ashykneecaps6 · 6 months
I am back. I think.
Time to start shit-posting and other things about my newfound insanity aka my very own RiseTMNT AU called "Double edged sword." In short "DES"
First of all, have this :
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Is this the best opening ever? Well no. But ! I plan on putting writing prompts, answering questions for whoever is interested and also LOTS of weird little shit-posting with horribly done sketches lol
Should I start writing a fic for this thing? I might.
This is going to flop, I am betting two cents on it but I've gotta start somewhere anyways so shrugs
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artisahobby · 1 month
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The camcorder teen excitedly bombards Mikey with questions, asking if he was an alien. The commotion draws attention of Purple Dragon members passing through the park.
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Thanks to the camcorder teen, taking the Purple Dragon's attention and leading them away, Mikey is able to safely return to his brothers. The turtles return the favor by helping the teen escape the Purple Dragons by sabotaging the gang from the shadows.
Afterwards, the turtles have a chance to meet the teen and are properly introduced to April O’Neil, who has a passion for journalism and is a believer in all things cryptid.
From Shadows: << Part 1 || Part 3 >>
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nerdymemes · 6 months
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softinvasions · 6 months
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write about this • Dec. 2023
words chosen from predictive text. punctuation and linebreaks added by me.
support me on patreon! even a one-time donation helps a lot!
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nobrashfestivity · 2 years
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Edvard Munch, Sunbathing, 1915
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bobauthorman · 3 months
A Red vs Blue / RWBY crossover is possible, though a very lazy possibility. You could literally do any plot, and at the end, reveal that it was actually one of Epsilon's iterations the whole time. And when Church does his mandatory "WTF was that?" line, start again with another Rooster Teeth series!
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allisonperryart · 5 months
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Welcome to the multiverse of stairwells in Carol's apartment complex! Well, not really, but one of our goals after I was promoted to art director was revisiting and polishing up some stuff from earlier episodes - especially episode 1, since it would be viewers' first impression of our world. One of these things was this stairwell Carol walks through to exit her apartment. The original background (not pictured) looked great and was completely serviceable, but we really wanted to push the world-building and disconnect between Carol and this communal space where people seemed to perpetually be partying. My job was to help figure out how we could SHOW that thorough colour - not just tell it, and as you can see, there was a LOT of discussion and potential solutions. Personally, I think part of an art director's job is being a liaison between their team of artists and everyone else: translating other stakeholders' words/abstract ideas into concrete, visual direction. Sometimes all this means is handing off a brief to an artist, but other times it requires more: actively listening to stakeholders, creating multiple (sometimes many!) solutions that meet their goals/vision, helping guide them to the solution they feel best meets that goal (not just telling them), and then whatever direction results from that dialogue can be handed off to the artist(s). Anyways, thanks for looking, and watch Carol and the End of the World on Netflix! Showrunner: Dan Guterman
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doragonlw · 1 year
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Guess who O_O
I was gonna draw Slenderman for the first time in years but then I couldn't decide his proportions so I made this design sheet because I am insane
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whimsicalwhespir · 11 months
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rowanisawriter · 10 months
Hiya Rowan!! 19, 20, 39, and 74??
hiiiii zen!!! thank you!!
fic writer asks here
19. what is the most-used tag on your ao3?
falling in love ... i'm a sap, i love love, i love writing the beginning of a relationship and all the awkwardness of meeting someone without knowing how intertwined your lives will end up..
20. have you noticed any patterns in your fics? words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
i lean heavily on VIBES. feelings... people need to be feeling things all the time, places need to have feelings or be personified, objects need feelings... everyone needs to be vibing with the main feeling of the story!
74. you’ve posted a fic anonymously. how would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
i love this question lol. if you ever see a fic with a title in all lowercase that summarizes the vibe of the fic in one or two words, and if the chapter titles are also vibes summaries, and if the summary itself is just a snippet from the work, and if the work is full of a fuckton of metaphors and run on sentences and comma city, then it's me LOL
39. share a snippet from a wip.
zen... ily so i'm going to share a snippet from my original work. it's a story about two unwell people in a city that's trying to swallow them, finding and escaping different versions of each other throughout the years. here's a piece from an "off" period in their situationship under the cut:
She won’t run into him again for a while, and if that was something she’d have known in advance, it would’ve saved her a lot of time and effort. 
Not that she didn’t normally put time and effort into her appearance. But this is different. She went everywhere with the understanding that she would be seen, but not really perceived, and the way he seemed to see right through her unnerved her and required extra time and effort to prepare for. Extra face masks to even out her skin, extra pins to hold her hair away from her face, extra coats of mascara to help open her eyes up so he can see better the next time he runs into her and she has to tell him her real name. She goes to city walks and river hikes and outdoor yoga and a vintage bazaar and silent reading and lingers in every space looking into every face but he’s not there. He’s not anywhere.
He’s not anywhere. She drives slowly past the university’s main campus on her way into the office, her eyes darting from face to face on the sidewalks, yielding to pedestrians while cars slow down to a stop behind her and drivers lean on their horns.
She goes back to the work mixer on Friday even though she doesn’t really want to, and sits at the edge of the booth with her glass of white wine that’s almost water in her hand, eyes on the bar, looking for him but he’s not there. 
He’s gone. The realization slowly sinks in as the days trickle past. The city has swallowed him in its endless roll of activity, of crowds wandering and traffic and shadows of skyscrapers passing over the roads and darkening the skies. Her alarm continues to go off at 7am every morning. Somewhere in this sprawl, he’s also waking up and she wonders if he spares her a thought as he goes through a routine she imagines is similar to hers. 
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rafa4d · 22 days
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gentlyrowan · 1 month
I just saw a random post of yours but I just had to say - you drew your PFP? It's gorgeous!!
Thank you so much! I made it several years ago, when my hair was shorter and I was not so out of practice at drawing. Here's a process photo!
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artisahobby · 29 days
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And so starts the turtles' adventures with April. What will they discover in New York City? What motivates April to seek out paranormal rumors beyond her interests? Will both April and the turtles find the answers they seek?
From Shadows: << Part 2 || Way of the Teenager Cover Art
ID in alt text
I'm having so much fun. I can't wait to share more about WOTTMNT character iterations. I'm trying to figure out how much information to share and how much I want to hold onto for later.
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pronoun-checks · 1 month
hiii. may i have a pronoun check, seperate paragraphs for the names but not the pronouns
names: iteration, lewis, andrew/andy
pronouns: it/its, 👾/👾/👾s/👾self, sheep/sheep/sheeps/sheepself, sol/sun/sols/sunself, bee/bee/bees/beeself, tag/tag/tags/tagself, he/him
uhhh i like the sun and stuff. and summer. ive not been able to decide on a name. i like rlly bright things, and ig scene? or hyperpop? or something like that. i like loki, and nimona (book and movie,). and i love highland cows.
thanks !
Sure thing!
Wait a second, is that Iteration? I think I see Iteration over there! Do you see it? It’s the one sitting by itself with 👾s headphones on. I wonder what 👾’s listening to? 👾 said sheep likes hyperpop, so maybe sheep’s listening to a hyperpop song? Anyway, you’ve met Iteration before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet sheep sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with sun. I’ve only spoken with sun once or twice, but sol seems pretty neat! Bee said bee likes the sun and summer, and bee also likes bright things and scene stuff. Maybe you and tag could talk about some of that stuff sometime? Iteration also said tag likes Loki and the movie and book Nimona, so maybe you two could talk about those things. Tag said he really likes highland cows, too. Oh, hey! Iteration’s waving at us! Do you want to go meet him? Sure, let’s go say hi to him! Hey, Iteration!
Wait a second, is that Lewis? I think I see Lewis over there! Do you see it? It’s the one sitting by itself with 👾s headphones on. I wonder what 👾’s listening to? 👾 said sheep likes hyperpop, so maybe sheep’s listening to a hyperpop song? Anyway, you’ve met Lewis before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet sheep sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with sun. I’ve only spoken with sun once or twice, but sol seems pretty neat! Bee said bee likes the sun and summer, and bee also likes bright things and scene stuff. Maybe you and tag could talk about some of that stuff sometime? Lewis also said tag likes Loki and the movie and book Nimona, so maybe you two could talk about those things. Tag said he really likes highland cows, too. Oh, hey! Lewis’s waving at us! Do you want to go meet him? Sure, let’s go say hi to him! Hey, Lewis!
Wait a second, is that Andrew? I think I see Andrew over there! Do you see it? It’s the one sitting by itself with 👾s headphones on. I wonder what 👾’s listening to? 👾 said sheep likes hyperpop, so maybe sheep’s listening to a hyperpop song? Anyway, you’ve met Andy before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet sheep sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with sun. I’ve only spoken with sun once or twice, but sol seems pretty neat! Bee said bee likes the sun and summer, and bee also likes bright things and scene stuff. Maybe you and tag could talk about some of that stuff sometime? Andrew also said tag likes Loki and the movie and book Nimona, so maybe you two could talk about those things. Tag said he really likes highland cows, too. Oh, hey! Andy’s waving at us! Do you want to go meet him? Sure, let’s go say hi to him! Hey, Andy!
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you aren’t the same person you were ten or even five years ago… but who you are today is a direct result of who you were then.
my wife and i started making our spaghetti sauce from scratch a few years ago. for awhile, we made it every sunday.
in the beginning, we based our technique off of alton brown’s stuff. it was delicious. groundbreaking for us. it was at this point where we stopped being able to enjoy jarred sauce from the store… our homemade stuff was on a whole nother level.
then, we got REALLY into cooking shows on youtube. binging with babish, you suck at cooking, bon appetit, epicurious, the food lab… we couldn’t get enough. we watched it every night together to wind down.
and our spaghetti sauce evolved.
we started taking bits and pieces that seemed interesting and decided to try em out that sunday. we paid attention to what worked, and what we didn’t like so much. we played around with each of the ingredients, preparing them a little differently every time.
and it’s so fucking good now. it was before, too… but now our recipe is OURS. it’s special. and it’s the result of every iteration we tried before.
it’s still our sauce. san marzanos, parmesan, basil. but the sauce is SO different from how it was even a year ago, even with the same ingredients. the technique, how we prepare each ingredient before it goes in the pot, how long it takes to cook.
it’ll probably be very different next year, too. but that doesn’t mean that this sauce we make this week, will be bad next year!!
we love it for what it is now just like we loved it when we made it last year. and we will love it even more in the future when we are even more experienced with it— right now we are making tweaks to make it able to be canned for our own future use (and for my family’s too.. they love it too.)
it’s an iterative process, just like we are.
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constermonster · 2 years
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I SAID I WASNT GUNNA SHARE THES BUT I GOT TOO EXCITED!!! Here r my vtuber concepts! When I make a Live2D model it’ll b this!
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