!!! I might come up with more at a later time but for now that's it LOLLL
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ddejavvu · 4 months
Your best friend James with no boundaries is such perfect James I can’t even 😩 I feel like after a while James rubs off on you and you don’t even think about it anymore. Like all of a sudden you’re bursting in on him in the shower to ask him a simple question, you’re taking your bra off immediately when you get to his room to get comfy, you’re touching him and being affectionate in ways that is definitely more than friends. And every time James is just doe eyed in love 😍 like you’re my bestie, darling 🥺 Meanwhile Sirius and Remus are watching like 😳 did that just happen? That’s not normal best friend behaviour
"Where's James?" You waste no time in pushing the door to the boys' dorms open, interrogating Sirius and Remus who've occupied themselves with what looks like a mountain of classwork.
"He's in the shower, you can- wait for him on his bed-!" Sirius watches as you beeline for the bathroom, standing to stop you when he realizes you're about to walk in on James.
"Y/N, don't-!" He tries, but you've nudged the door open, and you don't stop there. You make for the shower curtain and Sirius stands frozen in his spot, wondering if he's going to be fired as the group's official guard dog.
"Jamie?" You call, sticking your head between the shower curtain and the wall. James turns where he'd been unknowingly showcasing his broad, muscled back, soapy and lathered with suds.
"Oh-! Y/N, hi," He grins, working a sponge over his side, "What's up?"
'What's-' Sirius turns to Remus, mouthing an echo of your words in confusion. Remus has nothing to offer; in fact, he looks weary as he sits back in his seat and listens.
"Do you think I can borrow your scarf today? The girls 'n I were going to Hogsmeade but it's really cold, and I think I lost my scarf in the forest."
"Yeah, 's in my trunk, bird," James nods, conversation flowing easily despite James's lack of attire as he bends lower to scrub at his thighs, "Y'know where my trunk is, yeah?"
"Under your bed?" You confirm, and he nods again.
"Get the boys to help you drag it out, m'love,"
"Right. Thanks Jamie," You grin, leaning in to kiss the soaked skin of his cheek. He grins brightly, letting his own lips press to your much drier face.
You leave the bathroom once more to be met with Sirius and Remus's mildly disgruntled expressions, and they stare at you like they hadn't heard James's request for grunt muscle.
"Can you... help me with his trunk? He said I could borrow his scarf." You repeat, pointing timidly in the direction of his bed.
"Why don't you just take his boxers, too?" Sirius's nose wrinkles as he grimaces, "I bet they're jealous you see his dick more than they do."
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Evan and Barty would constantly cuss James out for ‘domesticating’ Regulus.
Once Regulus was a cold bitch, but now Regulus smiles and blushes and talks about butterflies being in his stomach.
Sure, they didn’t like Regulus being a bitch, but he was their bitch. And they would like that back.
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 5 days
Big fan of the James is colorblind headcanon
Like, yes, he mixes up his and Regulus’ ties all the time. But also he has no idea which first years are in his house. When he’s headboy he constantly gives and takes away points from the wrong houses.
He found out he was colorblind during a quidditch match when he passed the ball to the wrong team.
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